• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 96: Phantom Road

Author's Note:

One word before we start the chapter.

In F-Zero GX, the two tracks in Phantom Road are what Rainbow Road is to Mario Kart, ten times worse. I'm absolutely not kidding. They are respectively the last track of the hardest cup and the last track of the Story Mode. All other tracks are pieces of cake compared to them.

Captain Falcon found himself in a large room with some warping platform, surrounded by a dozen of Black Shadow's goons in addition of Blood Falcon who came with him. The goons all had a gun pointed at him.

Blood Falcon laughed. "Welcome to our HQ, Captain! Don't expect to leave anytime soon!"

Captain Falcon clenched his teeth. "You brought me here so I won't be able to race tomorrow."

"Yes! And without you there, the Master will have an easy victory! Now... KILL HIM!!!"

At Blood Falcon's order, all the goons fired at once at Captain Falcon only for him to leap, avoiding all of them. He landed on a goon and used him to bounce again before landing near the entrance of the room. He immediately made a run for for it.

"You incapables! Go after him! Spread the alert!" Blood Falcon yelled. "Also, begin to move the HQ away from the Milky Way! If he manages to call for help, we must ensure that they won't reach him in time!"

While running, Captain Falcon grabbed his own gun from a holster on his right hip and fired a small ray beam from it at a goon in his way, killing him. The alarm began to blow, and Captain Falcon quickly entered some kind of laboratory when he saw a large group of goons come out from behind a corner. He traversed the place while firing at anything that was hostile, doing his best to avoid the enemies' own beams while using anything he could as cover. Firing at some unknown machine made it explode, blowing up a small group of scientist goons that had been around it.

He eventually managed to leave the laboratory, twisting a goon's neck as the guy arrived at the exit. Another tried to punch him from the behind the exit but Captain Falcon caught the fist in his palm before he kicked the guy in his gut, making him double over. A spinning kick on the side of his head then sent the goon crashing on a wall, knocked out. He immediately fired at a goon chasing him from inside the laboratory, then at another arriving from the hallway before he continued to run.

The chase lasted a while before Captain Falcon was able to hide in some storage room, now armed with a submachine gun that he took from one of the goons he killed. He immediately used the respite to recover his breath before he pressed a button on the side of his helmet, sending a signal to his Falcon Flyer. F0N, his robot, will see it and send help. However, he didn't know how long it will take them to reach him. Until then, he will have to play hide and seek with the BS Group in their own base. Unless he could find a ship for him to leave but he doubted of this. No doubt Blood Falcon put the place on lockdown.

What really worried him was what will happen in his absence, especially if he wasn't able to return in time for the last race.

It took a lot to convince Shadow Speedster's aunts to let her race, but they were able to reassure them that she will be alright.

Sweetie Void was already gone with the Falcon Flyer however. She hadn't been able to allow herself to wait that much, with Captain Falcon's life being in danger. So Phantom was the one to use her powers to transform Shadow Speedster into Captain Falcon once they found the Captain's hideout following the robot's instructions. Only Shadow Speedster, Chromatic Bolt, and Phantom came however. All the others remained in their respective Equestria for the night. The Death Quatuor also wanted to come, but there wasn't much they could do since Shadow Speedster and the others will also sleep once they installed themselves into the hideout.

The hideout was well hidden. The entrance was in an alley, behind some random shop, and could only be opened by finding a well-hidden falcon symbol on the wall. The Blue Falcon's entrance, however, was further away, a large secret door at the end of some old and deserted dead end. A long tunnel then led from this entrance to the hideout's garage.

Once here, they slept the night in Captain Falcon's sleeping quarters before Shadow Speedster was ready to start the training. After a nice breakfast brought from Equestria, Shadow Speedster, with the help of Phantom, was able to use the computer aboard the Blue Falcon to activate the simulation mode. She chose the easier level and the easier track among the ones proposed, a simple oval-shaped one. The Blue Falcon then rose while the garage around disappeared and left place to the simulated track, which was one from Mute City.

Everything was like the real deal. The rooms at both sides of the line (excepted that the public was absent), the places where the machines usually took position, and even the screens (all turned off).

«All right. First, some laps to familiarise yourself with the Blue Falcon. You read the instructions on how to pilot it, right?» Phantom asked through the Blue Falcon's computer, using the one in the garage.

Shadow Speedster rolled her eyes. "Of course I did. I read them at least ten times."

A whistle came through the computer. «You? You actually read them more than once?»

"Yeah yeah. I know. Reading so much when not needed is out of character from me. But I didn't want to screw up, so yes, I did."

«Well good for you. Now go, girl.»

«Good luck, Scoot!» Chromatic Bolt shouted then.

Smiling, Shadow Speedster started the first lap. She first went slowly but added speed little by little as she got more and more confident in herself.

"I think I'm getting the hang of it," she eventually said after a few laps, stopping at the line.

«Then time to add a bit of difficulty to see if you control the Blue Falcon well enough.» The simulation flickered, resetting. The track remained the same, but now, there were yellow holographic areas at various positions all over the path. «You see these yellow things? They are called Capsules. You must get all of them in less than eighty seconds, no matter how many laps it takes you. Just pass through them.»

"Should be a piece of cake."

«After that, we will replace this track by Twist Road. The real training will start then.»


As the hours passed, the training gained in complexity as Shadow Speedster went from track to track harder and harder. She did more races with the Capsules, but also simple races where she had to do three laps as rapidly as possible. She learned to use the boost, so she learned by the same occasion to work with Pit Rows. She also went through pretty much everything Falcon went through in the Grand Prix. Lasers, slippy rows, half pipes, but also some he didn't encounter in the current Grand Prix but that also existed such as cylinders where the machine could move all around them, and lava rows that damaged the Blue Falcon if she drove on them. She learned to drift to pass sharp turns, and learned to steer the Blue Falcon while in the air.

To make it short, she went through all the fundamentals so she was as prepared as possible to whatever this Slim-Line Slits track will throw at her. But this track being totally unknown, it could possess some surprises...

Meanwhile, Sweetie Void was still aboard the Falcon Flyer, slowly approaching Captain Falcon's position. Behind the ship, the Milky Way was slowly shrinking.

She watched the computer screen as she saw the distance between her and her friend decrease light-year by light-year.

Captain Falcon probably ran the equivalent of the Marathon (or even two Marathons) since he appeared in the BS Group's HQ, with the occasional moments of rest that rarely lasted as the goons always ended up finding him. He stopped counting how many of them he killed after he reached one hundred. Despite their reduced number, they still seemed to be as numerous as before.

As he reached an intersection, someone suddenly grabbed him by the arm from behind a corner. Whoever it was was able to force him to release his weapon, but Captain Falcon was able to punch the guy on the face with his other arm, freeing himself from his hold. The Captain then faced his attacked, seeing that it was Blood Falcon.

"Enough playing tag with you," he said. "Time for you to say nighty night."

Captain Falcon didn't reply and directly attacked with a punch that was blocked. Blood Falcon returned the attack with a punch of his own that was also blocked. The two thus began an exchange where they attempted to hit their adversary here and there on their body only to always be blocked or dodged. Blood Falcon being Captain Falcon's clone, the two had exactly the same moves so they knew each others perfectly well. This came to a point where Captain Falcon and Blood Falcon repeatedly attempted to punch or kick each other only for each attack to be countered by the exact same attack from their adversary.

Goons then started to come from the hallways when, suddenly...



The two Falcon readied a fist that enveloped itself in fire.


The fire taking the form of fiery falcons, the two fists collided in a BOOM! This created a shockwave that propelled the fire into the hallways around, sending the arriving goons flying to crash further away while burning them.

Getting annoyed, the two restarted their exchange, putting more power into their attacks. Their fists were now constantly covered in fire, smaller fiery shockwaves forming each time that they collided.

Until the whole HQ suddenly violently shook. This made Blood Falcon lose his focus as he wondered what was the cause, resulting in him receiving a punch on the face. Holding his bloody nose, he took a few steps back in shock. He looked down at the blood on his hand before glaring at Captain Falcon.

The Captain gave a small smirk. He knew what was the cause of this shaking. Help finally arrived.

Moral boosted, he thrust out his left arm and signed for Blood Falcon to come closer. "Come on!"

"We finally reached the Captain's position," the robot warned Sweetie Void.

"Finally!" the filly exclaimed. "I'm going right now! Start to return the Falcon Flyer to Mute City. I can bring Captain Falcon back by myself and it will be faster.

"Very well. Good luck."

Sweetie Void gave the robot a thankful nod before she teleported out of the ship, finally getting to see where Captain Falcon was warped to.

It was hard to see what it was in the darkness of the inter-galactic space where there were almost no stars to illuminate everything so she lit her horn.

Before her was a space station about as large as the Jambastion made to look like Black Shadow's head, horns included.

"Typical..." Sweetie Void deadpanned.

She then burst right through the huge metallic gate at the mouth, arriving at where the BS Group's ships were docked. The hole she left behind caused a depressurisation that sucked out any unlucky goons that had been too close. Others quickly moved to avoid the same fate while also pointing their weapons at Sweetie Void.

She stared at them unimpressed. "It's nice to be welcomed so openly. Now, here's the one million bits question for you. Where. Is. Captain Falcon? You have one second."

Shadow Speedster gulped as it was finally time to go to Twist Road. Sweetie Void still hadn't returned with Captain Falcon, meaning that she had to take over.

She was inside the Blue Falcon while Phantom used her powers to teleport the three of them onto the track, not far before the line so Shadow Speedster just had to advance a bit to reach where the other racers were gathered. Giving her a good luck nod, Phantom then teleported herself and Chromatic Dash into one of the public rooms where they found Apple Death and the others. Not just them however, but also Shadow Speedster's aunts as well as Chromatic Bolt's friends. It seemed that the fillies received a permission to skip school (for the ones it wasn't the week-end) to support their friend along with the mares who had all somehow been convinced to not try to stop the pegasus filly.

Shadow Speedster then took a huge breathe before she advanced to join the other racers.

Many of them looked very surprised to see her, or rather, Captain Falcon, especially Black Shadow. The King of Evil gawked as she came out of the Blue Falcon, giving him her smuggest grin.

"HOW ARE YOU HERE?!?" Black Shadow yelled.

Shadow Speedster gave him a two-fingered salute like Captain Falcon liked to do. "Some friends found me and brought me back just in time."

"Impossible! There's no way someone could have brought you back in time for the race!"

"And yet I'm here."

Black Shadow let out a roar and visibly had to stop himself from attacking.

Phoenix then approached her. "It's good to see you. I really thought that we would have to deal with Black Shadow without you."

"Mmh..." Shadow Speedster looked around before she whispered, "Actually, I'm not Captain Falcon. It's actually me, Shadow Speedster. Phantom used her powers to turn me into Captain Falcon so I could race for him. This way, we don't lose his points."

"I see. But are you sure you are up to this?"

"I trained very hard with Captain Falcon's simulation mode. I should at least be able to reach the finish line, which is just what we need to win, even if I'm not first."

Phoenix nodded and returned to his vehicle. He then went to whisper something to Mrs. Arrow, probably repeating to her what she just told him. They then spread the news to the other friendly racers so they all in the known.

Shadow Speedster was glad that so many of them were able to return despite the pileup. However, as expected, James McCloud wasn't back. Roger Buster too. It looked like Draq also retired. With Blood Falcon disqualified, and Dr. Clash and Antonio Guster who had to withdraw as expected after their fall, only eleven racers remained. However, Shadow Speedster could see that many of them hadn't returned without at least a bandage. And seeing how they were all glaring at Black Shadow, it seemed that they were now all sharing the same goal: make him pay. Even Don Genie.

Mr. Zero appeared on the screens. "Well, here we are! Back on Twist Road! And out of the thirty racers that had been present here the first time, I count now only eleven present. Blood Falcon was disqualified. Dr. Clash and Antonio Guster had to withdraw. James McCloud and Roger Buster are at the hospital - I'm glad to announce by the way that they are out of danger -, and Draq has decided to retire to remain with his friend. But, unexpectedly, I see Captain Falcon among the ones present here tonight! Seems like whatever plan Black Shadow had to ensure that Captain Falcon wouldn't be able to race tonight failed.

Now, I still don't know anything of what the higher ups have cooked for us tonight, but I can see the Transport Ship approaching to transport our racers to their destination! Sorry, my dear public, but we won't be able to go with them, but the screens will still broadcast everything."

The ship landed further onto the track, after the line. A ramp lowered to allow the machines to enter it.

"Here you go, pilots. Enter this ship," Mr. Zero instructed.

Gulping again, Shadow Speedster returned inside the Blue Falcon and drove inside the ship, being careful to not bump into the others. Once they were all inside the ship, the ramp closed before they took off. A screen then lit up to show to them where they were going.

A few minutes later, they reached a huge circular ship with four extensions under it. Out of the extensions came bolts of electricity that joined at the center. After a few seconds of this, what seemed to be a black hole opened.

"Uh... What?" Shadow Speedster wondered aloud.

"What is... Wait a minute... could this be...?" they heard Mr. Zero begin. "Ohohoh! Now this is getting interesting! Seems like the higher ups decided to use a very advanced technology! You see this black hole? If what I'm guessing is right, it will lead to a cyber space entirely generated by computer! You heard me right folks! Our pilots will race on a computer-generated track made real thanks to the power of scieeeence! Prepare to enter an entirely different dimension where physics may be a little screwy."

Shadow Speedster didn't look reassured at all as the Transport Ship approached the hole. After a long minute, it entered it. The whole ship shook for a few seconds as space in the screen distorted.

Then, they found themselves somewhere alien. It really looked like they were inside a computer. The space itself looked grided, grid which moved, making it look like the space itself was in movement. There were dozens of giant cubes, themselves made of smaller cubes, which moved around. And there was also a giant vortex which was from which they entered.

Before them was a track that made Shadow Speedster dizzy just looking at it. It seemed to be an agglomeration of twists and turns, like a giant knot bag, or a very extreme rollercoaster of doom.

"And we have our track: Slim-Line Slits! And... I don't know about you, but it intimidates me. I don't want to be at the place of the racers," Mr. Zero commented.

The ponies all gulped at seeing the track.

"Is she... ready for THAT track?" Holiday asked Chromatic Bolt.

"Uh... Well... Remember, she just has to reach the finish line. So I think that she will be alright."

"You think?" Lofty repeated.

"Uh... I mean, I know that she will be alright."

Twilight remarked that Pinkie Pie looked as if she was trying to levitate something with her mind. "What are you doing, Pinkie?"

"I'm sending Scootaloo all my luck!"

The Transport Ship dropped the racers before the line before leaving. Shadow Speedster went to her place and readied herself.

"Okay... Okay... You can do it, Scoot... You can do it... You... CAN... do it..." she repeated like a mantra before the countdown began.

And the race began.

As she expected, Black Shadow immediately went to take the lead while she remained at the back, away from him. The track started rather calmly, the road (seemingly made of hard light tiles) simply doing small waves while climbing a bit. So far, there were guard rails, so Shadow Speedster didn't risk falling unless she was somehow propelled above them.

Once they reached the top of that first climb, they then went down a slop worthy of a rollercoaster, Shadow Speedster making sure to not miss the booster on the way, before they reached a section where the path cut into two smaller ones, the right one passing above the left one before they merged back into a single path. Not able to decide, Shadow Speedster took the one that Black Shadow didn't take, the left one. There too, there were barriers.

She did well to not take the right path because Black Shadow was already able to cause a small pileup by sending Don Genie, who had been attacking him, to spin out of control before Jack Levin crashed into him. Mrs Arrow almost crashed into them but was able to avoid the worst, but Silver Neelsen wasn't so lucky.

The race barely started and three racers were already out... Eight left...

Shadow Speedster tried to not think about this as she continued to drive. All that mattered was reaching the finish line.

The path split a second time but, thankfully, this time, there were no accident. When the two paths merged black, it was immediately followed by a slippy row in the right side which Shadow Speedster avoided. She then saw a Pit Row in the left side but she didn't need to remain on it as the Blue Falcon was barely scratched by her bumping once against Gomar and Shioh when the path split the first time. And she did well when she saw that the Pit Row ended at a sudden dead end with no guard rail. Now that was just plein sadistic!

Shadow Speedster actually remarked at this moment that, in this section, the road seemed to be split into four lines. The slippy row had taken the two right lines while the Pit Row had only taken the most left one. The two left lines then ended brusquely, only leaving the two right ones. After a bit, the left lines returned only for the two right ones to end brusquely too. At least, the first time it happened, everyone had been able to see it coming but this second time was harder and many almost fell into this trap including Black Shadow himself. Gomar and Shioh actually weren't able to go left in time and fell.

Another out...

"You can do it! You can do it!" Shadow Speedster reassured herself with the same mantra than earlier.

The left lines became right lines as two new left ones started after a bit, a Pit Row on the most left one. Another Pit Row started a bit further on the most right line before the two ended brusquely like the first one. Shadow Speedster made sure to remain in the middle while she saw Black Shadow push The Skull with a twirl into the left gap. She saw Samurai Goroh attempt to do the same thing to her as he approached so she quickly decided to act first and rammed into him before twirling to send him falling into the right gap.

"Take that, you samurai jerk!" she yelled.

Five left...

The left and right line returned not long after along with two last Pit Rows, these ones thankfully not ending in gaps, before they reached the line.

Right, that was just the first lap... It felt like an eternity for Shadow Speedster.

Thankfully, the remaining racers beside Black Shadow were all allies so she could count on them.

"So far so good..." she said to herself as her boost was unlocked. She was dead last, but she didn't care.

Sweetie Void smashed her way through walls after walls as she traversed hallways and rooms searching for Captain Falcon, spreading destruction everywhere she passed. Probably she ended up destroying a lot of important stuff for the fortress this way but she didn't care.

And eventually, she found him, still fighting his clone. The two were out of breath and bloody and bruised all over.

"Captain Falcon! I finally find you!"

Blood Falcon looked at Sweetie Void in surprise. "Wh-How did you-?!"


Captain Falcon punched his clone right on the head with his fist enveloped in a fiery falcon, badly burning his face before sending him flying far into one of the hallways, knocked out.

"Nice to see you, Sweetie Void. Took your time," Captain Falcon said with a two-fingered salute.

"Sorry, but this fortress was moving away from the galaxy. It took forever for the Falcon Flyer to reach it."

Captain Falcon frowned. "But the race has probably started by now."

"I guess. But don't worry. You aren't disqualified."


"We turned someone into you so they could race in your place."


"Shadow Speedster. If we go now, we may be able to see the end of the race."

Upon learning of who was racing in his place, Captain Falcon had visible doubt of the ability of the pegasus filly to win the Grand Prix. But he still nodded and joined Sweetie Void.

"Before we go..." The alicorn materialized a cloak on the Captain. "We don't want people recognizing you. Now, let's go." She teleported the two of them, leaving the damaged fortress to drift into space with its occupants. The thing was that, in her rampage, she totally destroyed the engines and the ships. This meant that there was no way for everyone inside to change the fortress' course or to leave.

The two reappeared on the roof of the building surrounding Twist Road's line. After feeling for Phantom and Apple Death's energies, she then teleported to them with Captain Falcon.

"We're back! So, how are things going?"

As the others welcomed Sweetie and Captain Falcon back and the mares got to meet the Captain, Phantom answered. "Second lap, only five racers left. Black Shadow, Phoenix, Dr. Stewart, Mrs. Arrow, and..." She looked at the cloaked Captain. "And Captain Falcon. So, both good and bad."

Sweetie Void looked at one of the screens. "Woah! What is this place? This reminds me of that illusion in the Access Ark where it looked like we were inside a computer."

"That's pretty much that," Black Apple answered. "Excepted that it ain't an illusion."

As the ponies explained to Sweetie Void the nature of the Phantom Road, Captain Falcon stared through the screens at his double.

As they reached the slippy row, Phoenix, Dr. Stewart, and Mrs Arrow were surrounding Black Shadow, constantly attacking him. Black Shadow didn't let himself being impressed however and was able to twirl to send Phoenix spinning on the slippy row. Not enough to force him to give up the race, but he ended up behind Shadow Speedster as a result. Black Shadow then pushed Mrs. Arrow in the gap at the end of the first Pit Row, and did the same with Dr. Stewart at the first right gap.

Leaving only him, Phoenix, and Shadow Speedster...

"Oh, Celestia..."

Phoenix arrived at her side and she could see him give her a thumb up. But then, Black Shadow suddenly slowed down to get himself at their level.


As they reached the section with the two Pit Rows ending in gaps, she quickly used her boost while on the left Pit Row to gain speed and avoid a twirl from the King of Evil. While only two lines remained, Phoenix went to attack Black Shadow only for him to use the boost too to go after Shadow Speedster. And just as the last two Pit Rows before the line came, he not only caught up to her, but actually managed to pierce the Blue Falcon with the Black Bull's horns.

Shadow Speedster saw that and immediately understood that she was screwed.

The next instant, Black Shadow twirled, sending the Blue Falcon flying from the horns. It crashed against the guard rail and did several rolls before stopping just at the line. The machine was now badly damaged, and the roof of the cockpit was totally gone.

Thanks Celestia whoever made this track using computers thought to include air.

Shadow Speedster was still conscious, but groggy and feeling horrible. She lost.

Everybody was shocked by what happened. They looked at the screens, thinking if it was a nightmare.

"Dang it! She's doing so well!" Black Apple shouted. Thankfully, nobody in the public listened and caught that she used "she".

Now, Mr. Zero looked depressed. "Seems like this is over for Captain Falcon. Only Phoenix is left between Black Shadow and his victory." He remarked something about Captain Falcon. "Wait a minute..."

Shadow Speedster began to hear a bip and looked at the computer. She saw that it was showing all the damage that the Blue Falcon took, but also that the machine was still working! And yes, now that she remarked, the engine was still on! She tried to make the Blue Falcon advance a bit, and it advanced!

Her shock turned into relief, and then into a glare, anger filling her. "Now he did it. Enough of Captain Falcon. Time to be Scootaloo!"

"I can't believe it! Captain Falcon is still in the course!" Mr. Zero yelled excitedly under the cheers of the public. "But he will have all the difficulty of the world to catch up with Black Shadow and Phoenix!"

"She doesn't need to catch up to them! She just needs to... What is she doing?!" Sweetie Void interrupted herself when she saw Shadow Speedster doing something totally reckless.

Shadow Speedster reached the top of the first climb, her brain working overdrive as she was thinking of what she was about to do.

After all, what was Scootaloo known for?


At the top of the climb, she moved toward the guard rail, partially going on it, and used the boost, launching herself in the air! She then landed just before the path split in two and immediately went to take the right path before she moved again toward the guard rail before she hammered it with the butt of the vehicle, launching herself in the air again. She passed right above the line and used the boost while steering the machine to land just before where the path split in two for the second time, gaining a huge amount of time! Thanks to this, she wasn't far behind Black Shadow and Phoenix who were bumping into each other.

Black Shadow saw Shadow Speedster approaching from behind. "WHAT THE-?!!"

"Did he use the guard rails to propel himself into the air and catch up with Black Shadow and Phoenix?!" Mr. Zero shouted in shock and awe while the public was going wild. "I haven't seen something that crazy and reckless since the first F-Zero Grand Prix! That was awesome!"

"Heck yeah!" the three Rainbow Dash agreed.

"What is she thinking?!" Sweetie Void shouted. "She could have fell off-track! And why is she approaching Black Shadow?! As she forgotten that she doesn't need to win?!"

"Ya seem ta've forgotten something yerself, Sweetie. She's Scootaloo," Black Apple reminded.

Sweetie Void put a hoof on her face, groaning.

Black Shadow immediately slowed down to get to Shadow Speedster's level but she didn't let him. She remained firmly behind him. Phoenix hesitated for a bit as he remained ahead. They passed the first Pit Row with the first gap, then the second gap, and the two Pit Rows with the two gaps. As they approached the last two Pit Rows before the finish line, he finally decided to try something and slowed down to go to Black Shadow's level by his right, on the right Pit Row. He then went to do a Spin Attack just as Black Shadow went to do one on him too, the two attacks colliding. Black Shadow easily won the clash thanks to the strength of his Black Bull and Phoenix was sent crashing against the guard rail before he passed above it and fell. However, Phoenix' attack still left the Black Bull destabilised and Shadow Speedster used the occasion to boost to Black Shadow's left and Spin Attacked him, hitting him on the butt of his machine and sending him spinning uncontrollably. At the same time, she slowed down a bit so she remained behind Black Shadow before she used the boost again.

She rammed the Black Bull on its left side, toward the front, and sent it flying and rolling. She passed the finish line just before the Black Bull rolled onto it, ending up upside down. Its engine then exploded.

"HE DID IT!!!" Mr. Zero yelled. "Our Champion! Captain! FALCOOOOOOON!!!!!"

You could hear the cheers from all over Mute City as everyone celebrated Captain Falcon/Shadow Speedster's victory over Black Shadow.

"Wow. She totally humiliated Black Shadow at the end, there," Phantom said proudly.

She was suddenly hugged by Sweetie Void who was also hugging Black Apple while crying and laughing. "I know! That idiot, crazy, hot-headed pegasus! She didn't need to do that! I'm so thinking of slapping her and then hug her and then yell at her and then give her the best party of her life!"

"I was exactly thinking that last part!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

Shadow Speedster slumped against the Blue Falcon's chair, breathing loudly and feeling lighter than she ever felt. She couldn't believe that she did it. She not only won the race (and the Grand Prix, but that was still technically Captain Falcon's victory) but also put Black Shadow in his place. And she never felt so alive than during that last lap. She could feel her heart beating like crazy, and she wanted to laugh out loud.

"How...?!" she heard from behind the Blue Falcon. Looking, she saw Black Shadow crawling from the Black Bull, even more injured than before. One of his horns was even broken.

"Simple," she began before she pointed at herself with a thumb. "You messed with the wrong p... The wrong man!"

To her surprise, Black Shadow looked terrified. She didn't make such an impression, right?

But then, purple bolts of electricity appeared from nowhere and gathered at a certain point not far from Black Shadow, slightly in the air. In a flash, enveloped in a purple sphere of energy, a new being appeared, floating in the air. Shadow Speedster quickly hid behind the chair of the Blue Falcon while she watched.

All she could see from her position was his red cap fluttering in the wing he was creating, but she could occasionally see his red shoes attached to grey greaves, their back purple, as well as his purple hands. When he talked, his voice came out dark, cold, and distorted as if he was speaking through a fan. "Black Shadow! You failed AGAIN! You good-for-nothing..." Some kind of pole made of energy appeared in his hands before he hit Black Shadow with it.

The King of Evil yelled in pain as the energy spread across his body. "AAARGH! Forgive me, Lord Death!" he pleaded, to no avail. His body glowed purple before he disappeared painfully.

Shadow Speedster looked in horror before what she heard clicked. "Lord Death? Lord Death... Deathborn?!"

Deathborn (?) turned to face her, finally fully revealing himself to her, and he looked even more scary and evil than Black Shadow. He had a red head with two small, entirely white eyes full of malice. Starting from above his eyes and all the way to the back of his head was a glass part that let her see his brain. His mouth was covered by a black breathing mask which explained his voice. He had huge black pauldrons with red parts and a black chestplate lined with gold on a red and purple suit. Finally, he had a baggy black and red pant which seemed to be part of the suit, with metallic parts on the red sides.

"So you know about me. These pesky Time Patrol agents must have informed you. But it doesn't matter."

At this moment, Sweetie Void, Phantom, and Apple Death appeared around Shadow Speedster, ready to defend her.

"You finally show yourself, Deathborn!" Sweetie Void shouted only to be hit by the same energy that Deathborn used on Black Shadow.

"Sweetie!" the three others shouted.

"Out of my way! It's between me and the one who won the Light Belt!"

Sweetie Void felt as if her body was decomposing, but she could also feel that she wasn't dying. As she glowed purple, she disappeared like Black Shadow.

Deathborn pointed his energy pole at Phantom and Apple Death. "Now, if you don't want to join your friend in the outer limits of space, I advise you to go away!"

The three raised an eyebrow before Phantom asked, "So you just teleported Sweetie elsewhere?"

Deathborn glared at her as if she was stupid. ""Just" teleported...? I banished her beyond space! She will wander alone for the rest of time!"

The three before Deathborn exchanged looks before they burst into laughter.

"WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?!" Deathborn yelled.

Before they could answer, a rift suddenly opened before Sweetie Void came out of it.

"Sorry Mr. Death, but I will have to put a zero on your vacation spot. So empty, cold, and dark, no way to pass a good time, nobody to welcome us... Not even a nice fresh drink."

Deathborn stared speechless at the alicorn before he yelled, "SCREW THIS" He then pointed a finger at Shadow Speedster. "You! Come to the Underworld with the belt tomorrow! We will race each other for it! At these coordinates!" He taped something on some cylindrical piece on his arm, and the Blue Falcon's computer received the coordinates. "I will be waiting! And I will know if this isn't you! I know that you aren't really who you pretend to be! So do not attempt to fool me!" he threatened at last before he disappeared like he arrived.

Leaving the fillies to look at each others again.

"Seriously. Why does he want that belt so much? And why does he want to obtain it by racing?" Sweetie Void wondered.

"We'll find out soon enough," Apple Death said.

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