• Published 10th Jul 2011
  • 27,602 Views, 1,204 Comments

The Empty Room - Wanderer D

An ancient enemy; a family secret; a plot to overthrow the Princesses...

  • ...

Chapter 3: Forgotten Love

The Empty Room

Chapter 3: Forgotten Love

By Wanderer D

Lyra had taken great joy in explaining how time had changed Canterlot, and had pointed out several little details as they went from one place to the other, highlighting how previous generations differentiated from each other. By mid-afternoon, when Lyra had left for home and promised to see them the next day, the five ponies had a good idea of the layout of the castle grounds and the surrounding area.

All in all, they had spent a very nice morning with their unexpected tour guide, and all of them were looking forward to seeing her again.

“Well, Ah don’t know about you girls, but Ah’m starvin’!” Applejack wheezed, sitting down on a bench in the castle gardens.

Ebon Rain nodded at the other three guards and they spread around the area, keeping an eye on the group.

Ebon then had a quick word with a mare overseeing the gardens, and soon the group was being tended by castle servants.

“I am quite hungry, yes,” Rarity agreed, smiling gratefully at the ponies who brought a small table and topped it with a repast consisting of fruits, vegetables and drinks for all five mares.

“It was very nice of Lyra to show us around the palace.”A small smile played on Fluttershy's lips as she turned to her friends. “I very much enjoyed looking at all the wild animals they have living on the grounds.” She sat next to Rarity, glancing hungrily at the table.

“Yeah, yeah.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “It was cool and all, but I didn’t get to see any of the Wonderbolts!” She looked at the others with mild annoyance. “This is Canterlot! We should have seen at least one of them!”

“I’m sure you’ll get your chance to meet with them again, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity called. “For now you should eat something, dear. We still have the rest of the day to visit all the interesting places around here.”

Rainbow Dash’s stomach rumbled and she sat down, looking sheepish. It didn’t take long for her to start wolfing down food. “Still,” she managed to say between bites, “I bet there’s more to do here than just looking at history.”

“Yes!” Pinkie Pie giggled. “I bet I could throw the bestest party ever for Princess Celestia in this garden!”

The idea seemed to perk up everypony, guards included.

“But it has to be big!” Pinkie Pie continued, prancing around. “I have to get cupcakes and streamersanddanglersandcakeanddrinksandhotsauceand...” She only stopped when she turned and found herself muzzle to muzzle with Fluttershy.

“But... you would have to make sure the party didn't disturb the animals,” Fluttershy said. “Um… t-they weren’t too friendly the last time I was here, but… we still shouldn’t bother them too much…”

“Yeah, yeah, parties are good, but I want to do something now!” Rainbow Dash shot into the air, looking around and thinking until something seemed to click. “Hey! You know what? This place is old!” Rainbow Dash said.

“You don’t say...” Applejack deadpanned.

Dash gave her a look. “It has been around since even before Nightmare Moon appeared! That's like, thousands of years!” She grinned devilishly. “I bet there’s ghosts here!”

Applejack shifted a little, looking nervous.

“Oh, Dash, don't be silly.” Rarity laughed, fluffing her mane with a hoof. “There are no such things as ghosts! Next thing you'll say is that humans are real.”

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash glared at her. “I never said I believed in humans! I stopped believing in fairy tales like that when I was a little filly!”

“But you still believe in ghosts, dear.”

“Hey now, Ah don't know about humans, but ghosts are as real as this table right here,” Applejack broke in, tapping her hoof on the table and producing audible knocks.

“No, they’re not,” Rarity insisted.

“But humans are,” Pinkie said with a giggle. “I met one just before we came here today.”

Her friends slowly turned to look at her, while the guards tried valiantly not to stare.

“He was very strange! No hooves, and they don't have wings!” Pinkie Pie continued, looking slightly confused. “I always thought they would have wings.”

“Now, Pinkie Pie,” Applejack ventured after a moment. “Don't go making up stories, okay?”

“But it happened!” Pinkie Pie declared, bouncing around the table with a grin on her face as she talked. “When I said ‘hi’ he stared at me, then said something about 'self insertion was a low he was not going to hit' and then...”

“And then?” Rainbow Dash asked, leaning in, interested in the story despite herself.

“He imploded!” Pinkie Pie giggled. “Twice!”

Applejack and Rarity smacked their hooves against their faces and groaned, there was a crash behind them and a helm rolled past Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash smiled. “Really?! That's awesome! If I implode I want to do it twice! NO! Thrice!” the pegasus declared. “There's no way I'm losing to a human!”

“Um...” Fluttershy drew their attention. “What is 'self-insertion'?”

“Well... Ah don't rightly know... but it sure sounds painful.” Applejack said, raising an eyebrow.

“Why are we talking about this?” Rarity asked, giving the others a wary look. “This conversation is turning ridiculous!”

“Oh! Because of the ghosts!” Dash jumped and turned to one of the guards. “Hey, you!” She pointed her hoof in Ebon Rain’s direction. “Are there any ghosts in the castle?”

As the guard who had face-hooved his helmet off sheepishly walked to pick it up, the other guards exchanged nervous glances.

Ebon Rain forced an uneasy smile. “Uh... there used to be one in the library tower, but it disappeared a year ago.”

“It's gone? Aww.” Rainbow Dash sighed, but looked up hopefully. “So... what did that ghost do? Was it scary?”

“Well...” Ebon Rain shuffled in place when everypony's attention focused on him. “It was usually late at night... when everything was calm, and even after Lady Twilight had gone to sleep... when we did our rounds... we would hear a voice, but whenever we investigated there was nopony there!”

“I remember hearing that the voice was that of a capable general, still commanding his troops from beyond the grave!,” another guard said. “It freaked us out... we thought there really was a battle happening.”

“Hm... that does sounds suspicious.” Rainbow Dash said. “I wonder what happened to it?”


“One does not simply walk into Mordor!” Spike bellowed as he rolled out of Twilight's bag. He wheezed when he hit the floor belly first. Standing up groggily, he shook his head and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. “Uh? Wha—where am I?” He looked around Twilight’s room in the castle, blinking in confusion until he spotted the calendar.

It was the same day as when he and Twilight had gone looking for books about the Elements of Harmony so long ago.

“Oh, sweet Celestia! I'm in Twilight's room back in Canterlot!” He gasped. This—this can only mean one thing!” He fell on his rump, eyes wide. “I-I must have dreamt the whole thing! We never went to Ponyville!”

Spike stared at the wall, letting his brain sort things out.

“But then... I never met Rainbow Dash! Or Pinkie Pie! Or Fluttershy! Or even Applejack! But most importantly... I never met Rarity!” His claws clenched into fists as he shot up to his feet, shaking them futilely at the sky beyond the ceiling. “Noooooooooooo! They were all figments of my imagination!”

After a few moments of staring at the gray ceiling, he sighed. “Although I must say that my imagination gave Rarity very, very nice flanks.”

He smiled at the vivid image his mind conjured up, until he realized, again, where he was. “Why does this always happen to me?” he groaned.


“Hmm...” Twilight Sparkle hummed as her horn shone in different shades of red and purple. “Interesting.” Next to her, a hovering quill and scroll quickly took notes as she examined the room inch by inch.

She stopped when she reached the bookshelf.

Her eyes studied the shelves full of foal books, lovingly chosen by her mentor for her daughter, who never had the chance to lay next to Celestia and listen to the kind alicorn read the stories contained within those pages. The covers blurred, and she sniffed, unable to stop her eyes getting teary to the point she had to close them and take deep, shuddering breaths.

She gave herself a few minutes before sighing. When the Princesses left, she had felt anger and horror at what had happened. She had stopped several times while moving about the room, when her hoof had hit a toy in the floor, or the mobile made with little effigies of ponies, stars, the sun and the moon had chimed at her passing.

Now… all she felt was sorrow.

She had tried to detach herself from it, a little, at least, to be able to do her job... but there was so much forgotten love in this one room.

Twilight looked at the crib with the two dolls in it, a mental image forming of Princess Celestia's kind smile as she leaned in to wish her filly a good night while levitating the Luna plushie.

When she turned and noticed the wooden blocks in the corner, she could almost hear childish laughter and the gentle and warm chuckles of an amused Princess Celestia.

Twilight took a deep breath and concentrated. She was not going to fail her mentor. Especially after the Princess had gone back to her duties leaving Twilight with the trust of something so important.

She had to find out what had happened here.


Luna lay in her bed thinking. She had tossed the sheets off of her, unable to even contemplate sleeping.

‘I should be asleep,’ she thought, ‘especially if I want nighttime to fall in time, but...’

She sighed.

'So many things have changed since I returned from my exile,’ She mused. 'All the faces I knew are gone… Islands that had been there when she had controlled the night so many centuries ago were gone now.

Like Celestia, there had been some temples built in her honor by devoted subjects as a sign of love and appreciation, and Luna had wasted no time in trying to find them and grace whoever still worshipped her with a visit. Most of those temples were gone, except for a few that had mysteriously been kept clean, although she had been unnerved to find an effigy of Nightmare Moon rather than the Moon or Stars that were traditionally used to represent her.

She had felt both dread and loss. No doubt ponies that had worshiped her benevolent side had been shunned away, and as time has passed, she had felt the prayers to the Night dwindle and fade, until few individuals would mutter a word or prayer to the Moon or the Night.

Buried beneath the Nightmare, Luna had relished hearing those once-in-a-hundred years chances to somehow bless those souls, and she had eagerly sent them her blessings, even if it through the Nightmare.

Before long, she had been turned into a dark deity, patron of thieves, assassins and darkness-inclined ponies. Not all of them were inherently evil, and while sometimes using her powers for evil hurt, it was still a sort of love for her soul, and it had kept her alive, even if she felt saddened by the use they were given.

Still, none of that was as shocking and saddening as what she had found out today. She sighed once more. Today felt like it had been a whole week of stress.

As much as her sadness had accumulated, change hadn’t seem that important or even immediate until today.

'My sister, Princess Celestia, starting a family?’ Luna snorted. A week ago she would have laughed if somepony brought it up as a possibility.

There had to be a limit to attachment, after all.

They were immortal.

Whomever they married, whatever fillies or colts they produced would pass away eventually, while they remained.

That didn't mean they had to be aloof, or unkind, or even feel superior—hard lessons that she needed to face after breaking free of Nightmare Moon—but it meant that if they didn't draw a line, they would be miserable. And misery had brought so many horrible things with it.

'But you didn’t let that stop you, did you sister. Luna turned on her side, looking at the doors to her chambers. 'Not only did you allow love into your life, you allowed yourself to have a filly… only to be denied even her memory.’

Luna felt bitter tears forming as she considered what it would have been like being an aunt. If there had been more family, somepony to keep close and teach about the stars and the moon and those places invisible to normal pony eyes, would she had transformed into a monster?

Even as Nightmare Moon, she knew, she would have been touched by the existence of more family. ‘Somepony that would not judge me, maybe even... love me unconditionally.

She closed her eyes.

'Are we doomed to live alone? Or to fade away like the others, so long ago, before the written word even existed?’ she thought morosely. 'Who could have done this? Who would even dare?’

Luna finally pulled herself out of bed and trotted to the window, where she could look at the ponies walking down the streets, completely oblivious to her thoughts and feelings.


'A filly. I had a filly.’ Celestia felt so much joy at the thought of that... that there was a young mare, out there that was brought to this world through her. 'And yet, she was taken from me.

The sense of loss had been overwhelming: the years and happiness that she had been deprived from sharing with her daughter felt like stab wounds directly into her soul... but when Twilight Sparkle had walked in, she had suddenly felt like she knew what if felt like to care for a filly as if she was her own daughter.

'When I find her, I will apologize for not being there for her. I will show her everything she missed, share with her all I know… I’ll spend every second I can with her, and nopony will ever take her away from me again.’

But for now... she had to hold court.

As the latest petitioner started speaking, Celestia's mind drifted back to her faithful student, wondering what she had discovered so far. Perhaps she would see her daugher soon.


A slightly chewed-up blue magician's hat rolled down the street, pushed by a breeze until it bumped to a stop next to the wheels of a blue stage wagon.

Trixie stopped next to it, panting.

It had taken considerable concentration to get the hat to her stage wagon, but The Great and Powerful Trixie was a magician of the highest order, after all. “Finally! Trixie would like to rest, but the sooner Trixie reaches Ponyville, the better.”

With another burst of air, her hat fell into the driver's seat and she made her way to the front to slip inside the harness.

Ducking her head, she slid forward. When she didn't feel the harness resting on her back, she leaned forward even more, until she had to quickly get her hooves into position to avoid falling face-first into the road.

“What the hay?” Growling she looked back, ready to kick something when she realized that part of the harness was inside her body. She looked at it for a few seconds before she remembered. “Ah... I forgot. I'm a ghost.” She sighed.

“Okay Trixie, there's no need to panic,” she said after a moment. “Deep breaths, deep breaths. Am I even breathing?”

The Great and Powerful Trixie shook her head free of annoying, mortal thoughts, and began to walk in circles around her stage wagon.

“Okay, what does Trixie know about ghosts?” She thought for a moment. “Well... ghosts are ethereal. That means they... we... cannot really touch normal objects; however, according to Magister Crowley, magical objects can be moved and touched by spirits. That’s how fetishes are created. Ohhh... Trixie hates magical theory.” Her eyes narrowed. “But now is not the time...” She looked at her stage wagon, considering.

The old stage wagon—which had been destroyed in Ponyville—had been enchanted to produce several magical effects on demand, something she hadn't gotten around to casting on this one. She had needed special and expensive ingredients and she hadn't been too keen on getting them herself.

Her father had only sent her enough bits for buying a new stage wagon, but that was it. Sure, she had enchanted some items herself, but they were all useless for now.

Trixie briefly considered going inside and throwing around whatever enchanted items she had in a fit of rage, but the sound of hooves on cobblestone stopped her.

“Now dear, you see? This... Great and Powerful Trixie, is not in her stage wagon right now. I'm sure we'll hear about it when she starts her show, and I promise you I will bring you over to watch.”

It was two unicorns. A mare and her colt. Trixie grimaced and tried to ignore them, concentrating instead on what to do.

“But mom, why don't we ask her? She's right there,” the little colt asked, pointing a hoof at Trixie.

Trixie blinked. “Huh?”

“Now, Six, don't start this again... there's no-pony there.”

“But mooom.”

Six? Trixie shook her head, wondering, 'Who names their colt ‘Six’?'

“Look dear, if you promise not to touch anything, you can stay here and look at the stage wagon. Just look, don’t touch. I’m sure if the Great and Powerful Trixie were here she wouldn’t appreciate some mischievous colt touching her things, right?”

The colt looked at Trixie, doubt filling his eyes, but The Great and Powerful Trixie was already on her knees, hooves clapped together and nodding desperately for him to agree. “I-I guess...” he said.

“Good. I'll be right back.”

Six's mother went into the store, leaving him with Trixie, who was giving him a thankful smile. “Thank you! Thank you! You see, Trixie really needs your help! Can you do something very, very simple for Trixie?”

Six nodded slowly. “Are you really the Great and Powerful Trixie?”

“Yes, yes I am!” Trixie said, striking a pose. “Trixie guesses you are a fan?”

Six nodded, shyly.

“Well then, The Great and Powerful Trixie will give you an autograph if you do that small favor her! Do you know how to perform the basic spell runes?”

When the colt nodded for the third time, Trixie had to hold herself from shouting in glee. “Well, Trixie needs you to scratch one of the magic runes onto my stage wagon...”

“Uh... but my mom said not to touch it...”

“Silly, that's Trixie’s stage wagon, right?”


“And Trixie is giving you permission to touch it, right?”


“Then it’s fine if Trixie lets you, right?”

“I... guess.” He approached the stage wagon. “Where do you want it?”

“Anywhere will be fine,” Trixie said, finally noticing the colt's cutie mark. An eye with a small number 6 in the middle. 'Huh. How odd.'

“So, Six...” she started as he carefully scratched the paint on her stage wagon with his glowing horn, drawing a basic magic rune for ease of movement. “What did your mom mean when she said you shouldn't 'start this again'?”

The colt didn't answer immediately, waiting until he was done drawing. The magic in his horn died, and for a moment nothing seemed to happen, then suddenly the stage wagon seemed to glow for the barest of seconds. Trixie nodded happily.

“Well done, Six!”

Six, looked around, then motioned for Trixie to get closer. Curious, she leaned forward.

“Well... I have a problem, and that's why my mom was saying that thing about not doing it again... it hasn't made me very popular with other ponies my age,” he confided.

Trixie blinked. “Well, what is this problem?”

“I see dead ponies.” Six said, eyes very wide. “And they don’t know they’re dead!”

Trixie snorted. “Well, it’s not like it feels much different, you know?”

Six blinked. “You mean you know? But... aren’t you going to stick around and see me through a journey of self-discovery to find my purpose in life by helping those lost souls in desperate need to find peace and continue on to the next world, only to leave me sad, bitter and alone once you realize you too are dead?”

Trixie laughed. “Oh, silly colt. The Great and Powerful Trixie has better things to do. Here...” her horn shining, she slid one of several pictures of herself signed in magical-glitter from within her stage wagon. “There you go. Go find more dead ponies, now, okay?”

She tried to pat him in the head, but her hoof went through it in a very disturbing way, so she chuckled nervously and jumped on top of her stage wagon. “Bye-bye now!”

With a sudden lurch the stage wagon rolled forward, leaving a thoroughly confused colt behind.


In a dark room with six slightly glowing circles and one column of light in the middle, several ponies had gathered.

Obscured by cloaks and shadows, they nickered and shuffled in place, until one stepped into the light.

“Brothers and sisters... both the Princesses are acting strange... they are weak.” The pony’s voice echoed in the room, her tone one of smug victory.

There was a moment of animated whispering, but the pony in the middle stamped her hoof on the floor, drawing their attention.

“I have seen signs that the Guardian has awakened. The time to strike approaches swiftly... be vigilant. We will find what makes them weak and we will bring night eternal again to Equestria. The Nightmare will live again!”

“The Nightmare will live again!” the others echoed.

“Those who stand in our way, shall fall!” she called.

“The Nightmare will live again!” the others replied.

The little light in the room allowed the gathered ponies to see a small smile in her muzzle.

o.0.o End Chapter 3 o.0.o