• Published 24th Feb 2020
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Spike The Brony Dragon - red4567

A human in Spike's body will do whatever he can to change the future for the better.

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Chapter 41 (Too Many Pinkie Pies)

As I was walking down the street, I noticed Rainbow Dash writing something on a piece of paper.

“Whatcha got there, Dashie?” I asked.

“It’s a form for the Wonderbolts Academy, Spike. Captain Spitfire announced they were looking for new fliers, so I’m gonna attend and show them my stuff!”

“I’d be careful, Rainbow Dash. I’ve heard they be brutish at times.”

“They’re Wonderbolts. Of course they’ll be brutish. But I can handle anything they’ll throw at me. Don’t be surprised when I come flying by in a month or so wearing one of those suits.”

“Do you think they’ll let non-ponies join the Wonderbolts?”

Rainbow Dash signed the application. “You don’t even have your wings yet, Spike. You’ve gotta learn how to fly before you learn how to fly spectacularly.”

“I ment non-ponies in general. You know. Other dragons, griffons...”

“I don’t know Spike.” Rainbow inserted her application into an envelope and licked it shut. “I never even heard of a Wonderbolt who wasn’t a pony. I mean, there aren’t any rules against it, but I never saw a non-pony wanting to become a Wonderbolt.”

Rainbow then inserted the envelope into a nearby mailbox.

“Now, all we gotta do is wait,” she said.

“I hope you get accepted,” I said. “They’d have to, considering the fact you saved three of them and Rarity.”

“Heh, I bet they will.”

“So, what are you trying to do again?” I asked Twilight.

“I’ve been working on a spell that transforms an apple into an orange,” Twilight replied as she placed a crimson apple on the table.

“And Applejack’s okay with this?”

“She doesn’t mind it. It’s only one apple, after all.”

I realized that this was when the events of “Too Many Pinkie Pies” took place. In the show, Pinkie decides to clone herself, but it goes wrong and as a result, the entire town gets covered in Pinkie Pies. What bothered me was why Twilight had the clones watch paint dry instead of simply quizzing them to find the real Pinkie Pie. I’m hoping I could either prevent Pinkie from cloning herself or propose the quiz to Twilight.

“Alright, let’s test this out.” Twilight’s horn glowed.

The apple stretched and bended, but it instantly retained its shape.

Twilight wiped the sweat off her brow. “This spell's a toughie. But I feel lucky this time!” Twilight pointed her glowing horn at the apple. “One…”

“WAIT!” I shouted.

Twilight’s horn stopped glowing. “What? What is it?”

Nothing happened.

“What’s wrong, Spike? Why did you interrupt me?”

I looked around, but I didn’t see Pinkie Pie. I shook my head. “I’m sorry, Twilight. I thought—”


Within a millisecond, Pinkie pounced out of nowhere and wrapped her arms around Twilight like they were cobras.

“Pinkie!” Twilight grunted as she escaped the grasp of her pink friend. “Why'd you do that?!”

“Cause hugs are funneriffic,” Pinkie replied as she hugged herself. “Especially when you throw one around a friend. Whatcha doing?”

“Trying to turn that apple into an orange.”

“It’s difficult, but I’m sure she can do it,” I said.

“That sounds like fun!” Pinkie delightfully said. “Do me next, Twilight! Do me, do me!”

Suddenly, Pinkie bumped into Rarity. The latter was wearing a black hood.

“Oooh! Rarity, wanna see Twilight turn me into an orange?” Pinkie asked. “It's gonna be funna-fun-fuuun!”

I said, “Wait. We didn’t say...”

Rarity removed her hood to reveal that she was wearing a stylish dress. “As fun as creating this haute couture ensemble that I just finished making? Delightful, non?”

Pinkie gasped. “This is terrible!”

“I admit it's perhaps not my finest work, but I—”

“You had total-awesome-amazing fun and I missed out on it?!”

“I didn’t know you were into dress-making, Pinkie,” I said.

“Wait! What if there's more awesome amazing fun with friends happening somewhere in Ponyville right now that I'm missing out on too?!” Pinkie quickly zoomed away.

“Pinkie’s gotta learn that you have to miss out on some stuff once in a while,” I said.

“Okay, back to practice,” Twilight said.

“I shall see you two later,” Rarity said as she walked away.

“I really hope I can nail this spell,” Twilight said.

“I remembered when you turned an apple into a carriage,” I said. “So this should be a trot in the park for you.”

“Spike, turning an apple into another fruit is much different than turning it into a carriage. It was still shaped like an apple, you know.”

As Twilight continued her attempts to metamorphosize the apple, I thought about what episodes I could change before Twilight gets her wings. Given the time gap, it was safe to assume the rest of Season 3 will take place before the next summer arrives. Trixie wasn’t humiliated back when she first visited Ponyville, so there was no way she would’ve taken that amulet and challenged Twilight to a duel. I still needed to find a way for Babs Seed to avoid joining Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Since “Spike at your service” was my free day off, I could do whatever I want that doesn’t involve a hot-air balloon ride. I really hoped when Discord gets released that he understands my current relationship with Fluttershy. As for the “Equestria Girls” movie, I would have to find a way for Twilight and me to get the crown back from Sunset. Though, I’m sure it will be difficult when I turn into a Paw Patrol OC there.

“Okay, one more time!” Twilight announced as her horn glowed once more. “One...two...”

“Wait! Twilight!” I shouted.

“What now, Spike?” Twilight groaned. “I’m trying to improve my magic here. As my number one assistant, you’re supposed to support me, not stop—”


Pinkie approached again out of nowhere and bounced on Twilight’s back. The unicorn almost fell over. Pinkie zipped past us, knocking the table over.

“Pinkie!” Twilight shouted.

Pinkie stopped so hard, she inadvertently created a ditch. She popped out looking at her stopwatch.

“What in the wide, wide world of Equestria are you doing now?!” Twilight asked.

“Timing myself galloping back and forth between the swimming hole and Sweet Apple Acres,” Pinkie frantically replied as she pronked around in the same manner. “I'm trying to cut down my time so if Rainbow Dash dives off the swing, I can get to Sweet Apple Acres to help with the barn raising, and then be back in time to see Rainbow Dash hit the water after doing a double flip!” Pinkie looked at the stopwatch. “If I can cut my time by only twenty minutes, I'm good.”

Twilight chuckled after she heard that. “Oh, Pinkie. I'm afraid no matter how hard you try, the only way to pull something like that off is if there's—”

“A way for you to travel as fast as Rainbow Dash!” I quickly declared. “Why don’t you ask her? She might teach you a thing or two about going fast. She did create two sonic rainbooms after all.”

“Great idea, Spike!” Pinkie said. “I’ll head back to the lake immediately. Beep! Beep!” Pinkie dashed right out of the area.

I sighed in relief.

“I was going to say if there was more of her to go around,” Twilight said.

“Nah, gaining speed is more plausible,” I said. “That or teleportation.”

“She’s not a unicorn, Spike.”

I shrugged. “Hey, did I ask? Now, let’s get back to changing the apple, shall we?”

Twilight adjusted the table. “As long as you stop interrupting me.”

I pretended to zip my lips and throw away the key.

Twilight lit her horn up as the apple was covered in her swirling magenta magic. Within seconds, the apple transformed into an orange.

“Finally!” Twilight shouted. “I thought it would never work.”

“Good job, Twilight,” I said as I picked up the orange. “I think we’re gonna revolutionize the agricultural system with this spell.”

“It’s a pretty difficult spell, Spike. Even for me. Besides, there’s not gonna be an orange shortage anytime soon.”

I peeled the orange and gave a piece to Twilight. As she ate it, her eyes narrowed.

“Spike, try a piece,” she said. “Tell me what you think.”

“Uhh...okay...” I tore a piece off and ate it. I then realized why Twilight was confused. The orange flavor I was expecting didn’t come into contact with my tongue. “It tastes just like...”

“An apple.” Twilight sighed. “Darn it. I forgot to change its flavor. How did I miss that step?”

“That’s okay, Twilight. You’ve made it at least 95% orange. That’s still an ‘A’ in my book.”

“For you, maybe. But I always reach for 100%. I hardly ever got less than 98!”

“I’m starting to think you never finished that book.”

After what seemed like hours of spellcasting, we returned to the library. I didn’t see any sign of extra Pinkies, which must mean that she didn’t find that mirror pool. I was still skeptical though, so I dug through the shelves until I found a secret compartment. I pressed the horseshoe and the tiny door opened, revealing a book inside. I quickly pulled it out and flipped through the pages.

I know it has to be in here somewhere.

Eventually, I found a page regarding the mirror pool. It even contained a spell that can be cast to return the clones. Twilight noticed what I was reading.

“Where’d you get that book, Spike?” Twilight asked. “I’ve never seen it before, and I remember every book in this library.”

“Remember how you proposed the idea of having more Pinkies to go around?” I asked. “Well, as it turns out, it is possible.” I handed Twilight the book.

“Huh, well I’ll be.” Twilight read through the book. “Uh, oh. This spell doesn’t just work on the clones. The original might be sent back if the caster’s not careful.” She then closed the book. “At least we don’t have to worry about any clones.”

But right on cue, the sound of an angry crowd disrupted the calm atmosphere of the library.

Oh, shoot! Don’t tell me…!

“What’s going on?” Twilight asked.

Twilight and I quickly left the library to see all of Ponyville mad at us. Even some of our friends were glaring with them.

“What happened?!”

The crowd complained that there have been a lot of Pinkie Pies showing up. And they meant a lot. Pinkie must’ve already found the mirror pool.

Dang it! I was trying to avoid this!

“Okay, everypony, please, calm down!” Twilight shouted.

“Calm down? I just had a Pinkie hurricane raging through my shop!” Rarity retorted.

“And they trashed our critter picnic!” Fluttershy cried.

“Please, everypony! Lucky for you, Spike and I just happened to find a spell that could take the clones away. We just need to find the real Pinkie first. Does anypony here know how we can tell the real Pinkie Pie from all the rest of them?”

“Twilight!” A Pinkie Pie from the crowd shouted. “I have to talk to you, I need your help!”

“Excuse me, whoever you are, but I'm not talking to any of you Pinkies unless you're the real Pinkie.”

“But I am the real Pinkie!”

“No, you're not! I'm the real Pinkie!” Another Pinkie retorted.

Soon, every other Pinkie declared they were the real Pinkie. Since they looked exactly alike, it was hard to tell who was the real one.

“Quick! Twilight! Get in the library!” I shouted.

Twilight and I quickly dove into the library. I slammed the door shut and locked it.

“How are we going to find out which one is the real Pinkie?” Twilight asked. “They all look the same, and I can’t take any of their words for it.”

“I think I have an idea.” I said. “All we have to do is quiz them.”

“What?” Twilight tilted her head. “Quiz them?”

“I’ve read a story once about how a stallion cloned himself, similar to what Pinkie Pie did. Despite being exact replicas, the clones had very limited memories. It was how the stallion’s friends could tell him apart from the others. My proposal is that we should do the same for the Pinkie clones. We ask each of them a bunch of questions that only the real Pinkie would know, and we would get rid of those who answered wrong.”

“You think it’ll work?”

“It’s worth a try. At the very least, we would narrow things down if we still have some clones left.”

Twilight nodded. “Okay. But how do we know what the real Pinkie knows?”

“Just leave it to me. I’ll come up with simple questions and make them harder as time goes on.”

“Alright. I’ll get Applejack to round up the Pinkie Pies. You try to find anything that only Pinkie would know.”

“Right.” I grabbed a notebook. “I’ll start at Sugarcube Corner. Maybe the Cakes know something. Try to find the other girls, too. Send Rainbow Dash to me once you’ve rounded every Pinkie up.”

Twilight and I exited the library. Dodging all the pink ponies, I headed to Sugarcube Corner. I banged on the front door as hard as I could.

“We’re closed!” Mr. Cake’s voice shouted. “Go away!”

“It’s Spike!” I shouted back. “I need to get in! Open up! Hurry!”

Within a few minutes, the door cracked open.

“Quickly! Get in!”

I snaked into the building. All the lights were out and the window shutters were latched. Mr. Cake closed the door and slid both locks shut.

“Get behind the counter! Hurry!” Mr. Cake hissed.

I quickly followed Mr. Cake to the back of the counter. Mrs. Cake and the Cake Twins were hiding there as well.

“Spike, thank goodness you’re alright,” Mrs. Cake said. “This Pinkie Pie-calypse is horrifying everypony. Just look how scared Pound and Pumpkin are.”

Pound and Pumpkin cooed gleefully and innocently, naive to what was going on outside their home.

“We don’t know how this happened,” Mr. Cake said. “We didn’t want to lock Pinkie out, but there’s too many of her, and we can’t tell who’s the real one.”

“That’s why I’m here,” I said as I pulled out the notebook. “I’m trying to collect facts about Pinkie Pie. Is there anything that the real Pinkie would know? Any history? Secret special talents?”

“Well...Pinkie always had a knack for decorating cupcakes,” Mrs. Cake said. “She always knew what toppings to put on which cupcake. For example, on a brown cupcake, she would go for a bright-colored frosting for a contrast.”

I wrote in my notebook. “Okay, go on.”

“As for her history, she came from a family of six,” Mr. Cake added. “Two parents and four daughters.”

“Got it.”

Pound and Pumpkin then babbled in unison.

“Snicker, choco-chip, B-day, oats, and gingerbread. Thank you. Wait, how did I understand that?”

“If you need to find more information, try Pinkie’s room,” Mrs Cake said. “There might be something there.”

“Will do,” I said as I got up. “Stay here. We’ll let you know when it’s safe to come out.”

“It’s not like we have a choice here, Spike,” Mr. Cake said.

I hurried up to Pinkie’s room and searched for something that would help me. A few seconds later, I heard someone knocking on the window.

“Spike!” Rainbow’s voice shouted from the other side. “Are you in there?!”

“Yes! I am!” I shouted. “I’m coming out!”

I quickly opened the door to the second floor balcony. Rainbow Dash appeared over the railings.

“We brought all the Pinkies to town hall!” Rainbow Dash said. “You gotta head there now! The other girls are waiting on you!”

I hopped on Rainbow’s back. “Let’s fly!”

Rainbow took off as we zoomed across Ponyville.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” Rainbow grumbled. “Me and my big mouth.”

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“When Pinkie said that she wanted to learn how to travel between Sweet Apple Acres and the swimming hole in less than ten seconds, I told her it would take years of running to go as fast as me. I joked that she should just clone herself so that she can be in two places at once. I didn’t think she would take me literally!”

“You and your big mouth indeed.”

Rainbow and I arrived at the Town Hall. We entered the back way and met the others.

“Spike! There you are, darling!” Rarity said. “Twilight told us what you were going to do. Do you believe this will work?”

“I’ve gotten some information about Pinkie Pie from the Cakes,” I replied. “All of them had good information.”

“That will have to do,” Twilight said. “Now, let’s find the real Pinkie. Wait, you also got info from the Cake Twins? How did you understand baby talk?”

“I...don’t know.”

Twilight and I headed to the front of the stage. After she forced all the Pies to settle down, Twilight cleared her throat.

“Now, I suppose you're all wondering why I've gathered you all here today,” Twilight said.

“For fun?” one of the Pinkies asked.

“Y-Yes! Exactly!” I replied. “We’re gonna play a trivia game. The topic is Pinkie Pie. Here’s how this all works: we’re all gonna bring you Pinkie one at a time to the back to ask you a question. If you pass, we’ll send you to another room to continue the fun.”

The other Pinkies chanted in excitement.

“Alright, now let’s begin.” I pointed to the sad Pinkie. “You go first.”

I escorted Pinkie behind the stage. I had a feeling this was the real Pinkie, but I needed to stay skeptical. After she sat down on a stool, I cleared my throat.

“Alright. First question: What is my name?”

“Your name is Spike,” Pinkie sighed.

“Very good. Dash, take her to the next room.”

Dashie nodded and picked Pinkie up from her seat and took her out.

“Next!” I called out.

“Here’s another one,” Applejack pushed another Pinkie to the chair. “This plan of yours better work. Them other Pinkies out there are gettin’ more rambunctious than a band of crickets in the summertime.”

I asked the same question, “Alright, Pinkie. What’s my name?”

“Seriously? What kind of silly question is that?” Pinkie giggled. “Your name is...uh...Spyro?”

“Twilight, zap her!” I commanded. “She’s a fake!”


Twilight shot her horn straight at the fake Pinkie. She blew up like a balloon and transformed into a beam of magic before flying right out of Town Hall.

This went on for a while. Some Pinkies guessed my name correctly, while others guessed wrong. The wrong ones earned a trip back to the mirror pool. By the time I was done with the first question, there was already a significant amount of Pinkies left.

“There’s still too many Pinkie Pies,” Rainbow Dash said as we all entered the room. “We still can’t find the real one.”

“Don’t worry,” I said, “I’ve got plenty of more questions for these Pies.” I turned to the pink group. “Congrats all of you for getting this far. The next question will be harder, but I’m sure you all will get this one.”

Once again, a Pinkie was brung to the back of the stage. I asked the second question.

“Alright. For the next question, what is the name of this pony?” I held out a picture of Fluttershy.

“Oh, hey, it’s Shutterfly!” Pinkie replied.

“Twilight! It’s a fake!” I shouted.


“Butterby?” Another Pinkie asked.


“Butterscotch!” A third declared.


“It’s Fluttershy,” one Pinkie said unenthusiastically.

“That’s correct. You’re going to the next round.”

After questioning the rest of the Pinkies, we were only down to eight Pinkies. We were getting close.

“Third question,” I said. “How many sisters do you have?”

“None. I’m an only filly of course!” A Pinkie replied.

“Twilight! Fake!”


“A dozen!”


“Two. I also have a brother.”


“Three. Marble, Limestone, and Maud.”

I nodded.

After round three, there were only two Pinkie Pies left. We put them in separate rooms. Applejack and Rainbow were in one room, and Twilight and I were in the other. This was to ensure that neither of them ran off or did anything crazy.

“This time I’ll be asking three questions,” I said to the depressed Pinkie. “Question 1: How did you get your cutie mark?”

Pinkie took a deep breath. “I saw a sonic rainboom that made me happy and I wanted to spread that happiness so I threw a party for my family and they all enjoyed it and that’s how I got my cutie mark.”

“Question 2: In no particular order, name your top five cookies.”

“Chocolate chip, snickerdoodle, birthday cake, oatmeal, and gingerbread.”

“Final Question: What colored frosting would you recommend for a dark-colored cupcake?”

“The best choice would be a brightly colored frosting so that it contrasts with the base.”

“Okay...looks like you’ve answered these three correctly. Stay here while we question the other Pinkie.”

We swapped rooms with Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

I cleared my throat. “Okay, Pinkie. First question: How did you get your cutie mark?”

“I was born with it!” Pinkie gleefully replied.

“Fake,” Twilight and I said in unison.


“Then that can only mean one thing,” Twilight said.

We returned to the first room.

“Pinkie Pie, you’re the real one,” said Twilight.

“I passed?” Pinkie asked.

“You passed. You're the only Pinkie who aced the quiz about yourself.”

“You also were the only one who didn’t act so cheerful,” I added. “But we just wanted to make sure.”

“I had to. I just had to,” Pinkie said. “I couldn't leave my friends, I just couldn't. But I guess sometimes I will have to choose between them.”

“I knew you'd be up to the challenge,” Twilight said.

Later that day, we blocked the entrance to the mirror pool and fixed any damages that Pinkie caused. I then wrote and sent the friendship letter.

“Hi, Pinkie Pie,” Twilight greeted. “We were thinking we should go out and celebrate.”

“You up for some wheelbarrow races?” Applejack asked.

“Or I could take everypony on a cloud ride!” Rainbow added.

“I could throw a party with punch and zesty cucumber sandwiches!” Rarity declared.

“You wanna know exactly what I feel like doing right now?” Pinkie asked. She then layed on her back and fell asleep.

“That does look like fun,” Fluttershy said.

We all chuckled as we closed the door. I was a bit disappointed that Pinkie still cloned herself, but at least I was able to come up with a better way to find the real one than watching paint dry.

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