• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 7 minutes ago

Impossible Numbers

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."


Pinkie and Rarity reluctantly venture into the strange caves of the far reaches of Equestria. The map must have sent them there for a reason, after all. Hopefully, they'll live long enough to figure out what it is.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 17 )

Why isn't there a dark tag?


I've been advised not to overload stories with tags, and I thought "Horror" would capture all the salient aspects. Of course, I don't rule out being persuaded into adding "Dark", but it seems unnecessary. It doesn't strike me as much darker than some of the stuff that's ended up in the show. Besides, does anyone really doubt they're going to get out of this one?

Also: cor blimey, you can read fast. :rainbowderp:

And she knew she’d nailed it; Rarity looked exactly like most ponies looked after Twilight had explained things to them.


Loving it so far, especially the characterization of Pinkie. We'll see how it works out in the next two chapters…

:rainbowderp: Whoa.

That was some pretty epic atmosphere and description. Granted, it didn't take very long to figure out what the "friendship problem" was, but... Very nice.

Apologies for the late response. I took a couple of days off the site to focus on a project, and on life in general. And we're back now.


:rainbowlaugh: She's not wrong, though, is she?

Also, happy to hear you're enjoying it, and I hope the next two chapters meet expectations.


I wasn't sure throughout how much to reveal, but in the end I weighed in favour of being more obvious. If nothing else, the story wasn't really a mystery story. It was about how Pinkie and Rarity deal with all this craziness happening to them.

And "pretty epic": I'm honestly blushing right now. :twilightblush:


Yeah, I have mixed feelings about chapter two. The exposition was heavy to clear the ground for the finale, and I wonder if I could have done more with the "unexplained monuments appear randomly" sections. Their purpose was to remind Pinkie of places where the senior figures in her life had revealed themselves to be more knowledgeable than she was, subtly but surely increasing her feelings of inferiority. That way, the shadows pave the way for her regression in the third chapter. I might have underplayed it too much, to be honest, especially the Trojan Horse's Causeway.

Well, that and I wanted to throw in some famous rock-based landmarks for mind-screwy giggles.

Well I'll be damned if you aren't rapidly becoming my favourite author on this site.

:twilightsheepish: That's very sweet of you to say so. Thanks. I can only hope I keep up the standard, at least. :raritywink:

I wonder if the howly things are the ones that need friendship help.


:twilightsmile: Glad you like it. I'm intrigued that you suspected the monsters needed the friendship help. While it's not true here, it could make for an interesting twist in a future story.

Well, that was an interesting read. A bit scary, a bit depressing... very confusing... and had a bit of a lovecraftian vibe. It was wonderfully written too... But it was a bit confusing, I didn't always knew what was going on, but I guess that helps the atmosphere.

Anyway, that was one heck of a read. Would be a quick addition to my favourites, if I was a bigger fan of eldritch confusion.


While I'm disappointed that my fic was confusing - though I admit I was running that risk by writing in this particular style - I'm glad you at least got some enjoyment out of it. If I ever try this kind of horror again, I'll think about what you wrote in your comment here.

This is completely under-rated and deserves MORE attention. I was very surprised at the depth with these characters, the characterization of Pinkie, and the............delicious horror elements. *Shivers* They gave me the creeps. In any case, I really enjoyed this. Thumbs up. :pinkiehappy::raritywink:


What a wonderful comment. It gives me great pleasure to know you enjoyed my fic so much. Many thanks for the kind words. :scootangel:

Indescribable. I don't know how to put this story into words, but I do know it is something truly unique. I was pretty much convinced that you were introducing flickers of hope only to snuff them out, and that Rarity and Pinkie really would never make it out of there. Thank goodness they did. I got just as lost trying to follow the plot as our heroines did in those caves, and for that reason I can't honestly say it's a fun read. But it is memorable.

This was absolutely stellar, both as a horror piece - the unseen nature of the horrors below and the constant stress-nightmare of the unrelenting tension throughout were great choices - and as a reflection on Pinkie, Rarity, their characters, their regrets, and their driving impulses. Wonderfully done on all counts. :pinkiehappy:


I'm going to be typing words like this a lot today, but: I apologize to both of you for not responding sooner. Where are my manners? Thank you both for leaving comments. Regarding each one specifically:


That's certainly a unique response to one of my works, in turn. I don't think I've ever had someone say a story of mine was memorable, or even indescribable, while simultaneously saying that they didn't particularly find it fun. I suppose that's an achievement of a sort, and I'm quite prepared to admit the fic was somewhat experimental, problematic as that makes it. Hopefully, if I ever attempt something like this again, I can make it a little more enjoyable (and, more to the point, comprehensible - that's a common criticism of this story, I can accept and respect that).


On the other hand, sometimes I get this response to the story, and man does this put a grin on my face. I'm not discarding the problems some people had comprehending this story - I'll bear that criticism in mind should I ever try another horror story - but when someone comes out of it with this reaction...

Thanks for the wonderful comment. It is much appreciated! :scootangel:

Lightning ripped through Pinkie’s brain. Where the air had simply hung like a dead blanket, now it cracked and iced over, creeping along her flanks. Her mind screamed Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

That description was beautiful.

Then she felt it; the slight ripples in the air, tapping her skin where the waves drifted by. Something rattled its throat, and now it was right next to them. Yet she saw nothing in the tunnel.

As was this one! It's very easy to picture everything that's happening thanks to these!


Thank you! :scootangel: I make it a rule of mine to avoid obvious or more careless cliches and try and liven up my writing a bit, make it more evocative. Of course, the proof of the pudding is when someone else tastes it and says it's good, so thanks for the valuable feedback. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

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