• Member Since 16th Dec, 2016
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Skaltrox Defiance Knight

"Through darkened skies and malevolent eyes, my journey never dies"-Skaltrox Orthuris: Knight of Defiance


While having a picnic in the local park, Twilight stumbles upon an oddly placed rock with words etched into it "Who ever finds this chest must understand the powers it posses are joined with the chosen ones". Twilight uncovers the chest and finds six coloured jewels inside, she shows them to her friends where Rarity begs to have them. This goes down as you'd expect. When they touch the gemstones they activate something magical within that has spread to them. Now the six friends must learn to harness their new found powers to fight a rising evil.

Mlp and Winx Club crossover, if you are wondering what transformation they have its going to be the first one magic winx.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 39 )

ok any one who has seen this show would tap any one of the winx girls

bloom is best fairy

techna is worst

7807158 My favourite is Flora, for more than one reason i can tell you.:heart:

7807170 I felt like it made sense to put the first transformation in, than a random later on transformation. Also to me, my favourite transformation is actually Sirenix (It'll take a while to explain so I won't) but you can like which ever one, I won't judge and i hope you don't do the same to me.

7807217 Actually the song is only one of them I also like the transformation,the name etc.

knut is best winx oh and the villanis revealed bitch faces 1,2 and 3

7826556 I was thinking why not I'll put in good ol Knut. Also yes indeed the three bitches, but my question do you like them and which is your favourite if you do?

7826575 god no i couldn't stand them just ughhhhhh also suprised you didnt have pony fill the rolls like trixie starlight and sunset

7826575 it was icy stomy and some other bitch the one with mind control powers

7826585 too bad, anyway I could of done that but I felt like it made more sense to put them instead as it is a crossover. Also why Starlight and Sunset? well if they stayed villains yes and Trixie is understandable, and but now not really. Since Sunny and Starry (that's my names for them) are some of my favourite characters.

7826636 well spoilers i belive but lat time a saw an ep the bitches had switched sides or were in the process


7839596 It shall. I may start the next chapter very soon. Also glad you like it, I really enjoy Winx so I just had to make a crossover.


7839621 I'll give you the name of the chapter. It's called "Fluttershy fights back."

UGH, so when are to get introduced to the villain punching bags that are the Specialists?:pinkiesick:
Anyway, nice little update. Liked how Flutters can throw a decent punch or two.

7841559 There won't be specialists in this story. (I've had thoughts about it though) It's just the mane six, and yeah i wanted Fluttershy to be able to deal powerhouse attacks. Since I gave her animal powers, it means she can dish out attacks that would be compared to what the animal can do. Such as an ant being able to lift weight greater than it's own and such. So basically Fluttershy is a powerhouse fighter when she wants to be.

7841586 THANK YOU! Granted the boys were of use but seriously really all they ever were in the show were the stand-in sidekicks that showed up out of the blue with the what ever that was needed when the Pixies couldn't show up.

7841605 The pixies aren't of much help either, they are basically comic relief most of the time. But yeah, it's the mane six vs the Trix...and maybe just maybe I'll have the Winx appear at the end.

b-b-but it was so short! why do you TAUNT ME SO

7841982 Well, if you didn't know, that was the largest chapter I've done on here yet. I tend to write chapters at about at least 1000 words. (minus some of course)

7842016 but ugh i am getting used to tatsorou's stories where the capters are usually pretty big

7842132 Well that's fine, but not everyone does their chapters the same. Some make stories were the chapters are not even 500 words each. I could try to make a chapter that is longer, but I would lose track of what I'm doing in it and it wouldn't make much sense.

7842141 yeah i understand don't worry just sorta different from the norm

7842141 wait didnt knut have a crush on stella early in the series bahhahahahahahah rarity enjoy the look of your new crush

7849137 Oh yeah I think I remember that. I might put a little thing in about that but, you'll have to wait.

When I first saw winx club, I asked my mother:"Why are the pretty ladies making me feel funny?

7913769 Okay then. That would be puberty taking it's course.

7913802 suffice to say that winx club has a very special place in my heart

Yes season 3 when Stella was spelled by Corsandra who was working for Valtor.

So who has the power of Bloom?

I think Bloom is the best because she's the strongest yet weakest character in the show. I bet I will confuse fans with that line.

In terms of power

1 Bloom
2 Stella and Mirta
3 Layla/ashia
4 Flora and Roxy
5 musa
6 Tecna

But with the best emotional control

1 Flora
2 Layla/Ashia
3 Tecna
4 Musa
5 Stella
6 Mirta
7 Roxy
8 Bloom

The reason why Bloom is my favorite is because her powers come with a catch 22 thing.

Sure she gets stronger with emotions but the more emotions she uses the less control she has.

If they ever do a season 8 ( not the crap called WOW.) it may bite her in the butt

I too have wrote a story involving Winx Club. It's called the Beef of Fate. Be warned, the Winx are a bit...OOC. Can you do me a solid and signal boost it?

I have a little question, what are fairies?
For instance: Tecna technology, Flora nature, Musa music, Aisha ocean, Bloom fire, Stella light.

come on do more chapters don't let this story die out:heart:

The suspension for more chapters is suffocating me

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