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Rambling Writer

Our job is not to give readers what they want; our job is to show them things they never imagined. --Walt Williams


A mailmare. A treasure hunter. A botanist. A historian. A rambler. A retired guard.

Six travelers in a frozen forest in the middle of nowhere. None of them knows any of the others. These six people find themselves driven together into the only lodge for miles when a freak storm descends upon the land. But all they have to do is wait out the blizzard, and they can be on their way. Simple, right?

If only. As the storm rages with no sign of stopping, they gradually get to know each other more and more. They don't always like what they learn. And when your world has been reduced to a small common room, the tiniest of annoyances can simmer, fester, and boil over...

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 44 )

I'm liking this setup a lot. It's nice to see someone tackle a new genre set.

Also, I'm glad your Cassandra is very different from this Cassandra, otherwise there would be no conflict.

Also also:

“Sorry,” Desmoda said, not even trying to convince anyone. “My hoof slipped.”

Gasp! What happened to the innkeep!?

Oh, damn. We need some clarity on Clarity, if you know what I mean.

Comment posted by Dlaf rferg deleted Oct 13th, 2017

Take note people. This is how you write a horror story.

Smart move. Let's hope it works.

Yep, that's what I thought. Griselda has been eating pony flesh this whole time.

I had no idea what was going on until the very end and I liked it.

And everything comes full circle. Props for making the seemingly mad wall ramblings in chapter 7 actually be the correct way to escape the whole time. I'm slightly disappointed that the 'culprit' was technically a known quantity, but it doesn't detract much from the story as a whole.

Not my normal reading material, very glad I stuck around to read the finish. Well done on a thrilling tale :twilightsmile:

Alondro simply sighs, "Weak foals..." And with a wave of his mighty hand, the entire region is wiped from existence.

"True power never needs to hide." Alondro demonstrates how to God-Mode like a BAWWWWSSSSSSSSS!!!

I really don't understand the decision to make so much of the cast completely unlikable. I know the intention, according to the description and the tropes I see so far being played, that they are supposed to be getting under each other's skin to amp up drama and tension. But starting each of them off on such a bad note? Am I supposed to hope that a bunch of assholes survive whatever is about to happen? Or am I supposed to hope they all get what they deserve?

I know that's the typical horror/thriller setup, everyone has to be thoroughly unpleasant for no reason, but I'm just really confused what I'm supposed to be getting from this so far.

So admittedly commenting mid-chapter. Really hoping the death tag in this fic applies to Desmoda.

Griselda best character confirmed.

This already feels a lot like Hateful Eight

Just got done watching The Thing and now that movie is coloring my images of this story...

Nice Clue movie reference at the end.

but she kept leaving words out of her sentences

Seems pretty common in fimfics, lol. Is that a subtle jab at them?

Darn. She was my favorite. Well at least this way no one else I'm attached to can go.

Okay… between Clarity’s actions in the prologue, and this sudden blizzard in the first chapter, I’m beginning to get a feeling that — for whatever reason — Clarity (or the Inn itself) kills all the guests whenever they do arrive to stay the night. I’m also a fan of your headcannon here, that Crystal Ponies have an innate ability to shift the emotions of others.

“No,” whispered Desmoda, “I don’t know. I’m funny how?”

Funny like a clown? Like she’s here to amuse you?
Now Desmoda has Joe Pesci’s voice in my head. I hope you’re proud of yourself.

You’re talking a big talk, but most ponies, I don’t care how big they talk, what do you think happens when they’re actually challenged to do it?” She grinned. “Yeah, they fold.

Too bad Griselda isn’t a pony. Arguing with a carnivore over their willingness to take a life was a bad call on Desmoda’s part.

This story was good. Well written, well paced, with perspectives shifting often enough but not too often to keep the variety going. While I may have known which way things were going, that’s only because I’ve read a lot of horror stories. Besides, it’s not the destination, but the journey, and this journey was slow burn tension and good horror. Well done.

Instead of the "Mane 6", we have the "Hateful Eight"...well, seven.

I wonder if the entire cast being female has relevance to the plot. I have no issue with it, but I'm curious.

Really enjoyed this one! I low key wanted one to survive, and I guess that did happen lol. Everything makes sense but I definitely was scratching my head until the end. I think how you write dialogue and character / group dynamics is very well done and it impressed me.

Thanks for the story!

I don't know why, but when I hear about "trash" and "stains," I can't imagine this is the usual clutter an inn should be experiencing

Those trash bags were awfully heavy, but I don't know if Clarity kills her guests. That'd just be bad business.

I figure there's just a high mortality rate, and that's where she gets the meat. As for the fruits and vegetables... Well, we saw a sleigh.

I've read three Rambling Writers stories now, none of them with so much as an ounce of testosterone in them.

On another note, I'm thinking Thistle might definitely be onto something. Something... Or someone... Drew them out there, and then trapped them. I know it's the obvious thing, but that doesn't eliminate it as a possibility: Clarity.

I getbthe feeling Clarity isnt supposed to be here...

“Oh, it can’t be that b-bad,” said Clarity. “Just you wait. Th-things will calm down once you a-are all settled in. Those bad thoughts will stop c-coming.”


Crystal ponies...

Emotion manipulation...

Something tells me she's being literal here.

. You’d have to keep near them — follow them around or keep them in one area — if you wanted to keep doing magic on them.”

So Clarity has trapped them and is subtly influencing their thoughts and feelings

“It’s a kind of long-running spell,” Thistledown said, closing her eye again.“Basic magic detection. It helps with finding magical plants, and it didn’t take much tweaking to work with magic in general.”

Yeah she knows what's up.

“I…” Thistledown’s voice was shaking. “It’s…” Her eyes flew open, her pupils shrunk down to pinpricks. She clutched her head in her hooves and breathed deeply. Then she fell to the floor, screaming and thrashing.

And this is when you know it's a Rambling Writer story.

Desmoda casually spat out the chunk of flesh in her mouth and licked the blood from her lips. She looked around the room, at everyone staring at her. She shrugged. “What? I had to stop her screaming.”

Holy fucking shit.

The earth pony’s dead. The unicorn killed her.


Eventually, Mistral spoke up. “Fuck this. I’m leaving.”

The first sensible thing anyone has said this entire time

A skinned pony was hanging from a meathook.

By this point I'm not even surprised anymore.

Well, might as well die warm.

Choose the bed you sleep in.

Facet suspected it would be one of the last sounds she’d ever hear.

Well that's assuming she's killed in her sleep. Much more likely she'll die fully alert.

Her wings shaking, her breath coming in short bursts, Mistral held the position until she was sure Griselda wasn’t getting back up. As she wiped the dirk clean and the fire behind her flared, she hissed, “What did I say? Don’t fuck with postmares.”

And then there were three. At least now we know the three remaining probably won't kill each other.

What will Clarity's response be? She has to suspect she's been found out by now. How will she defend herself?

The fire produced enough light for Facet to examine it. Nothing had been touched, as far as she could tell. The furnace was safe. Then she looked up at the thing built into the furnace, the thing it sustained, the thing that bound him to life, the thing she was responsible for: a unicorn’s sanguine horn, long and thin, severed at the base, curving to a sharp point. It was safe.

Bruh that's fucking Sombra.

It was miles from anywhere, and through the forests of the Frozen North was a cold wind blowing.

Seeing the prologue mirrored here is such a haunting reminder that Clarity was not Clarity. This is just another bloody cycle, repeated ad nosium.

A little scary: she disposed of six bags of garbage, and there were six main characters.

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