• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 84: Destruction Trio

News quickly came from all over the Lylat System that, following the death of the queen thanks to the program, all aparoids remaining in the system died at once, confirming the end of the aparoid threat. So it was in hero that the force sent to the Aparoid Homeworld was welcomed back on Corneria. For their role in the defense of the system and in the extermination of the aparoids, Star Fox and the UME were especially acclaimed. Beltino Toad and his team of scientists who made the program that ended the space bugs also received praises.

"And so, for everything you have done to save us from the aparoids, all of you will be graciously rewarded," Pepper said after a long ceremony followed by an as long speech about the victory over the aparoids and praising the actions of everyone. Before him were the full Star Fox team, the UME, and Beltino.

"Thank you, General," Fox said.

"We just did our duty," Beltino said.

"Eeyup. We just did what was right. Ah don't know about Fox and the others, but ya don't need to reward us," Apple Bloom said for the fillies.

"I insist," Pepper said.

"Please, Bloom, shut it. If he wants to reward us, then let him," Phantom said with a big grin.

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. "Shameless much?"

Phantom just chuckled.

"I already tried to refuse a reward once in a previous adventure but some friends made some really good points about how useful it could be to accept. We could use the money if we need to buy something in this universe," Sweetie Belle said to Apple Bloom before she faced back the General. "So, we accept the reward. Buuut... Whatever money you have will certainly have no value back where we come from. So, how about you just open bank accounts for the three of us?"

"Very well, this will be done," Pepper said.


"I recently had some great ideas for upgrades for the Arwings and the Landmaster, and thanks to that reward, I will finally be able to make them real!" Slippy exclaimed.

"What kind of upgrades, Slippy?" Peppy asked.

"I will show ya once we're back in the Great Fox."

"Hey! Now that all this stuff is over, how about we return to what we were discussing before the General called?" Sweetie Belle proposed.

"That's right! Uh... What were we talking about again?" Slippy asked.

"About these three being here in search of allies to fight some future threats," Krystal reminded.

Peppy nodded. "And with the General just in front of us, this is the perfect occasion for you. He is one of the leading figures of Corneria. Through him, you should be able to reach the Prime Minister, the other reigning body of our world."

"Thank you." Sweetie Belle looked back at Pepper who looked curiously at her. "General Pepper. I, Sweetie Belle, Queen from the Kingdom of Floralia from planet Popstar, would like to discuss with you and the Prime Minister to begin relationship between our peoples. And by "our", I mean not only my people but also the ones of some friends I made."

"You are a queen?!" everyone excepted Apple Bloom and Phantom shouted in shock.

Sweetie Belle laughed. "You know? I should start to take photos of the reactions I get each time I reveal that I'm queen, they're always hilarious."

"Would make for some nice memories," Phantom said with a chuckle.

Pepper quickly recovered from his shock. "How about we go talk in private now that the ceremony is over?"

The fillies nodded before Sweetie Belle asked the Star Fox team, "Will you come? I would like you guys to be here. I know that you are mercenaries and that you have no reason to follow beside simple curiosity, but fighting alongside you showed me that I could count on you to help against these threats I'm about to reveal and you being here will allow you to learn what they will be and what is awaiting this universe if Pepper and the Prime Minister agree to ally our peoples."

The Star Fox team agreed as well as Beltino and they all followed Pepper into his temporary office (his regular one having been destroyed by a stray shot during the aparoid assault on the planet). Once the door was closed behind the last one to enter, the General immediately went to the point.

"Before I call the Prime Minister for a meeting, can you tell me more? Who are you? What are these threats? Why do you require our help?"

"Yeah. Are you really a queen? Aren't queens supposed to remain with their people and rule instead of risking their life adventuring?" Falco asked. "Oh, and don't tell me you two are also royals!" he then shouted to the two other fillies.

"Nope. Spirit of Death. Nothing royal. But Ah guess Ah'm some kind of mayor for a literal ghost town Ah founded," Apple Bloom replied.

"Just a simple citizen with cool powers," Phantom said. "Ancient leader of a mercenary group by the way."

"Leader of a group of mercenaries? At your age? How old are you by the way?" Falco asked in disbelief.

"Just about one year old. And for your information, in my world, a year equals 365 days and a day equals 24 hours. And before you express even more disbelief at me having been a mercenary leader in such a short time, let me tell you that I'm actually the fusion of two beings, and one of them led a mercenary group for several years."

"Ahem! Yes, I'm a queen, but a regent is taking care of everything back home until I reach adulthood. Until then, I go on adventures. Nobody really minds me risking my life excepted my sister, but as you saw, they don't have much reason to worry. I'm very hard to kill. Certainly not something like the aparoids that will cause me problem," Sweetie Belle said to Falco.

Then, she faced Pepper and continued. "Who I am... Who we are, is exactly what you saw and heard. We explore universes, and currently, are in search of allies to help us face future threats that an acquaintance warned us about. Just the first threat will apparently be a powerful multi-dimensional army that will target many universes, and us alone won't be enough to face them for the same reason that we weren't enough to face the aparoids. We just can't be everywhere at once. One-man-armies like Fox and his team here are especially what we seek, but we won't say no to the Cornerian army adding their number to what we already gathered, and Beltino would be a great addition to our team of scientists."

"And how much did you gather?" Pepper asked.

"Nobody has yet officially joined this new alliance because discussions and negotiations are still taking place. We barely started, you see. But among the possible allies we found, I think that a galaxy-wide civilization is a good find. But the only official members for now are my Equestria as well as the kingdom I rule, Floralia, as well as an ally kingdom on the same planet, Dream Land. There is also a portal-planet in the same universe, New Halcandra, but the colony there has barely started to rebuild from the ruins of the civilization that previously built and inhabited it. At least, it's a good source of very advanced technology that is being studied by our eggheads. And speaking of advanced technology, we got our hands on one that allows us to turn something or someone into energy to be kept inside small capsules and on one that turns anything into data."

"Say WHAT?!" Beltino shouted. "You imagine all that could be done with such technologies?!"

Sweetie Belle laughed. "A friend studying them told me some examples. I'm also good friend with an actual God, the kind that can create and destroy universes like we build and destroy sand castles, so this is quite the powerhouse ready to fight for us."

"And what do you know about this army?" Pepper asked, keeping his calm despite everything Sweetie Belle was telling him.

"Not much beside what I already said. The acquaintance who warned us didn't say more. I just know that this army will be preparing to fight two other Gods, one of Light and one of Darkness, both evil, but this army will do a lot of harm in countless universes while doing so, and this could include your universe. And yes, these two evil Gods are other threats that we will certainly end up facing. No idea however of when this army and these Gods will appear. Time is a really difficult matter to discuss in the Omniverse."

Pepper was silent for a moment before he pressed a button on his office desk. Not long after, the holographic head of an old havanese dog appeared.

"Hello General. Why are you calling?"

"Hello Minister. I am requiring a meeting with you with some special guests I have. It is of utmost importance."

It was hard to judge the Minister's reaction, his fur hiding his eyes, but he clearly gave the General, then everyone else in the room a curious look, stopping on the fillies, before he nodded. "Very well. Come as soon as you can." And he ended the call.

Pepper immediately faced the others and said, "Let's go," before he moved to open the door so everyone could leave the office.

Between Corneria and Fichina was an asteroid belt named Meteo, a very risky area to fly through. As such, it was the perfect place to hide from the law, so it was no surprise to find a hideout home of criminals and thugs. Known as the Sargasso Space Zone, or Sargasso Region, this hideout was a huge space station very well defended that the Cornerian judged as a very real threat, especially because many of the criminals it sheltered were Androssians and had brought with them Androssian technology.

But the very real reason why this place was dangerous was because of the team leading these outlaws: Star Wolf.

Star Wolf was an elite team of mercenaries, not unlike Star Fox, excepted that these ones had no qualms accepting the dirtiest jobs where Star Fox would refuse. If they were payed to assassinate General Pepper, they would gladly do it.

At the origin, the team had only two members: Wolf O'Donnell, a wolf who was the leader looking like a space pirate with his eyepatch, and Leon Powalski, a chameleon and very feared assassin. Then, during the Lylat Wars, under the employment of Andross, they were joined by two more members: Pigma Dengar who joined the team after betraying the original Star Fox team to Andross, and Andrew Oikonny, Andross' nephew that was forced into the team. The team fought Star Fox at several occasion during the war, leading to some terrible dog fights that challenged even Fox's piloting skill.

After the war and Andross' death, the team found shelter in the Sargasso Region and quickly climbed the ranks until Wolf was now considered the "lord" of the place. However, Pigma and Andrew were quickly kicked out of the team for various reasons. Recently, the team was joined by Panther Caroso, a black panther who eluded the Cornerians for years and thus proved his worth.

The Region was left untouched by the aparoids, so Star Wolf and the criminals under his rule never got to take action, simply watching the events from afar. Surprisingly, Wolf had been ready to help Fox and the others if the situation had evolved for the worse. The aparoids winning would have not at all been in their best interest since the bugs would have eventually slaughtered all of them too, but in the end, his intervention was never needed and he was happy for it.

And so, Wolf sighed in relief as he read the news that the aparoid menace was definitely destroyed.

"Panther, tell everyone that they can relax. The aparoids aren't a threat anymore."

"They somehow managed to stop them?" Leon asked. "I thought that the Cornerians were too incompetent. Color me surprised."

"They are incompetent. But Star Fox, like always, pulled it off," Wolf said. Looking back at the news article in his holo-screen, he continued, "But they were apparently helped by strange equine creatures. They don't say more about them, just that they were vital in their victory."

"If they are that good, then we will have to be on the look out for them," Phanther said.

Wolf agreed. "We will upgrade our defenses again, and maybe move the station somewhere else, maybe closer to Venom."

"Sector Z?" Leon suggested.

Wolf nodded. "We will have to be careful to not be spotted. It won't be easy. Panther, go do what I said."

"Right." Panther left to tell the rest of the gang that they could relax now that the aparoid threat was gone.

But just then, Wolf received a call from an unknown source. Thinking that it could be a potential client, he answered it (with the usual precautions that it involved). But as soon as he answered the call, his holo-screen glitched before a familiar figure appeared in it.

A floating ape head.

"Wolf O'Donnell. It's nice to see you again," it said.

Wolf glared at the ape head, hiding his amazement. "Andross? That's impossible. He's dead. Who are you really?"

"Hehehehehehe! You are right. I'm dead. But I AM Andross."

Wolf sighed and rubbed his head. "Of course you found a way to cheat death... You apparently already did it once on Sauria."

"Ah. Like I thought. This plan failed. And I guess that Fox Mccloud has something to do with this failure. But as you can see, I had a safeguard. I copied my mind into a digital version that I stored in a special microchip that my nephew was supposed to take with him in the event I died, but it seems that that idiot failed to do this simple task."

"In his defense, we were in pretty bad shape following our last defeat against Star Fox," Leon remarked.

Andross rolled his eyes. "He could have returned to take the chip once he was healed. But of course, this scatterbrain must have forgotten. I knew I should have never put my trust in him, but if we can't even trust family to do something as simple as taking a chip..."

"But this means that someone else found the chip, or you wouldn't be here," Wolf understood.

"Yes. New allies that will help me. They have an army greater than anything you can even think. And now, Star Wolf, I'm proposing to you to join us. Despite your debacle against Star Fox, you remain the most skilled pilot that I know that isn't bowing to that mutt. And if you agree, I can promise you that money won't be a problem for you anymore. And you may end up getting your revenge to Star Fox."

Now this interested Wolf. As he stared at the screen, a grin slowly formed.

Cyrus was finally taking the last elevator before the Champion's room, leaving his remaining minions to deal with Lucian, the fourth member of Sinnoh's Elite 4.

He didn't want to lose time dealing with them himself.

However, Cynthia, because he knew that it was Cynthia awaiting him in the Champion's room in Dawn's absence, he had no choice but to deal with her himself. His minions would barely hold her back for a few seconds, not enough to find the flute.

As he expected, when he entered the room, she was here, waiting for him, Poké Ball ready to be thrown.

"Cyrus... I didn't expect to see you again after you disappeared in the Distortion World," she said.

"I'm not that Cyrus," Cyrus replied. "Let's just get to the point. I want to be finished here before reinforcements come."

"... As you wish."

Both threw their Poké Ball, Cynthia calling Spiritomb, a ghostly Pokémon made of some swirling purple gas with green parts (some of which forming a face) attached to a stone, and Cyrus calling Honchcrow, a large crow-like Pokémon looking like a mob boss in formal attire.

"Dark Pulse," Cyrus ordered.

"Rock Tomb!" Cynthia shouted at the same time.

The Honchcrow sent an aura imbued with dark thoughts in the form of dark purple rings while Spiritomb hurled boulders at the bird. Spiritomb barely flinched from the Dark Pulse while the Honchcrow was almost buried in the boulders, immediately knocking it out as it was very effective against it.

Cyrus frowned before he called his Pokémon back and sent a Crobat, a four-winged purple bat-like Pokémon that didn't fare better against the Spiritomb despite using Air Slash.

A Weavile, a bipedal grey pokémon looking like a cross between a cat and a weasel with a red crown and collar, followed but another Rock Tomb got rid of it.

Three Rock Tombs, three KOed Pokémon. That was Cynthia.

But then, Cyrus said, "Enough playing around," before he sent his fourth Pokémon.

Dialga. More exactly, Shadow Dialga. Its body now had the same color palet than Shadow Mewtwo, mostly black with light gray parts. But, strangely enough, it didn't have its usual appearance (without counting the color swap and the sharper extremities that seemed usual to Shadow Pokémon).

Usually, Dialga was a dark blue sauropod-like Pokémon with gray metallic portions such as the chest plate on its torso (which had a deep blue diamond-like crystal embedded in the center, but in this Shadow form, it was darker, closer to black) or the fin-like plate on its posterior. Its head also had some kind of crest with two metallic structures on the sides, and it had light blue stripes across its body.

But now, it looked closer to Arceus, especially at the back legs and the head and also now possessing a cross-wheel like Arceus around the abdomen. Its front legs were larger, its tail was much shorter and crystal-shaped, its fin-like plate had a second, star-like layer, and its chest plate was now gone. Instead, on its neck was now a large shape jutting out toward the front along with two pairs of protrusions on either sides, with the upper pair being bigger. The diamond crystal was on embedded in this shape as well as the two bigger protrusion, looking as if it was actually three diamond crystals linked together. Also, Dialga was now much bigger.

Cynthia looked in awe at it. "This... This form... Is this...?"

To answer her, Cyrus showed some kind of crystal. "You guessed right. This is Dialga's Origin Forme. Dialga, show her your power. Shadow Roar."

Following his order, Dialga fired a powerful beam of dark energy that could not only distort time but actually damage it. When it hit Spiritomb, the Pokémon shrieked before its purple gas was disintegrated by the beam followed by the stone.

"Spiritomb!" Cynthia yelled. "Damn you! Garchomp!" In rage, she sent her Garchomp and promptly made it Mega-evolve before she shouted, "Earthquake!!!"

Garchomp immediately set off a powerful earthquake that caused pieces of the ground to violently come out and hurt Dialga. This was terribly effective, but not quite enough to knock out the legendary Pokémon. The thing was, in its Origin Forme, Dialga had more physical defense.

"Shadow Roar," Cyrus ordered. "Make it join its friend."

Dialga fired its beam again, but Garchomp jumped out of the way.

"Continue to use Earthquake!" Cynthia shouted.

Garchomp did so, and this time, knocked out Dialga, only for Cyrus to use a Max Revive.

"Use as much Max Revives as you want, we won't give up!" Cynthia said.

"Yes... Your Garchomp reveals to be as annoying as I expected. I don't think that Dialga can win," Cyrus agreed before he grabbed two other Poké Balls and threw them.

Revealing Palkia and Giratina, both in their Origin Forme and both Shadow Pokémon.

In its Origin Forme, Palkia, like Dialga, looked more like Arceus, and actually really looked like a winged centaure with a ring around its abdomen and pearl-shaped crystals embedded this time where its arms usually were in its normal form.

Beside it, Giratina looked like a flying giant snake with six claw-like wings.

Cynthia could only look in horror as the Creation Trio in their Origin Formes was now facing her.

Cyrus readied two fingers. "Dialga. Palkia. Giratina. Let's finish this."

He snapped.

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