• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 167: Mother Brain

After much fighting against Subspace creatures, Sweetie Void and Samus entered the room with the golden statues. As if awaiting them, the statues’ jewels that formed the eyes began to explode while the statues themselves grayed out, all that in the order in which the commanders were defeated. Yes, that included Ridley. Apparently, him escaping counted. Everything began to shake then before the statues sank into the water and the ground which then opened to reveal a path.

“Here we are,” Samus said.

“What do you think awaits us?” Sweetie Void asked.

“Metroids, certainly. Perfect clones unlike the Mochtroids. Lots of them.”

“Mmh… Do you think that you will be able to continue without me?”

“Uh? Why?”

“You see, I don’t like the idea of leaving Expansions and maybe even Energy Tanks. I swear that I felt one back on Crateria, near the ships, but we never found the room it was in. I want you to be at 100% to face whatever we will be facing in there. So I will go search around for them while you continue. Now that the machine is destroyed and that I don’t have to limit myself, I will be able to freely explore around very rapidly.”

Samus thought for a bit, then nodded. “Very well. But try to join me before I reach whoever is the pirates’ big boss down there, and I may have an idea of who it is. They brought back Ridley and Kraid, so they certainly brought her back.”


Samus remained silent, but Sweetie could hear her growling.

“Mother Brain,” Samus eventually said.

“Mother Brain?”

“Remember that supercomputer that went rogue that I mentioned to you back then?”

“Oh. And the race that she almost caused the extinction of is the Chozos?”

“Yes. She betrayed them to the pirates. She betrayed me. She betrayed everyone. We all trusted her, and yet…”

Sweetie placed a hoof on Samus’ leg reassuringly. “I will be there. She will pay. And this time, we will make sure that the pirates won’t be able to bring her back.”

Samus nodded. “Go. I will be alright.”

“Ok. I shouldn’t be long.”

At that, Sweetie flew into a wall, leaving behind a hole, leaving Samus alone. The bounty hunter jumped into the path opened earlier, reaching an elevator that she took.

She entered a structure entirely metallic, artificial. Going down a small shaft, she passed a door and entered a recharge station room. She then passed another door, careful to not fall into the acid, and entered a long room with more acid.

Metroids looking slightly different from the ones that had been mutated by the Phazon, not possessing the bone-like ridge extending from the back to the front dividing the translucent membrane (which was green colored instead of blue) in two, were present. The fangs weren’t as long either, and its nuclei weren’t as big. They charged at Samus right away while projectiles shaped like red energy rings were constantly fired from red, quadrangle-shaped generators in the walls.

While avoiding the energy rings, Samus fired the Ice Beam at the Metroids, immobilizing them and allowing them to eliminate them easily. Once all the Metroids were dead, she was able to traverse a long gap full of acid to reach the end of the room where a metal door was unlocked.

Samus was now in a shaft with more Metroids and ring-shaped projectiles. The Metroids weren’t as numerous thankfully. At the bottom was another unlocked metal door.

Next was another long room with a narrow passage before a large gap full of acid that took most of the second part of the room. More Metroids were present as well as the ring projectiles, this time fired from blue generators in addition to the red ones. Samus had to advance to the end of the narrow passage to gain the attention of all the Metroids in the room which wasn’t perfect to avoid the ring projectiles. Once all the Metroids were dead, she did some platforming to traverse the acid and reach the end of the room where there was another unlocked metal door.

Another shaft followed with more Metroids and, as always, the ring projectiles. As she descended, she killed all the Metroids before she reached the door in the floor.

Surprisingly, she fell into a sandy room with golden grass and Blue Sidehoppers which were faster than their counterparts. Samus discovered that only the Super Missiles could destroy them, and thankfully, she had more than enough thanks to the Recharge Units.

In the next room was a Torizo. However, all that was left of it was a brittle husk, drained of its energy. A simple touch from Samus made it crumble. Not surprising with Metroids around. That was also the reason for the absence of any other enemies. For a Subspace creature, made of energy, Metroids were their natural enemies. But would a Metroid be able to drain energy from something as powerful as a Torizo?

She entered the next room which was full of husks of critters. One lone Blue Sidehopper remained, but it seemed slow, as if scared. It was still prepared to jump on Samus upon seeing her, but as soon as it jumped, a huge Metroid, much bigger than Samus, came and latched on it, draining it of its energy in a few seconds. Not only the Metroid was bigger, but four smaller nuclei could be seen in addition to the three original bigger ones.

Samus fired her Ice Beam at it, but to her surprise, it had no effect!

“What the?!”

She didn’t have time to say more as the Metroid flew toward her at a speed superior to the normal-sized ones and latched on to her, beginning to drain her of all her energy in just a few seconds. She tried to use her bombs, even a Power Bomb, but nothing worked on the Metroid.

This seemed to be the end, but suddenly, when almost nothing remained in her suit, the Metroid released her and let out little screeches that seemed plaintive. The Metroid then began to fly in circles above her, not hurting her anymore.

Samus’ eyes widened. “Is… Is this you?”

The Metroid screeched again before it flew away.


Too late, the Metroid was gone.

Samus went after it, passing the door at the end of the room after destroying some barnacle-like material blocking the way. She moved down a shaft full of this material and entered a room that had both a Super Missile and a Power Bomb Recharge Unit. She then traversed another sandy room which was entirely empty before she reached a monster door.

It was as she fired at its eye that Sweetie Void finally came through the entrance door and joined her with quite a number of Expansions, an Energy Tank, and even a Reserve Tank floating behind her.

“I’m coming just in time, it seems,” she said.

“Yeah. Perfect timing. By the way, you missed the baby.”

Sweetie gasped. “The baby? You found it?”

“More like it found me. For some reason, it grew to giant proportions. You saw all these husks a few rooms ago? That was it. It even drained a Torizo like it was nothing. It didn’t recognize me however and attacked me. Thankfully, it recognized me just before it could kill me, but now, I don’t have much energy left. I’m actually glad you weren’t here. You would have killed it.”

Sweetie winced. “Yeah. I would have. Anyway, take these and let’s go. We have a rogue supercomputer to destroy.”

Samus nodded and grabbed all the Expansions, Energy Tank, and Reserve Tank.

“You have no idea how much some of them were well hidden. One was in lava. We never looked if things were hidden in lava after you got the Gravity Suit,” Sweetie Void said.


Samus finally killed the monster door, allowing them to continue into a shaft, finally out of that wasteland-like section, but it meant the return of the ring-shaped projectiles. A door midway through the shaft led to a recharge station much to Samus’ relief. At the bottom was a red door.

Behind it was a room with cannons linked to the red generators that fired both the ring-shaped projectiles but also little bullets. Before them was a red Zebetite. They could see more cannons and Zebetites behind it, and all the way at the other side of the room was a glass capsule containing none other than Mother Brain. The girls couldn’t see her very well from where they were however, behind the pillars holding the Zebetites.

Acid began to rise out of the floor.

Samus began to fire missiles at the first Zebetite, and Sweetie finished it with a powerful enough projectile, allowing Samus to jump on the first pillar. Sweetie Void decided to destroy the cannons and the red generators to stop them from firing while Samus fired at the next Zebetite, which were actually two smaller Zebetites, one at the top and one at the bottom. She fired at the bottom one. Once it was destroyed, Samus had to use the Morph Ball to traverse.

It repeated with the next two Zebetites, Sweetie destroying the cannons and red generators while Samus took care of the obstacles until they reached Mother Brain herself. Because the last Zebetites were small ones, Samus had to stand on a platform just in front of Mother Brain.

Mother Brain was, to put it simply, a large one-eyed brain. However, to Samus’ surprise, she now had a facial skeleton beneath her eyeball, giving her a jaw with sharp teeth and tan-colored skin, which she apparently didn’t have before. She had metal pipes embedded in the sides of her face, and wires extended from the top and bottom, connecting her to the devices around her capsule. She had long spiked metal implants poking out of her brain, and her eye was currently closed. She wasn’t even using her new jaw to speak and say anything. Samus expected some taunting. It was like Mother Brain didn’t acknowledge their presence, or was waiting for something.

It didn’t matter for Samus. Mother Brain had to die, so she began to fire Super Missiles at the capsule, then at Mother Brain herself once the capsule was open.

It was very anticlimactic. Samus and Sweetie fired at Mother Brain, and the brain did nothing in return. Her cannons being destroyed by Sweetie Void, Samus said that she could only use what she called her Brain Blast, but she didn’t even use it.

So they fired and fired and fired until the devices around Mother Brain exploded and collapsed while the acid drained from the room. Finally, Mother Brain’s support crumbled, and she dropped on the ground, defenseless, dead?

No. The room shook, and suddenly, out of the floor rose a giant bipedal body made of both flesh and metal. Its arms and legs were metallic, as well as protrusions on the spine, while the rest was flesh. At the top was a long thin neck now connected to Mother Brain. She was now so tall that she was reaching the ceiling at nearly ten meters! The only thing bigger that they encountered was Kraid!

“Hello, Samus,” Mother Brain then said, drool falling from her mouth.

“Finally opening it?” Samus asked.

Mother Brain ignored what she said. “As you can see, I am prepared this time. I saw that our encounter would end the same as last time, so I had this body made and kept secret. And your companion won’t be of any help.”

“Are you so sure?” said companion asked with an amused smirk. “Someone is confident.”

“You somehow scared Ridley and turned him into a coward, but I can’t believe that something so small is that powerful. You will be crushed like I will crush this foolish girl at your side.”

“Then bring it on, bitch.”

At that, Samus and Sweetie Void began to fire at Mother Brain while the brain countered with blue ring-shaped energy beams. Mother Brain also regularly sent bombs that rolled a bit on the floor before exploding and energy blasts. If Samus and Sweetie jumped high enough, she also fired a smaller beam from her eye horizontally.

“Your new face has made you uglier than before,” Samus taunted before she dodged a blue ring beam.

“I do not care for beauty as long as it’s practical,” Mother Brain replied.

“And what is the practicality of the drool?” Sweetie Void asked.

Mother Brain answered with an energy blast at her which she dodged.

“I guess that she just wanted to make herself look like the monster she is,” Samus said.

“Still. Ew.”

Samus was hit by a blue beam, but she brushed it off and continued to fire missiles at Mother Brain. Sweetie Void sent a second blue beam back at the brain easily.

However, Mother Brain didn’t seem to take much damage. It seemed like she didn’t give herself just a new body. She made herself tougher. Much tougher. Far too tough for Samus even with her Plasma Beam and her missiles.

“As I calculated, it’s only a matter of time before I destroy you,” Mother Brain said. “Too bad, then, that you won’t be here anymore to see as I bring true order to the universe, or I guess that I should say universes now.”

“Oh, she really thinks she is winning,” Sweetie said, laughing. Then, she flew to Mother Brain’s face and strongly punched her to the point that her head was sent flying backward, causing the long neck to stretch to maximum. The head then returned back to its previous position only to be punched again, and again, and again. “Still thinking you are winning?”


Suddenly, Mother Brain fired a large multicolored beam right at Sweetie Void, taking her by surprise. The filly didn’t see Mother Brain charge it while she punched her. The beam sent her crashing into the wall and pushed her against it, not allowing her to drop on the floor. It lasted for several seconds, heavily burning Sweetie Void, before the beam stopped and left a blackened husk. Mother Brain then turned to Samus, charged the beam again, and fired, sending Samus against the wall where the beam drained a lot of her energy.

Samus barely had time to recover and to resume fire before Mother Brain fired the beam a third time. Once it stopped, Samus was on her knee, trying, but failing, to get up. Mother Brain then began to repeatedly fire her blue beams at her, slowly draining the remaining energy while taking her time as she laughed.


“As I said, that was calculated. Now…” She charged the beam again. “Die!!!”

Suddenly, a giant form, the baby Metroid, came and latched on Mother Brain, beginning to drain her energy. Mother Brain tried to get it off, screeching in pain, but the Metroid was too strong even for her.

After several long seconds, Mother Brain was left a grayed husk, and the Metroid let her go.

As the Metroid flew around a bit, Sweetie Void, fully regenerated, faced Mother Brain, feeling that she was still alive. Enraged, she readied her ten cannons around her horn.

“You almost killed Samus! I won’t let you get away with that! Time to end it!”

Finally, she fired her Ultimate Doom Laser, a powered down version but still powerful enough that all of Mother Brain’s upper body which was engulfed by it was disintegrated, and the beam continued its path of destruction beyond her. What remained dropped on the floor.

Before anything could be said, everything began to shake and an alarm blared.

“What?” Sweetie Void questioned.

Samus, still on her knee, sighed. “Of course. Now that Mother Brain is dead, everything is self-destructing, like the first time.”

“Then no time to lose!” At that, Sweetie Void replenished Samus’ energy and healed her before she looked at the baby still flying around. “You are a bit big to bring to the ships. One moment.” She shrunk it to a more manageable size, about the size of Samus’ head. “Now let's go. I will teleport us to the ships.”

Samus, now up, nodded.

So Sweetie teleported them to just beside the ships. Right away, they spotted the corpse of a Galleom not far.

“Damn. They must have sent this Galleom to destroy the ships, but why is it destroyed instead?” Samus questioned.

“Must be Lorry. Good job Lorry!”

Samus shook her head. “This ship is something.”

Samus jumped on her ship, followed by the baby Metroid, but before she could enter it, she felt a nagging at the back of her mind, almost like a call for help. Not taking the time to question it, Samus jumped off her ship and back towards the cavern, Sweetie Void giving chase in confusion.

The earthquake was gaining in intensity.

“What are you doing?!?” the filly demanded as she and Samus made their way through the tunnels and corridors, quickly killing any Subspace soldier or Space Pirate that tried to stop them.

“Following a feeling, it shouldn’t take too long,” Samus said as she vaulted over a fallen stone while blasting a Sword Primid. Stopping midway through the corridor, Samus started looking around, that nagging feeling seeming to guide her vision. Eventually she locked onto a small hole in the cavern floor.

Quickly shifting into Morph Ball, Samus dropped through it, followed the path, and found herself in the room where they fought the first Torizo, now with the Etecoons and the Dachora, one of the Etecoons carrying the Dachora’s egg. Sweetie Void came in behind her, and upon spotting the animals, rapidly teleported the lot of them back to the ships with the two of them.

“Alright, NOW we can go!” Sweetie Void said as she led the animals into the Lor Starcutter while Samus entered her ship with the Baby Metroid, who had curiously stayed there the whole time.

The ships got off the ground right as it came apart beneath them. Turning skyward, the ships gunned it as fast as they could from the detonating planet, barely escaping the debris as they rode the shockwave out of orbit.

Sweetie Void linked the Lor to Samus’ ship to talk to Samus.

“The whole planet exploded?!” she exclaimed.

“Seems like Mother Brain’s influence was deeper this time.” Samus sounded a bit sad at seeing the planet explode. No wonder, she spent a big part of her childhood there. It held a lot of memories. “Most of the pirates must have died with it. If some remain, they must be wherever the Subspace Army’s HQ is, with Ridley. It still will be a huge setback for them.”

“Something tells me that Master Hand won’t be happy with Ridley.”

“They lost a lot because he stole the baby, so I don’t doubt it.”

“So, what now? What will you do with the baby?”

“It is clear that as long as Ridley is around, the baby will be safe nowhere, so I won’t leave it to be studied again, for now. Maybe once the war is over and Ridley is gone for good. The Federation won’t be happy however.” Samus sighed. “I will still have to go to headquarters to report everything.”

“Alright. Then I wish you good luck. Meanwhile, I will drop the Etecoons and Dachora to my Fluttershy’s, Timid’s, house.”

“Then this is where we separate.”

“Yeah. See you soon.”

And so, the Lor opened a portal back to Sweetie Void’s universe.

Sweetie Void arrived during the night, so Timid must be sleeping, so Sweetie will have to wait tomorrow morning to talk to her about the Etecoons and Dachora. At least, she could still drop them at her home.

So Sweetie took the direction of Timid’s home followed by the animals. On the way, she said hello to Smily who was very happy during the night.

Once she reached Timid’s house, she was happy to find Crocy sleeping not far outside, surrounded by animals also sleeping. He was right at home here.

“Well, here is your new home,” she said to the Etecoons and Dachora. “I have no doubt that you will be happy here. Fluttershy, Timid, is very good with animals. She takes care of them very well. So be good to her, alright? See you tomorrow.”

With that, she left the animals and returned to the Carousel Boutique to sleep.

She couldn’t wait to tell the others about her adventure. Especially about the Space Pirates being part of the Subspace Army. That was important to know.

Author's Note:

Just so I'm sure. With Mother Brain disintegrated, and the baby and Ridley still alive, the ringleaders from Other M shouldn't be able to clone them, right? They apparently clone them from DNA taken on Samus' suit.

I don't know if you have seen the recent blog, but just in case, I'm telling this here too. I'm starting a compilation of stories happening in the UME universe. Tales From the Omniverse. They will be about anything that I'm not able to write here, and they will happen anytime in the timeline, even after the final battle (but without spoilers). Cyrus Colter also made a group of the same name there so YOU can write Tales. Anything, really. Canon or not canon, like Cyrus' recent story. Have fun making the UME universe alive.

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