• Published 10th Sep 2022
  • 3,064 Views, 772 Comments

A King to a God - JDPrime22

It’s up to the heroes of Equestria to form unconventional bonds, discover the primordial evil living beneath their world, and fight a battle they could never have prepared for. When Godzilla and Kong clash, and until the last king stands.

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Chapter 12 – An Unexpected Party

Black Skull Island

A morning trot around her garden back home in Ponyville would have been preferable. Waking up beside her lovely wife and prepping the day with some mouth-watering daisy pancakes and orange juice with the birds singing on the windowsill would have been paradise. Even the little arguments over who got the mail that morning was blissful nostalgia.

Instead, the morning was spent in a paradise away from home. The supposed paradise was a monster-infested island beginning the slow recovery from the ferocious war waged the night before. The morning trot around her garden became a trek through a damaged jungle environment, weaving between towering trees and climbing great mounds of earth. The birds that once sang were now replaced with creatures she couldn’t even name chittering, howling, and crying into the daylight.

At least Bon Bon was able to wake up beside Lyra. Maybe that was all she needed.

Once everypony came together within Outpost Beacon, Fluttershy had already concocted a plan to establish a peaceful contact with Titanus Kong. Shining Armor and Princess Cadance gave the final go-ahead, and a party was formed. Consisting, obviously, of Fluttershy leading the pack with Shining and Cadance tight by her sides, Daring Do, Bon Bon, Lyra, and a hoofful of other faceless T.I.T.A.N. soldiers.

As she decided it would be in all of their best interests, nopony carried a firearm. All they had as a means of protection were swords, and in the hooves of skillful swordsponies, it almost seemed like they had all they needed. Even if Shining thought otherwise, believing deep down they were helplessly unprepared for whatever treacheries Black Skull Island could throw at them. He had seen such treacheries before. He and his wife.

Then again, if this journey was meant to make a definitive and final peace with Kong, then maybe the risk would be worth it. He could hope.

The journey was almost what Fluttershy had wanted. Minus the swords, which Shining Armor absolutely would not budge on. And to a degree, Fluttershy could understand. Black Skull Island was still home to all manner of creature, both peaceful and territorial. Some means of defense—purely in the act self-defense—would be necessary. Besides, as long as they didn’t unsheathe them or appear too threatening to Kong, maybe the Titan wouldn’t feel threatened.

“How much further do we have to go?” Lyra called from near the back of the group, ducking beneath a low-hanging branch. The jungle they traversed hadn’t relented. It was growing stuffier the further they drove into its hold.

Lyra had a point, and everypony took note of the exhaustion they were feeling. The humidity of the island was fierce, even when they were concealed by the towering palm trees blocking out the rays of the sun. Slivers of light rained down and painted the jungle floor, in some way marking the path for them to take. Insects buzzed around them, smaller creatures moving and jumping between the trees.

Dragonflies three times their natural size flew overhead, a small swarm flying by and leaving the party thankfully alone. Daring ducked regardless, sneering at the bugs. Even she was growing tired of the seemingly aimless trek. “As much as I love traveling with Ms. Complains A Lot, she’s got a point! Where did you last see him, Fluttershy?” Daring Do asked, leaning out from behind the T.I.T.A.N. soldier walking in front of her.

“I saw him leave the watering hole shortly after our morning meeting,” Fluttershy explained, trying to keep her voice down in case they happened to come across Kong earlier than expected. She wished they did the same. “He crossed over this jungle towards the nearest valley. We’re almost there, so keep your voices down… i-if you don’t mind, that is?”

“No, no, we don’t mind,” Lyra mumbled, taking in a deep breath of hot, wet air. Bon Bon playfully pushed forward a large leaf and ducked under it, letting it smack Lyra in the muzzle. Spitting at the ground, Lyra sent a glare dead ahead, to which Bon Bon only responded with a quiet chuckle.

Moments before Lyra managed a small smile herself. At least she wasn’t completely bored.

“Still think we should’ve brought more help,” Shining whispered to his wife on his left.

Cadance breathed out a chuckle. “So far, nothing seems to have leaped out at us. Shiny, we’ll be fine. Fluttershy’s our little good luck charm.” Upon hearing that, the butter Pegasus couldn’t help but giggle, looking to the trees above with a faint blush.

She then looked dead ahead and spread her wings, flying off the ground to hop over a fallen tree and out into the open grassland on the opposite side.

Soon enough, their prayers were answered, and the jungle ended with them on the other side of it. Basking under the sunlight, a vast world was unveiled to them at last. Expanses of grass that led to several mounds of earth. Beyond them was a valley between two great mountain ranges. The earth dipped down to an astonishing jungle that traveled farther, deeper into the heart of Black Skull. A river flowed down the center, with birds of almost no specification flying in-between the peaks above the great valley.

And to the mountain range on their collective right, there they fully saw him at last.

Resting under the calming warmth of the sun, almost sunbathing in a sense, there lied the great monster of Black Skull Island. Kong was deep in his sleep, the king taking his long and well-deserved rest after a tireless night of war.

For so long, all they could do was stare at him in the peaceful quiet Black Skull rarely provided. Perhaps it was near his presence that peace was made possible in such a treacherous environment, as almost every other creature and Titan on the island would assuredly keep their distance from the alpha. Bugs and smaller birds flew under the rays of the sun that showered over his body, his fur still wet from his early-morning dip in the watering hole. His breaths were tremoring, softly powerful with every guttural sound that left his sleeping form.

The first thing Fluttershy wanted to do was go it alone.

She made the first step by herself to make that point clear, but Shining quickly grabbed onto her foreleg, holding her back with his hoof. “Wait, Fluttershy!” he warned in a tight whisper, still wincing at the sound he made. Any sound, he feared, and Kong would wake up. He lowered his voice even further. “Look… maybe it’s best if you had some backup. Take a couple soldiers with you, or hay, Cadance and I would be more than willing; any of us would be. Just… don’t try and do this alone.”

She was thankful for his concern, and she made that clear with the soft smile she offered. “It’s okay, Shining Armor. This is what I’ve known for the better half of my life. I’ll be fine.”

He didn’t seem convinced with his eyes constantly flicking back and forth between Fluttershy’s reassuring stare and the sleeping behemoth. Not once did he ever doubt Fluttershy’s connection with animals, but all the memories he had of Kong—both the bad and the uncertain—left him in a state of disarray. He didn’t want to feel responsible for what could happen to her… as what happened to all the other ponies who joined them in their first expedition.

His wife’s pink hoof rested over his, and he was filled with a calming strength he desperately needed, and one that felt all the more familiar, and therefore welcome. Cadance, while holding her husband’s hoof, assured him with a gentle, loving voice, “Let her work her magic.”

After some calming breaths, Shining eventually nodded. “Okay… but if anything happens… anything that could endanger you… we’ll be ready.”

“That’s not going to happen,” Fluttershy promised, and just as confidently spread her wings and quickly fluttered into the air.

She let the breeze take her, the winds leading down into the valley where she gracefully flew down. Letting her hoof graze the tips of thousands of grass blades before lands transformed into jungles once more. Jungles that she flew high above, flapping her wings to gain some much-needed height in order to reach the mountain range. Angled at almost 30 degrees, the mountain slope reached a much higher elevation, but Fluttershy would not need to reach too high.

It did not take much time at all to reach him.

Soon, she was hovering just above his upper lip, watching it twitch and curl as soft growls and sighs left him. Kong’s eyes had remained closed, giving Fluttershy the impression he was still fast asleep. She could only imagine the dreams he was dreaming. Running across the vast, open world with no restraints, no battles to fear, no enemies to challenge. Living in the world he controlled in his mind, letting those days or nights be filled with peace and rest and adventure.

Noticing the scars tracing his chest and arms—adding the fresh cuts he had earned from last night—Fluttershy shuddered and closed her eyes. It seemed almost surreal how any Titan could have undergone such horrible circumstances. Living practically every day as if it was a fight for survival. Constantly having to defend his home from rival beasts—as well as equines, if history meant anything.

Kong had not lived an easy life. But maybe they were marks not meant to represent pain, or regret. Perhaps they were marks of pride, of victory, showcasing his medals so that all knew him and feared him for what he was: a king.

Fluttershy would have liked to imagine that. As she flew up to his nose, managing to hold a smile as he expelled a breath from his nostrils that blew back her mane, Fluttershy opened her eyes and stared down at him. Still finding peace after war, living as tranquil a life as he could manage. He didn’t need any more enemies; Fluttershy believed that. He needed more of this. More of peace.

And maybe, just maybe, he could use some friends.

That was her sole intention when she flew closer and patted his nose, stating softly but loudly, “Wakey, wakey, sleepyhead.”

A low growl tremored not only the earth, but the very air itself. Everypony could feel it sift through their bones as the gargantuan ape slowly stirred, and just as suddenly opened his eyes. Fluttershy was sure to fly far enough backwards to give Kong enough space, and she was smart to do so. The Titan king slowly raised his arm, matted hair still wet and slightly bloody dangling from his limb. If only to lift his palm over his face and block out the sun from his eyes.

A dark speck appeared out of the sunlight, and Kong lowered his palm to see it. To see the small, flying equine fully. The Pegasus then darted over to his far left, his head following her. When she landed back on the mound of grass, joining her friends and allies once more, Fluttershy looked back to Kong and waved to him.

Kong merely responded with a yawn, his jaws wide, teeth displayed. He shook his head, various birds and insects flying off of his fur.

“I think I got his attention,” Fluttershy announced, still finding a reason to remain calm while everypony else were on the edge of their seats, just as ready to fall back and draw their swords if necessary.

That option became more and more sound as Kong rose up, sliding easily down the mountain slope into the valley, where he began his approach. To them. He minded his injuries in his movements, growling softly as his fingers scratched at his chest and limbs, as well as his rear end.

“He’s coming this way,” Lyra warned, her horn softly glowing, magic wrapping around the hilt of her sword. Her hooves quickly backpedaled to every lull in Kong’s earth-trembling stomps. “Why did you have to fly back down to us?”

“So he can see us all and know none of us are a threat to him,” Fluttershy responded, holding out her hoof to the ponies beside and behind her. She felt Shining Armor brush against her foreleg, but Fluttershy was certain to stop him from taking another threatening step forward. “Calm down, calm down, everypony… Easy… let him see us…”

Gentle but curious gurgles escaped the back of his throat, and soon he had reached the edge of the valley and the mounds of grass that rested before him. That wasn’t all that stood before him. For there was that same Pegasus that had awoken him, joined by many others like her. Many with defensive postures—Kong had seen such stances before from his foes. All of them, however, held weapons of some kind. Blades hidden, but clearly there. Clearly meant to be used against him if necessary.

Baring his fangs, Kong’s snarl showcased a mouthful of teeth caught in a sneer. How easily such a threat to his rule could be crushed by a simple press of his fist to the mound, or how easily they could have been swiped aside and he could return to his rest. But it was her alone that made him hesitate, where his eyes turned to first and foremost. The pony he had seen earlier that morning staring at him. The pony that called to him in a voice that he…

Well… Kong wasn’t entirely sure what he felt when he heard her voice. As far as he knew of equines, they spoke in a tongue that wasn’t his own, acted in ways that were entirely against his nature. Yet he had seen the peace within them before, just wanting to survive and live their lives, the same as him. If that was of any consolation, any kind of similarity they could share, then Kong could allow that. He could let them go their separate ways and live their own lives as long as they didn’t tamper with his.

But her… There was something different with her. There was no wordless communication as before. The words he heard leave her lips and wake him felt almost as real and understandable as the language he knew. Breaking every barrier of the natural order, uniting the ties between intelligent beings that were once left severed since the beginning of time.

Even now, the words she spoke were words he could miraculously understand.

“Hello there…” Fluttershy called out. His shadow drenched them all in darkness, but he did not move save for his subtle, heavy breaths. His chest rose and fell. His arms did the same, hands still tightened into fists.

“My name is Fluttershy… and these are my friends,” the Titan Whisperer declared, holding out her hoof to the group of ponies behind her. Her hoof suddenly shot skyward. “We came from those ships in the sky. You know those flying ships… don’t you?”

Kong’s response was a fierce snort. Nodding, Fluttershy said, “I’d like to apologize… for what’s happened to your island. All those years ago, and even today… my species have made mistakes when it came to your kingdom. I want you to understand that we are not here to threaten you… or to hurt you. We want you to care for your safety, as we want to care for our own.”

His sneer had flattened, and Kong was slowly letting his agitation cool considerably. It was the strangest he had felt in a long, long time. For a time, he had closed off his heart the same way he closed off his island to all invaders, no matter their intentions. Never once allowing his guard to fall when a Skullcrawler, or worse, could just as easily take him with his back turned. Never once letting another speak to him in such a way that felt… calm.

The only other memory of which he could relate it to were of his family. His father. His mother…

Calm. Kinship. Peace, order, love… these were things he believed were impossible now. Yet every time he heard her voice, he was reminded of a time when all of these things were possible, and so much more. It allowed the cloud to leave his mind, his vision, and see the bright, calming smile grace the Pegasus’ lips.

Fluttershy said, “That old base near the lake… a lot of my friends are there with those flying ships. I can promise that we will not go out seeking conflict with you. We will gracefully leave you in peace once our work is finished here… but for that to happen… there needs to be peace. Can you do that for us? Can there be peace?”

He made no sort of sound she could distinguish as a tangible response. It took a moment, but Fluttershy soon recognized the pattern Kong let slip through his body features. His breathing slowing down, his lips twitching more frequently, the flicker in his dark, orange-yellow eyes. She saw deeper than that, took a step closer and saw his face even trying to hide in the shadows. She saw deep enough.

“It’s been so long since someone’s talked to you… hasn’t it?”

A soft, sad sigh left his lips. Elongated, showing the great weight he was releasing when her question struck further than just his ears. It was telling for everypony present, and their defenses lowered considerably. Even Shining found the magic around his hilt to be fading, his wife’s hoof gripping his own tighter and tighter.

His sigh was followed up by a forceful huff, causing Lyra to yelp and duck behind Bon Bon.

“It’s okay…” Fluttershy said, to Kong and perhaps her friends. She almost laughed. “I can keep talking if you want me to. And… if you’d like… I can come visit you from time to time.”

More murmurs and grunts rumbled in the back of his throat. His stance changed from threatening to somewhat at ease, his shoulders loosening and his expression seeming a lot less tight. Nopony else spoke Kong, but they had a feeling those sounds were very reassuring, filled with hearty approval.

“But you have to promise me… as I promised you…” Fluttershy added, resting a hoof over her heart. “We are not here to threaten you… so do not come seeking conflict with us. You do that, you keep the peace… and I can come see you as much as you’d like. I can tell you stories… and you can tell me some of yours. Whatever you’d like. How does that sound?”

His lips parted and another sigh left him, filled with much less weight. It felt more like a calming exhale if anything, a thankful grunt added to the end of it. His curiosity didn’t seem to end, as did hers. Everypony’s eyes were slowly drawn away from the towering ape and shifted instead to the Pegasus standing in front of them.

Watching as she lifted up her hoof to him.

And instinctively, they all proceeded to back away slowly once Kong dipped his head down to her.

Not too fast to startle him, but not too slow so they could at least be cautious about whatever was going to happen. They could take no chances, but Shining soon found himself stopping. As did Cadance. Along with the rest, one by one, until they witnessed the mighty King of Black Skull Island come face to face with one of their own.

To their shock, to their disbelief, with smiles growing from one face to the other, they watched Kong lean down into her touch. Her hoof pressed gently onto his upper lip, gingerly caressing the hairs, shivering lightly under his breaths. Fluttershy gasped, unable to contain her smile. Unable to hide the joy in her eyes that she gratefully shared with her new friend.

The gasp of her breath on his lip made him shiver in return, and the pony giggled. His fists fell into open palms. His eyes met her own.

“Nice to finally meet you,” Fluttershy whispered, giving him that warming, gentle smile. His grunts made her giggle, and she said, “You’re very welcome.”

The presence in the atmosphere had shifted. The tides of tension had finally ceased and a calming air filled their lungs. It seemed nopony was as on edge now that the meager Fluttershy had befriended such a titanic force of nature.

Lyra stepped out from behind Bon Bon’s shield of a body, the Earth pony draping a foreleg over her wife’s withers and bringing her in for a weak embrace. Daring Do smirked, scoffing lightly with a shake of her head, the Pegasus still somewhat in disbelief. Cadance leaned gently against her husband, and Shining couldn’t help the smile that broke through. As for the others… they had heard the stories, but now they saw it with their own eyes. There was no doubt any longer. There was no more need to fear the forces they thought were beyond them.

They had the Titan Whisperer on their side now.

Then, they heard the roar.

It broke across the air. Jungles across the deep valley gorge sprung to life and every manner of creature began to awaken. Birds, Leafwings, and so many other flying beasts took to the skies in droves, massing so mightily they may as well have blotted out the sun. Just as peace had been returned to the island in that soft, summer morning, chaos was spreading in response to the roar. The call.

The alpha cry that thundered the world.

That came from the mainland.

A sense of panic instantly flooded the party of ponies, replaced quickly with an unnerving sense of dreaded cold unlike any other. A cold that felt far too familiar for Bon Bon, Fluttershy, Shining Armor, and practically everypony’s tastes. Yet it felt wrong, damaged, breaking the atmosphere in some desperate, wrathful call of pain.

A call of pain veiled over a call of challenge. A challenge that Kong responded to.

Kong turned to it and roared back, establishing his own alpha cry upon his island. To every beast and critter and to let them know that Kong was still king. They were not to respond to it. They were not to follow lest his wrath be dealt to them. He had already proven his fury once before, and he would gladly do so once again if necessary.

Kong continued to roar to the clouds, continued to beat his chest in a triumphant display of intimidation for whoever dared to challenge him, and all Fluttershy could do was turn back. Meet the eyes of her friends with a look they all shared. A dread they all felt. Hearing a cry they all knew.

Author's Note:

Artwork by Shrekzilla