• Published 24th Feb 2020
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Spike The Brony Dragon - red4567

A human in Spike's body will do whatever he can to change the future for the better.

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Chapter 75 (Scare Master)

Twilight, Rarity, Applejack and I were at the throne room drinking tea. It had only been yesterday since Rarity and AJ returned from their friendship quest.

“So how was your time in Manehattan?” Twilight asked.

“Truly glamorous, darling!” Rarity exclaimed. “We’ve gotten the chance to explore more of the city a bit before we started our friendship problem, and you wouldn’t believe who needed our help.”

“Coco Pommel?” I joked.

“How’d ya know that?” Applejack asked.

“Oh, wait. Was it actually her? I was only joking!” That was a lie.

Rarity continued. “Anyway, Miss Pommel was tasked with hosting this event called ‘the Midsummer Theater Revival’ after Charity Kindheart moved away, and she had a lot on her plate already. She had to fix some costumes for ‘My Fair Filly,’ and she couldn’t get any volunteers to help her with this event. That is why Applejack and I pitched in.”

Applejack adjusted her hat. “Unfortunately, none of the ponies we’ve met could volunteer for us. So…we took matters into our own hooves. I’ll spare the details on how run-down the park was, even with my attempts to restore it. Just when we were ‘bout to give up, however, we decided to work on what we could do to help.”

“We had a simple small stage in front of the park, and soon every Manehattan on the block came to see it. They remembered what Charity used to do, and soon everypony got together and became a community again. Then our…ahem…cutie marks glowed once more. That meant we must have solved the friendship problem.”

“And we also learned how a small contribution can have a mighty big impact.”

Twilight clapped her hooves. “That was amazing. I sure wished I was there...not that there was anything wrong with the Sisterhooves Social, of course!”

“How’s Coco doing these days?” I asked.

“Well, she’s been managing work on her own terms after what happened with Suri,” Rarity replied. “Honestly, that thief, Polomare, got what she deserved for ripping off my whole design.”

“Now that I think about it, doesn’t it seem over the top that Suri got arrested just for stealing one pony’s design?” Twilight asked. “I mean, I can understand if she was fined or disqualified from the contest, but having to face jail time just for infringement of somepony’s original idea?

“From what Coco told us, I wasn’t the first pony she stole designs from, darling.” Rarity sipped her tea.

I did the same for mine. I didn’t expect any difference in this episode compared to what happened in the show. It was not like I could be in two places at once, and I wanted to avoid using the mirror pool.

Nightmare Night was coming up, and I already thought of what my costume should be. Since I went as a Night Fury last year, I wanted to continue the theme of going as a dragon from pop culture. This year, it would be a red dragon with a long mustache and blue horns. He was from another movie that I watched back in my old world.

The day before Nightmare Night, I purchased some red and orange body paint, orange pipe cleaners, and a pair of blue styrofoam cones for my costume. I had thoughts about getting something to extend my tail to make me look longer and slimmer, but I decided against it since I knew about the upcoming episode: “Scare Master.”

In this episode, Fluttershy would join the girls for Nightmare Night, but would constantly have the girls dial back on the scariness. That is until she would dress up as Flutterbat again and scare us for real. There wasn’t anything I could change for this episode, though. I respected Fluttershy’s choice on not celebrating Nightmare Night like the rest of us. If she wanted to have the tradition of staying under her bed after this night, that was fine by me.

On the night of Nightmare Night, I spread old newspapers across my room. I grabbed a paintbrush and carefully painted my face and arms with the red body paint. I was about to do my legs when I heard a familiar voice.

“Twilight? Spike? Hello?”

“Fluttershy? Is that you?” I asked.

“S-Spike? Where are you?” Fluttershy asked.

“I’m in my room. But be careful coming in! I’m wearing red body—”

“EEEK!!” Fluttershy shrieked when she opened the bedroom door.

“…paint.” I put the paintbrush down. “I was trying not to scare you.”

“You didn’t say how red it was going to be.” Fluttershy put her hoof on her chest.

“Actually, now that you’re here, could you please help paint my back red?”

“Uhm…okay…” Fluttershy walked over to me. “Your whole back or…?”

“My whole back, please. Including my spines. Don’t worry about leaving any brushstrokes. Once the paint dries, they should disappear.”

Fluttershy dipped the brush into the red paint and stroked it gently down my back. It almost tickled me a bit.

“Wait a minute, why are you here, Fluttershy?” I asked despite knowing the answer. “I thought you liked staying under your bed during Nightmare Night.”

“I do, but I foolishly forgot to stock up on food for Angel.” Fluttershy replied as she redipped the paintbrush. “I had to go out to get him something, but I got spooked in town. So I came here hoping Twilight had some lettuce I could give him.”

“That’s a shame. I thought that maybe you were brave enough to join us for a change.”

“Goodness, no! I couldn't be out tonight. I just couldn't.”

“Well, you’re out right now. Why don’t you stay with our friends for a bit more? I’m sure they’d love that.”

I could sense Fluttershy’s worried face without having to turn around. That’s when both of us heard the distant sounds of ponies laughing.

“Before you freak out again, that’s the rest of the girls,” I said. “They’re over at the library telling each other spooky stories. In fact, let’s go see them now.”

“But what about the paint?” Fluttershy asked.

“It dries quickly. I can do the rest later.”

Fluttershy and I went down the hall and into the library. The girls, including Starlight, were sitting around a lantern telling ghost stories.

“Hi, everypony,” Fluttershy greeted as I turned the lights on.

Everypony freaked out immediately.

“Relax, it’s just body paint,” I said.

“Fluttershy, what are you doing here?” Twilight asked. “Is everything okay?”

“Everything is fine.” Fluttershy replied. “In fact, it's more than fine. I've decided to join you in your Nightmare Night festivities.”

Everypony was aghast at what Fluttershy said. She explained it would be like when she sang in front of everypony. The girls all cheered once they heard that.

“You will need a costume for Nightmare Night,” said Rarity. “I can take you to the boutique and we can pick one just for you.”

As Fluttershy left with Rarity, I hurried back to my room to continue my painting. After finishing with the red paint, I put the orange paint on my belly and the underside of my tail. I then taped the orange pipe cleaners to my upper lip to look like I had a long but thin mustache. Finally, I glued the blue cones to my head. I used regular glue because I’ve heard way too many stories about idiots who used superglue for their costumes only to instantly regret it.

Once my costume was all done, I checked the mirror in case I missed any spots. Afterwards, I left the castle and hurried to the Carousel Boutique. I quickly knocked on the door as soon as I got there.

“Come in!” Rarity called out.

I opened the door to see Fluttershy and Rarity. The latter was wearing a mermaid’s outfit.

Is there a difference between a pony mermaid and seapony?

“Oh, Spike. You’re just in time,” Rarity said. “We were just in the process of choosing a costume for Fluttershy.”

“Need any help?” I asked.

“Not really, but you’re welcome to stay if you like. The girls should arrive soon in their costumes.” Rarity then looked at my costume. “Is this another dragon?”

“Yep. I was going for one of those long, slender dragons, but I was a bit too pudgy.”

“Ah, like the ones in some of Mistmane’s myths and legends. Good choice.” Rarity then turned to Fluttershy. “Now, let’s pick your costume.”

Rarity pulled out a rack with lots of costumes.

“Mummy? No. Headless pony? No. Vampire fruit bat? Ugh, definitely no. You see, Fluttershy, the beauty of Nightmare Night is that you don't have to dress up as something scary.”

As Rarity turned around to get another rack, her tail slapped Fluttershy’s cheek by mistake.

“Careful, Rarity,” I said. I quickly walked up to Fluttershy.

“Ooh! Yes. This one will look gorgeous on you.” Rarity pulled out a puffy dress. “Period costumes are all the rage this year.”

Fluttershy’s anxious look on her face did not go unnoticed.

“What? No good?” Rarity asked.

Fluttershy asked, “What if we encounter something terrifying and need to get away quickly? All those layers could slow me down, or worse, make me trip!”

“Oh. I never...considered that. Never fear!”

Rarity turned around again. This time I caught her tail to avoid Fluttershy’s cheek getting abused again.

“Thank you,” Fluttershy whispered.

“How about an animal costume, Fluttershy?” I offered. “Maybe you could go as a cute bunny rabbit.”

“Oh, that’s going to be a big no for me, Spike,” Fluttershy said boldly. “I’m sorry, but I’m against dressing up as one of my animal friends. The last time I dressed up as a bunny, Angel couldn’t speak to me for a week.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

“Ooh, now this is a real stunner!” Rarity pulled out a black dress and a fancy eye mask. “I call it ‘Masquerade’! Just a simple black dress underneath but with this ornately decorated mask!”

But just like in the show, Fluttershy preferred to wear that costume under one condition: she didn’t have to wear the mask. She justified this by saying it would be difficult to look around her. Rarity reluctantly allowed it.

“You could try putting on some black eyeshadow,” I suggested. “It could make you look goth. Plus, you’d be wearing something on your face that doesn’t obstruct your vision.”

“I…guess it would be okay…” Fluttershy mumbled. “...but I would need to find…”

Rarity pulled some from one of the drawers and handed it to Fluttershy. She took it and the black dress and slipped into one of the fitting rooms.

“It's so plain, it's frightening,” Rarity whispered. “Even with that black makeup.”

The front door opened, and the rest of the girls came in wearing their costumes. Twilight wore a Greek soldier’s armor, Rainbow Dash was an astronaut, Applejack was a lion, Pinkie was a roller skater, and Starlight was in a pink princess outfit complete with fake wings and crown.

“Oh, my! Look at all of you!” Rarity exclaimed delightfully. “My costumes fit you to a T!”

I nodded in agreement. That’s when Fluttershy came out in her black dress. She had the black eyeshadow on her eyelids. She almost looked like the mother of that creepy and kooky family, but without the black mane.

“Hey, Fluttershy, where's your costume?” Rainbow asked.

“I'm wearing it,” Fluttershy replied.

Pinkie scratched her chin and gasped. “I get it! You're a robber escaping into the night! You're a ninja escaping into the night! You're black licorice escaping into the night!”

Fluttershy shook her head for all three guesses. “Close. I'm going to a masquerade ball. But with goth eyeshadow instead of the mask.”

“Oh...that’s...great,” Twilight said. “Isn’t it great?”

The rest of the girls tried to show enthusiasm and encouragement. Fluttershy gave a tiny smirk.

We all went to Sugarcube Corner later that night. Pinkie Pie had already set some games up for us. They were mostly tame given how Fluttershy was with us tonight.

“I figured I'd save the really scary games for next year when Fluttershy's more used to it,” said Pinkie.

Each of us took turns pinning the horn on Nightmare Moon. Rainbow Dash was the closest one. When it came to Fluttershy’s turn, however, she didn’t want to put the blindfold on.

Fluttershy rubbed the side of her leg. “Well…uhm…it's just that if I'm blindfolded and somepony were to leap out in front of me, I'd never have the chance to defend myself.”

“I could defend for you,” I said. “If you want me to, that is.”

“That's fine, darling,” Rarity said to Fluttershy. “You don't have to do anything you don't want to.”

“We're just glad you're here,” Twilight said.

“We don't have to finish that game,” said Pinkie. “I have another one I know you'll love: bobbing for apples!”

Pinkie grabbed a basket of apples and dumped them into a big tub of water.

Once again, Fluttershy’s worried look appeared.

“Fluttershy, what’s wrong?” asked Twilight.

“It's just that, uhm…” Fluttershy stared at her reflection in the apple-polluted liquid. “What happens if, when my head is deep down in the water, some kind of scary monster appears? How would I even hear to know I was under attack?”

“I could…tap you lightly on the shoulder to let you know,” I proposed.

“Time for candy!” Pinkie shouted. She slid over the counter and placed seven paper bags with our faces poorly-drawn on them. “Each bag has been made with each of you in mind, complete with each of your favorite candies!”

The rest of the girls and I took our bags. However, Fluttershy kept staring at hers.

“Take it. Take it! What are you waiting for?” Pinkie asked.

Fluttershy peeked into the bag. “Well, it's just...what if when I'm eating one of these chewy taffies, my mouth becomes glued shut and I can't scream for help?”

“I could scream for y—” I sighed sharply and shook my head. “No. That’s being too ridiculous.”

“Oh, goodness. We've only just started to celebrate Nightmare Night together, and I'm already taking all the fun out of it, aren't I?”

“You're not taking out all of the fun,” Pinkie denied.

Rainbow said. “Just about ninety per—”

Her helmet got bonked by a piece of candy.

“...some of it,” RD corrected.

“I really wanna do this,” Fluttershy said concernedly. “But there's just so many things that terrify me about tonight. I couldn't possibly predict what might upset me.”

“Then…why don’t you do the scaring?” Starlight suggested.

“Her scaring us?!” Rainbow Dash guffawed so much her helmet fogged up. The silence made her quiet down. “Oh. You're being serious.”

“Starlight might be onto something,” Twilight said. “The thing you hate is being scared, Fluttershy, but if you're the one doing the scaring, then...”

Fluttershy widened her eyes. “Then I can help you all have fun and I can still be a part of Nightmare Night!”

“You like the idea?” I asked.

“I think I do! And I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I think I have the perfect idea for how I'm gonna do it!”

She then backed away creepily.

“Meet me at my cottage in an hour,” she said in a spooky voice. She then peeked through the doorway and spoke in her normal voice, “I'm excited to see everypony soon!”

The hour flew by already. The girls and I headed up the path to Fluttershy’s cottage.

“What do you think Fluttershy has in store for us?” Starlight asked.

“Who knows? I hope it’s something good and scary,” I said.

Twilight knocked on the door, which slowly creaked open to reveal the room inside. The room was almost pitch black, with a grey fog surrounding a table fit for eight ponies.

“Welcome to Fluttershy's tea party,” Fluttershy’s voice echoed through the walls.

“Did she just say…‘tea party’?” Rainbow asked.

“It sounds like it's a scary tea party?” Twilight guessed.

I’m afriad Rainbow has a point. I wouldn’t use “tea party” for something scary either.

Fluttershy’s voice spoke again. “Have a seat. Don't be scared of what awaits you.”

We did just that. We felt a bit more confused than scared.

“Go on. Pass the sugar.”

Rarity levitated the sugar bowl to Applejack, but the lion pony turned the bowl upside down to reveal that it was empty.

“Oh, no! There is none!” Fluttershy’s voice exclaimed. “You're a terrible host!”

I guess I can play along. No shame in doing so.

“How could you?!” I said to Applejack and Rarity. “Now the guests will be as bitter as the tea they’ll drink.”

“Spike, what in tarnation are ya doing?” Applejack asked.

“Rarity, put your coat on!” Fluttershy’s voice called out.

“Why would I do that?” Rarity asked.

“You need to cover up because no one has complimented your dress!”

I gasped. “She’s right! Not a soul noticed! How can a fashionista design such a lavish and eye-catching dress only to fail at grabbing everypony’s attention?”

“Are you serious about all this?” Rainbow asked me.

Fluttershy’s voice rang again. “Pinkie Pie, look to your left and ask your best friend to pass the cucumber sandwiches!”

Pinkie replied, “I can't. There's nopony there.”

“That's right. Because she didn't care to show up.”


“A friend who didn't come through. That must scare you to the core!”

“That’s true!” I exclaimed. “Just imagine the guest of honor not even bothering to show up. All those hours setting up a party to find out you’ve done it all for zilch!”

“I have a party cannon that does it in seconds, Spike,” Pinkie said. “Same for when I take the decorations down.”

“Quick, everypony, look behind you!” Fluttershy’s voice shouted.

In an instant, cardboard cutouts of various ponified manga characters dropped down from the ceiling.

I nearly forgot Fluttershy was an otaku. That, and manga is canon in Equestria.

“Uh…what are those?” Rainbow asked.

“They're unplanned guests,” Fluttershy’s voice replied. “Your worst nightmare. You don't have enough food for them!”

“Oh the shame of it!” I exclaimed. “How did we not prepare for this? After having one failure of a tea party, I’m ashamed to show my face in public!”

“Now, cut that out, Spike!” Twilight retorted.

Just then, a wind-up toy cat plopped onto the table.

“Oh, no! There's a tiny kitten that needs a home! But you are over-scheduled right now. You don't have time to help!” Fluttershy’s voice cried.

Everypony stayed silent. I quickly picked the kitten up and petted it.

“I said, ‘You don't have time to help!’” This should appear to scare you!” Fluttershy peeked out from behind a nearby sofa. She said in her normal voice. “Why don't you look terrified? You showed up to a party and everypony was extremely disappointed in you. Can you imagine anything more upsetting?”

“It was a really good try, darling,” replied Rarity, “but the scares at Nightmare Night are of an entirely different nature.”

Twilight got off her chair. “It was really creative, though. I never would have thought of...all this.”

“I…I enjoyed it,” I said. “It was rather unique. Granted, it was more bone-cooling than bone-chilling, but it’s not bad for a scary tea party.”

Fluttershy looked to the floor. “Oh, I'm just not cut out for this. Just go on without me.”

“Oh, no,” Rarity denied. “We couldn't possibly…”

“You have to. This is the night you look forward to all year.”

“We could...stay here?” Pinkie suggested.

Rainbow Dash glared at her.

“It's okay. I really want you all to have fun.” Fluttershy walked over to the front door. “This is how I spend every Nightmare Night. Please go. I'll be fine.”

We all left Fluttershy’s cottage. By the time we returned to Ponyville, Rainbow gave out a harsh sigh.

“I’ll say it: I can’t believe we wasted our time at her cottage,” Rainbow bluntly said. “Serves us right for believing Fluttershy could scare us.”

“Rainbow Dash, she was trying her best,” Twilight scolded. “Sure it was a disappointment, but you don’t need to be like that.”

“So now what?” Starlight asked.

“Well, the maze event should be happening right about now,” Applejack said. “What say we go there?”

“Good idea. Let’s go,” Twilight said.

We headed over to Applejack’s farm where we saw the corn maze. There was a hooded figure standing near the entrance. By the time we approached, the figure unveiled its hood to reveal Granny Smith in an uncanny horse mask. We all screamed and then laughed. Granny motioned us into the maze.

“It's a good thing Fluttershy isn't here because she would never be able to handle this!” Rainbow said.

We explored the maze, encountering almost every trap. From Big Mac in a mummy costume, to white-painted sticks that looked like bones, to hanging peeled grapes resembling eyeballs, we were frightened yet thrilled.

“So the goal is to reach the other side, right?” I asked.

“Actually, it’s to get to the center,” Applejack corrected.

“Right. Sorry.”

All of a sudden, a dark figure whooshed behind us.

“What was that?” Applejack asked.

“Don’t you know?” I scratched my head.

“Uh…o-of course I do. It was, uh…”

That’s when three glowing ghosts appeared right in front of us. I knew who they were, but I didn’t want to spoil it for the girls.

Every one of us dashed away from the floating ghouls. We made a lot of twists and turns. Thankfully, we didn’t split up like in every horror movie made. But no matter what we did, the haunting bed sheets were always right behind us.

I kept myself behind Rarity since I knew what would happen next. In an instant, Rarity tripped over her mermaid tail. Much to my surprise, Starlight next to her also tripped on her own costume, tearing a small portion of her dress off.

“Are you two girls alright?” I asked as I helped them up.

“Fluttershy had a point with the layers on the dress,” Rarity said.

Starlight noticed the slash on her outfit and moaned, “Oh, speaking of dress…”

“Yeah, this is why the real princesses go naked,” I said.

The three of us quickly caught up with the other cold-sweated costume-goers. By the time we got there, the girls had all fallen into the hole right beside the tree. We screeched to a halt just at the edge of the hold.

“Just jump in!” I shouted. “There’s no other way!”

Starlight and Rarity did just that. I quickly followed suit and landed right where the other girls were.

“What is this? Is it a tunnel? Where does it lead?!” Rarity asked in a panicky tone.

The hole above us was soon covered by what I assumed was a boulder, blocking out all the moonlight. The ones with horns in our group casted a light spell to illuminate the darkness.

“Is everypony okay?” Twilight asked.

Moans were the girls only reply.

All that running made me sweat. I instinctively wiped my forehead with the back of my hand, but I remembered too late that I was still in costume. My purple scales peeked out from the redness covering my body.

“Aww, man. My body paint’s coming off,” I groaned. “I’m gonna spread dishonor on those ghosts when we get out of here!”

“Which way are we supposed to go now?!” Twilight asked as she looked around.

“I don't know!” Applejack retorted. “I don't know what's goin' on!”

“What do you mean?” Rainbow asked as she tried to push the entrance open. “Didn't you help plan this?”

Applejack was interrupted when she saw Granny Smith on a rocking chair nearby. The scene played out like in the show. Applejack unconvincingly denied that she was afraid, and she approached Granny Smith. But the reveal that it was a skeleton in Granny’s shawl was all it took for Applejack to run in the other direction. We followed in fright after her until we came across a tunnel that split in all directions.

“Applejack, was this some sort of secret tunnel your family planned without you knowing?” I asked.

“Alright, I got to admit I didn't know about any of this,” Applejack confessed, “but maybe they're just tryin' to make it interestin' for me, too! I'm sure Granny Smith or Big Mac is behind this.”

Unfortunately, her hypothesis was instantly proven wrong when Granny Smith and Big Mac’s voices were heard right above us. From what we heard, they were busy scaring other ponies who wandered into the maze.

“That's what we were supposed to do!” Applejack shouted. “I don't know why we're down here! This is really scarin' me now!”

And it’s about to get worse.

True to what I was thinking, the sound of stomping shook the ground around us. From behind a corner appeared a swamp monster.

“How did that get down here?!” Pinkie asked.

The Mane 5, Starlight, and I dashed off in the other direction. That’s when I realized what was coming up next.

“Girls! Watch out for the web!” I shouted.

But my voice fell on deaf ears as every mare got caught in the trap. Thankfully, I slid under it at the last minute.

“I can't see!” Pinkie cried as her vision was blocked by Rarity’s mermaid tail.

“I can barely move!” Rainbow shouted. “It's like glue!”

“Twilight! Teleport the girls to my side! Hurry!” I yelled.

This time the girls heard me. Twilight’s horn lit up, and the Mane 5 plus Starlight poofed right off the web and appeared right by my side in the nick of time.

“I see an exit!” Starlight pointed to a light at the end of the tunnel. “Let’s go!”

We ran down the tunnel and out of the cave. Once the moonlight hit us, we discovered we were on a cliff peaking over the entire corn maze.

“Wait, how did we get here? I don’t remember us going up,” I pointed out.

Before my question could be answered, a loud cackle sent shivers up our spines.

It’s a surprise how Fluttershy can laugh like that.

A dark pony hung from a nearby branch, and then she swooped down on us. Everypony huddled together as the moonlight shone on her body, unveiling Flutterbat from the darkness. I pretended to be scared with the girls, because I knew the vampire was wearing a costume and I didn’t want to disappoint her.

“Oh, my,” Fluttershy’s voice said.

She lowered herself and stepped forward. The moonlight got brighter, showing to everypony that it was indeed Fluttershy wearing a vampire fruit bat costume.

“I'm so, so sorry!” Fluttershy pleaded, “Can you ever forgive me?”

Just like in the show, the girls were shocked but then thrilled Fluttershy did all this. Fluttershy explained that she got Granny Smith’s permission to make the maze scarier for us. She got her animal friends to help with the maze as well. Angel was the dark figure, the birds were the ghosts, Harry the bear was that swamp monster, and Fluzzy Legs the spider spun that giant web. The spider must have quite the spinner to make something that huge.

“Wow! That was inspired!” Twilight exclaimed.

“You have to do this every year!” Pinkie suggested.

The rest of the girls agreed. Well, almost the rest of the girls…

“We could celebrate Nightmare Night together every year,” Fluttershy said. “But the truth is…I really don't want to.”

“You don't?!” Pinkie gasped.

“But you've done it,” said Rarity. “You found a way that we can all have a fabulous time together.”

“Yes, but I've also realized something.” Fluttershy removed her fake wings and ears. “You all may love Nightmare Night and I may be good at being a part of it, but it's no fun for me to see my friends feel like they're in danger, even if I know they're not. I really don't like it. It's just not my cup of tea.”

“Spooky tea?” Pinkie asked.

“No. Just regular tea.” Fluttershy rubbed her leg. “We do lots of fun things together, but I'm afraid this just isn't gonna be one of them. Actually, I'm not afraid. I'm perfectly fine with it.”

“Then we are, too,” said Twilight.

We all shared a group hug afterwards.

Back at the castle, I grabbed a wet washcloth and rubbed my face until the red and orange paint came off. I had already removed my fake horns and mustache.

“Spike, Nightmare Night isn’t over yet,” said Twilight. “Why are you removing your body paint?”

“I had enough scares for one night,” I replied. “There’s something I want to do now.”

Twilight shrugged. “Okay. If you say so.”

After I washed the rest of the body paint away, I grabbed my candy bag and left the castle. I walked down the dirt path up to my special somepony’s cottage. I gently knocked on the door.

“Hello? Fluttershy?”

The door slowly opened, revealing Harry the Bear.

“Hey. Is it okay if I see Fluttershy?” I asked.

Harry motioned me in. I nodded as a thank you and went up to Fluttershy’s bedroom.

“Fluttershy?” I called out softly. “Where are you?”

“I’m under here.” Fluttershy’s head peaked out from underneath the bed. “Spike. What are you doing here?”

I slowly approached the bed. “Is it okay if I join you tonight?”

Fluttershy widened her eyes. “Spike…I didn’t know you disliked Nightmare Night.”

“Oh, no. Far from it. It’s just that…this year I would like to see how you celebrate Nightmare Night. I figured you could use another companion.”

Fluttershy smiled a bit. She motioned me with her hoof. I carefully crawled underneath her bed. The lantern shined on the small yet comfortable place. Books, pillows, and snacks were spread all around.

“I hope it’s not too cramped for you,” Fluttershy said.

“It’s okay,” I said. “I’m not claustrophobic or anything.” I pulled out my bag. “Would you like some candy? I ate all the taffies, so you don’t have to worry about those.”

“Thank you.” Fluttershy took a candy that was in a blue wrapper. It was a hard caramel candy. Fluttershy smirked as she unwrapped the piece and plopped it into her mouth. “You’re welcome to read some of the books here.”


As I took the topmost book from the stack, I thought about how this episode played out. I was happy that Fluttershy still had a chance to participate with the girls on Nightmare Night, and I understood that she still wanted to stick to her old ways. And just for tonight, I joined her in staying under the bed.

“Say Fluttershy. I have a question for you,” I said.

“Go ahead.” Fluttershy looked up from her puppy book.

“What’s your favorite manga?”

Fluttershy smiled bigger as her wings fluttered. I had a feeling this was going to end in her pulling a Makoto Takiya from that dragon maid anime.

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