• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 101: Porky Minch

"PK Shield!" Poo shouted, covering everyone in a power shield that could deal some of the blocked damage back to the enemies.

"PK Paralysis!" Ness shouted in turn, numbing all the enemies close enough before him.

Jeff then took out his bazooka and targeted the immobilised enemies. "For you! Whatever you are!" BOOM! He fired, killing a huge group of the enemies he targeted and sending others flying with the force of the explosion.

Behind him, Sweetie Belle cut any enemies getting too close while keeping an eye on the ones with guns and boomerangs to block their projectiles when needed, occasionally firing a beam at one of them.

A red one, however, managed to take her by surprise by spitting a fireball that was able to hit Ness. She should have seen that coming.

"Darn it! The red ones use fire! Of course they use fire!" she yelled before she disintegrated the enemy that just hit Ness.

"PK THUNDEEER!!!" Poo yelled before powerful thunderbolts struck the area before him randomly, killing the unlucky enemies hit by them. However, one of the enemies was able to get too close and to slash him with its beam sword.

Ness quickly came to his rescue and killed the sword enemy before healing Poo with a "PK Lifeup!" Another enemy about to punch Ness was quickly killed by Jeff using his gun, but the genius himself received a punch from another enemy in return before he barely avoided a boomerang by lowering his head, the boomerang instead hitting the enemy that just punched him. That same enemy was then cut in two by one of Sweetie's swords.

She then flew up and swept the area with a huge beam, eliminating a huge quantity of enemies. At the same time, Poo yelled "PK STARSTOOOOOOORM!!!!" The next instant, what looked like dozens of small stars appeared and fell all over the area like meteors, eradicating an even bigger quantity of enemies. Sweetie Void took example and gathered stones to form huge boulders in the sky before sending them crashing all over the area just before Ness shouted "PK ROCKIN!" and sent a powerful psychokinetic wave that killed all enemies too close. All the while, Jeff continuously fired with his bazooka like crazy.

Despite the huge number of enemies, and despite them managing to land a hit every now and then, they were all exterminated in just a few minutes.

"Uh... You eliminated them more easily and faster than I expected..." Porky commented. "You guys really have some cheated AoE attacks, uh? Well, I guess that I shouldn't have expected less. But you could have at least gone easy! Put in some tension! After all the efforts I gave to be dramatic!"

"These things weren't that strong," Ness said.

"Yeah yeah. Go on. Brag. But these were just the appetizer. Go on! Come at me!"

Done talking, the screen closed. The children then advanced into the deserted streets of the city, encountering more of these weird soldiers with a few pink pig man among them. As they neared the skyscraper that Ness named the Monotoly Building, which they saw was rebranded "Porky's Palace" with its new name vertically displayed with big letters on its front, Sweetie was suddenly rammed by a new kind of enemy that looked like a one-wheeled red motorcycle with a spiked motocross helmet with glowing yellow eyes, the same symbol than on the soldiers displayed on the sides of the wheel where the engines seemed to be. The thing came right out from behind a building without warning excepted the sound of its engine, but the filly didn't react to the sound in time. Two more of these motorcycle enemies followed it and almost rammed Ness and Jess who jumped aside at the last moment.

As they were busy dealing with these new enemies, Poo suddenly shouted "Watch out!" before he pushed Ness out of the way of hot metal bricks falling where he had been. Their origin was a small propelled robot with two arms holding a bucket full of these hot bricks that it dropped, the hands holding the bucket having big gloves to protect them from the heat. "PK Thunder!" the teen then sent a ball of electricity at it to destroy it only to be rammed by one of the motorcycle enemies, which was immediately destroyed by Sweetie Void afterward.

As they reached the entrance of the Porky's Palace, their path was suddenly blocked by some kind of cannonless tank that deployed instead an arm that looked like a construction crane with two red glowing eyes on the sides and the arm itself being made of red glowing round sections. The arm fired three energy pulse that were avoided before Sweetie destroyed it with one swing of two of her swords. As a result of the arm being destroyed, the chassis of the tank opened in two, revealing that it was controlled by a big green blob-like creature that was now panicking. Jeff immediately fired at it with his bazooka, followed by Poo using "PK Fire" and Ness hitting it with his bat. The blob exploded and dissolved into these purple glowing spheres that then disappeared, like all the enemies made of these spheres that they killed. The tank itself exploded, opening the path to the door.

In the lobby, they met more of these soldier things including five that were three times bigger than the others, making them more resistant, but they still remained easy to kill with powerful attacks. Once all the enemies were killed, the children entered the elevator and used it to directly go to floor 47. However, as they were going up, something heavy fell right through the elevator's roof, revealing itself to be one of these soldier things but with its body entirely metallic, not unlike when Kirby and Sweetie used the Metal Ability. This made it hard as heck to hit physically, but Sweetie still got rid of it in one strong punch. Only for another metal soldier to follow. As Ness, Jeff, and Poo ganged on it respectively with the bat, the gun, and PK Fire, a third one came, the elevator now threatening to be overcharged. Thankfully, the boys eliminated their target before a fourth metal soldier fell into the elevator, and Sweetie also eliminated the third one in one punch. The fourth one was then sliced in half with one of her beam sword before she impaled a fifth one just as it dropped.

No more came after that, the elevator reaching its destination. The children quickly left it only to be confronted by two more giant soldier things along with two of these propelled robots with the buckets and three flying pink round fishes with a single big eye instead of a mouth and possessing small tentacles under them. The fishes' tentacles revealed to give electric stings like a jellyfish, Ness being hit by one of them as he had been busy avoiding the falling hot bricks from one of the robots. Poo dealt with the robots with two small PK Thunders while Jeff used his Bazooka to eliminate two of the fishes. Ness dealt with the one that attacked him, leaving Sweetie to cut the giant soldiers into slices. Once all the enemies were killed, they entered a second elevator in the opposite side of the room they were in and went to floor 48 where Porky was awaiting them.

No enemy attacked during this elevator ride, but upon exiting it, they were welcomed by more of these flying cyclope fishes and another tank like they fought before the building's entrance. While Poo and Ness dealt with the fishes, Jeff destroyed the arm with his bazooka, leaving Sweetie Void to cut the green blob inside the tank in two.

Once the tank exploded as a result, they continued, entering a maze of rooms full of enemies. Some contained pig men of the four encountered colors, others only contained the soldier things, normal, armed, red, or the giant ones. In one room, they were almost swept by a wave of spherical, ball-like enemies that reminded a bit of Poké Balls, with a colored upper hemisphere and a white lower one. The colored part (which had different colors like red, blue, or black) had a big red eye while the white part had a fanged grinning mouth.

The children easily eliminated a few of them but they quickly saw that these ball things could duplicate themselves, copies forming out of their red eyes. And they duplicated fast, threatening to rapidly overwhelm them with number! Against this, Poo used the PK Starstorm to eliminate all of them in one go, Sweetie Void and Jeff taking care of any survivor that managed to not get hit by the falling stars.

More of these balls were encountered in other rooms, including giant ones that thankfully didn't multiply as fast. They also encountered more robots with buckets, always more soldiers, more fishes, and new enemies that reminded Sweetie of Flamers excepted that their bodies were made of three black tire-like metallic parts that could open to let out either fire, ice, or electricity. Like Flamers, these things could roll on the walls and the ceiling, but they couldn't float in the air and then charge at their target covered in their respective element like a giant ball of fire/ice/electricity. But keeping watch of these things while dealing with other enemies, especially in big groups, was already pretty difficult.

Then, in what Ness and Jeff recognised as the last room before where Porky was supposed to be, they encountered two of the tanks surrounded by five of the white pig men with capes and by a large group of these soldier things. Contrary to before, one of the tanks didn't let out their arm and instead attempted to roll over the kids, forcing them to run out of the way, getting separated as a result. Despite this, Jeff used his bazooka to destroy the arm of the other tank, opening it and allowing Sweetie Void to destroy it with one swift move of her swords. Ness used PK Rockin, eliminating all the soldier things as well as the white pig men, leaving only the last tank which was quickly destroyed by Poo PK Thundering the arm that came out before Sweetie killed the green blob.

And finally, the kids entered the room where Porky was, which seemed to be entirely made of gold. Hearing them enter, Porky got up on the sofa he had been sitting on, his head pocking above the back.

"Hey! You are here!"

"Where is Paula?!" Ness asked.

"Oh come on, Ness. We are finally face to face after all this time and this is the first thing you ask? Not even a "How are you?" I'm hurt! Oh well. If you want to know..." He pointed at a wall at the right which had been blown up, revealing a secret passage. "Your girlfriend is over there... as well as the dragon... which I may or may not have already feed her to it. Ahahahahah!"

The overweight boy then ran into the passage, surprisingly fast for his weight, and the heroes quickly went after him. They climbed some stairs, then traversed a corridor, before passing a door.

And now, they were on the roof of the building, on a platform with an helipad. No trace of Paula however, and even Porky seemed to have disappeared.

"ROAAAAARRR!!!" Three metallic roars came from above them, from the top of the spire of the building. Quickly looking, they saw, curled around the spire, a huge robotic, three-headed green dragon, about the size of a small house. However, the middle head was red down to the base of the neck, the left head was blue, and the right head was yellow.

Porky then came out of behind it, now inside some cylindrical glass capsule covering the central portion of a floating purple vehicle that looked like a mechanical spider, its eight legs curled under it. It had a face with two big, angry red eyes, a pig snout painted, and a mouth with sharp teeth and two red pincers.

"I present to you the dragon! Oh my! Where is your girlfriend? Maybe you should have a look inside it? Eheheheheheheh!" Porky taunted before his machine flew toward the big ship which began to fly away.

Sweetie thought of pursuing him, but this dragon looked powerful. She decided to remain with the boys to help them destroy it, hopefully saving Paula if she was really inside it and still alive.

The dragon began the fight.

The left head used PK Offense Up, increasing the dragon's offense.

The right head used PK Defense Down, lowering the children's defense.

The middle head used PK PK Shield, enveloping the dragon in a psychic power shield that could entirely deflect a psychic attack back at the attacker.

Jeff smirked. "Using psychic moves to buff and debuff? How cute. Have some Neutralizer!" Jeff took out the Neutralizer and activated it, getting rid of the buff and debuff as well as of the PK Shield.

Sweetie Void and Poo immediately took the occasion to attack, respectively by using a powered down version of the Ultimate Doom Laser and the PK Starstorm, giving the dragon a lot of damage. Meanwhile, Ness used his psychic powers to jump toward the middle head and attack hit with his bat, deciding to keep his psychic energy to heal the others when needed. The middle head almost bit him in return but he as saved Sweetie Void pulling him back with her magic.

The middle head chained by using PK Fire, breathing a huge quantity of fire on the group. Sweetie Void quickly covered everyone with a shield, the fire going around it without burning anyone. But then, the dragon repeatedly pounded on the shield with its claw after buffing its offense up again, managing to break the shield after a few hits. The filly was able to stop the claw from crushing everyone by keeping a hold if it with her hooves, the roof under her cracking because of the force of the dragon.

But then, the left head used PK Freeze and breathed a very cold wind toward the filly. She resisted the cold, and the boys quickly went on the offensive. Jeff fired his bazooka at the middle head, the explosion causing damage both to it and the two other heads. Poo used PK Starstorm again, and Ness decided to finally used PK Rockin. The dragon countered with a PK Thunder from the right head, breathing thunderbolts on the group, striking Jeff and Poo. Sweetie fired a beam at the claw keeping her down, forcing it away, and quickly joined the boys to heal them while the dragon used PK Offense Up, Pk Defense Down, and PK PK Shield again. Now, its offense was buffed two times, and it used it by attacking with PK Fire, PK Freeze, and PK Thunder all at once with its three heads.

Sweetie Void immediately teleported the group on the edges of the spire. The dragon didn't find out right away where they teleported to and they used this. Jeff used his Neutralizer again to remove the PK Shield as well as all the buffs and debuffs. Ness used PK Rockin. Poo used PK Starstorm. And Sweetie Void flew toward the middle head to try to cut it off with her swords. The dragon moved the head out of the way however and jumped to now stand on the helipad where the kids had been previously. Sweetie still tried to cut the head off only for the right head to fire PK Thunder at her, forcing her to retreat. Instead, she decided to just fire beams at the three heads.

To their surprise, the dragon then used PK Magnet, absorbing some psychic energy right out of the kids to replenish itself. Jeff wasn't affected by this however since he had no psychic energy, and he quickly made the dragon regret by firing at the middle head with his bazooka, finally destroying the head.

The dragon still had two heads however, and it made the kids regret its lost head by firing PK Freeze and PK Thunder. But then, Ness jumped right in front of one of the thunderbolts, and the bolt was reflected right back at the dragon!

Ness revealed that he put a round badge with a blue lightning symbole on his clothe.

However, he was hurt by the PK Freeze, but Sweetie Void immediately healed him. Poo then used PK Starstorm yet again, the falling stars managing to destroy the two other heads, rendering the dragon headless.

But it wasn't down for the count as a hatch on its belly opened, revealing a young blond girl in a pink dress and wearing a red bow. The girl was unconscious, attached to the circuits of the dragon by wares and other apparatus.

"Paula!" Ness shouted.

"So the dragon is using her as a source of energy. No wonder all the psychic attacks it used were the same ones that Paula could use," Jeff deduced.

With its heads gone, the dragon's body suddenly charged at the spire. Acting quickly, Sweetie Void teleported everyone again, back on the helipad. The dragon then rammed the spire, destroying it. As it stopped before it could fall and turned around to face them, probably readying itself to charge again, Sweetie Void then teleported right before the opened hatch and used her magic to pull off the wires and other apparatus around Paula before getting her out, freeing her.

Bereft of its source of energy, the dragon body went on a rampage, swiping its claws wildly, but was rapidly stopped by Sweetie Void firing another powered down Ultimate Doom Laser into its insides through the opened hatch. An explosion came out of the hatch, propelling the dragon body beyond the edge of the building. The robot then fell, and a few seconds later, another explosion that shook the building resounded, followed by black smoke coming from the base of the building.

Sweetie Belle carefully placed Paula on the helipad where the boys surrounded her, looking worried, and also tired after this fight.

"She doesn't seem to be hurt. She just seems to be exhausted after being drained of her energy like that," she reassured. "One minute." She put her horn against Paula's chest and lit it, transferring some of her energy into her. After a few seconds of this, Paula began to move, and her eyes opened.

As she sat up, Ness asked her, "Are you alright?"

Hearing him, she looked happily at him. "Ness! Everyone! Yes, I'm alright. Thank you for rescuing me." She looked around. "What happened to Porky? Did you...?"

Ness shook his head. "No. He escaped. We don't know where he is now."

"So he is gone?" someone suddenly asked.

Everyone looked at what remained of the roof exit, a mustachioed man now standing there.

"Mr. Flavor! Where were you?" Ness asked the man.

"Me and everyone else were kept trapped in the floors below 47, out of the way of this brat's "game". Thank you for getting us rid of him."

"Sorry for the damage your building took," the boy excused himself.

"Bah! I don't care about the damage. I'm just glad that he's gone. Hopefully, no more incidents will follow."

"I wouldn't count on this, Mr. Mustachio," a familiar boy voice said.

The next instant, a holographic screen descended from the sky, showing Porky now sitting just in front of a large, spherical, metallic object with a big red cross and several patterns of red lines.

"You defeated the dragon and saved the princess! Impressive! Very impressive! However, the game is not over. You still have the black knight to defeat after all. Hehehehe! But first... It's drama time!" He snapped his fingers, and two white robots appeared on screen.

The robots were constituted of a pillar-like body with a large hexagonal base and a rectangular head, as well as a chest section linked to the base by a spring. The head had a black face with two big eyes and a small red LED on top, the chest section had two red arms with blocky extremities instead of hands, and the base had its lower part red too. The chest also seemed to be able to move up and down the body, but the arms clearly were limited in how much they could move.

The two robots placed themselves on both sides of the spherical object and plugged their arms into it before moving backward, opening the object to reveal a cylindrical glass capsule with some big purple orb inside it, above a timer that started at three minutes.

Porky laughed. "I present to you a Subspace Bomb! A little toy that I got when I joined my new friends. Don't worry, it isn't a bomb to blow up everything, as cool as explosions are. This bomb is actually made to suck up the very space itself in a large area and trap it into a bubble in a different dimension. Anybody caught in the detonation will survive, but will be trapped inside the bubble with no way to escape. Well, that is when you aren't too close of the bomb when it explodes, or else your body will be shredded as it will be sucked in with how strong the force his just after the detonation. And now, guess where I placed this bomb?"

The screen zoomed back, revealing that Porky and the bomb were inside a house.

A house that Ness recognised. "It's your house!"

"Yes! My house!" Porky exclaimed before two of the soldier things the kids fought came on screen dragging a couple of middle-aged people that were tied by ropes and silenced with tape on their mouth. A fat blond man with round glasses and a small mustache wearing a brown suit and a fat blond woman in a pink dress. "I will finally get to say goodbye to my parents! Oh, how I dreamed to do that!"

"Porky! Stop! Please!" the voice of a younger boy pleaded off screen.

"Aw... Don't worry, Picky, my dear little bro. I won't do anything to you. I'm finally getting you away from that hellhole. Now, you will get to live the life of a prince!"

"Wait," Ness mumbled. "If the bomb is in Porky's house... Oh no! Quick! We must return to Onett!"

"Damn. Still two minutes left..." Porky commented as he looked at the timer. "That's too long!" He pressed a few buttons on it, lowering the timer to ten seconds. "Better! Let's hurry out, bro!"

As Porky did his thing and began to run out of the house with a soldier thing holding a younger blond boy, Sweetie Belle teleported everyone in front of Porky's house (which was just beside Ness' house). They arrived just in time to see Porky and the soldier thing exit the house with Picky before they both jumped into Porky's Spider Walker. The walker then quickly flew away, but the kids didn't mind it and they quickly moved toward the entrance of the house.

Only for the bomb to detonate.

A huge bubble of void rapidly expanded out of the house, and Sweetie Void quickly teleported everyone away, into the town down the hill. However, the void continued to expand, and the filly was rapidly forced to teleport everyone away again as the void engulfed the town. They appeared in the forest, but had to teleport again. This time, the filly teleported everyone into the sky, far enough that they could see the void expand and expand and expand to the point that it even engulfed a neighboring town to Paula's distress. The void expanded for a few more seconds before it finally stopped.

She teleported everyone before the huge bubble of void, where they could only look at it in horror.

In shock, Ness slowly advanced toward the bubble.

"I wouldn't enter it if I were you. As soon as you enter it, you will be trapped! It would be lame to end our game like this! Hehehehehe!"

The voice stopped the boy, and he turned to face its origin in rage, the overweight blond boy now alone in his Spider Walker. "Porkyyyy!!! Why did you do that?!"

"Why not? Well, the truth is that I really wanted to give my parents some payback, and I wanted to use this bomb to have them disappear in a blast. Onett and Twoson were just collateral damage. I admit that I didn't expect the blast radius to reach Twoson. Oh well. This way, we can all be orphan or sorta-orphan buddies! Ahahah! And yep, this is exactly what I meant, Ness. I saw your father enter your house when I arrived. Today of all days! Oops! Hey, at least, they aren't dead! Just trapped."

"And how do we get them out?!" Sweetie Void asked.

Porky laughed as if what she said was the best joke. "I don't know! I don't even think it's possible to get them out! As far as I know, they are stuck in there forever! One thing is sure, fighting me won't bring them back!" He saw Paula use PK Offense Up. "But I can see that it doesn't matter. You want to make me pay, uh? Uh? Then come on! We still have our game to end! Try to defeat me, the black knight!"

Porky's walker suddenly jumped toward the group who quickly ran away, not just to avoid the walker but also to get away from the void bubble to avoid accidentally entering it. Porky charged after them, catching up to them and forcing them to jump out of the way. But then, the walker sent some gaz that weakened the children breathing it.

Despite this, Ness was able to jump away as Porky made its walker do several jabs at him with one of its legs.

"PK Freeze!"

"PK Thunder!"

Paula and Poo attacked, freezing the walker's legs before it was hit by several thunderbolts that made it spasm. Jeff and Sweetie Void then both fired at it, respectively with the bazooka and a huge beam. Ness then finished with PK Rockin before the walker recovered from the thunder.

It released several Porkies with a red light on their heads, revealing to be robots. They all went to attack one of the children, either attempting to punch or using a beam gun like Jeff had. The children attacked them in return, but they discovered that if these robots took too much damage and were not quickly destroyed, then they self-destructed and would attempt to take their target with them, forcing the heroes to constantly be on the move as Porky's walker also sent powerful bombs.

Once she was done with the Mecha Porkies that had been after her, Sweetie flew at the walker to directly attack it while surrounding herself in electricity, only for the walker to spray something at her, right at her eyes.

"AIIIIIIIE!!!" She put her hooves on her now hurt and crying eyes to rub them, and barely avoided a jab from the walker only for Porky himself to come out of his capsule and to fire a beam at her with a gun, hitting her and causing her to drop on the ground. The boy then quickly returned in his capsule and attempted to trample her with the walker's legs, not minding the attacks he received from the other children, but she teleported away.

"Teleportation, uh? I should add that to my walker," Porky said.

"PK STARSTORM!!!" Poo yelled.

"Eh." Porky smirked before he took a device and used it to envelop his walker with a PK Power Shield, deflecting any star falling on it back at the children. Paula saw that and immediately used PK PK Shield to put a psychic power shield around everyone, each deflecting one star back at Porky. Sweetie destroyed the shield around the walker, allowing the stars to hit it.

Porky then raised two of the walker's legs above it and used them to gather a lot of energy into a ball out of which came a powerful laser. It swept the ground, going after the closest target, first Sweetie, then Jeff, then Ness. While the walker did that, Porky also made it send more bombs as well as Mecha Porkies, the laser eventually stopping.

"Eheheheheh! This is what I wanted!" Porky exclaimed. "Hopefully, this is the first of a series of encounters! I really don't want to stop!" He jumped to avoid being hit again by Jeff's bazooka, then sucked up the children's energy to replenish a bit his walker only for Jeff to use the Hungry HP Sucker in return to suck it back. "Oh man. I can't wait to see how things will go now that I have access to the Subspace Army's technology!"

"The Subspace Army?" Sweetie Void wondered. Is this...?

"Oh? Interested?" The walker began to levitate before it placed itself above Ness and fired down on him a laser like the one earlier. He repeated the process while targeting the other members of the group as they were busy against the Mecha Porkies. "Sorry, I can't say much about it, because I myself don't really know what is the deal with these guys. You see that void bubble? This is pretty much what they want to do to whole worlds. But I have no idea why they want to put them in space bubbles. What is their goal and everything. All I know is that this promises to be interesting! And they promised me to give me everything I want! How could I refuse?"

While still levitating, the walker was hit by Jeff's bazooka, making it crash. It quickly got up however and ran to avoid Poo's PK Starstorm, almost ramming Ness and Paula. As Sweetie Void made diversion by attacking with her swords, the human girl reapplied PK Offense Up to everyone and applied Defense Down to Porky before she used PK Freeze. While the walker was frozen as it was in the middle of stabbing at Sweetie Void, the filly used the occasion to cut off the leg.

With seven legs remaining, Porky's walker covered itself in electricity before it jumped. When it dropped on the ground, it spread electricity on it, electrifying everyone. He then rammed Ness and Jeff and attempted to stab Poo who was able to jump away.

"PK Lifeup!" Ness healed everyone.

"Cover me!" Jeff shouted as he took out what looked like a group of rockets out of his bag.

Understanding what he was doing, both Paula and Poo yelled "PK Freeze!" to freeze the walker long enough for Jeff to ready the rockets, and Sweetie Void helped them using her own ice attacks. Once he was done, he took cover as rockets flew up one by one toward the walker, exploding on it. One last rocket, bigger than the others, hit it, causing a huge amount of damage to it.

Porky's walker quickly sucked up energy from the children while the big boy used the same device than earlier to create another power shield. Mecha Porkies were then released while he gathered energy between two of the walker's legs. But this time, instead of firing a laser, he threw the ball of energy at the children, the ball exploding upon impact with the ground. He repeated the process to throw more of these balls.

"PK Rockin!"

"PK Freeze!"

"PK Starstorm!"

The children unleashed their more powerful attacks, Sweetie Void destroying the shield again before it could deflect the attacks. Taking more and more damage, losing a second leg, the walker entered flying mode and flew directly at the children to attack them with its legs, bombs, and lasers, and also by spraying that stuff that he used on Sweetie Void. With the walker constantly moving as it flew, hitting it was extremely difficult. Until Ness managed to land on the glass capsule and began to repeatedly bash it with his bat to break it open.

Once the glass broke... "PK ROCKIN!!!"

There was a huge explosion inside the walker that sent Ness flying, Sweetie Void catching him. The walker crashed violently on the ground, black smoke escaping it as more, smaller explosions littered it, blowing pieces away.

When the explosions stopped, Ness ran and jumped back on what remained of the walker, looking down at Porky who was now on his four legs, back to him, coughing. His clothes were burned, his hair disheveled. And yet, he didn't seem hurt.

"Eheheheheh... Cough! Cough!"

"You lost, Porky," Ness said as he glared at the other boy, not sure what to do.

"Eheheh... But you know me, Ness..." Porky wheezed out.

Paula gasped, suddenly foreseeing something bad.

Porky turned his head to look at Ness as he laughed.

Some of the skin of his face was gone, revealing circuits! And a light previously hidden in the hair was now glowing red!

This Porky was a Mecha Porky too!

"I'M A SORE LOOSER!!!" In the blink of an eye, the robot jumped at Ness.

Ness was suddenly pushed away at the last moment.

Instead of Ness, the robot wrapped its limbs around Paula.

And exploded.

The children could only watch in silent shock as the girl's body fell from the walker. Ness then recovered from his shock and ran toward Paula. In horror, he examined her body.

She wasn't breathing.

"PK Healing!" He attempted to bring her back to consciousness.

"PK Healing!" he repeated when he saw that this didn't work, thinking that it failed since he only had the Gamma version which didn't garanti a success at this.

"PK Healing! Come on!"

"Please! PK Healing!"

"No... PK Healing! You can't be...!

"Pl-sniff! Please... PK sniff! Healing... D-don't... Sniff! P... PK..."

He was suddenly forced into a hug by Poo who was remaining solemn despite his inner turmoil. "Stop it, Ness. She's dead."

At his words, Ness broke down crying on his shoulder. Jeff remained aside, wiping his glasses as he also cried over Paula's body.

As for Sweetie Void... Well, she wasn't crying. She was livid.

Writer... Why...

"Ooooh my!" The moment was suddenly interrupted by a voice they didn't want to hear again. From behind a tree that survived the battle came Porky, looking smug. "The princess is dead! You know what this mean? I! Win! Ah! Ah! Spankety, spankety, span-"


Sweetie Void suddenly flew toward the boy and punched him in the face with so much force that his head exploded.

Only for it to regrow in the following seconds. "Ah! It doesn't work! I'm im-"

He was suddenly crushed by a shield, like a bug.

But his crushed remains just put themselves back together and reformed his body. "Ahahahahah!"

She cut him in pieces.

"Try again!"

She burnt him to ashes.

"Still here!"

She disintegrated him with a beam.

"This is starting-"

She cut him vertically in two.

"to get-"

She pierced him from all sides with shadow spikes.

"boring." A beam suddenly came from the sky and terribly burned Sweetie Void, its origin being the big pig ship that they previously saw above Fourside. A new Spider Walker was then dropped from it and Porky quickly climbed it. "It was fun while it lasted. See you next time, losers!" The walker then flew toward the ship and entered it.

Regenerating from the beam, Sweetie Void just had time to fire a beam that traversed the ship from bottom to top, causing it to start to crash, before it suddenly disappeared from this universe.

She swore she could still hear Porky's laugh as he feasted on his victory.

Author's Note:

That damn kid...

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