• Published 21st Nov 2020
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The One True King - JDPrime22

Can Equestria’s greatest heroes coexist with these mythical and majestic beasts… or will they have to accept that their rule has come to an end? For the rule of the one true king, Godzilla, has returned.

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Chapter 36 – Abyss

Chapter 36

“Nature always has a way of balancing itself. The only question is… What part will we play?”

Dr. Ishiro Serizawa

Foal Mountain, Equestria

Mothra shimmered high over the seemingly endless canyon beneath her, her god rays erupting into a brilliant array of blinding particles that descended into the darkness. A pathway was created, a singular stream of light that sunk deep into the abyss. Down, down, down into the black. So far that not even the naked eye could see its end.

As for everypony within the Radiance, they knew what that meant. They knew what needed to be done, what steps they needed to take. But Fluttershy, more than anypony else, knew what to do.

The journey back to Foal Mountain was simple, straight forward with no interruptions. Fears of Titan rampages crossed their minds, but they never came across them. Not a single Titan interfered. Twilight mentally wondered whether it was pure luck or the efforts from their allies defending Equestria. Either way, she gave her thanks to whatever it was.

Returning to the mountain range was shocking to say the least. Entire peaks laid as crumbled ruins around a scorched battlefield that what was once the forest. The sheer power of the Titans had left its mark, exemplifying their ferocity and rage with every shattered mountain, every tree torn from its roots, crushed to splinters. But no one was there. The town of Hollow Shades was quite amidst the distant thunder and soft rain.

Then, they arrived. The Radiance and the rest of the T.I.T.A.N. fleet—with support from the Wonderbolts, the changelings, and the dragons—all hovered above the very same canyon within the heart of the mountain range. The very same canyon where Godzilla and Ghidorah had faced their last clash. Where Godzilla had gained the edge, Sombra had stripped it, and Ghidorah had finished him off. Just the memory forced Fluttershy’s eyes to a shuddering close, her breath ceasing.

And slowly, she opened her eyes to bask under the glow of the great moth.

Mothra flapped her wings slowly, managing to hover in place while her embers of light erupted from her body and continued to fall into the canyon. She cried out again and again, sang her song and desperately wanted her king to respond.

And he did. The responding moans deep within the chasm were evidence of his survival.

Fluttershy did not imagine it before. He had survived. He was alive.

And he needed them now more than ever.

“Bring me down there,” she heard herself mutter.

“Uh, come again?” Applejack asked, speaking for the room when the main bridge turned to the Pegasus for clarification.

Before she could stop herself from speaking, she had earned every eye. Every breath had halted, every heart had turned, and every head had swiveled in her direction. Only, Fluttershy did not back down from such overwhelming attention. The fear of the spotlight no longer clouded her judgement, or her courage. She knew what was right and what needed to be done not only for her sake, but for everypony’s. For their entire world’s sake.

That alone meant more to her than her petty fears. So, she faced them. She faced all of them and spoke freely, without fault, holding more courage in her tone than she had ever held before. So much so that her friends—in the corner of her vision—could be seen smiling softly. A few smirks here and there, but pride most of all. Pride for their friend taking a much-needed stand.

“Mothra brought us to him for a reason. I thought I could doubt her… especially after we nearly lost Twilight and the others… but I was wrong. I think we all were. She came to us in order to lead us to hope… our only hope to stop Ghidorah. She needs us to bring him back,” the Pegasus exclaimed, waiting to hear if anypony was willing to interrupt her. No one did. Not even Ember, or Thorax for that matter, the two of them having found Fluttershy’s bravery to be most admirable. Willing to descend into the heart of darkness for a faint hope that might has well have been forsaken.

She read their expressions, all the unease, the uncertainty. The loss of hope. Fluttershy read it all and sighed, shaking her head with a firm stamp of her hoof in the metal flooring. “I don’t care what you thought of Godzilla before… or what any of you still think of him… because to me he’s still an animal. He’s still hurt… and he needs my help.”

Fluttershy met the eyes of Princess Twilight. Of Special Agent Bon Bon. Of everyone in a washing wave of glances that turned from one end of the bridge to the other, and then back again to settle.

Our help,” she finished, resting her gaze with Twilight’s.

And it was then that Twilight, Celestia, and Luna all concurred with a hushed conversation, nodding to each other. Seeing the assuring smile from her Alicorn friend gave an overwhelming sense of ease to wash through Fluttershy’s strained nerves. A nod to Fluttershy, and it told her everything she wanted to hear.

Bon Bon was the next to receive a nod from Twilight. That was all she needed to deliver the order to her pilots, Bon Bon telling them, “Take us into the canyon. Nice and slow. Find somewhere to land.”

A similar order was sent out to the rest of the fleet, instead with Bon Bon telling them to stay back and wait for them to return. The journey onward was the Radiance’s alone to take. And so, falling down into the descent of the unknown, the Radiance remained guided by Mothra’s alluring and comforting god rays. They followed her beacon deep into the hold of the abyss, until even its light alone was not enough to wash away the formidable shadows.

The spotlights erupted to life upon the hull of the airship, washing back and forth, up and down, and all around the Radiance’s descent. Everyone within the bridge had held their breath, the pilots practically sweating bullets as their hooves cautiously directed the airship deeper, slower, their eyes watching every console and every obstacle outside the windshield.

Not a sound was made. It was rather calming to see the world slink away from them, the night sky evading their grasp further and further. The walls of the earth closed in and rose higher, and still they descended. For so very far, they sank, and soon the calm had passed, making way for the storm of arising distress. Until even the darkness of the earth was starting to enclose upon them, shadows breaking through the glass and enveloping every last breath and heart within the bridge. But before anyone could even think about the possibility of suffocating out of sheer terror, they reached their end.

The Radiance spewed forth its landing gear and settled softly upon the solid rock at the bottom of the crevice.

A party had exited the interior of the airship, the exhibition into the unknown led by none other than Fluttershy herself. She was in her element, leading the charge with her expertise of the situation taking full reigns. Her ears flicked and forth, her wings standing on end. Her eyes gazed deep across the chasm, to the pillar of light shimmering brightly in the center of the walls. The Pegasus pressed on at a slow gallop, vaulting over rocks, flying over gaps, and cautiously but courageously making her way to Mothra’s god rays.

Following her were the remainder of the Council of Friendship, with Twilight, Spike, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie galloping, flying, and bouncing their way closely behind their friend. Celestia, Luna, Shining Armor, and Cadance were next, the royalty both old and new keeping their eyes locked to the beacon of light that called them forth. Ember and Thorax were escorted by a small troop of dragons and changelings, but they, the rulers, mostly led the charge.

Bon Bon and Lyra were the last ones. Both mares were seemingly awestruck to see the tower of embers descend several yards away. So breathtaking. So unbelievable.

And yet so reachable. So true and so very real.

Lyra turned to Bon Bon, quickly offering a broadening grin. She managed a short gasp as well, taking off down the ramp and onto the solid earth with a reinvigorated gallop. Bon Bon chuckled, kicked her rump into gear, and took off immediately after her. Calling every now and again to slow down, to be careful, Bon Bon realized quickly that she could hardly every control Lyra to begin with, and now was no different. Even when the situation felt so very different, it was still the same for Lyra. Still the same knowing she was with her wife.

And before either of them knew it, they had reached the beacon.

The tower of light erupting from the shimmering star high above the chasm had also reached its end, the soft embers of unknown origin and power washing across the dust before them all. Approaching the husk of Mothra’s god rays, the expedition came to a halt and simply allowed Fluttershy to make the next necessary steps forward. If they hadn’t trusted her before, they most certainly did now. With Mothra guiding them, they knew they could trust Fluttershy from here on out.

With not even a shadow of a doubt clouding them any longer.

Yet there was still one last cloud before them, a fog of dust that was so thick it practically consumed the entire base of the chasm moving forward. It was all caught under the glow of the god rays, shimmering dust particles floating gently across their visions. Fluttershy made the first cautious step in her approach, eyes wide and breath stilled as she observed the wall of uncertainty. The wall of doubt. The last obstacle that stood in their path…

The illuminated dust was blown away by a gentle exhale.

And lying on the other side… was him.

The dust washed over them, but not a single one of them paid any mind to it. Their gazes were all locked, their breaths were all stripped at the mere image of his presence. For just his snout towered over them to match any colossal beast in height and strength. Just his head alone could encompass the entire area they occupied, and they could see every detail upon his charred, shattered skin. They could see the weakness upon every layer consume him slowly, like a pestilent death trying to claim its victim, but the victim fighting on deep, deep down.

Titanus Gojira was broken, beaten, bloodied… but alive.

He was still breathing as well, which was good. But the rate of his breaths, the indication of movement from his nostrils did not seem comforting. Fluttershy noted every last detail as she continued to step closer, while everyone else stayed back. Let her work her magic. But then she saw it the moment she lifted her head past his own, saw the gruesome image that earned a terrified gasp and a whimper from the Pegasus. A wave of cringe washed over the ponies when they, too, saw what Fluttershy saw.

Beyond his head, they could see his back slanted slightly against the earth. And resting upon his back, his dorsal spines were destroyed, the natural and intricate designs of each plate shattered and leaving nothing but shortened, sharp stumps coated in dried blood. Shivering breaths escaped the party, Cadance snuggling closer to her husband, wounded eyes capturing every inch of the agonizing sight. Celestia and Luna sighed weakly, their expressions hurt at such brutality. Bon Bon’s face fell, but she did nothing more than that.

Could offer nothing more even if she tried to.

Mothra’s particles gently fluttered atop of Godzilla, infused within his scales and landed upon his bleeding dorsal plates. As if that was some healing remedy, some strengthening force that had the power to undo the damage Godzilla had sustained. But it was not. His wounds were mortal if not properly treated, though Mothra’s efforts ensured his life could be saved. The healing would take time. Too much of it. The world was on the brink and it needed its king to rise now.

Thankfully, she brought with her the right pony for the job.

Fluttershy made her approach as clear as could be. Nopony stopped her. Nopony could. Godzilla’s eyes weakly opened and everyone else except for Fluttershy froze where they stood. She never faltered. Never flinched. She stood her ground and ensured Godzilla saw her and her alone.

When the distance was severed, all that was left was mere inches. The meager pony, staring up wide-eyed and rapidly breathing, but holding her stance nonetheless. And Godzilla, the fallen King of the Monsters holding a dying gaze and faintly exhaling. Inhaling. Letting his eyes adjust to the brightness showering over him and to the equine beneath his snout.

He did nothing when she closed her eyes, her head falling and her long, pink mane nearly gracing the rocks beneath her.

He did nothing when she lifted her face, tears infesting her eyes with a pained expression infecting the rest of her.

He did nothing as she raised her hoof.

Rested it against his snout…

And pressed her touch fully onto him.

It felt so foreign, unlike anything Godzilla had felt in many, many years. The touch of one so small, so insignificant it might as well have felt like nothing. Weaker than a brush of wind. But there was something more to it than just a simple hoof to his scales. There was more breathing through it because the voice that spoke from her was unlike anything Godzilla had heard from ponykind. Her voice was rich, strong yet comforting. Gentle yet powerful, yet only in the way to reach him… in the only way he could understand.

It was then that Godzilla finally listened and heard her. He actually heard her words, listening as she tried to speak to him. And he understood.

He stared at her in silence, barely awake. Barely alive.

Smiling through the tears, Fluttershy sniffled as she sensed his agony through every trembling moan reverberating through his throat and against his mouth. His pain was too great, but her heart was greater, and she spoke through it in order to tell him, “You fought for us… in ways we never understood until now. I know… about all the terrible things we’ve done to you in the past… and we don’t deserve it… what you did. We don’t deserve you…”

Fluttershy managed a short gasp, holding in the overflowing tears in order to say, “But if you will… if you’ll fight for us one more time… I can promise that you won’t be alone.”

Godzilla’s eyes widened slightly, almost as if he heard those words correctly through his softly beating heart. The words she uttered and empowered through her own heart, her own strength. Her own love. Words that may as well have been another language, yet he could understand them perfectly. She expressed every ounce of that love in the strengthening smile, assuring to Godzilla with one promise she would never break…

“I know what you have to do. We won’t try and stop that… We’ll be behind you… We will fight with you.”

The group behind her was lost in the reverence of her words, knowing them to be faithful and true to the greater good. For she showed her admiration to Godzilla, respected his power and his legacy and knowing just how integral he truly was to their world. Perhaps… they all came to understand that just as much as Fluttershy did. Perhaps every last one of them relinquished their doubts and their fears and simply gave in to the idea of their world needing its protector. And they would no longer stand in his way.

After many, many years, it felt cathartic to admit that their war with Godzilla had finally come to an end.

All that left… was her.

Before anypony could ever even hope to object, Bon Bon stepped freely forward. She broke the barrier that nopony else dared to cross and entered under the gaze of the Titan. Lyra reached for her, but stopped, understanding quickly what Bon Bon was meaning to do. What she was meaning to accomplish on her own. And it was something she needed to do on her own.

It was still her war. It was still her demon. And Bon Bon needed to face it head-on.

Her inner war had not yet been settled, for her own demons had yet to be conquered. Bon Bon knew that stepping forward, latching her shivering, petrified eyes onto the wearied glance of Godzilla. It was all he could offer her, his own breaths beginning to sound softer with each hoofstep she took. With each step, Bon Bon felt only colder. Like she was stepping for the first time into the Frozen North, where the waters chilled her to the bone and the shadow of the colossal beast glared down at her from the storms that shredded the skies.

As his roar ripped through her heart and soul.

Bon Bon closed her eyes, let the roar echo in her head until she could hear it no more. Until only her trembling breaths were all that occupied the empty space she laid for herself. Until even those breaths smoothed considerably, and her breathing had regulated. Her heartbeat settled. Silence festered throughout the canyon for several seconds on end.

Before she even knew it, her eyes slowly opened and she saw her hoof resting on his snout.

It was as if the greatest wave of relief had finally flushed inside and out of her, through a quivering inhale and released through a satiated exhale. For what felt like a lifetime, she found the part of herself that was broken, that was held back, having crossed that final barrier in order to conquer any lingering fears she still had. She was whole again. Her hoof was touching the monster that tormented her deepest, darkest nightmares for seven years going, and now it had all become vain. It was meaningless. She had nothing more to fear and she proved that to herself when she graced Godzilla’s skin with her own.

In a touch that spoke greater volumes than she could ever muster. But she did try.

With a hardened, truthful stare, Bon Bon promised, “We will.”

Godzilla’s eyelids trembled as he exhaled through his nostrils, as if that was some sort of response to her touch, to her promise. Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn’t. Bon Bon knew she didn’t have that special connection to animals like Fluttershy did, but it comforted her nonetheless to at least try. To at least imagine that maybe she did somehow speak to him…

And he hopefully understood.

Turning to her left, Bon Bon met the tearful smile from Fluttershy, the Pegasus practically beaming with pride. Proud of what Bon Bon had accomplished, of what she was willing to promise not only to Godzilla, but to herself. It was enough to spark a burn in her own eyes, Bon Bon chuckling out a smile in return.

It didn’t last forever when they felt the tremor erupt behind them, followed by the gust of wind and the unmistakable cry that came with it.

Dropping her hoof and spinning around, Bon Bon was the first to latch her eyes onto the titanic wings that slowly unfurled from the bottom of the canyon in which they all stood. Fluttershy followed her actions, gasping quietly when she recognized the bioluminescent features shimmering off of the wings once they reached full length. The pulsating blues and violets, greens and oranges. They radiated from her very body as Mothra extended her legs and rose up, towering mightily over them all.

Chittering reassuringly to the many equines and dragons and changelings beneath her, Mothra slowly raised her front forelimb and pressed it onward. Those before her and beneath her quickly backed aside, making way for the queen to confront her wounded king. Though she was still cautious of all life, regardless of species or origin. Every step she took was careful and calculated, her glowing blue eyes watching the many beneath her with a soft, motherly gaze.

The light show she expelled from her body, from her wings, was unlike anything the crowd had ever seen before. As she gently walked over them, they couldn’t help but stare in wonder to the unbelievable sight above their heads. The towering legs gracing her body touched the rocky floor around them, one cautious step at a time as she approached Godzilla.

Celestia and Luna couldn’t help but beam, small tears building at the edges of their eyes. They never believed they would be standing in the grace of Titanus Mosura ever again, and yet they did. They each forced out a quivering smile once Mothra’s eyes locked with theirs, the alpha goddess sending the two sisters in particular a soft, warming coo.

Finally, she reached her king, and Bon Bon and Fluttershy backed away accordingly. Sending a thankful stare to the yellow Pegasus, Mothra cooed to her next. Fluttershy could hardly contain her tears, the joyous streams hitting her smile again and again.

Next, turning to face Bon Bon, Mothra gave her soft cry, yet it trembled Bon Bon’s body and echoed throughout the chasm. The special agent didn’t care. She shivered from the cry but smiled in the aftermath, nodding to the Titan as if that meant anything to Mothra. Once again, Bon Bon hoped it did.

And then, Mothra faced forward…

Godzilla’s eyes rose up to meet her own. He moaned in agonized frailty.

It tore her heart to hear her king in such pain. It should have never come to this, but the sins of ponykind was not something she would hold over them. The treacheries they faced was beyond their control, and therefore not their mistakes to bear alone. Mothra knew she wouldn’t be facing this war on her own. That was why she came to the equines. That was why she brought them to Godzilla.

Only together could they ever hope to win.

Bending low, Mothra sensed every shred of Godzilla’s torment, and she cried because of it. She bent lower, cooing quietly, letting the reverberating echoes of her call reach him and comfort him. She bent so low that her head eventually met his, and she nuzzled him comfortingly. Godzilla moaned, his eyes rolling slowly into the back of his head. Her antennae glowed softly, erupting with the very same power that her god rays exemplified.

Her wings began to pulsate, the vibrant reds and oranges glowing brightest of all. Especially the two bright red orbs on the ends of her wings. The orbs that looked suspiciously like eyes.

His eyes.

It was that power that flowed from her and fused with him, the very same tranquility she breathed now breathed into him. For a moment, it was enough to open his eyes once more. She took the next necessary step forward and pressed into him, lowering herself and lifting Godzilla up. To everypony’s shock, it worked. They backed away quickly and watched as Godzilla growled, planting his claw firmly into the rock beneath him and pushing.

Pushing harder.

And harder.

Mothra cried out, continuously pressing onto his neck, his chest, and raising him up.

Godzilla cried in return, thundering the entire chasm when he brought his left leg forward and slammed his foot fiercely onto the earth.

What followed next shocked the masses. Every last pony, dragon, and changeling watched in bewilderment as Mothra kicked off the rocky floor and hovered quickly behind Godzilla. She pressed her limbs onto his back, flapping and pulling him so both of his feet were pressed together onto the ground. But that wasn’t all she did. She helped lead him to the edge of the canyon, and once Godzilla found an optimal wall, he clawed at it with his hands, digging his claws deeper and proceeding to climb his way out of the abyss.

He faltered. Many times, he almost lost his grip and fell, only he never did… because his queen was right behind him. Holding onto him. Aiding him. Flapping her wings and helping him rise. Godzilla cried out in unison to Mothra’s roars, and he only dug himself deeper into the earth, prying further, faster, higher and higher.

Bon Bon recognized what needed to be done, and she ordered with a thundering voice, “Everypony, back to the ship! Hurry, let’s move! Go, go, go!”

She made the right call, for the avalanche of rock and dust came quickly down the chasm. Godzilla’s swaying tail was the last she saw before she darted her body backwards and took off at a speeding gallop back to the Radiance. Lyra was the last one to meet her on the ramp, the two sharing a quick glance, a quicker smile, before they piled into the airship.

The ramp closed.

The engines roared to life.

The Radiance tore out of the shadows of the canyon. Mothra emerged shortly after, ripping her legs free and taking off into the skies.

Thus, freeing Godzilla and letting him rise up to full height on his own. And he did.

He did with a thunderous roar of his own.

The fleet followed quickly behind the Radiance, practically every heart and every eye captured by the mere presence of the Titan they believed had fallen. Now, he was back on his feet, a little slow with some stagger in his steps, but alive nonetheless. Alive with a burning fury consuming his nerves, his glare, his seething growls and pushing him onwards. Pushing him to where he was needed, to where the false king had arisen.

Godzilla roared to the darkness, Mothra zooming past his head and onward to the storm. Onward to the north with the Radiance and all of T.I.T.A.N. rallying behind the true King of the Monsters. Onward to reclaim his throne.

Author's Note:

Artwork by Shrekzilla

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