• Published 24th Feb 2020
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Spike The Brony Dragon - red4567

A human in Spike's body will do whatever he can to change the future for the better.

  • ...

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Chapter 21 (MMMystery on the Friendship Express)

As always, Twilight and I were doing our normal routines in the library. It was really boring, and this was coming from a human who was transported into the pony world and turned into a dragon.

"So how come Discord didn't try taking the Elements again?" Twilight asked. "He had a chance to, and he didn't look like the kind who would accept defeat so easily."

"I wish I could tell you, Twilight," I said. "But I can't because I don't know."

"I know, Spike. But it's still a thinker. Discord could've easily turned you evil, or replace the Elements with something else. And yet he does nothing but gloat at us. For a guy who can bend reality like a paperclip, his intelligence is somewhat lacking."

"Okay. This is going to sound ridiculous, but what if...what if he fought us before?"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"What if Discord already fought us at an earlier time, but only he remembers it? Maybe he wanted to repeat the same events until he won. But no matter what, he gets defeated one way or another. Maybe that's why he came and told me I can't change fate. He lost hope and just wanted to get it over with."

"Well, it sounds almost plausible…"

"But I don't think it's that. You could be right. Discord was probably too much of an idiot to…" I suddenly closed my mouth.

"Huh? Oh. 'Idiot' isn't a bad word, Spike. Well, not as bad as the...other bad words. You can say it. But even if Discord's an idiot, him teleporting the elements and coming up with that riddle was pretty clever."

After all our daily chores were done, I sat down and read one of my comics. I still thought about what Discord said. I also remembered that sooner or later, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance's wedding will happen.

That's when Queen Chrysalis and her minions attack Canterlot. They still get defeated in the end, but Chrysalis would lose everything in the future and go insane. Now, reforming her wasn't a high priority for me. I just needed to defeat her before the changelings penetrate Shining's shield.

If what Discord said was true, would the changelings still attack Canterlot regardless of whether or not she's been defeated? Would they all be blasted away like in the show?

I decided to come up with a few plans in my head for the wedding. Plan A would be trying to get the other girls to believe Twilight, which should be easy for me. But if that doesn't work, then I would resort to taking Chrysalis out myself. As for her swarm, I know how to fight well enough, but I would have to make sure I didn't confuse the other ponies for them.

That's when I had an idea. I got up from my bed and went to see Twilight.

"Hey, Twilight." I said. "I'd like to ask you something."

“Go ahead, Spike,” Twilight said. “What is it?”

“Has there ever been a relic or spell that prohibits unicorns from casting magic? I've been reading one of my comic books and found a device that could do such a thing. I was wondering if it was real.”

"That device itself was probably fictional, but yes. There have been multiple gadgets in legends and in real life that can prevent a unicorn from using their horn."

"What about devices that the unicorn can wear? Like a ring or something?"

"Actually, there's something like that. One sec."

Twilight trotted up the stairs and pulled out a box from under her bed. She took something out of it and headed back down.

"This is an inhibitor ring," Twilight said. The ring itself was silver with a red stone. "It was crafted by Princess Celestia herself. However, it's an early model, so it doesn't prevent magic all together. It just suppresses the magic until you're left with just levitation spells. Shining Armor used it during his training days for the Royal Guards."

"How does it work?" I asked.

"I'll show you." Twilight placed the ring on her horn. "Now I will try teleporting." Twilight's horn glowed, but the ring glowed brighter. Twilight's horn fizzled out, and she was in the same exact position. "See?"

"Huh. So you can still do levitation spells?"

"Yes, but it only works on light objects except the ring. I can still pick up regular books just as fine, but encyclopedias and textbooks are a different story."

"How can you take it off without your horn?"

"Simple." Twilight removed the ring using her hooves.

"Oh, I figured as much. I'm surprised Princess Celestia doesn't use it to catch criminals."

"Like I said, it's a work in progress. The kinks still need to be worked out before they can be used outside of training."

Work in progress or not, I believe I could use the ring to defeat Chrysalis. But that just leaves her hooves. I would need to find a way to disable them.

The National Dessert Competition was only a day away. I kind of figured that the episodes would happen out of order. I don’t think the wedding will happen until next spring because I saw flowers and trees in bloom in the show, and it was early autumn.

The girls and I were riding the train to Canterlot. I tagged along even though it didn't happen in the show. Unfortunately, some of the tracks have been damaged due to Discord’s antics, so the train had to take an alternative path to Canterlot. I guess it would explain why the train ride lasted overnight.

Like in the show, the contestants riding the train were Pinkie and the Cake’s Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness, Mulia Mild and her Chocolate Mousse Moose, Gustave le Grand and his eclairs, and finally, Pony Joe and his Donutopia. It’s a wonder how I didn’t lose my temper after hearing everyone argue about whose respective creations would win.

“Well, it sure looks like we're in for a delicious competition tomorrow,” Twilight said. “Maybe we should all settle in for a good night's sleep.”

“Wait!” Pinkie called out. “Didn't you hear those chefs? We have to protect ‘MMMM’. I know for super sure that 'MMMM' is the best dessert in all of Equestria, and I know that they know it too. So one of them is going to sabotage the Cakes' cake tonight! You have to help me stand guard!”

I could’ve volunteered, but it would be interesting to participate in a mystery, and everyone’s desserts looked even better combined into one cake.

“Relax, Pinkie,” I said. “No pony, griffon, or donkey is gonna sabotage that cake.”

“But they are!” Pinkie retorted. “I just know it.”

“Fine!” Rainbow Dash said. “If you want to stand guard, go for it. We're going to bed.”

We all headed into our sleeping quarters. I had to share mine with Twilight, which wasn’t a problem.

“Hopefully, you can sleep without your comic books this time,” Twilight joked.

I snorted. “Very funny.”

As Twilight went to sleep, I lied in the other bed and stared at the ceiling. I still needed to know how to stop Chrysalis. If providing evidence and persuading the girls don’t work, then I would have to take the queen out personally. I already got the horn covered, but it would only go so far. She probably wouldn’t be able to transform, but she might still find a way to attack with what little magic she has left. Also, her legs would still be exposed, so she might physically attack me. I’m not sure how skilled she is in combat, but I don’t think I can defeat her with my small body.

I could try to knock her out, and when she’s unconscious, I could tie her legs together. The problem with that idea is that I don’t know how to tie a hard knot. I know how to tie my shoes, but I was sure that it’ll take more than a double knot to secure the rope. Maybe I could have Applejack teach me.

I yawned and went to sleep. I would have to figure it out after we head back to Ponyville.


I shot straight up from my bed.

“What was that?!”

I looked around the room and noticed that I wasn’t in the train car anymore. I was lying on a twin-sized bed with a blue blanket over me. The walls and ceiling were white and covered in pony posters. The floor was a beige carpet with a persian rug in the middle. Next to my bed was a black desk and a silver laptop resting on top. I knew where I was. I was back in my old apartment in the human world.

It was...all a dream? But it felt so real.

It honestly felt like I’ve been asleep for months. I yawned and got out of bed.

“I wonder how long I was asleep. Oh, well. I should make myself a snack and--”


My entire apartment shook like an earthquake.

“What’s going on here?!”

I ran out to my apartment’s balcony. My heart sank at the disastrous sight right in front of me.

Chaos reigned across the streets, and not the kind Discord would make. Buildings were consumed by gigantic flames that showed no signs of dissipating. Cars exploded like giant firecrackers, joining the buildings in the inferno. High-pitched, ear-piercing screams filled the streets. People everywhere were attacked by black-colored creatures. I knew what those creatures were.

Changelings?! What are they doing here?! Is this year not bad enough already?!

“Hello, David!”

I yelped as one of the changelings appeared right in front of me. She was twice as big as the others. She had a thin blue mane, a crooked horn, and a crown on her head. She was Queen Chrysalis.

I quickly dashed out of the balcony, but my feet were soon stuck to the ground thanks to some changeling slime. I struggled to get out, my attempts to escape were futile.

“What’s wrong, Dave?” Chrysalis asked. “Are you humans that impolite? I’ve come to thank you for what you’ve done.”

I was speechless.

I did this?!

“Oh, don’t act so surprised. When I discovered you were capable of traveling to different dimensions, it didn’t take long for me to replicate its magic. And since the other humans didn’t have magic, taking over your dimension was a piece of cake. I’ve already got the swarm spreading across this pathetic planet like a virus. This is all thanks to you, David Smith.”

I tried to say something. Anything. But nothing came out of my mouth.

Chrysalis grabbed my arm. “If it weren’t for you, none of this would've happened. This will be a new Golden Age for the Changeling Empire! Let me show you my gratitude.” Chrysalis horn glowed. “You’ve been a big help to me, and I hope to see you again in future.”

My arms slowly turned black. My tannish skin was being replaced by a thick, black exoskeleton.

“No! No! NOOO!!

I sprang up from my bed. My forehead was sweating like crazy. I could hardly breathe. I looked at myself. My green belly and purple arms told me I was still Spike.

“Oh, thank Celestia.”

I was still in the sleeping quarters of the train. Twilight was still sleeping on her bed.

What a nightmare. Chrysalis can’t really travel to alternate dimensions, can she? That would be something only Discord could do, and I doubt he would give some of his magic to her.

My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden feeling in my lower body. I got out of bed and exited the sleeping chamber.

I think the bathroom is on the other side of the car.

I entered the dessert car and saw Pinkie sleeping in front of MMMM. I’d wake her up, but I didn’t think I should. I went to the bathroom section, did my business, and went back to my sleeping chamber.

On my way back, some figure bumped into me.

“Hey, excuse you,” I whispered as I rubbed my shoulder.

I got into my bed and scratched my nose. Suddenly, I detected a familiar scent. I sniffed my fingers and confirmed my suspicions.


It was already morning. The girls, chefs, and I were rudely awakened by a mare screaming her lungs out. We all quickly entered the dessert car. I noticed Rarity’s mane was over one of her eyes.

“What is it?” Applejack asked.

“What happened?” Rainbow asked as well.

“It's the Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness,” Pinkie cried. “It's been mutilated!”

Gasps filled the room.

“Now we just need to find out who done it!” Pinkie declared.

“Who did it,” Twilight corrected.

“Exactly. Who did-done-dood it!”

Just like in the show, Pinkie was the “chief detective,” while Twilight was her dear “Watson.” Already Pinkie jumped to conclusions like a cat to a laser. She accused Mulia, Gustave, and Pony Joe when it was illogical and unbelievable for them to commit the crime. Twilight called her out on it.

“But I was so sure that it was one of the other bitter bakers that destroyed the 'MMMM'",” Pinkie said. She then discussed how good each of the treats were and wondered why the culprit didn’t try to munch on the other treats. As fate would have it, the train entered a tunnel, sending the entire cart into a state of darkness. When the lights went back on, all of the other treats had been mostly eaten.

“Everypony go back to your cars while Pinkie and I do a little investigating,” Twilight said.

“Twilight, if you don’t mind...” I said. “I think I might have a testimony that could help you both.”

Twilight and Pinkie switched hats. “Then go ahead. Tell us what you know,” Twilight said as she wiped her pipe.

“Well, I had to visit the ‘little dragon’s room’ in the middle of the night. I passed Pinkie, who was asleep at the time. After I was done, I headed back...”

“Wait, did you wash your claws?”

“What does that have to do with—?”

“Did you wash your claws?!”

“Yes! Yes! I did! Anyway, on my way back, and I bumped into someone. I had no idea who they were, but when I got back to bed, I had a bit of frosting on my shoulder. I could tell because I rubbed it and later scratched my nose. That’s when I smelled the frosting.”

“Excellent. Thank you for your testimony. I’m sure it will help us later.”

I returned to my quarters and waited until Twilight and Pinkie searched for clues.

After what seemed like ten minutes, we were all called back.

"I bet you're wondering why you're all here again," Twilight said. "It's because we have discovered the true culprit of this cake carnage."

"Then tell us, Twilight," I said. "Who murdered the Marzipan Masquerade Merin—bleh! You make alliteration sound so easy, Pinkie."

"Anyway, when committing a crime, it's crucial that one never leaves behind clues, especially an obvious clue like... this!" Twilight revealed a blue feather.

"Ah-ha!" Pinkie shouted. "A blue feather! I knew it was you, Gustave le Grand!"

"Uh, Pinkie?" I asked. "The feather is blue. Gustave doesn't have blue feathers. It would have to be from somepony else. Right, Rainbow Dash?"

"I-I don't even like cake," Rainbow quickly denied.

"The same reason you don't like pies?"

Rainbow darted her eyes. "I...uh...don't know what you mean…"

"Moving on," Twilight continued. "When we went to the engine, I saw the conductor's hat. And inside the hat was...this!" Twilight revealed a pink mane. "Pinkie, you chased a pony to the engine, where you thought you saw the conductor shoveling coal, but that wasn't the conductor at all. It was Fluttershy!"

"Oh, my!" Fluttershy shivered.

"You're going down, Fluttershy!" Pinkie declared as she prepared to pounce.

I stepped in front of Fluttershy and barked, "How dare you accuse her? She would never do something so criminal!"

"Th-Thank you," Fluttershy squeaked.

Twilight then said, "But then another clue confounded my suspicions. Pinkie, you were guarding the cake when the curtains mysteriously closed. But that's no mystery, that's magic. When the thief tried to make their great escape, they left a little addition to the portrait." Twilight showed us a false eyelash. "Has anypony else noticed that Rarity is wearing her hair rather differently today?"

I raised my hand. “It was kinda obvious.”

“What? Is it a crime to change one's style now and again? Why, I think it's a crime not to,” said Rarity.

“Really?” asked Twilight. She then moved Rarity’s mane to reveal that she was indeed missing some eyelashes.

“Fine! I’m guilty!” Rarity cried. “I wear false eyelashes! Oh, and I took a bite of the cake.”

After Rarity confessed, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash did the same. After hearing Pinkie describe how good it tasted, the three of them couldn’t resist a bite. To be honest, I would’ve done the same.

“I guess that part of the mystery is solved,” I said. “We found out who were the quadruple-M munchers.”

“Actually, there is a fourth,” Twilight said.

“Doesn’t quadruple mean four?”

“I’m talking about the amount of ponies who ate the cake. Right, Applejack?”

Applejack widened her eyes. She stood there speechless. I guess being the Element of Honesty can have its disadvantages.

“But...we never found any clues related to Applejack,” Pinkie said.

“That’s right,” Twilight said. “There weren’t any physical clues. That’s why it’s also a good idea to gather testimony from others and determine if they line up with the other evidence. Earlier, a young dragon had given us a rather sound one. Some time after Pinkie fell asleep, Spike had some...business to take care of in the bathroom. When he was coming back, he bumped into somepony who had frosting on their body. None of our previous culprits could've gone back for seconds, and it couldn’t have been Spike. If he really was the fourth, there would’ve been claw or fang marks on the cake, and he would’ve noticed the cake itself had already been eaten. So, Applejack. I know you can’t lie well, so tell us the truth.”

Applejack sighed and tilted her hat. “Fine, ya got me. Like the others, I couldn’t resist takin’ a bite after Pinkie told us how good it was. I thought I would slip away faster than a greased pig. Once Pinkie fell asleep, I seized the opportunity to sneak a bite in, but the half-eaten dessert told me that I wasn't the only one with that idea. After I took a bite from the cake, I had to make sure I left no trace of nothing. I was headin' to the little filly’s room to clean up when I bumped into someone. I just assumed it was Pinkie, 'cause I heard her snorin' louder than the congested nose of a bear.”

“Thank you for your confession, Applejack.”

The four mares apologized for their actions. It was a good thing I tagged along, or else Applejack would’ve gotten away with it. I didn’t even know she was one of the culprits.

“At least this mystery is finally solved,” declared Pinkie.

“But it isn't,” Twilight said. “We figured out who ate the Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness, but we still don't know who devoured the other bakers' goods.”

“You're right, Twilight. You know what we have to do?”

“Well. Yes, I do. Do you?”

“Look for clues.”

After Twilight and Pinkie switched hats again, Pinkie searched around the car looking for clues. It only took Pinkie twenty seconds to confirm that the other bakers were the ones who ate each others’ desserts. The portion of food on their faces proved her point.

Like the girls, the bakers apologized to each other. The train then stopped in front of the Canterlot train station.

“Well, everypony, we finally have the mystery solved,” said Twilight.

“Yes, but now we don't have any desserts to enter into the contest,” Gustave pointed out.

Pinkie knew what to do. Later all the desserts were combined into one big cake. It looked much tastier in person. The judges and Celestia couldn’t agree more.

After Pinkie did her friendship letter, she literally dove into the cake, and I used that term correctly. I guess Celestia wasn’t the only one who liked cake so much.

"You know something, Twilight?" I asked. "Between you and me, I knew it was our friends all along."

"You did?" Twilight asked. "How?"

"It was elementary, my dear Twilight."

"For the record, the detective never said that in the real novels."

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