• Published 20th Apr 2012
  • 44,526 Views, 1,711 Comments

Twilight's List - kits

Twilight Sparkle must go on a date to complete her List

  • ...

Author's Notes

Before I go into any details about the story, I really want to thank the following people for being beta-readers, editors, and for generally helping me out during this. You should read their stuff.

First up, Cloudy Skies. If you read shipping you know the name, or you should. He writes the best Pinkie Pie in our entire fandom. Any mood, any situation and she's still feels like Pinkie. He also has the best take on FlutterDash friendshipping ever. He really helped me out with this entire thing: from planning the original outline to giving me feedback when I was uncertain about characterization, and general cheerleader assuring me this wasn't the worst thing ever written (don't laugh, I have little to no confidence). He even came through and helped me do final line edits, despite being in the middle of editing his own fic for posting. It's safe to say, without him, this wouldn't have been written. So thanks!

Next up is Present Perfect. He totally agreed to read and comment/edit on this back when I was thinking 15k, even though he has his own TwiDash thing. He didn't get around to it until 35k+. Not only did he hammer on some of the weirder things I did, but he also he put up with my inability to master commas. The man is an amazing writer and an amazing editor. Like, a serious superhero of English language. Thanks so much PP.

Whiteout, #mlp-training-grounds' resident baker and general Pinkie Pie pupil, gave me an the idea for a much better ending. Sure I had to rewrite a week's worth of the fic, but it turned out so much better. I think I was blinded by following my outline. What worked for a short cliche was entirely inappropriate for what this story morphed into. Thanks Whiteout.

Fox E and Tchernobog both read parts of the work in progress and gave feedback and encouragement and suggestions. And thanks to everyone else in #mlp-training-grounds who listened to me bitch and moan about this for the last two months!

Several other people helped me hammer out awkward phrasing and more errors or confusing text. So thanks to Cupcakes and Drakmire too.

Thanks guys, this story wouldn't be the same without you.

To the rest of you: thanks for reading; thanks for commenting, even if it was just a quick "I like this story." Every writer loves to get comments, even if you don't think what you're saying is important. If you have questions or anything you wanna ask, but don't want posted, you can totally message me on fimfic or email me at kitsuneymg+twilightslist@gmail.com. The "+twilightslist" will route it to the right folder, but isn't totally needed.

Wow. This took a lot longer and became a lot bigger than I could have ever imagined. Both in the sheer size of the fic and the response I got. I started the outline for this on Feb. 7th in response to a post I was linked about a TwiDash contest ending on the 12th or something. I intended to make it a short little thing about Twilight dating Dash for all the wrong reasons and falling for her in the process. Original estimates put the fic at 15k words, tops. Since it's creeping up on 47,000 words, I think it's understandable that it's a month or two late. So it's only three times as long as all the other pony fiction I've written put together.

I have to say, writing this way was different. Completing the full story and just waiting to get line edits before posting was kind of maddening. I spent three months fretting and worrying that it would never get done. That date scene/act lasted forever. Even as I was writing the epilogue, "the end" seemed so very far away. Now, I like the whole "wait until it's done before posting anything" approach. It means people don't drift away. It means I get attention. Yeah, I'm a bit of an AW. It also means that the cliffhangers are dramatic, not annoying, I think. It's almost an experience, waiting for these updates, yeah? For all of you who read since Chapters 1-3 were posted, you know what I mean. The impact just isn't the same reading the whole thing in one go. The nail biting uncertainty as you saw their feelings bloom coupled with the constant reminders of the Sword of Damocles that hung over the whole thing seems to me to be a lot more pronounced if you can't immediately sate your curiosity.

Now, if you've been reading the comments, this next bit'll be old news. I think. This story is modeled on a three act play. Wikipedia has a whole bunch of stuff about what that means, but it boils down to setup (ch1-3), build up (ch4-9), and climax (10, 11) plus epilogue (12). It's a normal, successful form that millions of stories use, but which I seldom seen done "right" in fanfiction. Usually you see stuff go wrong in the tail end of Act II when the author tries to sidequest the whole story to stretch it out.

Twilight's List is also modeled after a classical tragedy. Like Romeo and Juliet (they still make y'all read that, right?) the train wreck is seen coming miles away. You spend a good deal of time yearning for the characters to gain your insight and avert the oncoming storm. Unlike a classic tragedy though, no one dies. Double yay!

Haha! The above makes it seem like I know what I'm doing. Not really. The only "writing" class I have ever taken was writing 102 in university, a thoroughly worthless course, and 325, how to write a resume. So I guess I have a tiny background in creative fiction. But seriously, I read a ton. My account shows 3,000,000+ words on fimfic. That's when I'm logged in. I forget to do that unless I want to rate/track. My "job" as a pre-reader had me reading two or three fics a day until around Christmas when I burnt out and fell to 1 every two days or so. During the posting of this fic, I haven't done anything for EqD.

So what's next? First off, I owe some people big time. I'm going to make sure that I do anything I can for them. Then I need to finish Featherfall. That has languished far too long. After that, I have some utterly reprehensible ideas that branch off of this fic called "Twilight's Lust", because as some of you may have noticed, this wasn't a completely non-physical attraction. Don't worry, it's getting it's own, separate story post as is entirely "for the lulz". Well, as much as End of a Rainbow is "for the lulz". After that? I'm free! I have some ideas for an adventure fic, the desire to do first person noir using Apple Bloom, and an old ship fic I may want to write (PinkieDash, but the PoV is Rarity 100% of the fic). Who knows? I certainly won't until I actually get invested in one.

- Kittyhawk Contrail

People made me FANART
Rainbow Stache!
Ice Skating/Twilight stares at Dash's butt.

Comments ( 558 )

Well then. I've had as much fun reading it as I hoped you had writing it, and I don't have much in the way of criticism. You're pre-readers did a good job ^^ You updated a lot more frequently then average which means that this fic ended a bit sooner then I might have liked, but yeah. Nothing to do with length or loose ends, just you're update rate.

'Twilight's Lust'...

Ohhhhh my.......

Am I the only one who's first thought after reading that was 'Do Want'?

I loved the story, and I appreciate that you updated so quickly, I can't wait to read what you write next! :twilightsheepish:

"I like this story." :twilightsmile:

Romanse, not tracic.


So much closure I might collapse inward. BTW, I kept catching myself when I saw an update for this story, that I would subconsciously read it as Twilight's Lust, so I felt some irony and laughed a good deal!:rainbowlaugh:

Looking forward to your future works!:moustache:

Very well done! You're in my watch list, so I should be right on top of whatever fiction or blog post you kick out next. Looking forward to reading, proofreading, rereading, and enjoying your work way too damned much in the future.


PS- The epilogue was too short to consider a chapter without and errors, so my challenge still stands. :moustache:

It was so great. I can´t stop those tears of happiness. ;A;

i had hoped it would continue with more dates with RD and Twi falling more and more for each other but Twi slowly realizing what RD had heard back then when she asked for the *date* while RD wonders/gets insecure why Twi avoids to gets more intimate with her aka kissing her. Could have been 4 or 6 more chapters, including the their friends be involved in one way or another.
But how you went was great too, somehow it felt abrupt but still awesome. Perfect in delivery, i wished the girls would have reacted like this in the finale and be more understanding of her than just to leave her to comfort miss fake princess. <.<

Anyway, it was a fun read. Somehow i wish we´d get some kind of continuity, ya know, another fic which happens some weeks later. An adventure where Twi and Dash relationship is build already thanks to this fic, but their relationship will get some heavy blows in that fic and they have to overcome it. I think something about a changeling swarm trying to devour the love and thus thus the life power of the ponys of equestria~

Though you don´t need to. It would just be kinda slick to see another more action oriented fic which has a background history already thanks to this fic. Given how many people have read it by now (the ones who votes it up/down x10 for those who read without being signed in fimfiction aka the black number of readers), you´d have automatically a huge number of followers who´d love to see a fic where the realtionship doesn´t have to form/build up during the chapters but is already there. And got an amazing 12 chapters strong fic to back it up.^g^

Just my hopes as a fan of your writing skills .:pinkiehappy:

Gawd, now that its over i don´t want it to end!!!!!!!!!
I´ve reread the first chapters so much, like 5 times by now.
I loved how RD was shocked when she believed that Twi, THE EGGHEAD TWILIGHT SPARKLE, had asked her out so cool like cold water for a date.
I loved the talk of RD and AJ.
How Twilight was so Twilighty during the whole fiction in her behaviour and everything.
The date and how they had so much fun with each other.
The others as they were totally blown away by RDxTS as well. XDDD
The rose in Twi´s hair, RD´s makeover, Pinkie´s party, AJ´s teasing, Rarity´s and Fluttershy´s romantic POV of their relationship, the boasting of RD of their date, Twi falling more and more for RD and same for RD falling for Twilight, the many scenes you described feelings, smells, sounds, touchable movements and contingencies, thoughts, motives and motivations.....hah, i´m in love with this fic. :heart:

I wouldn´t wonder if you get over 1000 likes with enough time. You, your editors and people who helped you as well as this glorious fic sure as hell deserves it. :twilightsmile:

Ah, dang it, look at me all teared up and all mushy-wushy feeling cause it ended and it ended so perfectly (though i do had liked some more embarressed RD too, embarressed Twi is cute and all, but embarressed RD is AWESOMELY cute. ;D). :raritycry:

:twilightblush: x :rainbowkiss: = one of the cutest (and believeable cause of your writing) MLP couples thanks to your fic. :moustache:

The forgiveness, it was so wonderful, I agree with 498910, this is one of my top 5.
The lack of any tags but romance came through, I feel warm and fuzzy :twilightblush:
I will be eagerly awaiting your next fic, adiós my freind.

this whole thing was pure awesome. I can't wait to read your next storyp

It was a great story, though in my opinion the resolution was a bit rushed/too easy.

I very much liked, and I very much looking forward to more. :twilightsmile:

Kinda sad it's over. You really have a flare for good romance. Of course, having a similar experience, it made it very easy for me to relate to Twilight in this story, which is why I liked it so much. I wish you the best in your next story!

I wrote a huge comment. It didn't post. :facehoof: I am dissapoint. :fluttershysad: I'll try agin when I get home.

Awesome ending! :pinkiehappy: Will be waiting patiently to see what you release next :twilightsmile:

A very great fic from start to finish; easily one of my favorite twidash fics. I think Mr Takei can sum up my thoughts in regards to Twilight's Lust.


I can't wait to see what else you may write; and I look forward to the continuation of Featherfall.


If it includes Rainbow Dash (and kinky Twilight, we all know, its the nerdy girls, right? XD) and kits god-like writing skills and his editors awesome titan-like editing skills, then HELLYEAHDOWANTITRIGHTNAAAAAOOOOO!!!!! :flutterrage:

oh god the commentseseses :pinkiecrazy:


Twi figured out Dash thought it was real, and then projected that Dash would be angry and hurt and hate her. Like the romantic cliche uses.

Sorry. I can't stretch it out. That would kinda cheapen it.

Thanks! You are the second person to tell me this is almost [normal]! That means a lot since that is what I wanted to accomplish.



This whole story was a great read. I started reading when "Act II" started getting posted, so at least I got a bit of that suspense.
Also, If you ever need someone to pre-read a story for grammar, (I'm not much of a writing genius but I can help with that too.)
i would love help. Maybe I can get a sneak peek of "Lust" :twilightoops:
Anyways, great story, thanks for making my just as boring writing class fun, because that's the only class I don't get caught using my phone in.
And yes, they still make us read Shakespeare... a lot of Shakespear.


I feel so too, like there´s so much more kits could have done with Twi and RD as lovers, a lot more. Twi, RD and the whole lot of the Mane6 were really believeable and felt so alive and real just like in the show, yet have all the same characteristics of their show parts with something added here and there and something written over the top to make them kits charas. And damn, did he did a good job writing about and with them. :pinkiesmile:


Well yeah, but this is rated "teen".

She can't help it! It's what makes her so adorkable :twilightblush:

It's about more than just romance. You'll note, it applies in general to not letting preconceived notions cloud your judgment in the face of a changing situation.

Dash is a creature of action. Words aren't worth much. Twilight might have said they aren't dating, but the way she acted (letting it be real) showed otherwise.



I was thinking more of We Are The Champions, but that works too.

:rainbowkiss: is best pony


Haha, and I never expected anything else. :scootangel:

Happy to read the finished story Kits, looking forward to more of your stuff.

I hope people felt a rush of joy.
Not everything needs to end in fireworks.

Can you imagine staying on chapter 10 for a whole week :twilightoops:

498744 :rainbowdetermined2:

498747 If Twilight HAD kept acting like it was fake (instead of just saying it) Dash would be pissed. Of course, she would never have fallen so hard in the first place...


((You people write a lot D: D: D: D:))


Kits! Sequel planning time! :twilightsheepish:

499088 I follow fics which don't update for months. So yeah, I can :D Again, no criticism at all, rather impressive how quickly you were cranking out chapters. But yeah, does mean the fic is over a lot quicker as well ^^ Which again is a compliment I suppose,the fact that I didn't want it to end.

All good things must end or peter out. I'm glad you enjoyed.

I thing "flying high, falling hard" is about twice this length and based on season 1 mostly.

Sorry if you think I went a little too far. I don't consider it really cloppy, but then I've written real clop.

Lol. I have no clue what I will do now.

498773 :pinkiehappy:

498790 thanks

498793 I am a bit tired of "cool on the outside only" Dash.


What about Twilight? :fluttershysad:
And Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity for that matter? (i find it really hard to chose a fav myself, i just cheated with Twi/RD/PP being first place and AJ/FS/Rare being second place :raritywink: )

so much text




All good things must end.

Yes. This is a romance novel. But it is FRAMED as a tragedy. At least, THAT is how I wrote it.

498826 Thanks :heart:

498831 I have no intentions of quitting

498842 Thanks!
A LOT of people thought it was named "Twilight's Lust"
Subconscious desire or shitty font?

I like to think that Dash is very intuitive. So, despite Twi's words, Dash knew what really happened.


Must be shipping or Twidash haters, there are after all quite some of them out there. Though this fic is too good written to deserve any hate. :applejackunsure:

Gotta say, I loved the whole story. :pinkiehappy:
I remember when it was only chapter one.... *nostalgic sigh* It was great to see the story evolve and how it all played out in the end.
Congratulations; your now being followed for future stories :derpytongue2:

Ahhh chapter 11, epilogue. why do I have to have school today :raritycry:

This story was so full of YES.

:twilightblush: :rainbowkiss:

Hm, i need to write shorter comments, else i never get an answer. *takes notes like Twilee* <.<

Uh, btw i gonna watch/follow/whatever the term is for fimfiction to stalk you and your next fics. :scootangel:

The epilogue is there strictly to bring everything back to a peaceful moment on pure romance.

I never claimed to be following the cliche exactly. I imagine some might be dissatisfied with such an "easy" ending, but it really could go either way with Dash.

I don't see the ponies as being

Thanks you so much! I feel like I should say more, but I am very overloaded ATM. Just know that I really appreciate your comment and love.


I'm dying from comment overload. I swear I will try to get to you all later.

But OMG there are a lot of you D: D: D:


Your own fault. Why are you such a good writer. :flutterrage:
Joking. :raritywink:
It was to be expected with this fic, so fluid written, so believeable characters, with thrilling development and lots,lots, lots of emotions mixed in it. It´s like cupcakes baked by Pinkie Pie and we all know she makes the best ones in the whole of Equestria! :pinkiehappy:

Good story, I am glad you avoided the traps some other stories fall into and ended on a positive note. Good show!

Exactly! There's so many fics that just make Dash look so pretentious, and like she's only cool because of her tricks. Sure she can get carried away sometimes, but her attitude in Hurricane Fluttershy proved that she can be an understanding kind individual. Even at the end of Mare-Do-Well, she took the news way better than most hot-headed ponies would. In the end, she was able to take a step back, and keep calm and humble as her own flaws were presented to the whole town. It takes guts to have your mistakes laid out for you like that, and accept them.

Anyway... nice characterization

Well I would leave a long comment about how amazing this was and how much I loved it, but instead I've decided to leave a much simpler, more personal, and totally ripped off message below:

I love you. Continue being the you that believes in the me that believes in the One Piece.

thanks for the correction
And yes: Dash uses "girlfriend", Twilight uses "marefriend"

Well, the story is over and done with, and I can honestly say that I enjoyed the experience of reading all of it.

Also, I can see why you would want to get it all done before hand, it would make things a lot more easy when it's all finally over and done with.

It didn't surprise me how cool Rainbow took the whole situation, I was worried on how Twilight would react to the whole thing, and I am happy in how it turned out, just know that your story was very fun to read. :pinkiesmile:

Champions? No. Honestly, I was talking about the actual kiss. What ELSE would we play save the ultimate fireworks music?

I think this is your best fic you have written yet, kits. You´ve got some high expections ot meet now, good sir. :rainbowlaugh:

Let´s check the facts of what we´ve got till now (keep in mind this will be old news in a matter of minutes(!!!!!)):

-1433 favorites
-745 likes/10 dislikes
-6,707 most viewed chapter
-40,268 for all chapters

This is hands down your best fic written yet, no doubt. You really made a gem here. Just awesome! <3

Taking notes? Haha, oh Twilight :twilightsheepish:

This was a great story with a very nice ending. And I really like your Rainbow Dash, she's very chill. Looking forward to whatever you decide to do next (as well as your other stories, one of which has been on my ever-expanding To Read list for months).

I dont really know what you mean about "The impact just isn't the same reading the whole thing in one go", that was a thoroughly enjoyable use of 2 hours ^__^ thanks for the wonderful time and keep up the fantastic work!

I'm both sad, thrilled, exuberant, flabbergasted, and everything else at how awesome and amazing this fic was. It it certainly one of the best fics I'd ever read. With such great diction and care to detail. It was certainly worth every word. The fact that I know you kits does maybe make it a little more special to me, but still none the less this is still awesome. I think if you keep producing fan fics like this. You'll soon have your own ranking and name with the other great fan fic writers that you were mentioning about being featured with other great writers. Keep it up pal. I can't wait to see what else you have up that sleeve.

I look here and see this giant wall of comments, and I'm about to chicken out... Surely you won't even get all the way down here! But since you said that you love those positive comments, I'll have to tell you how much I loved this story. I loved it :flutterrage: SO MUCH!!!

This is one of the nicest, most romantic fics I've ever read (I'll admit I haven't read a ton) and you've made Twidash/Rainbow Sparkle into my favorite ship ever. From your author's note, you seem very nervous and lacking in self-confidence. Perhaps you put a little of that into your Twilight Sparkle? It actually worked rather well, I thought. :twilightsmile:

While I'm personally excited for you to write Twilight's Lust, I'm also very glad that you're keeping it somewhat separate from this story. This story stands as a monument to the anxious, flirtatious period of relationships, and it does that perfectly.


This is my exact reaction at this point. I was extremely worried about this story, it turned out to be a new favorite of mine in which I just made an account to comment on.

Thanks for an amazing read Kits


I enjoy all the reading I do on Fimfiction, but this is definitely one of my favorites after reading it. I loved the whole thing. I'm gonna follow you so that I can read your next fic that's hopefully as amazing as this one!

The thing is, this story is over, but their life together isn't.

I know, right?
I bet Twilight has some books they could use :pinkiegasp:

Thanks! I almost cheekily put [adventure] on there, but decided against it.

I wish I had more.

This may come as a surprise to y'all, but :pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss: is my OTP and TwiDash barely registered as possible until around Read it and Weep. Not that I disliked it


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