• Member Since 12th Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen 29 minutes ago


-GM, master of... ( Discord | Patreon )


In an alternate future of cold and ice, the only remaining bastion of Harmony is the Crystal Empire.

Equestria has been gone a long time, and Luster Dawn has never known a world where the magic of harmony and friendship was abundant. Outside the Crystal Heart's protection, there is only snowy wasteland that stretches on for eternity.

Princess Twilight Sparkle has decided it's high time Luster Dawn see the world beyond the Empire's borders, and it just so happens that Flurry Heart wants to come along.

This was written as part of a live write right after the finale aired. Every chapter of this story will probably be written like this, so watch out for me going live with writing!

EDIT: canceled, simply because the livewrite method of writing was unsustainable.

-GM, master of spoilers.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 17 )

A future of cold and ice, eh? (haven't read yet)

OK, something happened differently from the show, let's find out what :D.

What is it about Scootaloo and icy, postapocalyptic wastelands?

In any case, fascinating setting. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Oh no, the villains are going to look in other universes. How could anyone have seen this coming.

I wasn't expecting this little plot, but to be honest, it doesn't really surprise me. GM does like his multiverses...

I plan nothing about this story.

I can say this has nothing to do with SotS.

(...Beyond general multiversal rules.)

-GM, master of grime and slime.

it tragic really discord doomed this world trying to be a good friend but his attempt at friendship froze equestria and ended the age of freindship

Bad news: The windigoes can make White Walkers.
Good news: Apple Bloom can cure that. And refining the recipe should remove that particular side effect.

I’d like to… you know, just once, have an idea that’s better than her, you know? She’s not perfect. She can’t be right all the time.”

I sense foreshadowing.

And at least the villains aren't doing any better. Frankly, I'm amazed that Tirek hasn't eliminated Chrysalis and swallowed his pride by now. Still, Mr. Tall, Dark, and Allcaps here should have a very interesting proposition for the two of them...

You know it took me finding another one of your storiesby accident to realize I wasn't following you I have no clue why I wasn't you are probably my favorite writer on site I guess I just had a brain fart

A multiverse unrelated to another made by the same of mind is still the same realm, just seperated by a few missing links. I personaly hope that crystal is more some gen 1 villan than lets do the space-time warp again.

There’s been an… unusual development. I don’t want you to worry, but I also can’t tell you.

Hmm. That's curious...

Scootaloo raises quite a few intriguing questions.

“So do we, she’s stuck on the moon,” Tirek muttered. “We’re not stupid.”

Yeah, Cosmos would definitely make things worse. Warmer, but worse.


Shadow Lock never stopped being a thing.


Because that's not concerningly vague.

It was as if the yaks were immune to the evil spirits’ magic, somehow.


I suppose it's too much to hope that the yaks developed a space program. In any case, loving how you're folding in the comic continuity. Definitely looking forward to more.

What an interesting question!
-GM, master of the non-answer.

Probably in seaquestria

Yona grinned. “Yveltal went out into the snow and smacked one in the head until it listened to her.”

... Should I be concerned by this yak named after the Pokémon Grim Reaper?

“Before it notices us?” Sweetie asked.

Well, that's ominous.

Oh how Crysalis wished Tirek were here so he could drain the arrogant Umbrum door of all magic, relieving them of another portal to this realm.

Ah. That may address what happened to Sunset.

Numerous intriguing developments at work. Looking forward to more.

Canceled? ... DARN.

Any reason?

Method of writing was unsustainable.
Forgot what I was doing.
Had other things I wanted to do.
-GM, master of krill.

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