• Member Since 11th May, 2015
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Reader, writer, brony above all. That is my creed.


Extra! Extra! Exclusive interview with Empress Cozy Glow! Read all about how our lovely young princess conquered Canterlot and crushed all who stood against her! Learn of her glorious victory and the utter defeat of her enemies!*

*Everypony is required to read this article by decree of the Empress. Failure to comply will be met with punishment ranging from death and upwards.

Written for the Cozy Glow Short Story Contest and set after "The Ending of the End- Part 1"

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 28 )
Comment posted by Silvermyr deleted Aug 19th, 2020

Welp, this was disturbing. To think this could have been avoided had those silly ponies just decided to reform Cozy instead of sending her to Tartarus. Cozy's plan was quite smart here. Using the deus ex machina attack to her own advantage like that.

Dude! When I checked this fic, it had been out for only 38 minutes. During that time you not only noticed the fic, but finished reading it? Bravo.

Yea, I had fimfic opened and just noticed it as it showed up in the new stories tab. Surprised by how quickly I read through it.

Epic story. Grammar is kinda bad in some places, but it's still perfectly readable AND enjoyable! This story reminds me very much of now-deleted Komm, Süßer Schein (still can be found in FiMArchives). All Hail Empress Cozy Glow!

Probably the most believable way for Cozy Glow to have seized power. With your permission I might use it as a backstory, if I ever get around to writing a Empress Cozy story. One nitpick though. In the orginal "The Ending Of The End" episode it is in fact Cozy who is in possession of the Bewitching Bell, not Tirek.


Buried Lede: Get me pictures of Spidermare!

As for the following quote in your story:

Oh, and I really like destroying stuff! That last one is new though. It was only recently I realized how funny it can be to just take somepony's hard work and smash it to pieces!

I am reminded of one thing:

Now onto my personal opinion of the story.

I like little touches in the story like paintings of Cozy's crayon drawings in the castle. She also continues to have a very warped but somewhat genuine perception of friendship because, in her mind, it isn't merely just manipulation but an actual attempt for friendship.

It was cute. Mostly in character. I was a little confused about the ending though. Like, Cozy wanted to protect her magic by being sent to the moon? Then how would she get back? If there was a way to use magic to do it, Nightmare Moon would have done it long ago.

I easily think that Tirek was the most dangerous villain of them all in terms of magic, for nothing was stopping him from draining his comrades even without the bell. Unlike Chrysalis, he did not rely on an emotional factor, and I've seen him do it in mass. I've also never seen an adequate magical defense vs that technique except for maybe the anti-magic properties of Chrysalis former throne. Even then, it does not stop changling magic.

I struggled with the ending of this story.

Yeah. I noticed. That's the only part that felt kind of rushed, but I can understand that considering the word constraints of the contest. It was frustrating to have to keep track of that word count and watch it approach.

I was very eager to read your story, and I'm glad I have.

Would you be interested to return the favor? After all, I was inspired to write my story because of you in two ways. Your other story "Castling Cozy Glow" first off, and a personal invitation to the contest on my user page. Thanks to both, I've written the following story.

THere I Am
Trapped in stone, Cozy Glow contemplates her past and her first friend.
Scroll · 9.7k words  ·  81  3 · 3.3k views

If that story places in the contest, or if you read it yourself (and I promise it has no profanity. 'bucking unicorns" is as close to it as it ever gets because pony universe = no foul language) and enjoy it, would you consider to pass me a follow as well? In any case, I'd be interested to know what you think. Since you are a writer that I can respect with content like this, I'm hoping I can earn yours in return.

And, for anyone else reading this comment, I welcome you to check it out as well. I hope you enjoy! If you do, like/comment/share it with all of your friends!

Cozy Glow: Hey, neighbor. Want to be friends?


Well now I want to know what trade Cozy's parents were in...

...huh, that's a long title.

It would be fitting for Cozy's character to just drain all magic from Equestria. We know she hates magic, and it could have made the story a little more straight forward.

However, this version plays to her manipulative side, and if she found a way to keep her own magic, then I think she would try for that option. Even if she dislikes magic, I think that being the only creature with magic would please her.

...I don't think she has any dislike, let alone hate for magic in and of itself, so much as she'd wish for her to have lots of power. I can't think of a concrete reason why "erase magic" had any underlying reason beyond "she's power tripping and it serves her plan because she's underpowered," based on what we truly know from canon.

I'm not sure it's fitting for her to get rid of magic as her S9 alicorn self (that might not include the "earth pony aspect," but that's up for debate, and it wouldn't be too much comfort, fighting her), at all. If anything, the main issue she has is "not born a unicorn," which would already be solved, here, especially considering she has the power of an alicorn (or at least a supercharged pegacorn), which would outclass the vast, vast majority of beings in the world, even if they have magic, based on canon.

...but that's just my opinion.

Besides, I don't think that we ever saw the magical artifacts used to drain magic in the first place again, after the ritual was disrupted, nor were they mentioned, and Cozy notably walked out of there a bit scorched, and Starlight felt the need to teleport the Student Six out, so they very well could've been destroyed for all we know, and I think it's... questionable, the idea of Twilight or Starlight (if it were in her hooves at that point, which I doubt) leaving those artifacts in an area that any of them would've easily known about, again, after that happened, even if they weren't destroyed, or have them readily accessible in a timely manner (separated by distance).

...that being said, I don't disagree with the conclusion that she'd probably be the "I'm perfect and kind, benevolent, and if you disagree..." kind of ruler.

All I have to do now is to set up the same ritual I did last time. Only this time, I will not only use Starlight to power it, but everyone here. If using only Starlight could wipe out all magic in three days, then using all of Starlight's, Twilight's, Chryssie's, Discord's, Celestia's and Luna's magic together should be able to do it in a matter of hours. And then, once the magic was gone, it would finally be my time to shine.

Starlight's presence actually had nothing to do with how quickly the magic was being drained, as far as we can tell (the estimated time was "three days" before she was pushed in, per Star Swirl's estimates... which Cozy Glow later said, herself, after Starlight was pushed in, and she was gloating to her). Cozy only pushed her in to get her out of the way, and nothing to that effect was said or implied by her or anyone else, that it made it any faster, having others inside, and you'd think she'd have made more of an effort to get more ponies trapped in there in the first place, if that were the case... so this doesn't make any sense based on canon, when this seems like it's supposed to just be a S9 divergent AU.

As far as Tirek, I think it'd be plausible if he alternatively ended up letting Cozy have Celestia and Luna's magic, if they managed to get around Discord's power (which wasn't explained how he did so, here)... as long as he wouldn't be on the backfoot when she got it. As much as she likes backstabbing, I'd imagine he'd favor his protege that he's expressed pride in at least once more than he ever would Chrysalis, considering how she's borderline suicidal with her power plays on a regular basis (which, granted, the Windigos weren't a factor in this story, for whatever reason). The two of them (Tirek and Cozy) would make fine Sith stand-ins, lol.

...And is it really "artifact magic" if it's not being powered by the Elements anymore, since those got destroyed?


I easily think that Tirek was the most dangerous villain of them all in terms of magic, for nothing was stopping him from draining his comrades even without the bell. Unlike Chrysalis, he did not rely on an emotional factor, and I've seen him do it in mass. I've also never seen an adequate magical defense vs that technique except for maybe the anti-magic properties of Chrysalis former throne. Even then, it does not stop changling magic.

There was one thing stopping Tirek from draining his comrades, actually: he has a small sense of honor to him, if it doesn't get in the way of what he wants. He was the one who initially tried to attack Equestria with his brother, after all. He's kept his word when the deal was "release Twilight's friends," and he's kept his word with Chrysalis, in addition to being the one who was generally trying to keep the general alliance's best interests in mind throughout.

He only ever betrayed Discord after he learned that he'd withheld information from him, and there's the fact that he betrayed his friends to begin with.

As far as a flaw Tirek explicitly has with his magic drain goes, he outright stated that he can only absorb magic from living beings... so that means that magic artifacts (like say, the Alicorn Amulet, for something that appeared in canon) are something he'd possibly have trouble dealing with, so if there exists any artifacts that could hamper it, or strong weapons/banes against those who are pumped up on stolen magic, that's a plus for fighting him, but it wouldn't be easy either way.

But yeah, Tirek is easily one of the most dangerous villains out there, in terms of his abilities, and his mindset is rather no-nonsense, in contrast to Chrysalis, and also kinda like Cozy. The only villain that appeared in S9 who could probably give him a serious challenge (meaning it's up for debate who would win, if they're fighting without any extra tricks, like the Bell) on their lonesome is Sombra. Chrysalis has consistently proven to be a subpar fighter, and Cozy Glow, as good and no-nonsense as she was, was inexperienced, while Sombra is skilled and powerful in dark magic, and intelligent.


But yeah, Tirek is easily one of the most dangerous villains out there, in terms of his abilities, and his mindset is rather no-nonsense, in contrast to Chrysalis, and also kinda like Cozy. The only villain that appeared in S9 who could probably give him a serious challenge (meaning it's up for debate who would win, if they're fighting without any extra tricks, like the Bell) on their lonesome is Sombra. Chrysalis has consistently proven to be a subpar fighter, and Cozy Glow, as good and no-nonsense as she was, was inexperienced, while Sombra is skilled and powerful in dark magic, and intelligent.

If all the villains "Grogar" recruited, i think Cozy was the least dangerous. Her wits and her charm were her primary assets. If Chrysalis wanted to be "cute", she could mimic Cozy's form or something even more adorable. I think Chrysalis also proved to have an eye for strategy, but usually underestimates her opponent. Tirek is the strongest powerhouse (eventually) but it seems to cost him his wits as he gets stronger. As for Sombra, he had great dark magic and wits. He could force others to obey, and he could come up with many tricks using his crystal magic.

Intelligence can be a very dangerious thing. A good strategist can help an army win any war, but so many of her partners had that in spades or degrees.


If all the villains "Grogar" recruited, i think Cozy was the least dangerous. Her wits and her charm were her primary assets. If Chrysalis wanted to be "cute", she could mimic Cozy's form or something even more adorable. I think Chrysalis also proved to have an eye for strategy, but usually underestimates her opponent. Tirek is the strongest powerhouse (eventually) but it seems to cost him his wits as he gets stronger. As for Sombra, he had great dark magic and wits. He could force others to obey, and he could come up with many tricks using his crystal magic.

Intelligence can be a very dangerious thing. A good strategist can help an army win any war, but so many of her partners had that in spades or degrees.

I think it's worth noting Chrysalis actually isn't that great of a strategist, herself, even beyond underestimating opponents. She, for some reason, decided the way to impersonate Cadance was to not even pretend to be pleasant at least half the time, she had Twilight apologetic at her hooves, and then she sent her to the real Cadance, she uncloaked in front of Celestia to gloat, when she wasn't sure she could win (she was surprised upon winning, and seemed nervous during the duel).

In S6, she not only failed to replace Starlight when she knew she was Twilight's pupil, but none of her changelings even knew who she was, indicating Chrysalis neglected to brief them, judging by how none of them knew or said Starlight's name and position, which would've only aroused suspicion, even aside from how terrible some of them were at impersonation (Rainbow Dash and Spike being the worst), considering Starlight lives in Twilight's castle, with both Spike and Twilight.

Her S8 plan fell apart because she went in with the fundamentally flawed premise of "evil disharmonious clones can use the Elements of Harmony against the originals," and even in S9, it wasn't on her priorities list to say, take out Cadance, and it was her input of "without magic, he's no threat" that allowed the heroes to have any warning that anything was happening.

Sure, as "Crackle Cosette"/Shutter Bug, she was better at being polite, but before that, she was completely awful, and she suspiciously brushed off talking to Starlight even then.

As far as Cozy Glow goes, I think she's a better schemer, manipulator, and actress than Chrysalis is (though the latter, for all of her many faults, still has the luck, style, ambition, and determination to be dangerous, aside from her inherent power that's above average for unicorns), and she's definitely more no-nonsense in her personality, less prone to making arrogant mistakes, even if she still has an ego. With Cozy Glow, she was good at rolling with the punches, and tried not to take chances.

To give Tirek credit, as much as he likes using brute force over manipulation, once he gains power (which Chrysalis also does, but to a less reasonable degree), he's still pretty smart as he gains power, in that even when it came to his fourth form, he made sure to have the Mane Six as bargaining chips if he couldn't beat Twilight in a straight fight, and he shows wisdom in that he doesn't take it as a given that he can beat Windigos at the height of their power, even in his "third form", voting to destroy them ASAP... and even max power Tirek immediately tried blasting the Mane Six full strength, when they reappeared with Rainbow Power.

...anywho, Cozy Glow, she may be behind the rest of them in "inherent power, unaided by artifacts/power boosts" in raw threat level, but she's rather dangerous, even if she didn't get a S5 alternate timeline (wouldn't have won under any circumstances probably, between the rest of the villains), considering how she was screwed if it got physical, in S8, and yet she still got as far as she did. She has more in common with Tirek than she does Chrysalis, in that she's less self-destructive.

They'll surely realize Equestria's magic is still draining, turn to other sources and find a countermeasure, Twilight, and the others are smart too, they'll find a way.


but she's rather dangerous, even if she didn't get a S5 alternate timeline (wouldn't have won under any circumstances probably, between the rest of the villains), considering how she was screwed if it got physical,

There was also the fact that she proberbly wouldn't have gotten as far as she does without Twilight and her friends enabling her, when their friendship was exactly what Starlight was trying to prevent with her time travel scheme.

Sure she's dedicated, smart, and detailed orientated enough to take advantage of obvious mistakes (unlike say Chrysalis), but she was still very much dependent on others to create the perfect storm for her to take advantage of.

It's unlikely she would've acquired artifacts as powerful as the six she uses in her spell just anywhere, at least not in the later seasons of the show. Same goes for the Bewitching Bell.

It becomes even less likely once you factor reasonable caution into the equation, something which the characters in the show didn't believably have enough of, even in the earlier seasons. Some villains might've been harder to trick.

Well, the Student Six shouldn't have tried to mess with the Empress, I guess. I'm sure they could have all been friends if they all just rolled over like they should have.

Why are the fics with Cozy Glow always the most dark?
Like a lot of these type of works, they really do show in depth just how twisted, toxic, delusional and psychotic Cozy’s mental state is, and worse off, how she uses it to her advantage to win. Only skilled writers can capture that image really well, and this fic is one of those works.

I like to think that Cozy does know, somewhere deep down, that she is not like most other ponies. But she has not only accepted it, but embraced it as another side of her that she can bring out if she has to. Just another tool in the toolbox for her to achieve her dreams. The ends entirely justify the means to her.

Not only that, her changelings were caught snatching Cadance, Flurry Heart and Shining Armor iirc.
Thus the element of surprise is blown for her and thus her changelings can't impersonate the royals at the Crystal Empire.
Her plan in TWABA was doomed to fail honestly.
What bugs me is how while she didn't account for Starlight, but apparently she accounted for Spike. Even if he was the hero of the Crystal Empire, her arrogance would have brushed it off as "He got lucky".
It felt like Spike got robbed hard in TWABA.
Really didn't like that finale..


Not only that, her changelings were caught snatching Cadance, Flurry Heart and Shining Armor iirc.

Yeah, apparently they failed to capture Sunburst, considering he was not seen cocooned at any point or exiting one, and sent Thorax to get help.

If they somehow captured mighty alicorns(especially Luna's case due to she was clearly awake at night and I am pretty sure even if she was in the dream-realm, any disturbance to her physical body would instantly "wake" her up and react), how did they not captured Sunburst?
They apparently remember to capture Spike(who got wasted big time here) but did not realize to capture Sunburst or something.
They really done goofted if it turns out they didn't realize they were actually spotted there.

To Where And Back Again is.. filled with iffy issues..

"Uh-huh! Tirek and Chryssie are both out there, and they want to kill the each other.

This should be "kill each other".
Excellent story! I really like Cozy's style.

Very impressive. I am curious; what were Tirek's and Chrysalis's ultimate fates? Are they enjoying a nice stay in Tartarus?

Thanks :)

I am curious; what were Tirek's and Chrysalis's ultimate fates?

Tirek is handling the castle garbage disposal, and Chrysalis is Cozy's chamber maid. I'd guess they are both longing for Tartarus at this point.

so cozy 99999999999999999999999999999
cozyquestria formerly Equestria
negative 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

They have other means they can use to reobtain magic they can still beat her when they realize their magic is disappearing and stop her.

I refuse this ending they could seek help from the human world or blow up the moon with Cozy on it.

There's always a way

Cozy Glow is really creepy.

(RU) Это было шедеврально. Это именно то какая Коузи Глоу в каноне, вы очень хорошо раскрыли её мотивацию.

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