• Member Since 10th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen 13 hours ago


Oh, look at me... you've got me tearing up again. ◈ Forget about coffee buy me a cup noodle.


Twilight managed to recover the scroll Starlight Glimmer had used to travel back in time. The problem is, she went waay too far back while testing it.

...Oh, and the scroll's gone, too.

On top of that, Twilight still isn't entirely sure if she's in the same universe.

The spiritual successor to I Think I Summoned a Ponk. Why? Because I now want to write another random comedy fic that's not a chapter of my What If? fic. I'm bored.

Chapters (21)
Comments ( 266 )

Okay, not bad. Nice touch with that Author's Note. :pinkiesmile:
Your italicizing triggers me, though.

That's not a bad thing, but it is a thing;
my eyes flew onto the page and I was like woah. Fancy.

(It'd also be the end and proof of dimension-hopping if TS were to run into Twilight.)

7704968 That's the entire point. Twilight Sparkle will eventually meet Twilight from Generation 1, who has an uncanny resemblance to Twilight Velvet. :rainbowlaugh:


Bahah, too good. You've been thinking too good.
Keep going, TMT. Any further and you might uncover the meaning of life,
earth might implode, and we will find ourselves in another dimension.

But I will still be triggered in that new dimension. Tracked :pinkiesad2:

I'd be surprised if Derpy was somehow related to G1 Applejack.

7705022 *Universe merges with MLP universe*

*Ponies start invading earth*

I always like a story where the Mane Six meet Megan.

So... the G1 ponies are quite literally more primitive ponies?



If they are remotely like what I've seen from G1, then I suspect Twilight is going to engineer the FEV virus within about a month, two tops and force them to evolve into modern ponies much faster than nature ever intended.

Unless this is a closed time loop, in which case Twilight already did that, got worshipped as a goddess of creation figure for uplifting the ponies, and then went into hibernation or stasis until such a time as she could resume her place in modern Equestria after her future self traveled back in time, thereby completing the loop without any unfortunate paradoxes.

Although, you can really have some fun with this. Between dealing with the G1ness of the setting, you could also have a bit of fun with some villains that made their initial appearances-such as a young Tirek, Grogar (who I always love to see as being one of the most evil beings in existence who should never be underestimated), and just general insanity Twilight's going to get from being cut off from literally everyone that she has ever loved.

Also, kind of hoping that Twilight inadvertently creates Discord here. Maybe she absolutely looses it in this land and needs something to turn things on their heads, because anything is better than dealing with these primitive ponies.

Eh, I don't know. Point is, there's a lot of potential here and you're off to a pretty good and humorous start, and I'd love to see where you take this.

7705171 Don't forget the Smooze! Everyone loves a bit of Smooze, right?

So, Twilight just thwarted Draggle and Geselda, though it didn't really need a lot of effort. I can only wonder what her reaction will be when she learns about Tirek and the Smooze from this time period. Oh, and I'm betting meeting G1 Spike will throw her for a loop!

7705186 Just wait 'till she meets gen 1 Applejack and gen 1 Twilight.

:twilightoops: MOM?!

7705178 Of course.

You know, now that I think about it, the Smooze is fucking horrifying. It's capable of resisting the Rainbow Laser of Doom when even powerhouses like Tirek in his final form can't, it can grow to gargantuan sizes, destroys pristine landscapes and leaves wastelands behind (so food supplies are destroyed and survivors will have little food as famine sets in), and can even morph normally caring beings into being apathetic and wrathful towards one another. This thing fits more into HP.. Lovecraft than it does a very clearly designed for young kids show.

Which is just weird. G4 was designed with the intention to be bearable to watch by everyone and has genuine humor and likeable characters, in addition to the occasional genuinely intimidating and honestly pretty awesome villains. G1? To my knowledge, it needed to be kid friendly, and yet they created this abomination.

7705214 Gen 5:

Let's take all of Gen 1 here, and crush it into Gen 4, and then sprinkle in some more cross-references with... ooh, Deadpool!

7705220 You know what would help with that in your story?

Twilight unleashing her version of the FEV upon the world. Come on. You know you want this to happen.

Oh, by the way. Figured out why the Smooze reminded me of Lovecraft. It strongly resembles a shoggoth from H.P. Lovecraft's work, which have almost the same damn form and overall abilities, except the Smooze is even worse (it can influence and warp minds).

7705233 :pinkiecrazy:

I can end off the story with the virus, which sends the ponies on a rapid evolution spree into Gen 4, since gen 2, 3, and 3.5 were (relatively) short.

i should probably watch g1 before i read this fic. *starts watching* its not that bad actually. *continues watching* my ears, my ears!!!! *dies from the seapony's song... comes back to life continues watching* not counting the deus ex machina ear murder that is the seapony song, its not that bad.

Not bad for an Intro I hope you are putting some side chapters that takes effect to the present Equestria

7705475 I'm planning on keeping it as close to canon as possible, but sure, I can do side chapters.

7705471 aaaaah!!! do not speak the evil ones name!!!! you will invoke its wrath!!!! *seapony song starts playing* nooo!!! you have invoked its wrath!!!!! the end is upon us!!!!


You know the Sirens are sea ponies, right?

7705552 uh, um, i have a really good reply to that... i just havent thought of it yet. sonata is best siren. tacos 4 life. *starts singing "its raining tacos"* what was i doing? oh, right, i meant g1 seaponies, and g4 is different. sonata is best siren. tacos 4 life. im getting deja vu now, wonder why.

7705570 i see her as taking one as a pet and feeding it tacos. that could be a what if chapter.

I'm intrigued but where's Spike? He was with Twilight too, y'know.

7705914 Twilight SPARKLE hasn't notices him yet, nor has she noticed the gen-1 twilight.

7706300 I think you'er taking about gen 1 spike
and their asking about the spike that was time traveling with twilight

Oh. Twilight didn't take him with herself this time. He's on break.

7705186 Shh, don't tell anyone about Spike. He's actually cursed with eternal youth and is several times older than Celestia.

7704984 Fortunately/Unfortunately, most of the G1 characters that were copied in G4 only appear in a single episode.

You really have a problem with overpronouncing random things here. It sounds weird.

7707938 In real life, I have a pretty bad speech impediment. At least it's better than that.

Still something to work on. I understand the point, it's trying to make the written statement sound the way you hear it in your head, but overemphasizing can be as bad as underemphasizing.

7707949 I guess I ended up with that sort of problem without noticing then. I've been self-editing for the past half a year, mainly because the people who used to edit for me kinda abandoned me after a week or two.

7709654 No, I just spew words onto a page and pluck out the cringy parts with tweezers.

7709654 Oh yes; not the entire thing just yet (I have a bad habit of skipping around in chapters), but enough to know that it's awesome! I actually have it in one of my libraries in fact.

Interesting, but Twilight still hasn't actually interacted with anyone yet.

Probably for the best. I suspect her sanity will deteriorate among these primitives.

7712732 For now, she's trying her best to not interfere with (what she thinks is) the past, but next chapter she'll try to warn the ponies.

Donts were usually considered a breakfast item back then, but now...

I would have gotten a laugh out of it if you had made Twilight ruminate here about the grammatical issues of talking in the past tense about a future that has yet to happen. She seems like just the type of nerd to do that.

"Wait, should that be 'will have been considered' a breakfast item? Celestia's intangible moustache but I hate time travel."

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