• Published 10th Sep 2022
  • 3,064 Views, 773 Comments

A King to a God - JDPrime22

It’s up to the heroes of Equestria to form unconventional bonds, discover the primordial evil living beneath their world, and fight a battle they could never have prepared for. When Godzilla and Kong clash, and until the last king stands.

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Chapter 9 – Mechagodzilla

Canterlot, Equestria


The reports came in, and all of it spelled disaster. A rising tide of terror unfolding in the city of Fillydelphia as a rogue Titan was rampaging throughout. Distress beacons were sent free and the closest T.I.T.A.N. forces began to engage, but they needed backup. They desperately called out with distress signals of their own before all of them went dark.

The skies around Fillydelphia were empty. Surrounding scouts in nearby settlements reported nothing. The oceans were calm and nothing emerged, per the reports from their naval forces. There were no signs, no responses from Godzilla, or from anypony else. They were on their own.

They were left with no choice but to act, and to finally engage their greatest weapon for emergencies such as this.

All of the T.I.T.A.N. Headquarters in Canterlot Mountain was a frenzy, scientists scrambling to their stations while soldiers and officers rushed to their armored transports. Airships were in the sky and out of the mountain before anypony else, needing the head-start. Knowing they weren’t nearly as fast as their mechanized backup.

In the midst of such a frenzy, three figureheads stood on the edge of a balcony overlooking the mighty complex of their nerve and control center for all of T.I.T.A.N. Three leaders, monarchs and oligarchs past and present, watching and ensuring everything worked as they had ordained. Three rulers all in their own right, and with them was Spike.

He gripped the steel of the hoofrail and gazed down with widened eyes to the headquarters enflamed. Princess Twilight, Directors Celestia and Luna, all watched and saw the same. A fire of emergency, clenching the spirits of their finest warriors engaged in what could have been a call to war. Even in their times of peace, emergencies happened. Mistakes were made. Titans broke free and followed their savage, primal urges. Today would be no different.

The only difference being they finally had a means to really fight back.

Before them, several hundred feet away and several hundred feet in height, Mechagodzilla was slowly charging up for the flight of its life. Despite all the nagging thoughts in the back of their heads, they had to trust the science. They had to trust their finest minds that everything was locked and loaded, ready to fire. The machine was complete. It, he, was ready.

They had to believe that. Just as they had to believe them.

Coming fresh from the armory, the elevator doors sliding wide open for them, they walked together in a line down the massive catwalk. Scientists and soldiers stepped aside and saluted properly, already recognizing the suits the ponies wore. Seeing the insignia on their patches, the flags they wore all with the bright red rising sun of the East. Neighpon’s finest, the pilots for their greatest weapon, and their soon-to-be Global Protector: Task Force Risen Suns.

Shatter and Cross Heart, Peaky Blossom, Moonshadow, and Rotor Wrench all stepped forward in dark jumpsuits. Stepping forward to meet with the royalty and the directors of their operation. Moonshadow branded her helmet, a slick black surface and faceplate with a dark visor. Her horn jutted free from a small hole on the forehead. Hers, like all the other helmets, also had a dark hole on the back of the head. More intricate. More delicate. The others either held their helmets beneath their forelegs, or had it clipped to their belts.

Twilight and the sisters spun around to meet their pilots head-on. Spike was slower, almost unable to break his eyes away from the monumental scale and supremacy of not only the headquarters in action, but of the Mecha itself. He still couldn’t wrap his mind around the thought that such a machine could walk, fight, or even fly for that matter. But that was what he was told by Twilight, no matter how much of a pipedream it once was.

Now, it was reality. Now, it could finally take action in their reality, brought forth out of the shadows to deal with emergencies specifically what it was created for.

Specifically what Shatter and his team were brought in for. “Any updates on our situation?” the younger Heart asked, stopping in front of the rulers with his team joining him.

There were some ashen expressions shared among the trio, before Twilight finally cleared her throat and took a step forward. “All reinforcements around Fillydelphia have gone dark. Scouts have been ordered to stay clear of the area and we have airships in the sky already en route,” Twilight explained as clear as she could, no matter how hard her voice tried to tremble.

She motioned her head back toward the directors, saying, “Celestia and Luna tell me Project Mecha is finally ready… and I just wanna know if I’m sending T.I.T.A.N.’s greatest pilots out there in the safest conditions possible.”

It was an admirable gesture, one that Peaky, Cross, and Rotor definitely appreciated. They found themselves gravitating towards the princess and her worldview more and more, not just because of her words earlier that day, but because of her actions. Funny, no more than an hour ago, they were laughing and drinking and casting their faith on their creation instead of the ones who helped create it. No matter how much they wanted to believe otherwise, they couldn’t help but shake the feeling that maybe Shatter was right. Maybe they were still being chained.

But, when it all came down to it, when all the cards were on the table, the rulers of this land and of Equus’ defense force took every necessary measure to ensure the safety and stability of their victory. Most of all, Twilight did something no other ruler had done for them.

She actually seemed to care.

Only, Shatter hardly seemed shaken. He rarely gravitated in any direction the princess or her followers faced. His expression was unmoved, face unreadable. And all he had to say was: “Give us the green light, Your Majesty.”

He knew it, they all knew it, and eventually Twilight and the directors would know it. Every precaution was calculated and taken. Every flaw that plagued the Titan superspecies did not hinder their creation. They had crafted a weapon that was above all mortal flaws. Over a year of strenuous studies and work, riches beyond compare poured into the funding, and the strongest-willed warriors behind the reins… now they all knew it.

They had been preparing for this day for a long, long time. They were more than ready.

So, Twilight nodded. Seconds after, Celestia quickly added, “We have no confirmed reports on this rogue Titan’s identity. All we have are the devastating affects it’s had on the city of Fillydelphia. When you all get in there, assess the situation, drive the creature out of the city the safest way possible. Above all… try and protect the people you swore to serve.”

“We have been preparing for a moment such as this,” Luna chimed in, but her voice seemed anything but calming. Her face darkened, and her eyes centered and bore deep into one pony’s in particular. “Do not cross over any unnecessary lines. You have your orders.”

Though it wasn’t the response she expected, Shatter nonetheless turned her way. Once more, unshaken. Unmoved. Unreadable. “Naturally… Director,” he said with a slight bow of his head and a subtle shut of his eyes.

Luna didn’t know what to make of it, and she did not have much time to ponder. Shatter raised his helmet and firmly covered his head with it. The rest of his team followed suit, moments before they offered their final salutes, turned around, and followed the catwalk that led directly to their creation.

Cross looked down to Spike, and with a final, smirking wink, he brought his helmet down and trotted off.

Together, they all trotted off. But it was Shatter who turned to his left and right, seeing the breathless expressions from the HQ’s inhabitants. To break their stupor, to engage the storm and fuel their spirits, Shatter slammed an armor-plated hoof across his chest plate and shot it into the air, roaring loudly, proudly, and cheering in the name of T.I.T.A.N. The cheers quickly followed, from every direction as ponies clapped, stamped, whistled, and supported their pilots every step of the way toward the Mecha.

Hooves were shaken and slapped as Task Force Risen Suns went off to fight the good fight, to ensure their way of life was protected and their people saved. The cheers and encouragement roared on, even as the team entered onto the hovercraft stationed beneath the Mecha’s jaw. They climbed up its steps, turned around to face the masses, and were slowly lifted up. The engines of the hovercraft gave their light and lifted them high. Even then, they were cheered for. Waves, hollers, whistles, shouts championing their victory that was soon to be. Rotor grinned like a maniac. He had a good feeling they would be hearing cheers like this a lot more from now on.

Twilight laid her hoof softly on Spike’s shoulder, bringing him in close. Celestia and Luna watched on, as the princess did, and forced that dark shroud out from their hearts. The darkness would not win this day. This day belonged to them, and they had to believe that. They had to believe in the ability of Neighpon’s finest pilots to finish the mission.

The hovercraft lifted them high into the back of the colossus. Where, between the dark plates, they stepped hoof into an entrance on the back of the neck and made their way up into the cabin, where they would be piloting the mechanized monster. The control center. The skull. The mind of Mechagodzilla.

Every entrance and exit were locked and the lights brightened their surroundings. Moments before they were dimmed and they were able to get a better look at where each would be stationed. There were five spacious stations, all with a control console before them. Above their heads, a hardened glass dome housed the central processor: an engine of insurmountable power that remained in the shadows. For now. A dark shield covered the front of the skull, but it wasn’t dark for long.

Each pilot took their appropriate station, Shatter in the center and his brother Cross on his left. Peaky and Rotor were on his right, with Moonshadow joining Cross on his left. Mechanized straps began to lock in place on their hind legs, keeping them stable for nearly any situation. Together, they were all stabilized, gave the appropriate commands to their consoles, and began the launching sequence.

“Power cores charged at 100% capacity! Everything is looking great on my end; what’s say you?!” Rotor loudly asked, but for good reason. The machine was awakening. The lights were dimming to reroute all power to the central processor. Mechagodzilla was impatient, Rotor imagined with another maniacal grin.

“Weapons systems are online!” Cross shouted with the tiniest notions of an excited smile slipping past.

Peaky added, “Flight controls enabled! Requesting control when we’re airborne?”

“Confirmed,” Shatter replied, and was soon followed by the rest.

Peaky scoffed, still in disbelief all of this was actually happening and not just a pipedream. “Acknowledged!” she responded with a similar smile, mirroring Cross’.

Moonshadow still did not share their enthusiasm, and responded plainly, “Motor function is stable. Awaiting neural links…”

She was the first to do so, reaching up and swiping down on her black visor to shield her face. The others followed, pulling down their visors as the central processor was ignited. Bolts of electricity shot forth from the engine and struck the hardened glass dome in waves. Just as suddenly, five black cords sank down from the processor and dangled beside each of the pilots. They reached out and struck the cords with the back of their helmets, connecting them seamlessly. Neural links were established within seconds, as natural as a heartbeat, as quick as a thought, all flowing a stream of blue energy down the cords and into the helmets.

The energy was sudden, but not overflowing. Not drowning any one pony. Each of their horns were ignited and their magic fused with the energy. Seamlessly. Beautifully captured and maintained. One with the engine and one with the mind of the machine. Aside from a few grunts, gasps, and sighs from the task force, they were still standing. Still breathing. Still ready as ever for a fight. Lifting their heads, their black visors shimmered and brought up detailed HUDs of the Mecha.

Moonshadow breathed shakily, but slowly nodded as the information flowed across her HUD. “Central processor at 100%. Motor functions enabled. All systems green.”

“Mechagodzilla…” Shatter Heart loudly announced. The pupils of his eyes shimmered for but a brief moment. A glimmer in the eye, that lingered and resonated and radiated a soft, haunting blue. The same color that enveloped most of his visor. That enveloped most of the cabin and the central processor. That enveloped his horn.

He took a sharp breath in. “… engage.”

The black wall before them suddenly brightened, and they could see just as the Mecha could see. All of the HQ brightened before them. Rectangular metal plates lining the machine’s back and tail all began to glow, as well as his eyes a bright blue. The machine's claws twirled and spun to life. The tail unfurled and rested straight. The dark rib cage was brightened all the same, from the markings scathed down the eyes and down to the arms, legs, and to the tip of the tail, Mechagodzilla began to rise. Inside, everything was stable for the pilots. No issues were to be found.

But outside, hardly anything remained stable. The steel floor at the bottom of the mountain began to lift the Mecha up. Very slowly, very carefully, until the opposite side of the mountain opened and the machine was lifted straight through it. The floor shielded any onlookers from gazing anymore, and the catwalks trembled ferociously but remained locked in. Just as everypony, be they scientist, soldier, princess, director, or dragon, remained alive and well to see their weapon off.

The ponies of Canterlot would feel but a tremor, a minor rumble beneath their hooves and nothing more. Then, they would go about their day as if nothing had transpired, delve in the delicacies of Canterlot and bask under Twilight’s sun for what was undoubtedly another day of peace. But their day, for how clean it appeared, was only made possible for those who got themselves dirty. Those who jumped into the fire. Those who fought back the forces of darkness from encroaching on the light.

Mechagodzilla grasped the sides of the mountain, his head lifted high as he gazed out into the midday sun. A fleet of airships were already well on their way to the smoke on the horizon, to the east where terrors lurked and raged. Planting his feet, and at last given the green light, the machine charged up his propulsion thruster on his back, hidden under his shoulder blades, beneath his feet, and took a leap of faith with Peaky Blossom behind the wheel.

And with Peaky Blossom behind the wheel, Mechagodzilla took flight.

Onward to Fillydelphia, leaving every last T.I.T.A.N. airship in the fumes.

Author's Note:

Artwork by Shrekzilla