• Published 7th Apr 2021
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Dusk Shine in pursuit of Happiness II - bigsnusnu

Dusk Shine in pursuit of Happiness - Season II

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Chapter 6 - Reawakening memories

Reawakening memories

The Golden Oak Library appeared the same as ever on the outside, except that now its windows gleamed. However, the inside was something quite different. The main library hall had completely disappeared, the only thing that could be seen there was a thick fog that surrounded everything from the floor to the ceiling and made it impossible to see anything that had previously been in the room. In the middle of that mist was Dusk Shine, standing with his eyes completely closed and his horn flashing intermittently. In front of him were his five friends, sleeping soundly while they seemed to be floating because the mist didn't allow to see the floor.

After Luna left the library, Dusk had been totally focused as he used the first mental spells to delve into the minds of his friends. Finding the memories he needed wasn't difficult, since he knew exactly what memories they were. All where he had been with his friends, the same memories that he himself had blocked the day that Discord was petrified for the third and last time.

Having made the first step of connecting to the memories of his friends, Dusk slowly opened his eyes and saw that he was no longer surrounded only by that thick mist from the world of dreams. Now, spinning around him and his friends, were hundreds of moving images. These were the memories of his friends, who, thanks to the magic invoked by Luna, were able to materialize in that temporary dreamlike space in order to more easily see the memories that Dusk needed for his arduous work.

Slowly the memories that Dusk didn’t need faded, leaving only about a dozen memories revolving around him. Floating images that had a chain and a padlock partially blocking their view. That made Dusk remember the time he and Luna had entered Applejack's dreams and her trauma had also been represented as a chain and a padlock.

Upon seeing those memories, Dusk immediately recognized that the chain that surrounded them was the product of his own magic. The block that Dusk himself used on his friends' memories so that Discord's curse wouldn’t escape from there. Whereas now Dusk could physically see the memories of his friends, he could see that precisely those memories that floated around him emanated a dark aura, as if a purple fire surrounded them. That was Discord's curse, permeated deeply in those cherished memories of the five mares.

After verifying that he had the memories he needed before him, Dusk could have immediately started trying to destroy the curse they contained. But he knew that if he did, he would be risking the precious minds of his friends. No, before continuing, Dusk had to make sure that his dear friends didn’t suffer any harm from his mistakes. So Dusk refocused his magic to make another spell, feeling the bond that linked his own memories with those of his friends.

At that point, Dusk began to tremble slightly, feeling his mind tire from containing the memories of five ponies, and now adding his own memories. However, that didn't stop Dusk, who only sighed to reassure himself and continued with his work.

Thus, slowly, behind the floating chained memories of his friends, other memories began to appear. These new memories were the same as those of his friends, only from Dusk himself. And unlike the memories of his friends, these memories were free of chains and dark aura. Although the memories were essentially the same, they were also different in another aspect, since they were seen from Dusk's perspective. In addition, each memory radiated different feelings, because each pony felt something different when living the same situation.

Once Dusk finished that laborious task, he opened his eyes again, but this time breathing heavily as he felt his conscience struggle to stay awake from the mental exhaustion that he was beginning to feel. Then Dusk raised his eyes and verified that each cursed memory of his friends was being reflected by another of his own memories. Thus, Dusk made sure that any mistake in his spell affected him and his own memories, instead of those of his friends.

"Huff... Good... Now... it's time for the hard part." Dusk said with a slight tremor in his voice, knowing that from that point on there was no going back. Now he needed to begin destroying Discord's curse piece by piece, not yet knowing how powerful it was. Knowing that if he lost, his mind could be lost and fade forever.

In that instant, the ethereal space Dusk was in seemed to tremble, causing the thick fog around him to swiftly spin, darken for an instant, and then rumble powerfully, as if it were a huge storm cloud. As quickly as that happened, everything calmed down again. However, even though everything seemed to settle down, Dusk was left trembling, breathing heavily as he struggled to continue concentrating his magic, so as not to break any of the spells he was performing.

"What was that? I… I haven't done anything yet!" Dusk said in fear, since the strange phenomenon occurred just before he began his attack towards Discord's curse, which scared him, believing that for an instant his mind was being destroyed.

"It seems I was just in time." A female voice suddenly said, a voice that made Dusk turn pale.

"Sunset!?" Dusk exclaimed, turning to see that behind him was Sunset Shimmer walking to him.

Such was the impact of seeing her there, that for an instant Dusk almost lost his concentration. So he had to close his eyes tightly to calm himself, knowing that as long as he was connected to the minds of his friends, he couldn't lose focus.

"Easy, you’ll hurt your mind if you lose concentration at this point." Sunset said calmly, approaching where Dusk was and looking carefully at the floating memories of Dusk and his five friends.

"W-What are you doing here…? What happened to Princess Luna?" Dusk asked, speaking slowly to keep his concentration, but inevitably worrying when he saw the pony he least wanted to see right there.

"Oh, don't worry, she was no challenge." Sunset said calmly, not looking at Dusk, just concentrating on the chained memories, looking with interest at the dark aura that was locked behind them.

Hearing that, Dusk opened his eyes with surprise and fear. However, he quickly closed them again with force, lowering his head more as he felt that it was increasingly difficult for him to remain calm and concentrated, even more so knowing that now Luna could being hurt from standing up to Sunset.

"Dusk, what you are doing is suicide. Although you can keep the memories of yourself and your friends, which is amazing, it’s impossible for you to destroy Discord’s curse. I already told you that not you, not me, not even Celestia has the power to defeat Discord's magic on her own." Sunset said, turning to see Dusk and looking at him like she was a mother reprimanding her son.

"I-I don't care what you say... I... I need to get my friends back..." Dusk said slowly, trying with all his being not to lose concentration, even though his emotions seemed to want to get out of control. "Please go."

"Dusk, you know I can't do that." Sunset said with a tender smile. Then she stopped looking at Dusk and looked straight ahead. "If you don't care about your well-being, I'll have to take care of it." Sunset added, lighting up her horn.

"No! D-Don't use your magic here!" Dusk said terrified, as he struggled to keep his spells in control, knowing that Sunset was more dangerous here than anywhere else, and even more so with the exposed and defenseless minds of his five friends before them. So, Dusk tried to use a spell to block Sunset's magic.

"Dusk, it's useless. Even if you weren't invoking other spells." Sunset said looking askance at Dusk and easily breaking the magic block that Dusk had tried to impose on her. "Remember that I was the first to learn about mind spells. I have more experience, and also, I’m stronger than you."

Knowing that what Sunset was saying was true, and that he was trapped, Dusk had no choice but to lower his head in defeat, concentrating completely on the memories of his friends in order to at least protect their minds.

"Please… Let me do this. You don't understand… You don't understand how valuable they are to me." Dusk said, crying in anguish. "I... can't live without them."

"Dusk, I've always told you. You’re too emotional." Sunset replied, starting to use her magic, causing in the process, several of her own memories to also appear floating around that dreamlike space. "Tell me Dusk... Don't you trust me?"

After Sunset's question, Dusk slowly raised his head, and inevitably, being in that dreamlike space, found it impossible to hide his true emotions and thoughts.

"No." Dusk answered without hesitation.

Hearing that answer, Sunset turned to the anguished stallion, looking at him with a sad smile.

'Flashback of Sunset Shimmer.'

The Canterlot orphanage was the largest orphanage in all of Equestria, housing about forty young colts and fillies, which due to various circumstances, had ended up without either parent.

That was the case with Sunset, who had simply been found newborn at the gates of the orphanage. There she had grown up her first six years of life. Always fighting to stand out from all those other orphans who lived there. This was something natural that all orphaned ponies had acquired, probably as a consequence of being abandoned, always wanting to stand out and be recognized by the mares who cared for them. However, Sunset's mind had taken that stigma to the next level.

For as long as she could remember, Sunset had sworn to herself that she would be somepony special, and that she wouldn’t let her cruel origin dictate her fate. She was destined to be special, and one day she would prove it to everyone, especially to that mare who had cruelly abandoned her as a baby.

All that ambition had been increased over the years by having a window next to her bed that overlooked the splendid Canterlot Castle. Thus, Sunset was feeding on dreams and fantasies in which she arrived at the great castle and was received like a princess by all the ponies in the city... No, not like a princess, she would one day be a princess! Where everyone would love and respect her and where she would make sure that no one else would ever suffer, feel lonely, or be abandoned ever again.

Finally having a goal in mind, Sunset learned to read she began studying magic books. These fascinated her, knowing how powerful unicorn magic could be with so many different spells, so many possibilities. The only limit was power and she knew that within her a great power awaited, because she was special, she had to be special!

Sunset quickly finished reading the magic books that were in the orphanage. And despite her insistence, she couldn’t get the orphanage babysitters to buy more advanced magic books, due to their excessive cost. Sunset then realized that she could no longer continue in that orphanage, otherwise she would stagnate. However, there was nothing she could do at that age to leave. No filly of that age could be alone without the guardianship of an adult, and although several years had passed and from time to time pairs of ponies came to adopt a foal, couples always preferred to take those silly, smiling or cute foals, and not a little filly obsessed with magic books.

Fortunately for Sunset, one day a particular stallion arrived at the orphanage. A unicorn wearing a dark blue cape with a few stars on it, almost completely covering his purple fur, including a hood that covered his face. However, the most striking thing about that pony was a large golden medallion that hung as a brooch from his cape, which was engraved with a horseshoe surrounded by two olive leaves.

To all the foals present, the stallion was just another visitor, but Sunset immediately recognized that cape. It belonged to someone who had been officially proclaimed a sorcerer of the realm, someone so talented in magic that he devoted himself to studying and expanding the limits of it.

"Is there an interesting genealogical record on any of these foals?" The sorcerer asked one of the orphanage babysitters in a monotonous voice, as if he was in a hurry to get out of there.

"N-No... We haven’t been able to find anything like what you have requested... Great Archmage." The babysitter answered, with a slight bow of respect for the position of that pony, even though internally she disliked seeing him. This was because the archmage went once a year, always asking the same question, seeing the foals in the orphanage as if they were mere products for sale. "The truth is that we have the same records that you already reviewed. And about the other foals, well... some have been abandoned here, so there is no way of knowing their origin or the family to which they belong."

"I see..." The Archmage said, narrowing his eyes, not showing on his expressionless face the disappointment at hearing that. Then he turned and began to leave.

"Hey! I… I'm good at magic!" Sunset yelled suddenly, running over to where the Archmage was, levitating the last three books she had been reading with her magic, to show that she already knew how to levitate things.

"Hmph! Should I be impressed that you’re able to use a simple levitation spell?" The Archmage said, glaring at the little filly, even though it was indeed impressive that a filly of that age already knew how to control her magic.

"I can do much more." Sunset answered with a look full of determination, even though she only knew two or three basic spells.

"T-This is Sunset, she's a very talented filly." The babysitter said with concern, running to where the archmage was when she saw that Sunset had approached him. "She already read all the magic books we have, and-"

"Her family?" The Archmage asked dryly, interrupting the babysitter.

"Uh, no, we don't know. She was… left here just a baby." The babysitter said, looking askance at Sunset, feeling that her words could hurt her, however, that was far from reality. Sunset had simply stared at the Archmage as he stared back at her.

The stallion used his magic to surround Sunset's body, lifted her so that she was right in front of his eyes, staring at her, as if he wanted to see through Sunset's eyes. Then the Archmage used his magic to pull a hair out of Sunset's mane, letting her fall against the floor as he focused on observing the hair, using another spell as his eyes changed color and the hair that he had plucked from Sunset glowed, thus doing a little magical test of Sunset's hair.

"Hmm... Maybe you can be useful." The Archmage finally said, looking with an emotionless gaze at Sunset.

From that day on, Sunset had a new home, the Archmage's house. An old tower not far from the castle, where even Sunset had a room of her own for the first time. A small, dusty room filled with stacks of books that reached up to the ceiling. Something that, instead of demotivating Sunset, fascinated her, knowing that now she could study magic as much as she wanted.

"In the corner there must be a bed under that old pile of books. You can use it." The Archmage said, not paying attention to little Sunset's emotion.

"Thank you! Uh… Err…" Sunset said happy, but then she hesitated not knowing how she should call the archmage now, since they were now family.

"We’re not family, always remember that. You’re just one more tool that will be at my disposal." The Archmage said, as if he had read Sunset's mind. Then he used his magic and made an old book appear that he levitated in front of him and opened. "The only reason I brought you with me is because you seem to have a hint of noble blood running through your veins. Maybe from some secondary family, which is not what I'm looking for, but maybe it will do." Then the Archmage closed the book and stared at Sunset. "Whether you’re useful or not, I’ll check when you get your cutie mark."

Hearing those words, Sunset couldn't help but widen her eyes and tremble, understanding what the Archmage meant by those words. If she didn't prove she was good at magic, he would send her back to the orphanage.

"That will not happen! I’m strong! I’m special! I’ll show him that I’m special!" Sunset thought, closing her eyes tightly and then putting on a look full of determination.

The little filly continued on with her passion for learning magic. Being completely self-taught, she obtained the books she had to read and practicing each spell she read by herself. Although she lived in the same house as the Archmage, she rarely saw him, since he was almost always either traveling or locked in his office, where Sunset had seen that he kept his best books, as well as various special objects. The Archmage was a great collector, in fact, he was the greatest collector of ancient objects in all of Equestria. Having unique books, and magical collectible pieces that any museum would have begged to have.

Sunset's studies progressed through the days, weeks, and months, until finally one of the days Sunset had most waited for arrived, the day that she could take the test to attend the great magic school of Canterlot. She was finally able to give her proof of entry, being one of the first to audition, given her privileged position as a protégé of the great Archmage. There, she clearly demonstrated the fruits of her studies, showing how skilled she was in magic despite her young age, performing spells that second and third year of school fillies were just learning. With the great display of power and skill, further indirectly supported by being protected from the Archmage, Sunset was finally accepted into the Canterlot school of magic.

Hearing that she had been accepted, Sunset ran home, smiling to break the great news to the Archmage. He would surely finally recognize her and approve of all the effort she had made to study magic all those days.

"Sort your things. You’re going back to the orphanage." The Archmage said once Sunset returned home and told him the great news. Sunset was shocked, not understanding why he was kicking her out.

"D-Didn't you hear me? I got into magic school!" Sunset argued, feeling her whole body tremble.

"That doesn't interest me." The Archmage answered by levitating a book and beginning to read, paying no attention to the filly in front of him. "You're going to school and you don't even have a cutie mark yet. I told you, didn't I? Whether or not I kept you depended on which cutie mark you got. But at this point you don't even have one, when all the high-born foals already have theirs... You're just an ordinary filly, and I don't want to waste my precious time with you anymore." The Archmage added, down for a second his book and looking down on the filly.

Sunset was dejected at the cruel words, feeling that despite the fact that she had always fought to be strong, this time she couldn’t prevent her eyes from filling with tears. Then Sunset closed her eyes tightly, trying in vain to hold back her tears.

"That is not true! I’m strong! I’m special!!" Sunset thought, terrified and desolate. So affected by her young emotions, that her horn gradually lit up, starting to accumulate magic in it. "Please! PLEASE TELL ME THAT I AM IMPORTANT TO YOU!" Sunset cried, realizing that was what she had always wanted, for someone, whoever, to tell her that she was important to somepony.

At that instant, just when Sunset's horn had accumulated most of its magic, a distant explosion was heard in the sky, causing Sunset to become distracted and look out the window. There she could see due to some strange phenomenon, the sky was dyed red for an instant. And then she felt it... An explosion of magic that ran through her entire body, empowering her magic to another level, causing her to float for an instant while her uncontrolled magic made all the books around her fly in circles around her. That lasted a few seconds, until finally Sunset fell to the floor exhausted, feeling a strange sense of emotion inside her.

A few seconds passed in which Sunset simply lay on the floor of the room, until suddenly she saw out of the corner of her eye a glow on her side. Then she turned and saw that her flank was shining, slowly ceasing to shine to reveal a new image that would forever be stuck on her flanks.

Understanding that the glow on her flanks was the product of her cutie mark, Sunset smiled with joy at having finally obtained the magical mark that characterized all adult ponies. But in just a second, that joy turned to panic, knowing that if the cutie mark she had earned wasn't one the Archmage was interested in, she was doomed to return to the orphanage. Realizing that, Sunset wasn't able to see her cutie mark and only closed her eyes tightly, terrified of what may have appeared on her flanks.

As Sunset closed her eyes in fear, the Archmage slowly approached Sunset, still astonished after seeing that sudden magical explosion, immediately feeling that a powerful and external magic had somehow affected Sunset. Then the he bent down to see Sunset's new cutie mark and studied it carefully.

"Well, apparently you're not completely useless, Sunset 'SHIMMER'." The Archmage said with a look of satisfaction, thus revealing to Sunset the name of her lost family. For in her veins ran the blood of the missing Shimmer family, one of the oldest families in Equestria, whose trace had been lost generations ago. One of the unicorn families in charge of raising the Sun before the arrival of the alicorn sisters, during The First Age. "Starting tomorrow, you’ll have magic classes with me every day after school." The Archmage added, diverting his attention from Sunset and leaving the room.

Hearing the Archmage's words, Sunset opened her eyes and finally dared to behold her cutie mark. This one was shaped like a sun, with the same red and gold colors as her mane.

"This is my mark! I… I’m special!" Sunset thought, happy to know that she had always been right. Satisfied with that beautiful cutie mark, which meant power. But most of all, relieved to know that she wouldn’t lose her home...

Sunset attended her first day of classes the next day, proudly showing off her newly acquired cutie mark. However, to Sunset's annoyance, the first day at magic school was quite disappointing. Just as she entered the room, dozens of ponies approached her, all interested in her cutie mark and how she had obtained it. That greatly annoyed Sunset, who only saw the Archmage reflected in those prissy foals, who were only interested in nobility, legacies and valuable cutie marks. That made Sunset unable to help but look down on everyone around her, knowing that they were only interested in her out of sheer legacy. No, she didn't want to stand out just because of her cutie mark, she wanted to stand out on her own merit, and soon everypony would see how strong and talented she truly was.

"If my cutie mark hadn't been a Sun, would they even talk to me?" Sunset thought, sitting in her seat as she received false flattery from a filly sitting next to her. For a second, she glanced at a lavender foal that had sat at the back of the classroom and to whom no one was speaking. "Well at least this is better than being alone like that pathetic colt."

Besides those false friends at school, the other thing that disappointed Sunset was how boring and useless the classes at school ended up being. They only taught basic things that she already knew for a long time. Compared to the magic classes the Archmage gave her in private, Sunset discovered how boring and useless school was. The Archmage was already teaching her offensive and defensive spells, practicing until exhaustion for Sunset to perfect them. And even though Sunset ended up sore and exhausted after practicing so much magic, with the Archmage always over-demanding of her more than he could give, Sunset finally felt satisfied, knowing that she was learning real and powerful magic. More importantly, he was finally looking at her with interest, for she had finally become important to him.

"Only the strongest survive in the end. Always remember that." The Archmage said as he pushed Sunset with his magic and forced the filly to counter his spell. "Feelings only cloud reason. Power is the only true force in this world." He said, indoctrinating little Sunset to make her strong, not only physically, but also mentally.

Like any foal when they saw a strong father figure, little Sunset was absorbing all these teachings like a sponge. Thus strengthening her own beliefs that she had learned at the orphanage about how important it was to stand out from the crowd and be stronger than others. However, for a filly her age who had no one to talk to, it became essential that she somehow free her own thoughts and ideas from her that had no space in the lessons the Archmage taught her. From that time onward, Sunset began to keep a diary, in which she wrote whenever she had a chance. A simple object that for a long time became her only friend...

The weeks went by, and Sunset kept going monotonously to school, getting more and more bored of going to such a useless place. Her life passed in routine without any change until one day, leaving school, an old palace majordomo approached her and handed her a letter from Princess Celestia herself.

Hoping for the princess would have recognized that she was the most talented unicorn of all time, Sunset was excited to arrive at the royal castle. There, despite being astonished to see the beautiful castle and to be before the enormous and powerful Princess Celestia, Sunset could hardly hide her disappointment when she learned that the real reason why the princess had called her was to ask her if she could become friends with Dusk Shine, the loser of the class.

"You must do it." The Archmage said, once Sunset returned home and told him what Princess Celestia had asked of her. As always, he talked to the filly without looking directly at her as focused on reading his books. "It’s the first step in getting closer to Celestia. Also, it’ll definitely be helpful for you to approach that colt and find out why Celestia is so interested in him."

For the first time, the Archmage asked Sunset for something which surprised her. But what surprised her the most, and disgusted her at the same time, was that he ordered her to approach an insignificant and useless colt like Dusk Shine.

"I... I don't need friends or anything like that." Sunset said with a hint of discomfort, remembering how the Archmage himself had taught her not to trust anyone and how useless friends were.

"You don't need to be his friend, you foolish filly. You just have to pretend to be one." He clarified, still reading his book.

The next day, just as the Archmage told her, Sunset set out to fulfill the favor requested by the princess.

"Has anypony studied enough to tell me what the 'Accio' and 'Lumos' spells are?" The teacher asked at school. An advanced level question that, as always, the vast majority of the ponies in the room didn’t know the answer to.

Sunset automatically thought about lifting her hoof to answer that question, but then she remembered that on the first day of school that Dusk Shine had been the only one who had also raised his hoof to answer. That led Sunset to think that she could give that useless one a chance, and thus begin to win his favor.

Just as Sunset guessed, Dusk was the only other who knew the answer, and he responded excitedly to see that the teacher had finally given him the opportunity to answer. So happy was the little colt that he looked at Sunset, feeling satisfied that he had beaten the genius of the class for the first time.

"I knew the answer, don't think you’re on the same level as me!" Sunset thought to herself, looking away angrily when she saw Dusk's happy face.

Upon leaving class, Sunset was so frustrated at letting Dusk Shine beat her in an answer that she almost forgot her main mission. So, she had to go back to the classroom to talk to Dusk and try to get closer to him.

Returning to the classroom door, Sunset was surprised to see that two other colts appeared to be about to hit Dusk. And for an instant, Sunset thought she should leave them, so that silly lavender colt wouldn't think he was superior to her. However, seeing that Dusk simply closed his eyes helplessly, for some reason Sunset couldn't help but react at the last second, and finally stopped the bullies before they hit him.

"It’s just for the mission, that's all!" Sunset thought after chasing the bullies away. She felt rather uncomfortable for a second from helping someone else.

"T-Thank you." Dusk said timidly after Sunset saved him, looking at her with a somewhat amazed look and a small smile.

Sunset felt a strange feeling of warmth when the colt smiled at her, feeling happy inside to feel that she had been able to protect that little smile from those abusive fools. However, the Archmage's words quickly returned to her mind, reminding her that she had only approached Dusk to fulfill her mission. And Sunset quickly hardened her heart again to hide her true feelings and portray a cold and indifferent look.

"He's just a weakling, and I hate the weak! As the Archmage always says, only the strongest survive! And my feelings... Feelings only hinder the thought!" Sunset repeated herself mentally, always reminding herself that she had to be oblivious to all feelings if she wanted to be strong enough to be a princess one day.

From that day on, Dusk Shine began to constantly meet with Sunset. Chatting after class and even meeting a few times outside of school hours.

At first, Sunset just ignored Dusk's words and only had him as a private butler who had to carry her saddlebag day after day. However, upon discovering that Dusk was also a great reader of magic literature and knew more than he appeared, Sunset slowly began to pay more attention to him, beginning to exchange ideas and facts about spells they had practiced and books they had read.

Despite that, there was something that didn’t stop annoying Sunset about Dusk, the fact that she always had to defend him from those two bullies, despite the fact that it was a good thing for her plan. In fact, the Archmage himself had advised her that defending Dusk would make him trust her more. However, Sunset hated feeling like her 'minion' was a weakling.

"Why don't you defend yourself against those bullies!?" Sunset said one day they were chatting at school. “You know defense spells! You could blow them up almost as well as I can."

"I… I don't think it's a good idea. The Princess always told me that magic was for the good of ponies, of all ponies. And our duty as unicorns is to use it to protect, never to attack…" Dusk replied shyly. "Besides, I don't want to cause problems for my brother or my family… With all the problems I have caused them by entering this school, it’s best not to cause any fuss."

Sunset then understood that Dusk was more aware of what the others thought of his family origin and how noble families didn’t like him being there. That led her to think about what Dusk would think if he discovered her true origin... Maybe he would stop hanging out with her...? A chill ran up her spines at the thought, thinking that Dusk might want to stop hanging out with her.

"Besides, I don't have to fight, because now you're with me!" Dusk said with a warm smile.

Seeing that smile, Sunset looked away and closed her eyes.

"He’s just a tool to get closer to the Princess!" Sunset tried to reason, not realizing that day by day thinking about those words was getting more and more difficult for her.

After finishing her talk with Dusk, Sunset returned to the Archmage's tower. There she ran to her room and levitated her small diary, as she had many things to write...

"Today Dusk asked me to be his friend. It's kind of weird, I thought he already considered me a friend.

I wasn't sure how to answer him. It's part of my mission after all, but since I've never had one before, I wasn't sure if we were already friends or not.

I told him that if he wanted to be my friend, that I’ll always look out for myself and my own interests. I think it was a fair warning. But the incredible thing is… that he accepted anyway!

That made me feel very happy-"

In that instant, Sunset stopped writing, realizing that she had gotten carried away and was talking about happiness and feelings, when she knew she couldn't really soften. So she tore the page out of her diary and wrote again...

"Today Dusk asked me to be his friend. It’s one more step to fulfill my mission with the Princess. That's all! THAT'S ALL! I already want to finish my stupid mission so that I can stop pretending to be friends with that stupid Dusk!"

When she finished writing, Sunset angrily closed her diary, threw it under her bed and laid face down on her bed, hiding her head under her pillow. Every time she started to feel any kind of feelings, she got frustrated with herself. And as a means of reaffirming her goal, she wrote in her diary over and over again how annoying it was to be with Dusk and how false their friendship was in order to always remind herself that she should be strong and not be fooled by feelings. But the truth was that every day it was harder for Sunset to hide her true thoughts, and she only ended up writing what she thought she should think. Because without realizing it, that diary had already ceased to be her only friend.

Thus the days passed, and the post-school meetings with Dusk were increasing. So much so that Dusk finally invited Sunset over to his house. There, for the first time Sunset was able to meet his entire family. And for the first time, Sunset got to know what a family really was.

Sunset could see what it was like to have a loving mother, a concerned father, a pet dragon, even though Dusk insisted that Spike wasn’t a pet. And she could even see that despite the reproachful looks that Shining Armor gave Dusk, she could feel a genuine concern and affection in everything they did together.

"This is… a family?" Sunset thought after visiting Dusk's house for the first time. An experience that had left her with a strange but comforting new sensation, which in turn, brought another new and unpleasant feeling.

For the first time, Sunset knew what familial love was, something she had never really known. And for the first time, she questioned the words of the wisest and most powerful pony she knew, her tutor, the great Archmage.

"Dusk's mother is not powerful. She’s just an ordinary unicorn with no ambition. She simply settled for getting married and having two children. And yet... why do I feel inferior to her!?" Sunset pondered, sensing a strange feeling of jealousy when seeing a truly happy family. Happy unicorns, that despite not having great power, could live their lives happily. "Maybe… feelings aren't so bad. Perhaps… you can be powerful and be happy at the same time…" Sunset thought, for the first time defying one of the lessons the Archmage had implanted in her mind from a young age.

Just that day, when Sunset was returning to her tower with that revolutionary new thought, the Archmage called her into his office for a new mission.

" I want you to step in to get the Princess' new maid fillies fired." He said, sitting from his desk while reading an ancient book.

"H-How do you want me to do that? I don't even know them." Sunset said, surprised with the strange request of her tutor.

"It seems that this Dusk spends time with them at the castle. You can ask him to invite you to the next meeting they’ll have, there you can have them expelled." The Archmage said, always reading his book, not even looking at Sunset.

"But, why do you want me to do that?" Sunset asked confused.

"It seems that the Princess not only asked you to befriend that colt. She also asked those young fillies. And since our plan is for you to get closer to Celestia, we must make sure that only you earn her favor." The archmage said lowering his book and looking out the window, which overlooked Canterlot Castle. "I learned that due to his age, the chief majordomo, Kibitz, will resign his post next week. And apparently he doesn't want to tell his family. So you can use that information to your advantage to achieve your mission." The Archmage added, glancing at Sunset, who only surprised and lowered her head obediently, fearing that cold gaze, knowing what the Archmage really wanted her to do with 'that information'.

As expected, Sunset managed to get Dusk to invite her to the palace. There she was able to meet the twin maids, with whom she had to fake an afternoon of fun so that they quickly trusted her. However, despite wearing her best fake smile, Sunset couldn't help but look annoyed at the twins every time one of them came to play with Dusk. All that time, Sunset thought that she was Dusk's only friend, only her! And for the first time, without her realizing it, Sunset began to feel a strong feeling of jealousy when she saw somepony else approach Dusk.

That afternoon, after playing for hours in the castle, Dusk finally retired and Sunset began with her plan. She tricked the fillies into entering the princess's room, stealing the crown, and hiding it in their grandfather's room. Everything went perfectly, and Sunset returned home satisfied that night, expecting the Archmage to congratulate her. However, as she walked home, Sunset couldn't get the betrayal looks out of her head she saw on the twins when they saw they were cheated.

"It's their fault! They only want to get closer to Dusk to get closer to the Princess!" Sunset thought, shaking her head to drive away those feelings of guilt. "No one will get closer to the Princess than me! And... no one will get closer to Dusk than me..."

The next day, just as the Archmage and Sunset had planned, the chief majordomo announced his resignation. Something that left his granddaughters horrified, who thought it was all for their fault. And taking advantage of the fact that old Kibitz was so disappointed in his granddaughters that he didn’t even tell them the real reason for his departure, Sunset approached the twins to carry out the final phase of her plan.

Upon hearing that the twin maids were willing to talk to the princess to admit that they had been the culprits of stealing the crown, Sunset's cunning tongue managed to convince them that it was useless, and they would only have them fired, thus ending their family legacy of majordomos. And by making them change their minds, everything was ready. All Sunset had to do now was go accuse them while they were silent. That way, Sunset would get them to be expelled for good for hiding that secret.

At that moment, just as Sunset was about to leave to speak to the guards, she took one last look at the fillies. Watching how they cried in fear and helplessness, not knowing that they had been deceived from beginning to end.

"What does it matter if they cry… Only the strongest survive!" Sunset thought, repeating the words the Archmage had taught her so much and that always served to harden her heart. However, seeing the twins cry so bitterly, this time the Archmage's words failed to completely harden Sunset's heart.

"Listen... I think I changed my mind..." Sunset finally said, with a look of doubt, turning to look at the maids again. "I… could shut up and keep your secret. Only… Only if you promise not to see Dusk Shine again, never again!"

After making the twins agree to the deal, Sunset smirked and returned to the Archmage, who had been waiting for her at the castle gate.

"Why didn't you go talk to the guards? Your mission was to have them expelled." The stallion said, always keeping a look of indifference.

"I managed to keep them from getting any closer to Dusk Shine. That was the point." Sunset deflected, knowing that she had angered the Archmage by not following his orders.

Seeing that Sunset had challenged him, the Archmage narrowed his eyes in annoyance, looking at her with a cold and terrifying gaze.

"You’d best be careful. You know perfectly well where you’ll return if you disobey me again." He said, deciding to end the matter and withdrawing into the tower. Immediately followed by Sunset, who knew that deep down she was a prisoner, always with the probability of being returned to the orphanage if she didn’t follow the Archmage's expectations.

Time passed, with Dusk and Sunset finishing their first year of school. Getting closer, studying together more and more, and advancing both as the best students to their second year of school.

The afternoon before the first day of school that year, Dusk had invited Sunset to celebrate his birthday. A modest party that only Dusk’s family had attended. But despite the few guests and the short duration of the celebration, Sunset really enjoyed that little party, seeing how Dusk's parents had given him some magic books, and how everyone ate cake and laughed, telling anecdotes about little Dusk.

For Dusk's parents, it was strange to see that Sunset always had an indifferent look, always trying to hide her feelings. So they always tried to integrate her into the conversations to make her smile, which never happened. However, what the two unicorns didn’t know was that despite her expression, Sunset did enjoy being with them and feeling that family love. She had been trained not to express her feelings and thus always follow the Archmage's example, to one day be as powerful as him. But the truth was that Sunset loved to feel the warmth of a real family, and that's why she secretly loved those times when Dusk's family tried to integrate her.

Maintaining that warm feeling of family love throughout the night, Sunset woke up the next day happy and ready to start her next year at school.

"Stop there." The Archmage said suddenly as Sunset was preparing to leave the tower to go to school. Then the he approached Sunset and handed her a box.

Not knowing what the Archmage was giving her, Sunset took the box and opened it. There her eyes widened in surprise to see that there was a big magic book, entitled: 'Advanced Transmutation Magic, Volume One'.

"It's about time we started with advanced level spells." The Archmage said, always looking indifferently at Sunset. "I have a copy of that book, but it’s a first collector's edition, and I don't want you to touch it. So I bought this one for you."

Those last words of the Archmage didn’t reach Sunset's ears completely. This was the first time the stallion had given her anything! He had never celebrated her either a birthday or a cute-ceañera. For the first time she was receiving a gift, and the only thing Sunset could hear from the Archmage was, 'I bought it for you.' That made Sunset embrace the book, still having in her head the fresh memory of Dusk's birthday from the previous day, and leaving some of that familial love in her heart.

"Thanks, Dad." Sunset said with a big smile. A smile that disappeared instantly when she realized that she had inadvertently said 'Dad' to the Archmage.

In that instant it was as if everything froze. Both ponies were still for several seconds, with Sunset blushing from involuntarily saying those words, and with the Archmage wide-eyed, as if he had been completely taken by surprise.

Finally, it seemed that time returned to take its course, and the Archmage closed his eyes and looked away.

"I told you when I brought you to this tower. Don't ever call me that." The cold pony said, returning to his customary cold gaze, but with slightly arched eyebrows.

Sunset lowered her head and averted her embarrassed gaze. However, after a second, she pursed her lip in annoyance. Memories of the previous afternoon came to his mind when she could see Dusk Shine happy with his family.

"Why can't I? You… You’re my only family." Sunset said slowly, with a mixture of sadness and embarrassment in her voice. "Perhaps… you don't love me because you have a real daughter?"

As soon as Sunset said that, the Archmage for the second time was surprised. And for the second time, the stallion looked away, however, this time his gaze was different. For an instant, the Archmage seemed lost in his memories, with a pale face and a sad look that he seemed to want to hide in vain.

"I saw her. I saw in your old trunk." Sunset said, glaring at the Archmage. "There was a picture of you with a mare and a filly, and-"

"Stop!" The archmage screamed in fury, shoving Sunset against the wall with his hoof. With a strange, dark gleam in his eyes, as if the very color of his eyes had turned dark for a second, with a look full of fury and pain. "You’re only a tool for me to gain power! Nothing more!" The Archmage added, seeming to calm down again, returning to his customary cold, emotionless gaze, and releasing Sunset from his grasp.

After the Archmage released her, and still trembling after seeing that fierce, dark gaze, Sunset ran out of the tower.

"Don't cry! Don’t Cry! You’re strong! You’re strong!" Sunset repeated to herself gritting her teeth as she ran and held back her tears. Full of frustration, fear and confusion after that experience.

Upon arriving at the school, Sunset took a deep breath, knowing she needed to calm down. She couldn't let anyone see her upset, that was a sign of weakness, and she would never let anyone call her weak. In addition, the pain and loneliness she felt should be left at home; at school she had a strong image to show, and above all, she had Dusk, with whom she could be distracted and ignore those sad feelings.

Just when entering the school, Sunset saw Dusk Shine, who again, just on the first day of school, was being harassed and beaten by those two bullies who always annoyed him. With the frustration and anger that Sunset was already feeling, she felt satisfied that she could use her magic to blowing away those two colts. But what surprised Sunset, was to see that Dusk began to mourn and told her that his grandmother had died the night before.

In that instant, seeing her only friend crying, Sunset instinctively lifted a hoof and gently touched his head, feeling like she wanted to comfort him. For an instant, Sunset felt that their feelings were in tune, and that she wanted to cry with Dusk, share her sorrows and finally release the frustration that she had felt for so long. However, after a few seconds Sunset closed her eyes tightly and realized that she couldn't be weak. Dusk was always very sentimental, and she had to be the strong one of the two… No, not only her, Dusk also had to be strong.

"You…idiot! This is why they keep bullying you! You’re too weak!" Sunset said, looking down at Dusk angrily. Words that without Dusk knowing, were more directed at herself than at Dusk Shine.

"I’ll become strong... And when I achieve it, I’ll abandon the Archmage, and no one will ever tell me what to do, nor will anyone ever see me cry..." Sunset thought as she rebuked Dusk, filled with conviction.

The whole day had been chaos, with Sunset waking up happy, then wanting to cry after the Archmage threatened her, then Dusk crying for his dead grandmother, and finally, the day ended even stranger, with the archmage himself going to look for Sunset to school for the first time. As soon as the two were reunited, neither of them said a word. Perhaps that was the Archmage's cold, archaic way of asking Sunset for forgiveness. However, Sunset cared little, she had already made the decision to think more on her own, and not be just a mere tool of the cruel unicorn...

Guessing the repercussions that the Archmage's visit to the school would have, the next day Dusk confirmed to Sunset what she feared. By now everyone at the school knew of the relationship that she and the Archmage had. That was something they had both wanted to hide, because Sunset wanted to be valued for being herself, and not for being the Archmage's pupil. For his part, the Archmage had kept it hidden so that it wouldn’t be said that that yellow filly was his daughter or something similar. However, finally everyone knew that they were both family, despite the fact that in reality, neither of them would ever say that they actually were.

"You're just a miserable orphan from the orphanage!!" Angrily yelled a filly that Sunset had forcibly moved from her seat when entering the classroom, for taking Dusk's seat.

That was something that completely froze Sunset. She thought everyone would think she was the Archmage's daughter, but had they delved into her past to find out the truth? Sunset never thought that one of her clumsy classmates would discover her dark past, and that caused her to freeze for the first time at school, not knowing how to react.

Then the voice began to spread among the students in the classroom, and laughter began to be heard in all corners of the room. Meanwhile, Sunset just lowered her head to hide her face. With her lip trembling and her gaze lost.

"Are they making fun of me!? Smash them! Send them flying! Show them that you’re strong!!" Sunset repeated in her mind, trying to regain control of her body. However, all she heard was the foals in the room calling her an orphan, laughing at her. And her body refused to respond. "You’re not weak! You’re strong!" Sunset repeated to herself in vain, feeling her eyes tremble and small tears peeking out of her eyes. For the first time, feeling helpless in front of all those prissy noble fillies and colts, who despite being weaker than her, had something that she had always secretly longed for: a real family.

"What does it matter who Sunset's family is and where she comes from!?" Dusk yelled, glaring at everypony in the room. "Sunset is my friend! She’s strong, smart, skilled, and courageous! And that's all that matters to me!" Dusk yelled angrily, thinking that Sunset had been frozen by the fury she felt, without guessing the truth.

Hearing those words, Sunset's chest could finally feel warm again, causing her to manage to lift her head again. As she did so, she could see that there was Dusk, defending her before everyone, for the first time facing his classmates just to help who he thought was his friend. The colt whom she had forced to carry her saddlebag for a year, who she wrote bad things about in her diary to reinforce her mission, who was supposed to only have a false friendship with. That pony was the only one who came to her aid when most she needed it… It made Sunset finally understand the truth, they hadn't pretended to be friends… They really were friends! And a warm feeling ran through Sunset's body, making her regain her strength and her spirit.

After the teacher got to the classroom and everyone ran to sit in their seats. Sunset decided to sit next to Dusk at the end of the room. As she did so, Dusk looked at her and smiled sweetly, thanking her for accompanying him there. While Sunset, for the first time, smiled the same way, and stared at him, feeling her cheeks blush as she did so.

"I’ve never felt like this. I… I can't stop looking at him…" Sunset thought as Dusk paid attention in class and Sunset just stared at him. Enjoying the warm and happy new feeling that she had discovered, a feeling that she didn’t know how to explain, but that she never wanted to let go...

Days passed, and Dusk and Sunset's bond grew stronger than ever.

"Today in the library I made a small proposal to Dusk… I told Dusk that we could get married and rule Equestria together!

Obviously it's something we can't do now, but someday. Only him and me. Nopony else.

I no longer care what the Archmage says, I want to be strong, but I want Dusk to be by my side, forever and ever. Always together and... Always happy!"

When Sunset finished writing in her diary, she couldn't help but write her name and Dusk's, and after thinking a lot about it, she finally dared and locked both names in a heart. Then she tenderly embraced her diary and felt happier than she had ever been in her entire life.

Sunset had a new goal, or rather, her goal had added someone else. She was still adamant about wanting to become a powerful unicorn, and thus one day rule Equestria, be important, and let everyone know who she was. But now in her dreams, she was no longer alone on a throne in the castle. Now by her side was her beloved Dusk, the colt who had become her great friend, her brave knight who protected her against everything. A unicorn as clever and powerful as she was. Both would be the ideal couple, and both would one day rule the entire kingdom with strength, justice and peace.

The only thing that seemed to ruin those beautiful days of newfound love for Sunset was the arrival of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. Every time 'Cadance', as she liked to be called, met with Dusk and Sunset, the yellow filly couldn't bear to see Dusk's gaze at the pink alicorn. The infantile jealousy of the first love manifested itself stronger than ever in a filly who saw how her only friend, and first love, focused his eyes on another mare.

So it was that, as much as Cadance tried being kind and nice, Sunset's jealousy simply made it impossible for her to think about being her friend. And when Cadance applied to be Sunset's babysitter, she just ignored her and concentrated on writing in her diary. Always writing about her future plans, about her and Dusk's plans.

"What is this?" The Archmage asked one day, uncharacteristically waiting for Sunset as soon as she returned from school.

Looking at the stallion, Sunset turned pale as she saw him holding her diary in his hoof. Then the Archmage looked at her with contempt and opened the diary, reading it in front of Sunset.

"Drawing hearts around Dusk's name? Imagining yourself as a queen and him as your king? Embracing your feelings... How friendship brought you true happiness to a life full of darkness..." The Archmage said, showing the pages of what Sunset had written genuinely in the last weeks. "This is all rubbish!" The Archmage exclaimed, ripping out with his magic all the pages in which Sunset spoke of her feelings, her friendship and her love for Dusk.

"NO!" Sunset screamed in terror, jumping up and using her magic to try to take her diary from the stallion. However, Sunset only remained suspended in midair, surrounded by the Archmage's magic.

"I brought you here because I want you to become strong. Strong enough to one day snatch the throne from those who don't deserve it. That is why you must be strong! Did you forget everything I’ve taught you!? Feelings only cloud reason!" The Archmage said with an indifferent look, though his voice held anger. All while he kept tearing the pages out of Sunset's diary in front of the little filly's face.

"Let me go!" Sunset yelled furiously, using all her magic to try to free herself from the Archmage's magic. But despite being the strongest filly of her age, she was still very weak against the strongest unicorn in the kingdom.

"Can’t you see? The only thing that matters is power. Remember that, Sunset Shimmer." The Archmage said, tossing Sunset into her room, along with her diary and the few remaining pages. "Challenge me when you have the true power to stand up to me." He added, glaring at Sunset one last time, before opening the tower door and leaving.

Once the Archmage retired, Sunset got up in pain after being thrown. Then she snatched up her diary, where she verified that the Archmage had ripped out all the last written pages of the diary, where she had expressed her true feelings for Dusk. Then Sunset couldn't help but feel hurt and frustrated, and threw her diary away, while little tears ran down her cheeks.

Despite all the fury that Sunset felt at that moment against her tutor, the truth was that she had to accept that the Archmage wasn’t wrong. If only she was stronger, she could have overcome him and protect what she wanted. As that cruel unicorn said, strength and power were everything.

"Not anymore..." Sunset thought furiously. This time the Archmage had gone too far, and he must somehow pay for the loss he had caused her.

For the first time, Sunset trespassed into the Archmage's private office, which she had only entered a few times. There, Sunset saw the enormous collection kept by the Archmage as the largest collector of books and ancient objects in the kingdom. Then Sunset began to look for something to take from him, like he did with her diary. Now he would feel the pain of losing something precious.

Sunset's first option was to take away a valuable book. So the filly went to the main shelf, where there were several very old books, which would surely be worth a fortune for being first editions or even single volumes. There Sunset saw some books titled 'Ancient History of the First Age of Equestria' and 'Dark Magic and Cursed Objects', which seemed to be very old. However, Sunset was struck by a particular row of books. There was a very old and gnawed book, which was the only one that didn’t have a name on its spine. However, it was grouped together with other books that Sunset recognized were about the noble families of the kingdom, since each book had the name of a noble family written on their spines: 'Landcastle', 'Shimmer', 'Lis', 'Starlord', 'Glimmer' and various more. Why would the title-less book be grouped together with the books of the noble families?

As Sunset approached to take that book, a peculiar glow from across the room caught her eye. There were various objects stored on pedestals. The filly realized that they must have been magical relics entrusted to the Archmage due to their potential danger. Sunset became particularly interested in an object, and took it from its pedestal, immediately feeling the magical power it contained.

"Damn old pony, say goodbye to your precious collectible." Sunset said with an angry look, running back to her room and hiding the stolen item under a floorboard.

After committing her little crime, Sunset threw herself on her bed, thinking that with that she had already gotten her revenge. However, the truth was that her rage was such that she still couldn't appease her temper. She wanted to see the look on the Archmage’s face as he suffered, just as he had seen hers. She needed to completely take out her anger, and more importantly, show her evil guardian that she wasn’t a useless weakling.

With that thought, Sunset got up from her bed and walked out of the tower. She already knew the Archmage had certain commitments that day with the academic council of Equestria. One of the many tasks that had been entrusted to him, and the reason why he always wore a golden medallion on his cape, as a sign that in addition to his title as Royal Archmage, he held the position of Chancellor of the Equestrian Education Association.

The filly eventually came to a large building not far from her tower, where the Equestrian Education Association met. She entered easily, since there were no guards like in the castle, and opened the door to the great hall. She had come there only guided by fury, she didn’t know what she would say to the Archmage or if she would challenge him again, the only thing that interested her was to see him face to face. However, all that fighting spirit instantly vanished when she saw that all the ponies of the educational council seemed to be gathered in the great hall, all sitting in their high seats as if they were a grand jury. In the middle of the hall, there was Princess Celestia herself! That made Sunset quickly close the door before anyone noticed her presence, but not before leaving the door slightly open so she could hear what was being said there.

"Well, indeed, everything seems to be in order." Said a pony with grayish-white fur and black mane, with a pointed beard, who also wore a red cape like all the other council members, and was seated to the right of the Archmage, who was sitting in the main council seat. "So, Princess, you're making us understand that you want approval for the teaching position again?"

"That's right, Secretary Neighsay." Celestia replied calmly. "I have already finished my teaching courses, and I want all you to accept my application to tutor a student."

"Tutor of a student is not a problem. The real problem is WHO will that student be." The Archmage said, always looking coldly, even at Princess Celestia herself. "Tell us, Princess, you have been very insistent about wanting to be a tutor for a particular pony. Isn't that favoritism? Are you not detracting from the talents of so many other ponies just because of unfounded personal preference?"

"It is not like that. I know of a little colt that has a lot of potential." Celestia said calmly, not intimidated by the Archmage's gaze. "I don't want that talent to go to waste and not flourish properly."

"Well, if you’re looking for a talented pony to be your personal student, I think we can choose for you. After all, aren't we the academic council of Equestria? Who better than us to choose a suitable foal to be your personal pupil?" The Archmage said with a wicked little smile, knowing what Celestia really wanted, and he wasn’t willing to give it to her, as he already had his own plans. In fact, he had already been training a filly to earn that coveted position. A filly that without anyone knowing, was just listening to everything behind the door.

Hearing the Archmage, everyone in the hall began to speak, giving their approval to what the chancellor was saying. Meanwhile, Celestia simply remained silent, staring at the Archmage, knowing that he wasn't willing to let Dusk Shine be her student.

"If so, then I would like to tutor two ponies." Celestia said, causing the hall to go quiet again. "I think there is a young colt and a filly in particular that-"

"What is this nonsense, Princess!? You had said you wanted to have only one student, and now you want two?" The Archmage said, feigning surprise. "That would be asking too much of you. You’re a princess. The ruler of the entire kingdom. I can only imagine how exhausting it'll be to have to teach a student in addition to all your meetings, outings, receptions and so on. But having two students would be asking too much of you. It's not something we can allow, for the sake of Equestria."

"The job of this council is to ensure the education of the kingdom, and mine is to ensure the safety of the kingdom. That is why I must insist that those foals with special talents learn as soon as possible the true power of magic. Dark times ahead, and we must prepare those talented unicorns to guide the new era of this kingdom and save us from those who want to plunge it into darkness." Celestia said, for the first time narrowing her eyes and staring at the Archmage as she said those last words. "I know you don’t like to be called by your first name, but you must not forget your name and its meaning, great Archmage. Your duty is to enlighten young foals to reach their destiny, not to divert their path to darkness… You know very well who I am talking about. I'm talking about Dusk Shine and Sunset Shimmer."

For a second, the Archmage narrowed his eyes in annoyance, hating that the princess wanted to use his real name instead of his title. Then, as if doubts had enveloped him for a second, the archmage touched his chest, where, under his cloak, he confirmed that he still had 'something' important there. In doing so, he regained his safety and composure, and he looked back arrogantly at Celestia, knowing that sooner or later his time would come.

"I’m fully aware of my duty, Princess. But I think our methods for a unicorn to reach its full potential are quite different…" The Archmage said, staring at Celestia. “Indeed, I know those two foals that you mentioned. And it's true, they both have some interesting magical potential."

"There is no one more capable than me to help them develop their magic." Celestia added, looking at the rest of the council with a pleading look.

"That's where you’re mistaken, Princess... Here's somepony else who is also apt to teach them first-rate magic." The Archmage said with an evil smile, slowly getting to his hooves. "As I told you, Princess, I accept that those two foals have potential. However, we cannot have favorites when choosing. So, I suggest to this academic council that we test all colts and fillies in first and second year in the school to choose who really deserves to be top-notch students. Whoever shows the most talent will be the Princess's new student. And whoever comes in second will be MY new student. In this way, we’ll show that all the foals of the noble families had the opportunity to be elected. We’ll verify if indeed Sunset Shimmer and Dusk Shine are as talented as they appear to be. And we’ll not overload the Princess with two students. All agree?" The Archmage said, immediately putting everything to the vote, raising his hoof to show his support.

Before the Princess could say more, the hooves of all the other ponies in the council also rose and said in unison 'agree', thus closing the matter. For Celestia, it was as if a bucket of cold water fell on her, and although she felt that with so much power at her disposal, she should do whatever she wanted. Finally she just lowered her head, resigning herself to the fact that she must maintain order and follow the institutions that her beloved ponies had formed. However, the most dejected of all was someone who wasn't in the room: Sunset Shimmer, who understood the seriousness of this whole situation...

From that day until the day of the test, Sunset couldn’t look Dusk in the face again. Every time she saw him, she couldn't help but think that only one of them would become the princess's student. This was her big break! She had dreamed of being an apprentice to the princess and living in the castle for as long as she could remember. But to achieve her dream, Sunset had to prove that she was better than all the other unicorns, and that included Dusk Shine, her only friend and first love, who would she have to beat and leave behind in order to achieve her dream.

Finally, the day of the big test arrived, and Sunset got up very early to be among the first to arrive at school, where the test would take place. However, as soon as she left her room, something else caught her attention. It seemed that in just one night, the Archmage had packed most of his belongings in several boxes, which were now piled up all over the hall.

"What is all this?" Sunset asked thinking aloud, looking confused at the boxes with books.

"Tomorrow I’ll be going on a long journey. I have decided that it’s time to investigate magic outside the confines of the realm." The archmage said nonchalantly, leaving his office and approaching Sunset. "By the way, apparently a valuable piece is missing from my private collection of antique objects… Won't you know anything about that?" The Archmage added, narrowing his eyes and looking intimidatingly at Sunset.

"No, not at all. I know very well that I'm prohibited from entering your office without permission." Sunset answered without a hint of hesitation. If she had learned something perfectly from her tutor, it had been to always show a cold and indifferent look so as not to show her nervousness when something was wrong.

For several seconds, the Archmage stared at Sunset's perfect poker face until he finally looked away in annoyance.

"Maybe I lent it to a museum, and I don't remember it." He grunted, seeing that Sunset's face showed no signs of lying. "Anyway, let's go to school. Today my tool will finally show how useful it is." The Archmage added with a somewhat evil look, talking to himself despite the fact that 'the tool' he was referring to was right next to him, looking at him with an annoyed look.

The two ponies made their way to the school. There, the Archmage opened the auditorium door while Sunset stood outside, with some fillies who had already arrived to wait their turn at the audition.

"Remember, all you have to do is show everything I have taught you, show all your skill and power without hesitation." The stallion said looking at Sunset with a slight look of pride. "Celestia believes that because she chose the judges, she’ll make this choice fairer. But it will all be in vain; everything is already decided. We forge our own destiny! Luck is for the weak. Only the strong reach the highest." The Archmage added with slight emotion, as if he were talking more to himself than to Sunset. After saying that, he closed the door behind him, leaving Sunset with her eyes closed, lost in her own thoughts.

The truth was that she wanted with all her might to be Princess Celestia's student. But she hated that by doing so, she was also following all the plans the Archmage had planned for her. As if she were just one more cog in a great machine the stallion was putting together.

Little by little, the students were arriving. Including Dusk Shine, who, like all that week, tried in vain to look for Sunset's gaze, who only avoided him so as not to be distracted from her final goal. Thus, the colts and fillies entered the auditorium one by one, until finally it was Sunset Shimmer's turn.

"Sunset!" Dusk yelled before Sunset entered the auditorium. "Good luck!".

For the first time in a week, Sunset turned to look Dusk in the eye, with a cold, almost lost look.

"Luck is for the weak. Only the strong reach the highest." Sunset said with a cold tone of voice, repeating word for word what the Archmage had told her, knowing that after that day, nothing would be the same.

Upon entering the auditorium, Sunset immediately felt the pressure of dozens of gazes watching her step by step. The nobles seated in the front rows, who expected her to fail so that their own children would obtain that coveted position that the princess offered; the old judges elected by the princess, who looked proudly at the new generation of sorcerers unicorns; Princess Celestia herself, who always kept the same smile, despite the fact that inside her she was nervous and anxious that 'a certain colt' would win the competition; and the Archmage, who saw Sunset more intensely than anyone, almost threatening her with his gaze.

"Okay, young lady. Show us what you have." Said an old mare who was part of the judges once Sunset reached the center of the stage.

Accustomed to pressure, given the daily lessons she had had with the Archmage, Sunset began her spells. First, she made two vases appear out of nowhere with some small flowers in them. Then she used powerful magic to cast a growth spell, which caused the small flowers to grow into big trees, which almost completely covered the stage. That left the judges speechless, who weren’t expecting magic of that level in a young filly.

Sunset then used a variety of spells that were far above the level of a filly, doing each one without blinking, as if it didn't cost her any more effort. Using elemental magic to summon a great gust of wind, then transformation magic to transform the stage curtains into ship sails, and finally making a dozen books appear, which she floated and swirled over her head, hurling them at the judges, who in surprise almost hide by reflex, but Sunset created a shield that protected them before they hit them.

"My goodness! Conjuration, control, elemental magic, attack, defense, transmutation… How many types of magic do you know!? And at such a young age!" One of the judges said astonished, after getting up from his desk to see that the books that Sunset had thrown at them had only been to show her defense magic.

"I can also do some mind spells." Sunset said, remembering the last book she had read with Dusk in the library weeks ago. "If somepony volunteers, I can make them believe in an illusion, or even erase a memory." Sunset added proudly.

"No, no, no, no… That would be very dangerous!" Another of the judges said nervoulys. "It would be best if you ended your presentation with something simpler. Although perhaps it’s no longer necessary, with everything you showed us, hehe." The judge added with a nervous smile.

Seeing that the judges were satisfied, Sunset also smirked. Then she looked at the rest of the audience, who were stunned by Sunset's magic display. But among all those faces, the one that stood out the most was the one that wasn’t surprised at all, but rather smiled proudly with a hint of evil. The Archmage's face showed only satisfaction that his tool had done a good job. And seeing that smile that only saw her as a tool, Sunset couldn’t help but tremble with fear and anger when she saw that she simply continued to fulfill his goals, without ever receiving a compliment from him.

As Sunset kept her eyes fixed on the Archmage, he was staring at her as well. However, he was distracted when another pony approached him to speak to him. It was the secretary of the Equestrian Education Association, now wearing the medallion that the Archmage had worn with pride for so many years and had approached the stallion to give him a respectful farewell salute.

"I had forgotten. I was so focused on doing the test, that I didn't realize… If the Archmage goes on a long research trip alone, he’ll have to leave his position and all his other responsibilities…" Sunset thought, only then remembering the words that the archmage had told her that morning. And suddenly Sunset turned pale as she realized something else, something vital and extremely important that she hadn't realized and that now terrified her.

At that moment Sunset stared in terror at the archmage, who greeted the new chancellor kindly. After he turned to continue watching Sunset, maintaining a wicked smile, knowing that he was secretly fulfilling his dark goals.

"Whoever shows the most talent will be the Princess's new student. And whoever comes in second will be MY new student." Those were the words the Archmage said that day at the education committee meeting. That meant… that if Dusk came in second place, he would be the Archmage's new student! That’s why he’s planning on travelling! He was making sure that the princess would never see Dusk again! He was getting Dusk out of the way so that only she was with the princess!

Realizing the truth, Sunset couldn't help but tremble. In her mind, immediately came the images of Dusk smiling at her, always being so sentimental, weak and kind. And then she imagined that kind colt being punished and trained harshly to exhaustion by the Archmage, the cruelest pony she had ever met.

"Well, I think that's all for-" One of the judges said before being interrupted.

"Wait!" Sunset yelled, trying to hide the tremor in her voice. "I... I have one last spell to show." Sunset added slowly, with her head bowed.

Then slowly, Sunset began to accumulate magic in her horn, and small fireballs began to appear on the ceiling, gently falling and fading before falling to the floor or on someone.

"Oh! Splendid!" One of the judges said, applauding and putting out at the same time a small ember that hadn't been extinguished in time and that had fallen beside him.

As if Sunset hadn't heard anything, she just kept her head down, only accumulating more and more magic in her horn. While at the same time, the small fireballs were getting bigger and began to reach to fall on the floor and on the public.

"Young lady, I think that is enough." One of the judges warned, seeing how the ponies of the public began to beat the embers that fell to extinguish them.

"No! I can do more than this! Much more!" Sunset yelled, accumulating more and more magic, causing the fireballs to grow larger and larger. The ponies in the audience to started to scatter in terror to avoid the falling inferno.

"Stop!" The judge yelled, standing up in fear and using her magic to block Sunset's. However, Sunset had already foreseen that, and was able to block the judge's magic, causing amazement and fear in the old mare.

"I am Sunset Shimmer! And no one will tell me when to stop!" Sunset yelled with an evil smile. But at the same time dropping her head and ceasing her magic out of sheer exhaustion from doing so much magic.

After the public calmed down when they saw that the fireballs had disappeared, the judges called for order and for everypony to return to their seats.

"Young lady! A unicorn your age should already know her limits, and have self-control." The judge said, annoyed that she had tried to stop Sunset.

After being silent for a few seconds, Sunset raised her head again and looked arrogantly at the judge.

"Maybe I haven't learned enough in school yet." Sunset said, turning around and leaving the auditorium.

Once Sunset left the auditorium, she saw that Dusk was still there. However, they didn’t even manage to meet glances, because as soon as Sunset left, Dusk Shine was called to enter the auditorium. Then Dusk entered, this time leaving Sunset alone in that hallway.

"What did I do!?" Sunset yelled in terror and worry, hitting a wall. "I… I let go of my biggest dream! Why!?" She asked herself, even though on the inside, she did know the answer.

Before continuing to torment herself about what she had done, Sunset ran down the hall to enter through the main door of the auditorium, since now that she had given the test, she could see the test of Dusk Shine. Entering the auditorium, Sunset fell silent seeing that Dusk's test had already begun, so she stood right next to the door, staring at the little lavender colt in the center of the stage.

In amazement, Sunset saw that Dusk's spells worked perfectly. And not only that, but they were also of an advanced level, almost as much as the spells that she herself had cast in her test. That made Sunset for a moment forget all her doubts about what she had done during her test, and she felt proud to see her dear friend performing all the spells that both had secretly practiced for more than a year. However, what filled Sunset with the greatest emotion was seeing the last spell that Dusk performed, which was to make some small magical fireflies appear that beautifully illuminated the auditorium for a few seconds. That was Sunset's favorite spell! It was a message for her! A sign of how important Sunset was to Dusk! And the filly understood it immediately, causing her to feel a great warmth and happiness inside her.

"You’re completely useless." A voice behind Sunset said suddenly, making the filly pale. She didn't even turn around to look at who it was, for she immediately recognized that voice. It was the Archmage, who, seeing that Dusk had finished his test perfectly, already knew that he would win. So he approached the auditorium door, ready to leave. "Say goodbye to your foolish friend forever, now you’ll take his place. We leave immediately, the train leaves in ten minutes." The Archmage grunted, opening the door to leave, while the audience burst into applause to congratulate Dusk for finishing his test.

As the stallion left, Sunset only kept looking at Dusk, as if she wanted to keep that beautiful smile well in her memory. However, she no longer saw him smiling. Now her face was pale, knowing that this would be the last time she would see Dusk, the little colt she had hated at first and whom she had learned to love.

For a fleeting moment, as Princess Celestia approached to congratulate Dusk, his and Sunset's gazes met. And then Sunset pressed her lips tight, feeling a great sadness begin to invade her. Knowing that she shouldn’t cry and should always be strong, she simply turned and left the auditorium, assuming her new destiny, which would be far from Canterlot and Dusk Shine.

As Sunset sadly walked towards the train station, following a few steps behind the Archmage, she almost froze when she heard Dusk's voice in the distance, who was shouting her name and seemed to be running towards her. Then Sunset squeezed her eyes tight, knowing that at that moment her heart wouldn’t bear a goodbye, and she simply hurried her pace to prevent Dusk from reaching her.

When turning a street, Sunset couldn't help but see that in a corner, those two bullies who always annoyed Dusk were hiding. As frustrated as she was at the time, Sunset would have loved to blow those two fools away, however eventually she just ignored them and rushed to catch up with the Archmage.

As she walked, Sunset suddenly froze upon hearing a scream.

"Sunset!" Dusk shouted desperately with all his might from the other corner of the street.

Hearing Dusk's cry for help, Sunset couldn't ignore her heart anymore and ran to where Dusk was. As she rounded the corner, Sunset saw that the two bullies had been hiding to ambush Dusk to beat him up. That made Sunset's blood boil and she came quickly with a murderous glare to where they were.

"Why don't you fight back!? Dusk! You’re strong! Show them!" Sunset thought furiously, not knowing if she was angrier with the bullies or with Dusk for always letting them hit him.

"What is all this!?" Sunset said with her most threatening look. Staring at those bullies to get them to see her furious faces before blowing them away for the last time.

"Sunset... Help me..." Dusk said weakly with a pleading look at his friend.

Sunset looked at him and froze. Dusk had just proved minutes ago that he was the strongest and most talented colt in Canterlot! Why didn't he defend himself!? Now she knew it, he had just given the answer… He always trusted that she would save him, just as she had been about to do now. But what Dusk didn’t know was that this would be the last time! She was leaving Canterlot, she could never defend him again. What good would it be if she saved him now? Just so Dusk would always think someone would save him? No! Dusk couldn't be like this forever! They would marry one day! They would both rule Equestria together! And Dusk needed to be strong, he needed to realize that the world was a dark place, and, as the Archmage taught her, you had to manage on your own to survive.

"Why should I help you? You’re no longer useful to me. I don’t need you anymore." Sunset said with a cold look, hiding with her perfect poker face the pain she felt when she saw Dusk's look of fear.

"W-What...? T-That's not true… We’re friends." Dusk said, trembling with fear.

"Hahaha! Friends?! Why would anyone want to be friends with a pathetic pony like you?" Sunset laughed while mocking Dusk. "You cannot trust anyone, only you can save yourself!" Sunset was mentally repeating herself, unconsciously repeating the advice the Archmage had implanted in her, to give herself strength to continue her deception.

"I-Is it because I passed the test? I… I thought you would win!" Dusk said, full of guilt and pain. To which Sunset responded by looking away quickly.

"To be recognized and reach the top of Equestria, that's what I always wanted... And you took that from me." Sunset said without looking Dusk in the face, closing her eyes in pain, feeling that she couldn't bear to see Dusk's pleading look and that she wanted to tell him the truth. "If I can’t be great here, then I’ll become stronger elsewhere. I’ll not return to Canterlot until I’m powerful enough for everypony to bow to my hooves." Sunset added, turning her back on Dusk and starting to retreat, feeling like she was on the verge of collapse.

Before leaving, Sunset paused one last time and glanced at the two bullies standing there. Giving them a furious and penetrating look.

"Dusk could turn you into dust if he wanted! He’ll show you! He’ll show everyone how strong he really is!!" Sunset thought, glaring at the two bullies.

"Do what you want with him. Hit him as much as you want, I won't defend him anymore." Sunset added with a cold look, thinking that she was giving Dusk one last gift. From that day on she would never defend him again, from that day on he would show his true power. And for that, she needed Dusk to stop seeing her as his shield.

Sunset then continued on her way with a great pain in her heart, for knowing that Dusk would have to take a few blows to learn to defend himself, for knowing that she was hiding the truth from her best friend and knowing that this would be the last time she would see the pony that had made her open her heart.

'End of flashback.'

Moments before Dusk and Luna arrived at the library, Spike had run out of the library after reading Sunset's diary. He had heard that Sunset wanted to meet Zecora, so Spike ran into the Everfree forest, not knowing specifically where the zebra's hut was, as he had never been. But with all the times that Dusk had gone before and told him about it, it wasn’t difficult for him to guess where it would be near. Despite that, there came a time when Spike went into the forest and didn’t know where else to go, since a path divided into three, and he wasn’t sure which one to take.

When Spike began to give up and believed that perhaps it would be best to wait for Dusk to return to the library, Spike's ears perked up at the sound of an explosion not far from where he was. Then Spike took the path that he led to where he had heard the noise, and slowly approached to see what it had been.

As he turned a corner, Spike was surprised to see Sunset, who seemed to be angry. So much so that she was using her magic to shoot lightning bolts towards some trees, hitting them so hard that she had already managed to knock one down.

"Why!? Why!? WHY!?" Sunset yelled furiously, shooting one last bolt towards a tree and then furiously hitting the ground. Then, to Spike's amazement, Sunset lowered her head sadly, with a look full of pain and confusion. "Why can't Dusk be happy just with me? I've done so much for him… For both of us…" Sunset added, falling to the ground and squinting her eyes in frustration.

"Jealousy will get you nowhere." Spike said, taking all his courage emerge from his hiding place. The dragon felt some pity to see Sunset with that look of pain, because she was always cold and indifferent.

The yellow unicorn instinctively lit up her horn to grab Spike with her magic. Then she aggressively turned Spike onto his back and pressed him to the ground with her hoof.

"What did you hear!? Are you making fun of me!?" Sunset said, glaring at Spike with a murderous look.

"'I- I love Dusk'! T-That's your keyword." Spike said as he began to feel a bit of pain from the hoof that Sunset was pressing against him. Sunset tried to keep her gaze cold, but couldn't help but turn pale when she saw that that little dragon knew the keyword to her diary. "I... read your diary..." Spike added, taking the opportunity to breathe when he saw that Sunset had stopped pressing on his chest.

"How dare you?!" Sunset said, finally snapping out of her shock and getting furious again. She began pressing her hoof against Spike and threateningly lighting her horn.

"Do you think hurting me will help you!? Do you think hurting Dusk's friends will help you!? You say you love Dusk, but you don't know anything about him!" Spike yelled with all his might.

With Spike's yell, Sunset cast a hesitant look for a few seconds, until she finally decided to release Spike from her grasp. As she did so, Spike coughed loudly after having pressed his stomach, then stood up and looked at Sunset with a look of mistrust.

"If you read my diary, you know how I really feel about Dusk. And what I’m willing to do for him." Sunset said, looking with a mixture of anger and insecurity at Spike.

"You may think what you feel is love, but it’s not!." Spike said. For the first time, he felt like he was talking to the real Sunset Shimmer. "What you feel is obsession."

"You... what do you know about love!?" Sunset yelled, unconsciously feeling vulnerable in front of the little dragon. He had read her diary and now he knew her true feelings, which she always tried to hide from everyone.

Spike couldn't help but blush a little and look away at Sunset’s accusation. Then he closed his eyes and looked back at Sunset. He had to make her understand the truth, it was the only way to help Dusk.

"I… I may not know much about love. But I know that true love is wanting to see who you love happy." Spike said sheepishly but gathering strength with every word he said. "It’s just like you did in the past. You sacrificed your dream to help Dusk… How come you can't see it now? Dusk can never be happy if he doesn't have his friends."

To Sunset's amazement, Spike's words really affected her, as if deep down, she had always known this, but had refused to see it. For Sunset, Dusk was special, unique, her greatest friend. Her focus of hope, her first love, and she only wanted him for herself, for no one else. And when Sunset orchestrated all her plans, she always thought that Dusk would see at some point that he and she were destined to be together. But... What was the use of being together if they weren't happy? Was this what she really wanted?

For several seconds, which seemed eternal, Sunset stood still, completely silent staring at nothing. As if internally, she was in conflict and didn't know what to do.

"You don't know anything..." Sunset finally said with an annoyed look and started to walk back towards the town.

During the journey, Sunset didn’t turn to look at Spike, she only focused on Dusk, thinking that she would find a way to make him happy and achieve that they could be together, as she had always dreamed of.

Upon reaching the town, Sunset was surprised to see that the library windows were glowing. That made Sunset shiver, as it could be a very bad sign. If Dusk had been so desperate to try to get his friends back, he could be doing something extremely dangerous, which could have dire consequences, such as the release of Discord, or perhaps even worse outcomes that she didn’t even want to imagine.

What Sunset didn’t expect when approaching the library was that the Princess of the Night came down and blocked her way. That made Sunset put on her arrogant facade again, never showing weak or doubtful in front of anyone and demonstrated her strength and pride.

"Dusk asked Princess Luna for help to do something... No! This could be dangerous!!" Sunset's agile mind thought in horror, imagining the desperate spell that Dusk might be trying to cast to try to get his friends back.

"It's been years since I faced an alicorn. I guess it’ll be interesting to see how much I’ve grown in power and magical ability, even if it's a duel against an incomplete alicorn like you." Sunset said arrogantly, lighting her horn, ready to defeat any obstacle that would prevent her from seeing Dusk.

"Try if you dare... witch." Luna answered, ready to respond to the confrontation. Also determined to protect Dusk and his wishes, whoever it was against.

"STOP!" Spike suddenly yelled, who had chased Sunset from the forest and was now scared to see that Sunset was willing to fight Princess Luna.

Seeing that the little dragon ran and got between them, both mares ceased their magic. However, both of them narrowed their eyes and stared fiercely.

"Dusk is doing something very delicate. It cannot be interrupted by anypony. I’ll protect him with my life." Luna said, still glaring at Sunset.

"Tell me you’re not trying to destroy the curse." Sunset said, unable to hide her worried look for a fleeting second. "That mist and light that the windows reflect… Is Dusk trying to find the curse and destroy it? But that would be too dangerous for the minds of those mares... Unless he uses himself as a catalyst to protect them, and he is the only one who can, since only he shares the memories with his friends." Sunset added, hoping with all her might that her conclusions had failed.

"How did you know?" Luna said, opening her eyes in amazement.

"No! How did you let him do something so dangerous!? His mind won't be able to take it! Discord's magic is too powerful!" Sunset yelled, forgetting about her facade and showing a look of genuine fear.

"He... He said he knew the risks... And he was willing to accept them..." Luna said, looking away with pain. Deep in her heart she also knew how dangerous and almost impossible it was what Dusk wanted to do. But even so, she had accepted, because he had begged her.

At that moment, a few seconds of silence followed. In which Sunset just stared at the ground, with a look of fear and concern as she thought about everything that could go wrong and how Dusk could lose his mind if anything went wrong, which, was the surest probability. For his part, Spike had also kept silent, because although he didn’t understand anything about mind spells or curses, he could understand that Dusk was in great danger.

"Sunset." Spike said, touching the yellow unicorn, pulling her out of her thoughts. "You wanted to go in to see Dusk... If you do, could you help him?"

Seeing Spike's gaze, who for the first time in his life was asking her for something and wasn't looking at her with fear, Sunset looked away for a second. Then she looked up again and looked seriously at Luna.

"Let me in." Sunset said, reverting to her arrogance facade.

Seeing that insolent look on Sunset, Luna immediately became defensive, knowing that she couldn't let that dangerous mare in to see Dusk.

"Please, Princess..." Spike said slowly, touching Luna's side and looking at her with a pleading look.

At that moment, Spike didn't care if Dusk didn't remember his friends again. He knew how reckless his brother could be to get back something he loved. And right now, the only thing that mattered to Spike was that Dusk and his friends were safe. And for that, Sunset had to come in and make sure nothing changed.

Before Spike's gaze, Luna stared at him for a long time. Then she looked back at Sunset, who was standing still, staring at her.

"How did you let him do something so dangerous!?" Those were the words Sunset had said and now repeated over and over in Luna's head.

Finally, Luna closed her eyes in pain, and turned away from the door. Then Sunset quickly stepped forward and entered the library...

Dusk couldn't do anything against Sunset. Moments earlier, Sunset had entered the library and started using her magic while Dusk tried not to lose concentration as he physically reflected his own memories and those of his friends, the ones that were marked with Discord's curse.

"Please… Let me do this. You don't understand… You don't understand how valuable they’re to me." Dusk said crying in anguish. "I... can't live without them."

"Dusk, I've always told you. You’re too sentimental." Sunset replied starting to use her magic, causing in the process, several of her own memories to also appear floating around that dreamlike space. "Tell me Dusk... Don't you trust me?"

"No." Dusk answered without hesitation.

Sunset turned once more to Dusk, looking at him with a sad smile. Then her horn lit up to its fullest expression, taking control of the spell that Dusk was casting.

Slowly, the chains that were in the memories of the five mares, which had been put by Dusk at the time of locking up Discord to block those memories from their minds, disappeared, leaving them floating with the dark aura, a sign that they were cursed.

"No! If we don't block those memories, Discord will be released again!" Dusk yelled, while he used his magic to keep the floating memories visible, knowing that if the spell suddenly disappeared, it could damage both his mind and those of his friends.

Ignoring Dusk's screams, Sunset continued to use her magic, concentrating absolutely on what she was doing. Because like Dusk, she was performing a very complex spell, and she didn't want anything to go wrong. Suddenly, Dusk was amazed to see that the dark aura that surrounded the memories of his friends slowly disappeared.

"W-What did you do…?" Dusk asked, knowing that the power imposed on Discord's curse couldn’t be removed so easily.

Before Dusk could continue asking, he felt a strange tingling in his mind. Someone was interrupting his spell! Sunset was interfering not only with his magic, but with his own mind, which frightened him deeply. And although he tried to oppose her, Sunset's magic was simply stronger than Dusk's. Then, the floating memories of Dusk's five friends began to slowly disappear, while other memories began to appear floating around both ponies.

"What did you do with the memories of my friends!?" Dusk exclaimed in horror, thinking that Sunset could have completely erased them instead of just hiding them.

"The curse is tied to the carriers of the Elements of Harmony. And if you don't want them to carry the curse, the only alternative is for you to carry the entire curse." Sunset replied, for the first time looking somewhat exhausted due to the enormous effort and concentration she was doing at that moment.

"You want... to transfer the curse to my memories?" Dusk said, amazed and confused, still not knowing what Sunset was planning.

"Discord's magic is too powerful... We can't destroy the curse..." Sunset said, grunting as she began to feel pain in her horn from dealing with Discord's curse. "The only alternative is for the curse to change its objective... That it’s YOU who has to block memories to contain the curse... And... And the only feeling that can be compared with the love you feel for your friends... Is... It’s hatred and resentment you feel towards me…" Sunset said, closing her eyes tightly from the pain of moving Discord's curse between memories.

At that moment Dusk looked up and saw that he no longer had any control over the mental spell that was being performed. He, too, couldn't feel the presence of the minds of his friends. There were only Dusk and Sunset, and around them, all the memories that Dusk and Sunset had lived together since they had met.

As he watched them, Dusk realized that just as it had happened when he paired his own memories with the memories of his friends, now there were also two pairs of memories from each memory. One from Dusk Shine's point of view, and one from Sunset Shimmer's point of view. And while Dusk looked at those memories with amazement, he realized that they had certain differences and, mainly, different emotions.

As Dusk had discovered since he had been with Luna in Applejack's memories, in the world of dreams, memories were recorded with feelings. And for every sad, confused, or bitter memory that Dusk felt while recording his memories of Sunset, there was Sunset's counterpart, who had guarded her memories with affection, hope, and regret.

"Why are your memories so warm...?" Dusk asked, shedding a small tear when he saw and felt the memories of him and Sunset. Then Dusk felt more confused when he realized that she was replicating her memories for the same reason that he had tried with his friends, to protect the other's mind. Now Sunset was the one who was putting herself in danger.

As focused as she was, giving her all in her spell to counter the curse, Sunset didn't respond. And when Dusk didn't get an answer, he looked at all the memories again, noticing things that he hadn't noticed before. Furthermore, Sunset's mind was so exposed at that moment, that other memories of her began to appear around her and that Dusk watched in astonishment. The memories of Sunset's childhood in the orphanage, the scolding and mistreatment she had suffered from the Archmage, how happy she had been to write in her diary her feelings for Dusk, and the pain she felt when the Archmage tore the pages. The sacrifice she made for him! Sabotaging her own test so that Dusk was chosen to study with the princess! The pain she felt when she didn’t defend him from bullies so that Dusk would learn to be strong; and more memories of Sunset's lost time... When she was abroad with the Archmage, always practicing magic until exhaustion, the years she spent in loneliness, in which the only thing that gave Sunset strength in all those years was writing in her diary, writing about her love for Dusk, and her hope that one day she would see him again, and that he would end her loneliness... Even the memories of the last days, the joy she felt when she saw Dusk again, the jealousy she felt when she saw his friends, and the hope she felt for wanting to recover all that lost time, and that they were just her and him again…

"What is all this…?" Dusk said, crying in confusion. Then he refocused on his own floating memories, whose feelings were so disparate compared to Sunset's memories. For him, Sunset was his greatest friend, who ultimately betrayed him. Instead for Sunset, he was a source of light that brought her out of the darkness and gave her hope to live all those years.

Suddenly, Dusk was scared to see that one of his own memories was surrounded by a dark aura. Then all the memories that belonged to him quickly began to surround themselves with the same dark aura that had surrounded the memories of his friends minutes before.

"The... The curse was transferred..." Sunset said with her exhausted face, looking like she was going to pass out any second. "B-But it's not over yet..." Sunset added, with a face of great pain. Not because of the physical pain she felt, but because of what she was about to do.

As quickly as the dark aura had appeared surrounding Dusk's floating memories, golden chains appeared on the memories surrounding them and blocking them forever. At that moment, Dusk realized that Sunset hadn’t only transferred the curse on him, but that she was sacrificing herself. The curse would remain on Dusk, and it would be he who would lose his memories, but not of his friends, but of Sunset Shimmer.

"It’s a sad luck that you have held so much resentment towards me. Thanks to that I was able to equate the feelings of love towards your friends and guide the curse towards our memories." Sunset said, looking at Dusk with a sad smile. "That trauma... must have been an unexpected effect of the spell I used on you years ago..."

"What?" Dusk said, still shocked by everything that was happening and everything he had just discovered about Sunset.

At that moment, a memory appeared floating in front of Dusk, one of his own memories, which was already chained. However, when Dusk looked at it carefully, he saw that the chains that surrounded that memory looked different, smaller and older. Then the chains were broken, revealing to Dusk for the last time the memory that had been blocked years ago, before it was permanently blocked again...

Years ago, the day Dusk had won the test to become Princess Celestia's student, he had gone looking for Sunset. But he had been ambushed by bullies, and then he had been abandoned by Sunset herself. Then Dusk, knowing that he was alone and still destroyed by the cruel words that Sunset had said to him, finally freed himself from the bullies' blows, making them fly away with his magic, just as Sunset always did.

Dusk ran to where he had seen Sunset gone, realizing that she had gone to the train station. As the sun fell and left a beautiful sunset on the horizon, Dusk ran desperately along the train platform, making his way between the passengers and the steam released by the train about to leave, until he saw Sunset's tail. Then Dusk ran at full speed trying to catch up with her, and unlike what he remembered… This time Dusk caught up with her!

"Sunset!" Dusk yelled, touching his friend to turn her around. In doing so, young Dusk was shocked to see that his friend was crying. In all the time he had known her, he had never seen Sunset cry. "Sunset?"

"Y-You fool! Don't you see what I did to you!? I abandoned you! Leave me alone!" Sunset said, crying hard after feeling guilty for what she had done to Dusk, feeling the pain of letting bullies hit him.

"It doesn't matter what you do or say... You’ll always be my friend." Dusk said with a tender smile, gently touching Sunset's cheek to make her stop crying. He had been correct! Sunset was his friend! She suffered for what she had done! "You don't have to keep pretending anymore."

Realizing that her entire plan had been ruined, Sunset closed her eyes in frustration, feeling that she hated that Dusk saw her crying like that. Then the colt got closer to her and gave her a warm hug, so comforting and so full of love that Sunset was only shocked, and then she simply closed her eyes, enjoying one last time feeling what love was.

"I knew you couldn't betray me... We’re friends, and we’ll always be friends..." Young Dusk said with a happy tear as he hugged his friend, overjoyed to discover that everything had been a misunderstanding.

Then Sunset broke away from the hug slowly, wiped her tears and looked at Dusk tenderly.

"Together forever and ever..." Sunset said tenderly, placing her hoof on Dusk's cheek and giving him his first kiss.

Upon receiving the kiss, Dusk was surprised, with his cheeks blushed, feeling for the first time how sweet and warm a kiss could be. And without realizing it, Sunset used her magic on Dusk, erasing that beautiful memory from his mind.

"Be strong Dusk, be strong. My first and only love..." Sunset whispered one last time with a tear, using the spell to erase the memory, not knowing that doing so would leave a trauma in Dusk that he couldn't erase in years...

Back in the present, Dusk was shocked after seeing the memory, finally remembering why he couldn't remember his first kiss, even though he did remember feeling it.

"That was the truth..." Dusk whispered in amazement, with tears in his eyes.

Suddenly the new chains locked away the old memory again, thus ending up chaining and blocking all the memories that Dusk Shine had of Sunset Shimmer.

"It’s time to finish." Sunset said, concentrating her magic one last time to finish the spell.

"No… No!" Dusk yelled desperately. Having finally discovered Sunset's true feelings and their true past, knowing now what she was sacrificing all for him! "Sunset! I don't want to forget you!" Dusk shouted desperately, feeling that he had finally recovered his true friend.

"Heh… You were going to do it too, right?" Sunset said, looking one last time at Dusk with a sad smile and a tear falling down her cheek. As Sunset's horn lit up to its fullest and the mist around them both grew brighter and thicker. "Sometimes you do silly things for love..."

"Noooo…!" Dusk shouted as he cried, feeling that he was losing his first friend again, and his first love.

The day was almost over in Ponyville, the sun was about to set, and the ponies in the village would walk calmly again after those strange lights that had appeared in the library disappeared. And at the train station, there was a very peculiar couple, Sunset Shimmer and Spike, waiting for the train to arrive in the direction of Canterlot.

"So, when Rarity and the others wake up, will they remember Dusk again?" Spike asked, still trying to understand everything that had happened inside the library a couple of hours ago.

"Yeah, now Dusk bears the curse of Discord, so they’ll remember everything, and Dusk will remember them too..." Sunset said slowly, as if saying each word hurt her. "Princess Luna said that she would see to it that the six of them slept peacefully until tomorrow, but since Dusk tried to oppose my spell before finishing, perhaps he would wake up before the others."

"Oh... I see..." Spike said slowly, looking back at the horizon as an awkward silence remained between the two characters.

Just at that moment, the whistle of a train was heard, which was the train that Sunset was waiting for and that was going soon to Canterlot. As soon as the train stopped, several passengers from the train got off, mostly residents of Ponyville, several of whom had fled after Discord’s invasion, and were only returning now days later after making sure that it was true that everything had returned to normal.

"Uh... you... will you be okay?" Spike asked shyly. After reading Sunset's diary, he knew that the mare, despite showing a cold and rigid appearance on the outside, could hide complicated feelings inside her. And after having made Dusk forget her, Spike knew that it was impossible that Sunset wasn’t affected in some way.

"Heh... Don't think I've become a weakling, little lizard." Sunset said with her usual arrogant smile, glancing at the baby dragon.

"Spike!" Dusk suddenly yelled from afar, causing both Spike and Sunset to freeze. Slowly Spike turned around and saw in amazement how his brother seemed to have woken up and was approaching happily to where they were. "I woke up a few moments ago. I guess the spell I did to remove the curse from Discord left me exhausted... I woke up somewhat confused, but there was a note from Princess Luna saying that everything had worked and that she herself had gone to leave the girls at their houses." Dusk added with a big happy smile.

As Dusk spoke, Sunset slowly turned around and stared at him, trying to put on a cold and serious look at all times. Seeing that Sunset was staring at him, Dusk looked away from Spike and stared at her for a moment, not knowing why that mare was looking at him like that.

"Oh, look! It's Bulk Biceps! Finally, he returned to Ponyville. Wait a minute Spike, I'll go say hi to him." Dusk said, looking away and smiling when he saw that his friend, the well-known bodybuilding stallion, had gotten off the train with his suitcases. Then the lavender stallion walked and passed by Sunset's side, without even paying attention to her, nor looking at her again.

Feeling that Dusk passed her without even recognizing her, Sunset turned pale. She opened her mouth to try to say something witty to distract herself, however, the pain of seeing that the only pony she had ever loved no longer remembered her was a greater shock than she could have imagined.

"The first time I sacrificed my dream so that he could be happy... Now I sacrificed my memories so that he could be happy again... Twice I have sacrificed everything for him and... And now he doesn't even know who I am..." Sunset said slowly with her lip trembling, trying with all her might to stay strong, with her haughty gaze. However, the pain finally got the better of her determination to appear strong, and she simply squeezed her eyes shut as tears began to fall down her cheeks.

"I... I may not know much about love..." Spike said shyly, touching Sunset's side as he understood the pain of losing what was most dear to her, repeating the words he had said to her in the forest. "But I know that true love is wanting to see who you love happy... and that's what you just did, even if that someone doesn't know it."

Hearing those words, Sunset wiped away her tears and looked up again. Then she looked where Dusk had gone, who was laughing happily as he conversed with the muscular white pegasus. And seeing Dusk's smile, Sunset closed her eyes and took a deep breath, thinking that everything had been worth it, just to see him smile again.

As Sunset looked at Dusk, Spike looked at her, and saw that now she was smiling too, and more importantly, for the first time he saw that Sunset no longer had an arrogant and cold look. Now her eyes were like those of his other friends, full of warmth and affection.

The train's whistle sounded again, but this time announcing that it was about to leave for the next station. Then Sunset took her saddlebag and walked to the door of the train.

"Goodbye liz… Goodbye Spike." Sunset said with a small smile, deciding to call the little dragon by name for the first time. "Take good care of Dusk."

"I promise." Spike said with a small smile. Which didn’t last long, as his cheeks suddenly puffed out and he let out a small burp, from which came his green flame accompanied by a scroll. Immediately Spike took the scroll with curiosity, seeing that it was from Princess Celestia, since it had the royal seal, but the name to whom it was addressed... "This... This scroll is for you." Spike said in amazement, handing the scroll to Sunset, who also took it by surprise.

Without giving them time for anything else, the train began to move, and Sunset climbed the last step to get on the train, giving one last look of thanks to Spike, who also waved goodbye with his claw as the train left. After that, Sunset got into one of the carriages and took a seat. Then she opened the scroll and read it carefully, going from curiosity to confusion.

"She want me to have classes with the pink princess?" Sunset said incredulously, after reading the scroll and what Celestia asked of her. "Pfft, that's ridiculous. What could Cadance teach me that I don’t already know?" Sunset asked herself aloud, leaning her head on her hoof while watching the landscape from afar, without realizing that her expressions and feelings toward others had changed, and she was finally beginning to discover what true love was.

As the train pulled away, Spike walked over to Dusk, who had already finished chatting with Bulk Biceps. As Spike approached Dusk, he saw that his brother was carefully watching the train go away, which was just moving away under the beautiful crimson light of the sunset, showing a beautiful picture.

At one point, as Dusk watched the train move off into the sunset, a tear fell down his cheek.

"Dusk? Are you okay?" Spike asked, concerned when he saw that Dusk was crying.

"What? Oh! I… Yes, I'm fine. I don't know why I was crying, but...." Dusk said, wiping his tear and then looking back at the horizon. "I was just thinking... that I had never seen such a beautiful sunset." Dusk added with a strange feeling of nostalgia.

End of chapter 6

Author's Note:

Forgive the delay:twilightsheepish:

Many thanks to 'Scribe of the Nightwings' for his help :twilightsmile: