• Member Since 10th Feb, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Writing is my passion and hobby. Join me and follow along for whimsical adventures both fun and sad, romantic and dark, and adventurous and quaint if that is your fancy.


Diamond Tiara has always loved Apple Bloom. However, she has never quite felt like she was worthy of having her feelings returned by the farm pony. And so, knowing not how to express herself, she pushed her away through bullying. Hay, she thought to herself, maybe it would make her unrequited love easier to handle. As time goes on, however, she discovers that couldn't be further from the truth.

First place entry into Princeps DiamondBloom Shipping contest. :rainbowderp:

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 30 )

Very sweet and romantic at the end.


Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. I wanted to make it as best as I possibly could for ya'll and I really loved how it turned out. :pinkiesmile:

Very nicely done, this is a very sweet story. I particularly like how you've got Diamond Tiara rationalizing her bullying as a way to prevent her feelings from being observed.


Thanks. The idea popped into my head one night and I couldn't put it to rest. :rainbowlaugh:

nice story


Thanks, I gave it 110% to make it as best as possible given my writing skills level. :twilightsmile:

Well... Nicely written... but Damn... it has a higher bodycount than grimdark fics...
Applejeck dead at something like 25... Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich dead at... what... 45? I understand the need for drama... but...

7789787 ikr? :raritycry:

Ive seen fics kill off characters left and right. Only death that I was trying to be dramatic with was applejack's. One interesting note to take into account is I deliberately kept their names out to try to seperate them from the reader so it's not in the direct limelight of the story. Not an excuse for my melodramatic story, but I thought it was interesting to note.

Did you win the contest?


Its going on still. Until january 31st i believe. Details can be found in the diamondcutters group forums After that, i think the winners will be proclaimed in february.


So quite a bit of time left for others to enter. Only 3 stories are entered right now, though i know lome is working on his. Hes got 3 chapters left in his. I think theres a few others in the making too.

So time will tell if i end up winning or not. :twilightsmile:

Very nicely written, it's going at the perfect speed, with emotions that click together with it. You don't really see many stories where Diamond acts like this, but I think it suits her well. All in all, this was beautifully written and it just felt right :raritywink: Good job on this story!

A very nice Apple Bloom x Diamond Tiara story. I like it a lot.:pinkiehappy:


Why thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I shall endeavor to create more piece in the future that we shall both enjoy. I think I've read this one-shot about 3 or 4 times since I published it. :twilightblush:

This was nice, and shows a different spin on why Diamond Tiara acted like this. I can imagine it happening in a way. Perhaps not in the context of the show, Diamond has crossed several lines, but kind of shuffling those to the side I enjoyed this story. Not much more to say, nothing negative really stood out it was just, nice. Everything flowed well, without any harsh jumps, despite spanning several years. That takes effort so kudos. Anyway, that's about all I have to say. Good story, keep up the good work and have a nice day.


Thanks! I try to make all of my works flow as smoothly as possible. To that end, I am currently going back and editing my first story on this site because there are some jarring experiences for the audience here or there, despite the narrative having an interesting dynamic structure.

For this particular story, however, I must say that I think this one turned out pretty nicely. Not only did the narrative feed off of her actions displayed on the show in a believable way, but a myriad of my real life emotions played a part in this story's creation, all stemming from homosexual roots. That is not to say that I actually experienced firsthand some of the things Diamond Tiara went through (e.g. her self-enforced isolation), but that I was intimately aware of them.

And thank you for the follow! I aspire to continue my growth as a writer so that one day I can publish a book with a degree of success that merits discussion. I feel that this site provides the perfect outlet for me to grow in, what with its demand for higher quality content than the previous outlet I used, which wouldn't give me an indication as to where I might improve. I simply love this community and everyone in it. :yay:

7996114 Well I wish you luck in that endeavour. This site has proven to be a pretty good outlet for me as well, and I think I've improved more in the 1 year I've been actively writing on this site than I had in the last ten. No problem about the follow. Your work looks interesting and I have been looking for more Diamond Tiara stuff.

We got a lot of making up to do if we want ta make up fer lost time

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


If you know what I mean. :raritywink:

btw, origin of Le Face Face is the usage of testing the spam detector in forums. Random fact of the day.

**sniff** That...that was beautiful.


I'm glad you loved it. :twilightsmile:

Eeeee! *shipping it so harddd* :rainbowkiss:

Very nice. =Þ Also:

When our talk naturally gravitated towards family, you suddenly clambered up.

Should be 'clammed'.

Wow... This was pretty good. A great read...
Great work I loved it.

Remember how I said I don’t like shipfics in general? This story is an exception to the rule. The feelings, the build-up, the harsh slice of life, it is all written masterfully. Furthermore, the way, in which you have managed to painstakingly intertwine this into the canon storyline, is stunning! Seriously, my eyes are damp now :fluttercry:

Grammar-wise, there were some occasional issues with commas or capital letters, but nothing too serious :pinkiesmile:

Oh, and for your problem with the second person tag; this story is definitely told from the first person POV :ajsmug:


Whoops! That was an old question. I had meant to remove that. Oh! You followed me! Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! :applecry::heart::heart:

I really appreciate follows on a personal level. I don't treat my followers as a number. Most of the followers I get I end up befriending and loving. :heart::rainbowkiss:

I'm a little eccentric, but who doesn't enjoy a personality like that? :pinkiecrazy:

You’re very welcome, my friend :pinkiesmile: Well, eccentric personality is far better than someone dry and overly serious, isn’t it? :raritywink:

I'm just going to go over there and cry now.... :raritydespair:

That was fking beautiful.

This is always worth a reread. I'd put it up there with

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