• Published 24th Feb 2020
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Spike The Brony Dragon - red4567

A human in Spike's body will do whatever he can to change the future for the better.

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Chapter 44 (One Bad Apple)

“Aren’t you excited, Spike?”

“For what Twilight?”

“The upcoming Summer Harvest Parade, of course.”

“Oh, right. I forgot about that. Wait a minute, isn’t it still spring right now?”

“Well, yeah. The ponies in Ponyville call it the ‘Summer Harvest Parade’ to wish farmers a good harvest for future summer crops.”

“Huh. I didn’t know that.”

Since the Summer Harvest Parade was around the corner, I knew this was when the events of “One Bad Apple'' took place. In the show, Applebloom’s cousin, Babs Seed, comes for a visit. She then ends up joining Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon in bullying the CMC. It was later revealed that she herself was bullied in Manehattan. What bothered me was why most of the grown-ups in the episode played the “do nothing” card. I’m hoping I could try to find a way to prevent Babs from joining the two entitled brats before it’s too late.

I headed to Sweet Apple Acres to help Applejack out a bit. Hopefully, I could keep an eye out for Tiara and Silver while I was there.

“I hope you’ll get a good harvest this coming summer, Applejack,” I said as I helped her buck some trees.

“I’m sure we will,” Applejack replied. “The worst harvest we ever gotten was when we had a twittermite infestation a few years back, and even then we only lost a month’s worth of apples.”

“I see.”

“Oh hey. Didn’t anypony tell ya? Our cousin’s visitin’ us today.”


“Different cousin. Her name’s Babs Seed. She’s a filly from Manehattan that’s just around Applebloom’s age.”

“Nice. Does she have her cutie mark?”

“Nah. She doesn’t have one yet. And...uh...” Applejack tilted her hat. “From what I’ve heard, she’s been gettin’ teased for it.”

“That kinda sounds like what Applebloom and the others are going through with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.”

“Yeah, it kinda does. Say, have you seen the float the girls were makin’?”

“Not yet.”

“Well, ya should. The girls have been workin’ their tails off on that float for weeks on end.”

After we finished, Applejack headed to the barn. I looked around for the two troublemakers, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Sure enough, I spotted them entering the farm. I quickly dove behind a haystack.

I got to make sure Babs doesn’t join Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. I could try making a break to the barn before they spot me…

I peeked from the hay to see Tiara and Silver passing some barrels filled with apples. That’s when my brain hatched an idea.

“Hey! Get away from that!” I shouted at the top of my lungs. “Applejack! Come quick! Some fillies are stealing your apples!”

Both fillies jumped in shock.

“Wait!” Diamond denied. “We weren’t—!”

Applejack busted out of the barn carrying a shovel. “Get yer flanks away from mah apples!”

“Miss Applejack, wait! This is all a—!”

Suddenly, Diamond bumped into a barrel behind her, spilling apples everywhere and sending herself tumbling to the ground.

“We better get out of here!” Silver said as she grabbed Tiara’s hoof.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon quickly galloped out of the farm before Applejack could reach them.

“Wait ‘til yer folks hear about this!” Applejack shouted. She then took a deep breath and looked at the mess the two fillies left. “Aw, great. Now these apples are gonna be bruised and spoiled.”

I quickly hurried to Applejack and helped her pick up some of the apples.

“Thank ya kindly for tellin’ me, Spike,” Applejack said.

“Don’t mention it,” I said. “I was glad I noticed them in time.”

“I don’t know what drove those two to thievery. I better tell Mr. Rich about what happened. There’s no way he’d let his own daughter steal from somepony he has business relations with.”

After we cleaned up, we headed to the barn to see what the CMC were up to. I noticed the giant pumpkin float up close. I was surprised that the CMC could have built something so massive all by themselves.

“Did ya get ‘em, Applejack?” Applebloom asked.

“Nah, they ran off,” Applejack replied as she put the shovel back. “Can’t believe Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon would do something like that.”

“It was those two?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Who are they?” Babs Seed asked. She was the brown, freckled filly with a red mane.

“Just some bullies who always tease us because we don’t have our cutie marks yet,” Scootaloo replied. “Never thought they would steal something. I thought Tiara’s family was rich.”

“Wow, this float is spectacular,” I said to the girls.

“Thanks, Spike,” Sweetie Belle squeaked. “We’ve been working on it for a while. The float is going to look smashing with the others.”

I then turned to Babs. “Is this your cousin, Applebloom?”

“Yep, this here’s Babs Seed,” Applebloom said as she put an arm around her cousin’s back. “Babs, this is Spike. He’s a dragon.”

“It’s nice to meet you Babs,” I said as I held out my hand.

Babs took a step back.

“Hey, don’t be nervous,” I quietly said. “It’s okay. I’m a good dragon. You don’t need to be scared.”

Babs timidly walked up to me and shook my hand. She cracked a tiny smile.

“Anyway, this float is looking pretty great,” I said. “I can’t wait to see it during the parade.”

It was a good thing I prevented the float from being demolished. As much as I liked the CMC’s “Golden Apple” float, I didn’t want to see their original get destroyed by Babs. That gave me an idea.

“Hey, Applebloom,” I said. “Could I speak to you in private?”

“Uhh...sure,” Applebloom replied.

We quickly snuck away from the group and headed to the back of the barn.

“What’s wrong?” Applebloom asked.

“I’ve noticed how shy your cousin is,” I whispered. “She is from Manehattan, right?”

“Yep. I’d thought she’d act a bit more...bold, but I guess you really can’t judge someone based on where they’re from, right?”

“Yeah, I remember saying that. Applejack told me she was having problems in the big city. Getting teased for having a blank flank and all that.”

“Oh, my. I didn’t know that. No wonder she was actin’ so shy. She must’ve been afraid of bein’ bullied here, too. It was a good thing Tiara and Silver didn’t come to the barn. We were gonna have Babs ride with us on the float so she could feel a might easier.”

I scratched my chin. “Why don’t you let her drive the float? She might enjoy it. Who knows?”

Applebloom scratched her chin. “Well, we did design the float so it would be easy to control... I guess we could show her some of the basics.”

I nodded. “Yeah, you should. Maybe afterwards, she won’t act so timid.”

When we headed back, Applebloom pitched the idea to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, who both thought it was a good idea. Babs was a bit skeptical, but she was willing to try.

The Summer Harvest Parade arrived in a flash. Everypony was standing idly while the floats were being prepared.

I was munching on some hot carrot crepes when I noticed Diamond Tiara and her family close by. I stealthily eavesdropped on their conversation. It sounded like her parents were scolding her.

“Tiara, how could you do something like that?” Mrs. Rich said. “You know we have important associations with the Apple family.”

“I told you, I didn’t steal anything!” Tiara replied. “Silver Spoon and I were just walking by—”

“Don’t lie, Tiara,” Mr. Rich said. “Miss Applejack told us how she caught you and Silver Spoon stealing some of her profits. If you wanted an apple so much, you could’ve simply bought one. They’re not expensive.”

“But I was—”

“You’re lucky the Apple family was able to overlook this situation, Diamond,” Mrs. Rich said. “If you pull something like that again, we’ll see to it that you get a ‘pay-cut’ on your next allowance.”

Tiara gulped and remained silent. I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself. I quickly hurried to where the girls were.

“Isn’t this exciting, girls?” Pinkie asked. “I can’t wait to see what shapes the floats are! What shapes do you think we’ll get? Watermelon-shaped? Squash-shaped? Cucumber-shaped?”

“There’s only one way to find out, darling,” Rarity replied. “Say, weren’t you supposed to be driving one of the floats?”

“Yep.” Pinkie nodded. “Oh my gosh! I was supposed to be driving one of the floats!” She quickly zoomed away.

After a short while, the floats came rolling in. Most of them looked rather impressive. The other ponies did a good job designing them. I kept my eye out for the CMC’s float. I hoped that they didn’t crash or anything.

Thankfully, their float appeared moments later. I could see Babs driving and sheepishly waving. The CMC were by her side and waving as well, but with more exhilaration.

“It was just super sweet of the girls,” Applejack said, “makin' Babs feel so special.”

I nodded. “I agree. I’m surprised they picked a pumpkin. I thought they’d go with an apple design or something.”

“Applebloom and I made one last year. We designed it based on the summer rambo apple.”

“But why a pumpkin? Aren’t pumpkin’s fall crops?”

“Actually, since pumpkins take their sweet time to grow, it’s best if ya planted them in mid-summer, so they can be ripe when fall rolls around. If ya plant them too late, you’d have to wait until Winter Wrap Up comes until they’re ready. That’s assumin’ they survive the cold winter.”

“Oh. That makes sense.”

I watched the other floats pass by. There wasn’t any trouble, at least not from Tiara and Silver. I was glad I was able to keep them away from Babs.

After the parade was finished, I hurried to where the CMC and Babs were. They were just getting out of the float. Babs looked like she enjoyed driving.

“Uh, thank you for letting me drive,” Babs said. “It was good to hear ponies cheering at me for once.”

“For once?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I...” Babs sighed. “I would get teased by some ponies for not having a cutie mark. I was hoping I could visit Applebloom during Spring Break to get away from it.”

“You should try talking to somepony about it,” I said as I approached the girls.

“Huh? Oh, Spike,” Scootaloo said. “Good to see you again.”

“Babs, why don’t you tell someone about your bullying?” I asked. “It would help more than just keeping it to yourself.”

“I don’t know, Spike.” Babs rubbed the back of her head. “I don’t want to be a snitch...”

“‘Snitches may get stitches, but it’s better than keeping the itches in your britches for the witches,’” I said. “It’s an old poem I’ve read once.”

“Huh, I never heard something like that before,” Applebloom said. “Good advice.”

Afterwards, the CMC invited Babs to join their club and she accepted. I was glad I prevented Babs Seed from joining Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. The same went for saving the CMC’s first float. I also liked the bonus of Tiara getting scolded by her parents, even though one of them wasn’t somepony who I would approve of. I just hoped it doesn’t affect her redemption later on.

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