• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago



Ericka is a human from another planet on a voyage to a planet that the human race has been observing from a far but has had no way to properly interact with it's inhabitants until recent advances in technology made it possible. A device which can beam a human being consciousness into an artificially created creature.

Ericka has been chosen among a few other people to use these "artificial bodies" to interact and understand the creatures that live on this planet.

Little does Ericka know she's in for one hell of a culture shock as she witnesses magic before her eyes by these creatures with horns, creatures who look like the others except they have wings instead of a horn, and two creatures who have wings and a horn who seem to govern this world. And the mysterious reason behind the images that appear on their sides at a certain point in their lives which somehow define what they will do with the rest of their lives.

Now Ericka walks among these creatures who are unaware of what she really is, she will learn how this world works, she will learn why they do what they do, she will learn to be...


Chapters (27)
Comments ( 205 )

Avatar crossover?:rainbowderp:

I think I'll pass

...The plot seems decent, but the grammar is rife with misspellings and you have yet to master sentence flow. Don't rely too much on dialogue; if they're thinking, have them think more abstractly.

Well despite this being an AVATAR clone I think ill read it anywaytheres obviously going to be some issues with trust and whatnot:moustache:

Ericka was a slender yet well built white woman..." ok... "with cherry blond hair" ok... "and modest breast size." :rainbowhuh: ooookay then.
Cool story, obviously inspired a bit by Avatar. They mention entering the planet's atmosphere, when they also said that the planet has no air. :facehoof:
Also: Aliens References are Magic. :pinkiehappy:

Avatar with ponies. Eh, what the hell? I'll read it.

An Avatar inspired story involving ponies......don't think I've seen that before.
So far an interesting read, can't wait til she finds out about The Princesses(that will certainly blow her mind). Also liking the use of illustrations. :pinkiehappy:
Keep it up.

You know, I find this Avatar story quite interesting.

If I may ask, will Ericka love love among the pony population? :pinkiehappy:

im conflicted........this is a brilliant story but I cringe whenever i think of the inevitable avatar-like ending (because i always hate it when humans lose/are the bad guys):derpytongue2:

Very nice, but you consistently dropped the second s in "species"


Possibly, it all depends on where i take the plot.:twilightsmile:

an interesting read, let's see where this goes ^^

hmmmmmmm..................already exposed......well if their there on a field study it probably wont matter........still think this storys going to end in most of the crew getting banished/killed while the main character stays a pony though.:trixieshiftright:

brilliant chapter though:twilightsmile:


Hehe, yeah, but this chapter will play a crucial part in upcoming chapters. You'll see why when it gets to that part. :twilightsmile:

Another chapter down. Keep up the good work. :pinkiehappy:

Hmmm....... is good.:moustache:
Still what is up with the massive blank at the end?


When i type out i tend to start out by holding the enter key down for a page or two so i can easily make these" -----------------------" without the bloody text program slapping a page break in my face which is the last thing i want.:facehoof:

:ajbemused: worst secret keeper ever :ajbemused:

Seems like a Conversion Bureau fic.

Yes, So Happy you updated This Fic


another update is on the way, i'm working on it now. :twilightsmile:

Yes.I've been waiting for another update for awhile.I'm glad to see it's still up and running.

Yay, couple of blatent typos. Also love the use of the Mulan song in the training montage. Recon Pinky should have been there at the beginning to state "This looks like it'll need a training montage!" ... It took me way to long to recognize what the song was btw... [shrugs]

Woot a new update song seems like it's a variant of the Mulan song.

WOW Just WOW some many Awesome updates and I still can't wait for more.

:facehoof: And there we go with humanity's darker side where we use everything for our own gain not really caring about our actions. We are capable of great good and evil at the same time! It's things like this that makes me loose faith in humanity as a whole.

However good story so far! :pinkiehappy:

This chapter kinda just floats here like an iceberg. It trips up the reader - the bit at the beginning is interesting plotwise but the sleepover feels rushed and doesn't really tell us (the audience) anything we don't already know. Since this is in the future you could have possibly expanded it to describe the more futuristic elements of human society (ie; make some stuff up)


Yep, but don't expect to see the thick of the plot yet! In case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm giving you little snippets here and there..there's a reason for this...:twilightsmile:

This chapter is actually the first real chunk of plot i've given my readers, but don't expect me to dive into the whole thing just yet. :rainbowwild:

Things that are done in the name of science can lead down a dark rabbit hole how far down the rabbit hole were they willing to only you know and I wait to see. Anyways Great Chapter looking forward to more till than the update that I can read.

5 months? oh god the trouble she's going to get into is going to be hilarious. but I do hope she doesn't forget she's still human. be odd talking pony like to stillborn. guess its onto the next chapter. i wanna see how her and dashies date goes lol ^^

the pictures didn't show in the story gotta forbidden message when i try to view in another window. other then that great chapter loved the mulan ponified song too bad there wasn't an actual song like that for a song que. now that she can fly I wonder what new adventures she's going to explore and if she has any intention of learning more about them for her reports.

so does this mean we'll get to see her meet luna? be interesting to see if she has celestia's sight or if she's more the laid back fun lover we know her from nightmare night. also what happen to the other guy richard? is he still investigating (or smexing) the ponies or is it just erika now?

pony's vanishing before her arrival hmm, why am i thinking that sleezy sack of crap stillborn is behind it. gotta say pretty freaky to see a mass grave of yourself, even if its just the pony version of you its gotta scare the heck outta ya. this is getting really interesting I wanna see what she does if any other pony finds them bodies. it be hard to lie about that

you can use hr tags (hr, between these things: []) to add a Horizontal Rule, like this one:

Might be a useful trick.

one thing that kinda rubs me the wrong way:
Erika learned, over the course of only two days:
# the naming conventions for ponies,
# the fact that Pegasus ponies have cities in the clouds,
# some evidence that the Princesses are over a thousand years old each,
# recent history,
# several things the ponies can do, which they shouldn't be able to (standing on their hindlegs, grabbing things with their hooves,)
# the fact that some of them can perform things like teleportation, levitation, etc,
# that one message from the Princess herself,
# the meaning and significance of cutiemarks,

And still she only reports on the history of the place? Sounds like she needs to get her priorities straight to me.

Ray10k has a bit of a point. Since she is a military officer even if she didn't report the meeting with the queen (that would have got her pulled off the mission) there is still a lot of stuff that she (apparently) hasn't told her superiors. Either that or sister dear simply is too 'I don't like writing humans' that she didn't even think to mention it.

I mean - Erika must have given the higher ups something important or else she wouldn't be getting top billing! And btw - what has that dude learned... Other than some stuff about mating rituals .... :moustache:


The reason for this i thought might be obvious but I'll explain it i suppose. Think about it this way, the only way to explain most of this, is by the use of magic and things that defy the laws of science. Now, her superiors are wanting CONCRETE SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE of how these ponies thrive and live.

What do you think their reaction is going to be if she gave them a full report on everything(all the magical workings, the whole nine yards)?
Commander stillborn's reactions most likely:

:rainbowhuh: :twilightangry2: :flutterrage:

That's what is stopping Ericka from making the full report at this point, she scared she'll get yanked off the mission because she fears they will think she's gonna plum loco. :pinkiecrazy:

This is getting better and better and I can't wait to wait to read more of this story.


not the avatar rip you thought it would is it? :rainbowwild:

Oh man, I can just imagine Rainbow crashing into Fluttershy's chicken coop repeatedly.


Never thought it was maybe inspired by that was it than.

Happy now two udates in one day!


and a third on the way.:twilightsmile:

I'm sure your now asking yourself: DOES SHE EVER SLEEP?



I'm guessing she still hasn't told anypony other then pinkie who she really is huh, I just hope when stillborn exposes her it doesn't cause too much drama for her. i also hope stillborn gets his teeth kicked in (I seriously do not like that prick). so when re we going to see who the other person was in that conversation about taking out erika and zecora? (assuming one was stillborn and the other josh).

oh god this was a good one I was laughing so hard through out the chapter. setting up the lines and fines, dash slingshot, pinkie and AJ trying to sweet talk there way outta the rules, very nicely done it really reminded me of you when you use to do those OOC behind the scene shots dealing with the mad house that was directing the next chapter and the ponies being so goofy. I can't wait to see what happens next (tho I'm sure its going to get more dramatic).

looks like stillborn isn't her worst concern now, but gotta wonder just how long she can go before she has to tell the ponies who she really is. last thing she needs is for josh to yank her out of the body with out her being prepared. it would cause a S** load of problems for her. and seeing as he's pretty pissed right now its not to far-fetch'd of a response. really hope to see more updates soon been loving these rapid updates.

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