• Published 24th Feb 2020
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Spike The Brony Dragon - red4567

A human in Spike's body will do whatever he can to change the future for the better.

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Chapter 27 (The Last Roundup)

There wasn’t much I could do for “Family Appreciation Day.” I did enjoy the zap apple jam, though. It was sweeter than regular apple jam, and it gave your tongue a “bite” like a pineapple would.

The next episode to come up was “The Last Roundup.” That was when Applejack traveled to compete in this year’s rodeo, but she didn't win the prize money she needed to repair the town hall. So, she vows not to return until she earns enough money. I almost forgot about this episode’s plot due to a prior scene.

Which reminds me…

I headed to the town hall, which was already in shambles. Rainbow Dash was hanging a sign with Applejack’s face on it. Suddenly, a flash of lightning nearly struck Rainbow’s tail. I looked to see a grey derpy-eyed pegasus bouncing on a storm cloud.

Moment of truth. What are you going to say, Dashie?

“Be careful, Derpy!” Rainbow called out. “Don't want to do any more damage than you've already done.”

Oh, thank god! I’m glad I’m in this universe.

I don’t know why, but some people back in my world found Derpy offensive, so Hasbro had to censor her and keep her mute until Season 5. Thankfully, I wasn’t any of those people.

“I just don’t know what went wrong,” Derpy said before she zapped herself by mistake.

“Yeah, it’s a mystery,” Rainbow said.

I watched as Derpy’s mishaps caused the town hall to fall apart even more. The end result was Rainbow and Derpy falling into a hole. I tried to hold back my laughter, but it was like holding back a river with a piece of paper.

“Everypony, can I get your attention? Attention please!”

I turned to see a crowd standing in front of the town hall. The mayor was giving a speech about Applejack. Applejack was chosen to compete in this year’s rodeo, and she agreed to donate her potential prize money to fix the town hall. Ponyville had put a lot of pressure on her. It was no wonder she ran away after the rodeo.

After we all wished her good luck, Applejack hopped on the train and headed out. I wanted to tag along with her for support, but she assured me she was going to be fine.

Throughout the week, I thought about what I should do when the future villains show up. I already had Chrysalis covered. The next villain would be Tirek because there’s nothing I could change when encountering King Sombra.

When Cerberus left Tartarus, that must’ve been when Tirek escaped. I would have to find a way to keep them both inside, but given my small figure, that would be difficult.

How about focusing instead on what I can do?

I remembered in the show, Discord was sent to grab Tirek, but the draconequus decided to turn sides and join Tirek. Had it not been for karma, I would’ve been very angry with Discord. That’s why I thought it should be better if Fluttershy tagged along with Discord when he goes to find Tirek. She was the element of kindness, but if sweet talking doesn't work, then she could use the stare on the centaur. I don’t know if it’ll work on him, but it was worth a try.

I still needed to know when Starlight Glimmer used that stone to take everypony’s cutie marks away. It has to be before Twilight got that castle, I’m sure. But I couldn’t just go to where Starlight’s village was going to be and randomly explore each cave before finding the stone. I would need to figure out when is a good time to go there. I would also have to let Starlight know that cutie marks weren’t the reason she lost Sunburst.

If my plans for Chrysalis goes well, I don’t have to worry about her swarm kidnapping us for Season 6, and the Pony of Shadows can be defeated by the Mane 6. But there was one villain who I knew was going to be a challenge.

Cozy Glow.

That ponified Darla Dimple was a mastermind, as evident by her chess-piece cutie mark. She believed in power, wanting to rule Equestria by taking all of its magic. I couldn’t attack her directly, though. That would just be evidence for Chancellor Neighsay to prove how vile non-pony creatures were. Even by the time she gets defeated by the Student 6, I still couldn’t just beat her up. A male in his mid-20s assaulting a child would not bode well with neither Equestrian nor human society, even if she deserved it. The only way I could defeat her is to ruin her plan, and I might knew how.

Cozy and Tirek may not know this, but I already know their plans long before I set foot in Equestria. I could tell Cozy I realized this, but I would have to make sure I didn’t reveal that I was from the human world. While this would mean Cozy and Tirek would drop their plans, that won’t do any good, as they could just come up with another plan. Worst case scenario, they could try to get rid of me.

This is going to be dangerous. I can’t let Cozy win, I can’t attack her physically, and if I reveal that I know about her plans, she’ll get rid of me and try to convince the girls that I passed away or something. Both Tirek and Cozy are such a bad couple. If only I…

That’s when I had an idea. I had to seperate Cozy from Tirek. If Tirek somehow gets reformed, then perhaps he wouldn't need Cozy. But if he doesn't accept friendship, then I would just have to convince Cozy that Tirek isn’t who he says he is. I could tell her that he might backstab her. That way, Cozy might burn that bridge. Those two won’t be together anymore, and Cozy can be reformed, or at least accept that she can’t abuse friendship for power.

But if all else fails...would I have to take drastic actions? Would I have to seriously harm someone such as a filly?

I shouldn’t worry about that. No matter what, I had to find a way to prevent Cozy and Tirek from going through with their plan.

How did Cozy and Tirek meet anyway? Was it before or after he escaped? If it's before, would I be too late?

The week flew by faster than Rainbow Dash. Applejack’s friends and family were setting up a surprise party at the barn.

“I really hope Applejack enjoys this party,” Rarity said.

“Yeah, I can’t believe she’s already coming home today,” I said. But I had a feeling she wasn’t.

Surprise!” Pinkie shouted. Fluttershy stumbled backwards.

“Be careful over there!” I called out.

“Sorry! I was just practicing my ‘surprise!’ for when we surprise Applejack with this super cool party for becoming rodeo champion of Equestria!”

“Quiet, Pinkie,” Twilight said. “I think Applejack's coming!”

We quickly hid away from the door. The second the doors opened, we jumped out and shouted:


Pinkie did the same thing a few seconds later.

Sadly, it wasn’t Applejack who was at the door. It was a mailpony, but since it was his birthday, we gave him a slice of cake. He handed us a letter.

“Who’s it from, Twilight?" Applebloom asked. "What’s it say?”

“It’s from Applejack,” Twilight replied. She then read the letter, “‘Family and friends, not coming back to Ponyville. Don't worry, will send money soon.’ That’s...all there is.”

Everypony around us was shocked upon hearing that. Applejack loved being in Ponyville, so getting a letter saying she’s not coming back was a real punch to the gut.

“Something just dreadful must have happened to Applejack to make her not return!” Rarity cried.

“Maybe she's hurt, or sad, or scared!” Fluttershy shivered.

“So, what are we waiting for? Let's go find her!” Rainbow Dash called out.

“Don't worry. We'll search all of Equestria if we have to,” Twilight said.

“I’m going, too!” I announced.

“You want to come?”

“I’m her friend, aren’t I? I’ve helped her in the past and she helped me. My desire to find her is just as big as yours.”

“Very well, Spike. You can tag along.”

Later that day, we hopped on the train heading to Canterlot.

“Why would Applejack decide not to come back all of a sudden?” Twilight pondered.

“Maybe it had something to do with the rodeo?” I asked.

“What do you mean, darling?” Rarity filed her nails on an emery board.

“I have this theory. What if Applejack didn’t win the rodeo? What if she didn’t perform well enough to earn the prize money?”

The girls looked at each other with unease.

I continued, “Applejack can handle losing a fight, but due to the fact that there was so much money on the line, she didn’t want to come back empty-hoofed. Maybe that’s why she didn’t want to return to Ponyville just yet. She needed to find a way to get the money needed to repair the town hall. And given the state it’s in thanks to Derpy, I can’t blame her.”

“Derpy?” Twilight tilted her head.

“That gray pegasus who was with Rainbow Dash last week.”

“I thought her name was ‘Muffins,’” Fluttershy said.

“Bah, that mare keeps changing her name,” Dash said. “Probably because she can’t remember it.”

That would explain her multiple names. But I’m still gonna call her “Derpy.”

“Applejack’s won the rodeo ten times in a row,” Twilight said. “Why would she suddenly lose this year?”

I shrugged. “Perhaps the competition was not kind to her this year.”

When we arrived at Canterlot, we quickly headed straight to the stadium. We asked everypony around, but no pony has seen Applejack after the rodeo. It wasn’t until one mare told us that Applejack went to Dodge Junction, so that’s where we headed.

Once the train stopped in front of the station, Pinkie zoomed out and dashed for the bathroom.

“Applejack is supposed to have come here after the rodeo ended,” Twilight said. “Let's fan out and try to find her.”

“Any ideas where she might be?” I asked.

“I don’t know, but Dodge Junction isn’t a big place, so finding her—”

“I found her! I found her!” Pinkie called out.

We looked to see where she was pointing. Sure enough, it was Applejack. She looked sort of depressed, and despite our reunion, she wasn’t feeling any better. We asked her why she decided to leave Ponyville, but she stayed silent. It was obvious she was hiding something.

Before any of us pressed further, we heard a voice.

“Applejack? Are these some of your Ponyville friends?”

There stood a white earth pony with a red mane. She had cherries for a cutie mark. Her name was Cherry Jubilee, and she was the owner of the town's cherry farm.

“Yes, we are,” Twilight replied.

“And you are?” Rarity asked.

Cherry introduced herself and told us how she watched Applejack at the rodeo. She claimed that Applejack won a lot of ribbons. When she mentioned how Applejack wanted a change of scenery, that’s when something smelled fishy.

“‘Change of scenery’?” Rainbow asked. “What's that supposed to mean?!”

“It’s no big deal, gals ‘n Spike.” Applejack said. “I thought cherries would be a nice change from apples, so I took the job and came here. That's it. End of story.”

“Are you changing your name to Cherryjack as well?” I sarcastically asked. “Maybe your cutie mark might change to cherries as well.”

“Oh, don’t be like that, Spike. Sometimes it’s better to take a break from the norm.”

“A break from the norm, my butt!” Rainbow shouted. “We didn't travel all over Equestria searching for you to come home without you!”

“Well, I didn't ask you to come lookin' for me!” Applejack retorted. “There is nothin' to tell and I am not going back to Ponyville!”

Applejack stormed off.

“I don’t care what she says,” Twilight said. “Applejack’s not telling us something.”

“Well, it can’t be because she lost the rodeo,” Rarity said. “Ms. Cherry told us that she won a lot of ribbons.”

“That’s true,” I said, “but did you notice how vague she was? She said Applejack won a lot of ribbons, but she never mentioned the kind of ribbons.”

“Either way, we gotta get her to spill the beans!” Rainbow declared.

“She had beans?” Pinkie gasped. “Ugh, I told her I was snacky!”

“Come on, we’ll visit Cherry’s ranch,” Twilight said.

When we arrived, we saw Cherry Jubilee near the barn.

“Oh, hey, it’s you gals again,” Cherry said. “Come to see Applejack at work?”

“Well...yes!” Twilight said. “We’d like to help her out. If it’s possible, of course.”

“Well ya’ll are in luck. My cherry sorters are on their day off today, so you five mares can fill in for them. Don’t worry about messin’ up. We’ve gotten an extra batch today.”

“What about me?” I asked.

“Well, I don’t have a uniform fit for ya,” Cherry said, “and I can’t let you in without proper attire...”

“That’s fine. I can wait outside.”

Cherry escorted the girls into the barn. I decided to wander around Dodge Junction. It almost looked a lot like Appleloosa, which made sense since they were both located in the south.

“No way! It is you!” I heard a familiar voice shout. I looked to see a yellow earth pony approaching me. “Dang, son! I didn’t think we’d meet again so soon!”

“Braeburn?” I asked.

“The very same! Come ‘ere!” Braeburn squeezed me and gave me a noogie. “Thanks again for comin’ up with that civil case, lil’ drake! We don’t know what would happen if you and your posse didn’t show up!”

“It’s good to see you, too!” I grunted as I escaped Braeburn’s grasp. “What are you doing in Dodge Junction? Are you here to see Applejack as well?”

“Applejack’s here as well?! I knew yer weren’t vistin’ by yer lonesome! So where is she?”

“She’s working at the cherry farm right now. Said she wanted a change of scenery.”

Braeburn’s smile disappeared. “Yer kiddin’, right?”

I shook my head.

“But Applejack ain’t one to change fruits so quickly. Are ya sure this is the same Applejack we’re talking about?”

“Probably. Did you see Applejack at the rodeo this past week?”

Braeburn slapped his forehead. “I knew I forgot something! Why do ya ask?”

“I think something happened at the rodeo that made Applejack stay away from Ponyville. My guess is she must’ve lost.”

“Naw, that can’t be it. Applejack may be stubborn, but losing a contest isn’t gonna keep her away.”

“You misunderstood. The town hall is falling apart back in Ponyville, and everypony had high hopes for AJ to win this rodeo so she can use the prize money to fix the roof.”

“Oh...well, that might be the problem, but did ya try askin’ her why she won’t come back?”

“She’s staying quiet for some reason. She won’t even talk to us, her friends. ”

“How about I talk to her? We Apple cousins are always open to each other. I've got important work to do today, but I can swing by tomorrow, if that's alright with ya.”

“That's fine. Come by the farm tomorrow morning, and we'll see.”

“Will do.”

I headed back to the farm. The girls looked like they were caught in the middle of a cherry pie war. And Applejack was absent.

“I guess it didn’t go well?” I asked.

Twilight wiped her face. “Not really. Applejack still won’t tell us what’s going on.”

“That’s why we’re gonna use Pinkie Pie to force Applejack to confess!” Rainbow said.

“Ah, I see,” I said.

Later we watched Applejack buck cherries from a cherry tree. We were far enough that she didn’t see us.

“Okay, Pinkie,” Twilight whispered as she handed Pinkie a cup of coffee. “Go wild.”

“Okie dokie loki,” Pinkie replied. She quickly took a sip of the cup and pronked down the hill.

Rainbow quickly put on earplugs.

“Are you sure it’s a good idea to give the hyper pony coffee?” I asked.

“Don’t worry, it’s mocha,” Rarity said. “As long as it’s not a double espresso, we’re fine.”

We watched as Pinkie joined Applejack with bucking cherries. Then came her “chimicherrychanga” speech. Even though the girls found it annoying, I found it funny. After only a minute of hearing Pinkie talk non-stop, Applejack had enough.

“Make it stop, make it stop!” Applejack pleaded.

Rainbow quickly covered Pinkie’s mouth. “The only way to make it stop is for you to spill the beans!”


Rainbow uncovered Pinkie’s mouth, and Pinkie went, “ Speaking of beans, did you ever realize how many words rhyme with 'beans'? Lean, mean, spleen, unclean, bean—”

“Alright, alright! I'll tell everypony what's goin' on! Just please stop talkin'!” yelled Applejack. “But... can it wait 'til tomorrow at breakfast? I'm plum tuckered out.”

“Do you Pinkie promise?”

“I will tell you the whole truth at breakfast. Pinkie promise.”

This made me feel uneasy. It’s not wise to break a Pinkie promise, and Applejack knew it. Sure, she technically didn’t have breakfast before she ran away, but Pinkie was still peeved.

That night, we all tucked in at Cherry's house. I still needed to figure out how to get Applejack to stay and tell the truth. But I was too tired to think, so I went to sleep and hoped that I’ll get up early to stop her.

“In conclusion, while Project SSCS-6000 may sound good on paper, the data proves that we cannot move forward on this project. Thank you.”

The applause echoed across the meeting room.

“Thank you, Mr. Smith,” a man in his mid-fifties said. This was my boss, Clyde Johnson. He’s been the CEO of PaperTinc for over twenty years. “You may sit down.”

I nodded and went back to my seat.

Mr. Johnson then stood up and cleared his throat. “Now, then. Next item of business: Interdimensional Travel.”

The meeting room was filled with confused comments.

“Now, this may sound far-fetched to you,” Mr. Johnson continued, “but believe it or not, it is possible to travel from one universe to another.”

I raised my hand.

“Go ahead, David.”

“While I won’t dispute the possibility that there are multiple universes besides our own, sir,” I said, “isn’t this a topic more suitable for the scientists at NASA corporation? With all due respect, we’re only office workers, so how are we involved in this?”

“I’m glad you asked,” Mr. Johnson replied. “Yes, it’s true that this sci-fi topic is outside our area of expertise, but it just so happens that someone here has actually had first hand experience. Isn’t that right, David Smith? Or should we call you ‘Spike the Dragon’?”

My eyes widened. I was at a loss for words. Everyone was looking at me like I just insulted my boss.

“I cannot confirm or deny this, Mr. Johnson,” I replied. “However, what made you come to this conclusion?”

“When you were discussing your ‘dream’ with your co-workers, I couldn’t help but overhear certain details that didn’t quite add up. I made a few calls and confirmed that you have, indeed, been the first human to ever travel to alternate dimensions.”

“It’s strange, really.”

“I know this might sound like something out of a movie, but it’s the truth. You can give them a call yourself if you still doubt me.”

“No, not that. It’s strange that...I don’t remember telling anyone about my dream. In fact...I don’t remember coming back to this world.”

Just as I said that, my eyes shot wide open. I looked around the room. It was a rustic bedroom covered with cherry decals. I was back at the cherry farm in Dodge Junction.

That was another dream?

I checked the clock resting on the nightstand. It read 6:20. Twilight was still sleeping. Since I was already wide awake, I hopped out of bed and did some stretches.

I should probably see if Applejack left.

I quietly exited the room and walked down the hall. Suddenly, I saw Applejack closing her bedroom door. She was wearing her saddle bags.

“Hey, Applejack,” I said.

“YAAH!!” Applejack yelped. “Er, Spike! Yer up mighty early.”

“I would say the same about you, Applejack. Where are you going?”

“N-Nowhere! I’m going nowhere.”

“You’re a bad liar, Applejack. If you’re going ‘nowhere’, why are you wearing your saddle bags?”

“Uh, look!” Applejack pointed at something behind me. “It’s the gals!”

“You think I’d fall for something like that?”

“I didn’t think so.” Applejack quickly grabbed a nearby vase and threw it at me. “Catch!”

“Hey!” I quickly caught the vase without it shattering. By the time I placed it on the floor, Applejack slammed her bedroom door shut. “Applejack!” I banged on the door. “Open this door!”

I heard the sound of furniture being knocked over. Wasting no time, I rammed my body against the door. It barely budged. I tried again, but achieved the same result.

Stupid small body!

Quickly, I decided for plan B. I took a step back and breathed calmly. With all my might, I drove my foot right next to the doorknob. The door smashed open, knocking the furniture that was poorly used to barricade it all over the room.

“Here’s Spikey!” I shouted.

The room was empty. The window next to the bed was wide open. Applejack must’ve escaped through there.

“Dang it!”

Then something caught my eye. It was Applejack’s rope. She must’ve forgotten it. Quickly, I threw it across my shoulder, and then I grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled a note on it.

“Applejack left without having breakfast!
I’m going after her!
Sorry about the door.
Be right back!


I left the note on the door and dashed out of the barn.

It didn’t take long for me to hurry to the train station. I saw Applejack frantically waiting for the train.

“Applejack!” I shouted. “Get back here!”

Applejack gasped and jumped onto a carriage.

“Giddy up, fellas, I gotta get the heck out of Dodge!” Applejack commanded.

The stagecoach took off in a flash. I couldn’t run fast enough to stop her. Just when I was about to give up, I saw…

“Braeburn! Over here!” I shouted.

“Well, howdy, Spike,” Braeburn greeted as he approached me. “Ain’t you an early bir—?”

“No time for chatting!” I jumped on Braeburn’s back. “Follow that stagecoach! Hiya!”

Braeburn neighed loudly and chased after the stagecoach.

“Ya couldn’t wait for another?!” Braeburn asked.

“This one has somepony I need!” I replied.

Braeburn galloped as hard as he could as we slowly approached the wagon. I slowly stood up and prepared to make a lasso.

“Keep it up, Braeburn!” I said. “If I fall, keep chasing her!”

“I hope ya know what yer doin’!” he replied.

I swung the lasso around and around. After a couple of tosses, I got the rope around Applejack.

“What in tar—”

I tugged with great force and yanked Applejack right off the carriage! She tumbled across the ground as her hat flew off and her saddlebags spilled its contents.

“Woah!” I said to Braeburn. He quickly stopped.

I hopped off and quickly tied AJ’s arms and legs together.

“Now I’m startin’ to regret teachin’ ya how to lasso,” Applejack groaned.

“Boy howdy, that’s a lotta ribbons!” Braeburn said as he picked up Applejack’s saddlebags. “If only I could’ve been at the rodeo to see ya!”

“I guess ya both know the truth now.”

“What do ya mean?”

“Check for any blue ribbons,” I said.

Braeburn brushed the dirt off of every ribbon he could find, and he even looked inside Applejack’s bags. All to no avail.

“I can’t see any,” Braeburn shrugged.

Applejack sighed. “I came in fourth, third, even second, but I didn't win one first prize, and I certainly didn't win any prize money.”

“Is that what this is all about?”

“Let’s take you back to the girls,” I said. I picked up Applejack and placed her on Braeburn’s back.

“I can walk, Spike,” Applejack said. “Just untie me.”

“It’s fine, cuz. I've carried heavier,” Braeburn said.

After collecting AJ's hat, ribbons, and bags, we headed back to Cherry’s farm. The girls were sitting at the front porch.

“Look! It’s Braeburn!” Twilight called out. “And it looks like Spike and Applejack are with him!”

“Finally! We can eat breakfast!” Rainbow said.

“I’ve fetched this wanted mare for ya, ladies,” I said as I hopped off Braeburn. “I make a pretty good bounty hunter, don’t I?”

“Good job, Clint Easthoof,” Twilight giggled as she rolled her eyes.

I untied Applejack and gave her hat back. Later, we ate a big breakfast. Applejack finally told us all about why she didn’t come back and why she stayed in Dodge Junction.

“I came here because I wanted to earn some money,” Applejack said. “After that big ol' send off Ponyville gave me, I just didn't have the nerve to come home empty-hooved. I couldn't come home a failure.”

“Applejack, you’re not a failure,” Twilight said.

“And we're your friends!” Rainbow Dash said. “We don't care if you came in fiftieth place! You're still number one in our books.”

“So, ya ain’t mad or disappointed at me?” Applejack asked.

We all shook our heads.

“But what about the mayor?” Applejack asked. “I don't think I can face her and tell her I didn't get that money to fix the broken roof.”

“Applejack, we can always find a way to fix that hole in the roof,” Fluttershy replied. “But if you don't come back, we'll never be able to fix the hole in our hearts.”

We all shared a group hug. Later that day, we took the train back to Ponyville. Everypony was relieved to have Applejack back. Since Applejack didn’t have the prize money, the mayor started a donation box. It wasn’t until a few days later that we’ve gotten enough to fix the roof.

As for Muff—er...Derpy, she was relieved of weather control duties, but at least she could focus more on her other job: working at the post office.

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