• Published 24th Feb 2020
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Spike The Brony Dragon - red4567

A human in Spike's body will do whatever he can to change the future for the better.

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Chapter 85 (Crusaders of the Lost Mark)

There was not much I could do for “Rarity Investigates.” I had no reason to visit Canterlot again, and while I could have revealed that Wind Rider was the culprit early, it was better if Rarity did her detective persona.

I had a bigger priority anyway. Sooner or later, I needed to invoke an investigation from the EEA to determine if Spoiled Rich used money from the Ponyville School Board to build that Diamond Tiara statue. It couldn’t have been a coincidence since Pipsqueak would later point out the board couldn’t afford a new playground.

One day, as I was walking down the road from Sweet Apple Acres, I saw a crowd of fillies and colts outside the schoolhouse with Pipsqueak and Diamond Tiara talking to them. I hid behind a tree and listened to the conversation.

“Our playground equipment took quite a beating during Twilight and Spike's battle with Tirek!” Pipsqueak announced. “If I'm voted in as student pony president, I'll go to the school board and right this wrong!”

The school election! Also known as the day the CMC get their cutie marks!

I had an idea on what exactly I would do. I quickly left the area and hurried back to the castle. I searched the drawers and shelves in my room for what I needed.

“What are you looking for, Spike?” Twilight asked.

“A camera,” I replied as I looked in my closet.

“What for?”

“Taking pictures.”

“Of what?”

“Birds,” I lied. “Oh, here we go!”

I found the same camera I used to prove Suri stole Rarity’s designs for the Manhattan fashion show. It still had some pictures left.

“I think that one has an adjustable flash,” Twilight said as she walked up to me. “That would be useful if you don’t want to scare any birds.”

“I didn’t know you could adjust the flash on this.”

“It’s a bit tricky. Let me see it.”

I handed Twilight the camera. After a few minutes of magic, she handed it back to me.

“There. The flash will still activate, but it’ll be less noticeable. Just keep in mind that your pictures will be a bit darker than usual.”

“Thanks, Twilight.”

I departed from the castle and sat patiently at a bench in the middle of town. I didn’t know how exactly long it was until Tiara confronted her mother, so I waited for a sign.

“Hey, Spike!” Pinkie pronked up to me. “What’s with the camera? Are you gonna take pictures? Ooh! Take one of me!” She struck a pose. “How’s this?”

“Sorry, Pinkie, but I need these photos for something important. All I can say is that something big is going to happen today.”

“Tell me about it. This morning, I had one heck of a doozy, even more so than the time Twilight accepted my Pinkie Sense. Whatever it is, I’m gonna need lots of party decorations. In fact, I should probably get them right now! Seeya, Spike!”

Pinkie galloped away. I continued sitting on the bench until I saw some worker ponies passing by.

“I know she pays well, but I wish that mare was somewhat nicer,” one of them said.

“I wish she was nice, period,” the other replied. “I know she cares a lot about her daughter, but this wasn’t the first statue we ever made of her.”

That was my cue. I got off the bench and secretly followed the two ponies. They approached the back of a building. After knocking, the two ponies went inside. I snuck around the side, and I didn’t have to wait long to see Spoiled Rich and some of her servants enter the building.

Now, Tiara should come up any minute now…

As if she read my mind, Diamond Tiara came up the street looking disappointed. She must’ve already lost the election, and given how she was by herself, Silver Spoon must’ve also cut her loose.

Tiara’s mother exited the building just in time to see her. “Diamond Tiara! Why are you making that face? That is not the face of a winner.”

Spoiled’s servants left the building with a few trinkets, including a statue of Diamond Tiara. Given how the butler, Randolph, was carrying it with only minor strains, either he must’ve had a strong back or the statue was made of pumice.

Quickly, I pulled out my camera and snapped a photo of the statue. Thanks to the dimmed flash, nopony noticed. I then snaked my way to the front door.

“It's bad enough you lost to that transplant from Trottingham, but imagine if you'd lost to one of those blank flanks!” Spoiled exclaimed to her daughter.

I immediately made a fist, but I went against my instincts and opened my hand back up.

Don’t do it, David. You’re already in the process of taking Pony Umbridge down a different way.

I entered the shop and rang the desk bell.

“What’s the issue, now, Mrs…?” The salespony looked over the counter at me. “Oh, I apologize. I thought you were Mrs. Rich. How can I help you?”

“I’m doing a private investigation,” I replied. “Do you have a ledger or any sort of record of past purchases?”

“Yes, we do.” The clerk reached below the counter. “I know you said ‘private,’ but may I ask why?”

“All I can say is that there have been suspicious purchases and I need to know where the funds came from and how they were used.”

“Well, child, I can assure you that all our payments and expenses are legal and legit. The only laundering we’ve done is with our work uniforms. In fact, we already got some of the richest ponies in Ponyville buying from us already. Not the nicest, but they keep us in business, so it would be unnecessary to get funds from any other means.”

The salespony took out a big book. I flipped through the pages until I found Spoiled Rich’s name, the product she ordered, the estimated cost, and the date of the order. According to the ledger, she made the order a few days ago. Given how Spoiled was the head of the school board, she must have been really confident that her daughter would win and ensured that her campaign promises were fulfilled.

I took a picture of Spoiled’s order and gave the log book right back.

“Thank you,” I said to the salespony. “Oh, and remember. If a pony in dark robes from the EEA comes by, do not tell them a dragon was here. Tell them it was a pony who wished to stay anonymous.”

“Why?” The clerk put the book away.

“All I can say is that the EEA wouldn’t believe a dragon did all this. A pony would be more believable to them.”

“Alright, I’ll tell them you were a pony.”

“Thank you.”

I exited the building and checked my photos. One showed the statue of Tiara while the other one showed the order of the statue. Both of them were a bit darkened, but they were still legible enough to show every detail.

My final stop was at the Ponyville Schoolhouse. I took my time getting there since I was in no rush to send the evidence.

When I got to the school, I could hear ponies arguing from an open window. I already knew who the ponies were and what they were arguing about. It was also another argument that didn’t frustrate me for some reason.

“This is an outrage!” Spoiled’s voice shouted. “How can my daughter lose?! A recount must be done!”

“I’m sorry, Spoiled,” Cheerilee replied calmly, “but I’m afraid that your daughter only got one vote. All the other students voted for Pipsqueak. When it comes to voting, the majority wins. It’s how we have fair and agreeable laws in Equestria.”

“Hmph! We’ll see how fair and agreeable your new student president is after he finds a way to fulfill his promises.”

I heard hoofsteps stomping out. I climbed up the window and called for Cheerilee.

“Spike?” Cheerilee approached the windowsill. “What brings you here?”

“I heard about a school election and an unexpected victory,” I replied. “Not to mention a slightly sore loser.”

“Diamond Tiara is not the only pony upset over her loss, I’m afraid. Her mother, Spoiled Rich, doesn’t believe it either. Thankfully, there’s not enough power in her position as the school board president to overthrow the polls.”

“So is it true that Pipsqueak will have a new playground established?”

“That’s uncertain. We don’t have enough money in the school budget to afford a decent playground. Which is funny, since I was sure we had plenty.”

“You wouldn’t happen to have a record of the board’s funds, would you?” I showed her my camera. “Maybe there’s some suspicious activity going on.”

Cheerilee went to her desk and took out a maroon book. She showed me the most recent entries.

“We keep track of the funds and update the log every week.” Cheerilee pointed to the bottom of the page. “Here’s what today's amount is. As you can see, it’s rather low.”

She wasn’t kidding. While previous amounts were somewhere in the upper hundreds or lower thousands at most, the current one barely hit double digits. I took a picture of it immediately.

“I’ll try to reach the EEA and see where these funds went,” I said. “Hopefully, this will be sorted out.”

“Good luck, Spike,” Cheerilee said as she returned the book to the desk.

“Oh, and if you meet any of their members, don’t tell them that it was me that sent them the pictures. They don’t trust anyone who isn’t a pony.”

“I’m afraid I’m already aware of that. Don’t worry, Spike. Your secret is safe with…uh, oh.”

Cheerilee and I heard the sound of ponies arguing outside.

Cheerilee sighed. “I better go see what’s going on. Take care, Spike.”

“You, too,” I replied.

I ran back to the castle and headed to my room with all three photos I took today. I got out a quill and a piece of parchment, and I wrote a letter to the EEA.

“To the members of the EEA,

For security and privacy reasons, I wish to remain anonymous at this time. I hope you will understand.

It has come to my attention that I have noticed signs of embezzled funds from the president of the Ponyville School Board, Spoiled Rich. Attached are photos of this possible misappropriation, which includes a sudden depleted school budget, a rather costly purchase of a statue, and the statue itself. I also believe that her husband and daughter, Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara, are of no accomplice to this state of affairs as I found no evidence of their involvement.

It would be wise to have this event investigated as soon as possible to confirm the situation. I do not believe that the reduced school funds and commissioned statue are of coincidence.

Thank you for your time.”

After double-checking to make sure I wasn’t in any of the photos, I attached them to the letter with a paperclip and rolled the whole thing up. I wrote “For the EEA, keep anonymous” on the outside and sent the letter to Princess Celestia.

Here’s hoping they believe me. I kept my species a secret in that letter, so they shouldn’t suspect I was a dragon.

I lied on my bed, thinking about what would happen if the EEA discovered the funds were indeed embezzled. I explicitly said that neither Tiara nor Mr. Rich was involved, so the worst thing that could happen is that Spoiled would be removed from her position or put on probation.

Whatever the case, it’ll serve her right for—


I instantly sat up. Twilight slammed open my bedroom door. She looked like she just won the lottery.

“What’s going—?” I began to ask.

“It’s the Cutie Mark Crusaders! They finally got their cutie marks!”

I pretended to be surprised. “Really?! And you’re sure there’s no potions involved this time?”

“Nope! They’re real cutie marks! Go to Sugarcube Corner and see for yourself! I have to go and get Starlight!”

After Twilight left, I headed back outside. I got into town just in time to see Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Applejack singing to the CMC. Just like in the show, the CMC had their new cutie marks on their flanks.

“I told you it was a big doozy,” Pinkie whispered to me.

“And a big doozy it was,” I replied.

The crowd around me expressed excitement and joy over the CMC’s accomplished goal. However, there was one pony I saw who had yet to join in conveying their jubilation.

“Is something wrong, Starlight?” I asked. “You look lost in thought.”

“Oh, sorry.” Starlight blinked. “It’s just that…seeing the Cutie Mark Crusaders so happy like that. I never knew how much of a big deal it was getting a cutie mark around here.” She looked at her own flank. “It’s a good thing I stopped opposing cutie marks. I never knew how special they could be.”

“Well, the CMC had been trying to get their cutie marks ever since they met. You can’t blame them for being so ecstatic.”

Starlight giggled. “That’s true.”

As we continued celebrating the CMC’s cute-ceañera, I hoped that the EEA would get my letter and conduct an investigation to see if Spoiled did use the school’s budget for the statue. The only thing left to do now was to wait and enjoy the festivities.

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