• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


Sassaflash and Tiger Lily don't have a permanent jobs or a stationary home, but instead drift in their small cloudhome all over Equestria, living off the land like the carefree nomadic pegasi of old.

With a reading by AShadowOf Cygnus

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 39 )

Why isn't this marked Tragedy?! Scales McSwimmerson had just overcome the death of his mother, and finally found a steady school to run with, so his life was turning around. And then you just ended it like that! I... lost it. :fluttercry:

Damnit. He was my favorite character too... :pinkiesad2:

Very nice. I'm with Sassaflash (great name, by the way), at least on the topic of winter. Snow's too beautiful to give up, even if it has some drawbacks.

A wandering life, certainly has a certain romantic appeal, doesn't it?


And then you just ended it like that! I... lost it. :fluttercry:

Stop with the crocodile tears, Fluttershy. You're the biggest fish-murder of them all. :rainbowlaugh:


Very nice. I'm with Sassaflash (great name, by the way), at least on the topic of winter. Snow's too beautiful to give up, even if it has some drawbacks.

I hate being cold, but I love snow, and I love the crispness of a moonlit winter's night.

A wandering life, certainly has a certain romantic appeal, doesn't it?

There are times when I wonder why I didn't become an over the road trucker. I still wonder that.

Ah, I'll admit I'm one of those people who hates the heat. At the same time, I don't like being overly cold (60 degrees Fahrenheit is my preferred temp). I like the area around me to be freezing, while I cocoon up, preferably with a nice roaring fire and some hot tea, cider or cocoa.

As for truck driving, long hours and sometimes rough conditions, but you'd get to see so many places.

Nothing beats a Winter's night, especially if you're out in the country with no light pollution. Absolutely magical,


Nothing beats a Winter's night, especially if you're out in the country with no light pollution. Absolutely magical,

I drove from nowhere to nowhere one winter night--there was a light ground fog and a full moon, so I turned off my headlights and drove by the moonlight . . . it was magnificent.

Yes Sassaflash. Revel in the blood, the brutality of eating your kill ALIVE.

Like the predator you are.

Fun facts!

IRL, some Icelandic horses have learned to fish by stomping on the fish and then eating them. I have seen a video of a pony doing that to young birds--he's actively chasing them, stomping on them, and then eating them (I can provide a link to a bad copy of the video; the original was taken down some time ago).

Why else would horses have canine teeth? :rainbowlaugh:

Rolling down the lonely river. But Im here. Yes, but the weathers terrible.

They had to settle for clouds, after all, just imagine the hassle they had trying to buy a Winebago from the Flim Flam bros. Yessiree maam, fresh from the Crystal Empire, our new fresh AC Windebago will keep you cool in the hottest of desserts. :pinkiegasp:

I'm jealous. I live in what's essentially a huge suburb for St. Louis, so I have to drive a long way out to get away from the lights. Don't get me wrong, I love the cityscape at night too, but it'd be nice to have an easier time looking at the night sky.

Because Dracula horse.


Well, meat IS easy protein. :pinkiehappy:

Not to mention tasty. :pinkiecrazy:

This fact is also why I will never not think the ponies are a bunch of hypocrites when it comes to the subject.

I don't think I'd want to buy a Winnebago--or anything--from the Flim Flam brothers.... they put the caveat in caveat emptor.


Well, currently I don't live in the middle of nowhere . . . but I'm a good 20 miles from any city of any size, so I can see a fair number of stars at night.

Now in northern Michigan or the UP? That's a whole order of magnitude darker. Pity last time I was up there it rained or was overcast for three nights straight. :twilightangry2:


Well, meat IS easy protein

As long as you're quick enough to catch it.:pinkiehappy:

And then President Obama had them sign up for health insurance.

Ya know. . . in light of Mares. . . this:

Yes Sassaflash. Revel in the blood, the brutality of eating your kill ALIVE.

Like the predator you are.

has a WHOLE new meaning.

One of my pre-readers advised me to publish this one first, just so people wouldn't immediately make that connection. Due to editing schedules and the fact that I wanted to get Mares out on the 8th (since it was the 8th labor of Heracles), it came out the day before . . . so I pretty much didn't follow his advice.

Comment posted by DATA_EXPUNGED deleted Oct 9th, 2014


Whoops, never mind. I misinterpreted that for a sec.

This is a nice little ground to earth (haha get it?) little slice of life story.:twilightsmile:

I think it failed to draw more readers due to its vague title and mundane description. This isn't some poetic illustration of simple objects, is a solid slice of life that displays a state of being without dwelling on the specific traits of the characters portrayed too much.

Translation : I feel like the story description could have been a better representation and addition to the story had it been concrete and ground to earth about what happens in the story without getting specific.

As in:

Some Pegasus chose to carry out a nomadic lifestyle, drifting trough the wind in company to the ones close to them, living and experiencing every day in a different place, as they travel around Equestria.

Also, I would change the titles to something more interesting and eye catchy that is still relevant to the story.

Now with all of that said, I enjoyed this and much like your other stories I will praise you for writing it.:raritystarry:



The fish, man, the poor, poor fish... :fluttercry:


I think it failed to draw more readers due to its vague title and mundane description.

Never was good at short descriptions.

I appreciate the suggestion, but I think I'll leave this one as-is.
One of the other reasons it might not have garnered all that much attention was that I was flooding FimFic with stories when it came out; I published 32 stories in 32 days, and even my regular followers had trouble keeping up. It truly was a month of madness.

Now with all of that said, I enjoyed this and much like your other stories I will praise you for writing it.:raritystarry:

Thank you!

Author Interviewer

There's something really sublime about this.

A fascinating little story. I wonder how many nomadic pegasi still inhabit Equestria, and what the more sedentary ones think of them. Thank you for this.

Thank you!

Some of this depends on your headcanon, but if most pegasi are capable of shaping clouds, there's no reason why there wouldn't be a bunch of them. Maybe even most of them.

Think about it. Earth ponies are generally tied to the land: many of them have talents which relate to farming, and it's hard to take a farm with you. Unicorns, we don't really know what kinds of occupations they usually have. Certainly, travelling mage is a possibility (Trixie, Flim Flam brothers), but they've still got to drag their home around with them, like Trixie does.

Pegasi, on the other hand, largely have weather-related cutie marks and weather-related talents. There's no reason why they wouldn't be able to take that talent wherever they went; indeed, it's very possible that some of the major weather events rely heavily on nomadic pegasi. If, for example, winter is wrapped up from south to north, it could be helped along by a large group of travelling pegasi.

There's some precedent in this with certain sometimes migratory birds: some species (and I don't remember which) will stay in the north if they've found a good territory, but if they did not, they'll migrate south and try again the next year. It's conceivable that pegasi who find a good living situation stay put, and those who do not wander until they find something they like.

This could also be why we've never seen Fluttershy or Rainbow's parents--perhaps both of them flew away from home when they were young to find someplace to settle.

Anyhow, I consider any pegasus that we don't see in Ponyville all the time to be a transient pony.

Short, simple, sweet, brilliant. This is one of the sliciest slice of life stories I've ever read, and I love it. I want to see more of this couple, but really, there's nothing more to be said about their story. They're just two pegasi content to drift around the world together, and in a way, I envy the. It's a simple and peaceful life they have, and the story captures that astonishingly well.

Good on you. Keep writing and turning out more gems like this.

Simple and elegant. A side of life in Equestria I never considered.

A oft-patched comforter was draped over both of them, so just their heads stuck out.

I really wish Silver Glow's friends could read this story...it's so... so arcadian.

Oh, Mares is next I see...might have to get a running start on that one...


Oh, Mares is next I see...might have to get a running start on that one..

If you want to skip that one, I wouldn't blame you.

I really wish Silver Glow's friends could read this story...it's so... so arcadian.



This is nice.

Thank you!

Boring slice of life with worldbuilding is what I do best.

I've often thought of what it would be like living life on the road; I think like most things it comes down to where you are in life and how it fits what you want to do.

Nice slice-of-life :)


I've often thought of what it would be like living life on the road; I think like most things it comes down to where you are in life and how it fits what you want to do.

Yeah, I agree. There are times when it’s nice to wander, to go where the roads or the winds take you, but there are also times when it’s nice to return to the same home day after day.

Nice slice-of-life :)

Thank you! :heart:

Oh, this was quite nice. :)
(I came here following a recommendation from AShadowOfCygnus, and am glad I did.)

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