• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 865 Views, 13 Comments

A Balance of Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

With Twilight no longer ascending to Equestria's Throne, she and her friends have a new life to live.

  • ...

16 Foal Sitting

Sweetie Belle blinked hard as she got her stomach back to where it should be. While the vertigo sensation she got whenever she crossed universes was unpleasant, it thankfully only lasted a couple seconds.

She stood with her two other friends, Apple Bloom and herself with their saddlebags overstuffed with everything Applejack or Rarity felt they would need for a week away. Scootaloo, on the other hand, had only her scooter and a couple necessities and snacks packed by her aunts loaded into her wagon.

“You doing alright?” James asked as he turned to the filly.

“Yeah, I just don't think I'll ever get used to that.”

“I understand.”

“You may if you visit more often.” Lucca added with a smirk.

“Yeah.” Apple Bloom happily said. “We should do this more.”

“You didn't do anything.” James chuckled. “Your sisters are just out of town for a while.”

“Well, we can come by more often.” Scootaloo suggested.

“Wait.” James said with mock surprise. “You mean you don't live here?”

“We do for the next week.” Scootaloo said with a sly smile.

“You're right.” Lucca replied with a giggle. “I am glad Holiday and Lofty said you could come along this week.”

“Oh, they couldn't say no when we asked them.” Apple Bloom said proudly.

“And those big sad eyes we practiced for days didn't hurt either.” Scootaloo said as Sweetie Bell shot her a shocked expression.

Much to the young filly's surprise instead of the quick reprimand she expected, she heard the couple chuckling.

“Well, however you did it, we're glad to have you here.” James answered.

“Now, I don't know how you three want to arrange things,” Lucca said as they left the room and began down the hallway, “but we can have a room for each of you, or if Scootaloo wants to share her bedroom …”

“Wait!” Sweetie Belle said suddenly, stopping the group short. “Scootaloo has her own bedroom here?”

“Uh, yeah.” Scootaloo said as though it were obvious. “So does Rainbow Dash. We're family, remember.”

“Yeah,” Sweetie Belle quietly said. “I guess that makes sense.” A curious feeling came over her as she thought about Scootaloo's comment, and she couldn't help but think about her only bedroom being at Rarity's house.

“Let's all stay in my room! It'll be like a week long sleep over.”

“Yes! Sleep over!” Apple Bloom enthusiastically agreed, happily giggling as she ran around with Scootaloo.

“Okay, okay.” James said, laughing slightly at the infectious happiness. “I'll go get a couple guest beds for you.

Sweetie Belle let the odd feeling go in light of her friends excitedly planning out their week. Soon whatever bother she had had vanished quickly leaving her excitedly chatting along with her friends.

“Don't plan everything out.” James laughed as he interrupted them. “We've got a few family things going on that you're coming to.”

“Like what?” Apple Bloom asked, her smile threatening to take in her entire face.

“Don't get too excited either.” James said, patting Apple Blooms head briefly. “Just a day on the beach, and family game night. On the less fun side I have a business trip to the Citadel that everyone's coming along with, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it.”

“Ooh! What are we playing?” Scootaloo happily asked, focusing on her favorite part and prancing as they walked once more towards the bedrooms. “Hyrule Warriors? Armored Core? Crystal Chronicles? What about Ghostbusters?”

“None of those.” Lucca calmly answered, enjoying how excited everyone was getting.

Scootaloo gasped, “Do I finally get to play Dark Souls?” She asked, practically vibrating in excitement.

“Absolutely not.” James and Lucca said together.

“Oh.” Scootaloo said, practically pouting as she got the firm answer.

“Even the name “Dark Souls” sounds like it would be a bit scary for me.” Sweetie Belle added, as she continued with everyone.

“Then what is it?” Apple Bloom asked, as excited as ever.

“It's actually a game that my brother has been working on.” James answered with a smile.

“Your brother makes games?” Scootaloo asked, astonished.

“Kind of. He's just taking all his favorite things from every game in a specific series and smashing them together with his own story.”

“And after years, he's still not done with it.” Lucca said with a sly grin.

“And how many of your projects can I say that about?” James smirked as he asked. “He does this for fun so it takes a while as he's doing almost all of the work by himself. We're just going to be running around the world as is and having fun with what's done. He hasn't finished the story yet, so we can do whatever we want.”

“So what kind of game is it?”

“I think we'll have more fun if all of you are surprised by it.”

“This week's going to be amazing!” Apple Bloom shouted.

“It's not all fun and games girls.” James said, more seriously. “Cheerilee was kind enough to give us work packets for each of you so you don't fall behind in class.”

The one statement managed to completely deflate the girls as they believed they had escaped school for a few days.

“Hey,” Lucca calmly said, “myself, Tali, or James will give you as much help as we can if you need it. We just want to make sure you keep up with your classes.”

Her promise of help did nothing to soothe them of knowing they had homework to do.

It wasn't long before they arrived at a door with a Wonderbolt placard and Scootaloo's cutie mark etched on it.

“Alright girls,” James said as he opened the door, “here you are, I'll be back with the extra beds in a bit, then we can get you in the Enertron so you're not sleeping all day, and after that it's time for lunch. Anything in particular you girls want?”

“Hay Burgers!” Apple Bloom excitedly said.

“Potato Strings!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“Salad.” Sweetie Belle answered.

“That's quite an order.” James said with a grin. “I'll see what we can do. Though we don't have any hay burgers, so I hope black bean burgers are alright.”

“Bean burger?” Apple Bloom asked, cocking her head at James.

“Yeah, ponies are the only one's who visit that can really eat hay, and I haven't programmed them into the replicator. But I know Twilight really loves to try the different burgers up here.”

“You should do something about that.” Scootaloo said with a sly smile.

“Yeah, I probably should. But in the meantime, I hope you enjoy trying something new.”

Lucca put her hand on James' shoulder, getting his attention as he began to turn around. “We'll just go somewhere, it'll be easier for everyone.”

“Sure.” James said, leaning forward and giving Lucca a quick kiss. “While these three are resting up, you grab everyone else and we'll head out.”

“I'll start now, just in case Amber is working on something.” Lucca said before walking out of the room.

“Okay, girls,” James said as he looked back to the three fillies, “figure out how you want things arranged in here and I'll be back in a couple minutes.”

With James gone Scootaloo and Apple Bloom pranced in place as they imagined the fun they would be having away from Ponyville.

“What should we do first?” Apple Bloom eagerly asked.

“There's some cool parks in Truce we can explore.” Scootaloo suggested.

“Aren't there woods just outside the front doors?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Yeah, but some of these parks have a course just for scooters and skateboards. It looks so cool!”

“I'm not that good on a scooter.” Apple Bloom said.

“I know, we'll just hook up the wagon and you can ride around like in Ponyville.”

“We should look around the forest. Usually we're just walking through and I want to see what we can find there.” Sweetie Belle suggested.

As they planned they were eventually interrupted by a knock at the door.

“I've got the beds here.” James called from the other side.

Sweetie Belle's horn lit up with a pale green luminescence as the door opened and James walked in with what appeared to be two cots. “The mattresses are in the hall still, once we know where you want the beds set up I'll bring them in.”

Eagerly the girls chose where they wanted to sleep and soon it was time for them to get to the Enertron. They were joined by Lucca, Tali, and Amber as they arrived, Tali crouched and put her fist out which the three ponies happily bumped with their hooves.

“Alright,” James said as he opened the pod-like device, “one at a time, then we're heading out for lunch.”

“About that,” Lucca added as James watched Apple Bloom climb onto the seat. “Sara's at the guild right now, so she's going to meet us at the restaurant.”

“We had to find somewhere that would handle everyone's orders, and I think I found a good place. It's a vegetarian restaurant, just so you know.” Tali added as James shrugged and ushered Apple Bloom out of the Enertron and Sweetie Belle in. “And they've got a great Dextro menu that caters to Quarians.”

“Good to hear.” James said as he activated the Enertron for the second time. “You think with more Quarian friendly restaurants we'll be able to attract more to live here?”

Tali ushered Scootaloo into the Enertron before folding her arms and thinking. “I think most Quarians are still more interested in living on Rannoch, but I'm sure we'll get more tourists at least.”

“Sorry you never got that house on your home world.” James said apologetically.

“I'll always have a place there, but my home is here, adrift with the stars.” Tali said, her voice taking on a poetic air.

James smiled at her, and nodded. “Cribbing from Fleet and Flotilla?”

Tali chuckled briefly and shook her head. “I'd say more … inspired by.”

“Fleet and Flotilla?” Sweetie Belle asked, looking between the two.

Tali beamed unseen at the question. “Oh we are definitely having a girls night this week to watch that vid.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Lucca said with a nod. “Maybe Friday after James teaches his class?”

“That's a great idea!” Tali excitedly exclaimed. “I don't think Starlight's seen it yet either.”

“Not exactly much of a class with only four attendees.” James said with a shrug, “Anyway, let's go get some lunch.” James said, jerking his thumb behind him.

Excited as ever, the ponies ran around the forest path as they made their way towards Truce. Despite being regular guests, the extended stay made everything feel fresh and exciting for the three. Even Amber, who lived there, couldn't help but join the Crusaders: popping in and out of the bushes, chasing and running wherever, unconcerned with any structure and simply having fun.

James smiled as he walked along, an arm around Lucca, and his other hand held firmly by Tali. It was several minutes after walking into town that they saw Sara. Completely unaware of the group, she sat on a bench on the patio of the restaurant they were walking towards, her nose buried in a nondescript book likely borrowed from the guild she had just come from.

“For someone who liked Rainbow Dash so much when she was younger, she's much more like Twilight now.” Lucca whispered to James.

“And Amber, who still has that Twilight toy, is much more like Pinkie.” James answered.

“I was thinking Sara's just like you.” Tali whispered as she nudged James. “She's trying to improve herself to keep others safe.”

“If that's the direction we're taking this, then she's more like you and Lucca with how she analyses and adapts what she learns. She's quick and can think on her feet pretty well.” James said, squeezing Tali's hand and Lucca as they got closer.

“Need some more time?” Lucca asked as the group got close.

Sara brought her head up and looked around for a moment before turning to the group and waving.

“Hi Sara!” The Crusaders all said, very close to each other.

Sara gave a polite smile as she closed the book and put it down. “I already got our table here.” She said as she waved them over.

Scootaloo jumped the small wall separating the patio from the walk, beating her wings furiously for that extra bit of lift to help her clear it. “So what'cha reading?”

Sara looked to the book placed on the table in front of her for a moment. “The Basics of Shamanic Magic. My casting is kind of sloppy so my spells aren't as effective as they should be.”

“Just remember, magic isn't the only tool you have.” Tali said before disappearing into the building.

Sara waited until she reemerged on her side of the wall before responding, “Yeah, I know. But it's useful to practice, just in case there's a situation where I have nothing else.”

“Of course,” Lucca answered, “the right tool for the right job.”

Sara simply nodded as everyone sat around the table.

“Do they teach about potions at the guild?” Apple Bloom asked eagerly.

“Yeah, they have some potion classes. But it's basically chemistry, and I never did too well in that class.”

“I remember your teacher telling me you showed real promise.” James said encouragingly.

“Was that before or after I burned her eyebrows off?” Sara asked, turning her head away.

James hemmed and hawed a moment before conceding that he didn't remember as the Crusaders laughed. Before continuing on the topic, a young man came and took their orders, disappearing shortly afterwords only to return moments later with everyone's drinks.

“Wow. And I thought Rarity got special treatment wherever she went.” Sweetie Belle commented as she watched through the window and further into the kitchen. Seeing it suddenly spring to life on what seemed to be a slow day.

“You kind of get used to it in our positions.” Sara commented. “Even at the guild I'm treated like I'm made of porcelain.”

“That's why Ponyville is so great!” Amber said excitedly. “Everyone treats us like were just anyone else.”

“Twilight's festival was actually a good example of that.” Lucca said with a grin. “… Well, before the invasion at least.”

“Keelah, how could I forget.” Tali said, dropping her head as she shook it.

“Yeah, we were all stuck here while the fun stuff was going on.” Scootaloo said, clearly disappointed.

“We're happier you were bored than dealing with what everyone else was going through.” James commented.

“I was ready to have my suit unsealed for a couple hours, not days.” Tali groaned, only partially paying attention to what was going on.

“Yeah, you were sick for quite a while after that.” Amber said.

“Fortunately it was just the stress and not an infection. We can thank Jurai for that.” Tali said with a sigh.

“How are you girls doing?” James asked with a smile. “How are things with your Crusader Headquarters?”

“Oh, the club house?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Yeah, that.” James chuckled.

“Well, we usually go around town to find ponies who need help.” Sweetie Belle answered “I mean, ponies don't need our help all the time, so we haven't been doing much there.”

“But we can really help out at Twilight's school!” Scootaloo cut in.

“As friendship tutors.” Sweetie Belle clarified.

“Why don't you tell us about that?” Lucca suggested.


“This is going to be so cool!” Scootaloo said to the other two Crusaders as they finished setting up the bedroom. “What should we do first?”

“Let's go to the guild!” Apple Bloom suggested. “I want to see their potions class.”

“Maybe that can be for something we do separately.” Sweetie Belle suggested. “I'd rather explore the forest, or Truce.”

“We could see if there's anything set up in the town square.” Scootaloo suggested. “I mean, there's always something going on here.”

Without any real discussion their plan was set, and soon they burst from the room, running towards James' study where he sat looking over an electronic pad.

“Hey James.” Scootaloo happily said as she and her friends rushed into the room. “Can we go back to Truce for a while? We want to see what's going on today.”

James muttered under his breath a moment as he tapped on the pad. “I'm sorry, girls. Could it wait a couple hours? I've got to get this done soon and I can't put it off this time.”

“Oh … I guess.” She answered, sounding apologetic.

“You could always check with Lucca or Tali.” James suggested, trying to sound optimistic. “I really am sorry. If I could do this and go with you I would, but if I mess this up families may not be able to eat for days.”

“Really?” Apple Bloom asked, astonished.

“Yeah, an emergency petition came in while we were having lunch. Apparently a blight struck a vital crop on Saigus Major devastating the Tantro Root.” James explained, more to himself than to the ponies. “I have to work out a supply chain for a suitable replacement to keep the people fed on top of a debit agreement that won't overburden them or any of the suppliers. And of course get the first shipment there as soon as possible, agreement or not.”

“Wow. That's … wow.” Sweetie Belle said, trying to imagine what that would involve.

“Yeah. … Sorry, you didn't need to know all that.” James answered with a sigh. “Tell you what: If you don't find anyone to go with you when I'm done I'll happily take you.”

“I'm sure we can find somepony.” Scootaloo said enthusiastically.

“I hope you do, and I'll see you when I'm done with this. Also, don't bother asking Alicia, she's been having a rough week and we need her to take some time for herself.”

Leaving James to his work, it wasn't long before they found Lucca completely absorbed in hers.

“Lucca!” Scootaloo said, as happily as she had with James. “Can you take us to Truce?”

“I would if I could. We've got an emergency to deal with right now.”

“James said you would be be able to take us.” Sweetie Belle complained.

Lucca sighed and shook her head. “Of course he would. … I'm sorry, I have to leverage some contacts to see about getting the right people working on solving this problem. We need to find scientists with the right kind of skill set.”

“I thought you just needed to get them food.” Apple Bloom said.

“That's the most urgent need, yes. But they need this problem solved, or this is going to be an ongoing problem. That may be good for business, but it's bad for them.” Lucca explained.

“Okay.” The CMCs said, discouraged as they walked out of Lucca's workshop.

“So … Tali?” Scootaloo suggested as the door to Lucca's workshop closed behind them.

“She's probably busy on some other part of this.” Sweetie Belle said, resigned.

“Why don't we just go ourselves?” Apple Bloom suggested with a shrug. “I mean, Truce isn't any different than Ponyville.”

“Great idea Apple Bloom.” Scootaloo eagerly said, prancing as she went.

“Yeah, it's just a walk through the forest and on to town.”

“We'll grab my scooter and wagon and be there in no time.” Scootaloo said, more than ready to be on her way.

The normal quiet of the forest was broken with the cheering of the three fillies as they flew down the path towards Truce, stopping as they came to a fork in the road.

“Uhm, I don't remember there being more than one path.” Scootaloo said as she looked down both.

“Yeah, we're usually with somepony.” Apple Bloom said, hanging out of the wagon and looking alongside Scootaloo.

“Sweetie Belle, you wanted to explore the forest. Which way should we go?”

“I don't know, I wasn't paying attention.” Sweetie Belle was quick to say.

“So, what? We turn back already?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Nah.” Scootaloo said dismissively. “It's only two paths, if we go down the wrong one, we just come back and take the other. Do either of you have a bit we can flip?”

Sweetie Belle readily brought out a bit and tossed it in the air, catching it with her upturned hoof and examining it. “Heads,” she announced.

“Great.” Scootaloo said, getting ready to continue. “ … So which way is heads?”

Sweetie Belle paused a moment, “Oh, uhhhm … That way.” She eventually said, pointing to the right.

“Alright, hold on 'cuz here we go.” Scootaloo said as they sped down the right path.

Minutes passed with only more forest ahead of them before Apple Bloom turned to Sweetie Belle. “You sure this is the right way?”

“That's what the bit said.” Sweetie Belle answered confidently.

“We're here!” Scootaloo excitedly announced as the trees thinned and buildings could be seen a short distance away.

“Well I'll be.” Apple Bloom said, impressed.

Sweetie Belle smiled and nodded. “Trust the bit.”

Scootaloo had to ride her scooter slower than she wanted as the streets were loaded with people walking in all directions, and the fillies were small enough to escape the notice of most.

“I don't remember having to make our way through crowds like this.” Apple Bloom said as a centaur apologized for nearly kicking their wagon before continuing on her way.

“Something big must be going on.” Sweetie Belle reasoned.

“Which way now?” Scootaloo asked as they came to a roundabout.

“Huh?” Sweetie Belle asked as she looked ahead of Scootaloo. “Wow, this place is bigger than I thought. Let me get that bit again.”

“I know we've walked around without grown ups before.” Apple Bloom said, looking around determined to recognize something.

“Weren't we always at a fair or something when we did?” Scootaloo asked, looking around just as determined.

“Okay, we're going straight.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Right!” Scootaloo announced before taking off.

“No, she said straight!” Apple Bloom insisted.

“Right.” Sweetie Belle answered.

“Right.” Scootaloo repeated, changing direction.

“What?” Sweetie Belle said, turning her attention to the road ahead of them.

“Just following your directions.” Scootaloo answered.

“Okay, well keep going straight.” Sweetie Belle cautiously said.



“So, any idea where we are Sweetie Belle?” Scootaloo asked as she sat on her scooter, stopped at a relatively slow intersection.

“ … No,” she admitted, “I don't think we've ever been to this part of Truce.”

“I didn't know this part of Truce even existed.” Apple Bloom said, looking up at a road sign. “Why aren't these signs in Ponish?”

“I don't think anypony here reads Ponish.” Sweetie Belle answered.

“Well why not? They speak it.”

“I … don't know.”

Scootaloo sighed as she looked up to the same sign, and soon past it. “If I could just fly I could see where we are.” She moaned, dejected.

“Well, let's head back.” Apple Bloom suggested, halfheartedly, “Maybe they've solved that problem already.”

“Do you know the way?” Scootaloo asked.

Apple Bloom just shook her head before looking to her two friends, hoping one of them could tell her something positive.

“I think we're lost.” Sweetie Belle admitted, more than a hint of fear in her voice.

While most people walked by the ponies, the trio wasn't completely unnoticed. “Did you say you're lost?” Came a light breathy voice from behind the group.

The ponies turned to find a young woman that mostly looked human, except that her limbs appeared to be from a bird. She held up a wing and smiled as she waved at them, “Hello.”

“Do you know where we are?” Apple Bloom asked.

The harpy held her wing under her chin a moment as she thought for a minute. “Nope.” She proudly said with a wide smile.

“Then you're lost too?” Scootaloo asked.

The harpy's smile didn't go anywhere as she shook her head. “Tsuni knows her way around.” She proudly said.

“Do you know where the town square is?”

Tsuni closed her eyes and seemed to wrack her brain as the ponies waited.

“It's the park with the big bell.” Apple Bloom offered, hoping that would help move things along.

At the mention of the bell Tsuni's eyes popped open and she smiled confidently. “Tsuni knows where that is.”

“Finally.” Sweetie Belle sighed happily before climbing back into the wagon, Apple Bloom close behind.

“Can you take us there?” Scootaloo asked, standing up on her scooter and turning it around.

Tsuni smiled and raised her wing to her brow as if in salute and turned around, walking casually forward.

Scootaloo followed as closely as she could while contending with the crowded streets.

Shortly after the started, they noticed that Tsuni occasionally looked back at the three following her. Moments later she began walking faster.

Scootaloo, hoping to not get lost again, did her best to keep up.

It was after Tsuni once again picked up her pace that Scootaloo finally called out to her. “Tsuni, please slow down. We can't get around the people as easily as you.”

Tsuni stopped suddenly and turned to the three ponies. “Why are you following Tsuni?” She asked, looking genuinely confused.

“What do you mean? You were leading us to the town square, remember?” Sweetie Belle asked, clearly as confused as Tsuni. “The park with the big bell.”

Tsuni stood once again with her wing beneath her chin before proudly announcing that she knew where it was and turned to continue on her way there.

“Y'all think everything's alright with her?” Apple Bloom asked as they once more followed the harpy.

“Maybe she's just easily distracted.” Sweetie Belle offered. “You know, like Pinkie.”

“Probably.” Scootaloo agreed. “I bet she's got it now.”

It wasn't long until Tsuni began to walking faster that Scootaloo called out to her, hoping to avoid a repeat of just moments ago.

“The park,” Scootaloo said, “remember?”

Tsuni paused once again, not looking behind her to the ponies quickly catching up. Then, without any warning, she flapped her wings and flew off into the distance. The Crusaders were left watching the harpy vanish in the distance, and having no way to follow.

“She left us?!” Sweetie Belle asked in disbelief as she and Apple Bloom climbed out of the wagon to stare at the rapidly vanishing figure.

“Uhm … anypony happen to have any better idea where we are now?” Scootaloo asked with false hope.

“I think we're somehow even more lost now.” Apple Bloom said, moaning as she shook her head.

“You trusted a harpy?” Came a gruff voice from behind them. The ponies turned to find a disheveled human man laying prone on the ground, propped up on an elbow with a mostly empty bottle beneath him. “Damn bird brains are good for nothing but … eh, never mind.”

“Are you alright?” Apple Bloom hesitantly asked.

“You got any beer with you?”

“We're foals.” Sweetie Belle answered, climbing back into the wagon. “Come on Apple Bloom.” She added in a whisper.

The man groaned and rolled over before coughing. “Then get lost.”

“Let's get going Scootaloo.” Sweetie Belle whispered quickly.

“Don't have to tell me twice.” She answered as she beat her wings, sending them off quickly.

“I think she went that way.” Apple Bloom offered, watching the buildings zip past. The building now looked so different from any part of Truce she knew she could only hope moving in the general direction the harpy flew would help them.

“I don't know.” Scootaloo said, her voice wavering as she looked around, desperately hoping to see something, anything, that was familiar.

“I just want to go back to the castle.” Sweetie Belle said, trying not to hyper ventilate.

“We should have just waited.” Apple Bloom said, laying down in the wagon and holding her head with her hooves.

“What if nopony ever finds us?” Sweetie Belle said.

“Hey!” A voice called out to the three.

Not looking towards the voice, the three screamed and Scootaloo beat her wings faster. The sudden burst of speed only made the buildings appear to blend together. Their imaginations turned windows and balconies into menacing eyes and gaping, fang filled, maws. Trees near the roads became claws reaching for them.

Desperately wanting to shut out the sights, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle both closed their eyes tight. Scootaloo only continued looking to not hit anything, with the desperate hope that something would soon look familiar.


James stretched and stood up, his knees and back groaning for having not moved for a couple hours. After stretching his arms and back he checked his omnitool for any messages. Nothing, of course, he'd only just sent out his plan and offers. All he could do now was wait for an answer.

Unfortunately it was more likely he'd get counter offers. Not that he didn't understand their side, but he didn't want this to drag out longer than it absolutely had to.

Out of curiosity, he knocked on the door to Lucca's workshop and cracked open the door. “Lucca?”

“Yes?” Lucca asked, not looking away from her desk.

“Did the CMC's come by. I've got some downtime until I have to get back to work, and I know they wanted to head back to Truce.”

“Yeah, they came by, but I was (and am) in the middle of some work here too.”

“Alright. Maybe they're with Tali or Amber.”

As James approached Amber's room he could hear noises inside. While it wasn't anything distinct he did feel he had found them. He knocked and leaned against the door, waiting for Amber to answer. “Amber?” He called after a moment.

The noise stopped and Amber opened the door. She looked surprised, and was splashed with several paints. “Hey dad.”

“Are the CMCs in there with you?”

Amber pursed her lips a moment and shook her head. “No, not here.”

James nodded, though he wanted to start searching every room he calmly told himself that they may be with Tali. The idea, however, was short lived as he brought out his omnitool and searched for Scootaloo's transponder.

While he now knew where she was, there were still questions. The first being how they had found their way to the replica of Lucca's childhood home. His mind began to cloud as the other questions swirled, and with a deep breath he forced them from his mind.

However they got where they were now, they weren't going anywhere so it would be easy to get to them. As he made the rationale to himself another observation forced it's way past his mental block: Scootaloo's transponder was the only one near the area. Clearly neither Tali or Sara were with them.

With a few more taps on his omnitool he began to violently melt away, repeating to himself that the other fillies were with her and were just fine.

Waves gently lapped on the shore of the single home island and a salty breeze blew through his hair when he arrived on the bridge near Lucca's house. Much as he normally would like to, he didn't have the mind to appreciate the scenery, finding the fillies came first.

Unbidden, his mind began to conjure all the horrible situations that could have come up in the time he was working.

Images of finding them in the water and unresponsive, or not even finding them at all. Ideas that one or more have been grievously hurt. His heart ached at the thought of seeing any of them on any kind of life support machine.

A creeping panic welled up in him as screams of terror invaded his mind. Memories all too familiar melding with his current fears. He had to get control of himself, he had to focus!

He reminded himself that Scootaloo had the transponder, so she should be safe if anything happened. Unfortunately it was accompanied by the knowledge that the other two didn't. Ice filled his veins at the workings of his vivid imagination, continually conjuring more images that he could not shake.

“Scootaloo! Apple Bloom! Sweetie Belle!” He bellowed, as he didn't see any of the three. The transporter should have dropped him within a meter or two of the filly, but he couldn't see her anywhere. He closed his eyes with the hope of focusing, but the nightmare imagery wouldn't give him a moment of peace.

But the quiet did provide him an answer at least, as he heard sobbing nearby. Once again the nightmare imagery came back full force. He was in the present, but his heart thundered as once again he worked to stop his mind and refocus to his current objective.

Only one place they can be if I can hear them but not see them. He told himself, forcing himself to visualize all three alright, and not the alternatives currently invading his mind.

With only a brief look over the side of the bridge to check first, he vaulted over the low wall onto the shore nearly two meters below.

Beneath the bridge, all three ponies were huddled and sobbing. The scooter lay on the ground while the wagon was overturned appearing to act as a windbreak.

Despite what he could tell from seeing them huddled before him, he still couldn't shake the growing panic. With a hard swallow he made himself mask his feelings, he couldn't allow himself to pass his anxiety on to them. And with well practiced force, he calmed himself (if not his mind,) and carefully crawled beneath the bridge reaching out his hand and placing it gently on Sweetie Belle's back.

Flashes of memory shot through his mind, threatening to take him back to his distant past.

Quietly he grounded himself, concentrating on what was in front of him. What he could see, what he could touch, and what he could smell. Anything to keep himself in the present.

Sweetie Belle yelped as the large hand came down on her back, catching the attention of the other two as she did. “James!” The fillies shouted in unison, throwing themselves at him in their excited relief.

James couldn't help but smile as all three were alright, and his mind dredging up fewer and fewer nightmares to subject him to. “I'm so happy to see you girls.” His voice wavered slightly as he spoke. “Come on, let's get out from under here, it's a bit cramped for me.” Once he stood again in the open, he took a moment and dusted the sand from his clothes. “Are you girls alright?”

Without warning the three ponies hugged him once more, overcome with relief that now they weren't lost.

“We're sorry!” Scootaloo sobbed as she held his leg.

“Yeah, we thought we could find the town square since we've been there so many times.” Apple Bloom said.

“And when the bit got us to Truce we just kept trying that, and when we were really lost a bird girl just made things worse.” Sweetie Belle explained.

“And then we tried to find our way on our own, but that only got us more lost.” Scootaloo continued.

“It's okay now girls.” James calmly said.

“You're not mad?” Sweetie Belle asked.

James bit his lip before smiling at the three. “While I'm disappointed you decided to just leave like you did, I'm much more relieved to find you all safe.”

“How did you find us anyway?” Apple Bloom asked.

“By finding Scootaloo's transponder.” James calmly said. “There's not many places she can go that we can't find her.” He took a moment and looked around, wondering once more how they had managed to get so far south of Truce. “Actually, it's interesting that you ended up here.”

“Really?” Scootaloo asked.

“Where is here?” Apple Bloom asked.

“This is actually Lucca's house.” James started.

“But she lives with you.” Scootaloo pointed out.

“Yeah, this is a replica of her childhood home: She grew up in a house identical to this one.” James said as he led the trio from the beach up towards the villa home.

“… Here.” James said as he fished around in his bag of holding a moment, eventually pulling out an old fashioned key and unlocking the door, “Let's take a look since we're here anyway.”

The hinges groaned as James pushed the door open to reveal a moderately sized room with machinery, books, and notes scattered haphazardly all around. A coat of dust covering everything and giving the room a muted look.

“Wow, when was the last time anypony came here?” Sweetie Belle asked shortly before sneezing with the dust kicked up by their movement.

“I'd say a few years at least.” James quietly answered. “Possibly even before Sara was born.”

“Wow,” Apple Bloom marveled as she looked around, “what do all of these do?”

“You'd have to ask Lucca. This is all her and her father's work.” James said as he walked over to the large glass tank by the door at the back of the room. Wiping some of the dust away on the tube, James was able to see something faintly glowing at the bottom. “Wait, wasn't this just a replica?” James muttered to himself.

“What?” Scootaloo asked.

“Nothing.” James was quick to dismiss. “Just … hmm.” James' voice trailed off as he looked around the room, trying to remember all of the small details that wouldn't have been duplicated.

Sweetie Belle carefully opened the door at the back of the room and peered into the hallway, using her horn to throw a dim light over the area. Suddenly, with a yelp, she jumped back.

“What is it Sweetie Belle?” James asked sharply as he abruptly turned from the devices on the nearby counter.

“I was just startled by this robot here.” She explained as she laughed briefly, finishing opening the door and pointing out the large bodied, red, humanoid robot. It's only intact limb was a single arm and streaks of black and silver could be seen periodically across it's surface.

James approached and touched one of the black streaks with the tip of his finger, wiping the small area clean. It was easy enough to recognize the substance as soot.

“What happened to this one?” Scootaloo asked, looking over the mangled machine.

“If this isn't a replica … then he was caught in a fire after a hard battle.” James said as he activated his omnitool, using it to undo the fasteners on the central hatch of it's body.

The ponies covered their ears as the hinges screeched in protest while James pulled the hatch open. Without another word James summoned a small ball of light and began looking around inside.

“What are you looking for?” Scootaloo asked, trying to see around him.

James' voice echoed slightly as he answered her. “I know a couple things about Lucca's machines. Just checking for …” His voice trailed off briefly as several clicks and metallic squeaking was heard. “… I see.”

“What?” Apple Bloom insisted.

“She did remove his core.” James commented. “I thought she rebuilt him from the ground up, but I guess she just made him a new body.”

James carefully stood and took a couple steps back. “Let's look around a bit more,” he offered.

The CMCs cheered at the news, their fears from being lost long gone from their minds.

“We're just looking,” James emphasized at their enthusiasm. “This is still Lucca's house.”


Lucca didn't appear to acknowledge James when he walked into her workshop as she remained focused on her work. “Sounds like the girls had a good time,” she said as James closed the door.

Rather than answer, James silently walked up and hugged her from behind.

Lucca smiled and reached her hand over to pat his head resting on her shoulder.

“It didn't start out good.” James explained as he stepped back. “They ran off to go to Truce by themselves.”

Finally, Lucca tore her attention from her work and gave James a concerned expression.

“Yeah, they thought they knew their way around well enough and obviously got lost.” James explained, “In fact, they wound up at your house.”

Lucca's expression turned quickly from concern to curiosity. “How did they get that far south?”

“Scootaloo's pretty fast on that scooter.” James casually answered. “I hope you don't mind, but we took a look inside.”

Lucca smiled and scoffed, “Probably a foot of dust in there.”

“Not a foot, but yeah, it's been a while. I made sure we left things how we found them, just in case.” James paused a moment to think about what he was going to say. “I didn't realize you had gone to collect everything.”

“Sentimental value,” Lucca said offhanded. “replica's just don't have the same memories to them.”

“Fair enough.” James said with a shrug “Would you mind if I went back, I wanted to get a look at some of the equipment you and your father used to use.”

“We own better.” Lucca countered.

“Also, I wanted to get a better look around the place. I've got a couple memories there too.”

“Sure. Just … when you find the pictures, leave them there. It still hurts.” Lucca said, her voice dropping.

“Trust me, I understand.” James said, rubbing Lucca's shoulder.

“I do.” She quietly said before decidedly changing the subject. “How's your end of things?”

“The fact that I haven't heard back yet probably means they're cooking up some lousy deals for me to fight against. Just as well though, I'm gonna be up all night anyway.”

At the statement Lucca turned and stared right into James' eyes, seeing a hollowness to them she recognized only too easily. “No, you're sleeping tonight even if I have to knock you out myself.”

“I think that would only make things worse right now.”

“You don't have to go through it.” Lucca insisted, her reminder alone enough to tell James exactly what she was talking about.

“You know I hate that spell, I can't stand how empty it makes me feel.”

“Is it really worse than this?" Lucca asked, waiting just long enough for James to not respond."… No, use it.” Her tone had an edge of finality to it. “Sleep will help you get through this faster, and you need as much focus as you can get when those shit offers come through.”

James sighed, disappointed that he would inevitably be having another hollow sleep. His stomach turned as he recalled the sensation of his mind fading into what felt like oblivion.

“And I want you feeling better too.” She added as she placed her hand on his cheek.

“It's just my over active mind coming up with problems.” James tried to dismiss.

“But it has a real effect on you. Just as you finally got more than a couple hours of sleep only to lose it to your past isn't fair.”

“At least we have the enertron.”

“It keeps you from breaking down during these episodes, but you need real down time.”

“I'm glad I made sure we had a beach day and a game night this week. It should help me clear all this out.” James quietly said.

“We can try a few things if it doesn't.” Lucca assured him.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

“Don't you measure anything?” Sara asked as she watched her father scoop out flour and yeast into a large metal bowl.

James kept a personal kitchen that he used with some regularity as he enjoyed cooking from time to time, though recently Mirror Pinkie would make use of it almost as much as he did. Not that anyone complained when she did, though it did take her a while to stop rearranging things to her liking.

Sara stood by a marble counter with several labeled containers, a large bowl of fresh tomatoes, and a cloth bag of vegetables and herbs. She tapped her finger on the counter as she waited for her father to answer.

“Not this recipe, I've been making it since I was your age, it's all muscle memory now.”

“Not sure I can learn how to make pizza from you if you don't measure anything.”

“You need to be more flexible.” James calmly said as he poured oil into the mixture. “Throw a bit of sugar in, would you?”

“How much is a bit?” Sara asked, holding her hands out in confusion.

“Less than some, but more than a touch.”

“Those measurements are completely useless.” Sara argued.

“Alright then.” James said casually, “You want to work on the sauce? That's easier to start with.”

“Sure.” Sara agreed, shaking her head as she did.

“Okay, toss the tomatoes into the blender and get them all liquid.”

“What about their skins?”

“Them too.”

“So don't peal them?”

“Exactly, there's good stuff in the skins so you shouldn't throw them out anyway. We'll work on traditional sauce another time because that takes a long time to make.”

“How many kinds of pizza sauce are there?”

“A few, we're just doing a basic one that I've worked on over the years.”

Sara hesitantly threw the tomatoes into the blender and inspected the device for a moment before pressing the button labeled “liquefy” and spraying the kitchen in tomato gore. Releasing the button with a yelp, the flying fruit viscera stopped long enough for her to find the lid and try once more.

As she processed the pulp the door swung open and the CMCs rushed inside.

“Hi!” Apple Bloom happily said as she ran up to James, “Tali said we should come help you with dinner.”

“Oh she did, huh?” James asked in an amused tone, mulling over the idea as he spoke before turning to his daughter, currently pouring the now liquid tomatoes into a large pan. “Sara, do you mind if the Crusaders help out?” James called to her.

“Yeah, clearly I'm not learning this recipe from you.” Sara said, staring at the burner controls as if trying to decipher a foreign language.

“Only if you don't pay attention.” James calmly said before turning back to the ponies. “Alright girls, wash your hooves. Once you're ready I'll show you how to help” With that he walked over to his daughter still looking confused.

“Let's set this at a medium high for now.” He said, pressing a few buttons. “Precise control will be useful when you're more experienced.”

“Oh, okay.” Sara watched her father set the stove, realizing now that she had completely missed the button that turned it on.

“Now this is a cool stove, especially for soups and sauces.” James said as he directed Sara's attention to a small groove by the controls. “The magnets that heat this up also rotate letting us use these so we don't have to constantly stir.”

As James spoke, he opened a small drawer with two ovoid metal rods and tossed them both in the pan. “Alright, now give it a pinch of salt.”

Sara grinned. “Ah ha! A pinch is an actual measurement! I know that one.”

“It can also just mean to pinch some between your fingers and whatever amount that actually is is the pinch. That's why the measurement is called a pinch after all.”

Sara groaned and shook her head briefly as James collected the salt. “One of the most important things you can learn about cooking is that nothing works in exacts. You have to taste what you're making as you work so you can adjust ingredients and amounts to suit your needs.”

“Well there has to be some base line to aim for.”

“Yes actually.”

“Okay James!” Apple Bloom eagerly said as she stood on the counter. “What can we do?”

James turned to regard the three ponies. “Well, I only just mixed up the dough if you three want to work on kneading it.” Shortly after talking to them, James turned back to Sara. “There's a base for every recipe. For the sauce, a pinch of salt, a little sugar, some onion, garlic, basil, and a dash of black pepper and cinnamon. Feel free to adjust to your tastes, other good things you can put in are red pepper, marjoram, oregano, rosemary. The more you experiment and taste, the better feel you'll get for the ingredients and before you know it you'll be able to know what it tastes like just by knowing what's in it.”

“Uhm.” Sweetie Belle spoke up as she stood near the bowl of dough. “How do we knead the dough?”

James nodded to her and turned back to Sara. “Give it a shot, and remember to taste it as you work. I trust you.”

With a smile he turned away from Sara and walked back to the ponies. “Okay. So this is easy, but very important, if we don't do this it'll be like trying to eat a tile.” James reached into the bowl and tossed the dough onto the counter. He pressed down on the center flattening it slightly then lifted the edge and moved it towards the center, folding it over, turning it and repeating.

“And that's how we do it. Push down, fold, turn, repeat. Don't be afraid to beat it up a bit too, we need to really work it until it's smooth and kinda elastic.”

Scootaloo laughed and stomped her front hooves down on the dough as Sweetie Belle used her magic to fold over the dough like James had demonstrated, turning it as Apple Bloom eagerly took a turn stomping. James chuckled as he watched them, offering tips until they got into a nice rhythm.

“This is fun.” Sweetie Belle said with a wide smile. “Rarity won't let me near the kitchen at home.”

“I'm not too surprised.” James nodded. “She likes things done in particular ways. I prefer to have fun.”

“Dad,” Sara said as James finished talking.

“Yes?” James answered, turning with a smile.

“How do I know when to start adding stuff to it?”

“Oh, right. It looks like the girls have the dough handled, so I'll help you out.” James said before turning to the ponies. “Don't hesitate to ask me anything, okay girls?”

The CMC's stopped their work briefly to acknowledge James before eagerly starting again.

“Well, you can add the ingredients anytime before we put the sauce on the pizza,” James explained as he looked over the area, “But it might help if we get the ingredients ready first.”

Sara quickly turned her head to the small bag of herbs and vegetables the two had picked from the garden before they began cooking. Sara let her head fall back with a groan, “Sorry dad,” she moaned.

“Nothing to be sorry about,” James calmly said as he rubbed her shoulder, “I forgot too.”

After giving the produce a quick wash they began cutting for the pan, James showing Sara how to crush the garlic with the flat of the blade before mincing it, and carefully instructing her on how to hold the produce as she cut to not hurt herself. Before long the two had the sauce prepared and simmering.

“There is just one thing we forgot.” James said with a grin as he walked to a drawer.

“What? I'm pretty sure we got some of everything in there.” Sara said as she watched her father walking towards the drawers.

As her father turned around holding a pair of spoons, she remembered what he had told her before they had begun preparing the sauce. “Oh … right.”

Sara carefully dipped the spoon into the sauce, blowing on her sample before trying it. She couldn't help but give a half smile as it tasted right even without any measurements.

“Girls, you want a taste too?” James called back to the CMCs who eagerly cheered as they ran over to him. Collecting a spoon for each, he got just enough to give them the promised taste.

“Great job Sara.” Scootaloo exclaimed as she finished her taste.

“Yeah.” Sweetie Belle readily agreed.

“I wonder what it is that makes yours and Pinky's sauces so different.” Apple Bloom said as James put all the spoons in the sink to be cleaned.

“Spice preference really.” James said casually. “She prefers a sweeter sauce, and I use one my dad taught me.”

“I didn't know your dad taught you anything. You never talk about him.” Sara said, keenly interested.

“Yeah …” James answered, clearly uncomfortable. “Your grandfather wasn't exactly … well, he was a complicated person. And the few times he and I got along you could forget some of those complications.”

The tension in the room became palpable briefly, when it was cut with Sweetie Belle cautiously asking, “So how long do we knead the dough for, anyway?”

James cleared his throat, “Yeah, I'm pretty sure you've got it. Now while we let it rise I need to get the oven ready.”

Sara nodded and walked back towards the stove before James stopped her.

“Not that oven,” he said with a grin, “we're having wood fire pizza today.”

“Shouldn't we get aunt Tali's ready too?”

“The dextro dough raises in about half the time so that's plenty for us to get her's ready in a little bit.”

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

“Okay, so what's the next question?” James asked Sweetie Belle as he looked over her worksheet. He could read most of the question, but he still wasn't fully literate in Ponish.

“Uhm, Pinkie has a box of cookies and two fifths are oatmeal. Of the oatmeal cookies three fourths have raisins. What fraction of the cookies are oatmeal raisin?” Sweetie Belle read aloud before looking up from the paper. “Who eats oatmeal raisin cookies? Yuck.”

“I like them.” James calmly answered.

“Really? But raisins are so gross.”

“Nah, raisins are good.” James answered with a grin. “Especially in oatmeal cookies.”

Sweetie sighed and shook her head, “Yeah, well you're weird.”

“Oh, fine then.” James said with mock hurt, though he still smiled at the filly. “You don't get to have any of my oatmeal raisin cookies.”

Sweetie looked at him confused, “I didn't want them.”

James couldn't help but laugh at the remark and shook his head. “Okay, okay. Let's get back to the question. I don't want to be the one holding everything up.”

“Okay … So what do I do again?”

“Alright, we did this a few questions ago: First let's write out the fractions two over five and three over four.” James explained.

Sweetie Belle's pencil lit up as she moved it over to the paper and wrote out the figures as James instructed.

“Now, multiply the top numbers. So you've got two multiplied by three.”

“Okay, so that's six …and five multiplied by four for the bottom number, right.”

“Exactly.” James answered with a nod.

“So its six twentieths.” Sweetie Belle wrote out before putting her pencil down.

“Technically.” James quickly said. “Remember, fractions need to be written out in their smallest units.”

“Really?” Sweetie belle moaned.

“Yeah, I'm pretty sure Cheerilee would mark it wrong if you didn't reduce it.”

“Ah man. Okay.” Sweetie Belle stared at her answer for several moments before writing another set of numbers. “So three tenths is as small as it gets, right?”

“Yes, because you don't use decimals or fractions as part of a fraction.”


“Those are probably coming later, they're kind of like fractions, but I'll let Cheerilee explain them to you when she's ready to teach them.”

After helping her put the complete worksheet away there was a knock at the door. “You two done in there?” Came Tali's upbeat voice.

“Yeah.” James called back as Tali opened the door. “Hopefully I didn't keep them waiting too long.”

Tali waved her hand and shook her head. “Of course not, at least no more than normal.”

“I should get going then.” James said, patting Sweetie Belle's back before standing. “I'll try to keep the lecture brief so you can get to your Girl's Night.” With a wave James left the room and went to meet his guests.

“How was the school work?” Tali asked as Sweetie Belle jumped down from her chair.

“Well, fractions aren't bad when you don't look at them like fractions. I wonder if Ms. Cheerilee had cookies for this lesson. A lot of the questions were about cookies.”

“Does she usually use treats or props in her lessons?”

Sweetie Belle thought as she followed Tali out of the room. “Sometimes, but maybe she just wanted some cookies, I know I do.”

Tali laughed as she heard the reasoning. “Okay, we can have some cookies with the snacks for the movie.”

Sweetie Belle cheered as she hopped along, stopping when the other two CMCs ran up to her. “Sounds like your finally done.” Scootaloo said with a grin.

“I really wasn't expecting them to grade our work before Ms. Cheerilee.” Sweetie Belle admitted.

“Yes, but imagine how surprised she'll be to find you not only finished, but got every question right.” Tali offered.

“Maybe she'll think we had somepony else do it.” Apple Bloom said.


“Our home work isn't always completely right.” Apple Bloom admitted.

“Or finished.” Scootaloo added.

“You know, if you need help with anything you can always come and ask us.” Tali offered.

“You'll help us with our homework?” Apple Bloom eagerly asked, looking up to her.

“We want to help you, and making sure you understand your school work is one way to do that. …” Tali answered with a nod before adding, “That means we won't do it for you.”

“Darn.” Scootaloo bluntly said, forcing Tali to stifle a laugh.

“Come on, we should get everything ready for tonight.” Tali said, beckoning the ponies to follow her to the kitchen.

Not half an hour after they began getting ready Starlight, Twilight, and Moondancer opened the door. “Ah, here you are.” Starlight said with a smile.

“Wait,” Sweetie Belle said as she turned to the newcomers, “what about James' class?”

“He canceled it in favor of Girl's Night.” Twilight happily said.

“I was looking forward to the lecture, but this sounds good too.” Moondancer commented.

“I wonder what he and Sunburst are going to do without us?” Starlight questioned aloud.

“Probably a game, or something like that.” Tali answered dismissively. “We're just getting ready now if you want to help.”

“Sure!” Twilight eagerly answered, practically jumping at the opportunity.


James sat in his den, quietly reading a book by the fire as he heard the familiar steps of ponies, clearly girls night had just ended. As they chatted among themselves he smiled and quietly continued reading as they passed.

After a few minutes of silence another set of hooves approached in the hall, but they were notably slower than the last group. He looked up and out the open door to see Starlight walking past, lost in her own thoughts.

“Everything alright Starlight?” James called, closing his book and placing it on the end table.

Starlight was abruptly aware of her surroundings when she turned to face James. “Oh, yes. I was just thinking about the movie.”

“You sound bothered by something.” James said patiently.

Starlight chewed her lip briefly before nodding. “I liked it, but it kinda … reminded me that I'm single.”

“That's been on your mind a lot, hasn't it?” James quietly asked. “… Come here.” He added with a smile, moving from his chair to the couch. “I know it's not the same to spend time with a friend, but it might help you feel a bit better.”

Starlight looked into the room, lit by the warm glow of a fire, and couldn't deny that she was drawn in by the offer.

With a slight smile she climbed up on the couch next to James and leaned against him. “Thanks,” she said, a faint feeling of guilt wrapped up with the comfort she now felt.

James carefully wrapped his arm around her, casually resting his hand on her side. “No need to thank me, I'd never complain about this.” James offered with a light chuckle that Starlight mirrored.

“Complain or not, I'm glad you offered.” Starlight said with a smile.

The two sat in comfortable silence for a minute before James finally spoke up. “Summer's just around the corner.”

“Yeah. I don't think I have …” Starlight began before pausing, “Right. I guess I do have plans.”

James chuckled “I think my summer's a bit overbooked.”

Starlight rested her head on him, her mind working over everything once more. “James …” She hesitantly began. “If I go through this, what if I find somepony after?”

“What do you mean?”

“What if I find somepony that I want to be with? Could he be brought to Jurai and have the same procedure?”

“Ah, well I'd have to petition for that and ultimately it would be his decision.”

“I see.” Starlight said, clearly conflicted about the ultimate uncertainty of it all. “Maybe I should just look for a guy who's already had it done.” She added with a smirk.

James nodded as he listened. “I understand it's not ideal, but it's not impossible. And if it's something you want to try, you could always ask Lady Seto to set you up. While her methods can be a bit extreme, she knows what she's doing. Just keep in mind: her suggestions probably won't be ponies.”

“I'm not doing that … I think the fewer near death experiences I have, the better.” Starlight said with a laugh, despite genuinely believing such may happen were she to ask the Jurian monarch. “Besides, being single may not be so bad as long as I've got you around.” She added with a smirk.

“Well, if you choose to go through with the mods you're stuck with me like it or not.” James quipped as he absentmindedly pulled Starlight in closer.

“Oh, the torture.” Starlight pantomimed, holding her foreleg against her head in mock anguish before laughing slightly.

As Starlight got comfortable again Lucca suddenly appeared in the doorway. “Hey,” she said with a smirk, “once you two are done in here Tali wants to see you. She's feeling very affectionate right now.”

Starlight stared straight at Lucca wide-eyed and blushing, feeling as though she had been caught.

“It was great to have you here, Starlight,” Lucca casually said. “You want to get dinner Wednesday? Your time or mine?”

“Uhm … sure.” Starlight uncomfortably said.

“Great, let me know what works best for you.”

“Yeah, okay.” Starlight commented, still frozen in place.

“I'll get the girls to bed tonight. You still reading Thor and Loki in the Giant's City with them?”

“Nah, we finished that one. I think they decided on Gusty the Great next, that should be short enough to get through before they have to go home.”

“We'll see,” Lucca said with a nod. “And later, if Tali's comfortable, I'd like to party crash.”

“I'll be sure to ask her.”

“Thanks. See you later Starlight.” Lucca said as she waved and walked away.

Once alone Starlight stopped leaning against James. “I guess I should go. It's getting late for you anyway.”

“Are you feeling better?” James asked.

As Starlight turned, she saw him looking at her seriously, though with a faint smile. “Yeah, I am. Thanks for helping me out there, I needed that.”



Starlight had only just come back to Twilight's castle when a piercing shriek echoed through the halls. It was only obvious that it was Twilight screaming, though why was the question. Without a second thought, Starlight charged through the hallways, set on finding and helping her friend.

Starlight knew she was getting close when she heard Twilight repeating “No” rapidly as she sounded more and more desperate.

Turning the corner she charged right into Twilight's library. The sight that greeted her wasn't the meticulously organized and categorized structure Twilight liked to maintain. But rather, it looked as though Rainbow Dash had unleashed a Sonic Rainboom in the room.

Books were scattered across the entire room without any semblance of care, tables were overturned, the closet had been emptied, it's contents likely under the books.

Before Starlight could say anything Spike came rushing in. “I heard you scream! What's wr…” Spike stopped mid sentence as he looked around the room slack jawed. “Sweet Celestia.” He quietly breathed.

“Spike,” Twilight said with a wavering voice, “Please tell me you wanted to reorganize the library.” Everything about how she looked to him and spoke told that she did not expect him to give her the answer she wanted.

Spike just shook his head, still looking at the chaos around them.

“Weren't you here all day?” Starlight asked Spike.

“I went to help out at the school.” He answered. “I don't think anypony was here when I left.”

Twilight looked around, devastated. “What in Equestria could have happened?”

“I have no idea.”

Twilight sighed and looked at everything around her before turning to Starlight with a defeated smile. “Want to help me put everything away?”

Starlight nodded. “Yeah, I'll help.”

“Don't you like reorganizing your books?” Spike asked, confused at Twilight's seeming resignation.

“When I've been planning on it. Not …” Twilight gestured around the room, “this.”


“It was so nice of you to let Scootaloo and her friends stay with you all week while Rarity and Applejack were away.” Holiday said as Scootaloo ran inside with a wave to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

“Nice nothing.” James said with a smirk, “We're always happy to have them over. You and Lofty are welcome to visit when you like too.”

Holiday chuckled and smiled at James. “I'm afraid we're not as able to stay up late enough to take you up on that offer.”

“I'll take you up on a game of boggle anytime.” Lofty countered as she walked up behind her wife.

“What, not interested in a challenge?” James countered.

Lofty laughed and shook her head. “Well, you're better than you were a couple years ago.”

“One of these days I might even reach literate.”

Lofty once again laughed as Holiday smiled. “Well, anyway, it's good to see you again. How's Sara doing?”

“Yes, of course,” Holiday added, “it's been a while since we've seen her.”

James smiled as he caught up on current events with the two ponies, eventually breaking away to take Sweetie Belle home where Rarity offered to talk after she and Sweetie were settled back at home once more. Leaving only Apple Bloom to take home.

As they approached Sweet Apple Acres, without any warning Apple Bloom shot off, leaving James ready to catch her when he saw that she was only running to Applejack. “How'd everything go?” James asked as the two got closer.

“I think her Appaloosa boutique is going to do well now that she's listened to me.” Applejack said with a grin. “And she even taught me a thing or two about some of her clothes.”

“Interesting.” James answered as they turned towards the farmhouse.

“Yeah, that Arachne silk is strong stuff.”

“I know, Rarity really likes it.” James chuckled as the three continued up the walk to the house. “Right now, she's the only pony getting any Arachne silk, giving her a corner on the market for anything made from it.”

James apparently wasn't the only one laughing, as they got to the building they could hear clearly amused voices talking.

“Sounds like Granny Smith is enjoying herself.” James commented.

“Yeah, Granny had a few friends come visit while I was gone.” Applejack commented off handed as she walked up to the door. “Come on in, I'll get you some cider before you get on your way.”

"No way I can refuse an offer like that," James said with a grin before adding, "Especially from such a pretty lady."

Applejack blushed and shook her head as she opened the door, stopping mid step as she actually looked inside.

Far from the knitting circle she was expecting, Applejack found the four matriarchs sitting around the bit strewn table, each with a pair of cards in front of them and several more face up on the table.

“Granny!” Applejack said, astonished as she watched Granny Smith chewing on a cinnamon stick while examining her cards.

“Lighten up AJ, it's just a friendly game of cards.” Granny Smith said dismissively.

“Friendly 'till you lose yer bits you mean.” Golden Delicious said with a hooting laugh.

“Please, you haven't had a good play yet.” Apple Rose chided.

“All the more reason to worry, I'm gonna get one, and it's gonna be plum unbeatable.” Golden Delicious said as she smirked, adjusting her cards.

“Yeah, I'll raise you five bits for that.” Granny Smith deadpanned.

“Granny Smith, I am disappointed.” James said, sounding as much as he stepped forward. “Deal me in on the next round.” He added much more lightheartedly.

“We ain't playing fer buttons here, sonny.” Granny Smith said, ready to fleece the newbie.

“I can cover my bets.” James said as he found himself a chair.

Applejack sighed as she took Apple Bloom from the kitchen.


Sweetie Belle had been sitting in her room for a while, thinking about the week she just spent with James' family. The comparison to her own ultimately confused her. Both her parents were living just a few blocks away, yet she lived with Rarity.

Rarity had just gone away for work, but instead of going back to her parents, she lived with James for that week. Admittedly she would have pestered her parents to let her go anyway, but the fact that it didn't even seem to be an option stood in stark contrast of what she had just seen with Sara, Amber, and their family.

Much like with the Apples, no matter the reason, if they were family (even if not in reality,) there was room for them.

She wanted answers and the only one it made any sense to ask was her big sister. She knew right where Rarity would be, relaxing with a book in her design room. Likely looking for inspiration.

“Rarity?” Sweetie Belle asked as she cautiously approached her sister, who was quite deep into a Shadow Spade book.

Despite being at a moment of great intrigue, Rarity closed the book and placed it on the end table beside her lounge to listen to Sweetie Belle. “Yes, Sweetie, what is it?”

“Why …” Now that she was ready to ask, the question seemed almost strange. “Why do I live with you?” Sweetie Belle's confusion was plainly obvious as she looked around.

The question hit Rarity hard, she had her own answers but she didn't want to poison her sister to their own parents. “I see …” She quietly said. “Sweetie, you must understand that Mother and Father do love you …”

“Then why do I live with you and not them?!” Sweetie Belle asked, desperate.

Rarity took a breath, this wasn't going to be an easy answer. “It's because they care about you, that you live with me.”

“Don't they like me?!”

“I promise you that they do, but …”

“But?! But what?” Sweetie asked, using the lounge to stand on her hind hooves as she gave Rarity a desperate look.

She knew she had to answer, and do so honestly. All lying would do right now is make a mess of everything. “They're good ponies … but they're not particularly good parents.”

“I could guess.” Sweetie sighed, as she got all four hooves on the ground again.

Now it was time for damage control. Rarity did care about her parents too, but it was for the best that Sweetie Belle lived with her. “They just never understood what being a parent meant. I remember when I was your age, I always had a bed at home and whatever mother made to eat when I would actually be home. And they were always so proud of whatever it was that I did.”

Now it was time to give her what she had been holding back. “… But unfortunately that was it. I had nopony to look up to, nopony to guide me. I was more a roommate to them than their daughter, and I lived my life without them, checking in from time to time but little more than that. Then one day I just didn't come home. I had found a nice place to start my business and with a little help from the Apples I was able to live on my own.”

“I think I remember that.”

“You were so young, Sweetie … of course, so was I. I never even thought about what me vanishing as I did would do.” Rarity sighed as she remembered that day. “Turns out: not much.”

“And then mom and dad left me with you.” Sweetie said, dropping her head.

“I didn't handle that as well as I should have, and I'm sorry. But I think that, in the end, we're both better for how things turned out. As for mother and father, I just realized that they don't know any better so what use was it being upset at them.”

Sweetie Belle gave a disappointed sigh and nodded, turning to walk away having got her answer.

“Sweetie, dear, mother and father care about both of us. They just couldn't take care of us,” Rarity said, climbing down from the lounge and walking towards her sister, “but you've always got your big sister, and I think we're doing great as we are.”

Author's Note:

Yes it's a filler chapter, but I enjoyed writing it and there's actually some plot not so subtly shoved in there too.