• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 865 Views, 13 Comments

A Balance of Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

With Twilight no longer ascending to Equestria's Throne, she and her friends have a new life to live.

  • ...

2 Sun and Stars

Starlight eagerly waited at the train stop for Sunburst's train to arrive. She saw him twice a month already when he would come for James' magical theory lectures, but this time his visit had nothing to do with James. He was coming to visit with his friends in Ponyville.

Obviously they would be spending a great deal of time together, and she had planned out several days, including time to let him indulge in his hobbies, like antiquing. But she had also had something else planned.

Her regular meetings with Rainbow Dash had been taking their toll and she felt it was long past time she start her own relationship. And who knew her better than Sunburst? Who showed that they cared as much as he did?

She was more than ready, and knew Sunburst would be happy when she asked him. Much like she saw with Rainbow Dash and James, they were already so close that all there was to do now was accept and formalize their relationship.

She pranced in place, happily anticipating what was to come.

Eager as she was, time seemed to crawl as ponies came and went. And after what felt to be hours the train from the Crystal Empire pulled into the station. Starlight had a sturdy cart ready in anticipation, having learned from the last time he had planned on staying more than a day.

She couldn't help but smile as she watched him approach on the platform, hugging him tightly the moment he got close.

“It's good to see you too, Starlight.” Sunburst said as they let each other go.

“We're going to have so much fun this week!” Starlight eagerly said. “And I've got something really important to ask you when we get to the castle.”

“Oh, great. I've got a big surprise too, you see …” Sunburst began to say before Starlight cut him off.

“Can it wait until I ask you my question? I'm really excited about this! Where's your stuff?” Starlight said as she excitedly looked around the train.

“About that …” Sunburst said as a dark red crystal pony mare trotted up to the two. She had a short cream colored mane and tail streaked with pink and a rolled cake cutie mark.

“I've got the cart packed.” She happily said as she hugged Sunburst.

“Ah, yes.” Sunburst said as Starlight looked at the two blankly. “Velvet, this is Starlight. Starlight, this is Velvet, my girlfriend.”

The words were like a crushing blow to Starlight, who could just barely keep her face straight as Velvet excitedly hugged her. Going on about how happy she was to meet her and how much she had heard about her.

Starlight walked alongside the couple in a daze, not hearing anything that either Velvet or Sunburst were saying. She felt hollow, the despair dredging up memories she'd much rather remain forgotten.

“So what did you want to ask me Starlight?” She finally heard Sunburst ask, interrupting her thoughts.

When did we get to the castle?

Starlight looked around confused for a moment, Velvet had apparently walked off to find their rooms and unpack. “Oh …” She needed to take some time to think about this. Everything had changed so quickly, she needed to get her hooves under her so she could even begin to figure things out. “Oh, it's nothing. I … It can wait.”

“Really?” Sunburst asked with a little confusion. “You seemed pretty excited about it back at the train platform.”

“Oh, I was just thinking about something else.”

“This place is amazing!” Velvet happily said as she pranced up to Starlight and Sunburst. “Starlight, could you show us the School of Friendship?”

“Yeah, sure.” She idly said. “First thing tomorrow.”

Velvet hugged Starlight again. “Sunburst, she's just amazing!”

“Is Twilight around?” Sunburst asked as he looked around the foyer. “I wanted to introduce Velvet to her.” Velvet nodded eagerly.

“And I really want to meet Spike! I was in the front row when he saved us all at the Equestria Games.”

“I think she's at the antique shop.” Starlight mumbled, barely paying any attention to what she was saying.

“Ooh! Let's go now!” Velvet smiled wide as she spoke. “Did you know Ponyville is Antique Central? Oh, of course you know, you live here. Don't think I didn't notice that Mighty Helm map on the wall over there. It was the most accurate map of Equestria ever produced until modern techniques allowed for more precise measurements.”

Sunburst smiled and placed his hoof on her shoulder briefly. “She really likes maps.”

Velvet nodded enthusiastically. “Did you know that Dragons have only produced a dozen maps of their country throughout their entire history?” She asked before adding in a singsong fashion. “And guess who owns three-ee.”

“Well, you two had better get going if you want to catch her.” Starlight offered halfheartedly.

“Ooh, I'll get my hat.” Velvet excitedly said before rushing off.

Once the two were alone, Sunburst gave Starlight a concerned look as he stepped forward. “Is everything alright, Starlight?”

Starlight looked to Sunburst for a moment before turning away, not wanting him to see the tears now welling in her eyes. “I'm fine.” She chocked out. “Go introduce your,” She swallowed the lump in her throat, “girlfriend to Twilight.”

“Starlight?” Sunburst started to say.

Starlight didn't say anything more as she ran out of the castle and towards the school. Once in her office she slammed the door and slumped down in her chair.

She took a long shaky breath and wiped a tear from her eye. “Why did I ever think we could be a couple?” She sobbed as she looked to her potted plant, Phyllis. “Of course he already had somepony else. … What was I thinking?”


It wasn't the morning sun peaking through the curtains that woke Starlight up the next morning, but a curiously strong smell of cinnamon rolls.

It was an inviting smell, and even with as low as she felt she did perk up slightly at it.

Without any warning Starlight's door opened as the familiar face of her friend peaked in. “Do you smell that Starlight?” Twilight asked, her golden eyes shimmering as she smiled.

“Yeah. Do you think Mirror Pinkie came by and baked something again?” Starlight suggested as she sat up in bed.

“I don't know. But I'm going to find out. First stop, the kitchen.” Twilight happily announced as she walked off, occasionally sniffing the air. Muttering to herself that it could even be James.

Starlight stayed in bed for a couple minutes before remembering that she had promised Velvet that she would show her the School of Friendship. Her stomach sank again as she thought about the mare who had taken Sunburst away from her, and had to remind herself that it was not okay to try to get her out of the way. Though she did have a brief satisfying flash of Velvet with an equal cutiemark.

She just had to accept that he was with her now.

She slowly walked towards the dining room. If Mirror Pinkie had made cinnamon rolls at least the day was off to an unusually good start. As she opened the door she could see Twilight with three cinnamon rolls on a plate in front of her as she held a forth between her hooves, smiling as she chewed her most recent bite. Sunburst sat with his own plate of cinnamon rolls and three more places were set, waiting for their intended occupants.

“These smell great.” Starlight said as she sat at the table.

“Thanks.” Velvet answered, walking in behind her. “Sunburst said you were upset yesterday, and my cinnamon rolls always seem to make him happy.”

Suddenly the cinnamon rolls didn't sound so appealing to Starlight. She knew her dislike of Velvet was irrational but couldn't help herself.

Sunburst perked up suddenly as he turned to Twilight. “Oh, after we tour the school we should open that blind buy you got yesterday.”

Twilight suddenly started paying attention again and nervously chuckled as she wiped away some icing from her mouth. “Oh, I was waiting until this evening so James could cast detect magic on it. Ever since we found that magic quill I've wondered how many magic items just get dumped into these blind buys.”

“That'll be fun, but remember: I get first dibs on any maps.” Velvet playfully said.

“Oh, I don't know. If it's a Dragon Lands map I'm keeping it for myself.”

“I'll fight you for it.” Velvet said with a giggle as she joking raised a hoof.

Twilight giggled along and held up her half eaten cinnamon roll like she was ready to throw it before taking a bite and giving a small, happy smile.

Starlight really wanted a reason to genuinely hate Velvet, but just couldn't find one. She was nice, very friendly, and even liked some of Sunburst's hobbies as much as he did. With a resigned sigh she decided to make good on her promise to show her around the School of Friendship.


As they walked Velvet looked around the school, excited at every feature and room. Almost doubly so at an often unused room with a curious crest on the back wall.

“Ooh, and what's taught in this room?” Velvet asked, turning to Starlight.

“Oh, this is where James holds his inter-species friendship classes every other Friday.” Starlight explained. “He's pretty busy so we try to not take up too much of his schedule.”
“Does he also hold his magical theory lectures here?” Velvet eagerly asked.

“No.” Starlight was surprised, she hadn't been expecting her to know even that much about James. “He holds those at the Sorcerer's Guild in Truce.”

“Oh, is that just further down the rails from Ponyville?” Velvet asked, turning to Sunburst.

“Actually, it's a different world that is parallel to our own but so separated that we share almost nothing in common. Though what we do share is curious.” Sunburst explained.

Starlight thought a moment, and knew that Sunburst was only partially right, calling it a world relied on a very broad definition of the word. In truth New Guardia was a titanic space station where nearly the entire population lived in a few cities located in just one of it's equally massive parks. She knew other parts of the station were in use in other ways, but had never seen more than a miniscule fraction of the park James lived in.

It was also the case that it was often eerie just how many things they seemed to share. Things that seemed to have been designed for people like James, yet she knew she could find out just when, where, and even why their Equestrian equivalent had been invented.

Velvet walked in and began examining the room, stopping at James' desk where she focused on a picture. “Aww, is this his family?”

Starlight walked over and looked at the picture in question. It was a picture from Sara's last birthday, before they knew just what Xellos had been planning. It was James, Lucca, Tali, Sara and Amber along with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo on the beach. Starlight had been the one to take the picture and had one of her and Sara from that same party in her office.

Starlight examined the picture for a minute, something about it had caught her attention. In the center was Sara, Tali and Lucca stood on either side of her with their arms around her. Amber was in front waving happily alongside Scootaloo while Rainbow Dash posed. James, being almost gigantic compared to the rest of them, was in back, his arms stretched out to hold onto both Lucca's and Tali's shoulders as he hunched down to where his chin almost rested on his oldest daughter's head.

Lucca was smiling, and while she couldn't see Tali's face through her environmental suit she remembered that she was happy that whole day. Lucca and Tali both love James, live with him, and somehow it worked.

Starlight looked to Velvet who was now asking something to Sunburst. Was it so irrational to think that maybe someday there could be a similar picture with her and Sunburst as well as Velvet? It was a kind of relationship that could work.

She looked to Sunburst again, and got a hint of a smile. Maybe it could still work out with them. She didn't want to ask right now though, she needed to see if she could get out of her own way in regards to Velvet. If it meant being with Sunburst, she was ready to give it a shot.


Starlight was about to leave the couple with Twilight to talk about their shared interest in antiquing when on her way out Sunburst stopped her.

“Starlight.” He calmly said. “I know there's something wrong. Will you please just talk to me?”

Starlight just stared at him a moment. “Am I really that obvious?”

Sunburst shifted uncomfortably. “Well I have known you for years. And I'm still your friend, if there's something bothering you, you can talk to me.”

Starlight managed a weak smile. “Thank you Sunburst.” As she spoke she couldn't help but imagine herself stepping forward and hugging him tightly, never to let him go. But she didn't do that. “Maybe later, though. I've got a lot on my mind.” She turned to walk away but didn't move. As she tried to take a step, an orange luminescence held her in place.

“Starlight.” Sunburst patiently said, “No matter what it is, I'm here for you.”

A tear rolled down Starlight's cheek as she heard the words. “Thank you.” She gently said. “I'll talk to you about it later.”

“How about at dinner, after we finish looking at the blind buy.” He suggested as his horn went dark.

Starlight's horn lit up for a moment as she wicked the tear away and turned to smile at her old friend. “Oh, that's alright, you enjoy your date with your” She still had a measure of trouble saying it, “girlfriend.” Much to her surprise, even though it was still a little difficult, the thought of them now didn't leave her with a yawning pit in her stomach.

“I was thinking just us. Velvet wants to spend the evening with Twilight and Spike, and I haven't really had the chance to catch up with you.”

Starlight blushed and thanked Sunburst. “We'll go out after looking at that blind buy.”


Starlight didn't know exactly when James arrived, but she clearly heard him walking through the halls and went to meet him part way. He looked quite well put together, but this wasn't surprising. The days and nights didn't match so evening in one world was morning in the other, so James had clearly just woken up.

In fact, given the time, he must have woken up early to come by. Or had simply not gone to sleep, either was likely with him.

James smiled as Starlight approached him. “Hey there, Starlight,” He said as he knelt down and reached out to her. Starlight grinned as she took a step forward and hugged James. “So, got any fun plans?” He asked as they separated.

“Yeah.” She smiled as she looked up to him. “I may just have a date later.”

“May?” James' voice lilted a bit. “You don't know?” He asked coyly.

“Well, it's complicated.”

“Yeah, I understand that.” James laughed heartily as the two started to walk off. “I'm happy for you, I hope it goes well.” He said as the two walked towards the library where the barrel waited for James and his spell.

Starlight had decided to watch as the barrel was opened, curious herself about what magical items could be hidden amongst the clutter. She had to wonder just what kind of magical items would get so lost as to wind up forgotten in an antique shop.

The two were greeted warmly as they entered the library.

James held out his fist as Sunburst approached and tapped it with his hoof. Then, much like he had with Starlight, James knelt and hugged Twilight. After letting her go he turned to Velvet, smiled and held out his hand.

“Hello.” He politely said. “Who might you be?”

“Oh this is my girlfriend, Velvet.” Sunburst smiled as he looked to them.

Velvet looked to James' hand a moment before walking forward and hugging him as well.

James chuckled a moment. “She's very friendly.”

“She's been eager to meet you.” Sunburst chuckled himself.

Velvet smirked up at James. “I wanted to know who's been taking my stallion from me every other week.”

James smiled and sighed. “Well speaking of being taken away, I won't be sticking around long to look at what magical stuff could be in there. I've got to get out to Vanhoover.”

“Oh?” Sunburst asked. “What's going on in Vanhoover?”

Twilight was the one to answer. “It's the Wonderbolts show Rainbow Dash is flying in.” She said with a smile.

James nodded. “What can I say? Rainbow Dash doesn't want to go out without at least a wing rub, she insists she flies better after. I've also got some protein for her. I'm betting she's been carbo-loading again.”

“Ooh, what do you have?” Starlight asked happily

James reached into the bag of holding he wore on his hip and produced a lidded container. “Alicia made her an apple almond salad.”

Twilight made a pleased noise as she heard what James had brought. “Those are so good”

Velvet cooed slightly. “That's so sweet.”

“Thank you.” James blushed as he put the salad container back into his bag, then rummaged around a moment before pulling out a book. “I should probably get to this spell and be on my way then.” He opened the book and approached the barrel, placing his hand on it and chanting once he found the appropriate page.

There was a brief blue glow that surrounded the barrel before fading and leaving only a faint light escaping from the odd crack or hole.

“Looks like you've got something. I hope to hear all about it when I get back.” James said with a smile as he backed towards the door. “It was nice to meet you, Velvet, we'll have to talk when I've got a bit more time. How about after the Magical Theory lecture?” And without even waiting for an answer James vanished.

“Oh, well …” Twilight looked around the group a moment. “let's see what we've got.”

It was late in the evening when they finished looking at the antiques, the only magical items to be found were a cloak and a necklace. None of them were able to identify the magic in them right away but they had all the time they needed to figure it out.

Velvet happily shooed Sunburst off as she examined a nondescript book they had found. She had some ideas about what it could be, but needed time to make sure.

It wasn't until halfway through their meal that Starlight and Sunburst finished catching up. Starlight felt warm as she spent time with the stallion she had known so well, but there was still the reason she was here.

“Sunburst, I had a whole plan about how to do this, but that kind of changed when I met Velvet.”

“I'm sorry Starlight. I wanted to tell you about her, but it just slipped my mind.”

“Oh, that's … alright, but I did want to ask. Do you think that there could, possibly, maybe, be something between us?” She immediately regretted asking, giving him an awkward smile as she finished.

“What do you mean?”

Starlight could feel her heart racing. “I mean, well, it works out well for James, and I don't dislike Velvet.”

“What works out well?”

Starlight wanted to shout what she meant but didn't, muttering to herself that it would be counter productive. “I mean that, maybe, I could … also … be your girlfriend.”

Sunburst's smile vanished immediately. “Oh, uhm … I don't … I mean … I'm with Velvet.”

“I know.” There was more than a hint of desperation to Starlight's voice. “And that's okay, I just want to be with you too.”

Sunburst sighed. “If I knew sooner, maybe we could have been something. But I thought you weren't interested, so I moved on.”

Starlight slumped in her chair before weakly asking. “When did you start?”

“I met her last year while antiquing, we got to know each other better as we talked about our similar interests. We only started dating after the battle, when I realized that life was to chaotic to just hope for something. I asked her out as soon as I got back.”

“Isn't there some way I could be a part of that?”

“Starlight, I know things are different in New Guardia. But I'm with Velvet, and I don't see that changing. I'll still be there for you, just as your friend.”

Starlight looked into her drink, whatever it was she was feeling, she hated it. She closed her eyes for a moment and in a flash of light vanished. Appearing back in her bedroom in Twilight's castle. The last thing she wanted to do right now was talk to anyone.

Back at the restaurant Sunburst sighed as he was left looking at the open space where his friend had once been. He would help her however he could, but he couldn't bring himself to do what Starlight was asking.

Author's Note:

I really liked the Adorkable Twilight & Friends comic, particularly this comic, and wanted a similar scene. Particularly one where she finds the treats she's looking for.