• Published 24th Feb 2020
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Spike The Brony Dragon - red4567

A human in Spike's body will do whatever he can to change the future for the better.

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Chapter 62 (Leap of Faith & Testing, Testing, 1-2-3)

“Okay, Applejack. Tell me what happened. Spare no detail.” Twilight pulled out a parchment and a quill.

“Alright.” Applejack cleared her throat. “It all started when the Flim Flam brothers were sellin’ some fancy, cure-all elixir. It didn’t take a genius to know something smelled fishy, but Granny Smith took the bait and bought a bottle from ‘em. She acted all eccentric since then and...”

“I’m sorry, Applejack, but how is this connected to you seeing a rainbow? I know I said spare no details, but I didn’t mean you have to cover everything.”

“I’m gettin’ there, Twi. Anyway, I went ‘n investigated ‘n found out (surprise, surprise) it was all a buncha hooey. I...wanted to keep it quiet so Granny would be happy, but...” Applejack sighed and took off her hat. “When I saw her about to perform that high dive, I knew right then ‘n there I had to put a stop to it. I was able to save Granny, thankfully, but she was a might unhappy after that. However, after she downed yet another bottle of that elixir stuff, I saw that rainbow thing like the rest of ya’ll. Then I realized I should’ve been honest from the very start. So I told everypony the whole thing was a sham. The Flim Flam brothers’ reputation got soiled again, and Silver Shill, one of their workers, quit his job and gave me this bit.” Applejack pulled out the coin. “Coincidentally, it also shined like a rainbow. Anyway, that’s all I can say. Nothin’ else happened afterwards.”

By the time Twilight was done writing, the quill was practically smoking. “Thank you, Applejack. I guess I don’t need to tell you to keep it safe.”

“Don’t ya worry none, Twi. I’ll keep this bit safer than a cider barrel in December.”

As Applejack left the library, Twilight pulled out a chalkboard filled with tables and graphs.

“Okay, so Applejack got a bit this time,” she said as she scribbled on the green board. “That’s five of us who experienced that rainbow event.”

“That only leaves you,” I said. “And me if there is a hidden element.”

“Let’s assume this only works for confirmed elements, Spike. Based on these facts, it is possible when the rainbow phenomenon happens to me next, it will have to be when I’m not representing the Element of Magic well, there’s a slight chance it will happen before the end of summer, it will be something related to my talent, and the item I receive will contain some shade of yellow.”

“Wait, what makes you think you’d get something related to yellow?”

“Rarity’s rainbow thread had a hint of yellow, Rainbow’s pin was yellow, Pinkie’s rubber chicken was yellow, Fluttershy’s flower had yellow pollen in the middle, and Applejack’s bit was yellow. Would it not make sense for my gift to have some sort of yellow-ish hue to it?”

“I guess. Why do you think you’d get your gift before summer ends?”

“Given how we received that chest in the beginning of summer, and how the girls had experienced all that rainbow stuff so far, it’s likely I’ll get mine by the end. And given how we’ve got a long way until the first day of autumn, I say the possibility is probable.”

“I see.”

That conversation was the only thing that changed during the events of “Leap of Faith.” I wanted to help Applejack out, but it was her key episode.

I didn’t change anything for “For Whom the Sweetie Belle Tolls” either. Come to think of it, I’ve been skipping most of the episodes involving the CMC lately.

I thought about what Fluttershy said that day about me getting angry around arguments. I knew I had to stop yelling so much. So one day, I went to the store and bought myself a whistle. It was only a cheap, plastic one that was bright orange, but it wasn’t like I was a coach for a professional football team. I just needed to make a loud noise and release my hot air without risking laryngitis.

After paying for the one-bit instrument, I hung the whistle around my neck and I headed home. I showed it to Twilight once I got there.

“Why did you buy a whistle?” Twilight asked with her head tilted.

“It’s to help me with my problem,” I replied. “I wanted to find a better way to stop arguments without shouting at the top of my lungs.”

“And how does the whistle help?”

“Argue with somepony, and you’ll see. Actually, please don’t.”

It was then we heard the sound of Rainbow Dash passing by. Twilight looked out the window and sighed sharply.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Rainbow Dash has an upcoming test soon, but she’s so busy slacking off that I’m beginning to worry about her.”

“What test? I didn’t remember Rainbow Dash still being in school.”

“It’s this Wonderbolt history test.”

“Oh, you mean the one where if she passes, she’ll become a member of the Wonderbolts Reserve?”

“Exactly, Spike.”

“I guess Spitfire believed that Dashie had potential back at the Wonderbolts Academy. She probably told her that they had openings for reserves if she was interested. No doubt Rainbow was.”

Twilight nodded. “If only she didn’t apply to take the test so soon. Her test is the day after tomorrow, and the only books I’ve seen her read so far have Daring Do in them.”

“Oh dear. What would happen if Rainbow Dash fails?”

“She’s probably gonna have a meltdown, despite knowing that she brought this on herself by not studying.”

“She can’t retake the test?”

“They might have her for a later time, but I’m afraid they might run out of openings by then.”

I knew “Testing Testing 1, 2, 3” was going to come up eventually. In the show, the girls would try to help Rainbow study using their own methods, all to no avail. Twilight later discovers Rainbow has her own method of studying. I could probably introduce that early like I did with Maud Pie’s love for Pinkie Pie.

And hopefully, my whistle will work if they start to argue.

The next day, Twilight and I were outside the library. I checked the sky to see when Rainbow Dash would swoop in.

Twilight read her book, “The magical properties of this spell will only have lasting effects if you focus on—”

“Heads up!” I shouted as I grabbed the book.

Rainbow swooped right past us, creating a huge gust of wind. At least I was able to save the pages in Twilight’s book.

“How in Equestria does that pony expect to pass her history of the Wonderbolts exam tomorrow if she's wasting time flying?!” Twilight asked in disgust.

“Maybe we should talk to her,” I said as I returned Twilight the book and hopped on her back.

“My thoughts exactly.”

As I rode on Twilight up to the sky, I noticed her ascension was improving.

“Hey, you’re getting better at flying, Twilight,” I said. “At least I don’t have to carry a barf bag anymore.”

“Very funny,” Twilight said. “Now, let’s see if we can’t surprise—”

“Surprise!” Rainbow shouted.

Twilight nearly threw me off.

“I spoke too soon,” I said as I covered my mouth.

Twilight was at a loss for words. “Wha...uh...how did you…?”

“Puh-lease, guys. That was the worst sneak attack ever,” said Rainbow as she landed on a cloud. “I saw Twilight giving me the stink-eye from the ground and heard you two flying towards me and muttering from a mile away.”

Twilight landed next to her. She struggled a bit on the cloud, but she was able to stand on it with no problems. I remained seated on her back since I’d fall through without wings.

“Well, if you heard us ‘muttering’, then you must know what we were ‘muttering’ about,” said Twilight as Rainbow turned over.

“Yeah, yeah, the Wonderbolts history test. No big deal.” Rainbow slowly descended from the cloud.

“No! Big deal!” Twilight rebutted as we followed Rainbow Dash. “Really big deal! It's a test! A test that will determine if you can join the newly-formed Wonderbolts Reserves, and being part of the Wonderbolts Reserves means you'll have the opportunity to live your dream as a Wonderbolt! This is the most important test of your life!”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Twilight, not everypony gets all freaked out about tests like you.”

“I do not get ‘all freaked out’ about tests!”

“Pffft! If I had a bit every time I heard that…” I said.

Twilight glared at me.

“See, Twilight?” Rainbow asked. “Your freakouts are so epic, you sing whole freakout arias about freaking out.”

“I can attest to that,” I said before receiving another one of Twilight’s dagger-shooting glares. “But in a way, Twilight’s got a point. History may not sound all that exciting to you, but it will determine if you really are a fan of the Wonderbolts and should be considered as a reserve. Plus, they don’t want you to repeat some sort of catastrophic failure in the past. That’s why you need to study for this test.”

Twilight’s face lit up. “And I know just the pony who can help you!”

Rainbow gave a facehoof and pointed to Twilight.

“Me!” Twilight exclaimed. “This is gonna be so much fun!”

In a literal flash, the three of us were back at the library. Rainbow sat at a desk while Twilight and I stood in front of a blackboard.

“Sure. Fun,” said Rainbow unamused.

Twilight pulled out a giant book from one of the shelves and slammed it on Rainbow’s desk. I was surprised it didn’t collapse under the sheer weight.

“This is the most complete book on the history of the Wonderbolts,” said Twilight.

“Okay, but how am I supposed to get what's in there into here?” Rainbow asked as she pointed to her head.

Twilight pulled out a clipboard. “With my handy-dandy study checklist, of course!”

“Of course.”

Just like in the show, Twilight’s first study method was reading and highlighting the most important facts in the book. The same went for the outcome, unfortunately. Some of the pages of the book were coated in a shade of bright yellow, others were covered in crude drawings of Rainbow Dash or Twilight.

“Hey! I am not that tall!” Twilight pointed to a sketch of herself.

Not yet, anyway.

That’s when I realized something. If Celestia said Twilight was mortal, why did Twilight look similar to her in the finale?

Was it some sort of illusion spell Twilight cast? Or was Celestia lying? No, Celestia wouldn’t lie like that. Would she?

“Okay, Rainbow, clearly reading and highlighting is not your style of studying,” said Twilight as she put the giant book away. “So let's move on to the tried and true: History lecture!”

As Twilight brung the blackboard closer, Rainbow raised her hoof.

“Yes Rainbow?” Twilight asked.

“Is it snack time?” Rainbow asked as she pulled out a lunchbox.


“Recess?” Rainbow twirled a soccer ball.


“Can't we just watch the history of the Wonderbolts movie?”


“Wait, is there a movie like that?” I asked. “It could be useful.”

“There is no such movie!” Twilight retorted. “Now, let’s get back to the subject at hand.”

Rainbow sat on her stool while Twilight gave her lecture. It didn’t take long until the pegasus was more interested in rocking in her seat than the chalk drawings. Eventually, Owlowicious joined in with his hooting. I had thoughts about grabbing a drum and joining in as well, but I decided not to. After all, as funny as that scene was, I didn’t want Twilight to chew out two creatures.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight shouted.

Rainbow instantly stopped rocking, and Owlowicious flew away.

“Can you repeat any of my lessons?”

Rainbow could not. That was another failed study attempt. We went outside for some fresh air and for Twilight’s third and favorite way to study.

“Flashcards!” Twilight announced.

“Oh, does that mean I'll learn in a flash?” Rainbow asked as she circled around us.

“Let’s hope so,” I said.

Twilight tried to get Rainbow Dash to focus on the cards, but the latter was too busy throwing spitballs. I could read Twilight’s impatient face like a comic book.

“Well, if you can horse around like this, then you clearly must be ready for the test,” said Twilight.

“Clearly,” Dashie said.

“Well then, I guess you're also ready for a...” Twilight teleported to Rainbow Dash. “Pop Quiz!”

“Bring it!”

Both of them poofed back into the library. I entered through the front door.

Twilight asked Rainbow a bunch of questions. However, none of Rainbow Dash’s answers were correct in the slightest. Even I knew the correct answers, and I didn’t have to study much.

“So, did I ace it or what?” Rainbow asked with a smug look on her face.

“If you were studying for an international house of breakfast foods, maybe,” I replied. “But for the Wonderbolts history test, your answers were anything but right.”

“Spike is right, Rainbow,” Twilight said sternly. “If you had taken the official test today….”

Rainbow gasped. “My dreams of being in the Wonderbolts Reserve would have been totally crushed!”

“Now you’re seeing the problem,” I said.

Rainbow Dash flew out of the library.

“I'm gonna fail! I'm gonna fail! I'm gonna fail!” she cried. “And it's all your fault, Twilight!”

“My fault?! I'm the one helping you!” Twilight rebutted.

“Maybe your famous study methods aren't all they're cracked up to be, eh, teacher?!”

“Girls, stop this!” I shouted.

But the girls continued arguing. I was about to blow my top when I remembered something.

My whistle!

I quickly pulled it out and gave a big blow.


Twilight and Rainbow froze in midair.

Hey, it works!

“Sorry about that, girls,” I said as the two regained their compsture and landed on the ground. “At least now you know what the whistle sounds like.”

“Sheesh, warn me the next time you blow that,” said Rainbow as she rubbed her ears.

“I think you two arguing was enough. Anyway, I think we’re doing this studying all wrong. Let’s get back inside and calmly discuss what we can do.”

“Good idea, Spike,” Twilight said.

After the three of us went back into the library, Twilight put the blackboard and desk away.

“How am I gonna pass the Wonderbolts History test tomorrow if none of Twilight's methods work?!” Rainbow cried.

“That’s the problem,” I said. “You and Twilight are not the same pony. All we’ve done was study Twilight’s way. Why not do it Rainbow’s way?”

“What do you mean, ‘Rainbow’s way’?” Twilight asked.

“Why doesn’t Rainbow Dash do what she normally does to study? Maybe it could help her with her test.”

“That could work. Rainbow, what would you normally do when studying for a test?”

Rainbow shrugged. “I don’t know. I never studied for a test.”

“What about flight school?” I asked. “Didn’t you take an exam or something?”

“Meh, I winged it back then. They were all hooves-on anyway, and none of them involved sitting in a chair writing stuff.”

I decided it was time to introduce Rainbow’s observant skill.

“Tell you what, girls? Why don’t you two take a casual stroll in the sky while I think of a way for Rainbow Dash to study.”

“Well, we could use some more fresh air anyway,” said Twilight.

Twilight and Rainbow exited the library. I did the same.

I walked along the road until I spotted Fluttershy.

“Hey, Fluttershy.” I ran up to her and hugged her. “Good to see you.”

“Oof! It’s nice to see you, too,” said Fluttershy.

“I hope this day’s treating you well.”

“It is. Say, um, you wouldn’t happen to have heard about a loud tweeting sound earlier, would you? It sounded like it came from the library.”

“Oh, that was me.” I showed her my whistle. “I wanted a better way to get ponies to stop arguing so loudly, just like you said. Sorry if I blew too loud. It helped me calm down, though.”

“I did suggest you to calm yourself. What was the argument about anyway? And who were the ponies arguing?”

“Twilight and Rainbow Dash were arguing because Rainbow had a test tomorrow and doesn’t know anything about the Wonderbolts’ history. None of Twilight’s methods helped.”

“Would you like me to assist you? I could round up a play in a short amount of time.”

I sighed and shook my head. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think Rainbow Dash will concentrate long enough to understand the play. She couldn’t last forty seconds when Twilight lectured her. Thanks for the offer though.”

I doubted any of the other girls’ methods would work. Pinkie’s rapping may be catchy, but Rainbow wouldn’t remember the lyrics. Rarity’s historical fashion show would scare her. As for Applejack, she didn’t have anything to give except personal experience, which wasn’t going to be much.

I headed back to the library just in time to see Rainbow and Twilight returning as well. Rainbow looked like she already failed the test.

“Any luck?” Twilight asked me.

“Not really,” I replied. “I can’t think of any methods that could help.”

“Well, maybe if you spent more time thinking instead of hanging out with your marefriend, you’d already come up with something!” Rainbow snarked.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight retorted. “I know you’re stressed out about this test, but you have no right to...wait, how did you know Spike and Fluttershy were together? You were with me all this time.”

Rainbow snorted. “You're such a rookie, Twilight. An experienced flyer like me knows how to multitask.”

“While you’re flying?”

“Yes, I was paying attention to you, but I was also scanning the sky and the ground for any problems. In order to stay safe in the sky, I've got to hear and see everything down to the littlest details. For instance, I saw Spike and Fluttershy talking to each other; they were discussing Spike’s new whistle. And I saw Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo entering Sugarcube Corner. Apparently, there was a special on a new cupcake flavor, and they wanted to try one. Then there were these bunch of colts, Snips and Snails, watching Button Mash play one of his games. But the kid was annoyed at them reading over his shoulders. Must’ve been one interesting game. I always make note of everything when I fly. No biggie.”

“Wait, maybe this is a biggie! A big biggie!” I announced. “Twilight, I hope you’re thinking what I’m thinking.”

Twilight and I huddled together and discussed our plan, which was similar, if not exactly, to what was in the show.

“Hey, what are you planning?” Rainbow asked. “Come on, don’t leave me out!”

“How about you go ahead and rest for a bit?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah I should. It’s gonna be my last rest until my big failure.”

As Rainbow flew away, we gathered the other girls and explained our plan.

“Are you sure this will work, darling?” Rarity asked.

“It’s worth a try,” replied Twilight. “Rainbow can remember stuff by flying and scanning the area, so maybe if we act out important facts as she passes by, she can recall them and pass her test.”

About an hour later, I sat on one of the balconies in town, holding a giant poster of one of the Wonderbolts’ old logos.

“So, what are we doing again?” Rumble asked. He was on the other side holding a poster as well.

“Helping Rainbow Dash study,” I replied. “Trust me, this will help her a lot. Did Thunderlane pass his exam?”

“Yeah, I helped him study a week before his. When’s Miss Dash’s test?”

“Tomorrow, which is why we’re doing this. Just wait until Rainbow and Twilight pass by before putting the poster down.”

We waited a bit. It didn’t take long for us to see the two girls fly right on by. I could see Rainbow looking at where we are. I was positive she noticed the posters.

A few minutes later, I headed back down and met up with the other girls at the edge of town.

“Do ya think it worked?” Applejack asked.

“I really hope so,” said Pinkie as she scratched her chest. “Boy, those old Wonderbolts weren’t kidding when they said that their old outfits were uncomfortable. I’m so glad they have spandex nowadays.”

“Is that what their suits are made of? I always thought it was some sort of latex.”

During our conversation, Twilight and Rainbow Dash approached us. This time, Rainbow’s face was the opposite of the one she had last flight.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Thank you! Thank you all so much!”

“You're welcome, but it all came from you,” Twilight replied. “You learned without knowing you're learning. Your main focus is flying, but then your brain is also absorbing lots of other information! It's actually really brilliant!”

“Ha, I always knew I was brilliant!”

We all chuckled after hearing that, including me.

The next day, Twilight and I visited Sugarcube Corner just in time to see Pinkie decorating a cake.

“...O...N...S,” said Pinkie as she wrote in icing. “How many exclamation points should I add?”

“I’d say two,” I replied.

“What are you doing, Pinkie?” Twilight asked.

Pinkie turned around. “Hey, guys. I’m making a cake for Rainbow Dash.”

“She already passed? When did she tell you?”

“She doesn’t need to tell me. After that confidence and knowledge Dashie obtained yesterday, she has to pass that exam. That’s why I’m making this ahead of time.”

I hope she does. This is one of the few times where I hope things stay the same.

Right after Pinkie placed the last dot, her ears suddenly flopped, her knees twitched, and her eyes fluttered.

“She’s coming!” Pinkie announced. “You two! Grab the cake and head outside!”

Twilight and I lifted the cake and followed Pinkie, who was holding a bunch of balloons. Once we were outside, we looked to see a rainbow trail followed by the sound of a rocket approaching us. The figure landed down on the ground and kicked up more dust than a sandstorm. Twilight quickly shielded the cake with her magic.

The air cleared, and Rainbow stood with the biggest grin on her face.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight coughed. “Did you pass?”

“I don’t know,” Rainbow said with a sudden nonchalant tone. “Does THIS answer your question?!”

Rainbow pulled out her exam. A giant gold star with “100%” in big numbers was plastered upon the front page.

“Looks like it does,” said Twilight.

“Amazing how you passed with flying colors and such little time to study,” I said.

“Woo-hoo! I knew you’d pass!” exclaimed Pinkie. “This calls for a party! I’ll grab the other girls!”

I was relieved I could reveal Rainbow’s skill early without any problems. Now Rainbow was a step closer to becoming a Wonderbolt. Also, my whistle helped with my anger...and my throat.

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