• Published 10th Apr 2015
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The Apple Falls Far from the Tree - David Silver

Applejack has returned from her Everglow adventure with magic all her own. Magic that her little sister and friends want to investigate. What could go wrong when the Apple family falls far from the tree without Twilight to rely on? Ponyfinder/MLP

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17 - We Must Go Deeper

The next day saw them renewed and reinvigorated. Their success the day before felt strong in their minds, while the troubles had faded for most of them. Even Sweetie Belle seemed more enthusiastic about things. "Hey girls, look!" She did a slow turn around in her new outfit.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom peered at her, but couldn't see much different about the silks on their friend. "What are we looking for?"

Sweetie Belle grinned. "It cleans itself! I also stretched it all out of place when I was running around and that's fixed too. This dress is amazing!"

Scootaloo threw a leg over Sweetie's neck and hugged her close. "We're going to make sure you can keep that."

Sweetie's expression brightened as her voice raised to a squeak. "Really?!"

Apple Bloom nodded. "Sure thang. Ya obviously like it a lot. Ah'm sure we can rustle up more things t'sell past that there secret door."

Sunflower ambled over to join them, smiling. "Good morning, girls."

"Hey Sunflower." Scootaloo held up a hoof to him and he slapped it with a paw. "Ready to explore?"

Applejack approached, completing the party. "Y'all looking mighty pleased with yerselves."

Sunflower bobbled his head. "We did it! We found lost treasure and defeated evil monsters, just like real heroes. I even got to rescue a fair maiden."

Apple Bloom blushed a little. "Hey! Ah'm a hero too, don't be calling me a fair maiden or nuthin'. Ah appreciate the help though."

Sweetie Belle colored as well. "I think he meant me. Thank you for being so brave, Sunflower. That big cat could have hurt you."

Sunflower waved a paw. "Proper gentlecats are supposed to stop brutes like that. Women folk shouldn't be harassed, especially when they're busy being amazing."

As reward for his words, Sweetie planted a kiss on his cheek and dashed off giggling towards the dining hall. Applejack snorted out a chuckle. "Ah clearly missed something? Glad everything worked out." She reached out a hoof and ruffled the top of Sunflower's head. "Yer a good kitten. Just try ta be more careful."

Sunflower barely registered her words, lost somewhere between a faint sense of disquiet from a female's sudden contact, and a thrill at the same. He looked up at Applejack. "Hey, can I ask you a question since you're an adult?"

Applejack tilted her head. "Sure thing, what's on yer mind?" The other girls had already vanished, following after Sweetie.

Sunflower pointed after the girls. "Can you have a pride of pony girls?"

This question befuddled Applejack. "Uh? Ah'm mighty proud of them mahself, sure. Come on, let's get some breakfast."

In the dining hall, the table was set with enough food for everyone, which included a few rats, one of whom was discussing things with Lady Longtail. They quieted when Applejack and Sunflower entered. Longtail reached for Sunflower and he dashed for her. They exchanged a warm morning hug. "You simply must tell me what you've been up to. The girls mentioned you were very brave."

Sunflower began going into great detail about his adventures, playing up his parts a little and making everything much more dramatic than it had been originally. Applejack settled into a place at the table and started serving herself, thankful for her magic letting her snatch things from the far side of the table without fuss. A rat beside her spoke up. "Don't worry. We have this covered."

Applejack blinked and looked down at the ratfolk. "What do ya have covered?"

He made a wide gesture. "All of this. This place is our warren now. We're going to protect it. Misses Longtail won't be attacked again while we're here." A few other rats at the table gave a quiet agreement of this. "She's doing right by us, we'll return the favor. Besides, she pays good for it, too. Best food I've had in months. And you should see our quarters!"

Applejack nodded with a smile. "Well that's right encouragin' ta hear. We'll be heading out again today, so don't be waiting on us."

Fed and ready, the group assembled themselves at the gates and departed out into the city. They approached the house of their 'employer' and Applejack gave a soft knock. No answer came from within. They moved around the building to discover a hole battered into the back end of it. Applejack bristled immediately. "Stay behind me." She proceeded into the gloom of the interior. There was a scent in the air she didn't like.

They found the cowardly owner of the house, battered and dead, just a foot away from his bed. Applejack succeeded in kicking the door shut before the others could get much a look at what was going on. She approached cautiously and looked over the body, prodding it. "Guess ya were right. They done got ya while yer sleepin'..."

The body suddenly lunged for Applejack, nicking her with sharp claws. She cried out in surprise and the door flew open, admitting the others in. "Ghoul!" cried out Sweetie Belle. "Don't let it bite you."

Sunflower rolled his eyes as he advanced. "I'll try not to, especially since you told me to."

Scootaloo drew out her flaming rapier and moved in to strike at it, making the ghoul leap out of the way to avoid it. Applejack thrust out a hoof, battering it back against the wall. "No ya don't!"

Sweetie clopped her hooves together encouragingly, but didn't try to get involved. Apple Bloom sat beside her. "Ah ain't throwing no bombs in here. It's way too cramped."

Sunflower rolled into place under a claw and closed the trap, enclosing the ghoul between the three melee combatants. His mace battered at its flesh, hitting at soft points and joints. The ghoul wasn't ready to accept defeat casually and went into a flurry of claws and teeth. It caught Scootaloo across the snout and she suddenly froze up like a statue, staring dead ahead without movement. It got another claw on Sunflower but he resisted the paralyzing poison. It went to complete its berserk fury with a lunge forward, but met the powerful back legs of Applejack for its trouble. She pounded the former-employer into the ground until she was quite certain it was dead. "Yer alright?"

Sunflower gave a crisp salute. "Barely got me, ma'am."

Scootaloo shook off the paralysis after a moment, slumping forward. "Woah! That was crazy."

Sweetie Belle looked between Scootaloo and Sunflower before giving her healing to Scootaloo, mending the bleeding wound on her snout. "What happened?"

Applejack snorted softly. "Ah reckon there was something past that secret door that came up and attacked our cat."

Apple Bloom frowned. "We shoulda closed it..."

Sunflower lifted his shoulders. "He shoulda did something about it. He wasn't even paying for us to be here."

Applejack sighed softly. "Well, nothing for it now... Where ya going Sunflower?"

Sunflower looked back from where he was rifling through a drawer. "Looking for stuff. He's not going to need it anymore." He triumphantly pulled free a jingling bag. "Here we go!"

Sweetie Belle pointed at the drawer. "Put that back, it's not yours!"

Sunflower blinked with an utter sense of confusion. "He's dead. He doesn't own anything anymore. What's he going to do with it?"

Scootaloo waved at the body. "Yeah, sure, but we kinda caused it. I don't feel right taking his stuff. Put it back. We can find better stuff downstairs anyway, right?"

Sunflower released the bag with some hesitation. "Fine..."

Applejack nodded. "Good, right proud o' ya fer listening. We don't need ta go stealing from this poor cat after letting him down. Let's get back to work so whatever's down there doesn't get other cats or ponies." They departed the house-turned-grave and descended into the hole they left behind. "Everypony ready?"

They approached the secret door to find it closed again. Applejack tilted her head at it. "That's funny..."

Sweetie Belle mused out loud. "Maybe whatever it is knows how to open it on its own? Maybe it wasn't our fault?"

Applejack reached up and poked the eye, making the door slide open. "Let's be extra careful. Could be anything down there."

Apple Bloom and Sunflower took point, looking for traps or other interesting things as they began descending the spiraling staircase.

They emerged at the bottom into what appeared to be a library. Apple Bloom whistled softly. "Bet Twilight wishes she were here."

The noise was enough to draw movement from the dark. Sweetie sent out her light, revealing three ghouls peering at them from the dark. Two of them looked more human-like than purrsian, but none of them were terribly friendly. One of the human-like ones spoke in a gravely voice. "You are intruding in our home. Have you come to feed us?"

Applejack stepped over Apple Bloom and Sunflower. "Reckon we ain't. Did ya kill that cat up above?"

The purrsian ghoul laughed a dry laugh. "He should be risen by now. He is not killed, merely improved."

The other human-like ghoul brandished his claws. "Enough talk. We hunger. Surrender your delicious flesh. The sooner you are dead, the sooner you will ripen."

Applejack conjured her protective shield, which prompted Scootaloo to start a spell of her own. The ghouls charged forward with claws outstretched, ready to cleave into pony and cat flesh alike.

Sweetie Belle began to sing a nursery rhyme about being safe from the dark. Sunflower advanced just in front of the casting Scootaloo, protecting her. Just as the ghouls reached the center of the room, Apple Bloom's bomb landed amongst them. Flames licked at their dead flesh, but didn't slow them.

Applejack met them, hoof to claw. She struck one across the face as dirty claws dug through her armor. She howled in pain as long teeth gnawed at her barrel and she kicked the ghoul, knocking it back. "There's too many of 'em!"

Scootaloo's spell came to an end and Applejack swelled in stature and power. The horse-sized pony grinned and knocked one of the ghouls half way across the room. To her dismay, it bounced back up to its feet and charged back into the fray.

Scootaloo drew out her rapier. "Charge!" Sunflower charged with her. While Scootaloo pulled up short as she came close to the first ghoul, Sunflower ducked and weaved around them, getting to the far side and striking at their exposed backs mercilessly.

Though Applejack's enlarged hooves were a terrible force, they didn't stop her from being torn at, and she could only turn aside the paralyzing poison for so long. She went stiff and still and the ghouls turned on the smaller of their foes. Scootaloo drove her rapier deep into the ghoul she faced, piercing through the skull and sending it to the ground where it stopped moving.

Apple Bloom threw a bomb past the fray, catching just one of the ghouls in the blast. "Keep it together girls!"

Sunflower ducked under a wild swing of a claw. "I'm not a girl!"

One of the ghouls went in for the kill on Applejack, yanking her head forward and lunging with its teeth at her vulnerable neck. Scootaloo's eyes went wide and she lunged for it, stabbing it in the thigh with her flaming rapier. Sunflower bashed it from the other end, leaping up to strike it across the face and knock it away from Applejack.

Applejack suddenly shook off the poison and lashed out a hoof, sending that ghoul to the floor. "Ah'm getting mighty tired ah being frozen stiff!"

The last ghoul, one of the human-like ones, put up its hands. "Wait! I can tell you things you want to know."

Applejack raised a brow. "Mighty convenient ya mention that now. We're not such easy dinners now are we?"

The ghoul frowned. "You can kill me if you wish. I will take posthumous pleasure in knowing you will die terribly."

Author's Note:

The adventure goes deeper. Actions have consequences, who knew!?

The typos knew... They always know...

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