• Published 24th Feb 2020
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Spike The Brony Dragon - red4567

A human in Spike's body will do whatever he can to change the future for the better.

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Chapter 100! (Viva Las Pegasus!)

I didn’t change anything for “The Fault in Our Cutie Marks,” but it was a pleasure to meet Gabby again.

I hurried to the center of town wearing a backpack. Moondancer and Tyke were already in the balloon.

“Hop in, Spike!” Moondancer announced. “We’re departing soon!”

I climbed into the basket just as Moondancer undid the last knot holding the balloon down. The giant aircraft ascended into the sky and picked up the western air currents.

“Oh! I can’t wait to see Las Pegasus!” Moondancer tapped her hooves on the basket’s rim.

“Me neither,” I said. “I’m sorry Twilight couldn’t join us.”

“Don’t be. Twilight and her student come first. Heh, she’s almost like Princess Celestia: taking a talented unicorn under her wing.”

I chuckled. “I noticed the connection. So, are you eager to see Las Pegasus, Tyke?”

Tyke stared at the passing clouds.

“Tyke?” I asked again.

“Huh?” Tyke snapped out of his trance. “Yeah? What did you ask me?”

“Are you excited to visit Las Pegasus?”

“Oh, yeah. I…guess I am. Do I have to gamble there?”

“No,” Moondancer giggled. “It’s not a requirement. Don’t worry. There’s a lot of other things to do in Las Pegasus besides playing games. Just you wait.”

An hour later, the sound of loud chatter filled the air. The balloon emerged through the clouds to reveal buildings as tall as the ones in Manehattan but twice as colorful. Signs of neon and traditional light bulbs filled the sky. This was definitely a pony Las Vegas.

“Woah!” Tyke’s eyes widened. “This looks like a giant party.”

After Moondancer landed the balloon, we got out and went to a Crystal-Empire-themed hotel.

“Hi,” Moondancer greeted the receptionist. “We have a reservation here.”

“Name?” asked the receptionist, staring at the log book.


“Oh!” the receptionist’s head shot up. “You’re this year’s raffle winner, aren’t you?”

“That’s right, and I only put in one ticket.”

“Looks like the mare of luck is on your side already.” The receptionist gave us two keys. “Your room is number 100 on the top floor. Enjoy your stay.”

We took our luggage up to the top floor. The room we stayed in was massive, at least three times bigger than a normal hotel room, including the ones at Manehattan. It reminded me of the real Crystal Empire’s castle, albeit with a few inaccuracies.

“You won all of this in a raffle?!” I exclaimed.

“That’s right,” replied Moondancer. “I couldn’t believe it myself either.”

A suspicion ran over me. “When you applied for the raffle, do you remember when this happened, and what the ponies looked like?”

“Let’s see…I know it happened during the Summer Sun Celebration. One of the ponies was a light blue mare with a long, blond mane, and the other was a lime-green stallion who had a short, auburn mane. Why do you ask?”

I sighed in relief. “Just wanted to make sure you didn’t get scammed.”

Moondancer chuckled. “Don’t worry. Applejack told me about Flim and Flam.”

“Good. The last thing we need is to fall for any of their cons.”

That reminded me of the episode, “Viva Las Pegasus.” Applejack and Fluttershy would go to Las Pegasus to solve a friendship problem. They would then discover that Gladmane, the pony in charge of one of the luxury resorts, was manipulating some of the employees to turn against each other, including the Flim Flam Brothers. Once again, I couldn’t change the episode because it was a map episode. Although, it would be kind of funny if we just happened to meet AJ and Fluttershy during our stay, like how we met Pinkie and Rarity back at Canterlot.

“Hey, check it out!” Tyke called out from the bathroom. “We get our own pool!”

“Really?” Moondancer left the bedroom and looked inside. “Oh, heh. That’s a bathtub, Tyke.”

“This big thing is a bathtub?!”

I entered the bathroom to see the giant tub. It was filled with jets, faucets and plenty of hotel-brand toiletries. It was big, but I've seen bigger.

“You should see the royal bathtub in Twilight’s castle,” I said.

After unpacking our stuff, the three of us took a tour around the city. Each district's theme was based on a popular pony city down in Equestria. I noticed a few inaccuracies for some of the districts, but I applaud Las Pegasus for trying its best.

“Kinda makes you wish there was a district based on the Diamond Dog territories, huh Tyke?” asked Moondancer.

“I guess so, but I said before that Diamond Dogs are spread all across Equestria. I don’t know how Las Pegasus can replicate our tunnels.”

“I know. The city could have an underground passage system with gemstones decorating the walls,” I suggested.

“Not a bad idea, but we’re in the clouds, Spike,” Moondancer pointed out.

“An under-cloud tunneling system then.”

We took pictures of the buildings, statues, and even ourselves. After so many camera flashes, I swore it took a full minute to regain my vision. We must have taken about a hundred pictures!

After our sight-seeing, we went for lunch at the buffet in Gladmane’s resort. I didn’t see Applejack nor Fluttershy in the crowd.

“What are you looking for, Spike?” Moondancer asked as she and I sat down with our meals. “You keep looking around like somepony’s after you.”

“Sorry. I was just checking to see if one of the girls is here.”

“Heh. What would the odds of that be?”

“I don’t know. I was once told how fate can always find a way.”

Tyke showed up carrying three plates filled with various foods. The piles were as big as his head.

“Uh, Tyke?” Moondancer asked.

“What? The sign said ‘all you can eat,’” Tyke defended.

“It’s not a requirement, you know.”

“Don’t worry. I can finish all these plates.”

Tyke finished only a plate and a third. At least Moondancer and I didn't need to go back to the buffet for seconds.

Unfortunately, we had to spend the rest of the day in our hotel room, mostly because Tyke was too full to walk around. He laid on one of the beds, stuffed. He reminded me of my grandma's pomeranian with how bloated he was.

“This is what happens when you overeat,” Moondancer said as she rubbed his belly.

“Still worth it. I haven’t eaten this much since my family's last feast with my parents.” He let out an audible belch. “Sorry.”

The next morning, Tyke had recovered from his overindulgence. We all ate a light breakfast after eating over a hundred types of food last night.

Afterwards, we visited our hotel’s casino, or rather its arcade plaza. The place was filled with various games, from racing to dancing to ball-tossing. All of them provided tickets to the happy-go-lucky ponies around us.

When I first watched the episode, part of me was a bit disappointed when I learned most if not all of gambling activities were replaced with arcade games. Then again, given how some adult activities like bachelor parties were family-friendly in Equestria, it shouldn’t have been a surprise that the casinos in Las Pegasus were a bunch of luxury-styled Chuck E. Cheeses.

“The raffle gave me some free tokens to spend at this casino,” said Moondancer.

Moondancer redeemed her free tokens at the lobby. We divided the tokens up equally and spent them on every game we wanted to play. The ones I liked were the dance machines and ring toss.

After hours of playing, we earned a generous amount of tickets each. I exchanged mine for a stuffed dragon plushie and a lava lamp. Moondancer got a plasma ball and a pair of light-up shutter shades. Tyke, who earned the most tickets out of all of us, got a Crystal Pony action figure and a pair of binoculars.

Once we put our prizes back in our hotel room, we once again took to seeing the sights.

“Hey, what’s that?” Tyke pointed to a ride in the sky.

“That’s a roller coaster,” Moondancer replied. “Ponies sit in these special carts that race around the tracks at a fast pace.”

“That’s allowed here?”

“Of course. Provided they abide by the safety regulations.”

“Can we go? Please?”

“I was just about to suggest that.”

We went to where the ride was held. While there was a long line, Moondancer’s raffle winnings thankfully gave her a VIP pass to skip the line. The employee measured our heights. Moondancer was tall enough, but for Tyke and me…

“Sorry, kids,” the worker dug into the box.

“Aww,” Tyke whined.

“Don’t worry, maybe next time we visit we’ll be tall enough to ride,” I said.

“Oh, kids, you can ride on this coaster,” the worker clarified. “You just need to sit in a booster seat.” He pulled out a couple of plastic chairs.

“Oh, yay!” Tyke hurried up to the coaster.

Moondancer, Tyke, and I sat in one of the front rows. I’ll admit it was a bit humiliating to ride in a booster seat, but at least it was better than not riding at all. We quickly secured ourselves with the safety harnesses.

“Remember to keep all arms, legs, hooves, tails, and wings inside the cart at all times,” the worker announced.

The coaster took motion, ambling its way up the hill.

“They strapped us in for this?” Tyke asked unenthusiastically.

“Oh, don’t worry,” said Moondancer. “The best part is coming.”

The coaster reached the top of the hill, and once it descended...


The coaster careened down the tracks at top speed! The riders around me cheered raucously as the ride threw them around at over one hundred miles per hour! I joined their clamor as well!

This is definitely better than Discord’s ride! At least I know where the ride goes!

Three minutes had passed, and the ride decelerated and returned to its starting location. We left the ride with unkempt manes and rapid heartbeats.

“Wow! The minecarts got nothing on this!” Tyke exclaimed.

We tried out the other rides as well. I especially enjoyed the ferris wheel.

“You can see all of Las Pegasus from here,” I said as we ascended to the peak of the wheel.

“And then some.” Moondancer looked across the horizon. “You know, I heard rumors that they planned to build a giant glowing sphere somewhere in the center of Las Pegasus.”

“Seriously? Who would want a giant light-up ball in the middle of a city?” I asked.

“I don’t know. I heard it from the same ponies who suggested adding a grocery store here, too.”

Day three arrived already. It was our last day before we were to leave tomorrow. Moondancer was at the receptionist desk, checking one of her tickets.

“So I get free three…I mean, three free shows with my winning raffle package?”

“That’s correct, madam,” replied the receptionist. “Current showtimes are provided by the brochure stand.”

“Alright, we’ll check it out.”

The receptionist held up a hoof. “I…just hope you’re not planning on seeing some of the shows at Gladmane’s resort.”

“Why?” Moondancer furrowed her brows. “What happened?”

“From what I’ve heard, the ponies working there have a reputation of arguing with each other, even those who are usually close together. Normally, things are sorted out quickly, but the arguments have become more frequent as of late, so much so the shows have been either postponed or all but cancelled.”

“Is that so?” Moondancer scratched her chin. “Maybe we should check this resort out. Come on, guys.”

Oh, no! She’s gonna prevent the map episode!

“Moondancer! Wait!” I ran up to stop her. “We came here to relax, remember?”

“I know that, but you heard what was going on at Gladmane’s hotel.”

“I won’t deny that, but this is not our business. So, some employees are having creative differences, so what? We can’t just butt in at every problem that arises.”

“It’s not like you to shy away from an issue. I know you never liked ponies arguing loudly, but ignoring them won’t solve anything.”

“My point is that we don’t know who these employees are or what makes them tick. If we really needed to solve this friendship problem, wouldn’t the map call us first?”

Moondancer looked at her flank. “I thought the map only called for Twilight and the other girls.”

“Hey, you never know.”

“Say, Moondancer,” Tyke said. “I actually agree with Spike. Didn’t we come here to have a good time and not deal with any drama? I don’t know how Las Pegasus works, but I’m sure the manager could help the workers with their problem if it’s postponing their shows.”

Moondancer sighed. “I guess you’re both right. We’re here for pleasure, not work.”

As she made her way to the brochure stand, I exhaled with relief.

As much as I wanted to help those ponies too, I don’t want to interfere with a map episode.

Since there were three shows to watch for free, we each got to pick our own.

Tyke was the first to pick. He decided on a magic show in the Manehattan district. The show was hosted by two unicorn stallions, who performed such spectacular tricks that even Trixie would be envious. I did notice the blue stallion, whose name was “Jackpot” looked a lot similar to Trixie herself, and I wasn’t the only one who noticed.

“Does that blue magician look familiar to you?” Moondancer whispered to me.

I shrugged, but I knew that Jackpot was actually Trixie’s father if what one of the show's creators said was true. However, Jackpot was unaware that he had a daughter.

Maybe someday I’ll bring Trixie to Las Pegasus and see how she and Jackpot will interact.

Moondancer chose a concert in the Canterlot District. Specifically, a Sapphire Shores concert. Honestly, Shores hadn’t made many appearances since Season 4 of the show. I hoped she might collaborate with Rara in the near future.

My pick was a cyclist show in the Fillydelphia District, and, boy, was it a good pick! The bike riders showed off many tricks and stunts as they hopped through hoops, grinded across rails, and leaped over ramps without the use of wings or magic. I almost wanted a bicycle after watching their show.

Forget the Washouts. Scootaloo should’ve been seeing this group!

After seeing all three shows, we spent the rest of the day talking nonstop about them.

The next morning, we repacked and checked out of the hotel. We then made our way to the hot air balloon platform.

“That was great!” Tyke exclaimed. “Kinda wished we stayed longer.”

“Me, too,” Moondancer responded. “But we only had three nights for free from the raffle.”

I said, “With so much fun we had, we could’ve stayed a hundred days and not get bored.”

We got to the platform just in time to witness another balloon landing. Moondancer’s eyes widened when she saw the two ponies riding it.

“Fluttershy? Applejack? Is that you?” Moondancer waved at them.

“It’s Moondancer, Spike, ‘n’ Tyke.” Applejack hopped off the basket. “What are ya’ll doin’ in Las Pegasus?”

“I won a raffle back in Ponyville for a couple of nights here. We were just heading back home. How about you two? I didn’t think you were the type of ponies who would visit this kind of city.”

“We aren’t. We came here ‘cause the map called for us.”

“Another friendship problem?” I asked.

“Uhm...pretty much,” Fluttershy replied.

“Well, I wish you both good luck,” Moondancer replied. “I don’t know if it’s against the map rules or whatever, but I’d start at Gladmane’s resort.” She pointed to the pony-shaped building. “I heard the employees there are having trouble getting along.”

Applejack rubbed her chin. “Well, I don’t know if it’s relevant to our friendship problem, but it’s worth a shot. C’mon, Fluttershy.”

I guess what Moondancer did is okay. AJ and Fluttershy were going there anyway in the show.

Fluttershy followed Applejack behind as we waved goodbye to them. We then hopped on the balloon back to Ponyville.

“I bet Twilight’s going to be jealous of our time in Las Pegasus,” Moondancer said.

“Don’t worry. I bought a t-shirt for her.” I pulled out the shirt from my backpack.

“‘My #1 Assistant went to Las Pegasus, and all I got was this tacky T-shirt.’”

“I had it custom-made.”

I was glad I could spend time with Moondancer and Tyke in Las Pegasus. Aside from a few slip-ups, such as almost preventing a map episode, I had a swingin’ time.

Viva Las Pegasus!
Viva Las Pegasus!
Viva, Viva Las Pegasus!

Author's Note:

How many times did you see the number 100 or word "hundred" in this chapter?

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