• Published 10th Sep 2022
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A King to a God - JDPrime22

It’s up to the heroes of Equestria to form unconventional bonds, discover the primordial evil living beneath their world, and fight a battle they could never have prepared for. When Godzilla and Kong clash, and until the last king stands.

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Chapter 16 – Titan Savior

Manehattan, Equestria

City lights glistened in the waning dusk, until the world of Equestria was brought into another brilliant night. The darkness cascaded across the skies, lighting up the heavens with a gorgeous array of starlight. Twilight’s moon slowly rose on the horizon, the eastern ocean brightening to the arrival of the full moon. And Manehattan, the city that never slept, was more alive than ever.

Reconstruction efforts had been halted so the night life ponies once had forgotten could return in full force. Clubs and restaurants were ablaze with city folk retiring after a long day’s work. Lovely couples began the long night with dancing and partying, while families spent the evening and the night in nearby parks, or enjoying a nice meal at the city’s most famous restaurants. The streets were alive and well.

The inner city was brilliantly captured in a moment that radiated peace and a regrowing prosperity. It had been a difficult reconstruction, but Princess Twilight and her T.I.T.A.N. had led them through it well. Skeletal buildings stood alongside the ones that had survived. The names of the fallen had been engraved upon the marble stones surrounding the reconstruction sites, so the ponies of Manehattan would never forget. What they lost, who they lost.

Perhaps most importantly, they expressed the undying spirit of survival. How they lifted those who had lost their lives so the ones who lived retained their memories, rebuilding what was once lost, what the enemy tried to take. What the enemy failed to achieve. Because out of the fire and into the light of a bright, new day, they remained. They lived.

Even the Pony of Liberty remained tall and proud and valiant in the coming night, holding her torch high to the rising moon and the unforeseeable darkness.

The waters were calm surrounding the city.

In the far reaches of the Manehattan bay, distant T.I.T.A.N. ships patrolled the area, but they were minimal. The travesty of Fillydelphia reached the city of Manehattan, like it had several cities and settlements, and patrols were at the ready. Searching, waiting, always vigilant for any threat to make itself known. Other than T.I.T.A.N., the infamous Titanwatchers were also present on the outskirts of the city.

Having rented out nearby hotels and sharing apartment complexes, the group had heard the warnings from the government to be aware of increased Titan activity. After the rival alpha roar had been made, the creatures had gone rampant, as did the Titanwatchers. Most chaos had been settled on land, but the ocean was still ripe with sea beasts that had not been tamed as of yet. No T.I.T.A.N. force or ORCA device had been utilized to their knowledge, so they kept watch, as their name suggested.

Aside from the common fishing vessel or the T.I.T.A.N. patrol, the Titanwatchers were more discrete about their presence. More of an activist group whose sole purpose was to understand the nature and mindsets of the creatures in a peaceful manner, they ignored the warnings and the dangers and searched the waters for any signs. Their boats were few, numbering five in all of Manehattan bay. They had to be few; T.I.T.A.N. didn’t like them very much.

Instruments to survey the ocean floor were scattered about on each vessel, with radars constantly searching for any signs of Titan activity. Those same instruments cluttered a particular boat resting in the eastern sea, a mile or two off the coast of the city. Probably further than any other Titanwatcher, pushing the boundaries, threatening T.I.T.A.N.’s interference the longer they sat there.

The Titanwatcher alone on deck wasn’t worried. Not in the slightest if the content and weary expression on his face meant anything. He was kicking back, leaning on his chair, hind legs crossed and resting against the table holding his radar system. Letting the soft, monotone hum of the radar soothe his senses along with the cool chill of the ocean spray. Letting his wide-brimmed hat fall further and further in front of his drooping eyes.

A cup of coffee was levitated to the Earth pony. “Lookin’ to be another long watch, eh?” a familiar voice to his right announced.

Leaning his head back, the stallion smiled to the see the unicorn captain offer him a cup, to which he gratefully handled with both hooves. “Lookin’ to be that way,” he responded in a gruff, albeit greatly-relaxed tone. He raised his coffee to his fellow Titanwatcher. “Here’s to the long night.”

“To the long night.” They clinked mugs and took a light swig.

“Anything come up?” his captain asked. “Was really hoping we’d see Na Kika out here.”

“Nah, been quiet for hours. Not even a school of fish to swim in and say hi,” the Titanwatcher responded, turning his gaze to the distant vessels swinging further out of the bay. Even the Pony of Liberty looked small from where they were. “Those patrol boats might turn their spotlights over here soon. Thinkin’ of bringin’ us to the docks?”

“Eh, it’ll just be more empty warnings from T.I.T.A.N. They don’t got the stones to—”


Both ponies froze.

They stared at the green line of the radar swing around.


Capturing something. A disturbance. A figure deep within the water.

Beep. Getting bigger, growing longer, emerging from the North and taking a sharp turn East.

Unnaturally fast. Unnaturally sudden. Beep. Toward them.

And when it was beneath them, it came so suddenly and so forceful that a moderately-sized wave impacted the starboard side. The ship teetered just enough to knock down several instruments off the table and make the ponies spill their coffee. The captain’s drink fell all over the floor of the boat. The other Titanwatcher’s fell right in his lap, earning a sharp, agitated cry from the stallion.

Shooting up onto all four hooves, the stallion was quick to clean himself of the hot coffee, but found his interests aligning far quicker with the ocean dead ahead of him. Just as his captain’s interests were. Watching the ocean split open for the disturbance to make itself realized. No more gimmicks. No more hiding. The towering dorsal plates rose from the ocean surface and shimmer a bright, violent, intimidating blue.

The Titanwatchers knew those plates. They knew those shimmering signs. Neither pony could breathe a word out when the tail rammed itself against the belly of the ship and ripped it in two, flinging the halves of the boat clear across the awakened sea.

Their cries were never heard. Their sounds blended in with the fleeting screams of their fellow Titanwatchers, along with every T.I.T.A.N. patrol boat within the vicinity. For the spinal plates proceeded forth with the towering tail slapping down into the waters once more, each rocky-like bone splintering and cracking through any vessel that got in their way.

Leading the charge, breaking the waves, two orbs brighter than the dorsal plates finally emerged. Bright blue eyes that were finally lifted high and the jaws were unhinged to unleash an earth-shuddering roar upon the oncoming, inhabited land.

Godzilla was here.

Emergency Titan Raid sirens began to flood the air. Spotlights were ignited. Anti-Titan Turrets were engaged and the ponies handling them turned each barrel to the sea. Upon every rooftop across the city, ponies either partying the night away, families awakened from their slumber, or Titanwatchers were all fully engrossed by the sounds of the siren. They turned their eyes to the spotlights waving toward the darkness of the ocean.

There, they saw him rise. He rose out of the ocean, unleashing a second, bone-trembling roar. One clearly meant as an act of intimidation. As a clear threat. As an act of war. And there was no intent in his actions to stop his coming rampage.

The turrets were burning bright at the ends of their barrels, the coastline and docks surrounding Manehattan flashing white and yellow and firing streams of red onto the charging Titan. Unloading their ordnance. Unleashing the firepower of T.I.T.A.N. Yet it stopped nothing. Godzilla did not yield. Every shelling, every bullet, every blast against his hide only aggravated him.

But T.I.T.A.N. wasn’t done. They expected such from any creature, even Godzilla. If the firepower did not ward him off, their air superiority would catch his attention. So, the skies were filled in less than a minute. Solar Bolts flew overhead, launched from the nearby T.I.T.A.N. facility to engage the active threat. They flew between buildings, over rooftops, with shocking speed and jetting for the target.

They launched their missiles, unleashed their turrets, and Godzilla merely swatted them aside. Roaring in defiance and rage. Unshaken. Undeterred. Unstopped. It was then that the ponies of Manehattan proceeded to flee. The streets were chaos as the T.I.T.A.N. soldiers stationed on the city’s edges held their ground, but were ultimately thwarted. Titanwatchers fled from their rooftops, their observation posts, as the warnings and the threats all finally came to fruition. All finally struck them in their hearts with that cold, dreaded reality.

No threat was made to Godzilla’s dominion. Manehattan lived every night as it had the past few months since the heaviest days of the reconstruction had passed. T.I.T.A.N. established their stronghold but they made no threat against Godzilla or his rule. No change in the natural order was made or declared. This attack went against everything they thought they knew.

And Godzilla didn’t stop. He didn’t relent. He killed.

It was raw and savage, against his nature, against what they believed his nature to be. Or maybe they were deceived. In the raining fire and collapsing buildings, that deception spread as a fear that corroded every spirit and every heart across Manehattan. The ground shuddered and carriages bounced in place. Pegasi took to the skies and flew for their lives. Unicorns and Earth ponies galloped in a mass panic as far from the oncoming tide of death as possible. Trampling others who were too slow, too feeble, too afraid to move.

Godzilla entered the cityscape and began his decimation with an atomic breath, severing buildings both standing and in mid-construction. They all collapsed together. More Solar Bolts came, but they just as easily were blown out of the sky by that same beam of fire erupting from his maw. His cry elevated in pitch as more missiles struck his body, and he then retaliated by striking his body against the towers, the skyscrapers, the hotels, the apartments.


His tail slashed at every street he passed, decapitating buildings as his feet crushed the roads and any fleeing heart caught under his shadow. His claws swiped and gutted every structure, ripping mounds of rubble free and flinging them across the city in a mindless, rageful manner. It fell upon the ponies trying to run, trying to fly away, trying to live. The rest were burned. Bursts of light, waves of power, a radioactive fury fell from his agape mouth. A singular stream of his atomic breath was washed across the city. His fire gave a cry unlike anything the world had heard. A shrill, piercing shriek that devoured any and all caught in his meaningless wrath.

It was that fire that devoured all. Every standing structure that had survived the Titan attack one year ago. Every attempt to rebuild what was broken, retain those who were lost, they were also devoured. The marble structures that held the names of the fallen, lest they forget, were buried in the crumbling ruins of the towers falling over them.

Waves of fire and of dust filled the streets. Every street, until Godzilla finally relented. His jaws came to a close and the atomic fire had ended. He had left a growing fire in his wake. His spinal plates finally darkened from the bright blue that consumed them, as did his eyes, and he finally stood to witness all he had done.

He stared at his destruction, his eyes holding a dead, soulless stare. Even so, his eyes were glistening nonetheless. His eyes shone with the fading light of atomic power and something much, much worse. For when he stared at the needless destruction, there was felt only one true power, and one his eyes expressed far more than anything else Godzilla could have. His eyes said it all. His eyes burned. His eyes carried a voice stronger than any roar he could have made.

His maddening, golden eyes, irises as red as the fires devouring the city, with pupils as black as his mind. In his wake, they carried terror.

In his wake, that terror carried on.

Baltimare, Equestria

T.I.T.A.N. Outpost Horseshoe

The sirens quickly spread. From one city, one settlement to next. All it took was one’s ears to be opened and eyes to be vigilant to hear the warnings and see the fires on the horizon. Smell the smoke in the air. To step outside their homes and businesses and the T.I.T.A.N. outpost stationed in Baltimare’s Horseshoe Bay.

All to see the fire in the North. The great plume of red and orange like a faint match, a pinprick. But from what they heard in the radios, in the emergency broadcasts shared by their allies in Manehattan, is that they were under attack. Godzilla was on the move. And he was coming for the southern outpost.

Immediately, a state of emergency was declared by the mayor of Baltimare by order of T.I.T.A.N. All citizens were required to relocate to the bunkers while the military and T.I.T.A.N. forces proceeded with defensive measures. Horseshoe Bay held a large assortment of T.I.T.A.N.’s naval fleet, airships and battleships of every size and variety. The outpost stationed there was responsible for stationing a hefty number of Equestria’s T.I.T.A.N. naval fleet. Not all, by any means—as the Hippogriff navy easily overshadowed theirs—but they were the largest manufacturer.

One of the biggest threats, it would seem. And that was why—in their minds—they believed Godzilla came for them.

When he did, when he appeared on their radar and every scope they peered out of showed his dorsal plates emerging from the ocean depths, nothing could stop him. No matter how hard they tried, how dense their defenses were, or how many numbers they had.

Godzilla tore through their naval ships all the same.

He practically broke out of the sea, ramming his glowing fins into the bellies of two great battleships. Their cannons fired off in an attempt to strike him, but they went sky-high. Hitting nothing but air. Erupting alongside the rest of the ships when Godzilla’s raging roar came spewing out of the waters. With his roar, came the blazing heat ray from his mouth, unleashing fire and fury on the T.I.T.A.N. fleet upon the sea.

The wrathful king lifted that same beam to the air, striking at the airships, burning the balloons to embers. Their flaming, charred corpses fell out of the sky, making several crash landings in the city to avoid drowning the crew. Not many had the luxury of landing relatively soft, or on solid ground. Most burst into flames and landed straight into the dark embrace of the deep.

Spotlights waved across his body, and Godzilla cried in agitation as a fleet of Solar Bolts pelted him with a bombing run. He rammed his feet upon solid earth and entered into the city, eyes aglow with a sinful blue that knew no end to such devastation he caused. He swatted his claws about, swinging at the planes as the armies of Baltimare fired on him from the sky and the ground. Tanks and armed troopers, all of their meager bullets and tank shells doing nothing, achieving nothing but their own demise when they chose to stay and fight.

Instead of running.

That was their first mistake. Their second was trying to defend Outpost Horseshoe.

That was what Godzilla specifically targeted.

As the last of the Solar Bolts collided with the street in a blazing heap, the panic unfolding within the outpost staging grounds was unparalleled. They had a rogue and clearly berserk Titan marching on their armament and yet they didn’t have the means to fight back. Their fleet was gone, in the sea and in the air. Their soldiers were retreating to leave the outpost’s fate to certain demise.

Commanders and officers of Outpost Horseshoe were already well underway in sending a clear distress signal to T.I.T.A.N. HQ. They activated their emergency beacon and stood their ground. Not having the honor of going down with their ships, they chose instead to stand and die holding their fortress.

As they stepped out of the command station, emerging under the raging lights of the distress flares popping off in the dark night sky, they were greeted to another light. One from the melting remains of their largest airship, the Apex. It fell over their heads, crashing deep within the outpost grounds and creating a vast, blinding fireball that brought forth the light of the sun.

Before it all fell dark, and the only light that remained was the brightening hue of a haunting blue in the distance. Followed by that haunting roar that every T.I.T.A.N. commander and officer felt jolt every nerve ending in their bodies.

Amidst a washing crowd of fleeing engineers, scientists, agents, and soldiers, the leaders of the outpost perhaps felt the greatest pain watching their armies retreat. The ponies they were meant to lead and serve, now abandoning every righteous law to save their own flanks. A failure on their part, but failures they would not die as. Cowards they would not stand as. They would not run. They would not cower. Even when certain death came stomping into their fortress, certain death they faced with guns raised and voices roaring.

Only to be silenced by Godzilla’s deafening war cry.

He silenced them all in a single, sweeping breath.

Casting his atomic fire across the outpost staging ground, Godzilla proceeded to eviscerate entire buildings, factories, armories, and supply stations of military equipment and vehicles. From battleships and airships in mid-construction, to tanks and armored vehicles and dropships, and even to countless lines of firearm and ammunition production. All of it was consumed in an explosive, killing force.

Godzilla pelted the earth relentlessly, his dorsal plates as bright as his eyes, as bright as the streams of fire burning from his jaws. The heat ray tore across the outpost and struck a crowd of fleeing soldiers. Ponies and vehicles were thrown back from the fury of the eruptions, their screaming, flailing bodies like rag dolls against the blossoming flames washing over them.

He kept up the fire until there was nothing left. Nothing left to recover or rebuild. All of it burned to charred corpses and ash in the wind. Brought to its knees from the path of destruction he left in Baltimare. Sinking to the bottom of the bay with countless bodies sinking alongside the demolished ships. Left to rot in a radioactive hellhole.

Godzilla lifted his head to the night sky and roared.

Colombuck, Shire Lanka

Bombs didn’t work. Bullets were nothing. Every ounce of defensive and offensive measure they had were burned in nuclear fire. So when it came to the attention of T.I.T.A.N. that Godzilla’s path of destruction was heading toward the island of Shire Lanka, they deployed one of their last countermeasures in an attempt to ward him off.

The nearest T.I.T.A.N. brigade stationed in Griffonstone was deployed, equipped with the finest ORCA the organization had. Their airship—the fastest in the eastern fleet—miraculously managed to reach the island city of Colombuck before Godzilla. A pristine team of griffon pilots, they ensured the ORCA wasn’t activated until they could get a guaranteed sighting of the King of the Monsters.

Low and behold, he arrived bursting out of the sea, spines driving headlong toward the island’s borders.

Having heard the distress signals through the radio and the emergency beacons all night long, the griffons understood just exactly what had happened and what was assuredly coming. What would assuredly befall Colombuck if they didn’t respond to Godzilla’s heinous actions. With a few adjustments to the control console piloting the aircraft, a large briefcase of some kind was lifted up and placed down on the face of the console.

Opening the case, the black screen came to life and the ORCA was prepared to engage. Ensuring the device was connected to the airship’s speakers, a reassuring thumbs-up was given from one pilot to the other, and the ship’s comms came to life.

As did the ORCA.

Readjusting the frequency to mimic a rival alpha, the griffons listened from high above the ocean’s surface as the low octaves of the machine elevated in pitch with each burst out of the speakers. Each frequency giving the same call, taunting Godzilla with the call of a rival predator.

They flew past him.

But he kept on swimming.

It was then the pilots knew something was horribly wrong. The ORCA technology had gone through several phases of testing, with wild success each and every time. They were guaranteed a functioning countermeasure to any and all Titan-related attacks, a way to defeat the creatures without a single drop of blood being spilled. It had worked time and time again whenever the beasts roamed too close to an Equestrian civilization.

But to him, to the king, it was nothing. Like every other attempt the world had made to slow him down.

The airship wheeled around at a tight 180 degrees, ensuring the speakers were screaming at their maximum and the ORCA was blaring the alpha frequency. They even threatened the radius of the signal, pushing past the recommended boundaries so no other Titan would respond. But desperation clouded their minds, their judgement, and their actions, because nothing was working.

When Godzilla sprouted out of the sea, they had hoped something would change. They tailed behind the monster but he remained resolute, unshaken. He broke through the city’s defensive barriers and proceeded forth into its hold. Sirens had already been filling the night, but now the screams joined them. Now, Godzilla’s furious roars drowned out every voice and his atomic breath coated the earth.

The city was laid to waste, all while the airship continuously flew high above, the ORCA continuously trying to drive him away. But it was no use. He ignored it.

As the smoke rose around their windshield and the embers lit up the night sky, one griffon finally took the only other action that could have made a difference. Grabbing his headset, he adjusted the console before him. He made sure he was live on all T.I.T.A.N. communication channels.

Beginning his distress message by breathlessly shouting, “This is Griffonstone T.I.T.A.N. Airship Gallant, calling out to all eastern settlements and outposts! Repeat, Griffonstone T.I.T.A.N. Airship Gallant to all eastern settlements! Evacuate all citizens immediately! Godzilla is not responding to the ORCA frequencies! Repeat, Godzilla is not responding! Evacuate all citizens and prepare your defenses! Godzilla’s trajectory is heading right—!”

A light brighter than the embers rose up to them, and the fiery, explosive force of Godzilla’s atomic breath pierced the underbelly of their airship. The rest erupted, falling out of the sky and impacting the flaming hellscape that encompassed the ground.

The same flaming hellscape shrouding Godzilla, the dead eyes staring straight ahead to the coming sea. Moments after, he finished his desolation and proceeded forth into the ocean. Leaving his deed to rot against the earth, leaving behind an island in flames, but unable to stop that single distress message soaring and spreading across the air.

Panthera, Abyssinia

T.I.T.A.N. Outpost Lionheart

Ornithia. Sydneigh. Ng’amia.

They were already hit. They were already gone.

Cities were left to smolder into cinders, creating fiery beacons from one city, one T.I.T.A.N. outpost, to the next. Oceans were filled with burning and sinking naval ships poised to defend their lands and their seas from the coming tide of destruction. Their fires filled the night skies and corroded the horizon in a sickly red. Nothing, no other defenses remained between Godzilla and Outpost Lionheart in Panthera.

News struck the felines of Godzilla’s rampage, and they did all they could in a timely manner if just to sustain their capital city. The innocent were organized and led to the bunkers outside of the city limits. An impressive naval defense was locked tight between Panthera’s coast and the village of Siam. That was the main reason for such mighty defensive measures, to sustain their capital city and their way of life.

But if they were being truthful to some degree, the need for such militaristic machinations of war, more than any other settlement on the continent, was for Outpost Lionheart. In truth, the southeastern outpost was a huge supplier of raw materials for the majority of T.I.T.A.N.’s military infrastructure.

The felines excelled in developing trains, vehicles, planes, tanks, planes, firearms and ammunition, and a vast assortment of material that supplied a great number of T.I.T.A.N. allies, as well as allied nations. Not only for military needs, but for basic infrastructure. Metals, iron, oil, riches beneath the earth, all of it ensured Abyssinia was an invaluable ally to have. The world desired for defensive war machines in the new age of monsters, and Abyssinia delivered, with great thanks given to their hefty supply of natural oil wells across the desert.

When they heard of Godzilla nearing their city, it wasn’t just felines defending the coastline and the grounds outside of Panthera. Allied nations and forces of T.I.T.A.N. were also present, watching in trembling trepidation to see the fires in the South… only growing brighter and larger.

Fires on the ocean.

Fires devouring the village of Siam.

And the light of Godzilla’s arrival ripping through the sea.

He reared out of the waters headfirst, driving his head and spines through a towering bridge hanging over him. The bridge connected the mainland of Abyssinia with a small island in the bay, and it all came crumbling in ruin once Godzilla tore through it. Supply trains driving desperately to the mainland were cut off, falling to their demise in the sea.

T.I.T.A.N. scouts stationed on the island surrounded the edges of the command building, seeing Godzilla stomp across the bay and only rise higher and higher. His dorsal plates were blinding, growing brighter, hotter, more ferocious the more the armies of the world waged war against him. It was not war he sought. There was no war the meager inhabitants of Equus could ever wage against Godzilla and survive.

No one knew what he sought. But witnessing him plowing through wave after wave of the joint forces defending Panthera, it was clear what his intentions were. When he entered the outskirts of Panthera, leaving behind devastation untold and incalculable amidst miles of destroyed armories and factories, and standing in the ruins of the oil refineries, it was clear, right then and there, what he sought.

And it was already too late to stop him.

Godzilla lifted his head high, his jaws even higher, as his body suddenly brightened into a stunning, blinding blue. The low-frequency growls of energy only elevated in pitch and speed the further Godzilla charged up. Filling his eyes, showcasing his bones beneath the hardened hide, and enveloping his open mouth until…

He drove his fiery breath directly down into the earth. The tremors that followed were horrific, washing across all of Panthera as the ground was literally burned open. Vast and vivid cracks shot out across the city, waves of heated dust and radiation enveloping the armies of T.I.T.A.N. faster than they could run. Godzilla did not yield. He did not stop, only digging deeper and deeper and igniting the oil wells below ground.

From that, the fire only spread. From that, he killed their most essential tool for production right in the source.

Oil fields and refineries were caught in flames, miles and miles of precious lifeblood for the machines of T.I.T.A.N. and of the world gone in an instant. It was as if a sea of flames, a sea that flooded the earth and drowned the felines, the ponies, the dragons, the griffons, all who dared to stand against Godzilla’s new rule.

A new rule elevated by his terrifying roar, a roar that all would remember. A roar that blistered the fire-streaked skylines and chilled the night. A roar that permeated and burned the memories of all who miraculously survived, all of them forever knowing what had happened this horrible night. All of them forever knowing the dreaded deeds Godzilla committed.

His deeds weren’t natural. His deeds weren’t warranted. They offered no vocal and real threat to his rule, and he killed them anyway. And for what?

It wasn’t reestablishing order. It wasn’t even war. It was madness.

A madness, a terror, a fear that spread.

Author's Note:

Artwork by Shrekzilla