• Member Since 7th Feb, 2017
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Just a guy who likes writing and reading some pony fanfiction.


"It's just my parents and I have a delicate relationship."

What had Rainbow Dash meant by that? Scootaloo intends to find that out!

WARNING: This story contains diapers, diaper usage, and ageplay. Do not proceed further if this isn't your cup of tea. If it is, enjoy!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

Dah, this was so sweet. And yes, I could see Rainbow Dash's parents doing this. My only question is, how does Rainbow fit into her old high chair and play pen? There's no way those objects were sized up to her adult form. :rainbowkiss:

The writing is okay, surprisingly so given the niche's general level of quality, although I must admit that I skimmed most of it. Simply put, it's about as predictable and ho-hum of a plot as can be, stretching the bounds of how Dash's character can be moulded to fit the story's needs, rather than the other way around.

Being predictable isn't necessarily a bad thing, of course, for the same reason that it's nice to rewatch a favorite movie, but there's never a notable twist on the formula or clever addition to it. Even the potential force acting against Dash, that being Scootaloo, is relegated to a short scene at the end where she simply wants to experience the same treatment.

It's a fluff piece, the cotton candy of writing, and while cotton candy is nice once in a while this fetish of ours is too cavity-ridden and substance-bereft for me to swallow yet more sugary nothings. I hope you write more, the talent for doing so is there, you just need to be willing to inject a bit more imagination into it.

Yes. Most emphatically YES! Give us a chapter with those two being baby sisters together. Pleeeeeeeease!


stretching the bounds of how Dash's character can be moulded to fit the story's needs, rather than the other way around.

What do you mean by that?

but there's never a notable twist on the formula or clever addition to it.

Yeah, that's definitely a problem with these padded pony fics. They all seem to follow the exact same formula.

Even the potential force acting against Dash, that being Scootaloo, is relegated to a short scene at the end where she simply wants to experience the same treatment.

I was going to include a second chapter regarding this, but was afraid that it would just be a repeat of this chapter.

I hope you write more, the talent for doing so is there, you just need to be willing to inject a bit more imagination into it.

Again, could you go into more detail?


My only question is, how does Rainbow fit into her old high chair and play pen? There's no way those objects were sized up to her adult form. :rainbowkiss:

That's a good question, although given what we've seen in the actual show itself, it isn't too far a stretch to imagine that doing so is actually possible.

8260017 Yes, but that wasn't what was implied. A line or two of dialogue indicating that probably would've helped, though I can't imagine the conversations that would've had to be held with whatever unicorn cast the enlargening spell.

8260054 That could've been a humorous scene, if only due to how awkward it would be. :rainbowlaugh: And, yeah, I should've done something like that. I don't know why I never thought this question would come up.

Oh, I could see them doing this. they are very involved parents to where being able to do things for their daughter would be a paramount to them. Knowing they can continue to toil over their daughter after she's grown would certainly help them after, what certainly had to be, a very difficult time of "Empty Nest" in the house.

Scoots could provide a bit of a different element to the weekend scenario. It would also be interesting to see how she'd take to Windy and Bow loving on her like they love on Dashie. Scoots certainly could use more love as, of all the CMC, she is the one whose parents are only a guess beyond us learning how, in "Parental Glidance", she's dreamed of having such love and support. :)

An enjoyable read with a fun concept to the "My parents and I have a delicate relationship". Plus those who act the toughest are often the ones who need the most love to keep their morale up. :)

8260159 Thanks for the comment! :twilightsmile:

Se-quel! Se-quel!


Like I said, I was thinking of doing another chapter featuring Scootaloo being something of a playmate to Rainbow Dash.

Firstly, I haven't actually watched the episode this is built off of yet, so if something happened in it that explains all of this then take my critique with a grain of salt. Anyways...

In essence, Rainbow Dash only had the surface level trappings of her show counterpart. It feels like the character you'd get if you took only the parts of her character that you enjoyed, and ignored the parts that didn't play nicely with the story you had planned. Where's the brash, headstrong and prideful Rainbow Dash? She's meek and largely submissive to her parent's doting without having to be eased into it first. It feels like this story is missing the three chapters that would come before it with her parents explaining their desires and gently coaxing her towards trying it, getting more and more into the feel of being a foal.

There isn't really an expression of her desire to impress or compete, either. She builds a block tower, that's not what Rainbow Dash does, she'd get bored. Now, if she had a race with her dad to build a tall tower without it falling over, that'd be more fitting to her character. There's no notable tweaks or twists to take the usual formula and have it cater to Dash's strengths or characteristics, is what I'm getting at. Most notably, Dash is a passive protagonist; she doesn't make things happen, things happen to her, and as a result there's no drive to see her succeed or overcome obstacles (not that there were any, really, as I noted before).

That's a surface-level examination of why it's flat and somewhat dull; you could swap any character with another and besides maybe the opening and ending (the only parts where I saw anything really indicative of Dash's character) it would work (but bear in mind that 'work' isn't the same as 'works well'). All of that also ties into why I said the story was lacking imagination, because so little of the story deviates from the standard trappings of an AB fic and the characters also don't affect any changes to its formula.

8261495 Really well thought-out constructive criticism! Thank you! :pinkiehappy: Maybe these are ideas that could be explored in the Scootaloo chapter, if I choose to write it.

yes i want to see how scoots to be diapered by dashie parents and see how it goes for her and dashie to be diaper together

8265317 That would be extremely cute.

Comment posted by freedome blitz deleted Jul 1st, 2017

Awww i loved it :twilightsmile:

8267854 Thank you! I'll probably do a second chapter featuring Scootaloo being Dashie's playmate.

This was great! I'd love to read a sequel

8301452 Thanks. There probably won't a sequel. What I'll probably do is just write a second chapter and post it onto this one.

Would there be any chance of kicking it up a notch, between rainbow and Scootaloo. Because this is been fun so far

8342570 Thank you! I was planning on writing another chapter featuring Scootaloo getting padded and acting like a foal, serving as Rainbow Dash's playmate.


9145512 I will as soon as I get the chance. Unfortunately, I don't have a computer at the moment. Hopefully by next weekend that will change.

I really liked this one. I do definitely feel it's more in character for RD to be submissive and soft-spoken in a situation like this. Psychologically speaking, those with very dominant and extroverted personalities tend to like having control taken away from them behind closed doors.

My only irk was Bow and Windy's personalities: On one hand, it's definitely in character and brilliantly fitting for them to want to treat their daughter like a foal. With how attached and obnoxiously supportive they are, it makes sense for them to develop empty nest syndrome, then to find out their daughter wants to be their foal again. On the other hand, I feel like their obnoxious support didn't really carry over into the story, which is pretty much the meat and potatoes of Bow and Windy's personalities.

Nonetheless, I feel like you chose the right characters and elements, and made something short and sweet that's very easily likable. Thank you for your work~


On the other hand, I feel like their obnoxious support didn't really carry over into the story, which is pretty much the meat and potatoes of Bow and Windy's personalities.

Well, for one thing, I wasn't sure bow to do that in thsi story. (Honestly, they probably would've come off as a lot like Vapor Trail's parents when Dashie was a kid.) For another thing, that's definitely one aspect of their characters that I didn't like in "Parental Glideance." In any case, thanks for the comment! :twilightsmile:

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