• Published 24th Feb 2020
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Spike The Brony Dragon - red4567

A human in Spike's body will do whatever he can to change the future for the better.

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Chapter 101 (Every Little Thing She Does & P.P.O.V.)

“Hey, Spike.” Twilight opened an envelope that had a snowflake sigil. “We got a letter from Cadance and Shining Armor.”

“Nice. What do they have to say?” I asked.

Twilight read through it. “Looks like things are going well. They've already set up a room for the baby. Aww, they even sent us a photo of Cadance pregnant.”

Twilight showed me the picture. Cadance's belly was slightly bulging out, like she just had a big dinner.

“Cute,” I said. “Did they ever find out what gender and type of pony their baby will be?”

“They did, and they said they'll tell us the next time we visit.”

It was going to be a while before Flurry Heart was born. It was still summer, and Cadance announced her pregnancy in the spring. I wondered if Thorax would still show up. I hadn’t heard any news regarding him or the other changelings, and Chrysalis was still in the Canterlot dungeons. I would just have to wait until the Crystalling happens.

One morning, I woke up to the sound of books tumbling.

What was that?! An intruder?!

I hopped out of bed and rushed to the library.

“What’s going on here?!” I busted open the double doors.

I was introduced to every book piled on the floor instead of organized on the shelves. Starlight and Twilight stood in the middle of the room.

“Oh, morning, Spike,” Twilight greeted. “We thought we could do some spell-casting for today’s lessons, but I think we went a little overboard.”

“Don’t worry, I can fix this,” Starlight said. “As you know, speed spells like Accelero are not easy. But if done correctly, they can allow you to be much more efficient with your day.”

Just like in the show, Starlight cast a speed spell and organized all the books in seconds as if she was Rainbow Dash. That's when I knew this was the episode, “Every Little Thing She Does.” The one where Starlight brainwashes her friends and fails spectacularly.

“Impressive,” I said as Starlight finished.

“I’ve also discovered a very old spell, Similo Duplexis, when combined with Accelero in just the right way…” Starlight cast the spell, causing herself to double. “...you can literally be in two places at once!”

As Starlight returned to normal, Twilight said, “I have to admit, your skills with magic really are nothing short of amazing. I'm very impressed.”

“I guess I've always been something of a natural.” Starlight rubbed the back of her head.

Twilight pulled out a clipboard. “However, it doesn't look like you've tackled any friendship lessons since you met Trixie.”

“Are you sure? I could’ve sworn I’ve done a few.”

“I’m sure.”

The scene played out like in the show. Twilight suggested Starlight to work on a friendship lesson while she and I were in Canterlot today.

After some light packing and extensive color-coding, I went to Starlight's room. There, I saw her by her desk looking at some index cards.

“Hey, Starlight,” I said. “You okay?”

“I'm good here,” Starlight nervously replied. “Oh, not good: great! Not a problem in the world! Heh.”

“So you are doing…what exactly?”

“I... was... just trying to decide which friendship lesson I was going to tackle while you two were in Canterlot.” Starlight rearranged her cards. “Let's see…‘bake a cake with Pinkie Pie, scrapbook with Applejack, sew with Rarity, help an animal with Fluttershy, chillax with Rainbow Dash’ (whatever that means).”

“It's a combination of ‘chill’ and ‘relax.’ Look, I know you're nervous over your lessons lately...”

“Nervous? Me?” Starlight faked a laugh as she walked around the room. “Oh, Spike, you really are hilarious, ha-ha. You think I'm nervous that I'm gonna fail at something as simple as baking a cake?”

“Starlight, it wouldn’t be a big deal if…”

“Twilight just said how impressed she was that I combined a speed spell and a duplication spell.”

“Starlight, I…”

“That was a challenge. These? Pfft! I could combine all five of these—”

“Starlight Aurora Glimmer!”

Starlight froze in her tracks.

“Why did I ever tell you guys my middle name?” She squeaked.

“These lessons aren't about whether or not you succeed in something,” I pointed out. “They're about how you bond with your friends.”

“But Spike, how can...?”

“You're not gonna fail a lesson because you burnt a cake or made a bad dress or couldn't find a suitable spot to chillax. All that matters is the time you’ve spent with your friends.”

Starlight looked at her cards and sighed. “You're right. I guess I got so worried I nearly forgot what Twilight really teaches me.”

“Just be sure to take one lesson at a time. And, uh, don't cast spells on your friends.”


After that conversation, Twilight and I headed out.

When we got back, there was thankfully no flooded castle or hypnotized friends. Starlight had just got done helping Pinkie Pie with baking and Rarity with sewing. I half-expected Starlight to still break down and cast Fiducia Compelus, but I guess even fate lets some things change once in a while.

Fluttershy and I were having tea at her cottage one day.

“I see you got a new tea set,” I pointed out.

“Thank you for noticing,” replied Fluttershy. “I got it on a sale where if you bought the teapot, you’d get two free teacups of your choice. I think it was called a ‘tea for two for one deal.’”

That was when Rainbow Dash zoomed into the yard.

“Hey, Fluttershy!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Ya plan on going?”

“Going where?” Fluttershy asked.

“To our class reunion, remember? You didn’t get the invitation in the mail today?”

“No, I never got my mail yet.”

“Look out!!” I shouted.

I grabbed the tea set just as Derpy slammed onto the table, causing Fluttershy to jump. Derpy pulled out a letter and gave it to the leaping pony. She then flew off.

“Now I got my mail,” Fluttershy said.

She opened the envelope and read through the message. It was an invitation to Cloudsdale’s upcoming flight school reunion.

“So, do you plan on going?” Rainbow asked again. “I know I am. I already RSVP'd.”

“Well…” Fluttershy rubbed one of her legs. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to visit our old school. Do you want to join us, Spike?”

“Why?” I shrugged. “I never went to flight school.”

“You can see how Fluttershy and I learned to fly,” replied Rainbow, “and how I became the most popular pony in our class.”

“Intentionally or unintentionally?” I joked.

“Hey…” Rainbow loomed over, but Fluttershy’s hoof got in the way.

I checked the invitation. “I have nothing else better to do that day, so I can join you two.”

I remembered when Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy went to their flight school reunion, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie would go on a boat trip. Sadly, things would go south for the trio, and they would have a feud with each other. There wasn't anything to change for my part. Twilight sorted everything out, and I already know how the girls got back after their ship capsized, disappointing as that reveal was.

On the day of the reunion, Twilight cast a cloud-walking spell on me.

“Sorry you, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash have to miss out on the boat trip,” said Twilight.

“It's okay,” I replied. “I’ll be getting out of my element in a different way.”

A loud knock rang across the halls. I grabbed my backpack and headed to the front doors.

“Hey, Spike,” Rainbow greeted me as I opened the doors. “You ready to go?”

“As I’ll ever be.” I hopped on Fluttershy’s back.

Rainbow and Fluttershy took to the skies.

“Just wait ‘til my old classmates see me!” Rainbow exclaimed. “And learned that I became one of the Wonderbolts!”

“I wonder who’s going to be at the reunion,” Fluttershy said. “We graduated with a lot of students that year. Maybe we’ll see a lot of familiar faces.”

“Like Gilda?” I asked.

Rainbow slowed down. “Oh, yeah…”

“Why the uncomfortable response? I thought you and Gilda had already made up.”

“We did, but it’s still hard to forget how she acted to all my friends. Especially you, Fluttershy.”

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked. “I remembered I bumped into her, and Spike just happened to show up just in time to stop her from doing...whatever she was going to do, then I resumed helping the ducks.”

“Really? Pinkie told me something else happened.”

“She’s not really the most reliable pony to tell stories,” I said.

After a short while, we approached various cloud buildings, runways, and obstacle courses. This was definitely the flight school. We approached a table littered with name tags.

“Hey, we’re here for the reunion,” Rainbow said to one of the staff ponies.

“Name?” the vendor asked.

“Rainbow Dash! The one and only!”

The vendor looked around the table. “There’s one that just says, ‘Rainbow Dash.’”

“Good enough for me.” She swiped the name tag and placed it around her neck.

“And your name…?” the vendor pony asked Fluttershy.

“F…Fluttershy,” Fluttershy whispered.

“Uh, could you repeat that?”

“Fluttershy!” She squeaked.

“Fluttershy?! Hey, great to see you again!” Without looking at the tags, the staff mare grabbed one and handed it to my special somepony. “We’ve really missed you since you graduated. And who’s the dragon on your back?”

“My name is Spike, madam,” I replied.

The staff pony scanned the table again. “Sorry, we don’t have any Spikes here.”

“He’s my plus one,” Fluttershy said.

“Oh, that explains it.” The vendor got out a sticker and wrote my name. “I would’ve remembered us having a dragon in our school. We had a griffon once.”

“Yeah, we know,” Rainbow, Fluttershy, and I unenthusiastically said in unison.

“I hope you all enjoy this reunion.”

After I stuck the name tag sticker on my chest, the three of us explored the flight school.

Our first stop was a small building that had one room. Said room had a couple of tables and a multitude of cubbyholes.

“This was where we had our first year of flight school,” said Rainbow Dash. “Our teacher would greet us, give us the rundown of our daily flight lessons, and took us outside to practice. Hey, Fluttershy, remember on the first day you were so shy you hid in one of these cubbyholes?”

“Well, that was partially true…” Fluttershy nervously hoofed the ground. “I also thought they were going to be our new dorms. That would explain why the teacher still had our parents pick us up.” She looked in one of the holes. “This was much bigger when I was a filly.”

We headed back outside. That’s when Rainbow saw a nearby obstacle course.

“Oh, I remember this one,” Rainbow proclaimed. “This was one of my favorites. Of course, every obstacle course here was my fave. Hey, can one of you time me?” Rainbow pulled out a stopwatch. “I wanna see how fast I can clear this!”

“I’ll time you,” I offered.

Rainbow gave me the stopwatch and zoomed up to the start of the course.

“Okay, ready?” I called out. “Set…go!”

Rainbow dashed through each obstacle effortlessly, which made sense since she knew the courses like the back of her hoof.

Once she passed the finish line, I hit the stopwatch.

“Twelve seconds,” I said.

“Heh-ha! I still got it!” Rainbow declared.

Fluttershy looked to the side and gasped. “Look!”


“It’s her!” Fluttershy pointed to someone on the other side of the course. That someone was no other than…

“Gilda?” asked Rainbow Dash. “Huh, didn't think she'd be interested in attending the reunion.”

“Let’s go talk to her,” I offered.

“A-are you sure?” Fluttershy asked.

“Sometimes we need to show a little kindness.”

“Now where have I heard that before?” Rainbow Dash smugly questioned.

“Alright. We might as well…” Fluttershy sighed.

“Don’t worry, I’ll intervene if she tries anything.”

“Tries what?” A voice asked.

“Eep!” Fluttershy zipped behind Rainbow and me.

“Er, hey Gilda,” I greeted the voice’s source. “Good to see you again.” I made a fist bump.

“What’s with the hoof bump? We're not that close, kid.” Gilda sternly pointed out.

“Sorry, I was just greeting a fellow non-pony.”

“Until I know you better, I'm not one of your ‘fellows.’ You got that, dweeb?”

I nodded.

“Glad you could come to this reunion, Gilda,” Rainbow said to quickly change the subject. “Looks like you got invited, too.”

“You can blame…sorry, ‘thank’ Gabby for that.” Gilda rolled her eyes.

“Wanna tag along with us? We could view the school together.”

“Fine. Got nothing else to do.”

Once Gilda joined us, we continued exploring the school buildings. In one building, we encountered a wall filled with class pictures. It didn’t take long to find Rainbow, Fluttershy and Gilda's class. The photo showed Rainbow Dash with her hooves around Gilda and Fluttershy. At least I assumed the latter pony was Fluttershy unless there was another yellow pegasus that would cover themselves with their wings whenever they had their picture taken.

“We were so young and carefree back then,” sighed Fluttershy.

My eye caught a bookshelf. “Looks like they added some yearbooks here.”

“Let me see!” Rainbow skimmed through the titles. “Here’s our senior year!”

We huddled together as Rainbow flipped through the pages. She stopped at the individual student pictures. Each of them had a quote underneath their image.

“Here’s mine,” Rainbow pointed to her picture. “‘Keep Calm and Stay Awesome!’ Heh, as if there’s a better quote for me than that.”

“I see Gilda’s,” I said. “‘Griffons of a Feather Fly Together.’”

Gilda cringed and covered her face. “It was a quote from King Grover! I thought it was cool a cool saying back then.”

“I think it still is,” Fluttershy reassured her. “It’s certainly better than mine.”

Fluttershy’s photo, which was probably her first flight school photo where she didn’t cover herself, rested above three small dots.

“Couldn’t think of a good quote, huh?” I asked.

“Actually, that was my quote: an ellipsis.”

“Fitting,” Gilda and Rainbow said before staring at each other in surprise.

Our next stop was the school's cafeteria. The sound of chatter and music amplified as we approached the establishment.

“Sounds like fun in there,” said Rainbow Dash. “Time to meet the rest of our classmates.”

Rainbow pushed both the double doors open. Once we entered the room, we saw the entire crowd of pegasi mingling with each other, chowing down on the refreshments, or dancing to the blaring music.

“Hey, it’s them!” A party-goer exclaimed.

Soon, most of the ponies surrounded us, greeting us and asking questions like they were reporters for a famous newspaper.

Rainbow Dash attracting fans was nothing new, but what surprised me was Fluttershy having a few. Even Gilda had some ponies eager to talk to her, and I could tell she wasn't used to so much positive feedback.

Certainly better than the last pony social gathering she attended.

“Didn’t expect you of all ponies to show up,” a voice called out.

Three bulky stallions approached us. The same ones that teased Rainbow Dash in flight school and that one time during Best Young Flyer Competition. Gilda immediately stepped forward.

“You better choose your next words carefully, dweebs!” She threatened as the boys halted in their tracks.

“Woah! Woah! Woah!” Rainbow got in front of her griffon friend. “Chillax, Gilda. They're cool now.”

“What? Since when?”

“A while back,” Fluttershy said. “I think it was when Rainbow Dash won that flying competition,”

“We were cool,” the orange pegasus said. I believed his name was “Hoops.” “But I guess your definition of ‘cool’ is to ignore your buddies when they aren’t bullying you anymore, isn’t it, Rainbow Crash?”

Rainbow said, “Okay, I admit it has been a while since we talked…”

“It’s been over five years!” The brown stallion, Dumbbell, retorted.

“It’s been only two.”

“That doesn’t matter!”

Rainbow Dash sighed sharply. “Look, I’m sorry I couldn’t find time to hang out with you guys. It’s not that I’m still sore for all those times you tormented me, Fluttershy, or Gilda. There’s a ton of stuff taking up my time these days. Helping with the weather team, taking care of my pet Tank, doing my Wonderbolt duties…”

“You’re a Wonderbolt?!” Half of the crowd asked, including Gilda and the three stallions.

“Yeah. It wasn’t common knowledge by now? I thought news of my greatest achievement had already spread far and wide.”

I rolled my eyes.

“You guys are welcome to hang out with me and my buddies now,” Rainbow said to the male pegasi trio. We can talk about what each of us did after graduation.”

“Oh, we had something else in mind,” the gray stallion, Quarterback, said.

“Like what?”

Rainbow, Hoops, and Dumbbell were at the race track.

“A race?” Rainbow asked. “Ha! That’s all?”

“This will just be like last time!” Hoops barked. “But without you cheating!”

“Funny, I was just about to say the same thing to you.”

Fluttershy and I stood by the starting line. Fluttershy held a checkered-flag with her mouth.

“At least your honor’s not at stake this time,” I said.

Fluttershy nodded.

That’s when Gilda flew to Rainbow’s side.

“Gilda?” Rainbow questioned.

“I’m not letting you race these guys alone,” Gilda responded. “Not again.”

The crowd around us cheered loudly. I guessed we weren't the only ones getting deja vu from this.

Fluttershy waved the flag. The four fliers zoomed straight past us. The sudden gust of wind blew me right off the edge, but Fluttershy immediately caught me.

“Yeah. That happened to me once,” she said as she helped me back up.

Fluttershy and I watched as the racers zoomed around the track. Dumbbell slowed down at one corner. Meanwhile, Dash and Hoops were ahead neck and neck, passing each ring effortlessly. Gilda stayed close behind the duo.

“You can do it, Rainbow Dash!” I shouted.

Rainbow saluted back.

The racers neared the last set of loops. That’s when Gilda caught her breath.

“Look out!” She shoved Rainbow forward right before Hoops slammed into the griffon, sending her into a spin and colliding into a cloud.

“Oh, no! Gilda!” Fluttershy cried. “We gotta help her!”

I jumped onto Fluttershy’s back as we flew to where Gilda crashed. Rainbow raced there, too.

“You alright, Gilda?” Rainbow asked as she pulled Gilda out of the cloud.

“Ptoo! Ptoo!” Gilda spat out the clumps of water vapor. “I’m fine. Aren’t you supposed to be racing?”

“Yeah, but what kind of friend would I be if I abandoned you? If my other pals and my time as a Wonderbolt taught me anything, I don’t always need to fly solo.”

Gilda stared at Rainbow Dash astonishingly.

“Uh, girls?” Fluttershy pointed out. “I don’t want to alarm you two, but Hoops is nearing the finish line.”

“Heh, don’t worry about that.” Rainbow spread her wings. “Let’s just say history’s gonna repeat itself today! How about giving me another push, Gilda?”

“You got it!” Gilda picked up Rainbow and hurled her towards Hoops. Rainbow picked up speed and then…


“A sonic rainboom!” Fluttershy and I exclaimed.

“Oh, that’s what she meant by repeating history,” Gilda said as she flew back on course.

Rainbow zoomed through the last loop, past by Hoops, and crossed the finish line faster than I could blink. The audience applauded generously and boomingly!

“And that’s how it’s done!” Rainbow announced as Fluttershy and I regrouped with her.

“Hey, no fair!” Hoops shouted. “I thought we agreed not to cheat for this race! Sonic rainbooms count as cheating!”

“But bumping creatures off-course is somehow fair game?”

“Er…well…you didn’t finish with Gilda. Both team members have to cross the finish line to win!”

“You were saying?” Gilda asked after doing just that.

Hoops jumped. “Wha…? What happened to…?”

Dumbbell flew sluggishly across the checkered banner, out of breath and covered in sweat.

Gilda said, “Yeah, I think your friend is a bit out of practice when it comes to racing.”

“Dude! You could’ve told me!” Hoops shouted.

“I thought you knew,” Dumbbell defended. “Have you seen me race since we graduated?”


“Ran out of excuses to pull out of your hat, huh?” Rainbow joked.

Hoops snorted. “Fine, you win.”

We spent the rest of the reunion chatting with the other ponies. At the end of the day, the former classmates join together for a group photo. Gilda and Rainbow held the same poses as their last photo, while Fluttershy nervously waved.

Later, Rainbow Dash, Gilda, Fluttershy and I departed from the flight school.

“You should come visit Ponyville again sometime,” suggested Rainbow Dash. “I promise there’ll be no more pranks pulled on you.”

“I hope you’ll make sure of that,” Gilda replied.

Gilda parted ways with us, and we headed to Ponyville.

“I can’t wait to tell the girls about our time at the reunion,” Rainbow said. “And I should probably find time to hang out with those stallions more.”

“Did you enjoy the reunion, Spike?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah, I did,” I replied. “I was glad to join you two, and we got to interact with Gilda more.”

In the end, I really meant it. I remember there was a comic about Fluttershy and RD attending their reunion, but thankfully the events here transpired much differently, further solidifying the comics to be non-canon.

At least in regards to the flight school reunion story.

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