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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


It's a long road from Baltimore back to Michigan, but it gets a lot shorter when I pick up a pony hitchhiker.

I don't know her or where she came from. She was just there in the parking lot of the Mahoning Valley Service Plaza and I was too surprised to say no when she asked for a ride.

Besides, sometimes it's lonely to drive alone.

Now with a reading by ShadowOfCygnus!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 199 )

Yep, dat's a Bow-Tie. She was my favorite in G1 for a long time.

Damnit, my heart is aching enough already tonight, Admiral, why do you do this to me?

Hampton Inns actually have decent free breakfast.

Stop! Stop being so damned good at this! You're not giving us average people a chance! Seriously, you're just so proficient at blending reality with fantasy that I want to believe these stories could actually happen. I love every one of them. You can't keep doing this, I have stories to write, and I can't write them if I'm having too much fun reading yours! :flutterrage:

In all seriousness, I love your stories, and like when I read them, I keep hoping the magic lasts just a little longer, that I won't have to let go of the little fantasy world I've found myself in, at least not for a while yet. It's so cold out here, but it's warm and inviting in the worlds you create. You have my gratitude for writing such wonderful stories, and then sharing them with all of us.


Glad to see this up. Was a joy to pre read.

She’s a totally adorable pony.


Damnit, my heart is aching enough already tonight, Admiral, why do you do this to me?

It’s what I do, man. It’s what I do.


Man. Here I thought this would be sweet, cute, and heartwarming, not this (still sweet) aching feeling. Now that's going to linger all day. Still a great story, though.

Glad you liked it!

I’m not entirely sure that it’s a happy ending, but I know that it’s the right ending.


Hampton Inns actually have decent free breakfast.

That’s good to know!

I’m sure I’ve stayed at one before, but I can’t remember having done so. Certainly not recently.


Stop! Stop being so damned good at this! You're not giving us average people a chance! Seriously, you're just so proficient at blending reality with fantasy that I want to believe these stories could actually happen. I love every one of them. You can't keep doing this, I have stories to write, and I can't write them if I'm having too much fun reading yours! :flutterrage:

I can’t help myself! Whenever I don’t know what to do, I write a story.

In all seriousness, I love your stories, and like when I read them, I keep hoping the magic lasts just a little longer, that I won't have to let go of the little fantasy world I've found myself in, at least not for a while yet. It's so cold out here, but it's warm and inviting in the worlds you create. You have my gratitude for writing such wonderful stories, and then sharing them with all of us.

Thank you! :heart:

I think that even when the story ends, you can carry it with you inside. Maybe you can figure out the answers I never had for this one.

Thanks! It was fun to write.

I got the reference for her name!

jz1 #13 · Aug 10th, 2018 · · ·

I find this deeply unrealistic. This story implies that roadwork is ever actually done on the Ohio Turnpike, as opposed to random closures of lanes/exits/directions of travel for no discernible reason.

You can get all sorts of stories on the road, even in the one trip, and there was so many sides here even without the passenger.

In the UK you dont have hitchikers as such, you have Bus Drivers. Although the Dales bus is in real trouble as well as many other small wandering minibuses that serve the hamlets that even Beeching didnt have to bother with.

Ponies, the True Teamsters. Where being a Banker might not have anything to do with Money, but instead Pushing a load up into the Mountains. Heloooo 1 in 32. :eeyup:

You never know. Maybe one day you might actually get a pony hitchiker. Even if its one of the test runs by MIT or CalTech Human Interaction Robotics. :pinkiehappy:

“Ships passing in the night.”

I wonder how many times I said those very words that weekend . . . :derpytongue2:

Beautiful, per usual. :heart:

I wondered how many people would.


I find this deeply unrealistic. This story implies that roadwork is ever actually done on the Ohio Turnpike, as opposed to random closures of lanes/exits/directions of travel for no discernible reason.

Of the approximately 7,000 construction zones I went through, one of them had construction vehicles doing things. So they do do some.

And you’ve got to see it from a Michigander’s point of view. Recently one of my friends posted this on Facebook:
“I'm playing Fallout: New Vegas and the roads in the game are in better shape than some of the ones in Michigan.”

And the admiral strike again, your mastery over the slice of life genre is nothing short of astounding!


You can get all sorts of stories on the road, even in the one trip, and there was so many sides here even without the passenger.

That’s very true. She was only part of the story.

In the UK you dont have hitchikers as such, you have Bus Drivers. Although the Dales bus is in real trouble as well as many other small wandering minibuses that serve the hamlets that even Beeching didnt have to bother with.

Are Wandering Minibuses the British land equivalent to the Flying Dutchman?

Ponies, the True Teamsters. Where being a Banker might not have anything to do with Money, but instead Pushing a load up into the Mountains. Heloooo 1 in 32. :eeyup:

Ooh, 1 in 32 is rough. That calls for a team for sure.

You never know. Maybe one day you might actually get a pony hitchiker. Even if its one of the test runs by MIT or CalTech Human Interaction Robotics. :pinkiehappy:

I give you my word that if I ever see a pony or a Pony hitchhiking, I’ll pick her up.


I wonder how many times I said those very words that weekend . . . :derpytongue2:

I know, right? Three days and you think that would be plenty, and at the end of it where did the time go?

Beautiful, per usual. :heart:



And the admiral strike again, your mastery over the slice of life genre is nothing short of astounding!


saw michigan my home state had to click now time to read

edit after reading: after reading this id swear you lived in michigan nearly everthing was dead on the head liked it thumbs up.

I'd be curois to compare with the one we have here in Quebec. Sometime it feel like it's always either in bad condition or in the process of being patched up.


That’s fair. Seeing this from an Ohioan’s position, our roads are better-but goddamn do I hate the construction zones and everything that goes along with them. Also, as a note, the blog that goes with this story is the only thing on all of FimFic to use #OhioTurnpike. Good job on that.

Why do I think that pony hitchhikers would always be a safe pickup.

“Sure are a lot of orange barrels,” she remarks.

“It’s road construction season.”


This story implies that roadwork is ever actually done on the Ohio Turnpike, as opposed to random closures of lanes/exits/directions of travel for no discernible reason.


Of the approximately 7,000 construction zones I went through, one of them had construction vehicles doing things. So they do do some.


Of the approximately 7,000 construction zones I went through, one of them had construction vehicles doing things. So they do do some.

Todd Yohn comes to mind...


This needs a horror alternate ending where a radio report comes on the air reporting brutal murders, then the driver turning to the Pony and she smiles.


saw michigan my home state had to click now time to read


edit after reading: after reading this id swear you lived in michigan nearly everything was dead on the head liked it thumbs up.

I do live in Michigan. Have for 40 years. Mostly in towns nobody’s ever heard of. :derpytongue2:


I'd be curious to compare with the one we have here in Quebec. Sometime it feel like it's always either in bad condition or in the process of being patched up.

I suspect that Canadian roads are better, but I don’t know that for a fact. Your speed limits are lower, which is annoying. But you make them look bigger by putting them in metric. :rainbowlaugh:


That’s fair. Seeing this from an Ohioan’s position, our roads are better-but goddamn do I hate the construction zones and everything that goes along with them.

While I haven’t traveled as much as say, a long-haul trucker, I can say that Missouri has the worst construction zones. A highway with just orange cones dividing the two lanes of traffic all diverted to one side, and the middle lane closed on the other side of a bridge with no advance warning signs. Bastards.

Also, as a note, the blog that goes with this story is the only thing on all of FimFic to use #OhioTurnpike. Good job on that.

I’ve also got the only clopfic with Hayseed Turnip Truck. I guess I’m just a special snowflake. :derpytongue2:


Why do I think that pony hitchhikers would always be a safe pickup.

Because they’re adorable and very unlikely to stab you for a bag of Doritos.

I’d pick up a hitchhiking Pony in a second.

I was actually thinking that song in my head as I wrote that section of the story.

EDIT: there was someone cosplaying as an orange barrel at Bronycon.


This needs a horror alternate ending where a radio report comes on the air reporting brutal murders, then the driver turning to the Pony and she smiles.


What happens when people can’t pay?

AFAIK, they take down your info and send you the bill (plus some extra fees for having to go to the trouble).

Yeah, that makes sense. But I do like the idea of them being forever stuck on the Turnpike.

You left me wanting more when there was no more to be had.

If that’s not a sign of good writing I’ll eat a sock.


You left me wanting more when there was no more to be had.


If that’s not a sign of good writing I’ll eat a sock.

I hope it is; socks taste terrible. Trust me.

Excellent bit of prose, so close to reality it hurts.


Excellent bit of prose, so close to reality it hurts.

Thanks! :heart:

A service plaza passes by, the last one before I get off the turnpike in Toledo. Or is there one more? Ohio stretches on forever. At least it’s more interesting than Kansas.

Turns out Kansas is, in fact, flatter than a pancake.


I have found myself reLly enjoying some of recent stories you have posted, and it's caused me to beging reading some of your pass works.

She’s got her hooves up on the dash. I don’t know if that’s because it’s more comfortable for her to sit that way, or if she just wants a better view of the Ohio countryside.

So, uh, I wonder how well human car seatbelts would fit a pony.

(I would give it about 50% you've already explained that in a blog post somewhere :trollestia:)

Also, it seems that those barrels are sold by some company in Cleveland (PSS) and might actually be produced there.

I have to remind myself to pay attention to the road instead of watching her open the bottle. She grips it between her hooves and bites down on the cap, twisting it off that way.

The disadvantage of having a cute pony riding shotgun in your car is that you need to actively fight to keep your eyes on the road instead of the cute pony.

I’m as quick as I can be; it’s nagging at the back of my mind that I’ll come out and she’ll be gone or my van will.

Maybe she's a smooth criminal! A pony criminal!

Some little part of my brain is waiting for an invitation, but none is forthcoming.


I'm getting painful flashbacks of Into The Wild, hopefully it goes better than that story did.

What an oddly surreal read. Smells like the morning fog in North Carolina? You have the strangest dreams sometimes.

Say was there ever an explanation given for where the ponies in these stories of yours come from? Or are they just one of those things?

That's a really good Slice of Life story. You seem to be doing a fair few of those recently.

It's such a good story, yet it makes me feel.. hm sad? or hoping she will do well? Anyway great story once again my friend.

I really like these stories; like the one with the mechanic.

I’m as quick as I can be; it’s nagging at the back of my mind that I’ll come out and she’ll be gone or my van will.


In any case, a strange but not unenjoyable journey, enjoyably melancholy in all the roads not taken and bridges left unbuilt. Though part of me can't help but wonder how many ponies were at the convention...

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