• Published 24th Feb 2020
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Spike The Brony Dragon - red4567

A human in Spike's body will do whatever he can to change the future for the better.

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Chapter 49 (Magical Mystery Cure)

The next Summer Sun Celebration was around the corner. That could only mean one thing: the Twilicorn was approaching us.

While I didn’t want to prevent it, I was still up in the air about what I should change. I didn’t want to throw Celestia’s plans out the window, but I didn’t want to have the girls suffer through their switched cutie marks. I had to think of something.

One evening, as the sun was setting, I was preparing to take a bath. That’s when I noticed Twilight receiving a package.

“What is it, Twilight?” I asked. I kept an eye on the display case that contained the Elements of Harmony. I didn’t know why she decided to choose now of all days to display it.

“It’s a package from Princess Celestia!” Twilight explained. She opened the package to reveal a book and a letter.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle,
The spell contained on the last page of this book is Star Swirl the Bearded's secret unfinished masterpiece. He was never able to get it right, and thus abandoned it. I believe you are the only pony who can understand and rewrite it.
Princess Celestia”

Oh, no! I knew this day would come, but I never thought it would come so soon!

Twilight pulled out the book and flipped through the last page.

“‘From one to another, another to one,’” Twilight read. “‘A mark of one's destiny singled out alone, fulfilled.’ That doesn’t even rhyme. Oh, well. Might as well...”


Using both hands, I grabbed Twilight’s horn as hard as I could! The magic aura made an audible zap as it was canceled out by my scaly palms. I quickly released them as they tingled. It felt like I tried to grip an electric fence.

“Ah-ha-ha-ha-haow!!” I shouted in pain. “That hurt like Tartarus!”

“Spike, why did you do that?!” Twilight barked. “You know better than to grab a unicorn’s horn while they’re casting magic!”

I looked at the elements and noticed they retained their original color. Part of me was relieved.

“You should know better than to cast a spell you never heard of or even know what it does,” I said as I kissed my palms. “I didn’t want you to end up ruining everything. What if it was a destruction spell? What if it does something drastic, like...ruin the Elements of Harmony for example?”

Twilight looked at the display case behind her.

“I know Celestia casted a spell to make sure Discord doesn't take them away, but she didn’t say anything about a spell preventing certain modifications.” I shook my hands.

“Do you really think the spell can do something like that?” Twilight asked.

“It's a spell from a book given by the princess herself. There’s no telling what it might do. If you’re still thinking about casting it, then maybe you should bring the girls in here first. That way, if anything goes wrong, the girls will be around to help you.”

“It’s late right now, Spike. We’ll just have to do it tomorrow. Say, shouldn’t you be taking a bath right now?”

“Oh, right! Thanks, Twilight.”

I quickly went to take my bath. As I washed up, I wondered how I could get Twilight to finish the spell. I stopped her spellcasting, but that would only go so far. I didn’t want Celestia to get suspicious, though I think I may have already done so given my actions.

The next morning, Twilight and I woke up a bit earlier than usual. After doing our morning activities, we headed out to find the other girls.

“Maybe the spell didn’t rhyme because it was unfinished,” Twilight said. “So maybe we need to figure out something that rhymes in order to complete it.”

“‘Something, something, fulfilled…’” I said. “‘Such an accomplishment leaves other ponies thrilled’?”

“I don’t think it’s that.”

That’s when Twilight and I spotted Rarity on the bridge staring at the sky. I gulped as we approached her.

“Hey, Rarity,” Twilight called out.

“Oh, hello darlings,” Rarity said.

I looked at her cutie mark and discovered that my casting-prevention method worked. Her cutie mark remained on her flank, just like it was supposed to. I sighed with relief.

“Please do not stare, Spikey,” Rarity said as she covered her flank with her tail. “It’s rude to gaze at a lady’s posterior. You do realize that the gems on my cutie mark aren’t real, don’t you?”

“S-sorry.” I blinked. “I just really admire the design of your cutie mark. That’s all.”

“Well, I do appreciate the compliment, but the design wasn’t my idea. It just happened to be like that when I got it.”

“Anyway, I was hoping you weren’t too busy with anything,” Twilight said. “I need help with a spell, and I want all the girls to come to the library.”

“I would be delighted to come, but why do you need us? We aren’t as talented with magic as you are.”

“Well, the spell is a bit...unfinished, and I want you to be by my side in case something goes awry.”

“I suppose you can count me in, darling.”

“Great! Now we just need to find the others. We’ll head to Fluttershy’s cottage next.”

Twilight trotted over to Fluttershy’s place with Rarity and me following close behind.

“You know, I’ve been thinking,” Rarity said. “The Summer Sun Celebration is coming soon, which means that it has been almost a whole year since we’ve been together.”

“That’s true,” Twilight said. “I can’t believe it.”

“We’ve come such a long way. I’ve been speculating what would’ve happened if we never became such close friends.”

“Well, I hope you’d like the idea of designing dark clothing,” I said. “That and Equestria having a sudden change in leadership.”

“I wouldn’t actually recommend wearing dark colors at night, eternal or not,” Rarity said. “Perhaps I could’ve attempted to bring neon colors back.”

The three of us arrived at Fluttershy’s cottage. Once we entered, we found Fluttershy feeding her animals. Just like Rarity, Fluttershy still had her original cutie mark.

“Oh, hey girls and Spike,” Fluttershy greeted. “I was just finishing feeding my animals. Did you need me for something?”

“We were wondering if you could come with us to the library,” Twilight said. “I’ve been working on a new spell, and I would like it if the rest of the girls could come and watch.”

“A new spell? I guess I can join you if everypony else is doing the same.”

After Fluttershy joined, Twilight decided we should head to Sugarcube Corner next.

“You know,” Fluttershy said, “I can’t help but think how far we’ve come since we’ve met. What we’ve done since we’ve been together.”

“I was just thinking the same thing, darling,” Rarity said. “Just think about all the accomplishments that we’ve achieved. Like beating Nightmare Moon, Discord, Sombra...”

“Let’s not forget the other activities, like the Gala and the wedding,” I added.

“That too.”

Once we arrived at Sugarcube Corner, Twilight asked Pinkie if she could join the girls and me. She accepted before Twilight could even finish her question. Next was finding Applejack at Sweet Apple Acres.

“So what’s this spell about, Twilight?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Does it make it rain cupcakes? Does it change your species? Does it make musical scenes happen more often?”

“That’s the thing. I don’t know what it does,” Twilight said. “The spell’s description went like this: ‘From one to another, another to one. A mark of one's destiny singled out alone, fulfilled.’ I wanted to cast the spell to see what it did, but Spike stopped me.”

“Spike did have the right idea, darling,” Rarity said. “There’s no telling what the spell might do, and casting an incomplete spell isn’t what I call an intelligent idea.”

“The princess did say that Star Swirl abandoned it, so it never got finished. I was thinking maybe it was missing the other line or something.”

“Ooh! Ooh! How about this?” Pinkie asked. “‘If you attend Sugarcube Corner, you’ll have your mouths and tummies filled’?”

“I don’t think so. I doubt Sugarcube Corner was around during Star Swirl’s time.”

“Plus, it sounds more like an advertisement than a spell,” Rarity said.

By the time we got to Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack had just finished her chores. Twilight invited Applejack to join us, and the farm pony accepted.

“Now, the last pony we need to find is Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said. “Anypony know where she could be?”

“Probably up in the sky somewhere,” Applejack replied.

“Maybe she’s at her house!” Pinkie declared. “Let’s go!”

The entire group walked on over to Rainbow’s house. I couldn’t help but notice that Applejack was lost in thought.

“Is something wrong, Applejack?” I asked.

“I can’t believe the Summer Sun Celebration’s comin’ up,” Applejack replied. “Seemed like only yesterday that we just became friends.”

“Well, time flies when you’re having fun, especially with your friends.”

When we arrived at Dash’s house, Pinkie pulled out a megaphone.

“Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie shouted. “Are you in there?! Come on out!”

After a few minutes, Rainbow came flying out of her house.

“What’s going on?” Rainbow asked. “This isn’t another ‘you’re too prideful’ intervention, is it?”

Twilight chuckled. “No, we’re just gathering all the girls so I can figure out this spell I got from the princess.”

“If you’re all joining her, then count me in as well!”

Once we had everypony, we returned to the library. The elements still remained in the display case.

“To think these six elements are what brought us all together,” Rarity said.

“And how,” Applejack said.

“Now, we’re a force to be reckoned with!” Dashie said.

“With all of us together as friends, there’s nothing we can’t face!” Pinkie shouted.

“No matter our goals, we’ll always be together,” Fluttershy said.

“Because friendship is always magic!” I concluded.

“Wait, that’s it! I know how to fix the spell!” Twilight quickly grabbed the book and a quill. “‘From all of us together, together we're friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end!’ There!”

“Wonderful job, Twilight,” Rarity said. “I really do hope that Princess Celestia—wait, what is that clinking sound?”

I turned to the display case to see the Elements of Harmony banging on the other side of the glass.

“It’s the elements!” I said.

“Ooh! You just made them sediment!” Pinkie said. “Sentiment...cinnamon...uh...”

“Sentient, Pinkie,” Twilight corrected. “And I haven't cast the spell yet. Try to open up the case and see what they do.”

“I hope they don’t attack us,” Applejack said.

I slowly lifted the glass. The elements shot out and attached themselves to their respective pony.

“Well, that’s different,” Twilight said. “Had I known the spell did that, we could’ve—”

Suddenly, Twilight’s Element of Magic created an orb of white light that surrounded the lavender unicorn. The girl's elements then shot beams of magic right at the orb. Confused shouts filled the room. This wasn’t the first time I witnessed this, though. A blinding white light filled the entire room. I covered my eyes as the entire library was engulfed in the sheer brightness. A loud poof echoed as the light subsided.

“What happened?” I asked.

We looked around the room. That’s when we discovered one pony was missing. Twilight wasn’t with us. Instead, there was a burn mark in the shape of her cutie mark resting where she stood. The girls were shocked.

“What did you guys do?!” Pinkie shouted.

“Darling, this was involuntary!” Rarity cried. “We weren’t responsible for this!”

“I was talking to the elements.”

“That spell must’ve done something,” Rainbow said.

“But she didn’t even cast it,” I responded.

“We need to contact the princess! Hurry!” Fluttershy yelled.

“I’ll work on that! The rest of you try to find her. Maybe it teleported her somewhere in Ponyville.”

The girls removed their elements and put them back in the display case.

“We gotta find her!” Applejack said. “There’s no way the elements could’ve harmed her.”

As the rest of the Mane 6 ran out of the library, I sat down and thought about what I should do for the upcoming events. I knew Equestria Girls was canon thanks to Sunset’s cameo in the series finale. I needed to find a way for Twilight and I to get the crown back and also reform Sunset, all while being a dog. Season four had all that Rainbow Power stuff, so I’d rather not interfere with the episodes where the girls get their keys. There was also the Equestria Games. I figured I should practice singing all the anthems so I wouldn’t embarrass myself in front of millions. Tirek was going to be a problem. I had the idea of having Fluttershy tag along with Discord, but if that idea didn’t work, then I would have to find some way to prevent Tirek from destroying the library.

I remembered I had to find Starlight’s town before she would try to steal all the ponies’ cutie marks. But I knew I couldn’t leave Ponyville just for that. I needed to find some other locations I could visit. I don’t know if Mount Aris has already been attacked by the Storm King’s forces, but it was really out of the way. Griffonstone had seen better days, so I thought maybe I could try to retrieve that idol from the canyon with the help of some other familiar griffons. I couldn’t think of anything I could change regarding Yakyakistan or the Dragon Lands, though for the latter it would be nice to see Garble and Smolder again. There was also the changeling kingdom, but I didn’t want to take chances in case nothing changed there.

If I do go on this journey, however, I had to convince Twilight that I needed to do this myself. Which meant she and her other friends should not follow me with an unconvincing disguise. I would also need to make sure that I would be back before any major events occur. If I go before Tirek attacks, I would need Twilight to message me when he arrives.

By the time night fell, I heard the front door slamming open once again. The girls were out of breath.

“Did you girls have any luck?” I asked.

“Not a bit,” Applejack replied as she waved herself with her hat. “We’ve searched high and low fer Twilight, but we can’t find her anywhere!”

“This is bad! Really bad!” Rainbow shouted. “Twilight has to be somewhere!”

“Any reports from the princess yet?” Rarity asked.

“None yet,” I lied. I never actually sent one because I knew what happened.

“What’s taking her so long?!” Pinkie shouted. “You’d think the disappearance of her favorite student would shock Princess Celestia!”

“Girls, I don’t think this is a good time to panic...”

“It’s the perfect time to panic, Spike!” Fluttershy cried. “Our best friend disappeared in a flash of light, all because she rewrote a spell! What if the other ponies assume we…?”

“We didn’t,” I said as I placed my hands on her shoulders. “The elements may turn creatures to stone and reduce their power, but they would never do something as morbid as that. Even to their own wielder, no less. I think the best course of action is to wait until Celestia responds and see where to go from there. I’m sure Twilight is alive and well somewhere.”

After the girls calmed down, we left the library.

“I sure hope yer right about Twilight bein’ okay,” said Applejack. “I can’t stand losin’ such a close friend.”

“None of us can,” I said.

Pinkie gasped. “Look! A shooting star!”

We looked up at the sky to see a light moving in the sky.

“Everypony! Wish for Twilight to come back!” Pinkie commanded.

We closed our eyes and made our wish. When we opened them, we noticed the light slowly descending to the center of town. Twilight’s cutie mark appeared from the glowing comet.

“It must be her!” Rainbow shouted. “Let’s go.”

We rushed to the center of town just to see the big ball of light touched down on the ground. What appeared from the orb was…

“Twilight?” Applejack asked. “Is that you?”

Twilight slowly stood up. What appeared on her sides was a pair of wings, a.k.a. 2013’s fandom divider.

“Woah! Who asked for Twilight with extra wings?” I asked.

“I-I've never seen anything like it!” Applejack exclaimed.

“Awesome! A new flying buddy!” Rainbow Dash declared.

“Why, you've become an alicorn,” Rarity said. “I didn't even know that was possible.”

“Alicorn party!” Pinkie cheered with her fake wings and horn.

“You look just like a princess!” Fluttershy said.

“That's because she is a princess,” Celestia said as she flew in.

The girls were surprised to hear that. I pretended to be the same. Pinkie even took out a glass of water to do a spit take.

Celestia continued, “Since you've come to Ponyville, you've displayed the charity, compassion, devotion, integrity, optimism, and of course, the leadership of a true princess.”

“But...does this mean I won't be your student anymore?” Twilight asked.

“Not in the same way as before. I'll still be here to help and guide you, but we're all your students now, too. You are an inspiration to us all, Twilight.”

“So...is she immortal?” I asked.

Celestia chuckled. “While Twilight is an alicorn, she is not the same type of alicorn as Luna or me. I can assure you, Twilight will not outlive her friends.”

Tell that to my brony and former-brony friends.

“But...what do I do now?” Twilight asked. “Is there a book about being a princess I should read?”

“There will be time for all of that later,” Celestia replied.

The rest of the events played out like in the show. A big coronation was held for Twilight. Twilight gave a speech thanking all her friends and family. Everypony cheered for her. Shining Armor even showed some of his “liquid pride,” which was just him crying.

I was thankful I prevented the girls’ cutie marks from switching around, and finding another way for Twilight to get wings. I also learned that she wasn’t considered immortal, though it kind of raised a question about why Celestia and Luna allowed her to rule Equestria during the finale, and why Twilight looked like them in the final episode.

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