• Published 24th Feb 2020
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Spike The Brony Dragon - red4567

A human in Spike's body will do whatever he can to change the future for the better.

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Chapter 90 (No canon episode this time)

I wiped my mouth as Twilight read through the letter.

“Looks like Princess Celestia received the memory stone safe and sound,” she said, “and she’s making sure it’s locked up so nopony or non-pony can get it. Good job finding that stone, by the way, Spike. How did you know where it was?”

“I was just roaming around the forest near the school when I found it,” I replied. “I knew it couldn’t have belonged in Sunset’s world, so I nabbed it before someone else did.”

“That’s a good idea. There’s no telling what might happen if it fell into the wrong hands…or hooves.”

I figured that would be the case, which was why I came up with the idea of sending the memory stone to Celestia instead of keeping it for myself. Another reason was that while I could erase future antagonists’ memories to reform them, the three-day removal process was too long to keep the memories forgotten; and that someone might end up reminding them of their evil deeds and goals, be it unintentional or intentional.

Twilight, Starlight, and I organized the library. Twilight looked out the window and sighed blissfully.

“The Summer Sun Celebration is coming up once again,” she said, “and you know what that means.”

“It’ll mark the second year of the girls and us being together?” I asked.

“Exactly, and hopefully there won’t be a catastrophe for us to deal with this time.”

I chuckled. “I sure hope not.”

“Right,” Starlight said. “You two and the other girls had to take care of Nightmare Moon in the first Summer Sun Celebration, and for the second one you had to deal with the Everfree forest attacking.”

“Yeah, for what it’s worth, it would be nice to have a celebration that didn’t start with something going wrong in apocalyptical proportions.”

Twilight nodded. “We’ve got a lot of planning to do this year. Celestia may not visit Ponyville again to raise the sun, but that doesn’t mean the town shouldn’t celebrate less.”

“Uh, actually, Twilight, can’t we relax for a bit?” I asked. “I mean, the Summer Sun Celebration isn’t going to arrive that soon.”

“Yeah, Twilight,” Starlight added. “I think we deserve some rest before the event.”

“Oh, alright, suit yourself,” Twilight replied. “I’ll still write some plans just in case.”

After we tidied the library, I went to my bedroom. I layed on my bed, thinking about all my previous actions ever since the last Summer Sun Celebration. Even though there were less episodes to change mostly because of the girls’ keys and map episodes, I still made a lot of improvements. The library survived, Moondancer moved in, we rebuilt the Castle of the Two Sisters to its former glory, Starlight reformed early, Griffonstone got their idol back, Tank hibernated without Rainbow getting too upset, the yaks never declared war, an investigation of Spoiled Rich’s embezzled funds started, and so much more.

I was lucky to be in Spike’s body when I came to Equestria. It helped that he was already a bipedal creature, like me. Had I been a pony, it would’ve been difficult to operate with hoofs, and it would make others grow suspicious of me. Although, I couldn’t help but wonder what would’ve happened if I was in somepony else’s body instead of Spike’s. What would I say or do? What choices would I make?

Hmm…what would happen if, instead of Spike, I came to Equestria as…


I entered the courtyard of Moondancer’s place. The area was surrounded by streamers and balloons.

“Moondancer?” I called out.

“Twilight!” A cream-colored unicorn with a red mane and black glasses galloped up to me. “I’m so glad you came! I thought you were gonna miss out on my birthday!”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, but…” I sighed and rubbed the back of my head. “I’m afraid I can’t stay long.”

“Aww, why not?”

“Now, don’t be upset. I admit I’ve not been the best friend to you, or the rest of the girls for that matter, and I really wanted to attend this party to make it up to all of you.” I looked up at Celestia’s castle. “Unfortunately, Princess Celestia assigned me to visit Ponyville to check on the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. As much as I wanted to object, turning down the princess’s offer isn’t what I would call a viable option.”

“I understand. Thanks for telling me, Twilight. Just you being here is enough for me.”

“You’re welcome.” I gave Moondancer a present. “This is from Spike and me. Happy Birthday, Moondancer.”

Moondancer took the gift and hugged me. I could feel her warmth and smooth coat as I returned the warm embrace. I never thought my very first pony hug would be my first hug goodbye.

“I promise the next time I visit Canterlot, I’ll come find you,” I said softly.

I took a few cookies before bidding Twilight’s, or “my” in this case, adieu.

…Pinkie Pie?

“Alright, let’s see if I can test this body.”

I grabbed a stool and stood on top of it. I then looked straight up at the ceiling and counted the beams.

“One, two, three…”

I slowly walked forward, keeping focus the planks of supporting wood.

Okay, moment of truth.

I immediately looked down. For a few seconds, I was hovering in mid-air!

“Woah! Oof!”

Unfortunately, true to toon logic, gravity took over. It was lucky for me that I was only a few inches off the ground.

Now that it’s clear I follow the same logic as every other Looney Tunes character from now on, let’s see how I can detect Pinkie sense.

I picked up a book and placed it on a nearby table. Slowly but surely, I pushed it closer to the edge. Once it was teetering, I could feel a tingling feeling on my backside. I looked behind me to see my fluffy tail twitching like crazy. A moment later, the book fell off the table on its own.


“So that’s what Pinkie Sense feels like,” I said. “Now I know.”

“Is everything alright up there?” A mare’s voice called out from downstairs. I knew that voice.

“Y-yes, Mrs. Cake. I just dropped a book! Apparently, books can’t fly. Who knew?”

I needed to say something random to avoid suspicion.

“Oh…okay, Pinkie,” Mrs. Cake said. “Just remember to get everything ready at the town hall for the Summer Sun Celebration. It’s not every year the Princess visits a small town to raise the sun.”

“Okie dokie loki!”


“Ugh, my legs.”

I sat down and rubbed one of my hind legs.

“Move your caboose, Applejack!” An old, familiar mare called out. “Did ya lose yer buckin’ skills or something?!”

“Uh…sorry, Granny Smith,” I replied. “I’m…not myself this morning.”

I guess that’s one way to put it.

“Well, start bein’ yerself!” Granny Smith retorted. “With the family reunion and the Summer Sun Celebration, we’re at our wits end here!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll get back to work.”

I got up and bucked one of the trees. It vibrated, but not enough to shake the apples off.

“Land sakes, Applejack, ya did lose yer buckin’ skills.” Granny Smith pointed to where I just kicked on the tree. “Ya don’t buck the tree that low, you’ll just hit the roots and end up hurtin’ yerself.” She then drew an imaginary circle higher up. “Yer supposed to hit right here. It’ll go much better for both ya’ll.”

“Right, sorry.”

I aimed much higher. With one swift kick, all the apples fell off the tree and into the baskets.

“There ya go,” Granny nodded. “Didn’t think I had to reteach ya again.”

The next set of trees I bucked got the same result, and my legs didn’t get as sore. After I’ve done my fair share of the applebucking, I made my way to the barn.

…Rainbow Dash?

“Woah! Woah! WOOOAH!!”

In an instant, I was on the other side of Ponyville. My head was still spinning.

How does the real Rainbow Dash not suffer from vertigo so much?

I had no choice but to land. I tried to descend slowly, but I learned the hard way why “slow” wasn’t in the rainbow pony’s dictionary.

“LOOK OUT!!” I shrieked.

I quickly leveled out before digging my hooves into the ground. Within seconds, my vision was filled with nothing but dirt. I climbed out of the freshly-made ditch, shaking any debris off my coat.

“Are you alright, miss?” A child’s voice asked.

On cue, a small, purple dragon appeared from behind the dirt. This was definitely Spike, and where there’s Spike there’s usually…

“Ugh, my mane!” A mare’s voice complained.

I walked around and found a purple unicorn. Her name was Twilight. She had dirt all over her mane and tail. Needless to say, she wasn’t happy.

“Er, sorry about that.” I trotted over without using my wings. “Let me help you.”

Immediately, I brushed the dirt off Twilight. By the time I was done, she was clean, but her hair was rather messy. At least it looked better than in the show.

“Let me guess,” Twilight said. “You're Rainbow Dash.”

“The one and only!” I declared, but inside I cringed hard.

I can’t believe I said that! I know it’s supposed to be in character for her and all, but still…

“You need me for something?” I asked.

“I heard you were supposed to be keeping the sky clear.” Twilight sighed. “I'm Twilight Sparkle, and the Princess sent me to check on the weather.”

“Oh, right. I’ve been working on clearing the clouds. It’s just that…” I looked at my wings. “...I’ve been trying out this new wing balm, and it’s throwing my flying way out of whack.”

“I never heard of a balm affecting a pegasus’s flight that much.” Twilight scratched her chin. “Is it possible you’re having an allergic reaction?”

“Probably. Anyway, I’ve gotta get back to clearing the clouds. It was nice talking to you, Twilight. We should hang out sometime.”

With that, I gave flying another chance. However, as if gravity was suddenly reversed, I shot straight up into the sky.

“You’re not making this any easier!” I shouted to my wings.

I looked at the clouds and shook my head.

I can’t clear these clouds out if I can’t fly straight. Hmm...what if I got some pegasi ponies to help me out?


Spike was still ogling at me. It gave me some confusing emotions. As much as I shipped Spike and Rarity, I was afraid that I had to turn him down.

“Oh, little one,” I said. “You don’t want somepony like me.”

“Why not?” Spike asked, not dropping his smile.

“Well…I’m not who you think I am.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

“Y-you don’t understand, Spike,” I said. “I…well…I used to be a stallion.”

“Well, nopony’s perfect,” Spike nonchalantly said.

I couldn’t tell if Twilight’s bewildered expression was for me or for Spike.


After feeding the animals, I gave a bowl of salad to Angel.

“Finally, I thought you would never get to me!” Angel snarked.

“I have other animals to feed as well,” I replied.

“Did I ask?”

I exhaled sharply and left the kitchen.

After hearing Angel talk, he makes Alex sound like a desirable co-worker.

When I got to the living room, three little birds were pitched by my front door.

“We’re ready, Miss Fluttershy,” One of the birds said.

“For…what?” I asked.

“The rehearsal of course,” another bird said. “Weren’t we supposed to have one more rehearsal before we sing at the town hall? I thought we did. Didn’t we?”

“Oh, right, of course.” I rubbed my forehead. “Sorry about that. I had a rough morning. Let’s get every bird to the field, please.”

I opened the door and headed out with the avian trio following me.

“Um, Fluttershy?” The third bird asked. “I’m sorry if this was too soon, but…um…what voice pitch was I supposed to use again? Tenor or Countertenor?”

“Oh…uh…” I looked down at the path. “Whatever pitch you feel comfortable using. You don’t have to force yourself to sing at a certain pitch range.”

“Ah, okay, I’m good at singing tenor.”

The little robin gave off a few tweets, which sounded amazing.

“Yeah, you should do tenor,” I said. “If you want to, that is.”

Now that I think about it, being in Spike’s body was the best option. It gives me a lot more chances to change events without acting too out of character or getting anyone suspicious of me.

The sound of hoofbeats stopped my train of thought. I sat up from my bed just to see Starlight walking by my door, holding a kite as usual.

“Hey, Starlight,” I said as I got out of my bedroom. “Are you going to do one last kite-flying for the spring?”

“Heh, I don’t know if it’ll be the last one,” Starlight replied, “but I feel like I should take this opportunity to enjoy myself before Twilight bombards us with a bunch of tasks for the upcoming celebration.”

“Fair enough.”

As Starlight and I walked down the halls, a thought came to my mind.

“So how did Twilight’s guest lecture go?” I asked. “I haven’t asked about that.”

“It went pretty well,” Starlight replied. “I’m still surprised about how the girls got their cutie marks at the same time, and that it all happened thanks to a Sonic Rainboom.”

“Funny how fate finds a way to bring everyone together.”

“Yeah, I can’t imagine what would’ve happened if the Sonic Rainboom never occurred.”

“Well, it’s not like you could find a time travel spell, go back in time, stop filly Rainbow Dash from flying, and then travel to the future to see the results.”

“That’s a weird and specific way to put it, Spike. Say, you were born during when that Sonic Rainboom happened, right?”


“Well, I didn’t want to make this sound dark, but…do you think you would…still be born even without the Rainboom?”

I looked away, thinking about what she said. Had it not been for the Rainboom, I would still be an egg. Then I remembered what Discord said about fate, even though I took his musings with a grain of salt smaller than in a bowl of low-sodium soup.

“I was once told that fate always finds a way to make sure certain things happen,” I said. “Maybe I would still be born, but it would occur in a different time. Another pony could hatch me, or I could get sent to the Dragon Lands to have someone hatch me there.”

“Yeah, that could probably happen.” Starlight looked at her kite. “I’m sorry that I brought that up. I didn’t mean to give you any bleak thoughts.”

“It’s fine, Starlight. You just need to think more positive thoughts. I mean, the girls might still get their cutie marks, albeit in a different way and at a different time, but the Sonic Rainboom already happened, and the girls, you, and I are already together.”

“I know.” Starlight opened one of the doors. “Do you want to watch me fly my kite?”

“No thanks. I appreciate the offer, though.”

“Suit yourself.”

Starlight left the castle, and I returned to my bedroom. I gave a long sigh.

Oh, Starlight. If only you knew what would’ve actually happened if the first sonic rainboom didn’t come to be.

In the show, every timeline that was affected by Starlight stopping Rainbow Dash changed for the worse. There was Sombra putting Crystal Ponies at war with the rest of Equestria, Chrysalis kidnapping everypony, Nightmare Moon making it always night, and the futures just kept getting worse from there.

That’s when I figured out something. Even though Starlight prevented the rainboom from happening in the episode, Twilight still had her wings and Spike was still alive. That meant that the doctor’s second theory on time travel was correct: traveling to the past or the future was just a fancy way of traveling to alternate dimensions. While he did say that it would be hard to travel to the future of the same timeline, the spell was able to easily send Twilight and Spike back to the future to reveal what changes were made.

In a way, it was like Father Time saying, “Yeah, you kind of messed up the timeline. Here’s what that did to the future. If you could go back and not do what you did earlier, that would be great.”

I wondered what the Spike in those bad futures were up to, and I was being optimistic that he wasn’t hurt or worse.

Assuming Spike was still alive, what could he be up to in the…

…Sombra timeline?


I dodged the kick at the last second. I palm-smacked my foe’s side, but the sudden numbness in my arm made me regret my decision.

Those fighting comic books made this look a lot easier.

Sadly, my attempts to gain the upper hand ran dry, and a quick leg sweep once again slammed me down to the ground, adding another point to my large streak of defeats.

“I yield,” I moaned out.

My rival held out a hand and helped me up. She then took off her helmet to wipe the sweat off her forehead.

“You’ve been getting stronger, Spike,” she said. “For once, it feels like a challenge instead of being one-sided.”

“If you say so, Ember,” I replied. “I’m getting tired of training everyday. Can’t we just get a day off?”

Ember sighed. “Look, Spike, I don’t like doing this either, but we have no choice nor say in this matter. This is what my…our father wanted. Every day, that Sombra guy wins more and more battles, and as much as I don’t care for those ponies, I can’t help but pity them. Plus, it isn’t just ponies that he’s after, remember? Griffonstone already fell under Sombra’s rule, Yakyakistan went down fighting, and we could be next. We’ve got to be ready when he comes knocking on our door.”

“I know, I know.” I rubbed my shoulders. “I just wish this war never happened. That we could all live in peace without having to worry about an evil figure ruining our lives.”

Ember looked away. “So do I. But let’s not think about this now. We’ve still got a good half-hour to kill.” She slipped her helmet back on. “Get ready for round ten, Spike. I’ll use only my fists this time.”

I took a deep breath and stretched a bit before letting Ember know I was ready.

…Chrysalis timeline?

I entered the cave with what little food I could find. Smolder was by the fire, slowly warming her hands.

“Oh, you’re back already,” she said as she stood up. “How did it go?”

“I didn’t find as much food as…wait…” I glared at Smolder. “‘The rooster crows at midnight.’”

Smolder sighed. “‘...and the hen tells it to pipe down.’ It’s still me, Spike.”

“You can’t be too sure. Anyway, this was all I could find.” I dumped my contents onto the rocky floor.

“Some blueberries, a handful of smelts, and a few nuts.” Smolder shrugged. “At least it’s better than nothing.”

“Yeah, but our resources are growing thin.” I sat by the fire, hugging my knees. “We keep going farther for food. Sooner or later a changeling is gonna see us. We can’t stay here any longer.”

“What choice do we have, Spike?” Smolder looked at the cave’s entrance. “The Dragonland’s have been taken over, our parents and big brother are kidnapped, and there’s no way to take on those oversized shape-shifting insects! Being on the run is all we can do.”

I covered my eyes. I could feel Smolder’s hand reaching over and pulling her close to me.

“Listen, it may not be the life we want to have, but we should still do our best to survive.”

I looked up at my big sister. “Do you think this war will stop? That Chrysalis would give up, or at least be defeated?”

Smolder stared at the fire for the longest time.

“Y-yeah,” Smolder said. “I’m sure it will come to an end, all this invasion and kidnapping.”

It was pretty clear Smolder was just saying that so I could feel better, but I didn’t want her to know that.

“Thanks.” I gave a small smirk as I leaned into her.

We cooked what little food we found, and had our “dinner.” I prayed that it would be the smallest meal we would eat in all this fiasco, but I didn't have my hopes up.

…Nightmare Moon timeline?

I turned off my flashlight and tossed my backpack aside as I entered my cave. My eyes were glued to the ground.

“I’m home!” I shouted, trying not to sound like I was venting out my frustration.

“Welcome back! Dinner’s almost ready!” My father called out from the kitchen. “Go ahead and wash up!”

I sighed as I washed my hands. After that, I sat at the table while my dad gave me a bowl of vegetable soup and a few gems for dipping. He then prepared himself the same thing and took a seat on the other side of the rocky table.

“So…how was…oh.” My father could clearly read my brooding face, not that I was trying to hide it anyway. “What happened?”

“I got my history test back.” I looked away. “I didn’t do so well.”

“Oh, Spike.” Dad pinched the bridge of his lumpy nose. “How bad was it this time?”

I grabbed my backpack and took out the sheet of paper. I then gave it to Dad, who shook his head.

“The teacher could dip this entire paper in ink and it would have much less markings than this,” my father said with exasperation.

“All I did was write the truth,” I defended. “I know for a fact that the world wasn’t always lit up by the moon, that there was a big ball of light that once gave out more light and warmth than anydragon could imagine! It makes more sense than what my teacher told me.”

“Son, listen, I’ve read that old pony book just as much as you did, but you have to understand that these history teachers...”

“...are a bunch of blind lemmings trying to spread propaganda onto the youth culture?”

“Okay, maybe that part’s true too, but…the point is, these guys are just following orders. We can’t always do or believe in what we want, and I’d know.” My dad stared at his soup bowl.

“Quite a crummy world we live in if that’s the case.”

I returned to my seat and ate in silence. Dad still looked at the paper.

“You know…” He shifted forward in his seat. “We could try to find these answers out ourselves…”

I looked up from my bowl. “Really? How?”

“Somedragon…or non-dragon out there might know something that isn’t written in the history books. For all we know, a big light ball did exist at one point and we never knew about it. Maybe we could venture out of the Dragonland borders and find that creature.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” I jumped out of my chair. “Let’s hit the road already!”

I was about to run out of the cave, when my dad’s light-green hands stopped me.

“Woah, easy, son,” he said. “You still have school, remember? This isn’t one of those stories where you can just start an adventure at the drop of a hat. We don’t know how long this journey might be, and we can be certain it won’t last a weekend.”

“Right.” I rubbed my forehead.

“Let’s wait until you’re done with school for the year, then we can set off. Plus, we’ll have time to prepare. I can teach you how to use the crossbow, even though I meant to give you that for your sixteenth birthnight.”

“Okay.” I resumed eating dinner.

I don’t know how Spike will manage in the bad future timelines, but I hope he’ll be alright.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

“Come in!” I called out.

Twilight entered my bedroom, holding out a sheet of parchment that I almost mistook for a roll of paper towels.

“Hey, Spike,” Twilight said. “What have you been up to?”

“Just…thinking,” I replied.

“About what?”

“Well…how lucky I am to be here with you and the girls.”

“Aww, how sweet, Spike. Anyway, I’ve just finished making a list of what we should do for this year’s Summer Sun Celebration.”

“I thought you were going to let us relax.”

“I am. I just want to make sure you and Starlight know what you two have to do when we start preparations.”

“I hope that list isn’t just full of my tasks.”

“Don’t worry. It’s only a fraction of your total tasks. Go ahead and read the scroll what you’re assigned to while I find Starlight.”

As Twilight left, I rolled my eyes with a smirk. I read the long list and took note of my assignments.

Even with Twilight’s strict scheduling, this timeline is still more preferable to the others.

Author's Note:

Which alternate character/timeline did you find the most interesting?

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