• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 865 Views, 13 Comments

A Balance of Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

With Twilight no longer ascending to Equestria's Throne, she and her friends have a new life to live.

  • ...

10 Funeral for a King Never Met

The den was quiet that evening, with just James and Tali sitting by a low burning fire. The flicker of the flame almost drowning out the faint flashing light.

“James, you have a message.” Tali said, pointing to the flashing indicator just above James' arm.

“Thanks.” James answered, kissing the top of Tali's hood. With a flex of his arm his omnitool blinked to life and he checked the notification. “Great, it's an alert about a letter.” His omnitool blinked out and he stood up, helping Tali stand once he was up. “Well ... let's go check the mail.”

“Did Fluttershy write you another letter?” Tali asked as they left the den.

“This morning, actually, even though we talked just the other day.”

“And you can barely read their language.”

“Yeah, but with the omnitool translation that's hardly an issue. Besides, she and Rarity both seem to enjoy writing me letters.”

Tali sighed and shook her head. “Yeah, Rarity certainly does. I mean, calligraphy is pretty and all, like your loopy writing, but it's completely useless. Just type or print, it's so much easier.”

James laughed and shook his head as they walked. “I tried telling that to my second grade teacher, she insisted that I'd use it all the time when I grew up.”

“It's not like programming languages, understanding that writing won't give you any insight to how something works. It's just old.”

“You forget that I'm an old man.”

“Nah, Wrex is an old man.”

“How is he, anyway? You ran into him recently at the Citadel if I remember right.”

“A month ago, and he's doing fine. Bored with the peace, but fine.”

“Krogan take to peace much like Klingons.” James said with a smirk as they continued to what had become the designated mail room for many universes now.

“Not from the ponies,” Tali commented with an interested lilt. “ … so who's that box belong to?”

James opened a small white box inlay with two almond shaped rubies that resembled eyes, and pulled a envelope from it. “It's from Saillune.” He commented as he carefully broke the wax that held the winged and be-crowned shield that was the seal of the royal family.

His face slowly turned solemn as he quietly read the letter, a short time later he carefully folded the letter and placed it back in it's envelope. “King Eldoran has died,” he quietly said. “I need to arrange transportation for Seto, hire body guards … not that she needs any. And there's arrangements to make for the ponies. … This is going to displace us for a while. I need to reschedule too.”

“King Eldoran?” Tali asked as she followed James out of the mail room.

“Right, you only know Philionel. ... Honestly, I didn't know him either. Anyway, Eldoran is Phil's father, and this is an invitation to both the funeral, and then Phil's coronation to king the following week.”

“I'll go find a good belt.” Tali said, resigned.

“Sorry about the drawbacks of politics.”

“It's okay, you just remember to bring everything I need.”

James smirked as he turned to her. “Have I ever forgotten?”

Tali rubbed his beard briefly, and shook her head. “Never.”

“Alright, I'm going to start getting things arranged. Would you mind checking with the girls' teachers?”

Tali shook her head. “Whenever we do something like this and take a study guide with us, they get ahead of their class and start slacking off. Just let them have a vacation, I think they'll like that more and their grades won't suffer for it.”

James chuckled as he nodded. “If you're sure, we'll try telling Lucca that. Though once they realize this is political duty I'm sure they'll be asking for school work to get away from responsibility.”


The City of Saillune sat comfortably nested in a valley, with a mountain range to the east and a river to the west. The imposing outer walls of the city formed a distinctive circle, within, a six pointed star was formed by inner walls that separated the city into districts.

The single city eclipsed any Rainbow Dash had seen before. Not even Canterlot matched the sheer scale of the Holy City. Her mind reeling from the realization, she flew back down to rejoin her group. “That place is huge!” She exclaimed as she got close and flew alongside the others.

“Yeah,” James said with a nod. “It's much larger than Truce, or any lone city in New Guardia.”

“Or Equesrtia.” Rainbow Dash commented.

“It's really that big?” Applejack asked.

“It also houses most of the country's population.” Lucca clarified before she adjusted her glasses and continued. “Just wait until we get on the main roads, they're all on top of the walls.”

“Why would they do that?” Applejack asked.

"And why's it shaped like a star?" Rainbow dash added.

“Oh! I know!” Starlight excitedly said. “That's because the city layout was designed by a priest who set up the roads to act as a magic ward that suppresses black magic and enhances white magic. The pattern also connects every major point of the city for easy access. It's actually a really smart way to arrange the districts.”

“I didn't realize you were studying the history of this world too.” James said, smiling down at Starlight.

Starlight blushed and rubbed the back of her head. “Well the history of this world seems tied closely to the magic.”

James took a moment to think before nodding, “Now that you say it: Yeah, I guess it is.”

“And just why are we walking here from so far out of the city?” Sara asked as she trudged along behind her father.

“To be polite. This is a very formal event and we need to go through at least some procedure. We'll meet a contingent of soldiers at the gates and they'll lead us to the palace.” James heard Amber moan as he explained (again) what they were doing. “And after being received by Philionel, Amelia and Zelgadis; Twilight and I will attend a meeting, and from there we can relax a bit.”

“Why you two?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Because Twilight and I are both heads of state.”

“You're not off the hook Rainbow Dash.” Tali said, her grin obvious despite being unseen. “You're in the same boat as Lucca and I now.”

“What? I don't get any of this political stuff!” Rainbow Dash complained.

“James still doesn't.” Lucca quipped.

“It's not that bad.” Tali calmly said. “That just means that you're attending every event we do. And that's not many.”

“And you too, girls.” Lucca added as she turned to her daughters.

“Ugh. Why couldn't we have stayed home?” Sara moaned.

“Because this is an official function that the Soon-to-be King of Saillune personally invited us to. It's not something we can just say no to and keep good diplomatic relations. As for Applejack and Rainbow Dash, they were personally invited as well, Twilight was invited in an official capacity while Starlight wanted to come.”

“This is the world responsible for the Sorcerers Guild.” Starlight said with a smile. “How could I not come?”

“Yeah, that means you've got the least to be concerned with here.” James said, before adding with a chuckle. “Don't ruin my good name, now.”

Starlight laughed alongside him. “Like I could if I tried.”

As they approached the gates a small contingent of guards met the group, the captain saluting as they got close.

James saluted back and with a nod the guards escorted them into the city and onto the main roads.

“It's strange for Saillune to be this quiet.” Lucca said as she looked to the inner streets below. There were a handful of people walking around and doing business, but there was a heavy stillness to the atmosphere.

The somber mood that penetrated every aspect of the city seemed to cloak the roads in a stillness matched only by the muffled noise that felt almost unnatural. It was a combination of sensations that most of the group knew all too well would effect James. Starlight dared to look up at him briefly and noticed that his eyes were set straight ahead and his breathing was too controlled. Starlight uncomfortably looked ahead once again, knowing that James was fighting his own memories once more.

Sara and Amber both looked around uncomfortably, each wanting to speak, even ask why they could "feel" the silence, but the words stuck in their throats.

Black banners hung from unlit lampposts, market stalls were closed, and all around the signs of a city in mourning were prevalent.

“Not exactly the best time for a visit.” Starlight whispered. She suddenly heard James take a deep breath, and somehow that helped her feel slightly less worried.

The fact that the group heard her whisper was evidence as to how much the city had changed recently.

At the gates to the palace the captain excused himself and walked in. James took the brief moment to compose himself as a second guard in a different uniform appeared. James approached the guard and pulled a letter from his bag of holding, speaking as he handed it over. “I am King James Glastos of New Guardia,” he said firmly, though he noticeably relaxed with the stimulus the guard provided. “Accompanying me is my family, and the delegation from Equestria at the personal invitation of Prince Philionel.”

Without saying a word, the guard took the letter and examined it. Once he was satisfied he looked up and saluted James. James quickly returned the salute and nodded. “We appreciate your visit Your Highness, rooms have been prepared and we can board your ponies in the royal stable.”

Starlight and Twilight gave the guards a quizzical look while Rainbow Dash and Applejack both spoke up, indignant.

“Excuse me?”


Before things got any worse, James brought his hand up. “They are the delegates from Equestria, and you will treat them with the utmost respect.” James's voice was stern and commanding as he spoke and moved his hand to gesture to Twilight. “This is Princess Twilight Sparkle, accompanied by her close associates Starlight Glimmer, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash.”

The guard snapped to attention and saluted. “Yes sir! We'll have rooms prepared immediately. My sincerest apologies to you and your company Princess Sparkle.” Despite his best efforts to remain professional, it was clear he was uncomfortable apologizing to a pony. The fact that they talked hadn't really hit him yet.

“Ensure that they are located near the rooms set aside for me and my family,” James ordered with an uncommon authority. He then turned to Rainbow Dash and grinned, “as Rainbow Dash is considered part of my family.”

“Yes, sir!” The palace guard said quickly. “You four, escort them to the the Prince immediately,” he ordered. “I'll go ahead and ensure their rooms are prepared.” Without another word he ran off, barely keeping his feet beneath him in panic.

The next highest ranking guard stepped forward and nodded. “My apologies about that, if you'll all accompany us the Prince is expecting you.”

“Thank you.” Twilight politely said.

Inside the palatial grounds the atmosphere was completely different, there was still an aura of mourning, but it was not oppressive as it had been in the city itself. The group found it much easier to relax and talk as they followed the guard towards the grand structure in the distance.

“Hoo-wee.” Applejack marveled as she looked around. “I think all of Sweet Apple Acres could fit in this place.”

Applejack was nearly correct; the complex grounds, being larger then some of the city's districts, could fit a great deal of Sweet Apple Acres within it's walls. The immaculately tended lawn and gardens filled the air with the scent of jasmine and lilac that served to enhance the wonder of the palace looming ahead of them.

“It's quite impressive.” James noted, his voice much calmer than it had been at the palace gates. “The palace shares the grounds with the temple and both are equally large. And then there's the rest of the complex.”

“If you'd like a tour we can provide one at your convenience.” The guard offered, pushing from his mind that he was making this offer to a pony.

“I know I'd like to visit the Sorcerers Guild.” Starlight cautiously said.

“That can be arranged Ma'am.”

Before long they turned away from the ornate white marble building they had been walking towards.

“Wait, aren't we going to the palace?” Twilight asked as she followed.

“Yes we are. The road splits here from the temple to the palace.”

The palace was no less grand than the temple, and even made James' castle seem cozy by comparison. Vibrant tapestries hung from the ceiling, soaring meters above their heads. Their steps echoing in the large white marble hallways as they made their way forward. Carefully tended topiary could be found near most windows.

Much of the grandeur (and whatever it was the guard was explaining to them) was lost on Twilight as the colors and marble threw Twilight's mind back to Celestia's castle, and she couldn't help but draw comparisons.

“Everything alright, Sugar cube?” Applejack quietly asked, “Yer looking a little down.”

Twilight snapped back to where she was, walking beside her friends. “Thanks, Applejack,” Twilight answered, “I'm alright. It's just a little weird that we're here for a funeral for somecreature none of us ever knew.”

“Yeah, I only met the prince an' his daughter once, but he asked for me and Dash personally.”

“And Rainbow Dash has responsibilities with this too.” Twilight said, her astonishment evident in her voice.

“Yeah, but it's not much more than being present.” Starlight said as she moved closer. “This is actually an important introduction for Equestria, too, so you've got a pretty big role yourself.”

Twilight's face pulled tight and she swallowed hard. She let out a weak chuckle “No pressure, right?”

“Oh, sorry,” Starlight was quick to say. “It's okay. I mean, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo already met the prince and his daughter. And clearly they made a good impression.”

Twilight, however, heard none of this. Her mind was back in Equestria, and once again questioning herself and even her place being here. What right did she have to be here instead of Celestia, Luna, or even Cadence? She had lost the trust of her mentor, and with it, any real political influence she may have had.

“But what if I'm possessed again?” Twilight hissed.

“Twilight, there hasn't even been a hint that that might happen again.” Applejack argued.

“But this is her world! It could happen at any time!”

“James is in the same situation as you are. And I doubt it even crossed his mind.” Starlight countered.

“But it could happen.” Twilight was straining to keep her voice down as she began to panic.

“I think that if it were a risk, James would have mentioned something about it at least.” Starlight calmly said.

“Everything alright?” James asked as he turned to the ponies.

Twilight only now realized that they had arrived at the meeting chamber, and it was time for her and James to split from the group. This wasn't what James had explained to them earlier, and couldn't help but imagine that this was something she had missed as she had been distracted.

She quickly looked around and turned a large, toothy smile James' way. Terror still clearly in her eyes. “That would be a no,” Jame muttered before kneeling to look Twilight in the eye. “Everything's going to be okay. We'll just do this one step at a time, alright?”

“Uh huh.” Twilight confirmed nervously, realizing that James likely had no idea what was bothering her.

“King Glastos, Princess Sparkle, we'll take the rest of your party to their accommodations while you're meeting with Prince Phillionel.”

James nodded slightly as he spoke, standing once more. “Thank you, captain. I appreciate your diligence.”

“Oh, yes, of course. Thank you very much.” Twilight stumbled over her words as she tried to regain her composure.

Guards on either side of the door opened the way for Twilight and James into a well decorated sitting room. Determined to focus on the present, Twilight marveled as she realized the room was nearly the size of her library. Several plush chairs sat around a mahogany table, and more than just the prince waited for them. Of the group, Twilight recognized only a couple, though she suspected that James knew most of the others, if not all.

“It's a pleasure to see you again, Twilight.” A tall woman with mint colored hair and regal looking purple and white robes said.

Twilight recognized her as Lady Seto. The only time before that she had met the woman was when James' continued association with Equestria was in question. Though she knew that Rainbow Dash had more experience with the woman. “Yes, I'm just sorry it had to be under these circumstances.” She then turned to face Prince Philionel, “I'm truly sorry to hear about your father's passing.”

Phil smiled and nodded to the pony princess. “The loss grieves my family and my country, but that is the inevitability of mortal life. And when death comes we hope to have had a full life to great it with.”

James approached the large man, and gripped his forearm, Phil returning the gesture before suddenly pulling James close for a bear hug. “It's good to see my friends here.” Phil said as he released James. “I'm grateful that you could arrange their passage here. Though I must ask, where are Ladies Applejack and Rainbow Dash? I understand your concern for Scootaloo, and a solemn event as this is would not be the best welcome for a child.”

James grinned, “Your guards are making sure that their accommodations are appropriate, though I fear that they misunderstood the nature of our Equestrian friends.”

“Very well. I look forward to meeting with them at a more opportune time.”

James moved to a nearby empty chair and pulled it out, motioning for Twilight to sit. With a quiet “Thank you” she sat and was introduced to the other attendees. She had no idea what was expected of her and sat quietly, remembering quite clearly how she felt when her only job among the princesses was to smile and wave. Though this was worse in so many ways as she would notice the odd glance from others present.

What felt like days, but was only a couple hours, passed before everyone dispersed. Twilight had really wanted to pay attention, to learn all she could, but she just couldn't find a way to focus. Eventually, she accompanied James out and onward towards their accommodations.

“Now I know something's wrong.” James calmly said as they walked. “Care to talk about it?”

“Not really.” Twilight mumbled.

James sighed quietly, “Alright, just remember, we're here for you if you want to talk.”


James waited only seconds before commenting again. “I'm no stranger to holding things in Twilight, you know this.”

Twilight nodded silently.

James waited a few more seconds before adding, “I'm not going to push … or rather, keep pushing. I don't think it'll help, but I know a good soft serve place if you want to go. Won't be just us though, I don't think anyone would forgive me if I didn't bring them along.”

Twilight couldn't help but grin, “They would, but you' wouldn't hear the end of it for days.”

“Lucca wouldn't let me forget for weeks,” James chuckled. “She still gives me crap about 'kissing' all you girls back in the seapony kingdom.”

Twilight couldn't help but laugh. “Still?”

“Oh yeah, more so now with Rainbow Dash around.”

“I knew there was something there when I spoke with her.” Came the voice of Lady Seto directly behind them without any warning.

James lurched forward suddenly as Twilight yelped.

Seto chuckled as she watched their reaction. “I do hope I didn't startle you both too badly.”

“No.” James answered as he took a breath and shook his head. “Is there anything I can do for you?”

“Actually I would like to speak you and Twilight. I didn't really get the chance to speak with her before.”

“I guess we can. I hope we don't upset everyone else by disappearing for a little longer.” Twilight cautiously answered.

Seto turned and began to walk away, smiling as several robed women dragged James and Twilight behind her. “I assure you that everything will be alright. Besides, I'd like to know about this soft serve place you're familiar with.”


Rainbow Dash trudged along behind the group, hanging her head and doing all she could to not scream with how bored she was. The tour had nothing interesting at all, just statues, art, and a bunch of rooms. She knew Twilight would find this endlessly interesting, but this was just so dull. She bit her lip as another “interesting” tidbit was pointed out about a painting hanging in some hallway as they walked towards the gardens outside.

As they got outside Rainbow Dash waited for the guard to look away before stretching her wings and lifting off. With a smile she rushed up, only to be stopped short as her tail was suddenly pulled.

She scowled as she looked down to find the end of her tail in Lucca's hand, her other hand firmly on Amber's shoulder.

Lucca kept her face forward as she calmly and quietly spoke. “If you take off, the guards won't know who or what you are, and will likely shoot you out of the air.” Amber huffed and kept walking, moving further ahead.

“Come on. I'm a Wonderbolt. There's no way they could catch me.” Rainbow Dash argued.

“I didn't say catch. I said shoot.” Lucca clarified. “And if you fly off like you normally do you could cause some real problems for James and the rest of us.”

“What? Just 'cause I want to fly?”

“No, they'd be able to let that slide. But it only takes one guard to mess up to cause an incident. Just stick with us and it'll be over eventually. Once the staff knows who you are you should be able to fly around.”

Rainbow Dash groaned as she eased up and hovered just above Lucca's head. Resigned, she looked out over the grounds, something in the distance catching her eye. There looked to be a group of people who were very interested in something, though she couldn't see just what. Among the people, however, was someone she hadn't expected to see, her friend Twilight.

“Hey, Lucca, let's split. Twilight's just over there, and I wanna see what's so interesting.” Rainbow Dash commented.

Lucca turned and adjusted her glasses, noticing not only the pony, but the group and one individual in particular. Immediately she knew what seemed to be so interesting. “Hey Tali, looks like we've gotta go save James.”

“What's going on?” Rainbow Dash asked as Lucca spoke up, stopping the tour.

“Seto is messing with him again.” Tali explained as they walked towards the group gathered at the small table.

As they got closer they could hear several voices openly fawning over someone, and could see Twilight looking at them with a forced calm.

“Thank goodness we ran into you.” Lucca said loudly as they got close to the gathering. “Girls, go get us some chairs.”

“Ugh, and who's this old bag.” One of the women scoffed as she turned her nose up at Lucca.

“You heard her.” James said with an edge of hostility to his voice. “Now get some chairs for the lovely women.”

The woman who spoke stood bolt upright at James' words and turned back to him. “M … m … me?”

James turned and gave her a cold glare. “Did. I. Stutter?” He slowly said.

With an “eep” the woman ran off, leaving three more around James.

“Well, I think I'll take a seat until she comes back with some chairs.” Tali said, walking around the group and sitting on James' leg, wrapping her arm around his neck.

Rainbow Dash caught on quickly and flew up and over the group, landing on James' other leg. “Good idea.”

“Sounds good to me.” James said with a smile as he visibly relaxed and wrapped his arm around Rainbow Dash.

The remaining women looked to each other in astonishment before turning back to look at the scene that was James. Rainbow Dash blushing as she rested her head on his chest, and Tali playing with his beard. And for the first time since they started fawning over him, he was smiling.

As they gawked, Lucca cleared her throat behind them. “Please move so I can stand by my husband until the chairs arrive.”

Defeated, the women took several steps back and bowed their heads, waiting quietly for the remaining woman to return with chairs.

“Why do you still do this to him?” Lucca asked bluntly.

“I did nothing. My attendants did that of their own free will.”

“Lady Seto, you know what every attendant of yours will do in any given situation. You place pieces to act as you predict.”

“You give me too much credit.” Seto said as she sipped her tea.

“I give you too little.” Lucca corrected.

“So, what was it you wanted to talk about with Equestria?” Twilight asked, much less uncomfortable with only the women James knew fawning over him.

“It's just a diplomatic matter.” Seto calmly said as she placed her tea back on the table, where it was quickly refilled by one of her attendants.

The statement alone commanded the attention of everyone at the table, the ponies remembering James' warning that Seto would regularly use marriage to cement political arrangements. Lucca and Tali having firsthand knowledge of that trend.

“As recognized by Jurai: Equestria is a province under the protection of New Guardia. By all recognized galactic standards, what James proposed would be denied.” Seto calmly explained.

“What James proposed?” Twilight asked, not understanding what she could be talking about.

“Yes, it's the responsibility of more advanced civilizations such as ours to protect the less fortunate from too great of an outside influence. It's James' responsibility to protect you, as we protect him. And your responsibility to help protect Saillune, it's a chain of duty that binds us all.”

“I'm afraid I don't understand.”

“The body mods I proposed.” James cut in. “There's political red tape holding it all up.”

“I thought it was a done deal.” Rainbow Dash complained.

“I did too.” James commented.

“It was approved for consideration.” Seto clarified. “From there it went to open debates among the scientists.”

“Fortunately we have Airi on our side,” James mentioned “so by now it's moved to the review board.”

“I believe their cheeks are still stinging.” Seto said with a light chuckle, thoroughly confusing the ponies.

“Anyway,” Seto continued, “I've taken the proposal to the review board myself, and while it may be taking some time as this is an unusual request, I'm assured it will pass. Being a Princess has it's benefits after all.”

As Rainbow Dash complained about the procedure Seto's words stuck with Twilight. “Being a Princess has it's benefits after all.”

She knew that Seto wasn't the ruler of Jurai, but by navigating what power and influence she had she could get her way on anything. Seto had the freedoms that rulers really didn't, yet all the power and prestige when she needed it. Twilight wondered if this was a role she could come to fill herself now that it was all but confirmed that she wouldn't be taking Equestria's throne.

But how would she even do that?

Should she?

“Thank you for meeting me here, Twilight.” Seto calmly said, bringing the distracted pony back to the present. “It was a pleasure.”

Twilight put on an official smile and nodded. “The pleasure was mine.”

“I look forward to making the most of the time we are all here.” Seto stood and with a slight and bow began to walk away, stopping only briefly as an attendant of hers returned. “Did it really take you this long to find a chair?”


“Ugh.” Rainbow Dash groaned as she sat down by Applejack. “You're lucky AJ. I mean, I guess I kinda knew stuff like this would happen, but come on.” Rainbow Dash tugged at her clothing briefly. “I've never owned so many dresses in my life! And I'm not even halfway through what Rarity packed for me.”

“If those dresses are the worst of it, then y'all don't have it so bad.” Applejack commented as she took a drink of her tea. “Honestly, this place has been a hoot fer me. I've already got a few buyers for some of our excess Zap Apple jam just here in the palace, and everyone loves the cider.”

“You brought cider?” Rainbow Dash asked, her mood immediately improving.

“Just enough to whet their interest.”

“Can I have a cup? I don't know what it is, but the stuff they call cider here really sucks.”

“Well, I didn't bring that much …” Applejack started to say.

“I'll buy it if I have to, I just need something good from this whole trip.”

“Diplomat life doesn't suit you?”

“Not at all. I wanted to do some treasure hunting, have an adventure, do something fun. Anything!”

“Tell ya what. This evening I'll give you a cup.”

“This evening?” Rainbow Dash moaned.

“You just gotta be patient.”

“Ugh. I hate being patient.”

As the two ponies spoke, a third walked up to them and sat down. “Room for one more?” Starlight asked.

“I thought you'd be at the Sorcerer's Guild, or the library even.” Rainbow Dash commented.

“Nah. I remembered that the books here aren't in Ponish, turns out they aren't even in English (not that it makes much of a difference for me.) However there's some real interesting stuff to learn about just by talking to the people here.”

“Like what?” Rainbow Dash cautiously asked.

“Well, it seems that when he was younger, Prince Phillionel was quite the adventurer. Amelia is still learning about what her father has done in his life, and has herself has done a lot too. Not to mention that her older sister, Gracia, is still out adventuring.”

“Wait, she didn't come back for her Grandpa's funeral.” Applejack asked, astonished.

“She was really far out when it happened. They actually put off her father's coronation to accommodate her arrival. You may not have noticed when we were walking towards the city, but there isn't a single train station in this here, and it's a central power. The fastest way to travel they have are horse drawn carriages and wooden sailing ships.”

“Wait, they have soft serve ice cream and not trains?” Applejack asked, more confused than ever.

“They're behind in some ways but in others, like magic, they're quite advanced. At least in this part of the world. The part of the world that Saillune is in used to be behind some kind of magical barrier with high concentrations of magic, so advancements in that area skyrocketed but they lacked resources and motivation to develop other kinds of technology. I understand that they're starting to expand in new directions with the barrier down, but by way of technology … well, I think they're a couple hundred years behind us.”

Applejack paused a minute as she thought. “I should visit the market before we go, they probably have some great stuff that will just be lost when they develop further.”

“Before that, we have the funeral to get to today.” Starlight reminded.

“GrrrrraaaAAAHHHHH!” Rainbow Dash let out, startling the other two.

“What the hay?” Applejack said as she looked to her friend.

“What's wrong Rainbow Dash?” Starlight asked.

“I've got to go and change into another dress!” Rainbow Dash growled.

“What's wrong with that one?” Applejack asked.

“I have no idea.” Rainbow Dash said, her frustration clearly evident. “But I have a dress specifically for the funeral! For this funeral. I hate this! Why can't I just wear one thing, like James? He has so many variations of just the one outfit, and nopony cares. Why do I have to go through all this?!” She continued to fume. “Oh, oh. And Tali doesn't have to do any of this because she lives in that suit.”

“Rainbow Dash. Growing up she was told that suit was what was keeping her alive, and that was true for a lot of it. Even when she takes the mask off outside of a sterile room she panics.”

“I just don't need to hear how she's jealous that I have so many pretty clothes. Ugh.” Rainbow Dash sat where she was, huffing and puffing.

“Feeling better sugar cube?” Applejack eventually asked.

Rainbow Dash paused a moment and sighed. “Yeah, I'm good now. I'll see you guys at the funeral,” and with a parting nod she flew away towards the palace, grumbling to herself.

"I don't think she's expected to wear everything Rarity packed for her." Applejack quietly said.

"No," Starlight agreed, "it was just so she could be ready for any event. ... So ... if you want company when you go to the market I'm clearly not going to be in the Sorcerer's Guild.”


Rainbow Dash groaned as she waited for James and the rest of his family. “Come on, James. You wear the same thing all the time, what's taking so long?” She grumbled to herself.

It wasn't long after she started complaining that James walked down the hall towards her. “Sorry about that. It's been a few years since I've worn this and it doesn't quite fit like it used to.”

Rainbow Dash looked towards her boyfriend, realizing that she had never seen him dressed like this. From the waist up he looked like he was just wearing a fancy dress coat over a white button up shirt, except for something attaching a long piece of fabric flung over his shoulder to the coat. She stared in disbelief for a minute as she saw what looked to be a knee length skirt of blue and gray tartan with a small bag in front and knee length socks with buffed black dress shoes.

“I didn't know you'd be wearing a dress too.” She commented, snorting slightly as she looked over the outfit once again. She bit her lower lip to keep herself from laughing out loud.

“It's not a dress, it's called a kilt and it's really the last shred of my heritage that I still have.” James gently ran his hand over the fabric of the pouch and smiled slightly. With a look to Rainbow Dash (still trying to not laugh) he nodded. “Now we're just waiting on everyone else. Tenyo and Liara are just dropping in like the other times.”

“Okay, this has been bugging me this whole time: Why do they get to just pop in and then leave?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Well, one, you were invited personally by Prince Phillionel. As for Tenyo, she has other political engagements to attend to, many of which were pushed on her by Seto so she could attend. As for Liara, she only does the minimum for these political events. I can't really ask more of her since she's only sort of part of this whole thing.”

Rainbow Dash sighed and dropped her head. “And I signed up for the whole package, didn't I?”

James knelt and put his arm on her shoulder. “Sorry, comes with the territory. … I guess it is a bit much.”

Rainbow Dash looked up into James' sympathetic face and moved forward for a kiss, breaking moments later. “It's worth it.”

“Well, we're ready.” Sara dryly said, startling Rainbow Dash and making her take a step back from James, her wings standing straight out.

Sara and Amber were both wearing long skirts that matched James' kilt, with white blouses and sashes of the same tartan. Sara's long violet hair was in it's usual tight single braid down her back, though Amber's twin tails were now twin braids that were draped down her front instead of behind her.

“That's good. Where's your mother?” James calmly asked as he stood up.

“Scratching her head most likely.” Sara answered with a half grin. “She's got to wear that wig again, after all.”

“That answers what she's doing, not where she is.” James commented.

“I'm here, I'm here.” Lucca said as she approached the group, fingers buried under the hair of her wig. “You'd think with Jurai's technology and demand for long hair they could make a wig that doesn't irritate my scalp.” With a sharp breath she pulled her fingers from the wig and nodded. “Okay. I'm good now … for now. Let's just go.”

“What about Tali?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“She only had to change her belt. She's ahead of all of us.” Lucca answered quickly.

Rainbow Dash groaned a moment before going with everyone to the temple where the service was to be held.

“Yeah.” Lucca quietly said at Rainbow Dash's groan.

Rainbow Dash wasn't looking forward to the funeral, though she expected she probably wasn't dreading this event as much as some in the audience. For the first time since arriving in Saillune she saw the always chipper Amelia crying. Though her father, Phillionel, stoically attended to his duties, his own pain was clear in his voice.

One by one leaders of other countries and common folk alike shared stories of Eldoran. As each account came to an end, it became obvious that, at least in his youth, Eldoran was a man of the people: Traveling their world and aiding others in much the same way that his son Phillionel had, and even Amelia following a similar path.

That evening, when the funeral had ended, Rainbow Dash honestly regretted not having met the man herself.

Author's Note:

As much as Rainbow Dash would love to go adventuring, that's not something delegates often get to do. One event of this trip handled, one more to go. Assuming that nothing goes wrong. Which it obviously will.