• Member Since 18th Feb, 2015
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Open for Art Commissions. I write horror. I write gay. I write gay horror. GAAAAAAAAAAYYYY


This story is a sequel to Arrival

Klugetown has become a regular town. Law-abiding. Clean. Perfect for new residents from Equestria.

Capper hates it.

This story is a sequel to Bicyclette's fic Arrival with their permission. It is recommended to read for context.

Narcotics tag for heavy alcohol use.

Preread by The Sleepless Beholder and EileenSaysHi.

Edited by EileenSaysHi.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 33 )

love it already! the tension between Capper's position and his feelings about it is so delicious i could eat it with a spoon, excited to see where this goes

Pacifist says hai! I'll read this later, just wish to give kuddos! :heart:

Ahh yes the very painful side effects of regime change, the rules you used to live by no longer apply, and somethings only change their form not their function. The poistions of power still get abused, only the a-hole dishing it out is different. Kludgetown is in transition and some creatures just won't be able to change with it. While I can say think Twilight's way will better over all it will not be free from flaws, abusers, users and corruption.

Cappers not a fan of colonialism and gentrification?

Based cat

Twilights naiviety on full display here

And he continues to fight, understandable why, Capper is really out of his element, he's your smooth talking back room dear kind of guy. Haveing to be a aristocrat and deal with the upper echelons of pony nobility? Heck even the princess hate dealing with the nobels!

wow, this setup and attitude are why gen 5 eventually became a thing nothing stuck and the main six became nice lil stories for fillies and colts in their separated tribes of pony species!

drag them hard my guy this is deserved rariety and her cohorts need to be knocked down a peg to remind others that this town isn't simply free land Equestria 1.1 expansion like they did with the buffalos oh no that not gonna fly or give a pie and party to make people happy and harmony all in one bloody day!

Christ alive, Twilight really has buggered this.

Capper doing what he does best

Oh I love this. "Capper, Liberator" of Klugetown" as a nice ring to it.

What will he do next? Put money in projects that are actually important for improving the town for real? Would he be able to wrangle all the corruption to do so?

I don't really see the Elements as "High and Mighty" and needed punished, but reminded the aristocrats in general suck (For ever Fancy Pants there are 10 Jet Sets) and Capper is going to need to be ruthless in some cases. I am sure a little discussion with Celestia and Luna is all Twilight will need to remind her that friendship includes realizeing your friends are diffrent from you and need to things thier own way. Also yeah she had to do things the hard way and Capper needs the freedom it do it too.
But again change is hard, and corruption never fully goes away. There are going to be sever growing pains.

twilight did kind of left capper with the baggage and all the problems all to his own shoulder after conquering and then leaving bad form on that part!

Fucking YIKES my dude.

I just assumed drugs, not slavery!

But Capper is very much right, you actually need long term governance and legitimate hearts and minds-ing in these situations, not blanket pardons and cash thrown around

So Twilight never really fixed anything and was just waving a big stick. But what is his end goal here? He can't be aiming for a life in prison, it's not his style. There's got to be a trick up his sleeve.

I figure it's only been a few months since the "liberation" of Kludgetown, and Capper has tried his best but clearly wasn't cut out for being an aristocrat. He's upset not just with Twilight for putting him in this position but also himself for accepting the position and failing to change things beyond the surface. The movers and shakers of the underworld we given amnesty but haven't really changed their ways just thier wardrobes.

It feel like it's been some years and not months.



I saw the name Estee floating around somewhere in the vicinity of this story (inspirations, editing, I forget where exactly), and that's fitting, because I've always hated the cynical tone of their stories, and this is very much in the same league. It's good for what it is, but it's so different from show canon that it might as well be its own IP, and inserting characters from the show just serves to highlight that. Twilight Sparkle the power-hungry all-encompassing Empress of Everything has so little in common with her show counterpart that it makes for an Uncanny Valley-esque effect - it feels like someone else is wearing her skin pretending to be her.

Fare thee well, dear author. It wasn't for me, but it was good.

is this the end of the series??? so rare to read about the main story involving capper!

Well, bravo Capper, you mad cat, you did it.

I think I would like to see an aftermath chapter from Velvet POV to see what she will fo with Kludgetown and another one down the line with Twilight who's her plan aren't going as she wished with the rest of the world turning against Equestria more and more. Basically I would be interested in seeing her mind-set.

I hope you have more story with Capper in mind for the future.

An excellent story, especially when the prequel while well-written didn't catch my attention too long after reading it. This setting and pull of this one kept me waiting for the next chapter from the very first one posted. An interesting setting, good characters, a great storyline, and pulling writing style that had me intrigued and thinking every day.

I do admit to being shocked at this being the end, however. With such a great story and setting and plotline, it almost feels criminal to end it here just as things were starting to reach their peak. There seems like so much more that could be explored, that this end is leaving so much potential wasted from Capper's sacrifice, especially since it's rare enough already to find a good story with him at the center. Alas, as it is, this is still a compelling, incredibly interesting and attention-grabbing read, that will definitely be something I revisit and keep in my favorites tab for a long time.

8.5/10, incredible job.

Yeah I was hopeing this wouldn't end with a cynical note, but clearly it decided to end on the idea that the system can't ever be fixed.

Beautiful on the outside, promising wealth and good fortune on a first look.

But all it really did was hide the ugly parts underneath.

dang this currency stuff is really good for the indirectly setting a chapter's theme thing you do. nice touch with the griffon scammers not knowing its true worth! very Capper to get the better end of that deal

The stars shone brightly — but not as brightly as they used to, Capper privately remarked to himself — as he walked down the new cobblestone streets of main.

ah the downside of being able to see at night is light pollution! though i wonder if ponies have a magic-based solution for that as well

“Oh! Of course, of course, that’s so wise. There’s a reason you're the Aristocatic leader of the town,” Vintage remarked with reverence, eyes alight with glee. As if what Capper had said wasn’t the most obvious thing that even the dumbest of Klugetown’s inhabitants could have figured out.

honestly given how large organizations are run, only doing the obvious good things makes Capper a pretty good ruler by itself

“You flatter me, Vintage, but I was simply given the title due to being in the right place at the right time.” And a willingness to sell out every acquaintance I’ve ever had, he added silently.

“How modest of you,” Vintage said. “Truly exemplary of what should be expected of the upper class.” (Capper fought back the urge to roll his eyes at Vintage’s ridiculous platitudes.)

hehehe, commentary on how power is not a meritocracy!

Capper stared after the greatest knife wielder of Klugetown as he skipped giddily to the front door of the mansion, his petticoat held aloft to avoid the dirt and grime of the street. An odd sight for Capper, who remembered a time when said Abyssinian was drenched red as they gutted pigs for some visiting griffons. They had both laughed at the circumstances and cracked jokes about serving Vintage himself to the griffons. A difficult time to reconcile with the present.

old Vintage sounds like a very different cat! i would have a very hard time reconciling that with his present version as well

Capper internally sneered at the loaded language. The unicorn was in an Abyssinian-dominated town, yet couldn’t even be bothered to use non-ponyisms in his speech.

definitely loaded language considering the power dynamic here!

Fancy chortled alongside his adoring chorus. “I suppose I omitted some information. Just this once, I suppose I could tell the uncensored version, as it were.”

Taking another sip from his drink, Capper frowned and lifted his glass to eye level. Annoyance crossed his expression as he saw its emptiness, followed by an immediate desire to refill the glass.

“Pardon me,” Capper politely interjected, “it appears I need a refill.”

ah poor Capper, i cannot imagine anything more insufferable to sit through for him!

It was so unlike the vibrant colours preferred by the majority of Klugetown residents. The gaudiness and mismatched qualities that gave the town its distinct feel. Everything in this monstrosity was sanitized, scrubbed clean of the differences. It truly embodied the occupants' nationality more than anything they could say or do.

oof yeah, that does sound like the aesthetics of the Canterlot nobility

Stumbling out the door, he took a deep breath of the night air, thankful for the pungent scents that tained it. An awful combination of grease, dust, and coolness that was so very much his hometown.

that this is right outside of the front door really underlines just how artificial Fancy and Fleur's place is, if New Klugetown only exists within the walls of their house and does not extend a square foot more

Just another victim of the past.

and again, this happening just a block away from a fancy party! the patina is very thin

Many of the tattletails had been tryhards on the low end of the ladder, trying to get ahead. When everything had been taken over by the Princess — an event that Capper had greatly benefitted from — those schmucks became the new wealthy aristocats. They were elevated out of their lackluster standing and into positions of absolute power, and they all remembered their lives from before.

a vital demographic for any abrupt change in the power structure!

So, the past victim would round up their new paid staff that hadn’t quite lost their edge from the old days, then proceed to beat the snot out of the guy that had been in the wrong place at the wrong time until they were bleeding out in some alleyway. Afterwards, the victim would die, or they would miraculously survive and live forever in fear of being found again.

and the cycle continues!

Capper sighed as he massaged his temples in annoyance. It was always frustrating how those that he helped never had good social awareness.

well if they were all Capper they wouldn't need Capper's help!

“As I said before, you don’t,” Capper replied, a hard look in his eyes. “You keep your head down, you avoid anywhere Henny might be, and you get to live quietly in obscurity.”

The stallion hung his head, fear finally beginning to settle onto his features. Capper counted silently down from thirty in his head. Everything they’d talked about had gone exactly as it usually did, so there was no reason for Capper to think that this time would be any different. As he reached zero, a light bulb went off in the stallion’s head, his ears perked, eyes sparkling in glee as he came up with his brilliant “original” idea that matched every conclusion made by those in his position.

i can imagine Capper having had this exact conversation a lot

The look on the stallion’s face was one he had encountered with every victim he had saved in the past. Incomprehension at what they perceived as nonsensical behaviour on his part. Like they were playing a game, but Capper was using a different set of rules that he had neglected to inform the other of. Regardless, the repetitive conversation had run its course, and Capper had no more reason to be there.

yeah living by the old rules when new ones are in place does not usually end well, and that realization is difficult to make others have, as you have Capper lamenting

Grudges ran deep amongst their lot, and it sickened Capper that he had given the stallion some measure of hope, only for it be taken in the cruelest of ways. Why bother saving someone who couldn’t be saved?

It would have been a greater kindness to have left the stallion to die. At least then Capper wouldn’t feel like such a monster.

and oof

and yeah, love how the "blanket pardons" ties into the earlier theme of Equestrians preferring everything to be neat and tidy over confronting reality as it is. on the surface it is a neat and tidy and merciful solution, but without the messiness of engaging with the actual relationships between these survival and revenge-minded Klugetowners all it did was change who it is that is on top

Those initiatives, of course, would never get finished with half of the discussed budgets to be squirreled away in various pockets.

ah, corruption!

The other Aristocats gathered in tight pockets around the room, all Abyssinian, as they were the only ones that the Equestrians deemed “proper.” They were all dressed nearly identically, a suit to match the fake face they all had plastered over their true feelings.

oh that adds another layer of unfortunateness to how the Equestrians did things. but then again, very true to how these things have gone historically

Tilt was to his right. An enthusiastic fellow that had changed his obsession with binding his victims with straps to doing so metaphorically with his proposals in over taxation.

a bit

Alongside a unicorn, a pegasus, and an earth pony. The pony races, and, more importantly, the Abyssinian was situated below them. Capper had genuinely been impressed with how they managed to angle it in such a way to make the genetically taller race look smaller.

aww yes the ponies are quite little. and oof!

“That is correct,” Capper agreed. “The neighbourhood is getting a rather massive overhaul from the influx of purchases.”

“Probably to be used as vacation homes,” Vintage cheerily interjected, a claw raised to bring attention to himself. “I heard from Fancy that ponies love the sunny weather.”

“And to get away from the crowds,” Tilt added. “Many of them express how much they love the quietness of Klugetown.”

ah, i guess Fancy and Fleur's home was just the first to come of a deluge!

“Wouldn’t dream of telling anyone,” Capper replied. A true statement as he pointedly ensured no nosy Princess could unbury that particular piece of information.

After his final affirmation, the conversation carried on without him, he himself withdrawing his attention. He surveyed the room, not really feeling present, taking in all the occupants and various conversations flowing freely through the space. Everything was all vapid meaningless sentences, strung together with no purpose in mind for what was said.

and of course Capper wouldn't really feel at home even here with his handpicked Abyssinians

I hate to say this, but you have been acting foalishly ever since you obtained your position. Though harsh, on feedback from Princess Luna, I would say this to you:

Grow up. Perform your duties.

Princess Twilight

aww that's not very Friendship, Twilight!

and oof, i can't think of a more infuriating message to send

His gaze drifted over to a nearby bookshelf, a bag of assorted golf clubs leaning against the wood. He smiled.

Capper knew exactly how to show how much he’d grown.

well, no idea how this is going to end!

Capper took a swig of wine as he lined up his swing with his free paw. Red liquid spilled from the edges of both cup and mouth as it splattered against the severed pony head laying perfectly on a makeshift tee in the grass. Eyeing his target carefully while maneuvering his golf club, he tried to line it up with that of a large boulder in the distance.

in a super grimdark fic this would be a literal pony head, but the head of a pony statue i assume this is is very fitting to the situation

“Own it. The property, specifically.” Capper swung, severing the pony head clean off the body of the statue with a crack of stone. Cheering followed. “Really should have read that contract you signed more carefully. Through some fun shenanigans in the fine print, I now own this entire lot.”

and Capper using contractual shenanigans on the Equestrians is just perfect

“As the lead Aristocat of Klugetown, I may reclaim property in which the owner has intentions that do not align with Klugetown values.” He pulled his club back.

a very useful clause!

“Not great. Not great at all.” He eyed the half-full glass he had placed on a nearby barrel, opting to leave it for now. “Got some bad news this week.”

“O-oh?” Hen asked, a tremor in his voice. “Money running low?”

of course Henny would only understand Capper's problems in the context of the ones he knows

“Great!” Capper happily exclaimed as he dropped Hen to the ground. “Now, the lesson I will impart to you is to not dredge up old grudges. The teaching of said lesson shall be deferred.” Capper grabbed his glass off the barrel and took a big gulp of its contents. Once finished, he smashed the glass onto the ground. “Don’t kill him.”

With Hen dealt with, Capper left the alleyway, Hen’s screams from his lesson plan following in his wake.

it's really fascinating that since Capper's power over the Klugetowners is so absolute, the nature of his problems are a fractal microcosm of Twilight's. the dead stallion, as it turns out, is not "not his problem" after all, as long as he can do something about it.

“This is an important question, and I need you to be honest with me,” Capper said, his tone severe. “None of the product can be traced back to you?”

“No, since I was never directly involved. I had Tilt and Vintage for that.”

“Good,” Capper replied.

ooh this is scheming at its best, love to see it

Capper woke up in a daze, his eyes immediately being drawn to the severed marble heads of Princess Twilight and some earth pony that was probably important, but he couldn’t be bothered to remember.

ooh, burn on Applejack

“Rarity,” Capper greeted simply.

“What in Tartarus have you done?” She answered.

Capper’s grin widened.

well that is exciting!

The parlour was certainly comfier than his office. It had more of his personal touch: vibrant colours, nap-worthy furniture, and a glass case spanning one wall that prominently displayed his coin collection. The only room in this whole mansion that Capper could call his.

aww all; that is very Capper yes

“A few dozen?” Rarity waved her hoof, exasperated. “Just the griffons alone usually have several new ones through the year since they can never decide on a mint to stick with.”

aww love that Rarity and Capper are both coin nerds

“The Crystal Empire, the Dragonlands, and Klugetown. The prior two due to requiring a consistent currency to trade with Equestria, the latter for… different reasons.”

a great way to track the integration and assimilation of Equestria's neighbors into Equestria...

“A cat imprinted on one side with a desert bluff on the other. Copper base, right?” (Capper nodded). “I suppose they updated the metal to something sturdier?”

now i want that coin

“See, that’s the problem.” Capper pressed his paws together, steepling them under his chin. “When you take over—”

Ally,” Rarity corrected.

Take over,” Capper insisted, “then leave, things tend to fall through the cracks that would have otherwise been caught by an active governing body. Do you know what Klugetown’s main export is?”

oof yeah, that is the root of the issues here. Rarity might call it an alliance but as Capper says, that isn't borne out by how Equestria has been to Klugetown

Then Rarity left and Capper was alone.

Waiting for the end.

ooh this is a really fascinating inversion of the position Capper was in in Arrival. very fitting to the opposite title name! of course, he managed to avoid guilt the first time by merely taking a small part in the slave trade, and being aware of the rest. but now as a cat with power, even if he isn't doing it himself, by knowing about it and allowing it to continue he does bear responsibility. but he purposefully exaggerates it, weaving this deliberate story for Rarity and the ponies, all part of some grander scheme. well, i guess i'll see!

Though it may have shrunk over several hundred years, the Northern Empire had remained independent for the entirety of that duration.

thus why it's called an "Empire" despite being a city-state for all we can see

With outside pressure from Equestria and the ongoing horrific reputation of black magic, he was executed for his actions.

oof, though i guess that is fitting with the summary execution of Sombra that also happened in the Crystal Empire

There was no way the residents of Klugetown would take this information well, between the abhorrent practices and the exclusion from the profit margins.

i like how this is ambiguous as to which would be considered worse

Princess Twilight was smart, she wouldn’t fall for the same trick twice, but she wouldn’t be prepared for the twist that the slave trade did, in fact, exist. It would be more than enough to ruin any of her prepared countermeasures. A situation she hadn’t prepared for and the only way to get one over the Princess.

But that wasn’t important anymore. The plan had already been set in motion and soon I wouldn’t be able to do much of anything anymore.

yeah saving that one as a surprise was a good move! it would be the greatest sign that how Equestria handled things had been wrong

Surveying the colourless foyer, the dull nothing that carried through much of his home and Klugetown, he couldn’t help but see how pony it was. How watered down it had all become.

Hopefully, that would change.

and a great way to bring that in just in time for the end

Princess Twilight had arrived, with the midday sun ringing her in an ethereal glow. She was dignified, regal, poised as a royal should. She looked at him with cold indifference, already judging him for what he hadn’t done.

His fate was sealed. He would be taken soon, potentially never to return.

Goodbyes were hard. Goodbyes were sad. Goodbyes meant leaving the familiar behind. But a departure with dignity, with knowledge of the good that might arise from it, couldn’t be more joyous.

Capper smiled.

He had faith that everything would be better.

augh this really gave me chills! and the inversion of Arrival is complete, with Capper being happy about doing all he could to run headlong into an ominous fate, instead of wracked with guilt for being spared one. Arrival is about the powerlessness of Capper and Klugetown at large in the face of the Equestrian state, while this story is about that state's weaknesses and blind spots and limits of its reach, which let Capper and Klugetown, as he puts it, "win". even the bit with Rarity is a great one! an innocent warmth and long-distance friendship turning cold as Rarity grew up and learned about Klugetown's true nature from the point of view of her official capacities, while here it is Rarity showing up in-equine with that coldness, and only her earlier warmth and friendship peeking through in moments.

loved the responses to the theme, loved Capper's scheme and how all the pieces introduced at the start assembled themselves to fit perfectly into it. and i'm not sure why anyone would call this ending "cynical". it literally ends with Capper's hope for the future! which was very powerful and necessary.

thank you so much, Otter. it is the greatest honor i can think of that my work has inspired such a great response.

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