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Coronet the lesser

"Writing is easy. All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead." ~Gene Fowler


Twilight Sparkle has diligently taken to her role as the new reigning monarch of Equestria. When a break in her schedule appears for a day, she decides to take a day off. Now, it’s up to Spike to make sure she’s not disturbed...no matter what comes up!

Unfortunately, the resurrection of the Grogar means Equestria is in danger and more importantly the Princess's desperately required rest!

This can only end poorly.

Now with audiobook awesomely provided by the wonderful, The Mysterious Fluttershy Fan

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 48 )

“What the buck just happened?” Rainbow Dash cried.

Twilight just put you all in your places. Be glad it was a villain who had to be made an example of.

“What the buck just happened?” Rainbow Dash cried.

Twilight in restless mode happened.

But I must confess this was epic.
She just simply didn't care.

Made me chuckle, have a like.

And we can all blame Celestia for this

Puny Grogar. :moustache:

I love a good OP twilight story

i am on twilights side with this.
i have threatened bodily harm on people over waking me up.
and those not the target made sure to not wake me up again.

The group’s initial shock at Twilight’s action gave way to uncomfortable silence as she physically dominated the most powerful dark being in history. All the while, Twilight sported an expression that was a mix of exhaustion and indifference.

Wait. Did she just smash Grogar with her bare hooves instead of levitating him? That's cool.

“Look, girls, I get it,” Spike said as he dusted himself off the floor and looked pleadingly at the group. “But it would be a terrible idea to get Twilight up. Trust me on this.” Spike turned to Starlight. “Can’t the Pillars or the students from the school do it? I mean, just for once, why are we always the ones cleaning up the villains? It feels like we deal with whatever pops out of history’s trashcan every weekend.”

he is not wrong about that.

“No. But we know he’s coming this way,” Starlight said as she turned to them. “Rumour has it he wants to challenge Twilight directly. That can only mean that he’s coming to Canterlot.” Celestia shared a grimace with Luna, who nodded sternly. Their resolve was steeled; they knew what was coming.

in that case let him wake her up.:unsuresweetie:

“Delay me! Listen to your worthless prattle. Do you not see death when it approaches?” He triumphantly grinned, ready to renew his attack once more, but his attack died just before he unleashed it. Grogar had stopped the build-up to the spell and sniffed the air. “Something wicked comes this way.”

now you've done it

That was a really good story.

I can sympathise with Twilight so very much

Nothing much Rainbow Dash just that Twilight unconsciously tapped into the full power of her element because she was too damn tired to realize she was not using any restraint.

“Starlight, take the reaming elements and get Twilight,” Celestia

uhhhhhh what. What have you people been doing with those magical artifacts exactly???

Anyone else see this and remember how the Charmed ones defeated the Titans? Like, all that build up, all that power and devastation they were responsible for just by waking up...and then they annoyed one of the ladies and she just tore open the earth and dropped them into it. If it were framed to be funny like this, that would have been fine, but it was framed as a serious moment there. Here? It works wonders, and I hope you enjoys the rest of her day off. Oh, and he's a Necromancer Twilight, he'll be back as long as you don't destroy his phylactery.

Dear Spike,
Today I learnt never to disturb Twilight on her day off,
Yours Truly, Princess Celestia.

You should never wake Twily up. :twilightangry2: :facehoof:

The thing would-be conquerors always forget is that if you strike while your enemy is not prepared to defend themselves, you're almost certainly going to strike while they *are* prepared to get extremely, phenomenally pissed.

Reminds me of a Robot Chicken bit with She-Ra.... Taking care of things.... A lot of villains died and one was in agony...

What are you referring too?

Wouldn't a phylactery belong to a Lich, though? Pretty sure he wasn't killed off originally... merely banished to the void.

Sooooo... unless he had a few followers on standby, he MIGHT be able to be resurrected. That said, though, there's a very high chance he did the "Generic Evil Villain Thing", and absorbed the souls of his followers before approaching the castle, since he was quite sure he'd win, and "their service was no longer required".

All and all, if he dies from this encounter, I highly doubt he'll be coming back anytime soon, while in the off-chance he survives, he might not live long enough for it to really matter, anyways. :twilightblush:

And to this day, Grogar's ghost is still asking himself what Rainbow asked at the end: What the buck just happened? :rainbowlaugh:

Oh, sorry, frame of reference. It's a thing from 'Charmed' an old series on CW my family used to watch. Not my thing, as like all CW series of its era(Buffy, Charmed, Angle, etc), it never did final fights well. Anyway, in one episode, the Titans, the greek ones, are unsealed, and them just waking up causes all kinds of climactic events, like natural disasters and such, and they just WALK through some of the other forces in the universe, and even he Charmed Ones, the trio of ladies who were stars, even after they're powered up with Greek God Power.

Then the final confrontation, one of the Charmed Ones, annoyed with her boyfriend, rips open the earth beneath them, drops them into it, and slams it shut, so the rest of the episode can focus on her relationship problems. It was...anti-climactic.

That is true, I forget that his representation as a master necromancer is a fandom creation, not something from the show itself. Though it is fairly common, from For the Hives series, Great Alicorn Hunt, and a few others.

11294933 Doesn't MOST of what plagues Equestria tie back to tia someWAY, someHOW??!

11295774 Still laugh at that one, mainly because I'm not around that neighborhood

Oh i am more on about how Little sleep Twilight is getting, But you are right as well like how is there so many Big evils there has never be fix, oh wait i know She love to lock up Evil not end it, Sure i can understand it when it came to Luna but the rest of them just why, But her way of dealing with everything else is [Eh i will get someone else to fix this]:facehoof:

Pretty much. He was really just a Dark Sorcerer, but as far as we’ve seen, only Discord was able to use Necromancy.

Everyone: "Stories with an OP main character are never fun to read."

Me: :rainbowhuh: :facehoof:

i think that comes down to how Serious the story is, in Comedy Op Characters can be A Lot of fun, But when it comes to the other Types of stories, it becomes hard to make it work well, with many losing the ability to to care do to how op the main Character So they start feeling no fear for the Character or others around them when they are there

11296480 Ahem. I have no idea what you could possibly mean by that. I'd never write an overpowered character. Twilight's normal throttle setting is frightening enough when she is deprived of coffee.

"Shh!" hissed Spike, flattening up against a wall and freezing in place. "She's up. Nobody move."

"Finally." Grogar let out a low chuckle and turned to face the direction Spike was looking. "At last, I'll see..."

It had become quiet in the room. Far too quiet. Graves made more noise than this. The necromancer looked around at the ponies who had been doing their best to kill him a few moments ago, only to see each and every one of them flattened up against the wall, making no more movement than a statue. A cold chill swept up his hooves at the low shuffling noise coming down the stairs, erratic and stumbling as if the pony were barely awake but still seeking the source of the noise which had disturbed her rest.

"Run," whispered Spike as he caught Grogar's eye.

But it was too late.

Could have been worse.

Twily could have been hung over.

This was a very good one-shot. It was very funny the way that Twilight took out Grogar just like the Undertaker would do it.

As Grogar floated in space he was surprised that he was not dead yet, then again it may be he mused due to his very nature of being a lich like being. If he was honest with himself (and he was) he couldnt be too mad at his defeat and sudden banishment. He had been soundly beaten and with such a casual display of power! No fancy spells, no subtlefuge or tricks, just casual pure power! He had to laugh in spite of himself as he made a mental note to if he ever got back planet side to challenge Twilight again but this time make sure she was not napping at the time just in case next time she was not feeling so mercyful. It was not long after he finally landed on the moon and by chance near some writing in the ground reading "Nightmre Moon was here" Shurgging a bit Grogar added "And Gorgar was too!" before sitting down to wait for his eventual escape surely it wouldnt take too long?

Haha sorry this just popped into my head:pinkiehappy:

This reminds me of that one scene from superman vs the elite
“Where did he freaking go?”
“Orbit. He went into orbit at Mach 7.”
“If you had super hearing, in a second you’d hear the pop”

This was really good! Congrats on the feature :)

Some guys just can NOT catch a break. He had to go and pick the ONE DAY she was trying to get some sleep.

Big dumb bastard. I almost feel sorry for him.


“What?” Celestia pushed forward to be in front of Spike. “Spike, now is not the time for a sleep-in. We require Twilight immediately.”

You should have thought of that before you dropped the entire administrative functions of a country and nanny state on a single mare.:facehoof: Oops.

Before Grogar could speak any further, he was lifted into the air and promptly dropped against the floor, roughly creating a small crater.

All I can say is that Equestria sure is lucky that nearly all of their enemies are overconfident, lazy, dopes, else they might have a real problem on their hooves.

“Spike!” Starlight cried. “Somehow, Grogar has returned!”

I know Twilight's pain... working ungodly schedules of experiments in the genetics lab... sometimes staying over THREE DAYS STRAIGHT... then you get home at last for a day off... and the telemarketers and robocalls JUST WON'T FUGGING STOP!!! .... So you hunt them down and find out they were in UKRAINE! Took care of that, didn't I? :pinkiecrazy:

Never wake up a super tired mare when she needs her sleep. :twilightangry2: Good thing it was an evil villain who woke Twilight up and not her friends, Spike, and the former princesses. :rainbowderp: :applejackconfused: :pinkiegasp: :duck: :fluttershbad: :moustache:

Great story! I needed to read that. Excellent work. :twilightsmile:

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