• Member Since 4th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen 8 minutes ago

Time Reaper

Greetings from Venezuela, I don't expect to do much here, I just got a few stories in my head and wanted write them here, I hope you like them. I take Commissions and can get Ko-Fi donations.


As Twilight Sparkle was strolling around Ponyville during a visit to Applejack, she found a new type of gem that looked a lot like a Ruby but that was more maleable and contained a new type of magic she has never seen before, so she decided to bring it to her library to study it and see what it could bring to her and Equestria for prosperity.

As Twilight was studying the rock, Spike started to notice the gem to have a very nice shape and that it looked very enticing. As Spike got closer to the gem, he felt how it was calling him, ready to bring him something that he has never tasted before.

As he ate the gem, Spike very soon realized that it even wasn't an actual gem, but something far more insidious.

Crossover with the anime Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, an idea that's been going around my head for the last few months, I hope you like them.

Chapters (19)
Comments ( 90 )

No matter what one may say of it, ambition, like life, shall always come to an end. It is only a matter of when.

A new FmA:B Homunculus story?! Count me in!

So the sin of greed will be with the dragon that becomes a colossal monster when he is...greedy?

Celestia protects us.



There’s something I forgot to ask: How was his characterization? Did you feel that you were writing the same character from the anime?

Something that I always like of Greed is that it's the kind of character so cool, genuine and fun that it does not matter if it's good or bad, you just want to be his friend!

And so far you seem to have caught that feeling pretty well.

It certainly felt about right, although I find myself questioning why Greed ended up deceased, assuming it was FmA:B Greed, and not the one from FmA.

On a separate note, it's nice to see the image of Raziel again, even if only in a profile picture.


Well, Father killed Greed on the final fight...

If you want to see more of Raziel, I recommend you to read my second story (and first crossover ever)

I forget these things, sometimes... On the other note, I've already been keeping track of it, to put it reasonably.

It is good to see a FMA story on here. I hope that you will keep writing it. :)

Certainly an interesting premise.

You should listen to Greed Spike he may be an asshole but he cares about people, can protect those people and thanks to envy probably fought worse then changelings

If it exists, the Philosopher's Stone, and thusly the Homunculus, would read similarly enough to Soul Magic, due to the manufacturing and refinement process. It would read as extraordinarily powerful Soul Magic, due to the thousands of souls that were compressed and distilled and refined into its current form.


Interesting for you to mention that, all I'll say is that you're right.

This should prove interesting.

Yay its back, now i'm happy.. I cant wait until the next chapter



After father, this should be a cake walk for greed

I want two things Greed to explain his story after this is done and Spike getting a lethal blow ( decapitation, stabbed in heart, or his head chrushed) everyone has different reactions (ex twilight crying) but then they see spike regenerating and they realize how this isn't something they ever saw


While I cannot promise the former (Greed explaining himself) right now, I can promise the latter... now when or how it will be, that's spoilers.

Yay!!!!! I can't wait to looks of horror when that happens


ETA? What does that mean?


I update this every three months. In September I will publish the next chapter.

I know it's kind of long but I have Other two stories being updated and this schedule is the one I have the best to keep it alive without having the other stories and my personal life from drowning it.


I know the feeling, unfortunately, my muse is not as coordinated, I end up writing depending on how I'm feeling, ended up producing this and this

While I don't like that its three months between each update, I really do appreciate that you actually upload new chapters. There are many writers out there that don't update again. I commend you on that. Also, this story is awesome. I can't wait until they find out who/what Greed is.


You should see my other stories, I update them as well.


Thank you for your patience.


Eh, I would if I had the time, but at this point in life, I wouldn't have the time too read em all.

This is interesting for sure. I do feel like now that Greed has control of the body we will see FAR less of Spike outside of a bit of dialog here and there and that is sad to lose a interesting character like that. Not to mention the blow back of that will be HUGE. Spike not thinking it all through at the time will now have to face all the pain and suffering he will makes his friends and family go through from his decision. Which to be honest Greed is WAY to cocky right now. Sure his armor can protect him against alot of blunt for damage and trauma. BUT he isn't dealing with HIS world anymore, he is dealing with a world of magic. The rules are less black and white than even in his world. So he think Twi or Celestia can't do anything to him he is foolish. Twilight at this time is the most powerful Unicorn around and knows a insane number of Spells, she might not be able to 'hurt' him but she sure as hell can bind hi or limit him where he wont be able to do anything. And if she can't Celestia can, she has far more years of experience and he is now underestimating her because of what just happen. That bug was supercharged at that moment and honestly took Celestia by surprise. In a REAL head to head fight I am sure she could have dusted her. And I know she has some tricks to stop one armored up teenage sized dragon.

Will the other six Homunculi appear, or at least get mentioned?

Ohh update. This chapter is pretty nice, I'm interested to see what Greed is doing.
Also, Envy? or maybe early Thorax? or ThoraxEnvy.
Writing this before reading the next chapter

Transition from the wedding aside. I was right on one point. I am confused yet happy in anticipation to see what Greed is planning on doing with a bar.

Still one of my favorite fics of all time and now Trixie joins the gang.
OOHH I'm so impatient

just started reading this fanfiction, i am excited to see where spikes and greeds bond goes.

I'm fully expecting applejack to use strong arm alchemy just like the major does fluttershy to use the plant based type used by the fake elric brother or that healing type from the star of melos movie and rainbow dash to use either mustang's or the freezers alchemy

All and all good job nice pacing and no typos keep up the good work and can't wait until the next chapter comes out

Great story! I love Greed as the protagonist.

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