• Published 24th Feb 2020
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Spike The Brony Dragon - red4567

A human in Spike's body will do whatever he can to change the future for the better.

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Chapter 71 (Castle, Sweet Castle)

“Hey, Starlight,” I greeted. “Have you seen Twilight?”

“She went out,” Starlight replied as she adjusted the sticks she tied together.

“Again? That’s the third time in a row this week!”

“I know. The other day, she pestered me about doing my friendship lessons outside. I kept asking why, and she said that the sunlight would help me relax and concentrate. Keep in mind, it was completely cloudy that day.”

I should have known “Castle, Sweet Castle” would still occur despite the library being spared. I guess fate really does find a way to keep things the same.

The problem was what the girls would do for Twilight. I knew they couldn’t make a chandelier out of the library’s roots like in the show, so what would they do now?

I guess I would have to wait and see.

One morning, I woke to the smell of fresh pancakes. I got out of bed, did my morning stretches, and hurried to the dining room. There, I saw the rest of the girls each with a giant stack of pancakes. Twilight was half-awake and looked like someone smashed a mud pie on her mane.

“Morning, girls,” I greeted.

“Good morning, Spike,” Starlight responded. “I hope you’re hungry for pancakes today.”

I pulled up a chair and received a plate of fluffy pancakes. They were covered in whipped cream, chocolate chips, and fresh strawberries. I cut a slice on the topmost layer and consumed it.

“Mmm, these are really good,” I said after swallowing.

“Thank Pinkie and Twilight,” said Applejack. “They were the ones who made ‘em.”

“Thanks!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Twilight spent all night helping me pick the flavor! I kept thinking we’d found the right one, but she insisted I make even more to try.” Pinkie added more pancakes to her stack. “And more. And more and more and more and more! It was like she never wanted to...”

“...leave?” asked Fluttershy.

“Exactly! Eventually we ran out of time so we just went with every-berry-any-chip-surprise!” She then whispered. “The surprise is I lost a measuring spoon in the batter. Somepony’s gonna get a very special pancake!”

“Up all night, huh?” Rainbow asked. “Is that why she’s so, uh... out of it?”

Twilight cuddled with her stack like a pancake pillow.

“Um, I don’t mean to sound unappreciative,” said Fluttershy, “but has anypony else noticed that Twilight has been a little too helpful lately?”

The rest of the girls agreed. Twilight dug a lot of holes for Applejack, spent an entire afternoon arranging gems for Rarity, and raced Rainbow Dash so many times despite losing every race. I didn’t need to guess that she also helped Fluttershy clean every animal at her cottage.

“Spike and I seem to have noticed something off about Twilight as well,” said Starlight. “These days she’s been teaching me outdoors so often, I can’t actually remember a time when we’d have a lesson in the castle.”

“It’s like she’s avoiding the castle for some reason,” I said.

“Whatever the reason is,” said Applejack, “as soon as she wakes up, we’re gonna find out what.”

Suddenly, Pinkie coughed up a measuring spoon.

“I win!” She declared.

Twilight shot up with a pancake stuck to her horn. “I’m pancake! I mean, awake.”

Rarity removed the pancake and Pinkie quickly grabbed it like a hungry dog.

“Uh, Twilight? Is there somethin’ you wanna tell us?” Applejack asked.

“You know how much we appreciate all you do for us,” said Rarity, “and we simply adore having you around, but...we worry you might be...avoiding something else?”

“Oh, has it been that obvious?” Twilight stuttered. “I’ve been...the thing is...I know it’s silly, but I...I’ve been avoiding...this place.”

“Called it,” I said. “But why are you avoiding the castle? If I remember correctly, it was your idea to move in here.”

Twilight sighed. “I know, Spike. It’s just that...it’s hard to get used to it.”

“I already got comfortable sleeping here,” said Starlight. “Granted, I’ve only been in the library for about a week tops.”

“I’ve gotten used to it, too,” I said.

It was true, if I’m being honest. It took me about halfway through Season 5 to warm up to the castle initially, but now it took me less than a few days. I guess it was due to the fact that the library was still alive, and we moved out on our own terms instead of being forced out.

“If only the feeling was mutual,” said Twilight. “This castle is amazing, but to me...it doesn’t feel like home.”

Rarity chuckled. “Is that all? Why, you simply need to decorate, darling. Make this space your own!”

“It’s just so daunting! Look how big it is! I don’t even know where to start!”

“How about your bedroom?” I asked. “Didn’t you buy anything for decoration?”

“I only bought the necessities, Spike, like blankets and chairs.”

“You can start by letting us decorate for you,” Rarity offered. “We will make this the castle of your dreams while you go to the Ponyville spa for some much needed rest and relaxation. I’m saying this with love, but...have you looked in a mirror lately?” She pulled up a handheld mirror. “I’ve never seen you look this…”

“Frazzled?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes! That is absolutely the word I was going to use.”

Twilight sighed. “I guess I do need a little help. And so does my castle. And I just know you’ll do a great job, because nopony knows me better than you.”

“We’ll make this place feel cozier than hot cider on a rainy day,” said Applejack.

“There’s gonna be cider?!” Rainbow exclaimed. Applejack and I gave her a glare. “Uh, I mean, let’s decorate!”

“Alright, Twilight,” I said. “Let’s get ready to head on out.”

Twilight nodded and left the dining room.

I quickly turned to the girls. “While you girls are decorating, would you also mind labeling the rooms? It’s getting kinda hard to tell which door is which without any signs.”

“I was just about to suggest the same thing,” Starlight said.

Twilight and I left the castle and made our way to the spa. We entered and I rang the desk bell.

“Ah, welcome, Princess Twilight and Spike,” Lotus greeted. “My, you don’t look so well, princess.”

“I’ve been getting that a lot,” said Twilight.

“We’d like the super-ultra-deluxe set, please,” I said.

“Wow, not even Miss Rarity requests such a lavish treatment. You do realize that would mean you two will be here all day?” Lotus asked.

“I know.” I pulled out a pouch of coins and gave it to Lotus. “Please make it happen.”

“If you wish. Follow me, if you please.”

As Twilight and I went through the door, she said, “I’m not that frazzled, Spike. Is this necessary?”

“Of course,” I replied. “It’s not like you’ve got anything planned for today, right?”

“Starlight seemed to be ahead of her friendship lessons, so I guess skipping one day won’t hurt.”

Our first treatment was getting our hooves and claws done. I was so glad I gave up on my masculinity a long time ago.

After roughly an hour’s worth of cleaning, filing, and polishing our fingers and hooves, it was time for the mane treatment. However, Aloe and Lotus said they could only give Twilight the procedure because it doesn’t work for dragon scales.

“That’s okay,” I said. “I’ll be right back, Twilight. I’m gonna see how the girls are doing.”

“Take your time, Spike,” said Twilight as Aloe shampooed her mane.

I left the spa and returned to the castle. As I headed to the throne room, I noticed most of the rooms were labeled with wooden signs.

At least if the throne room looks disastrous, the girls did something right.

I passed the broom closet and approached the double doors that read “Throne Room.” I took a deep breath before entering.

“Hello...girls...” I said right before seeing the atrocity before me.

The throne room was littered with various items. Posters, hay, animals, flowers. There were even a few kites hanging around.

“Oh, Spike! Are you and Twilight done already?” Rarity asked sheepishly.

“No, I got her a super-ultra-deluxe set. She’s gonna be at the spa all day.” I looked around the room. “I hate to be brutally honest, but this place looks terrible.”

All the girls sighed with relief.

“Thank goodness somepony said something,” said Fluttershy.

“It’s pretty bad, right?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“This place looks like a mishmash of knickknacks,” Applejack pointed out.

“I suppose it is a little cluttered.” Rarity rubbed her chin.

Starlight said, “Maybe we should’ve eased a bit on the decorations. The kites were a bit much, in my opinion.”

“What are you guys talking about?” asked Pinkie PIe. “I think it looks super fun!”

Sadly, just like the show, one of Pinkie’s hidden cannons went off, scaring the animals and destroying the decorations.

“Okay, now it’s a mess,” said Pinkie.

“What’re we gonna do?!” Rainbow cried.

“Something,” I said. “Twilight’s spa day may last for a while, but if she comes back and sees this, it’ll plague her memory forever!”

“Come on, guys! Twilight’s counting on us!”

“Spike, you’ve got to get back to that spa and stall her!” Rarity exclaimed. “Whatever you do, don’t let her come home!”

“Relax, she’s gonna be there until sundown. No big deal. You girls can spruce this place up by then, right?”

Rarity looked. “I think we’ll manage.”

“Good. I’m gonna head back. Best of luck.”

I went back to the spa just in time to see Twilight done with her mane. Her new style looked just like the one in the show.

“Spike, you’re back!” Twilight called out. “How do I look?”

“Great,” I replied. “Maybe you should keep that manestyle.”

“Well, you weren’t here, but this style requires a lot of work done. So how does the castle look?”

“Eh.” I wiggled my hand. “The girls are still working on it, but it’s improving.”

“I can’t wait to go home and see it.”

“Me neither, so what’s next?”

Twilight pulled out a pamphlet she got from one of the Spa Twins. “It seems the massages are next. The ‘Extra-strength-hot-stone-deep-tissue massage’?”

Uh, oh.

“I think I’ll just have a traditional massage, but you can go for it,” Twilight said.

“A-actually, I want my massage to be traditional, too,” I said. “Is that possible?”

Lotus nodded.

The massages Twilight and I received were relaxing. I sighed as Aloe pressed her gentle hooves upon my scaly back. The last thing I needed was to be turned into a pretzel by someone who belongs on an old Schwarzenegger workout video.

We got a bunch of other treatments as well, such as mud masks, mud baths, saunas, and so much more. It was like we were given every type of service the spa could provide.

I was still curious on what the girls would do this time. Given Starlight being reformed early and the library still standing, I really didn’t know.

After hours of pedicures and pampering, our spa day was over. By the time we left the place, the sun was about to touch the distant horizon.

“Oh, wow!” Twilight exclaimed. “Those spa ponies weren’t kidding when they said that deluxe treatment would last all day.”

“Yeah,” I said. “Shall we head home?”

“Actually, there’s one more stop I’d like to make. Hop on.”

I jumped on Twilight’s back. She took a brisk walk to a familiar location.

The Golden Oaks Library.

I got off Twilight’s back as we observed the giant tree. The majority of its outdoor items, such as the telescope and lanterns, were missing. The “For Sale” sign still remained rooted to the ground. The letters faded slightly by their 24/7 exposure to the elements.

Twilight walked over to the front door and pressed her hoof against it. She looked around and turned over a nearby stone. Underneath it was a plastic container. Twilight removed the cap to reveal a spare key. She unlocked the front door and slowly entered the library. I quickly followed her inside.

We took a good long look around the library. The shelves were bare all around us, with nothing to occupy them sans a thin layer of dust. The only source of light was the remains of the setting sun piercing through the windows, revealing dust particles floating in the air.

Twilight took a deep breath. “I really miss this place, Spike. We had so many wonderful memories here.”

“We sure did.” I sighed.

“Oh, Spike, I’m so sorry. Of course moving out of the Golden Oaks Library was hard for you too.” She wrapped her arms around me.

“It was a little hard, but it’s not like this place going anywhere. It’s still alive, and it’s available for anypony to buy it. Maybe somepony will move here and make their own memories. Who knows?”

Twilight and I continued looking around the vacant room. That’s when the sound of hoofbeats interrupted our trains of thought.

“Excuse me,” a voice said. “Open House isn’t until Friday.”

We turned to see a mare in a red blazer entering the library. She must’ve been a real estate agent, if her name tag proved anything.

“Oh, Princess Twilight,” she said. “Didn’t know it was you. Is there something I can help you with?”

“I was just looking around,” said Twilight. “Making sure I gave it one last goodbye...”

“You know, if you want, we can take the library off the market for you. We haven’t gotten any messages about it yet, and it’s only been about a week. What do you say? Would you rather keep the place?”

Twilight pulled out her spare key and stared at it for the longest time. She gave a long sigh.

“No,” Twilight said calmly with a small smile on her face. “My assistant and I have made a lot of memories here ever since we came to Ponyville. I just hope that somepony else will do the same.”

Twilight gave the real estate agent the key and trotted out of the library.

“Come on, Spike,” Twilight called out.

“I’m coming,” I replied.

I left the library and approached Twilight on her left.

“You were right, Spike,” she said. “Maybe it was best to sell the library. There’s no point in keeping it for ourselves or moving back in. We have our memories, and nothing will change that.”

“So then,” I said, “let’s make new ones at our castle. I’m pretty sure the girls are done decorating by now.”

Twilight and I headed back to the castle. I almost forgot about the scene where Spike wanted to get a new bed, but I was fine with the one the castle provided.

Twilight opened the entrance and announced, “Hello? We’re home!”

“Welcome home!” The rest of the girls came down the hallway.

“Oh, I, uh... love what you’ve done with the place.”

Twilight and I followed the girls to the throne room.

“You did such a good job of...preserving the integrity of the original design,” said Twilight.

“Well, not entirely,” said Starlight. “We added signs on each of the doors so the three of us wouldn’t get lost.” She pointed to a door with a bathroom label on it. “I’ve also had an idea of putting a map near the entryway.”

“What really makes home feel like home isn’t what it looks like,” said Applejack as she removed her hat. “It’s the memories you make when you’re there.”

Rarity added, “So we’ve made something that celebrates the memories we’ve made with you since you two moved to Ponyville.”

Rainbow and Fluttershy opened the doors to the throne room. Twilight and I looked up to see a giant wooden chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

The chandelier resembled tree roots like the one in the show, but was vastly different in terms of size and shape. It was significantly smaller, and the roots were only half as thick. The jewels hanging from each branch were the only unchanged parts.

“The ornaments on the chandelier are reminders of all the fun we’ve had together,” said Fluttershy.

“That one shows your party at the Golden Oak Library welcoming you to Ponyville!” Pinkie pointed to an orange jewel that had a picture inside.

Fluttershy held a blue one. “This one is the time we shared donuts after the Grand Galloping Gala.”

Starlight showed a purple one. “And this one shows the time you first helped me learn about friendship.”

“We were hoping that being able to look at your beautiful old memories would inspire you to make new ones,” said Rarity.

Applejack said, “And the best part of it is, we’ve had the wood specially carved to resemble tree roots, so you’ll never forget where you came from.”

So they still went for the chandelier decoration. Interesting.

Tears of joy ran down Twilight’s eyes. “It’s exactly what the castle needed.”

We all gave her a group hug.

“And I am ready to make new memories here,” Twilight said.

“Then let’s start right now with a new memory cake!” Pinkie exclaimed. She quickly zoomed away and brought back a really tall cake. “Seven layer what’s-that-flavor mystery surprise! These might be chocolate chips or they might be super-spicy black beans!”

“Let’s go to the dining room. It’s a little sparse, but at least there’s a table and chairs.”

Once we entered the dining room, we were all introduced to a spectacle of flowers, banners, statues, and curtains.

“Whoa! What happened in here?” asked Twilight. “Last I checked, this place was empty!”

“I couldn’t help myself!” Rarity confessed. “It was just begging for the personal touch!”

“Truth be told...I couldn’t either,” said Applejack. “Yer kitchen might have some rustic farm decor, Twilight.”

“And there may or may not be some Daring Do posters up in your library,” Rainbow pointed out.

“And some stuffed animals in your bedroom,” added Fluttershy.

“And a couple of kites near the balcony,” concluded Starlight.


“What was that?!” Twilight exclaimed as confetti rained down on the room.

“One of Pinkie Pie’s confetti cannons,” AJ replied, wiping the cake off her coat.

“What? It’s not my fault I hid them so well,” Pinkie said.

We all giggled a bit. It was a surprise that the girls would still make a chandelier, but I wasn’t complaining. At least Twilight wasn't homesick anymore.

“You wouldn’t happen to have another seven-layer cake, would you Pinkie?” I asked.

Pinkie pulled out another cake. “It’s a good thing I made two of these just in case.”

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