• Published 10th Sep 2022
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A King to a God - JDPrime22

It’s up to the heroes of Equestria to form unconventional bonds, discover the primordial evil living beneath their world, and fight a battle they could never have prepared for. When Godzilla and Kong clash, and until the last king stands.

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Chapter 29 – Reunion

Canterlot, Equestria

Canterlot Castle, Throne Room

To say Pinkie Pie brought a rejuvenated and much-needed life back to Canterlot’s throne room was an understatement. She was whooping and hollering and nopony dared to stop her or the infectious smiles she brought to everypony’s lips.

What was once a somber light and mood that filled the shadowy throne room was now filled with bright lights, party cannon explosions, and raining confetti as the pink party master herself stormed, bounded, and rebounded all throughout Twilight’s castle walls. The situation was more than likely not worth the overly enthusiastic response; it was hardly a positive situation at that. Mostly, she was just so unbelievably happy to see all of her best friends together again, with so many other friendly faces to join the reunion celebration.

And even a new face was there as well.

With the throne room filled Pinkie Pie’s unexplained madness and hilarity, the rest filed inside accordingly. There was Princess Twilight, trailed closely by her remaining and closest friends: Spike, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash. The T.I.T.A.N. Directors Celestia and Luna followed shortly after, with the Young Six and the mysterious, red-cloaked mare trailing at the end.

The two Royal Guards closed off any other from entering, taking their positions at the throne room doors, both now tightly shut.

Giving them all the secured privacy in the world to reunite.

Rarity simply unwound herself, finally free from the upstanding citizens of Canterlot, gushing at the beauty and glory of the Canterlot throne room once more. It had been a long train ride, and now she could finally relax and face her friends, whom she hadn’t seen in weeks.

“Oh, Twilight, dearie! Why does each moon have to come so slowly! Agh! Might as well consider permanently moving myself to the business up here!” She grabbed Twilight and they shared a quick hug, Rarity formally kissing each of Twilight’s cheeks. Pulling back, the unicorn smiled warmly, sighing. “But that’s for another day, another headache. It’s always a pleasure to see you all again regardless.”

“Well, we seem ta be missin’ a friend this time ‘round,” Applejack drawled, coming up to join the two. She winked to Twilight. “But hay, it’ll be one heck of a reunion when we see Flutters tomorrow!”

Twilight giggled. “I mean, if you all want to move the Council of Friendship reunions closer together, I’d be happy to—”

“Oh, no, no! I wouldn’t want to be the pony to interfere with anypony else’s schedules. Besides, as long as we can visit earlier this time, I’m more than happy,” Rarity said with smile.

“It’s always a pleasure to see you again, Rarity,” Spike dreamily exclaimed, practically floating behind her. Rarity responded with a soft coo, and pulled the dragon in for a hug.

The unicorn only intensified his blush by nuzzling her cheek against his, declaring, “The pleasure’s all mine, Spikey Wikey.”

“Ugh, I hate to interrupt the romance, but I think we’re in the clear to talk about Twilight’s letter now,” Rainbow interjected, flying in-between both Rarity and Spike, separating the two while simultaneously performing circles and loops in mid-air. With her lightning-quick reflexes, she even managed to snag Pinkie Pie bounding from wall to wall, her hoof snatching the pink maniac’s tail.

“Right, Pinks?” Rainbow emphasized, smirking to the upside-down party pony dangling from her grip.

“Oh, heck yeah!” Pinkie Pie cheered, a resounding explosion of streamers and confetti blowing out all around her. As Rainbow was busy spitting out the confetti that got in her mouth and mane, Pinkie suddenly recoiled, smilingly innocently to the group staring up at her. “Oh… was I too loud earlier?”

Most of the group couldn’t help but laugh. “I think you attracted half of Canterlot on the trip over here, Pinkie Pie,” Twilight chuckled.

“Okay! I’ll be super-duper, extra quiet then! Starting… NOW!” Pinkie screamed.

Twilight winced, shaking her head but unable to hold back the smile. “Thanks.”

“So!” Rainbow interrupted once more, dropping Pinkie and letting her hit the floor in a ball of pink fluff that rebounded like a bouncy ball before settling. She flew close to Twilight’s face, practically whispering, “What kinda emergency we talking about here? I mean, if it needs the Elements of Harmony, it’s gotta be pretty big. Probably bigger than a villain of the week, huh?”

“It’s big,” Spike mumbled, looking away and scratching the back of his head. He didn’t want to be the one who said it, so he turned to Twilight for help.

“Liiike… kaiju big?” Rainbow asked, a hopeful tone tugging at the edge of her smile.

Twilight, Celestia, and Luna all turned to one another, then to Rainbow, and slowly nodded.

To their surprise, Rainbow’s reaction wasn’t what they expected. She pumped her hoof, whistled and cheered, “Awww yeah! Can’t tell ya how long I’ve been itching to launch some rainbow beams at some deranged monster! This past year has been nothing but Wonderbolt training, which, don’t get me wrong, dream come true and all, but I’ve been needing a little more excitement here and there! Sweet, so… what kinda kaiju we talkin’ about here?”

Twilight bit her tongue before she could speak, unsure if she even had the strength to admit it to them. After everything they had gone through to defeat him the first time, she was afraid to see their reactions. Then, she reminded herself what was on the line, and turned to the Second Sister for that reminder. The look in her eyes was enough for Twilight to press on.

“One we know…” she finally said, relinquishing her tongue and admitting the truth. “Ghidorah.”

The room returned to its darkened, somber mood, and one that not even Pinkie could brighten in that moment. Yes, Twilight’s sun did continue shining through the stained glass windows. The world didn’t end in that second of stillness. Her fears were unfounded and she actually let a moment of relief fill her up, letting the truth permeate the air and fill her friends. They needed and deserved to know just as much as everypony else.

And they reacted accordingly, to the best of their ability.

“Huh… no kidding?” Rainbow questioned, and there was still the slightest hint of a tremble in her exhausted breath. It was like the events from one year ago played and replayed in her vision, and she stared at nothing as a paled look overcame her.

The same fate befell the others. Applejack whistled, tipping her hat back as she sat down. Simply overwhelmed with information at the moment. Rarity shook her head in denial, her breath quickening and chest rising and falling so very rapidly.

“Are we sure it’s that… ghastly beast?” Rarity scoffed, trying to deny that bold claim and pray for any other alternative.

Twilight nodded, holding her hoof out to the Young Six… and their mysterious friend. “Our former students were able to confirm it with our new friend here. She survived Fillydelphia… and was able to tell us exactly what she saw.”

Applejack perked up her head at that, and slowly turned it to the mare in the red cloak. “That right?” she questioned aloud, standing up and trotting slowly over to her. And coming face to face, meeting her eyes for a fraction of a second, Applejack stepped back.

Then, she shrugged. “Heck, she’s legit.”

Nopony else seemed surprised, which intrigued the Second Sister. The mare in red tilted her head curiously. “You can tell with barely a glance?”

AJ scoffed, tipping her hat to the pale-coated pony. “Girl, Ah can spot a liar halfway ‘cross the county. Ah think we can take yer word as proof.”

“Oh… the kaiju is tied to Fillydelphia, huh?” Rainbow noted, landing on the floor and rubbing the back of her head shamefully. She struggled to meet the Second Sister’s gaze, but the rainbow mare managed. “Uhhh… sorry for sounding so excited earlier. Didn’t realize you were from…”

“Fillydelphia is not my home,” the Second Sister replied. Her gaze focused not only on Rainbow, but shifted to everypony. Everycreature. In case they didn’t know, now they would. “I am from a faraway land… come to this one. But fate would have it that I be late on my mission… but not too late to help your people in your darkest hour.”

That statement lifted many heads, turned many eyes, and shifted all focus to the mysterious pony with the voice of an angel.

“So, what happened last year with that three-headed jerk… that wasn’t the worst of it?” Rainbow asked, unsure if she even wanted the answer.

“What else is coming?” Luna asked, almost a little too harshly. Tensions were already high and the threat even higher, the former Princess of the Moon clearly on edge. If there was to be a coming catastrophe that this so-called prophet knew of, it would be wise of her to tell them.

The Second Sister didn’t even flinch, slowly turning her eyes to the dark director. “That… is what we must fight to prevent. I wish I could share more, but even I cannot see what lies ahead. Not clearly, not… entirely. I have done all I can for now.”

It wasn’t the answer anypony wanted, but it wasn’t her fault, either. Twilight understood that, and slowly approached the mare. “Well… we can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve given us. Especially all of you,” she declared, smiling warmly to the Young Six, a little giggle leaving her. Turning back to the mare in red, the princess asked, “Is there anything we can do for you?”

Her heart was kind, the Second Sister told herself. The intentions and actions of the Princess of Friendship had proven time and again to lead to the right outcome, to lead Equestria and the world out of the shadow of hatred, discord, malevolence, and lead to something bright. Yet she almost did not anticipate how… friendly she was. How full of care and love she had for others, even strangers such as her.

She could only pray Twilight would continue to lead them right.

Smiling, the mare said, “If it does not trouble you… I would request a place to rest tonight. Everything I have seen, everywhere I have traveled, and only now have I realized how weary I have become.” The pony laughed lightly. Then, she lifted her eyes of glowing auburn to Twilight and her closest friends, smiling with a slight bow of her head. “I must continue on my journey by the first light of the morning.”

“Then, you have a place to rest tonight,” Twilight affirmed simply, resting her hoof on the mare’s shoulder and nodding in return.

“Well, with all that settled, I think it’s time for the Elements of Harmony to go over the battle plans,” Sandbar oh-so boldly declared, stepping forth with his five best friends. He stamped his hoof triumphantly on the marble. “So! How we takin’ down Ghidorah this time?”

The silence in the room was deafening, and it slowly deflated Sandbar’s chest and smile.

“Uhhh… ‘we’?” Applejack repeated, a brow raised in the creatures’ direction.

Ocellus bashfully raised her voice. “Um, we were hoping we could join you and—”

“No offense, kids, but if this is involving Ghidorah, might as well leave it up to the pros this time,” Rainbow interrupted, though not particularly phrasing it the right way.

So, Pinkie Pie decided to phrase it appropriately. “Yeah! We wouldn’t want you guys getting hurt now!” Pinkie exclaimed, pulling all six of them in for a tight group hug. “I don’t think any of us could sleep peacefully if one of you got caught in the crossfire and your charred bodies were burned into our conscience!”

“That’s… certainly an image,” Gallus grumbled.

Rarity stepped up to clarify for her friends. “I think what Pinkie Pie is trying to say is that we don’t want any of you to risk your lives. You’ve never faced anything like these beasts, and just the thought of any of you getting hurt…!” Rarity dramatically proclaimed, almost wilting herself and wishing she had a drama couch right about now.

“We not little kids anymore!” Yona argued. “We save the world with you before!”

“That was different. These Titans are different,” Twilight tried to explain, but was interrupted.

“We came all this way, wasting our summer and risking our butts in the process, and you’re not even gonna let us finish the fight with you?!” Smolder shouted.

“That’s right,” Twilight boldly declared, and there was no hesitation and no humor left in her tone.

“But, Twilight—!” Silverstream tried to beg.

Twilight stamped her hoof on the marble, silencing each of the Young Six from even attempting to argue further.

“No buts!” she declared, and she would not be moved on this issue. Their safety was a priority, and one that wouldn’t be risked tagging along for a mission such as theirs. “You’ve all helped so much already. Where we’re going is unknown… and I won’t have you risk your lives for something none of us can control. Leave the rest to T.I.T.A.N. and my friends… we’ll finish this.”

There was more they all wanted to say, more they wanted to bring up to defend themselves. Like a certain harmonic friend that Sandbar almost brought up, but seeing the daggers in Twilight’s glare, he lost his voice. They all did.

“Pfft… whatever,” Smolder grumbled, snorting out a plume of smoke and crossing her arms.

Her ears fell flat against her skull, and her heart ached for her former students. “You’re more than welcome to stay in Canterlot for the night as well… and take the first train in the morning with your friend,” Twilight said, turning to the Second Sister and nodding softly. The mare merely stared blankly at her, in a long, almost deathly serious stare. And one that almost made Twilight have a double take.

Had it not been for Rarity stepping forth. “However, it would be quite beneficial to know the plan, Twilight, dearie,” Rarity said, bringing focus back to the issue at hoof.

With her eyes flicking quickly to the Second Sister, and then back to Rarity, Twilight eventually nodded in agreement. “Right. Celestia, Luna, if you could…?”

The directors made the plan known to all in the room, and held nothing back. Celestia started by utilizing her magic to play forth a magical hologram, showcasing auras of colorful images shaped like the T.I.T.A.N. fleet, Godzilla, and Kong. She said, “Our plan, once we join Shining Armor’s fleet, is to allow Titanus Kong to wear down Godzilla. Just enough for the Elements to have an opportunity to cleanse the darkness that controls his mind and actions. This was our initial plan earlier, but with confirmation from our new friend, there is a dark infection within Godzilla’s mind that Ghidorah controls, and we must purge it.”

Luna stepped forward. “And this time, the Elements will not kill him like before in the Crystal Empire. We will only be targeting his mind, and in his wearied state, he will not be a full threat when the inevitable moment arrives. The Elements of Harmony will win the day for us… as they have numerous times before.”

That statement alone was worth celebrating, and Rainbow saw to it to bring some rejuvenated spirits back into the throne room. It had gotten a little moody for her tastes.

“Woohoo! Can’t tell ya how pumped I am to get back in the action!” Rainbow Dash cheered, flying and performing multiple loops and zigzags across the throne room. She landed harshly near them, almost cracking the floor, and jammed out her hoof to her friends. “What do ya say? Let’s save the world one more time?”

Staring at her outstretched hoof, Applejack chuckled. “Ya act like this’ll be the las’ time, Dash.”

Puffing out her lips, Rainbow smirked. “Lemme rephrase that: Let’s save the world again?”

Applejack smirked in return, smacking her hoof to Rainbow’s. “And again.”

Rarity did so as well, connecting her hoof with a triumphant smile. She played along and said, “And again.”

Twilight shook her head with scoff, eventually bringing her hoof in as well. “And again.”

“And again and again and AGAIN!” Pinkie Pie cheered, leaping in the group and pounding her hoof with the others. They all raised their hooves and cheered, whistled, and vowed victory. What was meant to be a triumphant and bold celebration was slowly growing sour. Smolder rolled her eyes and frowned at the floor. Sandbar sadly looked away. The Second Sister saw all of their reactions and stared in silence.

But nopony noticed them. They were far too busy focused on the victorious tide coming their way. Until Pinkie’s mane suddenly deflated. “Awww… it’s just not the same without Fluttershy here!” she whined.

“We’ll see her again tomorrow when the Radiance meets up with Shining Armor,” Twilight said with a wink. “Promise.” And that was enough to get an ecstatic smile back on the pink pony’s lips.

It suddenly dawned on Rainbow when they brought up Fluttershy, which reminded her of Fluttershy’s role in T.I.T.A.N. And what T.I.T.A.N. were bringing with them to the inevitable clash with Godzilla. “Oh, yeah… what if the monkey fails?” Dash asked aloud.

The two directors caught their breath at that question, as if anticipating it. Twilight felt the same, and turned to Celestia and Luna. Puffing out her cheeks and blowing a raspberry, the princess said, “Well… judging from Shining’s last message concerning Kong… we think he can hold his own against Godzilla. But… if it comes to that… we have another contingency. It’ll be ready tomorrow alongside the Radiance.”

Applejack raised a brow, and then asked, “And this here ‘contingency’ is…?”

Wincing in anticipation, Twilight gritted her teeth and said in a tight, shrill voice, “A giant… mechanized Godzilla.”

Applejack raised both brows.

Rainbow’s jaw fell, and Rarity’s neck practically shot back in surprise. The Young Six were equally as surprised, some incredulous, others thinking how that was even possible. But it was Pinkie Pie who grabbed Twilight’s cheeks and mushed her face close to hers.

All while proclaiming, “You had a giant robo-Godzilla this whole time… and I’m just NOW finding out about it?!”

With her cheeks mushed and unable to speak, Twilight just nodded. That was enough for Pinkie to be let loose, and she sprang up in the air and screamed, “I CALL TO BE PILOT!” And just like that, she zipped to the doors, leaving only a dust cloud of herself behind.

“Pinkie, no! We already have pilots!” Twilight called.


The doors burst apart from Pinkie’s advance, and the guards could do nothing to stop the pink menace. Twilight spread her wings and took off after her, with Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash inevitably following. But not before Rainbow could pause in mid-air, turning to the others and chuckling.

“Best we go stop Pinks… Don’t want her to destroy all of Canterlot before we save the world.”

She winked to Spike, the Young Six, the directors, and the Second Sister, before flying off after her friends.

While some among them could only laugh at Pinkie’s hilarity, all the Second Sister could do was stare. Stare at those open and now closed throne room doors. Stare and turn to the six, young Champions, the wearied, conflicted, former princesses… and she sighed so very heavily. So very dejectedly.

She couldn’t help but feel so very lost for them.

Author's Note:

Artwork by Shrekzilla