• Published 24th Feb 2020
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Spike The Brony Dragon - red4567

A human in Spike's body will do whatever he can to change the future for the better.

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Chapter 46 (Spike at Your Service)

There was nothing I could change for “Apple Family Reunion.” It wasn’t my business to interfere with Applejack’s plans, and it would be nice for the ponies to learn some lessons every now and then.

One episode, however, was an episode that I was going to change dramatically. “Spike at your service.” In the show, Applejack saves Spike’s life and he believes he needs to serve her for the rest of her life. It was worse than it sounds. Thankfully, I wasn’t stupid. All I needed to do was avoid the desire for a hot air balloon ride.

I was in the library with Twilight. I counted the books she just got from the princess. Just like in the show, there were twelve books.

“I don’t see why Princess Celestia wanted you to read a dozen books over the weekend,” I said.

“Princess Celestia obviously thinks I can or she would never have assigned them to me,” Twilight said as she sat on a pillow. “I'm not planning on letting her down.” She then poured herself a cup of tea.

“Yeah, but shutting yourself from the outside world?”

“I can take a break. Actually, Spike, why don't you take the day off? These books are gonna keep me busy for a while.”

“Well, there are some things that I wanted to do.” I shrugged. “Okay. Just let me know if you need my help.”

As I left the library, I had an idea about what I should do, and it didn’t involve touching my nose with my tongue, playing belly bongos, or smelling my feet. My first task was to learn a new skill. It would be something that I can enjoy or something that could help me later in the series.

I could learn how to play piano. I could also try to workout a bit to improve my strength...

That’s when I noticed a group of ponies out on a nearby field. There were a bunch of abstract structures around them. What surprised me was a familiar filly with the group of ponies. I walked over to her.

“Hey, Scootaloo,” I greeted. “What’s all this?”

“Parkour lessons,” Scootaloo replied. “The first learning session is free, so I thought I could learn a few tricks. Wanna join me?”

Seeing how I wanted to learn a new skill, I decided to accept. Parkour was one skill that I liked to learn about.

“Okay, so how do I join?” I asked.

“Just talk to the instructor over there,” Scootaloo pointed to a white earth pony with a black, straight mane. She wore a black shirt and red sneakers, and her cutie mark was a pony jumping over obstacles. “Her name is Faith Swifthoof.”

“Okay, thank you.”

I talked to Swifthoof about joining in, and she allowed me, but mentioned that it would be a bit challenging for me since I wasn’t a pony. I told her that I understood. She provided me with some small sneakers, a neon shirt, and dark-colored shorts similar to what the others were wearing. I quickly slipped into them and got with the group of ponies.

“Welcome to parkour,” Swifthoof announced. “Many ponies say it’s a difficult skill to learn, but once you know the basics, there’s nothing to it. As long as you can run and jump, you can do parkour. Now, let’s begin.”

Surprisingly, most of the stuff Swifthoof taught us was rather easy to learn, such as rolling to recover momentum and hanging onto a thin ledge for an extended period of time. The trick was to maximize friction and to look before you leap. There weren’t any spectacular tricks, like backflips, but there were some impressive stunts that I once saw on YouTube.

After what seemed like a couple of hours, the session was over. We thanked Swifthoof for the lesson and returned the equipment. She gave us a pamphlet in case we were interested in paying for another lesson. I followed Scootaloo afterwards.

“Woo! That was some intense training,” Scootaloo said as she wiped the sweat off her forehead. “Still, I’m glad I could experience it.”

“Yeah, me too,” I said. “It’s nice to learn about different parkour skills. Maybe I can convince Twilight to sign me up for another lesson. Provided we can afford the classes, of course.”

“Where is she, anyway? I didn’t see her anywhere during our class.”

“She’s in the library reading. She let me take the day off. Say, where are Sweetie Belle and Applebloom? I thought you and the girls would try to get cutie marks in parkour.”

“Oh, we tried that last autumn. Applebloom couldn’t keep her balance. I wanted to learn a bit for myself just in case.”

“Yeah same.”

“That reminds me. I’ve gotta meet the rest of the Crusaders soon! We’re gonna try to get our cutie marks in water skiing.”

Scootaloo and I parted ways. After I had lunch, I paid a visit to Rumble and Button Mash. It was strange seeing them together so often. The two must’ve been really close or something.

Rumble and I watched as Button Mash was playing one of his games on his Game Colt. It looked rather familiar.

“Now, this is the part where I would always get stuck on,” Button said. “This mare’s creature has a move that completely obliterates my entire team.”

“Isn’t it a normal-type creature, though?” I asked. “Why not use a fighting-type? It could help take it down faster.”

“You don’t get a fighting-type this early in the game unless you trade with somepony else. Besides, I tried using creatures that were resistant to its move, and they still got defeated. I swear, this mare’s been feeding it too many scarce sweets or something.”

Just like he said, Button’s team was entirely wiped out in a flash. The brown colt resisted the urge to slam his Game Colt onto the table as the game calmly mentioned his blackout for the millionth time.

After Button Mash calmed down, I asked, “Why does the game always make your character black out when you get defeated? It doesn’t happen to the other trainers.”

“They didn’t want you to explore the world without any creatures,” Button replied as he watched the doctor heal his wounded creatures. “It was easier for them to code you rushing to the center to reheal than have you wander around.”

“Yeah, but blacking out? They could’ve just faded to black and say you rushed to the center after your defeat. The blackout dialogue seems unnecessary.”

“Hey, I wasn’t the one who designed this game. If you ever find the studio, you can talk to their staff about it.”

After about an hour of watching and commenting Button Mash playing his game, I said goodbye to the two and headed on my way.

Hang out with some of my friends, check.

I thought about what else I should do. I felt pretty guilty lying about Diamond Tiara stealing apples. It was the only thing I could do to get her away from Babs, though. It was not like I could politely ask her and Silver Spoon to stay away, distract them long enough until they gave up and headed home, or tell them that I came from the future and saw the events that played out.

I quickly found Tiara and apologized for what happened that day. I explained to her that Applejack was getting protective of her apples recently and was worried about them getting stolen. That was why she assigned me to keep ponies away from the barrels. I told Tiara I wasn’t aware that she didn't intend to go anywhere near them. I just expected the worst, and it was my fault for jumping to conclusions so quickly.

Tiara “forgave” me in her usual bratty way, but at least it was better than nothing. I doubt it would be the last time I interacted with her positively before her redemption. I just needed to make sure I didn't try to get her into any more hot water. The last thing I needed was to unintentionally prevent the CMC from getting their cutie marks.

Since I still had some time left, I decided to visit Fluttershy. When I went to her cottage, I saw her, Winona, and Applejack there. Fluttershy and Applejack were talking to each other.

“Thank you for takin’ Winona out for a walk, Fluttershy,” Applejack said. “I’ve been as busy as honeybees in a flower patch back at the farm.”

“Don’t mention it,” Fluttershy said. “That’s what friends are for, right?”

Winona licked Fluttershy one last time and followed Applejack out of the yard.

“Howdy, Spike,” Applejack greeted as she and her dog passed me.

“Uh, hey Applejack, could I talk to you for a sec?” I asked.

“What’s botherin’ ya?”

“I...I was talking to Diamond Tiara, and as it turns out, she never planned on stealing your apples.”

“She didn’t? I knew that filly wouldn’t stoop that low...”

“I’m sorry, Applejack. I didn’t know. From where I was standing, it looked like she was going to rob them. I just wanted what was best for you and for Tiara. It was my fault I got so paranoid.”

“At least she told ya what really happened. Thank you for tellin’ me. I guess I better tell Mr. Rich about this. I felt pretty guilty about swingin’ that shovel at ‘em, and hearing Tiara’s side of the story ain’t helping.”

Winona whined. Applejack petted her head.

“Ah, don’t worry, girl. I ain’t one to hold grudges for too long.” Applejack looked at me. “And Spike, please be more careful. Ya shouldn’t jump to conclusions like that. I know Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon ain’t the nicest ponies in Ponyville, but they’re just fillies.”

“I understand.”

“Though, that just leaves another question: why were those two fillies visitin’ the farm?”

“Probably to tease the CMC and Babs. We really ought to start an anti-bully campaign.”

“Probably. Well, we’d better get back to the farm. Talk to ya later, Spike.”

I waved goodbye to them as I approached Fluttershy.

“Good afternoon, Fluttershy,” I said.

“Oh, Spike. Did we miss our tea time?” Fluttershy asked. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know it was today! Please forgive me!”

“Relax, Fluttershy. It’s not our tea time today. I just wanted to make a surprise visit.”

“Oh.” Fluttershy sighed in relief. “You got me worried for a second. I didn’t have time to prepare the tea.”

“It’s alright. We can drink something else if you want.”

A short while later, Fluttershy and I were drinking some fruit juice while resting outside.

“Shouldn’t you be working with Twilight?” Fluttershy asked.

“She told me to take the day off,” I replied. “The princess gave her a lot of books to read over the weekend. Knowing Twilight, she’ll probably finish them all before dinner.”

Fluttershy giggled. “That’s true.”

Suddenly, she rubbed her back before groaning a bit.

“Are you alright?” I asked.

“Yes. I just overworked a bit today. I was taking Applejack’s pet, Winona, for a walk today, and she was really hyper. I’m starting to think Applejack and Pinkie Pie switched their pets around sometime earlier in their life. I have never seen a puppy with such energy, and I once took care of a bandicoot who had a nervous disorder. My back has been getting a little sore.”

“Here, let me help you.”

I walked over to Fluttershy. I gently pressed my fingers onto her back and slowly rubbed in tiny circles. She felt rather soft, almost like a giant plushie.

“Huuuh...” Fluttershy sighed. “That does feel quite nice. You make a great massage dragon, Spike.”

“Thank you.”

“Could you please go a little higher?”

I nodded and slowly worked my way up her back. She shivered a bit when I got near her wings.

“Please be gentle, Spike. I’m very sensitive there.”

I eased off a bit. Fluttershy motioned me to move up a bit more. I moved my hands until they were near Fluttershy’s neck.

“Ohhhh...that’s the spot.” Fluttershy sighed with relief. “Stay there.”

I did what she said as I rubbed my fingers around her upper back. I couldn’t believe I was massaging my favorite pony, and she was enjoying it. I didn’t know I was that good at giving massages. It was unknown whether it was the old Spike’s skill or mine. That didn’t matter, though. The feeling of Fluttershy’s warm, soft, silky yellow coat on my fingertips was an amazing feeling.

“Thank you, Spike,” Fluttershy said as I finished her massage. “My back feels so much better. I’m so glad I have you with me.” She then nuzzled my cheek.

“You’re welcome, Fluttershy,” I said as I blushed. “I feel the same way.”

We hugged once again. I will never get tired of feeling her warm embrace.

Suddenly Fluttershy gasped. “Rainbow Dash!”

We quickly split apart to see Rainbow Dash gawking at us.

“Hey, I came by to tell ya that they just came out with this new thing,” Rainbow said. “I think they called it a ‘room.’ Maybe you two should consider getting one.”

“Very funny, Rainbow,” I said. “Do you need to talk to Fluttershy?”

“Actually, I came here to find you, Spike. Have you seen Twilight around? I knocked on the front door of the library, but she didn’t answer.”

“That’s strange. She was going to be there all day. We better investigate.” I quickly turned and kissed Fluttershy on the cheek. “I’ll see you later.”

Fluttershy waved goodbye as I hopped on Rainbow’s back. She then flew me to the library.

“Don’t say it. Don’t say it,” I said.

“Say what?” Rainbow asked.

“Fluttershy and I shouldn’t show affection out in public because I’m a dragon and she’s a pony. I get it.”

“Hey, I don’t care what species you two are. As long as you two love each other, I’m all for it. It’s just the showing-affection-in-public in general I can’t stand. I get it, ponies want to show they’re in love. Just don’t rub it in everypony’s faces.”

Once we got to the library, I opened the front door, and we both headed inside. It didn’t take long until we found Twilight still sitting in the same spot. Unsurprisingly, she was down to the last three books.

“Twilight,” I called out. “I’m back. Have you been really reading all day?”

“Uh-huh,” Twilight replied, keeping her nose in the book.

“Rainbow Dash knocked earlier and you didn’t answer.”

“That’s nice.”

“Are you even listening?”

“Sounds good.”

I sighed. “By the way, Rainbow Dash came to tell you that she loves you and she wants you to be her special somepony.”

Rainbow’s face blushed redder than the red part of her mane. “I didn’t say that! I swear I did NOT say that! He’s lying!”

“Mm-hmm,” Twilight said in the same monotone voice.

“See? She’s not listening,” I said. I then noticed her row of neatly-placed ink jars. “I have an idea. Watch this.” Following what Applejack in the original episode did, I quickly flicked one of them out of line.

“AH!!” Twilight quickly dropped the book she was reading and turned around.

“Sorry about that Twilight,” I said.

“It’s alright, Spike,” Twilight said as she got up and moved the ink jar back. “I needed a break anyway.”

“And then some,” Rainbow added. “You’ve practically thrown the day away.”

“I know, but I need to finish the book pile before the end of the weekend, and I have one...two...three...that’s all I have left? I could’ve sworn there was more.”

“Twilight, while I did enjoy my day off, I have to agree with Rainbow Dash,” I said. “You should take breaks more often and not get so distracted. What if something like a herd of timberwolves invades Ponyville and you weren’t with us to stop it? I know you want to impress the Princess, but still...”

“Alright, alright. I’ll try to be more aware of my surroundings.” Twilight sighed. “Thank you for looking out for me, Spike.”

“It’s what a noble dragon does.”

“A noble dragon?” Rainbow asked.

“It’s part of my dragon code. If you were a dragon, you would get it.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. It was a good thing the original episode never happened. Rainbow never got injured, the timberwolves never showed up, Applejack’s home never got messy, and I never acted klutzy nor idiotic. I still wondered how Spike ended up like that in the show.

Later that night, I helped Twilight with one final book before bed.

“So what’s this book about?” I asked as I adjusted the lantern abover her head.

“Alicorn history,” Twilight replied. “Say, did you know there were male alicorns?”

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