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I'm a quick reader, on a quest to read ALL of fimfiction. Current read word count - 45 million.



This story is a sequel to As Told by Sunset

It is also a Crossover with Chronicles of Narnia

Sunset Shimmer is a monster. After the Fall Formal, everyone in the CHS knows this.
But it was not always so. Long before, Sunset Shimmer was a student of Celestia, a magical prodigy and a nice little filly. But the friendship lessons of the kind Princess of the Sun were not the only ones she has learned.

This is story is a tale of one of such lessons - a story of her furthest adventure, her first war and most importantly of all it is a story of her first friend.

My greatest gratitude goes to Orbittal Kettle and the true author of the "Sparks on the Wind" for being patient pre-readers and editors without equal. Thank you guys.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 45 )

Torn between Skyrim and Total War.

Comment posted by DocChronos deleted Aug 22nd, 2016

We have a winner!
Do hide it under a spoiler tag, though, maybe someone else would want to guess.

“Can we keep the beautiful magical unicorn? Please? I will feed her, and walk her, and hug her…”

...and call her George. :trollestia:

“I still say it doesn’t really rhyme, but then, that’s not the point, is it?”

"It's an assonance," said Eustace.

"Go away, Eustace," said Caspian. "You're not supposed to appear until the next story, and nobody likes you anyway."

Nice to show the Pevensies giving Equestrians a run for their money, it is not often that humans are shown to be as powerful as ponies without technology.

Honestly, I don't buy the whole "no killing" rule for Equestria, but other than that this is turning out interesting.

I had to give this story a thumbs down. I could forgive the whole pacifistic Equestrian culture idea, but I can't support a story that makes Celestia in the same league as Aslan. That, and it is really depressing.

If I may ask, why do you think putting Aslan and Celestia in the same category is wrong?

7703199 It's two fold really. First, Aslan is pretty explicitly supposed to be the Narnian equivalent of Jesus, so portraying him as fallible is almost blasphemous to me. By the same token, I don't like portrayals of Celestia as divine, she's just strong and has an unknown lifespan as far as I'm concerned. I know not everyone is bothered by these things, but I am.

7704021 No, I was bothered by them, too. The Chronicles of Narnia is my favorite collection of fantasy books, and to see Aslan so fallible hurts my heart. Had to thumbs this down, too. It's sad, because I really wanted to like this story.

Well, in the books Aslan is rather explicitly not omnipotent. And he kinda does have a tendency to sit and do nothing for millennia, until Pevensies come and try (and fail) to fix things. That always bothered me in the books, so I at least wanted to give a reason why.

7779329 What do you mean Aslan is not omnipotent? I've read the Chronicles of Narnia many times and to me it's pretty clear that Aslan IS omnipotent. He's also ALWAYS with the protagonist of the story, just not known to them. The Horse and his Boy makes this pretty clear if you remember reading that one. (Examples are quite numerous in that story.) Also, if you remember, Aslan tells Lucy at the end of the Voyage of the dawn tredder that he would always will be with her, even in her world. Lucy asks him what he means and Aslan replies, "In that world, I have another name. You must learn to know me by it." In the end, what I've mentioned is my only real problem with the story. Beyond that I wasn't thrilled that Caspian died either.

Aslan is bound by the Deep Magic and the Deeper Magic, as is rather explicitly stated in the books.

Oh, Aslan! Can't we do something about the Deep Magic? Isn't there something you can work against it?"
"Work against the Emperor's Magic?" said Aslan, turning to her with something like a frown on his face. And nobody ever made that suggestion to him again."

So when the White Witch comes and demands Edmund as her right of First Traitor, Aslan cannot refuse her, for example, and can only trick the Witch by using Deeper Magic.
Whether he can't go against it or won't is, of course, open to debate, but I honestly prefer the former.

He's also ALWAYS with the protagonist of the story, just not known to them.

Well, yes, certainly. Pevensies or other Narnian Heroes walk with Aslan.
Other peoples of Narnia, the sort that got genocided - not so much.

7780013 I agree with pretty much all you said, but the portrayal in this story almost made it seem like Aslan was non-existent. You're right that Aslan is bound by the deep magic (he was the one who wrote it in "The Magician's Nephew"). However, it bothered me that Aslan seemed to be blamed for a lot of the wrong-doing by Sunset Shimmer. If they had gone to Aslan in the first place, nothing bad that happened would have happened. It's a lesson that we should all learn (since Aslan is the equivalent to Jesus). It also bothered me that Prince Caspian died as well. As far as alternate timelines go, the future of Narnia must stink after this version of Prince Caspian.

Well, yes. Sunset did not learn her lesson, or rather misunderstood it. Which is the sort of the central idea of the series (starting with the "As Told By Sunset") - when Sunset learns the lessons of her adventures, on occasion she entirely misses the whole point. Which is why she ends up where she did end up.
Though I must admit, the idea of Sunset finding Jesus is not exactly the "right" lesson I had in mind for this one.

On another hand, even if, say, Sunset gets born again, and believes in Aslan, and he comes and fixes everything with a swing of his bushy tail, it would really not cancel out the thousand years of genocide by Telmarines.

It also bothered me that Prince Caspian died as well

I'll take that as a compliment. - it means I wrote it well enough.

As far as alternate timelines go, the future of Narnia must stink after this version of Prince Caspian.

Eh. I think Susan would make an kick-ass High Queen. Especially since, unlike Caspian, she actually has some experience ruling the kingdom.


Eh. I think Susan would make an kick-ass High Queen. Especially since, unlike Caspian, she actually has some experience ruling the kingdom.

Not gonna argue with you there. She's pretty legit. In that respect, I like the outcome better (since in the books she's the only Pevensie that stops believing in Narnia).

Well, that means I wrote it well enough. I'll take it as a compliment.

It is, to be sure. If you were going for depressing, that is. I too enjoy going dark sometimes. Adds a lot of emotion (which you most certainly accomplished).

Though I must admit, the idea of Sunset finding Jesus is not exactly the "right" lesson I had in mind.

What I mean't to communicate is that I just didn't like that Sunset that had so many issues with Aslan. Aslan is, like, the coolest cat ever. That was my only real issue.


What I mean't to communicate is that I just didn't like that Sunset that had so many issues with Aslan. Aslan is, like, the coolest cat ever. That was my only real issue.

Fair enough. Though I personally like Mufasa better.


Fair enough. Though I personally like Mufasa better.

Except Mufasa stayed dead when he died. :derpytongue2:

Exactly. Gotta respect the guy who sacrifices himself without knowing that it won't stick.

7780116 Don't forget, he also suffered and got humiliated, too. That's asking a lot of anybody. Gotta respect that.

I'm pretty sure that being trampled to death by stampeding buffaloes isn't too much fun.
And without a chance for revenge (or justice, whatever) too.

Also, he kinda actually ruled his land, and pretty well at that. No scaving off to other world for this guy. Responcible, family man lion - what's not to like?

7780140 Yeah. Scar was a jerk. Glad he got what was due.

As of the story's current state, this has been ConCritted (If that's the word I'm going to use now) by the Blunt Reviews group! You can see that here.


Though I must admit, the idea of Sunset finding Jesus is not exactly the "right" lesson I had in mind for this one.

A more general lesson about humility and seeking help when one needs it might have also worked.

This is the story of how I first met a human and almost destroyed a world.

Like you do.

Legi Lulamoon

Huh, interesting


Hey Sunburst

You can do your caribou voodoo all you want

… Oh boy, bad memories, bad memories

Well, defiantly intriguing. Well written and defiantly more intriguing then confusing. Let’s see where this goes.

most of all he looked like a shaved baby minotaur

Must be a rather buff human

Agent Drops


The help will come, no matter how far away.

Did you mean “That help will come,”? If no, this sounds a bit wired

My name is Reepicheep, and I am no rat!

Ok then, rodent of unusual size it is.

Hmh, interesting. I have no real knowledge of Narnia besides the one movie I saw, let’s see if I actually understand everything here. Until now: Usurpers, magical horns, strange magical beasts, humans and the beast don’t seem to get along and war. I’m interested in where this goes.

Over the following months, our forces grew in size and in boldness as we raided the Telmarine convoys and forts.

Ok, wow, time seems to fly by like nothing, not sure what I think of that yet.

All of my homesickness and longing for Canterlot and my home I’ve poured in my efforts to help, allowing myself to be subsumed in the busywork of the war, trusting that either Caspian restored to the throne, or perhaps a fulfillment of the strange prophecy or curse that sent me here, would somehow find me a way back home.

Would have actually liked to see that and not just hear about it, but that can still come.

We may not have been true friends, but he was my ally, my comrade in arms and сompanion…”

All that sounds really interesting would have loved to see that. I'm a bit sad that it was glossed over like this.

Ice and Nightmares, Rarity, I was a pony. A magical talking equine, Discord’s sake, and he was a human. I didn’t even consider that! It would be weird and wrong and not to say weird, and I am sure neither did he!

There are enough love stories that transcend barriers just like these, still somewhat wired

Can we keep the beautiful magical unicorn? Please? I will feed her, and walk her, and hug her…

No Caboose, we can not keep the unicorn

Hmh, while I would have loved to see what has been described in this chapter it is not that bad. I hope we will get enough interesting stuff later on.


Wow, rude.

Caspian may have had instincts of a perfect tactician

There is no such thing as a perfect tactician, you can always learn something new.

We got.

I don't know, but this just sounds wired

Hmh, I have to say, thsi chapter didn't really grab me at all. It should be intense and I should be on the edge of my seat but I'm not. And worst off all I can't really place why...

:twilightoops: Was Lucy always that terrifying?

In any case, I admit, much of the story was lost on me since I haven't actually read Prince Caspian. Still, an excellent tragic tale of a unicorn-powered butterfly effect in a world with far different magic. Thank you for it.

She kinda was to me, especially after that scene in the movie where she kinda just calmly goes to cut that one gnome's throat, barely even changing an expression.

Author Interviewer

“My name is Glenstorm of the centaurs, and my kind and I have long watched the stars, for they are ours to watch. This night, Tarva, the lord of victory and Alambil, the lady of peace, have come together in the high heavens - the sky itself tells of the truth of her words. The centaurs shall join the Red Witch and the Telmarine, and reclaim Narnia.”

I have never been so lost @_@

Author Interviewer

I couldn't follow half of this, but the half I could? Exciting as all get out. Not bad. :)

Thank you... I guess?
It is a bit more geared towards the people who read Narnia books or at least watched the movie.
I would love to hear more detailed feedback about things I could improve if you feel you can spare the time/effort for it.

Author Interviewer

I mean, the main problem is I don't know anything about Narnia. :B I even wrote a story about it once! The only real improvement this needs is a proofreader.

Now I'm curious to know what is it that annoys you about the chronicles of Narnia?

I suppose you'll have to read further and figure out what I changed )

I really lack the proper context from Narnia to fully appreciate this, but I love your interpretation of Sunset Shimmer. Wonder what is your justification for how childish she would act in the EQG-verse.

Just saw this story again when I went to comment on your tracking my latest story, and was reminded of this simple fact.
This story is one of my all time FIMfiction favorites! I just thought I would drop that again, as it has been many years since I read it enthusiastically, and my love of it has not wavered. :raritywink:

Thanks! It means a lot to me that someone liked my stories.
Hope you may get to sequels at some point too.

Excellent suggestion. I have re-downloaded the stories, and liked and favorited the one's I had missed.
Your work deserves much more love than it has been given. Thank you for your stories! :raritywink:

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