• Published 24th Feb 2020
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Spike The Brony Dragon - red4567

A human in Spike's body will do whatever he can to change the future for the better.

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Chapter 22 (Fall Weather Friends)

The scent of hay-con (bacon that’s made of hay) and eggs woke me up earlier than usual today. I did my morning stretches before heading down into the kitchen. I saw Twilight holding a frying pan above the stove with her magic. Her eyes were glued to a cookbook.

“Good morning, Twilight,” I said. “Making breakfast?”

“Good morning, Spike,” Twilight replied. “Yes, I am.”

“Just remember if it turns black, you did it wrong.”

“Very funny.”

Twilight and I sat down to eat our breakfast. The hay-con tasted rather good, but the eggs were a bit more overdone than overeasy.

I read the newspaper as I ate. I honestly felt like my grandpa doing so. It was a shame that phones didn’t exist in Equestria, however I did notice that there were still stuff like Button Mash’s Game Colt and modern microphones. Technology is weird in Equestria.

“You better finish up soon, Spike,” Twilight said. “Applejack wants us at the farm today.”

“Did Big Mac hurt himself again?”

“No, it’s not that. She wants us for something else. It has something to do with her and Rainbow Dash.”

That’s when I realized what episode this was. It was “Fall Weather Friends.” That’s when Applejack and Rainbow Dash have an Iron Pony Competition. Since Rainbow Dash had an unfair advantage during that contest, she won by a landslide. I know Rainbow Dash hates to lose, but I think it would be fair if she didn’t use her wings during the competition. I don’t know what the outcome would be, but at least both ponies would follow the rules.

When we arrived at the farm, Applejack was watching Rainbow Dash stretch. She hardly noticed us until we were right next to her.

“Howdy, Twilight and Spike,” Applejack greeted. “Yer both just in time.”

“So, you two are doing what now?” Twilight asked.

“An Iron—”

“Iron Pony Competition,” Rainbow interrupted.

“See, we set up a bunch of events to decide which one of is—”

“The most athletic pony ever!”

“And...Spike and I are here to…?” Twilight asked.

“Uh, I don’t know. Why are they here?” Rainbow asked.

“To be our judge and help us keep score,” Applejack replied.

“Right. Somepony’s gotta record my awesomeness for the history books!”

I rolled my eyes. “Say, wouldn’t Applejack be at a disadvantage?”

“What do you mean, Spike?” Twilight asked.

“Well, Rainbow’s got wings...and Applejack doesn’t. Doesn’t seem fair to have an earth pony compete with a pegasus. I feel like there should be a rule enforced against using wings.”

“Yer right, Spike,” Applejack said. “If Dash uses her wings at any time during the rounds, she’ll be disqualified and I’ll automatically get the point for that round.”

“Ha! I don’t need my wings to beat ya!” Rainbow declared. “Just watch.”

Forget being full of herself, she’s practically overflowing.

We all set the farm up for each of the different events. Afterwards, I grabbed a twig.

“Hello, everypony!” I announced. “And welcome to the first annual Iron Pony Competition!”

“Uh, Spike?” Twilight asked. “Who are you talking to?”

“Uh...them!” I pointed at the rest of the Mane Six approaching us. I guess Applejack asked them to come over as well.

“Let the competition begin!” I shouted.

The first event was the barrel weave. I sat at the end of the finish line with a stopwatch. Applejack was the first to run.

Twilight started the countdown. “Ready...set...go!”

I clicked the stopwatch and watched as Applejack weaved around each barrel. Unfortunately, she nudged one of them by mistake, just like in the show.

“And...time!” I shouted as Applejack galloped past the finish line. “Seventeen seconds.”

“Yer kiddin’!” Applejack said in surprise. “That breaks my record from last year’s rodeo.”

“But...I saw you touch that barrel, so that’s five extra seconds for a penalty.”

“Nuts and shoes!” Applejack kicked a rock. “Still, that’s twenty-two seconds. Not too shabby.”

Now it was Rainbow Dash’s turn.

Twilight said, “Ready...set...go!” and Rainbow took off running. She zoomed past the finish line without hitting anything.

“Time!” I shouted. “Wow, eighteen seconds. Almost as close as Applejack if she didn’t nudge the barrel.”

Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash gasped.

“Rainbow, are ya sure you’re not secretly a rodeo pony?” Applejack asked.

“Rainbow Dash wins the barrel weave!” Twilight declared. Fluttershy placed a point on the scoreboard.

“I can’t believe I won!” Rainbow said as her wings fluttered with glee.

“Don’t you go gettin’ used to it,” Applejack said as she yanked the cyan pegasus down. “Remember, ya can’t use yer wings.”

“Only when I’m competing. You didn’t say I couldn’t use them outside of the events.”

The next event was the strength game. It was like that hammer carnival game, but instead of swinging a mallet, you kick the target. Rainbow was first this time. She bucked the target with all her might, and the bell gave a loud clang. Some nearby ponies cheered. I don’t know where they came from. They must’ve heard about the competition as well.

“Mighty respectable,” Applejack complimented, “but let me show you how it’s really done.”

Applejack struck the target with only one hoof, and the bell was sent sailing through the air. The crowd cheered much louder this time. Applejack won this round. Looks like all that time spent bucking apples from the trees really paid off.

The next event was the “Bronco Buck.” Sadly, I had to ride Applejack and Rainbow Dash and try my best not to fall off. I didn’t have much experience at holding on to a bucking pony. The only time I’ve done something like that was with a mechanical bull once back in my human world, and it was on easy mode. These were real mares.

“Just relax, Spike,” Twilight said. “The girls won’t hurt you.”

“That’s easy for you to say,” I replied. “You’re not the one who’s about to ride them.”

I hopped on Applejack’s back. It felt much more firm than Twilight’s.

“Shouldn’t you be wearing a saddle?” I asked.

“Do I look like one of them ‘special’ mares to ya?” Applejack retorted. I quickly shook my head.

“Go!” Twilight shouted.

I did my best to stay on. I tried to figure out what to grab to stay on, but I didn’t want to pull her mane, her hat’s too loose, and her body’s coat is too short. Eventually, my indecision was made rather moot when I fell off Applejack’s back and landed on the soft dirt.

“Are you alright, Spike?” Applejack asked.

I rubbed my shoulder. “Maybe I should take a break before riding Rainbow.”

After a few minutes, I hopped on Rainbow’s back.

“Go!” Twilight shouted again.

It didn’t take long for me to get launched right off Rainbow Dash. I was sent sailing through the sky, only to be caught by Fluttershy.

“Thank you,” I sighed. Fluttershy blushed.

“Rainbow Dash wins the bronco buck!” Twilight announced.

Now it was time for the lasso competition. Once again, I was part of the event. Dash and Applejack had to lasso me while I wore a viking helmet. Dash was struggling with her lasso, while Applejack managed to tie me up in no time.

“You’ve got to teach me how to do that,” I said to Applejack.

Rainbow failed this round. In fact, she did so poorly, she managed to get herself tied to a tree like a pinata.

“Does this count?” Rainbow asked. Fluttershy’s birds shook their heads as the yellow pegasus added a point for Applejack.

The rest of the competition went on more or less like in the show. Rainbow beat Applejack at ball bouncing and hoof wrestling, and it was the other way around for hay bale throwing and hoofball kicking.

Two more events later, the score was tied 5-5, just like in the show.

“Fillies and gentlecolts,” I announced. “At the halfway point, our competitors are tied at five and five!”

“Who are you talking to?” Twilight asked me.

“Them!” I pointed to the entire crowd cheering for Rainbow and Applejack. How Twilight didn’t notice until now was beyond me.

Next up was the push-up contest. This is where Dash would cheat with her wings, but we already told her earlier that she can’t do that or else Applejack gets an automatic point.

Twilight counted the push ups. “97...98...99...”

The two mares were sweating so hard. They both tried to lift themselves up one last time. Their faces looked like they were trying to lift a barn with only their backs.



Just like in the show, Applejack could not get that one hundredth push-up. Rainbow Dash did, but she didn’t use her wings this time. She too collapsed to the ground, panting like a dog.

“See? Nothing...to it…” Rainbow gasped.

Rainbow won that round. I was a bit surprised she won that round with or without her wings.

After the two cooled off, they started the long jump contest. Applejack managed to cover a good amount of distance before hitting the sand. Rainbow took a deep breath and leaped as high as she could. Sadly, it was not enough, as she landed less than a foot behind Applejack’s mark.

“Uh...it was just a warm-up!” Rainbow denied. “I-I swear! Let me try again!”

“No do-overs,” Applejack sternly said.

Rainbow groaned as she watched Fluttershy give Applejack the point.

Next was carrying chicks across a mud trench. Applejack started walking across while Rainbow scratched her chin.

What is Rainbow doing?

Rainbow whispered something to the chicks, and the group hopped on her head. She then trotted across her respective mud pit. While her legs and torso got splattered with mud, her head remained completely clean. Applejack was only halfway across when her respective chicks got covered in mud. She glared at Rainbow Dash when the latter reached the end successfully.

“What?” Rainbow asked. “The goal was to bring the chicks to the other side without getting them muddy. There was no rule saying they have to ride on my back.”

I’ll admit, that was a clever idea.

A few more events later, the last event, the tug-of-war, was underway. The girls were tied once more at 14-14. The previous events after the chick-delivering event weren’t that exciting in my opinion.

“All right, you two,” Twilight said. “This is the final event. Give it all you've got.”

Rainbow and Applejack pulled on the rope, struggling to get their opponent into the mud. Only one of them would win this round and the entire competition.

I was surprised how Rainbow won some events even without her wings. Part of me thought she was going to fall way behind because of the rule we enforce, but she still managed to find a way to upstage Applejack without flapping a feather. If she does lose this tug-of-war, then at least it would be a close second.

When one mare was close to the edge, she tried her best to pull backwards, sending the other mare in the same situation. I didn’t know who to root for.

“It’s anypony’s game, folks,” I announced. “One of these mares will bring home the Iron Pony title. The only question on everypony’s mind is who will earn it? Applejack, or Rainbow Dash?”

I kept watching the two mares pull each other into the mud. That’s when I noticed Applejack flashing a smirk.

Uh, oh.


One firm yank sent Rainbow tumbling into the mud. The earthy substance coated the pegasus from head to toe. One could hardly see the color of her mane.

“Yee-haw!” Applejack shouted. “I ain’t one to brag, but I’ve won by a close second! I’m truly the Iron Pony!” The entire crowd cheered at Applejack’s victory.

“Wait!” Rainbow shook all the mud off her body, leaving her clean as a whistle. “That wasn’t...”

“That wasn’t what? I’ve won this daggum competition fair and square, and you know it! Unless ya think I’ve got a horn hidden in my mane somewhere, then let me tell ya.” Applejack removed her hat and brushed her mane back. “I ain’t no unicorn.”

“Well...then I have one more challenge for you. Tomorrow is the annual Running of the Leaves. I challenge you to race me in it! I’ve beaten you with speed before, and I’ll be glad to do it again! Without my wings!”

Applejack accepted the challenge. Both of them hoofshaked before heading off.

Twilight tilted her head. “I thought that loss would be a low blow for Rainbow Dash, but instead it fired her up.”

“Who knew losing was a good confidence booster?” Fluttershy asked.

The next day couldn’t come soon enough. Twilight and I were heading to Sweet Apple Acres for the Running of the Leaves. The majority of the trees were already coated in a mixture of red, yellow, and brown. Fall certainly was an admirable season.

“I really hope Rainbow Dash wasn’t upset yesterday,” I said. “She doesn’t look like the pony accepts losing so easily.”

“Which is probably why she challenged Applejack to this race,” Twilight said. “Even though the rules were fair and she lost by a small margin, she still wants to beat Applejack somehow.”

“Well, let’s hurry up and get to this race already.”

“Why are you so excited? The race is for ponies only.”

“First of all, that’s discrimination. Secondly, I’m not here to race, I’m here to announce. I’ve done pretty good at the Iron Pony competition, so I’d like to do it again today.”

“Welcome to the annual Running of the Leaves!” A familiar voice shouted. “This is Pinkie Pie, your official p-eye-in-the-sky announcer.” Pinkie Pie came floating by in a hot-air balloon.

“Sorry, Spike. I guess that job's already taken,” Twilight said.

Everypony else got ready for the competition. Rainbow Dash was stretching at the starting line with a number 11 on her flank.

“Pardon. Iron Pony comin’ through,” Applejack said as she approached Rainbow Dash. The orange earth pony had a number 8 on her flank. “Ready to come second again?”

Rainbow snorted. “Look, all those events yesterday relied on nothing but strength. This race relies on speed. I’m sure I’ll beat you at least twice today.”

“Just remember, ya still can’t use yer wings here.”

“I could win this race with both wings tied behind my back!”

“That can be arranged.” Applejack then noticed me. “Spike, mind givin’ me a hoof?”

“Huh?” I tilted my head.

“Yesterday, ya said ya wanted me to teach ya how to tie a pony up, so this here’s your chance.”

“But I was only...” I then realized that this could help me with Chrysalis later on. “Okay then, show me.”

Applejack taught me a special knot called the Ponyhead knot. It was supposed to be a knot that is really tight and won’t loosen under normal conditions. After wrapping the rope around Rainbow’s wings, I tied the knot and pulled with all my might to make sure it was snug enough.

“Good job, Spike,” Applejack said. “Now Rainbow’s trussed up like a turkey. A turkey who can’t fly, that is.”

“Very funny,” Rainbow said.

“Good luck, girls,” I said.

“Racers! Take your positions!” Pinkie declared.

“Excuse me, Pinkie?” I called out.

“Oh, hey Spike. What’s up? Oh wait, it’s me!”

“I was thinking...is it okay if I co-report with you? We could comment on the action together.”

“Good idea, Spike.” Pinkie threw down a rope. I climbed up into the balloon.

After I climbed into the basket, I saw Twilight at the starting line with Applejack and Rainbow Dash. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I didn't need to because I already knew. AJ and Dash would get surprised that Twilight would be racing, and they would say she's too much of an "egghead" to compete. While Twilight quickly denies this, she mentions she never raced before. She obtained her knowledge from books, as usual, hoping it’ll help her during the race. AJ and Dash would laugh at that and tease Twilight.

Some friends they are.

“Alright, ponies!” Pinkie announced through the megaphone. “Are you ready?!”

“Get set!” I shouted.


The racers took off from the finish line.

“Welcome to the official coverage of the Running of the Leaves!” Pinkie said. “You know, Spike, despite its name, the leaves don't do any of the actual running. No, that's left to my little ponies.”

“Uh...Yeah.” I cleared my throat. “The vibrations of the ponies’ running hooves are strong enough to shake the trees around them. This in turn makes the leaves fall.”

“Those lazy, lazy leaves. But this year, the run is about more than the weather. It's about the race to the finish and the two runners who want to win it: Applejack and Rainbow Dash.”

“Exactly. Despite the events of the Iron Pony Competition yesterday, these two ponies still have a grudge match to settle. Talk about determination.”

“Yes, and ‘grudge’ rhymes with ‘fudge.’”

“Yeah...it does. But what does it have to do with…?”

“And I like fudge, but if I eat too much fudge I get a pudge and then I can't budge.”

“Uh...moving on. It looks like both Rainbow and Applejack are in the lead. Hopefully, they can keep their eyes on the road and not at each other to prevent a slip-up. One trip or bump can make all the difference when it comes to a race like this.”

I think those two heard me, because when Applejack approached a rock, she jumped over it like a hurdle. I don’t know if it was the same rock she tripped over in the show, but I think it might’ve been given how I didn’t see any more on the road.

“Usually, the path is supposed to be cleared prior to the start of any race,” I said, “but today the obstacles provided can give our contestants a bit of a challenge. And I know one pony who never backs down from a challenge.”

“Oh, who?” Pinkie asked. “Is it Fluttershy? Twilight? Oh, wait! It’s one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, isn’t it?”

I exhaled sharply. “I was talking about Rainbow Dash.”

“Oh, that could work, too.”

“As long as everypony plays fair, this will surely be a fun race for everyone.”

I hoped my subtle hints will make sure Applejack and Rainbow Dash don’t cheat or assume the other mare was cheating.

The racing ponies entered the Whitetail forest. The thick branches and leaves prevent Pinkie and I from seeing the racers, especially Rainbow and AJ. I just kept my fingers crossed that neither of them would play the Dick Dastardly card.

“You know,” I said to Pinkie. “As I recall, Rainbow Dash is the only pony to be able to pull off a Sonic Rainboom, and yet Applejack manages to keep up with her by a close second. Amazing, isn’t it?”

“I have two reasons for that,” Pinkie said. “First, the Rainboom was performed by going super duper fast in a straight line. Of course, the course of the running of the leaves is not really a straight line. Dashie might go off course if she’s not careful. Secondly, she was using her wings to fly fast. Like in the Iron Pony Competition, her feathered flank is not allowed to flap once in this race or else she fails to fight fair. That would surely get AJ’s blood boiling if she did.”

“Oh, look! Speaking of AJ and Dashie, it looks like those two are the first to exit the forest, and in the same direction.”

“Well, of course, Spike. Did you honestly expect Rainbow Dash to whack Applejack with a branch, then Applejack to send a swarm of bees after Dashie, and then Dashie to flip a sign around so that Applejack goes the wrong direction, and during her gloating, the rest of the ponies past her, resulting in Dashie trying to catch up?”

“Uh...strangely specific scenario, Pinkie.”

Pinkie and I watched as Rainbow and Applejack went past the syrup trees. Their eyes still shot daggers at each other. I couldn’t hear from the balloon, but I think they were yelling at each other.

“Looks like our favorite couple is passing the syrup trees,” I announced. “Leaves aren’t the only thing that the trees lose during the fall.”

I saw Applejack and Rainbow Dash staring at us with wide eyes before they kept some distance between each other. They must’ve heard my “couple” comment. I’m not much of an AppleDash shipper, but I couldn’t help it.

“It’s too bad you can’t drink that sticky substance straight from the trees,” Pinkie Pie. “Trust me, I’ve tried it before. After the syrup is collected, it’s mixed with other stuff to give it its sweet, sweet, taste. So if you’re eating pancakes in the wilderness, bring a bottle of syrup with you.”

“Why would I eat pancakes in the wilderness?”

“Why wouldn’t you?”

I rolled my eyes and watched as Applejack and Rainbow Dash were nearing the finish line. Their heavy pants were audible even from the balloon, and it would take a blind pony not to see their coats dripping with sweat. The other racers were actually catching up to them.

“Who’s gonna come in first? Applejack or Rainbow Dash?” Pinkie asked.

Rainbow and Applejack galloped as hard as they could to the finish line. In their last efforts, they both leaped as much as they could right past it before tumbling across the ground like barrels knocked over.

We quickly landed the balloon and checked on the two passed out ponies.

“Are you girls, okay?” Twilight hurried to where we are. “We’ll get you some water.”

After giving the girls a cup of water each, the girls had enough strength to only sit up.

“How...did ya...catch up...?” Applejack gasped. “We couldn’t...see ya...anywhere...near the other group...”

“I paced myself, just like my book said,” Twilight replied. “Then at the end, when all the other ponies were worn out, I sprinted to the finish. I only came in fifth though, but it’s still pretty good considering I never ran a race before. You girls should try it sometime.”

“Who...won…?” Rainbow asked.

“Both of you!” Pinkie said. “Too bad we didn’t have cameras. You tied for first.”

“WHAT?!” Rainbow sprung up like a jack-in-the-box. “You mean to tell us after everything we went through, we never got a definitive winner?!”

“What’s with the sour attitude?” I asked. “You both won, didn’t you?”

“But I couldn’t let her win!” Rainbow and Applejack yelled in unison.

“Girls, you’re taking this rivalry a bit too far,” Twilight said. “I don’t mind seeing you squabble here and there, but you’re letting this fight get in the way of everything else. You were more concerned about your pride than your own health.”

“How can you two be out of breath anyway?” I asked. “Applejack can buck a good chunk of her orchard, and Rainbow’s the fastest pony ever. You’d think they’d have better endurance.”

“That was because they were pushing their limits way past what they could handle. It doesn’t matter whether or not you’re trying to beat somepony else. While a competition can get anypony excited, it’s important to remember that friendship is always more important than the competition.”

Applejack and Rainbow hung their heads in shame.

“I wouldn't have said it better myself,” a soft voice spoken. We all turned to see Celestia approaching us. We quickly bowed to her.

“W-What are you doin’ here, yer highness?” Applejack asked.

“Fall is one of my favorite seasons, so I came to celebrate the Running of the Leaves.”

“I guess we both got too determined that we never considered enjoyin’ the sights.”

Celestia nodded. “Now, unfortunately, because the two of you were busy fighting each other instead of shaking down leaves, many of the lovely trees of Equestria are still covered.”

“Why, Princess, I bet we can knock those leaves down for you lickety-split.” Applejack then turned to Rainbow Dash. “Whaddya say, friend? Wanna go for another run?”

“I'd love to stretch my legs,” Rainbow replied.

The two then took off running again. They weren’t as fast as last time, but at least the rest of the leaves fell off.

“I’m surprised those two can still run after all that sprinting they’ve done,” I pointed out.

Twilight shrugged. “Tying must be a good adrenaline booster.”

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