• Member Since 12th Jul, 2016
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-GM, master of... ( Discord | Patreon )


Aradia Megido is a bit of an odd duck. She's been a ghost, part frog, a robot, and a deity- and she has this unhealthy obsession with death. She's been traveling existence looking for fascinating things - for a long, long time. She's ready for a change. And just like that, something calls to her from a world she's never seen before - an encouragement to drop by and visit.

So she goes to Equestria just to see what's there. It doesn't take long for her to realize that there's going to be a plethora of time shenanigans, loops, and alternate timelines. But she finds the prospect of that exciting - even if she has no idea how far it goes.

Crossover with Homestuck. Reading Homestuck is not required, though there are spoilers.

Also serves as an optional prelude to Songs of the Spheres.

-GM, master of hiccups.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 36 )

Nice ^-^ I'm liking this so far. Can't wait to read more. You know, when you get around to it, XD

Ten points. The gear has ten points.

Otherwise, tracking.

Ack, right, will fix.

-GM, master of GEAR

Well obviously both stories are true.

I didn't realize just how long it had been since I read anything anywhere in which Aradia was properly characterized as her cheerfully morbid self. Thank you so much.


Oh thank you, I was halfway worried I wasn't doing it right.

-GM, master of CROWNS.


Oh no Aradia's dead... For like maybe five minutes because there's no way in the several versions of hell that it was a just or heroic death.

I feel as though Wanderlost is now canon to this story.


No, but something similar is going on.

And that 'no' is not quite what it seems either. Remember, this is a Prelude.

-GM, master of yalls

Well that was a fun read, I do wonder, is the end a reference to one of your other story's

Quite the prelude you've written. Plans for any other simultaneous preludes in different places before you officially begin?

It's actually a reference to Stephen King's the Dark Tower. Though that line is how I'm going to start my upcoming project that this story is a prelude to.


-GM, master of POSTED.


also the "points" on a gear are called teeth

Color me fascinated. I am rather proud of figuring out the double Möbius shenanigans before Aradia did. Definitely going to check out the sequel. Thanks for one of the best Homestuck crossovers on the site.


Ah, you managed to figure it out ahead of time? Well then, you get an internet achievement award! ...it's just a fake cookie.

Hope you'll enjoy SotS. Fair warning, Aradia's only mentioned in passing so far, but she'll be more important later.

-GM, master of Tower.

the east would resume its lunge


the loose pink pow



Pink was a dominant color, but there's wasn't so much that it dominated the scene.


SHe had learned so much in just a few short minutes


You're an ancient being that keeps time in check1


There's an even that splits the main timeline



Aradia flew over to her alternate selves, smiling at them welcoming.

I am unsure if this sentence has an error :moustache:

waited to see what happened.They think the issue is taken care of

This is missing a space after le dot/period/fullstop/whatever :moustache:

Go to the moment you were supposed to meet him, as a filly, see what changed.

A filly? A mere slip of the tongue, I presume :moustache:

Welp, this was enjoyable.
Normally, I'd be unhappy with the pacing, but because of time-travel, it is understandable.
Regardless, I think this could have been stretched out more, as is common with most of your stories. A good idea, decent execution, but quick and to the point. Little down time, and with barely enough time to get one's bearings before being launched into another story.
To be completely honest, this more applies to the Song, but I started writing it here and can't be bothered to move it.

For a final comment, I loved the little tidbits at the end of each chapter, at first they were just kinda... there, but with the last one it became much more... touching, I guess would be the word.
Thanks for the read! I'm probably going to go back to reading Song, so sorry! You're not getting rid of me yet. :P

> A simple moss-like life form had survived of geothermal and chemical heat
Off, not of.

A lovely cosmic fable. I liked how you welded together FiM's nominal temporal mechanics and Homestuck's absurdly abstruse ones, and you got Aradia's cheerfully morbid voice down pat. She's a really underrated character.

I will admit I had to go over this chapter several times because I kept losing track of which Aradia was which and the time loops were rather confusing at times, but, well, if nothing else that definitely captures Homestuck's narrative voice.

I won't dive into the sequel just yet because I've got a bunch of other stories I need to finish, but I definitely look forward to seeing what that's got in store.

She closed her eyes, feeling the universe around her, a single point on the vast Sea of nothingness. Hundreds of strands branched off from her world, connecting each to another point, another world. Some connections were short, leading to worlds similar to her current, or just popular worlds to exist within. But she wasn't the kind to seek out similarity or monotony, no - she went futher out.
The most distant connection was easy to pick out. She knew exactly where it led, a place she would probably return to one day, but not now, insomuch as 'now' could ever be used to describe her existence. She reeled back her perceptions a bit, examining the essences of worlds distant, but not too much so, careful not to avoid returning to her home cluster. That would be a bad idea.

At first I thought the furthest world was The Dark Tower, but could it possibly be something related to Earth C and the Paradox Space? Forgive me if I get the details off, it's been years since I read part of Homestuck.
And does this mean Aradia knows how to get there? I totally forgot if that ever came up. I thought she was as lost as Vriska.
Also, you used a double negative. Careful not to return or careful to avoid returning, not both.

She took particular interest in the skulls - she wondered what had killed them. Was it the hands of the mysterious as-of-yet unseen inhabitant of this place? Was it the jaws of a brutal predator? Was it just salvage? Regardless of the reason, Aradia found the decoration in good taste.

I always took them to be fake.

She's never seen a pony before? Is that something from you not having decided that Equestrians were one of the major species of the multiverse yet when you wrote this, or has she not explored nearly as far as I'd thought?

An ten-toothed gear symbol was imprinted on her chest,

A. Probably a holdover from when you said she had an eight-toothed gear.

Well, I'll be making an audiobook of this one soon. That's why I'm reading it over again. I'll let you know when it goes up.

Edits made.

I don't know what Aradia's referring to, this story WAS written first so this may be an instance of Early Installment Weirdness, I'm not sure.

Let me know when you put it up!

-GM, master of minks.

I generally don’t like to just leave a bunch of corrections as my whole comment, but I don’t know what else to put here.
...Nope, got nothin’.

She could see the town proper in the distance - a probably 'village' of 'ponies',

Probably a village of ponies? Or maybe a probable village of ponies.

I know how long of a time that is simply by the way this plane of existence ticks... exactly the same as an Earth year, though slightly less.

If it’s slightly less, it’s not exactly the same, it about or roughly the same. Though I suppose this could be an in-character mistake.

Oh jegus, no!

That’s a proper noun, right? I’d assume so, but I’ll freely admit I never finished Homestuck. But I don’t think there was a clan of off-brand Jesuses. Jesusi? Jesus-people?

"Oh, I dunno, a party!?" She pulled out a party cannon out of... somewhere and blasted confetti all over Aradia. Aradia laughed. "Interesting abilities you have there. Must make it really easy to throw parties!"

Here you have two people speaking in the same paragraph. I’d suggest Aradia laughed as the start of the second.

"Great minds think alike!I take it from your hourglass mark that you are a pony of Time?"

Missing space.

I too was reminded of Wanderlost. And Evermore Recursions, and Project Horizons, which I've never actually read. But I seem to recall some similar Tree backstory. And Amber Ashes.

The chapter title is misspelled. I felt like I should share.

"is this what you called me here for? To witness?"


They were in an office, deep underground. A human man in a general's uniform looked at them, disoriented. The plaque on his desk read 'O'Neill.'
"What in..."
"Don't mind us!" Aradia said. "Just passing through!" Then they returned to Equis, leaving a bewildered man behind.

I remember this. I'm not even gonna try to line up the timelines.

"There are very few universes that uncover dimensional technology on their own. They are rarely allowed to live in peace - the Songs of the Spheres lead them into the harmony of everything, one way or another, eventually."

Where's Ponygood when you need him? Hmm, it's not roll credits, since this isn't that story... Spin credits?

Hmm... I need to check this against The Influence when I get around to rereading it, see if I can confirm that beta Aradia is the one that meets Twilence.
Mostly unrelated comment, but Aradia still makes my head hurt. I guess I'm just not built for time travel.

She'd even said that if the price was her own life, it would a just price to stop Sombra's monstrosities.

would be a

They held hands, and vanished - entering another far enough away to not be linked temporally to Equis.

Entering another world, perhaps? Or universe, or whatever.

Outside your village precisely eleven months tow days and six hours from now,


One would expect poor quality of "Homestuck" fanfiction... but this is serious business! Aradia is so enjoyable! "Doctor Who", anyone?!..

The thing made a really loud ding, and Aaradia allowed time to return to normal.

Are you... a time-travel lover?!.. That's amazing! Finally someone writes a fic involving quite literal timey-wimey!!

With that moment a flop-flop paradox has been created...

It's why I"m here.

Quotation mark instead of proper apostrophe!

Ah! Time-travel shenanigans!.. Exactly what I've been looking for!.. And we've got more, than that!

Please! More!..

(Oops!.. That's so adolescent of me...)

Here you go. A time-travel bookshelf! Amazing time-travel!

Wibbley. Wobbley. Timey. Wimey.
Man, I haven't seen this much Aradia at once since that one chapter featuring mostly her and her major character development in SotS. This was an interesting one. The start was kinda whimsical with Aradia's cheerful yet morbid personality and just wanting to explore. Then there was all the timey-wimey stuff which, though neat, was a bit of a headache to keep up with. Ah, such is the way of multiple timelines and paradoxes...But the lead up and play though of her fulfilling a purpose and protecting Equestria throughout time was very satisfying. Now I know how she was seemingly already known in SotS. The bits at the end of each chapter were also a nice touch.:twilightsmile:

Also Aradia and Aradia popping past a confused O'Neill gave me a good chuckle.

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