• Published 24th Feb 2020
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Spike The Brony Dragon - red4567

A human in Spike's body will do whatever he can to change the future for the better.

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Chapter 33 (May the Best Pet Win and the Mysterious Mare Do Well)

I was reading one of my comic books when I heard the front door open. Twilight and Owlowiscious came into the library.

“You’re back!” I said. “How was the Pony Pet Playdate?”

“Oh, same as usual,” Twilight replied as Owlowiscious flew off her back and landed on his perch. “Although, there was that incident with Rainbow Dash.”

“Rainbow Dash has a pet?” I asked.

“No, but she was thinking of getting one, and you should’ve seen the look on Fluttershy’s face when she said that. She took Rainbow Dash to her cottage to help her find a pet.”

“That’s nice.” I scratched Owlowiscious’s head. “I wonder what pet she might get. I bet it’s something that can fly.”

“Knowing Rainbow Dash, it’s probably going to be something that’s fast.”

The next day, the girls and I were at the town hall watching Rainbow Dash. There was a group of animals lined up. I knew this was when the episode “May the Best Pet Win” took place, but I didn’t have to change anything significant.

“Are they all Rainbow’s pets?” I asked.

“Oh, no,” Fluttershy replied. “Yesterday, I showed her a bunch of animals to choose from, and she narrowed her choices down to at least a dozen. We even sang a song about it.”

We watched Rainbow Dash act like a boot-camp instructor to her potential pets. I noticed a familiar tortoise rubbing its head against Fluttershy’s leg.

“What’s with the tortoise, Fluttershy?” I asked.

“I almost forgot.” Fluttershy picked him up. “He heard about Rainbow wanting a pet, so I brought him here.” She put him with the other pets. After some sweet-talking, she got Rainbow Dash to accept him into the competition.

“Now these games will determine which one of you has the most important qualities I'm looking for in a pet!” Rainbow Dash said to her future pets. “Speed! Agility! Guts! Style! Coolness! Awesomeness! And radicalness!”

“Aren’t those last three the same thing?” Twilight asked.

“You would think that, Twilight,” Rainbow said. “That’s why you would never qualify to be my pet.” She then flew off.

“It would be kinda interesting to see Twilight as Rainbow’s pet,” I said.

“D-Don’t say such nonsense, Spikey-Wikey!” Rarity said nervously. “Everypony knows you can’t own another pony as a pet.”

We later watched as Rainbow Dash provided each animal a test of each quality. The falcon was the fastest, the hummingbird was the most agile, the monarch butterfly was the bravest, and so on. Each animal had a good potential to be Rainbow’s pet.

“You know,” I said to the girls, “I’ve read somewhere that some owners resemble their pets and vice versa.” I looked at Winona. “Do you think it’s true, Applejack?”

Winona tilted her head. I tried my best not to snicker.

“That ain’t funny, Spike,” Applejack said behind me.

After all the contests, the top four were the bat, the owl, the falcon, and the eagle. The final challenge was to race Rainbow Dash across Ghastly Gorge.

“I've flown through it a million times myself,” Rainbow said as she stretched. “So obviously I'll be at the front of the pack. But whichever of you makes it across the finish line with me will have proven you can keep up with me, and will have earned the honor and glory of getting to be my pet!”

As Rainbow, the birds, and the tortoise took off from the starting line, Twilight teleported the rest of us to the finish line.

“Any ideas on who could be Rainbow’s pet?” Twilight asked.

“I do appreciate that falcon,” Rarity replied. “Though the eagle is rather majestic.”

“I’m placing my bits on the tortoise,” I said.

“Spike, the tortoise was eliminated,” Fluttershy said.

“Hey, I can hope, can’t I?”

After a while, the falcon was the first to cross the finish line, followed by the eagle, the bat, and then the owl. The only problem was Rainbow wasn’t with them.

“Something’s not right here,” Twilight said as she pulled out a pair of binoculars.

“Where’s Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked.

“Great galloping galoshes!” Applejack exclaimed as she looked through the binoculars. “There's been an avalanche in there!”

“Oh, no!” I shouted. “We gotta find her!”

“Wait! Look!” Pinkie pointed to something crawling to the finish line.

“It’s the turtle!” Fluttershy said.

“Tortoise!” We all shouted.


We saw the tortoise carrying Rainbow Dash. After they crossed the finish line (thanks to Twilight), we congratulated both the tortoise and Rainbow Dash for completing the race. Just like in the show, even though the falcon won, Rainbow wanted the tortoise instead. This was because she said that whoever crossed the finish line with her gets to be her pet. Since the tortoise was the only loyal animal in the race, Dash decided that it should be her pet. The falcon accepted this, but I couldn’t help but feel sorry for it.

After I sent Rainbow Dash’s letter to Celestia, Rainbow decided to name her pet, “Tank.”

Fluttershy pointed out that Tank couldn’t fly, but that didn’t worry Rainbow Dash.

“Twilight, you’re smart. Can you help me build some sort of flying device for Tank?” Rainbow asked.

“I think I can try,” Twilight replied.

“Say, don’t turtles...I mean, tortoises hibernate during the winter?” I asked.

“You’re right, Spike,” Fluttershy said. “That’s something you should know as well, Rainbow Dash.”

“Bah, that’s fine,” Rainbow said. “It’s early spring. Winter's way too far ahead for me to worry. I’ve got plenty of months to hang out with him until then.”

It was a good thing Fluttershy and I told Rainbow Dash about Tank hibernating. The last thing Ponyville needed was an early winter. Though, I wondered how Rainbow got away with destroying the weather factory in the show.

Hold on, if the events of “Tanks for the Memories” took place on Dash and Tank’s first winter together, does that mean some of the events of Seasons 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 take place in the same year?!

Today was when “The Mysterious Mare Do Well” took place. I’m sure I’ve mentioned countless times that I was not fond of Rainbow Dash. I didn’t care much for egotistical characters. But if I were to point out how annoying someone’s boasting was, I wouldn’t disguise myself as a superhero and try to steal all the glory.

That’s why I needed to find a different way to teach Rainbow Dash about humility without that idiotic plot the girls had. I believed just simply talking to Rainbow Dash would’ve been the best course of action for this episode.

Throughout the day, I watched as Rainbow Dash performed such heroic acts. I saw Rainbow rescue a filly who fell down the well, a runaway baby carriage, and a collapsing balcony. Each time, the crowd cheered for Rainbow Dash, and the girls were feeling a bit uneasy.

“Call me silly,” Twilight said, “But I think this whole hero thing might be going to Rainbow Dash's head.”

“Come on, silly,” I said. “You’d act the same way if you were in her shoes.”

“Have you even met me, Spike?”

The next day, the girls and I hung out at Sugarcube Corner. Rainbow Dash was telling her story to her fanclub while I was writing down everything she said. I didn’t know how I agreed to write Dash’s autobiography.

“Thinking back on it,” Rainbow Dash concluded, “I acted pretty awesomely heroic that day.”

I overheard Applejack say, “Awesomely heroic that day and awesomely arrogant ever since.”

“Isn’t she always?” I asked.

“Hey, Applejack.” Rainbow Dash wrapped her arm around Applejack. “How'd you like to be immortalized as my friend?”

After all the picture taking and autograph signing, Rainbow Dash and her club left Sugarcube Corner. The girls and I stayed. I could tell by the look on their faces that they weren’t pleased about Dash’s new fame.

“Seriously, gals,” Applejack said. “That mare is more full of herself than a barrel of wood pulp.”

Now you know how I feel.

“While I have to agree,” I said, “I don’t see the problem. I mean, sure she’s gotten a boost of confidence after doing all those rescues, but wouldn’t anypony act the same?”

“Still, if only Rainbow Dash learned out to be humble,” Rarity said.

I sighed. Twilight scratched her chin. That gave me an idea.

“Watch this,” I whispered to Fluttershy. I pointed to Twilight. “She’s gonna say something like ‘What if another hero came to Ponyville?’”

“What if we had another hero come to Ponyville?” Twilight asked. “Maybe we...” Twilight jerked her head towards me. “Wait, what?!”

“‘How did you know what I was going to say?’ You’re rather predictable, Twilight. ‘No, I’m not!’”

Fluttershy couldn’t help but giggle. I turned around to Twilight, who was dumbfounded.

“Your plan won’t work, Twilight,” I said. “Rainbow Dash would just challenge the ‘hero’. Once she finds out that the ‘hero’ is a fraud and that you have been trying to humiliate her...well, let’s hope you’re in the market for a new Element of Loyalty.”

“Do ya have any better ideas?” Applejack asked.

I smirked. “I have one. Why don’t we...JUST TALK TO HER?!?!”

Twilight, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie tumbled backwards out of their chairs.

"Darling, you don't have to yell," Rarity said.

"Oh, yes I do," I replied. "Rainbow Dash may be a hot-headed, egotistic pegasus, but she can listen to what her friends have to say. It’s best if we try to talk to her first before trying out your idea.”

We headed to Rainbow Dash’s house via balloon. Once we arrived, Twilight casted a spell on us, excluding Fluttershy, to walk on the clouds.

“Come to think of it,” Twilight said, “why didn’t we consider this first?”

Because you ponies are idiots.

I knocked on the front door. A few minutes later, Rainbow Dash answered the door.

“Okay, I can sign a few more autographs,” Rainbow said, “but you have to wait until...” She then noticed us. “Oh hey, girls and Spike. What are you all doing here?”

“Rainbow Dash, we need to talk,” Applejack said.

“Look, I told you I had nothing to do with that missing cider barrel. I promise. I’ve been...”

“Not that. It’s about what happened earlier today.”

Rainbow Dash invited us all in.

“What do you mean ‘what happened earlier today’?” Rainbow asked. “What did I do wrong?”

“Well, the girls were rather annoyed about how you boasted a lot earlier this afternoon,” I said.

“So what? I saved Ponyville multiple times, got a fanclub of my own, and was called the heroine of Ponyville today. My boasting was justified, and yet somehow, I’m the one who’s in the wrong?”

“I never said you were. It’s okay to boast once in a while. The girls are just worried that you might let your pride go to your head.”

“Come on, since when have I ever done that?”

“Let’s see,” Applejack said. “Where to begin?”


“Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said, “while we are proud of you for what happened today, we don’t want you to get all too worked up. You did deserve those bragging rights, but we just wanted you to consider grace and humility in the future so you won’t be so distraught if you fail.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Alright. Alright. I’ll try to stay humble enough for you girls.”

“Thank you.”

I was happy that the girls were able to talk to Rainbow Dash about humility. To be honest, part of me expected them to turn down my idea.

The next day, Rainbow Dash was able to stop a few disasters with some help from some of her friends. What worried me was why so many disasters happened these past two days. Something told me that Discord wasn’t actually turned to stone like we thought he did.

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