• Member Since 5th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen May 25th

Parallel Black

Bad crossovers are born from the corpses of good characters. Don't be a murderer, kids


A lot can happen in a single night. Friends can be made, perspectives can shift, the world can be saved...

Four weeks have passed since Nightmare Moon's defeat, and Twilight is still living in Canterlot. It's a beautiful city with boundless opportunities available to those who chase them, but a certain few things could stand to be improved. The din of rioting voices still echo in Twilight's mind, her mentor is absent, her mother is stuck beneath all the paperwork, and worst of all...

... it is still in the sky.


The starting point of the Triad Verse. Serves as a direct prologue to both Golden Ghost Library and Paint the Town Red.

Set after a thoroughly restructured version of Nightmare Moon's return. Contains occasional dark imagery and mentions of death, but is otherwise safe.

The original draft of this story can be found here if you're interested.

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 34 )

So this Nightmare Moon was into megascale engineering? :rainbowlaugh:

LOVED the "sibling banter" between Twilight and Spike and, yeah, this DOES look like an intriguing start to your AU series. Indeed, Twilight and Spike ARE both enough in character where I COULD see the stuff in this prologue happening under the right different series of events.

I'm really happy that you like how I'm handling Twilight and Spike! Spike is always one of those difficult characters to write due to the simple fact that he's a kid and can't really do that much as a result. While this story is definitely more focused on Twilight's perspective, I've still got places where Spike can contribute here and there.

Pretty much. My version of Nightmare Moon is monumentally more powerful than the show version, and it only makes sense that someone with ownership over the Moon can essentially do whatever they wish with it.

Whoa mama. Again, the exchange, characterizations and future chapter set-up are quite well done. Yeah, I can understand why Twi could be reflecting so hard on the battle with Nightmare Moon (including thinking how bad it COULD have been). And, it makes sense that this was a bit rougher than in canon if Nightmare Moon actually had minions (though it sounds like Rainbow took the worst of it physically other than Nightmare Moon herself). And, yeah, I can also understand the reflection on what little Twilight knows about her new friends thus far (though that will be changing relatively soon). And I can even understand Twilight playing "overprotective big sister" if there has been relatively recent rioting.

All in all, definitely looking forward to more of this.

All I can say is definitely a great job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in this REALLY emotional chapter. Yeah, I can definitely understand the reflection on how the ponies have been acting (such as the manure-filled bag, the riots mentioned in the previous chapter, the general vandalism, etc.), Moondancer's observations at the beginning of the chapter, Twilight's chats with Chestnut AND Quilliam. It's ironic that Twilight, for all of her now-famous freak-outs, is actually seeming to STILL take this MORE maturely than most of the rest of Canterlot.

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

Thanks again! I'm really glad that you're enjoying the new version so far :)

Again, great job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up here. The reflections on how things were going on the way to the lake as well as Twilight and Spike's chat with Moondancer were definitely quite appropriately emotional. Yeah, both Twilight and Moondancer made some really good points (Twilight in that one DOES have to stay positive and keep trying for ANYTHING to change for the better and Moondancer in as hard it is to keep calm under these dangerous conditions).

But, very certainly looking forward to more of this.

Excellent job on this latest chapter. Again, the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all well done in all the right places. Yeah, the stuff about basic utilities being much more limited is a good indication of just how bad the situation is. And, yeah, Moondancer might have some issues with Spike (yes, MOST dragons aren't as vicious as she seems to think [in fact, only a few actually are], but with how big and powerful dragons get as they get older, I suppose it would make sense that they would be treated with JUST enough fear to be respected) but she still cared enough about Twilight to alibi Spike to that police officer that mentioned the new rule about dragons (despite the fact that Spike is, as far as we know, the ONLY dragon in Canterlot, which makes it extremely unlikely that dragons are behind those fires).

REALLY looking forward to more of this.

Again, really good job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Yeah, I DID enjoy that chat over lunch between Twilight, Spike and Moondancer. And, yeah, sounds like Moonie has at least ONE thing in common with Twilight's new friend Fluttershy (even though she's known Spike long enough to know he wouldn't do anything even one quarter as bad as she seems to think he would, it makes sense that a vegetarian would get skiddish about a species that eats A LOT of meat and can grow to sizes MUCH bigger than they are). And, yeah, Twilight acknowledges things HAVE gotten pretty bad, but still refuses to give up hope on things eventually changing for the better. Plus, the stuff about Moondancer's family was some good added detail of her life AND Twilight, at least, understands why Moondancer feels she needs to get out of Canterlot (but HAS offered to buy at least some of her books so they won't be going to somebody who would let them go to waste).

At any rate, very definitely looking forward to more of this.

Yikes. Excellent job, of course, on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Definitely got the shivers from Spike reflecting on what Celestia did to that one stallion. And, yeah, the dialogue between Twilight, Spike and Moondancer concerning where they would choose to live if they moved away from Canterlot (and, from an academics' view point, I can understand why Twilight would want to see a little more of the world). as well as what they would do if they HAD TO stay in Cantlerlot were great too. In addition, the discussion about how much Celestia has changed since her sister's return (and Twilight's reflection on just how bad Luna's injuries HAD TO BE) was quite appropriately nerve-wracking. I have a feeling things will get worse before they get better, but they WILL (hopefully) get better.

DEFINITELY looking forward to more of this.

And Happy Halloween, in advance.

I'm happy to hear that! I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far. You're right that things will get worse before they get better, though this whole first half of the story is very much setting up all that will take place in the second. Moondancer may have gotten past one of her inner demons, but we have yet to even meet one of Twilight's...

Again, an extremely good job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Yeah, I can definitely understand Twilight's reflections on Spirit Magic (including learning to use it as a more secure method of carrying things and the bits of subtle foreshadowing to Twi eventually becoming an alicorn herself), Haycartes' Curse, the changes in Celestia (I'm sure Luna IS still alive, but it is touch and go right now), the past fight with the castle guardian, the reason she ISN'T "trying to take the easy way out" by moving to Ponyville immediately and how much she is trying to show more appreciation to her old friends while she still has time.

So, yeah, very definitely looking forward to more of this.

Sorry I took a while to respond. Nothing to blame except self-admitted laziness. But still, once again, a really good job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Again, I can understand the bits of reflection on things such as how the fountains have been shut off and the damage caused by the fires (not just to property, but to self-esteem) as well as how Winter Break's reaction to meeting Spike so closely mirrored Fluttershy's and Moondancer's out loud wonderings about the timing and circumstances of the looting and the fire in that temple.

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

No worries, I appreciate your support!

All I can say is great job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in this latest chapter. Definitely have to respect the work that went into the flashback with Rainbow and some of Nightmare Moon's underlings before going back to Twilight, Spike and Moondancer as they reflected on such things as belief in gods (and understanding why Celestia denies the title, but ISN'T believed when she does) and how it was much more likely somebody they talked to stole the money themselves and was just looking for a scapegoat (though, given that this IS Equestria, the "giant minotaur" deal, while VERY unlikely, is NOT impossible). And, yeah, I can also understand how Moondancer could be so quick to catch Twilight when she was so deep in thought and DID appreciate how not only did she offer to let Twilight stay the night after she admitted to reflecting on some really bad stuff, but also relented concerning Spike.

All in all, VERY certainly looking forward to more of this.

Really good job on this latest chapter. Again, splendid work on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. I can definitely understand Twi's flashback to her new friends encountering "Peace" (which also does a really good job setting things up for later in this chapter. And also really loved how she made an effort to get Spike and Moondancer to relative safety before she went to confront Peace and then tried to settle things peacefully with Peace (unsuccessfully concerning the latter, but she still gets points for trying). Twilight and Peace's general dialogue did a great job setting up the next chapter.

Very certainly looking forward to more of this.

Excellent job on the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Greatly enjoyed Moondancer's flashbacks to the spelling bee she and Twilight had when they were fillies as well as trying to chat with Spike while they were waiting to hear from Twilight again. And then, the reflection on Twilight comparing her to a comic book hero (not just in terms of power, but also in terms of sense of responsibility and attempts to be diplomatic even to somebody who was trying to kill her) after she explained her run-in with Peace but before she went back to try to talk to Peace again.

VERY definitely looking forward to more of this.

And Happy Thanksgiving.

Again, you did a great job on this latest chapter. Absolutely love the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Yeah, Moondancer's thoughts on the situation with Twilight and Peace make a lot of sense, as does the zig-zagging thoughts of trying to protect Spike and realizing HE is actually better equipped to take care of himself than SHE is. And Moondancer talking to that one couple also provided some additional perspective. Also enjoyed Moondancer's chat with Skycroft as the two were discussing strategy on dealing with Peace.

VERY certainly looking forward to more of this.

Hope you had some Happy Holidays and I am wishing you a Happy New Year in advance.

Serves as a direct prologue to both Golden Ghost Library and Paint the Town Red.

Do you think you could link to those two stories in the synopsis?

Those two stories are still in the early writing-planning stage, but I will link them once they're ready to post. Golden Ghost Library will likely come first.

All I can say is, once again, you did a great job on the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Greatly enjoyed Moondancer's reflections on the spells Twilight has taught her as she was trying to magically bypass Peace's defenses, Skycroft and Moondancer having the dialogue concerning Twilight's role against Nightmare Moon, the argument with that Changeling and Moondancer's general reflections on just how important it was to find a way to help Twilight.

All in all, very definitely looking forward to more of this.

Is this story a sequel? To be honest it's quite difficult to follow what's going on with all the characters and world. To the point where it feels like one has to have read a detailed prior story that introduces a lot of concepts/characters.

Huh. How so? This story is currently a stand-alone thing, so is there anything in particular that's causing the confusion?

Technically Celestia's not wrong, murder followed by a brisk Ressurection will fix very nearly anything.

Twilighting: The Novel right here folks.

Ah, caught up, how about that? Another story to track, most excellent.

Twilight continues to prove herself a masterful diplomat I see...

Well, little I can say beyond great job on the exchanges, action, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Really enjoyed Twilight's flashback to the battle with Nightmare Moon and the bits of self-reflection while she was dodging Peace's attacks and trying to defend herself. And, yeah, Peace still proves to be too stubborn for diplomacy though Twilight still gets points for even trying it. The description of Peace's real form was appropriately nerve-wracking. At least back-up arrived at exactly the right moment.

VERY definitely looking forward to more of this.

Excellent work on this latest chapter. Again, great job on the exchanges, action, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Loved Twilight's dialogue with her rescuer. Yeah, they both had some good points (Twilight's rescuer in how dangerous this was and Twilight in how much worse it would be if Peace went looking for her again). And, yeah, I could see where Twilight might feel uncomfortable with being outed as a hero considering the quiet life she has led before, but she DOES get points about asking about Moondancer and Spike. And now Twilight knows a bit more about Peace's attackers and has at least managed to convince them to give her SOME chance to talk Peace down peacefully.

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

Again, an excellent job on this latest chapter. VERY certainly well done on the exchanges, characterizations, action references and future chapter set-up. REALLY liked Twilight's reflection on what Peace likely did to her as well as the dialogue with the knights before they got back to the action and Twilight being pragmatic enough that, although she would prefer to save violence as a last resort, still keeping it as a resort (while still drawing the line at lethal force).

Very certainly looking forward to more of this.

Comment posted by Comickook deleted Sep 6th, 2021

This was a pretty intense chapter. Certainly appreciating the work going into the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Really appreciate the effort that went into showing Peace's POV (including the reflection on Vinyl's music) as well as Skycorft's understandably unnerved reactions during this battle even if he continued the fight with the awareness he was at a severe disadvantage because this battle was about protecting others.

VERY much looking forward to more of this. And I hope you and your friends have a Happy Halloween.

I see others continue to benefit from Twilight's wisdom...

And now Peace is a deathsinger, how truly marvelous.

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