• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 123: Natural Plains Part 1

It didn't take long for Sweetie to receive an answer.

Rarity Void:
I suppose it means that you will not come home for dinner tonight?

Sweetie sweated. This wasn't the answer she expected.

Sweetie Void:
Sorry Rarity. I don't think that this adventure will end that quickly, unless we are lucky and find the Beast Pack's den and the origin of the vortexes right away, but I doubt. But do you girls want to come? It would be nice to have you with us. Have an adventure together.

While Sweetie was texting this, she received two other answers.

Sonic The Hedgehog:
Count me in! I'm never against some action! And I'm sure that my past self will want to come too!

Sonic The Hedgehog:
Count me in! I'm never against some action! And I'm sure that my future self will want to come too!

Sweetie sweated again. Past Sonic preferred to act instead of speaking, but he definitively still was the same Sonic than the other. They will have to do something about their pseudos, or this will become confusing.

Then, one by one, more answers came.

Sunburst was coming to Ponyville, so Rarity and the others couldn't come as they will instead spend some time with him.

Apple Death and Phantom didn't mind coming to experience a Sweetie-Void-and-Kirby-style adventure, and they wanted to help saving the Waddle Dees. Phantom was also interested to see what kind of powerful being they may end up fighting if it ended like Sweetie warned. Upon learning that the Waddle Dees had to rebuild their destroyed villages, the two's respective Mane Six also decided to come to help rebuilding it, having nothing better to do right now, but they will not follow Sweetie and the others in their adventure. Among Apple Death's friends, they all wanted to come, but only Little Ghost felt like she would be useful in this adventure, so she was the only one to come.

Mario and Luigi apparently went to the Beanbean Kingdom to recover a lost power that should help them become stronger, so they won't be able to come.

DK was coming, and he was bringing Diddy and Dixie. He was never against giving some deserved knuckle sandwiches.

None of the two Sonic's friends will come however. They were either busy (especially the Tails) or weren't interested.

Link wanted to come. This adventure should help him train a bit.

Marx was also coming, and he was bringing Dark Meta Knight. He didn't want to pass the occasion to have fun! And to Sweetie's surprise, the three Mage-Sisters wanted to join too. Zan felt that it was the perfect occasion to spend some time with Sweetie and the others, not having really gotten an occasion to bond since the battle against Void. She really wanted to know everyone better. Galacta Knight decided to come too.

Samus was sent in a mission by the Galactic Federation. They finally came to the decision that, for the sake of everyone, the Metroids had to be exterminated to the last, so they sent her to the planet SR388, the Metroids' world, to do the job, and this will take her some time. So, no, she couldn't participate.

The Star Fox team didn't feel like participating unless they were rewarded. They were still mercenaries after all. After some thinking, Sweetie Void decided to use the credits she got as a reward from helping against the Aparoids. The Galactic Federation credits she got after helping against the Phazon weren't yet compatible with the Corneria credits, so she couldn't use them, but this was okay. At this, the Star Fox team agreed to send at least Fox and Krystal (the more effective ground fighters) while the others will remain in the Lylat System. They estimated that this would be enough.

None of the (ex-)Champions wanted to come, without surprise. Red still contributed by sending his faithful Pikachu.

And speaking of Pokémon, Sweetie Void decided to leave all her Pokémon to guard the Waddle Dees' town in case it was attacked again while they will be busy elsewhere, and they will also help rebuilding it. But she will bring Anubis, the Lucario she saved from Team Rainbow Rocket. His aura sight should help them search the captured Waddle Dees, alongside Krystal's powers.

Captain Falcon was bounty hunting, so he won't participate.

And finally, Ness and his friends will be here. This adventure will help Ness clear his mind.

So, all in all, the hero team will be composed of Sweetie Void, Kirby, Bandana Dee, Elfilin (even if he will not really be fighting), Marx, Dark Meta Knight, Zan Partizanne, Francisca, Flamberge, Galacta Knight, Phantom, Apple Death, Little Ghost, Present Sonic, Past Sonic, DK, Diddy, Dixie, Link, Fox, Krystal, Red's Pikachu, Anubis the Lucario, Ness, Jeff, and Poo. Oh, and she almost forgot Spiky. Of course she will bring him. And this team may grow to include Dedede and Meta Knight.

Sweetie Void pitied the Beast Pack. These poor animals. They didn't know how doomed they were. Well, they were already doomed the instant Sweetie Void and Kirby landed on this world, but now... It's pretty much like adding an orbital laser on top of a meteor crash ON TOP of a nuke. And just to be sure, add in the Moon crashing, and all just to kill an ant. But it was to have fun among friends, so it was alright. A little adventure like this one was a good occasion.

She hoped that Fluttershy won't consider it as animal abuse.

And we will need something bigger than the Warp Star to transport everyone, even excluding the ones who can fly.

"WADDLE DEE SIGNATURES DETECTED AHEAD," the Lor Starcutter informed them as they approached a new city, this one abandoned and overrun by nature too.

"And we have a small welcome committee," Fox remarked, looking at the screen.

"It looks more like these animals and their allies are exploring around looking for more Waddle Dees, and they just saw us coming and are preparing themselves," Zan Partizanne said. The Jambastion Religion having been disbanded, she gave up her uniform for a yellow dress with light armor plates on the chest and the shoulders with lightning patterns. Her sisters were wearing similar outfits but with their respective colors and elements. Francisca also had a rose made of ice in her hair.

"Yeah. Less like a welcome committee and more like unfortunate souls at the wrong place at the wrong time," Marx said with a sadistic smirk.

"Some of these Clockers are already escaping with cages. I'm going ahead to stop them and to keep watch from the sky," Galacta Knight told jump before he exited the ship and flew away.

"And there is a Waddle Dee somewhere not far before us, hidden among these buildings," Krystal informed, eyes closed.

"Alright Lorry, drop us here," Sweetie Void instructed the ship.

DK hit his palm with a fist. "Finally."

They all jumped or flew out of the Lor Starcutter and landed not far outside of the city, just in front of a trio of Awoofies who were growling and ready to pounce at them. But when the three animals saw everyone that landed, their growls turned into whimpers, their ears lowered, and they backed down in fear.

"Aww... they are making me feel bad," Little Ghost said.

Dark Meta Knight rolled his eyes. "Let's just get this over with."

Before they knew it, the first Awoofy was punched by DK so hard that he was sent in orbit, the second was electrified by Pikachu, and the third was shot by Fox. Behind them, a Sir Kibble remembered that he had elsewhere to go, but was then hit from behind by a blue blur. Further behind, two big rabbits that Elfilin identified as Rabiroos, another Awoofy, another Sir Kibble, a Bronto Burt, and a Kabu managed to escape.

"Uh. This must be pretty bad is they decide to run away instead of fighting. This never happened before," Sweetie Void remarked.

"Duh. Have you seen our group?" Phantom said.

"I mean, until now, almost everyone we encountered in our adventures picked fights with me and Kirby despite knowing what we were capable of, even when they weren't forced to. I thought that this would still be the case despite our number. Well, maybe not the animals since they are from this world, but the Sir Kibbles, Bronto Burt, and Kabu, I really expected them to fight."

"Surprise surprise, they have a minimum of common sense," Marx said with a laugh. "Not that they will be able to go far."

Present Sonic stared at Marx weirdly. "Not that I disagree with you, but the way you said it sounded right out of a horror movie."

"Former villain," Marx immediately informed.

""Former"?" Sonic questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm not trying to kill you, no?"

"Right. At least, Joker, you seem to have a sense of humor, contrary to another former villain that I know."

"Oh! You have one too? I know my way around that kind of guy. Just ask Darky over there." Marx pointed at Dark Meta Knight who mumbled something not made for children to hear before he walked away.

Sonic shrugged. "I see that. Then I should present you to him. This should be fun."

Phantom smirked. "I don't want to miss that."

"I don't know who is this guy, but I already pity him," Diddy said.

Sonic shook his head. "You shouldn't. He wants nobody's pity. He would take that as an insult."

This made several either roll their eyes or chuckle.

At this, the group finally advanced and reached the city without encountering any other enemy. Kirby eyed a vending machine and decided to try something. Approaching it, he opened his mouth and was able to suck up the machine like he did the car earlier. His body entirely stretched around the machine, and the little dispensing door was now his mouth. Facing a metallic crate, Kirby then tried something else and successfully fired a soda can out of his mouth, destroying the crate. He jumped in joy at this.

"What the heck?" Fox exclaimed, putting into words pretty much everyone else's thought.

Bandana Dee shrugged. "That's something he seems to have unlocked while going through the vortex to this world. We aren't sure why or how, but it's nice."

"Yeah, that car ride he gave us earlier was fun," Sweetie Void said.

"That's awesome, Kirby!" Elfilin shouted with stars in his eyes.

A little bit further, Anubis pointed at a damaged shutter door. "There is a Waddle Dee behind this door, and several other creatures."

"Oh? Then let's knock on it so they can invit us in!" Flamberge said.

Behind her, Spiky cracked his nonexistent knuckles, and DK did the same.

After a few punches, they managed to destroy the shutter door, revealing an unique small room with a cage with a Waddle Dee in it, and hiding behind it or behind covered piles of planks of wood were Awoofies, Rabiroos, a Clocker, and some other creatures who were absolutely terrified.

But then, more Rabiroos as well as some Bronto Burts and a Buffahorn (a big buffalo-like beast) came and surrounded the heroes before attacking, the Buffahorn charging with his horns ready to impale them. Seeing the reinforcements, the ones that had been hiding in the room behind the shutter door decided to join in and attacked too.

The following battle didn't last more than five seconds, and the Waddle Dee was freed and transported back to the town through a rift opened by Sweetie Void.

"And that's one Waddle Dee saved!" Bandana Dee shouted.

"Who knows how many more to go," Jeff continued.

"It seems that we are done here. We should go further in the city," Krystal informed.

Kirby nodded and spat the vending machine. It was nice, but it greatly reduced his ability to move.

They eventually arrived on the roof of some building not far of a clock. Judging by the presence of Beast Pack members, it was the right direction. There were even Shotzos, not that the living cannons scared anyone. Sweetie Void still warned that these things were so solid that they were pretty much invincible, so no need to try to attack them unless you were one of the very heavy hitters, like Sweetie herself.

Further on the roof, Kirby ate a traffic cone, taking a cone form.

Not far after the traffic cones, the roof ended and left place to a dirt path where another group of enemies awaited them, including another Buffahorn on who Kirby tested his new form by doing a downward spike on the animal's back.

This made many in the group wince.

"This must hurt," Elfilin commented.

"I'm thankful that he didn't have that when I fought him," Link said.

"And I'm thankful that King Dedede let go of his grudge against him," Bandana said while rubbing the top of his head.

Dark Meta Knight snorted. "Wimps."

Marx kicked him on the back. "Be nice!"

Passing two Shotzos, Kirby used his downward spike again, this time on a damaged pipe to break it open and cause a stream of water to come out and to propel him up toward a balcony. Here, he found a cage. The now panicking Clocker probably thought that he wouldn't be found here. Looking down, Kirby indicated the presence of the cage with a move of his head, and Zan Partizanne joined him. She fried the Clocker with her electricity and freed the Waddle Dee which Sweetie Void sent to the Waddle Dee town.

After climbing a ladder (which forced Kirby to let go of the cone), the group then reached a large area where another clocker with a cage was awaiting them. Smelling the trap, the group still advanced and wasn't surprised when they saw an Awoofy and a Rabiroo come from behind a tree. What they didn't expect was the Gigant Edge suddenly jumping down from a neighboring roof, the huge knight now wearing some fur and having war paint to make him look 'wild'.

"PK Thunder!"

A powerful lightning bolt suddenly struck the Gigant Edge and fried him in his armor, knocking him down in one hit.

"Woah! Kid!" Flamberge yelled in surprise.

The Awoofy, Rabiroo, and Clocker looked at the smoking Gigant Edge with big, white, round eyes, then looked at Ness who had fired the bolt. The Clocker then attempted to escape with the cage, but found himself face to face with Marx in his bat form.

"And where do you think you are going?"



Marx fired his giant mouth laser, entirely covering the Clocker but not touching the cage. When the laser disappeared, the now blackened and featherless Clocker coughed some smoke before he dropped with the cage.

"Overkill! Overkill!" Pikachu shouted.

Taking pity of the poor Awoofy and Rabiroo who witnessed that and... let go, Apple Death smashed them together, knocking them out right away.

"I'm glad I accepted to come! It's really fun!" Marx shouted.

Past Sonic congratulated Ness with a pat on the back. And Elfilin said, "You have impressive psychic powers!"


"You know. I once... Uh... No, forget..."


Meanwhile, Dixie freed the Waddle Dee who was now crying.

"I thought I was going to die!" he shouted.

Dixie patted him. "There there. Everything is alright. The crazy jester never wanted to hurt you. Sorry he scared you."

"That's the last Waddle Dee in this area," Krystal informed. She then pointed at the lake that could be seen behind the building they were on. "The next ones seem to be at the other side of this lake.

"Thanks. I'll call the Lor and she will drop us there.

They dropped at another part of the city, in some kind of park, with two buildings facing them. Each could be climbed by a ladder, and the left one had a traffic cone hanging beside it with a vine from a tree. So the group separated in two, each having to get pass a small group of enemies, including some kind of giant turtle using a slab of concrete as a shell, which Elfilin identified as a Tortorner. The slab was cracked, so DK easily destroyed it with a smash before he repeatedly pounded the Tortorner on the back. At the same time, the two Sonic attacked the head. Between all of them, the Tortorner was easily and rapidly defeated, allowing them to destroy a cage with a Waddle Dee that he had been guarding.

Meanwhile, Kirby climbed the left building and used the Sword Ability to cut the vine and free the cone, which he then sucked up to take his cone form again. At the same time, Phantom flew to the top of the right building where she found a dome. Having a suspicion, she used her powers to open it, revealing another captured Waddle Dee that had been hidden in it.

This left one last, bigger building before the group. And speaking of...

"Excuse me, but I see a bigger turtle on the roof of that building before us," Francisca, who had flown up to have a look at the environment, informed them. "And I think that I saw a golden cage inside the small building that it uses as a shell."

At this, Sweetie Void grinned, grabbed Kirby with her magic, and flew toward the roof of the last building, leaving the others to clear it of all members of the Beast Pack present inside it. She spotted the giant turtle, which Elfilin informed was a Tortuilding, and flew even further up, right above him. Then, she pointed Kirby toward the Tortuilding and threw the cone-shaped puffball toward him. Finally, she teleported inside the shell-building and teleported back out with the golden cage which contained three Waddle Dees just before Kirby crashed on the Tortuilding, annihilating the shell and pretty much destroying the turtle's spine.

"Woah... You defeated that Tortuilding in one hit! I didn't think it was possible!" Elfilin exclaimed. "They are so big, and they have a whole building on their back!"

"And this is nothing for us," Sweetie Void said before she gave a high five to Kirby once he spat the cone.

Meanwhile, the others already cleaned the building.

"You know, it feels nice to have it easy for once," Krystal said as she sat on a smoking Boofahorn a few floors down.

"Aye aye," Diddy agreed.

"But without the struggle, it feels less rewarding," Poo said.

"I don't care. It's always nice to have an easy adventure every once in a while," Bandana replied.

"And we really needed that after what happened with Master Hand," Present Sonic said, and others agreed with a nod.

It turned out that they freed all the Waddle Dees in this city, so they returned inside the Lor Starcutter and moved toward the next place that Krystal could feel contained some. This led them to a neighboring city. More specifically to a tunnel in the outskirt, which had apparently still been in construction or under renovation as there were scaffolding, barriers, and materials before it. The Lor detected several Waddle Dee signatures inside it, so it dropped them just outside of it.

Galacta Knight still decided to remain guarding the sky, just in case any Clocker decided to escape with captured Waddle Dees by the other side of the tunnel.

After dealing with some Cappys, a Hot Head, a Kabu, and a Bouncy that were guarding the entrance, they entered the tunnel proper by a small, narrow, circular corridor. Because of that, they couldn't enter all at once. Even inside the tunnel, they had to be careful as there were large gaps with narrow paths, metallic bridges, and small platforms to cross them, all of them guarded by enemies.

It seemed that the Beast Pack received the memo about the heroes, because there were more enemies, and they didn't try to escape upon seeing the large group of heroes arriving. In the contrary, they tried to use the environment to their advantage, trying to make the heroes fall into the pits or using the narrow paths to fight them one at once.

Which didn't work.

At the second pit, they found a switch hidden under a dome which opened a path to a secret room with a chest and many Awoofies guarding it. Link, Dark Meta Knight, Anubis, and Poo eliminated them, allowing Pikachu to open the chest to free the Waddle Dee trapped inside.

"Seriously?" Pikachu deadpanned. "Who is the genius who thought that it was a good idea to hide you in a chest?" he asked the Waddle Dee.

The Waddle Dee shrugged. "I heard that one of their bosses is an armadillo not all there in the head."

"Seems like a nice fellow," Marx said. "Can't wait to meet him."

Dark Meta Knight groaned.

Dixie looked at the dark knight with pity. "You, you need vacation."

"You. Have. NO! Idea."

After that, the heroes had to cross a catwalk patrolled by a Kabu to cross a last pit before reaching a door. Again, this forced them to be careful.

The next part of the tunnel was larger, but also had in the path rectangular structures moving up and down, some of them with Gordo Bars (cylindrical Gordos) floating on top.

After dealing with two Hot Heads and a Cappy, they arrived at a door with a Waddle Dee trapped behind, the Clocker guarding him sticking out his tongue at them, think that it was safe behind the bars.

He wasn't. Sweetie Void, Apple Death, and Little Ghost passed through the bars. They didn't even need to search the switch.

Depressed, the Clocker accepted his fate.

"Serve him right," Diddy said.

They then had to use some of the moving structures to climb until reaching the next door. Before that, Krystal fired a fireball at a bomb block to destroy a wall of iron blocks, revealing another hidden Waddle Dee with a Clocker.

The Clocker sighed. "I told them to hide the bomb..."*

After freeing the Waddle Dee, the heroes passed the door and arrived at an area with a familiar sight for the inhabitants of the Dream Universe: a cannon with a long fuse.

"I'm really wondering now, are we still in the Dream Universe, or are we in a different universe? The physic here is pretty close, but at the same time is different. There are no black doors, for example," Sweetie Void remarked.

"Maybe the physic of the Dream Universe is leaking to this one, like what happened to the other dimension?" Bandana proposed an explanation.

"Anyway. If anyone dreamed of being a cannon pony/man/fox/whatever, now is the occasion," the alicorn said. "Enter that cannon over there while we lit the fuse. Don't worry, it's almost without danger."

"Almost?" Ness questioned.

"Sometimes, the cannon explodes with you in it instead of firing you, and other times, it turns into a rocket and flies into the sky. But don't worry, I'm sure that this one is alright."

Before more could be said, DK jumped into the cannon and shouted a "Yeah!" while giving Sweetie Void a thumb up.

"Of course ya don't mind entering a cannon! Ya're used to that with those barrel cannons in yer island!" Apple Death said.

With DK in the cannon, Kirby lit the fuse. A few seconds later, the cannon fired the ape who broke several iron blocks before crashing into the ceiling. He then managed to fall back on a platform facing a narrow circular dead end corridor with a Clocker with a captured Waddle Dee hidden at the end.

The heroes couldn't see what happened (they had to defend against another group of Awoofies), but they heard some squawking, then some blue feathers flew out before DK jumped down with the Waddle Dee safely under his arm. Once the Waddle Dee was safe in the Waddle Dee town, the heroes then passed the door just after the cannon.

In the next area, after a Big Kabu, they reached a mobile staircase that Kirby sucked up, taking a staircase form. Not only the others could now climb on him, but he could also fall over at a side to crush anything present here, and he showed it by easily destroying a while of iron blocks that blocked the way, then by crushing a group of Kabus that approached. Link and Fox then climbed on him and used the elevated position to fire at the many enemies present with their bow and blaster.

Near the end, they reached another cannon. Elfilin immediately flew inside it.

"Fire me!" he shouted excitedly.

Grinning, Sweetie Void lit the fuse, making the cannon fire Elfilin through several iron blocks before he reached a platform that seemed to be the remain of some upper floor. He found a Clocker and a captured Waddle Dee hidden here, and he had no problem knocking out the bird before he grabbed the cage and brought it down so the others could open it.

"Good job, Elfilin!" Ness congratulated while clapped along with a few others.


The exit of the tunnel was just after, through another narrow circular corridor, forcing Kirby to leave the staircase.

Outside, they found Galacta Knight waiting for them among many knocked out Beast Pack members, the remains of a golden cage, and three freed Waddle Dees.

The next area to explore revealed to be some small rocky mountain in the outskirt of the same city, with some building at the top. The Lor dropped them at its base where there were lots of tall grass in which some Awoofies were ambushed.

Following the path, they then encountered a giant purple hedgehog that Elfilin knew as a Jabhog.

"Hey, a cousin of yours, Sonic," Fox said.

"Ahah. If that hedgehog is my cousin, then we encountered and knocked out dozens of yours since the beginning of this adventure. I don't know if you remarked, but these Awoofies look a lot like foxes."

"Hey, now that you remark, the Clockers could be Falco's cousins, and the Rabiroos could be Peppy's cousins," Sweetie Void said.

"Don't let Falco hear you," Fox said with a chuckle. "He would feel insulted being put in the same group than the Clockers."

Krystal giggled. "I wonder if we will encounter Slippy's cousins too."

While they talked, Kirby carefully approached the Jabhog who extended his quills once he was close enough, forcing the puffball to jump backward. The Jabhog then advanced toward the group only to be trapped in ice by Francisca who then pushed it aside, opening the way. But Francisca was then almost shot by some bipedal dog-like beast with long grey hair and using a blunderbuss while taking cover behind a rock. Link stopped the fired metal ball with his shield, protecting her, and Kirby then went to inhale the dog, getting a brand new Ability: the Ranger.

With this Ability, Kirby was wearing a red pith helmet and wielded a blunderbuss that he can use to fire at distant targets. After some testing, he discovered that he could even charge the shot to fire bigger, more powerful projectiles. To note that the projectiles weren't metallic balls like the dog fired, but stars.

Elfilin also revealed that the dog was called a Bernard, like the Saint Bernard dog breed, even if this dog didn't look at all like one.

Another Bernard was further ahead, but before he could fire at Kirby while he was testing his new Ability, Kirby fired at him, getting him in a couple of shots. He then got the Jabhog that followed with a single charged projectile.

"And just like that, Kirby gained more power," Sweetie Void commented. "Now, he will be able to use that new Ability whenever he wants, and I can only imagine what he will be able to do with it allied to his other Abilities."

"As if he wasn't already powerful enough," Apple Death said, remembering her fight against Kirby where he destroyed a whole planet (a small planet, but still a planet) with just one punch.

Elfilin put a paw under his chin. "Mmh..."

"Something in mind, Elfilin?" Jeff asked.

"Well, while observing Kirby, I have been wondering something... Wait a minute." He approached Kirby. "Hey, Kirby, I have been thinking, you can use different Abilities, like you can use fire, wield a sword, throw cutter blades, and now shoot with a gun. But can you use different versions of the same Ability? I mean, now you have a gun, but you know that there are several kinds of guns, right? Like, there's Fox's laser gun. Or, I know that there are guns that can fire faster. Same for the sword. There are small swords, big swords, long swords, one-edged swords, double-edged swords, curved swords, and so on. You see what I mean?"

Kirby tilted his head as he stared at Elfilin. He had honestly never thought of this, but he was right. Until now, he never thought "outside the box" like that and only used what came naturally to mind when you thought "Fire", "Sword", "Ice", and so on, but... Could he...? But then... What could he...?

Fire... Fire... Fire... What could be "Fire"? Wait... Of course!

Looking around, Kirby spotted a Cappy guarding a ladder just behind where the second Jabhog had been and ran toward him. When he saw Kirby approach, the Cappy looked worried and took a fighting position.

But he didn't expect what happened next.

At first, the usual Fire Ability hat appeared on Kirby's head, but then, it changed and turned into a hat made of lava and black rock. Then, Kirby fired a stream of volcanic pyroclast, and the Cappy's world became very hot.

Seeing what he did, Kirby jumped in joy, and even did a small dance.

As Elfilin observed Kirby in amazement, Sweetie Void approached him from behind and put a hoof on his shoulder.

"Good job Elfilin, you made Kirby at least ten times more OP. Thank you."

Embarrassed, Elfilin rubbed the back of his head. "That was nothing. It seemed normal to me. I'm surprised nobody thought of that before."

"Making Kirby reach new horizons with his powers is NOT nothing. And I guess that it was one of these cases where it was so obvious that it didn't come to mind. I'm sure that Void will bash his head on a wall when he will hear that."

Elfilin looked at Sweetie Void in shock. "Wait, Void?!"

"Uh? You know Void?"

"I heard about him!"

"Really? How?"

"The previous inhabitants of this world! They talked about a God named Void while speaking about the new universe they were moving to!"

"WHAT?!" pretty much all the inhabitants of the Dream Universe yelled.

"Wait wait wait wait wait! Does the name Halcandra ring any bell?" Zan Partizanne asked.

"Uh... Yes. I think that I heard this name being dropped a couple of times."

Sweetie Void stared at Elfilin silently for several seconds, then grabbed her phone.

Sweetie Void:
Magolor, you are not going to believe what I just learned.

Author's Note:

*The Beast Pack members speak in their animal language, but since they are sapient, this language can be understood by the ones with the translator.

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