• Published 24th Feb 2020
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Spike The Brony Dragon - red4567

A human in Spike's body will do whatever he can to change the future for the better.

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Chapter 29 (No canon episode this time)

Hearth’s Warming Eve came and went so soon. It kinda felt like the Christmas I had back in the human world.

One of the gifts I got for Twilight was a book. I didn’t know if she had this topic in the library, but at least she’ll have a spare if she did. Twilight also got a book for me as well. It was called “Ogres and Oubliettes Manual. 6th ed.”

“You’ve always had an interest in it ever since that time with Shining Armor,” Twilight said. “I was thinking you might give it a try yourself.”

“Thanks Twilight. Boy, I remember this game. I can never forget the time I tried to flirt with one of the bosses, and a natural 20 made her my girlfriend for the rest of the session.”

“Yeah, Shining Armor said this never happened before, but somehow you’ve had the Mare of Luck on your side.”

“Heh, yeah. Thanks, Twilight.”

We both shared a hug.

Right after Twilight left the room, a sudden realization hit me.

It happened again! I knew something before the events of the first episode! What’s going on? Is it possible...that the old Spike is still here?

I quickly shook my head. I don’t know what’s happening to me, but I shouldn’t worry about it.

I decided to read the book Twilight gave me. It told all about different skills, monsters, and weapons. To be honest, I wasn’t that into DnD back in the human world. I only played one session, and somehow I died before my group entered the first dungeon. Even then, I wasn’t that big of a nerd to play another session. Still, since it was in-character for Spike to like this stuff, I might as well get into it. Hopefully, I can get Big Mac to play with me.

“Wow! Spike! Look at the snow!” Twilight called out.

I looked out the window. The pegasi really did a spectacular job with the winter weather. Unlike the blizzard the windigos did in the play, the snow drifted gently onto the ground, creating a nice, soft blanket.

I took this opportunity to explore Ponyville. After putting my scarf, hat, and boots on, I exited the library and strolled down the road. The buildings around me had looked so different thanks to the snow. Most stalls in the marketplace were either empty or replaced with in-season sundries. I looked up and watched as each tiny snowflake fell from the sky.

I can’t believe how long it’s been since I came to this world. It must’ve been over six months now. Seven at most. And I’ve done so much for myself and for the girls.

Looking back, I have done a significant amount of changes. Moondancer didn’t become a hermit, Dusty Pages retired without her or Twilight’s reputation shattered, Celestia got experience in acting, Luna adapted to modern Equestria without problems, the Grand Galloping Gala didn’t end in a complete disaster, and so much more. I don’t care what Discord says, I definitely made a difference.

“Spike! Over here!” a filly’s voice shouted. I turned to see Applebloom waving at me. She was with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. “We’re gonna play in the snow! Wanna join us?”

Why not? I’ve been given a chance to be a physical kid again. I don’t want it to go to waste. I’ve got a while before Winter Wrap-up happens.

“Sure thing, girls,” I said. I hurried to join them with their games.

We built snow-ponies first. We used an old scarf and rocks to decorate it.

“I remember reading a book about how a snowpony came to life when somepony put a hat on them,” I said. “It’s a shame we don’t have one.”

“You must’ve read a different version of the book,” Scootaloo said. “The one I’ve read said it was a magic scarf.”

“Huh. I could’ve sworn it was a hat.”

“‘There must’ve been some magic in that old silk scarf they found,” Sweetie Belle sang. “For when they placed it on his head, he started to dance around.’ You never heard of the song?”

I shrugged. “Maybe I misremembered. I don’t hear that song as often as the other Hearth’s Warming Eve songs. What are your favorites, anyway?”

“‘Carol of the Bells,’” Sweetie Belle replied. “Despite its tone, it’s really uplifting and wishes everypony a Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve.”

“Mine would have to be ‘Sleigh Ride,’” Scootaloo said. “I never actually rode one before, but the song makes it sound fun.”

“I guess mine’s ‘Grandma got flirted by a reindeer,’” said Applebloom. “Funny enough, it’s also Granny Smith’s favorite, too.”

“What’s it about?” I asked. “I don’t think I’ve heard about that one either. How does it go?”

“Oh! I know this one,” Sweetie Belle squeaked. She then cleared her throat and started singing.

“Grandma got flirted by a reindeer,
Walking from our house Hearth’s Warming Eve.
You can say the Gift Givers are a legend,
But as for me and Grandpa, we believe.”

“I kinda forgot how the rest of the melody went,” Sweetie said, “but the lyrics are about how the grandma leaves with a reindeer on Hearth’s Warming Eve, but in the end, she comes back to her family because her love for them is much stronger than her love for the reindeer.”

“That’s...very uplifting,” I said.

Certainly better than the lyrics the human world had…

Our next activity was snowball fighting. We split into two teams. Scootaloo and I were on one team, and Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were on the other. We quickly set up our forts.

“This fort should hold nicely,” I said.

Scootaloo nodded. Suddenly a snowball smacked her right across her face.

“The first shot has been fired!” I shouted. “Prepare to attack!”

Scootaloo and I hurried behind our snow fortress. We quickly stocked up on snowballs. I tossed one of them at the opposing fortress.

“Ah!” Applebloom’s voice was a sign I got her.

“It. Is. On!” Sweetie Belle squeaked. She quickly threw a snowball right back at us with great force. I was able to dodge it with pure luck.

“Ha! Ha! Missed me!” I teased.

Scootaloo tossed a snowball, but missed completely. She tried once more and managed to hit Sweetie Belle.

We continued pelting each other teams with snowballs until our arms were tired. After taking a break, we got out the sleds and literally headed for the hills.

Sledding was one of my favorite winter activities. Riding down the steep slopes felt so thrilling, making it worth every trek up the hill.

“Woo-hoo!” I shouted as I sledded down. “I haven’t had this much fun since I was young!”

“You still are young!” Scootaloo called out.

I lost count how many times I slid down the hill. It was probably more than double digits, I’m sure.

“Boy, that sure was fun,” I said after we were done. “It was better than in Canterlot, I’m sure.”

“What was it like sleddin’ in Canterlot?” Applebloom asked.

I shrugged. “It was alright. The problem was most of the streets were too flat to sled down, so Shining, Twilight, and I had to make our own hills of snow, which weren’t very high. One time, we thought about sledding down the roof of our house, but it was quickly shot down by our parents.”

“That happened to me once. I tried goin’ down the roof of our shed one time, but I kinda owed the family a new roof after that.”


“What is life like in Canterlot, anyway?” Sweetie Belle asked me. “Rarity never stops talking about how she wants to live there. Do you chat with any high-class ponies during the day?”

“Not really. Twilight spent most of her days studying and reading books, and I usually assisted her.”

“So you never actually had any high-class experience? Eating caviar? Wearing suits? Attending fancy parties?”

“None that I can remember. Except the Grand Galloping Gala, of course.”

“To be honest, when you said you and Twilight were from Canterlot,” Scootaloo said, “we thought you’d act more...snobbish.”

“Goes to show you can’t judge someone based on their social standings,” I said.

After we’ve done as much sledding as we could, it was getting late. The CMC and I parted ways and headed home.

Once I arrived home, I poured myself some hot chocolate and sat by the fireplace. I heard hoofbeats approaching. My body was wrapped with a blanket.

“Did you have fun out there?” Twilight asked.

“I sure did,” I replied. I took a sip from my cup. “The snow is much more enjoyable here than in Canterlot. Especially when you’re sledding.”

Twilight sat down next to me. “Yeah, I agree. Sledding in Canterlot was pretty boring, even with that roof incident. Maybe tomorrow we can try one of the hills here.”

“I already did some sledding today, but I don’t mind doing it again.”

Twilight and I shared a hug. Winter may not have been my favorite season, but I still enjoyed the snow days.

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